A cultivated flower with wide petals and a short lifespan. Daylilies are very beautiful, but must be replanted often.
Base Stats
- Type
- Plant – Decorative
- Beauty
- 18 (18)
- HP
- 85
- Flammability
- 100%
- Nutrition
- 0.05
Plant Stats
- Time to grow
- 1.5 days (2.77 days)
- Lifespan
- 4.5 days
- Work to Sow
- 540 ticks (9 secs)
- Work to Harvest
- 200 ticks (3.33 secs)
- Min Fertility
- 70%
- Fertility Sensitivity
- 100%
- Min light to grow
- 30%
- sowTags
- Ground, Decorative
Daylillies are a decorative plant that have relatively high beauty, but need to be replanted often. They can be grown indoors, simply using the light from a torch or standing lamp.
All buildings placed are of normal quality.
Daylilies are a quick and cheap way to increase a room's beauty, and therefore, impressiveness. A plant pot is unnecessary; simply keeping a section, or even all, the floor as dirt saves on having to build a pot in the first place.
In essence, they are a way to turn work time into positive moodlets, before you can build sculptures for a more permanent mood increase. Daylilies take more work to maintain than roses. However, daylilies have a higher beauty. With a higher beauty per time sowing, they are better if you are growing multiple flowers in a single, centralized area.
As shown in the picture, planting daylilies can have a large impact. With this example, colonists will gain a net +10 mood from the room bonuses alone - +5 each for the room as a dining room and as a rec room, in addition to mood from a full beauty need. Filth would quickly lower this room back down to Somewhat impressive. But the simple addition of 3 dining chairs will bring this room up to 94 Impressiveness, which is enough to prevent small specks of filth from lowering it further.
Later on, you will want to switch to sculptures, as they don't require constant maintenance, can be placed on regular floor, and are significantly better at filling the beauty need. Sculptures increase wealth but this amount is trivial outside of 500% difficulties - see Wealth for a more detailed analysis. Sculptures also unlock the "Viewing Art" solitary recreation activity, however the effect of this is usually minor.
Version history
- Beta 19/ 1.0 - Sow work 440 -> 600. Lifespan reduced