Pregnant (human)
- Def Name:
- Label:
- Label Noun:
- Debug Label Extra:
A baby growing inside a woman, preparing to be born. In humans, pregnancy lasts for 18 days and is divided into 3 trimesters. As the pregnancy grows it will reduce the mother's mobility. For some mothers, pregnancy may induce nausea or mood swings that can be hard to deal with.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_Pregnant
- Default Label Color:
- Is Bad: false
- Initial Severity: 0.1%
- Prevents Pregnancy: true
- Pregnant: true
- Comps
- Message After Ticks
- Ticks: 600 ticks (10 secs)
- Letter Label:
{0_labelShort} pregnant
- Letter Text:
{0_labelShort} is pregnant!
- Letter Type: HumanPregnancy
- Comp Class: HediffComp_PregnantHuman
Label |
first trimester
- Hunger Rate Factor Offset: +10%
second trimester
- Min Severity: 33.3%
- Hunger Rate Factor Offset: +30%
- Moving Offset: −10%
- Manipulation Offset: −5%
third trimester
- Min Severity: 66.6%
- Hunger Rate Factor Offset: +50%
- Moving Offset: −50%
- Manipulation Offset: −10%
Morning sickness
- Def Name:
- Label:
morning sickness
This is a common side effect of pregnancy, and despite the name isn't limited to mornings. While this is ongoing, the person suffers from nausea, dizziness, and fuzzy thinking.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Makes Sick Thought: true
- Comps: Disappears
- Disappears After Ticks: 10,000 ticks (4 in-game hours) ~ 20,000 ticks (8 in-game hours)
- Show Remaining Time: true
Label |
Morning sickness
Pregnancy mood
- Def Name:
- Label:
pregnancy mood
This common side effect of pregnancy represents a rising and falling mood caused by unbalanced hormones.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Comps
- Disappears
- Disappears After Ticks: 20,000 ticks (8 in-game hours) ~ 40,000 ticks (16 in-game hours)
- Show Remaining Time: true
- Give Random Situational Thought
- Thought Defs:
- PregnancyMood_Collapse
- PregnancyMood_Down
- PregnancyMood_Up
- PregnancyMood_High
Labor (dilation)
- Def Name:
- Label:
labor (dilation)
The condition of being about to give birth. Labor moves through multiple stages with different levels of pain and contractions. Each labor is different, and pain can rise and fall unpredictably over time. Labor ends when the baby is born.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_Labor
- Blocks Sleeping: true
- Prevents Pregnancy: true
- Pregnant: true
- Comps
- Disappears
- Disappears After Ticks: 1,700 ticks (0.68 in-game hours) ~ 25,000 ticks (10 in-game hours)
- Show Remaining Time: true
- Randomize Stage With Interval
- Ticks To Randomize: 5,000 ticks (2 in-game hours) ~ 15,000 ticks (6 in-game hours)
- Notify Message:
{PAWN_labelShort}'s labor went from {1} to {2}.
- Effecter
- State Effecter: LaborEarly
Label |
- Min Severity: 1%
- Pain Offset: +25%
- Moving Post Factor: ×40%
- Min Severity: 30%
- Pain Offset: +50%
- Moving Post Factor: ×20%
- Min Severity: 60%
- Pain Offset: +85%
- Moving Post Factor: ×0%
Labor (pushing)
- Def Name:
- Label:
labor (pushing)
The baby is descending the birth canal and the mother has a strong urge to push. The birth is imminent.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_LaborPushing
- Blocks Sleeping: true
- Prevents Crawling: true
- Prevents Pregnancy: true
- Pregnant: true
- Comps
- Disappears
- Disappears After Ticks: 800 ticks (13.33 secs) ~ 5,000 ticks (2 in-game hours)
- Effecter
- State Effecter: LaborLate
Label |
Labor (pushing)
- Pain Offset: +85%
- Moving Post Factor: ×0%
Postpartum exhaustion
- Def Name:
- Label:
postpartum exhaustion
General after-effects of giving birth. This mother needs some time to physically recover.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Initial Severity: 0.1%
- Comps
- Disappears
- Disappears After Ticks: 40,000 ticks (16 in-game hours)
- Show Remaining Time: true
- Severity Per Day: +66.667%
Label |
- Min Severity: 25%
- Moving Post Factor: ×30%
- Def Name:
- Label:
This baby died due to non-specific complications during pregnancy.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Default Label Color:
- Makes Sick Thought: true
- Initial Severity: 0%
- Lethal Severity: 0%
- Remove On Redress Chance By Days Curve:
Days |
Infant illness
- Def Name:
- Label:
infant illness
Effects of various birth complications. If the baby can survive for 10 days, they will be strong enough to recover on their own.
The illness will wax and wane in strength over time, requiring different levels of tending and medicine to recover.
Effects of various birth complications
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Default Label Color:
- Tendable: true
- Makes Sick Thought: true
- Initial Severity: 40%
- Lethal Severity: 100%
- Comps
- Randomize Severity Phases
- Ticks To Randomize: 60,000 ticks (1 in-game day) ~ 180,000 ticks (3 in-game days)
- Notify Message:
{PAWN_labelShort}'s infant illness went from {1} to {2}.
- Phases:
Label Prefix |
Description Extra |
Severity Per Day
that are life threatening without exceptional medical care and glitterworld medicine. |
that are life threatening without good medical care and standard medicine. |
that can be life threatening without basic medicine and tending. |
which make the baby slightly ill but, at this rate, they will recover on their own. |
- Tend Duration
- Base Tend Duration Hours: 18
- Tend Overlap Hours: 6
- Severity Per Day Tended: −35%
- Immunizable
- Immunity Per Day Sick: +10%
- Severity Per Day Immune: −70%
- Immunity Per Day Not Sick: −70%
- Hidden: true
- Remove On Redress Chance By Days Curve:
Days |
Label |
- Min Severity: 33%
- Pain Offset: +8%
- Vomit MTB Days: 1
- Sleep Fall Rate Offset: +100%
- Def Name:
- Label:
The condition of being able to breastfeed a baby. The breasts are actively producing and storing milk. The lactating state begins when a mother gives birth, and continues indefinitely as long as she breastfeeds a baby at least once every 10 days.
People who are lactating will have a harder time becoming pregnant.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Initial Severity: 100%
- Ever Curable By Item: false
- Comps
- Severity Per Day: −10%
- Message On Removal
- Message On Non Zero Severity: false
- Message:
{0} is no longer lactating due to not breastfeeding for 10 days.
- Message Type: SilentInput
- Only Message For Colonists Or Prisoners: true
- Lactating
- Ticks To Full Charge: 15,000 ticks (6 in-game hours) (6 hrs: 2 to feed a baby and 4 to recover.)
- Initial Charge: 0.125
- full Charge Amount: 0.125
- Label In Brackets:
milk fullness {CHARGEFACTOR_percentage}
- Min Charge To Activate: 0.031
- Remove If Other Hediff
- Hediffs: Malnutrition
- Stages: 2~
- MTB Hours: 4
- Message:
{0} is no longer lactating due to malnutrition.
- Message Type: SilentInput
- Only Message For Colonists Or Prisoners: true
Label |
Pollution stimulus
- Def Name:
- Label:
pollution stimulus
This creature has been energized by exposure to pollution.
The pollution-stimulus response was originally engineered to help giant insects in their role as anti-mechanoid bioweapons. However, the gene has since been used to help people function in polluted areas as well.
This creature has been energized by exposure to pollution.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Default Label Color:
- Is Bad: false
- Makes Sick Thought: false
- Scenario Can Add: false
- Min Severity: 0%
- Initial Severity: 1%
- Max Severity: 100%
- Comps: Pollution
- Polluted Severity: +3.33% (+99.9% / 1,800 ticks (30 secs))
- Unpolluted Severity: −0.3% (−100% / 20,000 ticks (8 in-game hours))
- Interval: 60 ticks (1 sec)
Label |
- Def Name:
- Label:
This creature's reproductive parts have been disabled by cutting and sealing the vas deferens, a tube which carries sperm to the urethra. This can be surgically reversed in most cases, but there is a chance of permanent sterilization.
- Hediff Class: Hediff
- Default Label Color:
- Initial Severity: 100%
- Prevents Pregnancy: true
- Tags: ReversibleSterilized
- Ever Curable By Item: false
Label |
Implanted IUD
- Def Name:
- Label:
implanted IUD
A small metal device has been implanted in this individual's uterus, preventing pregnancy. This can be surgically reversed in most cases, but there is a chance of permanent sterilization.
- Hediff Class: Hediff
- Default Label Color:
- Initial Severity: 100%
- Prevents Pregnancy: true
- Tags: ReversibleSterilized
- Ever Curable By Item: false
Label |
Implanted IUD
Tubal ligation
- Def Name:
- Label:
tubal ligation
This individual's reproductive parts have been shut down by closing off the fallopian tubes, preventing ova from traveling from the ovary to the uterus.
- Hediff Class: Hediff
- Default Label Color:
- Initial Severity: 100%
- Prevents Pregnancy: true
- Tags: ReversibleSterilized
- Ever Curable By Item: false
Label |
Tubal ligation
Bloodfeeder mark
- Def Name:
- Label:
bloodfeeder mark
- Label Noun:
a bloodfeeder mark
Two small puncture wounds.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Tendable: false
- Comps: Disappears
- Disappears After Ticks: 15,000 ticks (6 in-game hours)
Label |
Bloodfeeder mark
Tox gas
- Def Name:
- Label:
tox gas
Aftereffects of exposure to tox gas, a poisonous chemical gas. It burns the lungs and eyes, causing a temporary shortness of breath and reduction in sight. Continued exposure to tox gas results in toxic buildup and eventually death.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Initial Severity: 1
- Max Severity: 3
- Can Apply DOD Chance For Capacity Changes: true
- Comps: Severity From Gas Density Direct
- Gas Type: Tox gas
- Density Stages: 20%, 50%, 100%
Gas Density |
Tox Gas Severity
Label |
- Min Severity: 1
- Pain Offset: +10%
- Sight Offset: −10%
- Breathing Offset: −15%
- Min Severity: 2
- Pain Offset: +15%
- Sight Offset: −25%
- Breathing Offset: −30%
- Min Severity: 3
- Pain Offset: +25%
- Sight Offset: −40%
- Breathing Offset: −60%
Beam burn
- Def Name:
- Label:
beam burn
- Label Noun:
a beam burn
- Label Noun Pretty:
{0} in the {1}
A beam burn.
- Hediff Class: Injury
- Tendable: true
- Display Wound: true
- Comps
- Tend Duration
- Label Tended Well: bandaged
- Label Tended Well Inner: sutured
- Label Solid Tended Well: set
- Gets Permanent
- Permanent Label: old beam wound
- Instantly Permanent Label: permanent beam injury
- Injury Props
- Pain Per Severity: +1.25%
- Average Pain Per Severity Permanent: +0.625%
- Bleed Rate: +6%
- Can Merge: false
- Destroyed Label: Burned off
- Destroyed Out Label: Burned out
Detoxifier lung
- Def Name:
- Label:
detoxifier lung
- Label Noun:
a detoxifier lung
An installed detoxifier lung. Prevents lung rot in this lung and negates the irritation of acidic smog.
Note that the detoxifier lung does not prevent the irritating effect of tox gas.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_AddedPart
- Default Label Color:
- Is Bad: false
- Price Impact: true
- Counts As Added Part Or Implant: true
- Allow Mothball If Low Priority World Pawn: true
- Prevents Lung Rot: true
- Spawn Thing On Removed:
Detoxifier lung
Solid |
Part Efficiency |
Better Than Natural
110% |
Label |
Detoxifier lung
Detoxifier kidney
- Def Name:
- Label:
detoxifier kidney
- Label Noun:
a detoxifier kidney
An installed detoxifier kidney. Using a series of nanofilters, it can rapidly remove a vast range of toxins from the blood, making it effective against environmental toxins, venoms, and injected poisons.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_AddedPart
- Default Label Color:
- Is Bad: false
- Price Impact: true
- Counts As Added Part Or Implant: true
- Allow Mothball If Low Priority World Pawn: true
- Spawn Thing On Removed:
Detoxifier kidney
Solid |
Part Efficiency |
Better Than Natural
110% |
Label |
Detoxifier kidney
- Def Name:
- Label:
A deep coma-like sleep that lasts several days and restores the body's resources. Certain genes create a need for deathrest. Deathrest can also be enhanced with various support buildings that give special bonuses to the deathrester.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_Deathrest
- Default Label Color:
- Ever Curable By Item: false
- Is Bad: false
- Record Downed Tale: false
Label |
Interrupted deathrest
- Def Name:
- Label:
interrupted deathrest
Deathrest was interrupted while this person's metabolism was still out of balance. They will be sick for days while regaining equilibrium.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Default Label Color:
- Makes Sick Thought: true
- Initial Severity: 0.1%
- Comps: Disappears
- Disappears After Ticks: 300,000 ticks (5 in-game days)
- Show Remaining Time: true
Label |
Interrupted deathrest
Deathrest exhaustion
- Def Name:
- Label:
deathrest exhaustion
This person desperately needs to deathrest to rebalance their metabolism.
- Hediff Class: Hediff
- Default Label Color:
Label |
Deathrest exhaustion
Hemogen craving
- Def Name:
- Label:
hemogen craving
Due to a lack of hemogen, this person's body is breaking down hemogen reserves in their bone marrow. This causes disorientation and a painful craving for human blood.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_HemogenCraving
- Default Label Color:
- Initial Severity: 1%
- Max Severity: 100%
- Ever Curable By Item: false
- Comps: Severity From Hemogen
- Severity Per Hour Empty: +5%
- Severity Per Hour Hemogen: −10%
Label |
Regeneration coma
- Def Name:
- Label:
regeneration coma
Had this person not been genetically deathless, they would have already died from their health conditions. Instead, they have fallen into a regeneration coma, during which they will regenerate their body.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Default Label Color:
- Force Remove On Resurrection: true
- Initial Severity: 0.1%
- Comps: Disappears
- Comp Class: HediffComp_DisappearsPausable_LethalInjuries
- Disappears After Ticks: 420,000 ticks (7 in-game days)
- Show Remaining Time: true
Label |
Regeneration coma
Xenogermination coma
- Def Name:
- Label:
xenogermination coma
A xenogerm was implanted in this person. The xenogerm needs time to integrate itself into the host and modify the genes and chemistry of various tissues throughout the body. During this time, the person cannot safely wake up, so the xenogerm keeps them in a coma.
The duration of this coma can be reduced by implanting a xenogerm with better medical facilities and more skilled doctors.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Default Label Color:
- Initial Severity: 0.1%
- Max Severity: 100%
- Ever Curable By Item: false
- Comps: Disappears
- Disappears After Ticks: 120,000 ticks (2 in-game days) (Average coma duration based on ImplantXenogerm surgery outcome.)
- Show Remaining Time: true
- Can Use Decimals Short Form: true
Label |
Xenogermination coma
Gene loss shock
- Def Name:
- Label:
gene loss shock
This person's genes were recently removed or expelled. This has destabilized the person's metabolism and hormones, leaving them temporarily weak and drowsy, with a weakened immune system.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Default Label Color:
- Initial Severity: 0.1%
- Deprioritize Healing: true
- Ever Curable By Item: false
- Comps: Disappears
- Disappears After Ticks: 120,000 ticks (2 in-game days)
- Show Remaining Time: true
Label |
Gene loss shock
Genes regrowing
- Def Name:
- Label:
genes regrowing
This person's genetic material is regrowing. This process doesn't have any direct health effects. However, extracting their genes while they are regrowing will kill them.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Ever Curable By Item: false
- Force Remove On Resurrection: true
- Initial Severity: 1
- Comps: Disappears
- Disappears After Ticks: 6,000,000 ticks (100 in-game days) ~ 8,400,000 ticks (140 in-game days)
- Show Remaining Time: true
- Can Use Decimals Short Form: true
- Message On Disappear:
{PAWN_nameDef}'s genes have finished regrowing.
Label |
- Min Severity: 2
- Life Threatening: true
- Consciousness Max: 0% (Outright kills the pawn)
Chemical dependency
- Def Name:
- Label:
chemical dependency
This person has a genetically-induced biochemical dependency on a specific drug. Without regular doses of the drug, their body cannot maintain itself in a healthy state and they will suffer degrading health and mood until they die.
Takes effect after age: 13.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_ChemicalDependency
- Ever Curable By Item: false
- Initial Severity: 0
- Max Severity: 12
- Lethal Severity: 12
- Allow Mothball If Low Priority World Pawn: true
- Comps: Severity Per Day: +0.2
Label |
- Min Severity: 0.001
- Become Visible: true
Override Label: deficiency coma
- Def Name:
- Label:
This person was in a growth vat which wasn't functioning properly due to lack of power or nutrition feedstock. This has left their body in a state of bio-starvation.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Default Label Color:
- Max Severity: 600%
- Comps: Severity Per Day: −100%
- Show Days To Recover: true
- Show Hours To Recover: true
Label |
- Pain Offset: +15%
- Hunger Rate Factor Offset: +50%
- Consciousness Offset: −25%
Vat learning
- Def Name:
- Label:
vat learning
The growth vat is electrically stimulating this person's brain to induce skill development. This process is not very effective, and will only partially replace the skills missed from not growing in the outside world.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_VatLearning
- Is Bad: false
- Ever Curable By Item: false
- Initial Severity: 0.1%
- Max Severity: 100%
- Comps: Severity Per Day: +33%
Vat growing
- Def Name:
- Label:
vat growing
The growth vat is stimulating this person's body to increase the rate of cell division and aging.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Is Bad: false
- Ever Curable By Item: false
- Comps: Comp Class: HediffComp_VatGrowing
Scanning sickness
- Def Name:
- Label:
Scanning sickness
This person was scanned by a softscanner to produce a mechanoid subcore. The high-energy scanning device has caused disturbances in their brain chemistry which will take time to resolve themselves. There won't be any long-term damage.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Default Label Color:
- Initial Severity: 400%
- Comps: Severity Per Day: −100%
- Remove On Redress Chance By Days Curve:
Days |
Label |
Scanning sickness
Psychic bond
- Def Name:
- Label:
psychic bond
This person has a psychic bond with another person based on the psychic bonding gene. The bond itself grants some limited psychic awareness, allowing it to connect even with the psychically deaf.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_PsychicBond
- Is Bad: false
- Ever Curable By Item: false
Override Label |
psychic bond
psychic bond distance
Psychic bond torn
- Def Name:
- Label:
psychic bond torn
This person had a psychic bond with another, but the bond was torn when their partner died.
A marker hediff that will recreate the psychic bond between two pawns if dead one is resurrected. — XML comment, RimWorld
- Hediff Class: Hediff_PsychicBondTorn
- Ever Curable By Item: false
- Def Name:
- Label:
A bionic implant that allows direct control of mechanoids. Mechlinks are used by soldiers to control war mechs, and by workers to control labor mechs. A person with a mechlink is known as a mechanitor.
Mechlinks are self-installable. Pressed into the back of the throat, the unit injects itself through the flesh to clamp inside the base of the skull where it meets the spinal cord. There, it threads a web of ultrafine wires throughout nearby neuronal tissue to make the direct mental link between the user and the mechanoid control band.
Mechlinks are not simply devices for sending radio signals to mechanoids, because mechanoids are not merely robots. In addition to traditional computers, mechanoids have a dim psychic presence, so fluently controlling them requires a psychic connection. By linking mechanitor and mechanoid both psychically and electromagnetically, the mechlink permits deeper control than screen-and-button interfaces.
Since the mechlink interlaces deep within the brain tissue, it can only be removed after death.
Note: A mechanitor must be capable of smithing work to gestate mechanoids.
A bionic implant that allows direct control of mechanoids. Can only be removed after death.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_Mechlink
- Default Label Color:
- Is Bad: false
- Price Impact: true
- Counts As Added Part Or Implant: true
- Duplication Allowed: false
- Keep On Body Part Restoration: true
- Remove On Redress If Not Of Kind:
- Allow Mothball If Low Priority World Pawn: true
- Comps: Letter On Death
- Letter Def: NeutralEvent
- Letter Label:
Reusable {HEDIFF_label} available
- Letter Text:
{PAWN} has died with a {HEDIFF_label} installed. This can be removed and installed by someone else.
- Only If No Mechanitor Died: true
Label |
Band node (tuned)
- Def Name:
- Label:
band node (tuned)
This mechanitor's bandwidth is being increased thanks to the influence of a band node structure.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_BandNode
- Is Bad: false
Control sublink
- Def Name:
- Label:
control sublink
An implant which increases a mechanitor's control group count and the work speed of a mechanitor's mechs.
This implant can be installed up to 6 times to increase its effect.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_Level
- Default Label Color:
- Is Bad: false
- Price Impact: true
- Initial Severity: 1 (Severity is bound to level of implant)
- Min Severity: 0
- Max Severity: 6
- Keep On Body Part Restoration: True
- Level Is Quantity: true
- Duplication Allowed: false
Label |
Remote repairer
- Def Name:
- Label:
remote repairer
A mechlink upgrade which allows the mechanitor to repair mechs from a distance. The user links with the mechanoid and uses their own brain to psychically guide its self-repair mechanites.
This implant can be installed up to 3 times to increase its range.
An implant which allows the user to repair mechs from a distance. This can be installed up to 3 times.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_Level
- Default Label Color:
- Is Bad: false
- Price Impact: true
- Initial Severity: 1 (Severity is bound to level of implant)
- Min Severity: 0
- Max Severity: 3
- Keep On Body Part Restoration: True
- Level Is Quantity: true
- Duplication Allowed: false
- Comps: Give Ability
Label |
Mech gestation processor
- Def Name:
- Label:
mech gestation processor
An implant which increases the speed at which a mechanitor can produce mechs in a mech gestator. The processor optimizes the behavior of the mechanites in the mech forming tank.
This implant can be self-installed in the same way as the mechlink.
This implant can be installed up to 6 times to increase its effect.
An implant which lets a mechanitor gestate new mechs faster. This can be installed up to 6 times to increase the effect.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_Level
- Default Label Color:
- Is Bad: false
- Price Impact: true
- Initial Severity: 1 (Severity is bound to level of implant)
- Min Severity: 0
- Max Severity: 6
- Keep On Body Part Restoration: True
- Level Is Quantity: true
- Duplication Allowed: false
Label |
Remote shielder
- Def Name:
- Label:
remote shielder
An implant which allows the mechanitor to place a personal defense shield on a mech. The mechanitor must continuously focus on the mech in order to maintain the shield. It can be used to save a mech at a critical moment.
This implant can be installed up to 3 times to increase its range and shield energy.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_Level
- Default Label Color:
- Is Bad: false
- Price Impact: true
- Initial Severity: 1 (Severity is bound to level of implant)
- Min Severity: 0
- Max Severity: 3
- Keep On Body Part Restoration: True
- Level Is Quantity: true
- Duplication Allowed: false
- Comps: Give Ability
Label |
Repair probe
- Def Name:
- Label:
repair probe
An implant which increases a mechanitor's mech repair speed. This does not affect the overall energy needed to repair a mechanoid.
The implant allows the mechanitor to plug directly into a mechanoid while repairing it and better-direct the mech's self-repair mechanites.
This implant can be installed up to 6 times to increase its effect.
An implant which lets a mechanitor repair mechs faster. This can be installed up to 6 times.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_Level
- Default Label Color:
- Is Bad: false
- Price Impact: true
- Initial Severity: 1 (Severity is bound to level of implant)
- Min Severity: 0
- Max Severity: 6
- Keep On Body Part Restoration: True
- Level Is Quantity: true
- Duplication Allowed: false
Label |
Dormant self-charging
- Def Name:
- Label:
dormant self-charging
This mech doesn't have enough energy to remain active. It has gone dormant to recharge itself. Self-recharging is much slower than recharging at a charging station.
- Is Bad: false
- Initial Severity: 1
- Max Severity: 1
Hemogen amplified
- Def Name:
- Label:
hemogen amplified
All hemogen gains are multiplied up because this person used a hemogen amplifier while deathresting. This effect lasts until the next deathrest.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_DeathrestEffect
- Remove On Deathrest Start: true
- Is Bad: false
- Initial Severity: 1
- Default Label Color:
- Extra Tooltip: Lasts until the next deathrest.
Label |
Hemogen amplified
Glucosoid rush
- Def Name:
- Label:
glucosoid rush
Move speed is increased because this person used a glucosoid pump while deathresting. This effect lasts until the next deathrest.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_DeathrestEffect
- Remove On Deathrest Start: true
- Is Bad: false
- Initial Severity: 1
- Default Label Color:
- Extra Tooltip: Lasts until the next deathrest.
Label |
Glucosoid rush
- Multiply Stat Changes By Severity: true
- Move Speed Factor: ×112%
Psychofluid rush
- Def Name:
- Label:
psychofluid rush
Psychic sensitivity is enhanced because this person used a psychofluid pump while deathresting. This effect lasts until the next deathrest.
- Hediff Class: Hediff_DeathrestEffect
- Remove On Deathrest Start: true
- Is Bad: false
- Initial Severity: 1
- Default Label Color:
- Extra Tooltip: Lasts until the next deathrest.
Label |
Psychofluid rush
Mechanoid boost
- Def Name: MechBoost
- Label: mechanoid boost
This mechanoid's capacities have been boosted by a nearby mechanoid booster building.
- Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
- Default Label Color:
- Is Bad: false
- Comps
- Disappears
- Disappears After Ticks: 30 ticks (0.5 secs)
- Show Remaining Time: false
- Disappears On Death
- Link
- Require Link On Other Pawn: false
Label |
Mechanoid boost