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  • Pawn Type Image Combat Power Gear Apparel Weapons Tech Inventory Additional Info [[{{|action=edit}} edit]]
    Miner (Tribal) Miner (Tribal).png 35 HP: 50~180%
    Avg. Quality: Poor
    Budget: 180~350
    Available: Broadwrap.png Broadwrap Content added by the Ideology DLC,
    Headwrap.png Headwrap Content added by the Ideology DLC,
    Visage mask.png Visage mask Content added by the Ideology DLC,
    Parka.png Parka,
    Tribalwear.png Tribalwear
    Budget: 80~80
    Knife.png Knife, Club.png Club, ShortBow.png Short bow
    Budget: 50~50
    3% chance to have one of the following: Medicine industrial a.png Denture, Woodlog a.png Wooden hand, Woodlog a.png Wooden foot, Woodlog a.png Peg leg
    51x Pemmican Age Range: Up to 60
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Civil Tribe
    Backstories: Tribal (Childhood) and Tribal Miner (Adulthood)
    Not Fighter
    Chemical Addiction Chance: 5%
    Initial Will Range: 1~2
    Initial Resistance Range: 17~27
    Miner (Outlander) Miner (Outlander).png 40 HP: 20~200%
    Avg. Quality: Poor
    Budget: 200~400
    Allow Headgear Chance: 40%
    Available: BowlerHat.png Bowler hat,
    Tuque.png Tuque,
    CowboyHat.png Cowboy hat,
    GasMask.png Gas mask Content added by the Biotech DLC,
    Flak jacket.png Flak jacket,
    Duster.png Duster,
    Jacket.png Jacket,
    Parka.png Parka,
    Button-Down Shirt.png Button-down shirt,
    Pants.png Pants... further results
    Budget: 65~125
    Knife.png Knife
    Budget: 1000~1000
    80% chance to have at most 1 of the following: Health item prosthetic.png Drill arm Content added by the Royalty DLC
    2.55 Nutrition Age Range: Any
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Civil Outlander
    Backstories: Cryptosleep (8% Commonality), Miner (Adulthood)
    Not Fighter
    Chemical Addiction Chance: 5%
    Initial Will Range: 1~2
    Initial Resistance Range: 10~17
    Hunter (Outlander) Hunter (Outlander).png 52 HP: 20~200%
    Avg. Quality: Poor
    Budget: 200~400
    Required: Tailcap
    Allow Headgear Chance: 40%
    Available: BowlerHat.png Bowler hat,
    Tuque.png Tuque,
    CowboyHat.png Cowboy hat,
    GasMask.png Gas mask Content added by the Biotech DLC,
    Flak jacket.png Flak jacket,
    Duster.png Duster,
    Jacket.png Jacket,
    Parka.png Parka,
    Button-Down Shirt.png Button-down shirt,
    Pants.png Pants... further results
    Budget: 140~250
    Revolver.png Revolver, Autopistol.png Autopistol, Machine pistol.png Machine pistol
    Budget: 50~600
    6% chance to have one of the following: Medicine industrial a.png Denture, Woodlog a.png Peg leg, Woodlog a.png Wooden hand, Woodlog a.png Wooden foot, Health item prosthetic.png Cochlear implant, Health item prosthetic.png Prosthetic heart, Health item prosthetic.png Prosthetic arm, Health item prosthetic.png Prosthetic leg, Health item prosthetic.png Drill arm Content added by the Royalty DLC, Health item prosthetic.png Field hand Content added by the Royalty DLC, Health item bionic.png Aesthetic nose Content added by the Royalty DLC
    2.55 Nutrition Age Range: Any
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Civil Outlander
    Backstories: Cryptosleep (8% Commonality), Hunter (Adulthood)
    Not Fighter
    Chemical Addiction Chance: 5%
    Initial Will Range: 1~2
    Initial Resistance Range: 10~17
    Logger (Tribal) Logger (Tribal).png 40 HP: 50~180%
    Avg. Quality: Poor
    Budget: 180~350
    Required: Shadecone Shadecone
    Available: Broadwrap.png Broadwrap Content added by the Ideology DLC,
    Headwrap.png Headwrap Content added by the Ideology DLC,
    Visage mask.png Visage mask Content added by the Ideology DLC,
    Parka.png Parka,
    Tribalwear.png Tribalwear
    Budget: 80~80
    Knife.png Knife, Club.png Club, ShortBow.png Short bow
    Budget: 50~50
    3% chance to have one of the following: Medicine industrial a.png Denture, Woodlog a.png Wooden hand, Woodlog a.png Wooden foot, Woodlog a.png Peg leg
    51x Pemmican Age Range: Up to 60
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Civil Tribe
    Backstories: Tribal (Childhood) and Tribal Logger (Adulthood)
    Not Fighter
    Chemical Addiction Chance: 5%
    Initial Will Range: 1~2
    Initial Resistance Range: 17~27
    Logger (Outlander) Logger (Outlander).png 35 HP: 20~200%
    Avg. Quality: Poor
    Budget: 200~400
    Allow Headgear Chance: 40%
    Available: BowlerHat.png Bowler hat,
    Tuque.png Tuque,
    CowboyHat.png Cowboy hat,
    GasMask.png Gas mask Content added by the Biotech DLC,
    Flak jacket.png Flak jacket,
    Duster.png Duster,
    Jacket.png Jacket,
    Parka.png Parka,
    Button-Down Shirt.png Button-down shirt,
    Pants.png Pants... further results
    Budget: 65~125
    Knife.png Knife
    Budget: 50~600
    6% chance to have one of the following: Medicine industrial a.png Denture, Woodlog a.png Peg leg, Woodlog a.png Wooden hand, Woodlog a.png Wooden foot, Health item prosthetic.png Cochlear implant, Health item prosthetic.png Prosthetic heart, Health item prosthetic.png Prosthetic arm, Health item prosthetic.png Prosthetic leg, Health item prosthetic.png Drill arm Content added by the Royalty DLC, Health item prosthetic.png Field hand Content added by the Royalty DLC, Health item bionic.png Aesthetic nose Content added by the Royalty DLC
    2.55 Nutrition Age Range: Any
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Civil Outlander
    Backstories: Cryptosleep (8% Commonality), Logger (Adulthood)
    Not Fighter
    Chemical Addiction Chance: 5%
    Initial Will Range: 1~2
    Initial Resistance Range: 10~17
    Farmer (Tribal) Farmer (Tribal).png 35 HP: 50~180%
    Avg. Quality: Poor
    Budget: 180~350
    Required: Shadecone Shadecone
    Available: Broadwrap.png Broadwrap Content added by the Ideology DLC,
    Headwrap.png Headwrap Content added by the Ideology DLC,
    Visage mask.png Visage mask Content added by the Ideology DLC,
    Parka.png Parka,
    Tribalwear.png Tribalwear
    Budget: 80~80
    Knife.png Knife, Club.png Club, ShortBow.png Short bow
    Budget: 50~50
    3% chance to have one of the following: Medicine industrial a.png Denture, Woodlog a.png Wooden hand, Woodlog a.png Wooden foot, Woodlog a.png Peg leg
    51x Pemmican Age Range: Up to 60
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Civil Tribe
    Backstories: Tribal (Childhood) and Tribal Farmer (Adulthood)
    Not Fighter
    Chemical Addiction Chance: 5%
    Initial Will Range: 1~2
    Initial Resistance Range: 17~27
    Farmer (Outlander) Farmer (Outlander).png 35 HP: 20~200%
    Avg. Quality: Poor
    Budget: 200~400
    Required: Cowboy hat Cowboy hat
    Allow Headgear Chance: 40%
    Available: BowlerHat.png Bowler hat,
    Tuque.png Tuque,
    CowboyHat.png Cowboy hat,
    GasMask.png Gas mask Content added by the Biotech DLC,
    Flak jacket.png Flak jacket,
    Duster.png Duster,
    Jacket.png Jacket,
    Parka.png Parka,
    Button-Down Shirt.png Button-down shirt,
    Pants.png Pants... further results
    Budget: 65~125
    Knife.png Knife
    Budget: 1000~1000
    80% chance to have at most 1 of the following: Health item prosthetic.png Field hand Content added by the Royalty DLC
    2.55 Nutrition Age Range: Any
    Race: Human
    Default Faction Type: Civil Outlander
    Backstories: Cryptosleep (8% Commonality), Farmer (Adulthood)
    Chemical Addiction Chance: 5%
    Initial Will Range: 1~2
    Initial Resistance Range: 10~17