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{{Infobox main|entity
|text=Note: This page is made in preparation of the release of Version 1.5 to facilitate edits by new editors. It cannot be held as representative of the content until release allows for confirmation, nor is it intended to speculate. Please verify all page information before removing this banner.}}
{{Infobox main<!-- Add infobox category here -->
| set property = false <!-- Remove when anomaly goes live and content confirmed -->
| name = Corrupted obelisk
| name = Corrupted obelisk
| image = Corrupted obelisk.png
| description = A large metallic pillar that emanates a putrid psychic energy. The pillar hums ominously and appears to be increasing in activity. It's not clear what will happen when it reaches its full capacity.<br />You can send colonists to suppress the obelisk to prevent it from activating. You can also mark the obelisk for study to try to learn its purpose and perhaps make use of it.<br />You can attack the obelisk to destroy it, but doing so may unleash unnatural and dangerous phenomena.
<!-- Base Stats -->
| type = Entity
| type2 = Advanced
| hp = 3000
| flammability = 0
<!-- Meditation -->
| meditation psyfocus bonus = 0.24
| focus type = Void
<!-- Activity -->
| starting range = 0.2~0.4
| change per day base = 0.2
| change per damage = 0.001
| warning = 0.9
| activity worker class = ObeliskActivityWorker
| activity research factor curve = (0, 0.5), (0.5, 1), (0.99, 2)
<!-- Containment - Studiable -->
| anomaly knowledge = 2
| knowledge category = Advanced
| study interval = 120000
| min monolith level for study = 1
| study enabled by default = false
| show toggle gizmo = true
| can be activity deactivated = true
<!-- Building -->
| size = 3 × 3
| passability = impassable
| paintable = false
| deconstructible = false
| claimable = false
| destroyyield = {{Icon Small|Shard|24|1}}
| cover = 1
<!-- Technical -->
| defName = WarpedObelisk_Duplicator
| label = corrupted obelisk
The '''Corrupted obelisk''' is one of three [[Obelisk]]s that can appear in the [[Anomaly DLC]]. It is able to clone your colonists.
== Acquisition ==
== Occurrence ==
The corrupted obelisk can spawn in the map as a random anomaly event.
{{Stub|section=1|reason=Detail as to when they can spawn as a major threat, what that means etc. Ensure parity between this page and all three [[obelisk]] page - consider templatization if necessary}}
The corrupted obelisk can spawn in the map as a Major Threat.
== Summary ==  
== Summary ==  
The Corrupted Obelisk <small>also referred to as the "Duplicator"</small> has a chance to spawn at any point after activating the Void monolith. You have 2 initial options when you encounter the Obelisk in your world: study and/or suppress.
Like all Obelisks, the Corrupted Obelisk can be studied for advanced anomaly research, and must be regularly suppressed to prevent its full activation. While being studied or suppressed, there is a chance the Obelisk triggers a cloning event. The chance of this event occurring is on average, once every 24 hours of either suppression or study.
<small>(auto-suppress is not on by default; it can be activated by clicking the obelisk and setting the hand on the activity meter to a green check.)</small>
There are 4 possible occurrences and one is selected randomly when the obelisk is triggered:
* '''Hostile Duplicate:''' The duplicate is hostile and will immediately attack. The stronger your colonist the stronger your foe. Can be captured and recruited!
* Cloned colonist with '''Multiple Organ Decay:''' Several of the duplicate's vital organs have "Organ decay", which causes increasing pain and reduced efficiency and will eventually kill the pawn. Known cure: Replace the decaying organs.
* Cloned colonist with '''Duplication Sickness:''' Both the original and the duplicate suffer from lowered consciousness, gets worse over the course of a few days, with the final stage being max 10% consciousness while both are alive. Known cures: Terminate one of the two, Unnatural Healing from creepjoiners and Healer Mech Serum.
* Cloned colonist with '''Crumbling Mind:''' The duplicate will begin losing all their skills and have a locked consciousness of 60%, After 2-3 days the condition becomes permanent and incurable. Colonists that reach the final stage will be unable to do Skilled Labor, Dumb Labor, Caring or Intellectual Jobs. Known cures for Crumbling Mind: [[healer mech serum]]; Unnatural Healing from creepjoiners; killing them, removing their skull, and reviving with [[resurrector mech serum]] or death refusal. The bioregeneration cycle from biosculpting pods is ''not'' a cure; however, pawns can be placed in [[cryptosleep casket]]s to prevent the crumbling mind from progressing until a cure can be found. Once the condition progresses to Crumbled Mind, it cannot be cured.
The duplicated colonist will have identical mood thoughts, [[Ideoligion]]{{IdeologyIcon}}, injuries, and any ongoing illnesses or drug effects (including [[pregnancy]]{{BiotechIcon}}), but will have no equipment and no artificial body parts except for psylinks and fleshmass organs. Any artificial body parts will be replaced with the healthy, natural form, including all subparts that may be removed by the artificial part (e.g. a [[prosthetic arm]] will be replaced with an organic arm, including the hand and fingers).
Notably, no social opinions are copied to the duplicate, not even familial relationships. There is also no special relationship between the original and duplicate.
Attacking a Corrupted Obelisk, or allowing its activity to reach 100%, will cause hostile duplicates to spawn all around your colonists. These duplicates will spawn with the same traits, backstories, skills, and health conditions of your own colonists, but without any gear or bionics. Duplicate spawns are not be concentrated in any particular area; instead, they spawn randomly in proximity to any colonist.
If the Activity Level of the Corrupted Obelisk reaches 100% it will explode, dropping a [[Shard]] and causing hostile duplicates to spawn all around your colonists. These duplicates will spawn with the same traits, backstories, skills, and health conditions of your own colonists, but without any gear or bionics. Duplicate spawn randomly in proximity to any colonist. This process will not duplicate children unless child raiders are enabled in storyteller settings, in which case a minimum age of 10 still applies.
When a colonist interacts with the obelisk <small>(studying/suppressing)</small> there is a chance a duplicate of the colonist will be created. The duplicated colonist will be identical in every way, including current mood thoughts, social opinions, and any ongoing illnesses or drug effects (including [[pregnancy]]{{BiotechIcon}}), but will have no equipment and no artificial body parts except for psylinks and fleshmass organs. Higher obelisk activity increases the chance of duplication.
The amount of duplicates that spawn is based on raid points. The obelisk has a budget equal to 0.6 times the colony's total raid points. The cost of each duplicate is calculated as follows from the colony's total raid points (without the 0.6 multiplier).
After 10 Anomaly research at the obelisk a duplication button will appear (30 day cooldown). After 30 Anomaly research at the obelisk, a deactivation button will appear. The obelisk costs 2 [[Shard]]s to deactivate. A deactivated obelisk will not need to be suppressed, but can no longer duplicate pawns.
{| class="wikitable"
!Graph || Raid points || Cost of each duplicate
| rowspan="5" | {{GraphChart|width=400|height=100|xAxisTitle=Raid points (100's) |yAxisTitle=Unit cost|type=line|x= 0, 5, 10, 50, 100 |y1=50, 50, 100, 200, 200}} || style="text-align:right" | 35 || style="text-align:right" | 50
| style="text-align:right" | 500 || style="text-align:right" | 50
| style="text-align:right" | 1,000 || style="text-align:right" | 100
| style="text-align:right" | 5,000 || style="text-align:right" | 200
| style="text-align:right" | 10,000 || style="text-align:right" | 200
When the corrupted obelisk is triggered a duplicate is made of the interactor with ''one'' of the following conditions:
{| class="wikitable"
!Raid points || Total duplicates
| style="text-align:right" | 35 || style="text-align:right" | 1
| style="text-align:right" | 167 || style="text-align:right" | 3
| style="text-align:right" | 500 || style="text-align:right" | 6
| style="text-align:right" | 1000 || style="text-align:right" | 6
| style="text-align:right" | 2000 || style="text-align:right" | 10
| style="text-align:right" | 5000 || style="text-align:right" | 15
| style="text-align:right" | 9667 || style="text-align:right" | 30
* '''Hostile Duplicate:''' The duplicate is hostile and will immediately attack. The stronger your colonist the stronger your foe. Can be captured and recruited!
After 10 Anomaly research at the obelisk a duplication button will appear (30 day cooldown). After 30 Anomaly research at the obelisk, a deactivation button will appear. The obelisk costs 2 [[Shard]]s to deactivate. A deactivated obelisk will not need to be suppressed, but can no longer duplicate pawns.
* '''Multiple Organ Decay:''' Has decayed organs that need to be replaced. Known Cure: Replace Organs
* '''Duplication Sickness:''' Both the original and the duplicate suffer from lowered consciousness, Gets worse over the course of a few days, with the final stage being max 10% consciousness while both are alive. Known Cure: Terminate one of the two, Unatural Healing from creepjoiners.
* '''Crumbling Mind:''' The duplicate will begin losing all their skills and have a locked consciousness of 60%, After 2-3 days becomes permanent and incurable. Colonists that reach the final stage will be unable to do Skilled Labor, Dumb Labor, Caring or Intellectual Jobs. Known Cure: Healer mech Serum, Unatural Healing from creepjoiners. Killing them, removing the skull, and using resurrector mech serum is a cure. The bioregeneration cycle from biosculpting pods is ''not'' a cure; however, pawns can be placed in [[cryptosleep casket]]s to prevent the crumbling mind from progressing until a cure can be found.
Organ decay, duplication sickness, and crumbling mind appear a few days after the duplicated pawn is created.
[[Creepjoiner]]s cannot be duplicated, and will instead show a message to that effect.
[[Creepjoiner]]s cannot be duplicated, and will instead show a message to that effect.
== Analysis ==
== Analysis ==
With a little luck, the corrupted Obelisks can be used to duplicate your most valuable colonists, especially those who have a [[psylink]]{{RoyaltyIcon}}, as both level and psychic powers are duplicated. Have organs or a prisoner ready in case of Organ Decay, and a [[Psychic shock lance]] or [[Shard shock lance]] if the duplicate pawn starts off hostile to maximize your chance of taking them prisoner. a [[Cryptosleep casket]] can be used to preserve a pawn with Crumbling Mind if you lack a [[Healer mech serum]]. That leaves only cases where the duplicate pawn begins to negatively affect the original as the outcome that prevents you from eventually gaining a pawn.
As the most desirable of the three obelisks. The corrupted obelisk is ideal for duplicating colonists to convert to ghouls. Hostile duplicate can be captured and turned to ghoul without recruiting. Ghoul infusion would cure [[organ decay]]; crumbling mind and duplicate sickness can be cured by killing the ghoul and [[ghoul resurrection serum|resurrecting them]].
If you decide to keep the duplicated colonist human, such as those with high [[psylink]]{{RoyaltyIcon}} level, have organs or prisoners ready in case of Organ Decay. A [[Cryptosleep casket]] can be used to preserve a pawn with Crumbling Mind if you lack a [[Healer mech serum]]. In case of duplicate sickness however, the only solution is to kill one of the pawns.
In case of a hostile duplicate, you can use a [[Psychic shock lance|psychic]] or [[Shard shock lance|shard]] shock lance to avoid accidentally killing them. Alternatively, you can make the duplicator wear a [[war mask]] and damage them beyond their pain shock threshold before wearing it. As the duplicate doesn't have any mask, they would be immediately downed.
Alternatively, you can use the [[Death Refusal]] ritual to cure Crumbling Mind, Duplication sickness and Organ Decay. Simply put Death Refusal on the new pawn, kill them (destory their brain in case of Crumbling Mind via rip scanner or extract skull) and resurrect them. They will come back healthy.
Alternativly, you can use the new Death Refusal ritual to cure Crumbling Mind, Duplication sickness and Organ Decay. Simply put Death Refusal on the new pawn, kill them (destory their brain in case of Crumbling Mind via rip scanner or extract skull) and resurrect them. They will come back healthy.
If you attacked the obelisk, it's activity level will rise. When it reaches full, it will duplicate up to 30 of you colonists depending on raid points, all of them being hostile to you. However this can be abused to mass cloning good pawns by following the method below:
If you attacked the oberlisk, it's activity level will rise. When it reaches full, it will duplicate 30 of you colonists, all of them being hostile to you. However this can be abused to mass cloning god pawns by following the method below:
*  Have your good pawn anesthetized
*  Send all other pawn (except ghouls and prisoners) on a caravan resting right outside your colony
*  Have a ghoul attack obelisk or wait for it to reach 100% to trigger the duplication
*  Since the only colonist on the map is anesthetized, all clones would appear unconscious.
*  Have your caravan come back and capture all the unconscious duplicates.
*  Have you god pawn anesthetized
When duplicated, the effects of [[void touched]], psychic abilities, and xenogenes are preserved. Therefore, it may be worth waiting to complete the Anomaly DLC and gaining all psychic abilities, before massively duplicating one colonist and destroy the obelisk. In this way, you can get a lot of incredibly powerful colonists.
*  Send all other pawn (except ghouls) on a caravan resting right outside your colony
*  Have ghoul attack oberlisk to trigger the duplication
*  Since your god pawn is the only pawn on the map, it will be duplicated 30 times
*  However your god pawn's "anesthetized" status will also be duplicated, meaning all duplicated pawns are harmless
*  Have your caravan come back and capture all the helpless duplicates
*  Profit
== Weird happenings ==
=== Brute-force destruction ===
Sometimes after a corrupted obelisk explodes one of your duplicates '''(and every other copy of them including the original)''' can get duplication sickness even if they had one of the other side effects (unknown if its a bug)
Like other obelisks, this one is also vulnerable to [[obelisk#brute-force destruction|brute-force destruction]].
== Version history ==  
== Version history ==  
* [[Anomaly DLC]] Release - Added.
* [[Anomaly DLC]] Release - Added.
[[Category: Entities]]

Revision as of 14:07, 15 November 2024

Corrupted obelisk

Corrupted obelisk

A large metallic pillar that emanates a putrid psychic energy. The pillar hums ominously and appears to be increasing in activity. It's not clear what will happen when it reaches its full capacity.
You can send colonists to suppress the obelisk to prevent it from activating. You can also mark the obelisk for study to try to learn its purpose and perhaps make use of it.
You can attack the obelisk to destroy it, but doing so may unleash unnatural and dangerous phenomena.

Base Stats



3 × 3
Cover Effectiveness


Knowledge Gain
2 Advanced
Study Interval
120,000 ticks (2 in-game days)
Min Monolith Level For Study

The Corrupted obelisk is one of three Obelisks that can appear in the Anomaly DLC. It is able to clone your colonists.


The corrupted obelisk can spawn in the map as a Major Threat.


Like all Obelisks, the Corrupted Obelisk can be studied for advanced anomaly research, and must be regularly suppressed to prevent its full activation. While being studied or suppressed, there is a chance the Obelisk triggers a cloning event. The chance of this event occurring is on average, once every 24 hours of either suppression or study.

There are 4 possible occurrences and one is selected randomly when the obelisk is triggered:

  • Hostile Duplicate: The duplicate is hostile and will immediately attack. The stronger your colonist the stronger your foe. Can be captured and recruited!
  • Cloned colonist with Multiple Organ Decay: Several of the duplicate's vital organs have "Organ decay", which causes increasing pain and reduced efficiency and will eventually kill the pawn. Known cure: Replace the decaying organs.
  • Cloned colonist with Duplication Sickness: Both the original and the duplicate suffer from lowered consciousness, gets worse over the course of a few days, with the final stage being max 10% consciousness while both are alive. Known cures: Terminate one of the two, Unnatural Healing from creepjoiners and Healer Mech Serum.
  • Cloned colonist with Crumbling Mind: The duplicate will begin losing all their skills and have a locked consciousness of 60%, After 2-3 days the condition becomes permanent and incurable. Colonists that reach the final stage will be unable to do Skilled Labor, Dumb Labor, Caring or Intellectual Jobs. Known cures for Crumbling Mind: healer mech serum; Unnatural Healing from creepjoiners; killing them, removing their skull, and reviving with resurrector mech serum or death refusal. The bioregeneration cycle from biosculpting pods is not a cure; however, pawns can be placed in cryptosleep caskets to prevent the crumbling mind from progressing until a cure can be found. Once the condition progresses to Crumbled Mind, it cannot be cured.

The duplicated colonist will have identical mood thoughts, IdeoligionContent added by the Ideology DLC, injuries, and any ongoing illnesses or drug effects (including pregnancyContent added by the Biotech DLC), but will have no equipment and no artificial body parts except for psylinks and fleshmass organs. Any artificial body parts will be replaced with the healthy, natural form, including all subparts that may be removed by the artificial part (e.g. a prosthetic arm will be replaced with an organic arm, including the hand and fingers).

Notably, no social opinions are copied to the duplicate, not even familial relationships. There is also no special relationship between the original and duplicate.

If the Activity Level of the Corrupted Obelisk reaches 100% it will explode, dropping a Shard and causing hostile duplicates to spawn all around your colonists. These duplicates will spawn with the same traits, backstories, skills, and health conditions of your own colonists, but without any gear or bionics. Duplicate spawn randomly in proximity to any colonist. This process will not duplicate children unless child raiders are enabled in storyteller settings, in which case a minimum age of 10 still applies.

The amount of duplicates that spawn is based on raid points. The obelisk has a budget equal to 0.6 times the colony's total raid points. The cost of each duplicate is calculated as follows from the colony's total raid points (without the 0.6 multiplier).

Graph Raid points Cost of each duplicate
35 50
500 50
1,000 100
5,000 200
10,000 200
Raid points Total duplicates
35 1
167 3
500 6
1000 6
2000 10
5000 15
9667 30

After 10 Anomaly research at the obelisk a duplication button will appear (30 day cooldown). After 30 Anomaly research at the obelisk, a deactivation button will appear. The obelisk costs 2 Shards to deactivate. A deactivated obelisk will not need to be suppressed, but can no longer duplicate pawns.

Creepjoiners cannot be duplicated, and will instead show a message to that effect.


As the most desirable of the three obelisks. The corrupted obelisk is ideal for duplicating colonists to convert to ghouls. Hostile duplicate can be captured and turned to ghoul without recruiting. Ghoul infusion would cure organ decay; crumbling mind and duplicate sickness can be cured by killing the ghoul and resurrecting them.

If you decide to keep the duplicated colonist human, such as those with high psylinkContent added by the Royalty DLC level, have organs or prisoners ready in case of Organ Decay. A Cryptosleep casket can be used to preserve a pawn with Crumbling Mind if you lack a Healer mech serum. In case of duplicate sickness however, the only solution is to kill one of the pawns.

In case of a hostile duplicate, you can use a psychic or shard shock lance to avoid accidentally killing them. Alternatively, you can make the duplicator wear a war mask and damage them beyond their pain shock threshold before wearing it. As the duplicate doesn't have any mask, they would be immediately downed.

Alternatively, you can use the Death Refusal ritual to cure Crumbling Mind, Duplication sickness and Organ Decay. Simply put Death Refusal on the new pawn, kill them (destory their brain in case of Crumbling Mind via rip scanner or extract skull) and resurrect them. They will come back healthy.

If you attacked the obelisk, it's activity level will rise. When it reaches full, it will duplicate up to 30 of you colonists depending on raid points, all of them being hostile to you. However this can be abused to mass cloning good pawns by following the method below:

  • Have your good pawn anesthetized
  • Send all other pawn (except ghouls and prisoners) on a caravan resting right outside your colony
  • Have a ghoul attack obelisk or wait for it to reach 100% to trigger the duplication
  • Since the only colonist on the map is anesthetized, all clones would appear unconscious.
  • Have your caravan come back and capture all the unconscious duplicates.

When duplicated, the effects of void touched, psychic abilities, and xenogenes are preserved. Therefore, it may be worth waiting to complete the Anomaly DLC and gaining all psychic abilities, before massively duplicating one colonist and destroy the obelisk. In this way, you can get a lot of incredibly powerful colonists.

Brute-force destruction

Like other obelisks, this one is also vulnerable to brute-force destruction.

Version history