Difference between revisions of "Tortoise"

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(Updating infobox to A14D)
(Converting attacks to new format)
Line 12: Line 12:
|diet = omnivorous
|diet = omnivorous
|movespeed = 1.0
|movespeed = 1.0
|mobdamage = 9
|attack1dmg = 9
|mobdamagetype = bite
|attack1type = bite
<!--|mobdamagecooldown = 190-->
|attack1part = beak
|mobdamageaverage = 9
|attack1cool = 190
|armorblunt = .3
|armorblunt = .3
|armorsharp = .5
|armorsharp = .5

Revision as of 23:38, 29 July 2016



"This heavily armored land-dwelling reptile is known for its slow moving speed and surprisingly vicious bite."

Base Stats

Market Value
200 Silver


Armor - Sharp
Armor - Blunt

Pawn Stats

Move Speed
1.0 c/s
Health Scale
60% HP
Body Size
Mass - Baby
6 kg
Mass - Juvenile
15 kg
Mass - Adult
30 kg
Carrying Capacity
Filth Rate
Hunger Rate
0.48 Nutrition/Day
Life Expectancy
180 years
Manhunter Chance
Trainable Intelligence
Minimum Handling Skill
"+" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 0.8.
Maturity Age
Expression error: Unexpected round operator. years Expression error: Unexpected < operator.


Leather Yield
Tortoise leather (Error: Page does not exist) 25 tortoise leather
Eggs Per Clutch
3 to 7
Egg Laying Interval
20 days
Gestation Period
22.5 days
Offspring Per Birth

Melee Combat

9 dmg (Bite)
13 % AP
190 second cooldown
Average DPS

Tortoises are crawling omnivores which live in the moderate climates of the temperate forest and the sweltering humidity of the tropical rainforest. It's thick shell gives it 30% blunt damage resistance and 50% sharp damage resistance. Their small body size, built-in armor, and moderate health means that a hunter will need several shots to take one down.

As of version 0.14.1234 (15 July 2016) base damage has been lowered by 10%, from 10 to 9. Cooldown between melee attacks was increased from 130 ticks (2.17 seconds) to 190 ticks (3.17 seconds). Together these adjustments account for a 38% decrease in DPS.


Tortoises are fairly easy to tame. Tortoise ranching can be a rewarding experience as maintenance costs are low and fresh females can be constantly recruited in the right biomes. Though they will not explode into a dwarf fortress "2cat" style of overpopulation in the same way a few chickens can manage to, players can still build up large tortoise farms and use them as a steady source of income.

Some care must be used when managing tortoise eggs, as tortoises themselves are omnivorous and do not seem to discriminate against eating their unhatched young. Make use of restriction zones and hauling labor to pull freshly laid eggs away from animal pens and into safe hatcheries to maximize yield.


Tortoises can be trained as follows:

This animal can be trained as follows:

Guard:  Ex.png
Attack:  Ex.png
Rescue:  Ex.png
Haul:  Ex.png

*As of version 1.1.2610, all animals can be tamed. The percentage of likelihood of success depends on factors such as the Animals Wildness Percentage, Pawn Handling Skill, and others. More information can be found on the animals page.
