Guinea pig

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Guinea pig

Guinea pig

Neither a pig or a creature from Guinea, these little rodents are bred to be a household pet and a delicious dinner.

Base Stats

Market Value
150 Silver

Pawn Stats

Combat Power
Move Speed
5 c/s
Health Scale
40% HP
Body Size
Mass - Baby
2.4 kg
Mass - Juvenile
6 kg
Mass - Adult
12 kg
Carrying Capacity
Filth Rate
Hunger Rate
0.16 Nutrition/Day
Life Expectancy
4 years
Manhunter Chance
Manhunter Chance (Taming)
Trainable Intelligence
Minimum Handling Skill
Nuzzle Interval
1 day
Mate Interval
8 hours
Maturity Age
0.2 years (12 days)
Juvenile Age
0.15 years (9 days)
Comfortable Temp Range
-15 °C – 55 °C (5 °F – 131 °F)


Meat Yield
Guinea pig meat 31 guinea pig meat
Leather Yield
Guinea pig fur 16 guinea pig fur
Gestation Period
6.66 days
Offspring Per Birth
1-3 (1.75 avg)

Melee Combat

Attack 1
Front left paw
3.6 dmg (Scratch)
5 % AP
1.5 second cooldown
Attack 2
Front right paw
3.6 dmg (Scratch)
5 % AP
1.5 second cooldown
Attack 3
5.8 dmg (Bite)
9 % AP
2 second cooldown
0.7 chance factor
Attack 4
2 dmg (Blunt)
3 % AP
2 second cooldown
0.2 chance factor
Average DPS

Guinea pigs are tameable herbivores with a fast movement speed. Guinea Pigs come in three colors: Cream, Black and Brown.


Guinea pigs can be found in temperate forests, temperate swamps, tropical rainforests, tropical swamps, arid shrublands, deserts, extreme deserts, and cold bogs. They can either be tamed by a handler or self-tame in a random event.

Guinea Pigs can be bought and sold in other faction bases and from bulk goods traders. Guinea Pigs purchased from traders will be already tamed.


Guinea pigs can be farmed for meat and fur. While each guinea pig is small, they reproduce rapidly, so a large pack of guinea pigs can produce a lot of material. Compared to chinchillas, guinea pigs are not pen animals, so they will need to constantly be re-tamed. However, guinea pigs can nuzzle and can be controlled via allowed areas.

Due to their high reproductive rate, guinea pigs can be used as bait animals. Set an allowed area towards the direction of raiders. This allows you to direct where the guinea pigs go, and they will be shot at rather than your colonists. This results in less meat & leather than slaughtering them would, but can be useful in combat. Compared to rats and hares, guinea pigs offer a more valuable fur and can nuzzle colonists, but are larger targets and reproduce less.

They are one of the few animals that can nuzzle, occasionally giving a +4 Nuzzled moodlet to colonists. Guinea pigs and monkeys are the only 2 wild animals that can nuzzle.


Guinea pigs have valuable fur. As clothing and building material, it has a few merits, but is generally lacking:

  • Guinea pig fur may not have the best physical protection, but it has the best cold insulation in the game, protecting your colonists against cold temperatures. Guinea pig parkas are the most insulative gear in the game. In less extreme biomes, tribalwear can be used to protect against heat and cold, potentially letting you wear a jacket instead of a parka. However, guinea pigs are only native to tropical biomes, which ultimately limits this use.
  • Guinea pig fur is very beautiful. However, only a select few objects can be made out of leather - a single armchair's beauty is unlikely to have much impact.

Otherwise, the best use for their fur is for trade. It is a valuable resource, worth more than even devilstrand.

Female guinea pigs produce:

  • Baby slaughter: Guinea pig fur 1.05 fur per day, or Guinea pig fur 6.569 fur per 1 unit nutrition.
  • Adult slaughter: Guinea pig fur 4.2 fur per day, or Guinea pig fur 10.357 fur per 1 unit nutrition.

When considering a 1:1 ratio of males:females, fur lowers to Guinea pig fur3.285 per 1 unit nutrition (baby), or Guinea pig fur 7.429 per 1 unit nutrition (adult). A higher ratio of females will increase efficiency from there.

For the sole purpose of farming leather, chinchillas are superior as they do not need to be retamed. Guinea pigs have some non-leather advantages, as listed above.


This animal can be trained as follows:

Guard:  Ex.png
Attack:  Ex.png
Rescue:  Ex.png
Haul:  Ex.png

*As of version 1.1.2610, all animals can be tamed. The percentage of likelihood of success depends on factors such as the Animals Wildness Percentage, Pawn Handling Skill, and others. More information can be found on the animals page.



Version history[edit]

  • 1.1.0 - Added as part of the integration of the Vanilla Animals Expanded - Livestock mod into the basegame.