Version history

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Revision as of 15:59, 20 September 2015 by Fernbhoy (talk | contribs)
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Basics Menus Game Creation Gameplay Pawns Plants Resources Gear Mods
Basics Menus Game Creation Gameplay Pawns Plants Resources Gear Mods
Basics Menu Controls User Interface Save File Modding Version history

See upcoming features for future updates. Known bugs in the latest versions are listed here.
  • Public versions were announced on the Developer Blog
  • Quiet versions were recorded on the Changelog
  • Silent versions were released without record
  • Internal versions were not released to the public

Current version (Alpha 12)

Previous Version: [[Version/1.5.4297"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:
Next Version: [[Version/0.0.232"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:

"Error: Invalid time." contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.

Released on: –

Animal taming is here! You can now tame animals, milk them, eat them, and train them into whirling furry/scaly death machines! We’ve also added codified room roles and statistics (like room wealth and room impressiveness), new traits, animals, threats, items, bonuses, bugfixes, and bugs. A full change list is at the end of this post.

How to upgrade: If you own the game, you can get the new version by re-downloading from the link you used before (it is a permanent link and always has the newest version). You should also get an update email from us. Anyone still having trouble should start at the support page which includes an automatic link sender tool and our support email. There may be a delay of some hours before your download count resets or your email arrives.


Also note that this build will not load old savegames or old worlds, so please don’t try to load these in the new version. They’ll probably just crash the game.

Release Trailer



Animal taming

  • Colonists with the Animal Handler work type will now interact with animals.
  • Animal handling success rates are governed by the new Animals skill.
  • Handlers can tame animals. They approach designated wild animals with food and attempt to tame them to make them part of the colony.
  • Handlers can train animals as designated in tame animals’ Training tab. Animal training looks like taming, requires food, and trains one “trainable skill” at a time. Not all animals can learn anything; they need sufficient trainable intelligence.
  • Trainable skills:
    • Obedience: has master, follows master while master is drafted and defends him.
    • Release: master can release animal during combat to attack distant enemies, and call animal back.
    • Rescue: animal will rescue wounded colonists and take them to bed. Animal must be smart and large enough to do this.
    • Haul: animal will intermittently haul items like a colonist would. Animal must be smart enough to do this, and will haul an amount related to its body size.
  • Added Animals main tab, which lists all colony animals and provides interfaces to set their master and area restriction.
  • Each animal has a ‘wildness’ indicating how difficult it is to tame.
  • Animals have a minimum handling skill. Player is warned if they designate taming an animal that no handler can actually tame.
  • Tame animals can be assigned animal areas in which they will try to remain.
  • Tame animals can be bought and sold. Bulk traders carry normal animals, while exotic goods traders can buy and sell any weird animal, pre-tamed.
  • Tame animals can be designated for slaughter and animal handlers will slaughter them.

New animal behaviors and mechanics

  • Some animals (alpaca, muffalo, camel) can be shorn for wool that can be crafted into apparel.
  • Some animals (muffalo, cow, camel) can be milked.
  • Some animals (chicken, cobra, iguana, tortoise, etc) can now lay eggs. Fertilized eggs will hatch. All eggs can be eaten or cooked.
  • Animals can be pregnant and give birth. Animals are made pregnant when a male approaches and mates with a female. Birth is accompanied by amniotic fluid spray.
  • You can now build animal beds and animal boxes and place animal sleeping spots.
  • Animals all sleep.
  • Animals can have different graphics per gender.
  • Animals have “life stages” related to their ages. Baby animals are tiny and weak, juveniles somewhat larger, and adults are full size.
  • Colony starts with a random pet.
  • Animals can nuzzle colonists, improving their mood.
  • Animals can be named when tamed or when nuzzling. Names are drawn from a large bank of animal names.
  • All organisms including animals have life expectancies and will develop chronic conditions like frailty or cataracts in old age.
  • New incident: Farm Animals Wander In (some tame farm animals wander to and join the colony)
  • New incident: Self Tame (random wild animal on map becomes tame).
  • Doctors will treat animals’ wounds if the animal is in a colony bed.
  • Some animals may attack on a failed taming attempt.
  • Animals produce animal filth, proportional to body size, inversely proportional to petness.
  • Tons of new animal graphics and sounds for new animals.

New animals

Room roles and stats

  • Rooms now have ‘roles’ and stats based on what is inside them. These are automatically-defined values that, in turn, passively affect thoughts and events in the room.
  • Room roles and stats can be inspected with a new inspection tool (bottom right of screen).

Room roles

  • Bedroom
  • Barracks
  • Prison bedroom
  • Prison barracks
  • Dining room
  • Hospital
  • Laboratory
  • Kitchen
  • Rec room
  • Tomb

Room Stats

  • Impressiveness (most important stat; an aggregate of other stats, mostly for pride psychology)
  • Wealth
  • Space
  • Beauty
  • Cleanliness (has a direct effect on medical outcomes)
Room Stat Effects
Traits Related To Room Stats
  • Greedy: Unhappy without a very impressive room.
  • Jealous: Unhappy if anyone has a room noticeably better than him.
  • Ascetic: Unhappy unless he has a very crappy room.


  • Added ‘facilities’ – passive buildings that give bonuses to nearby buildings:
  • Vitals monitor (improves healing in adjacent medical bed)
  • Tool cabinet (improves production at nearby work table)
  • Multi-analyzer (speeds research at nearby research bench)

Ancient artifacts

  • Ancient artifacts with psychic powers can be bought, sold, and found in ancient crypts.
  • Psychic powers work at any range through obstacles.
  • Artifacts are one-use.


Graves and sarcophagi

  • Graves are no longer just glorified storage slots; colonists must actually ‘bury’ corpses.
  • Can now build sarcophagi out of solid materials. High-quality sarcophagi are art items.
  • Colonists will visit graves of dead colonists for a joy activity.

Misc new incidents

  • New incident: Poison ship. A variation on the psychic drone ship that kills plants in an expanding circle.
  • New Flashstorm. A localized, intense lightning storm in one area of the map. Causes big fires.

Interface rework

  • Main tabs like Work, Outfits, World, Factions, etc are now tabs permanently displayed along the bottom of the screen instead of being buried in an Overview window.
  • Some tabs, like Work, will not take more space than they need to given the number of entries (colonists) to display.


  • Added heart attacks. People or animals approaching or past their life expectancy will have a chance of heart attack, which will progress and resolve in a random way. Heart attack is emergency-treatable to improve outcomes.
  • Added hay (animal food only, for getting through winter). Added haygrass (long growing, high yield of hay).
  • Added way to enable/deny medicine in different qualities to any colonist, prisoner, or tame animal, from a the health tab.
  • All furniture is now ‘minifiable’ like televisions and telescopes. This means beds, chairs, etc can be moved without being rebuilt, bought, and sold.
  • New trait: Night owl. Happy when awake at night, sad if awake around midday.
  • New thought: Crowded – In a space with too many people.
  • New installable implant: Painstopper. Prevents all pain, but reduces consciousness permanently.
  • New installable implant: Joywire. Large permanent happiness boost, but reduces consciousness permanently.
  • Furniture can now be art engraved.
  • New floors: gold tile, sterile tile, cream carpet, dark gray carpet.
  • Game start now has a “select random landing site” button if you don’t want to choose.
  • Improvements to trade interface: better layout, expands vertically to use all screen space, increment/decrement buttons and launch/drop all buttons added.
  • Added ‘open’ designator for opening cryptosleep caskets, graves, sarcophagi, and other containers.
  • Manhunter pack incident can use animals besides wargs.
  • Commands are shown if there is at least 1 selected object with this command, instead of requiring all selected things be able to accept the command.
  • Dazed broken pawns will now randomly strip off clothes and drop things.
  • New graphics for squirrel and warg.
  • New graphics for research bench and other buildings.
  • Unskilled or injured growers can fail at harvesting, destroying the harvest for one plant
  • A bunch of new music from Alistair Lindsay.
  • Carrying capacity is now a stat that can change for body size and manipulation capacity.
  • Siegers will never be sent with only melee weapons (too exploitable).
  • Sappers now avoid mining through high-health ores and barriers.
  • Rebalanced crop yields and harvesting challenges so crops require a bit more space.
  • Game will auto-reset mods config on startup crash to try to recover.
  • Tons and tons of bugfixes and other adjustments, refactorings, balancings and tunings.

Recent version (Alpha 11C/11D)

Previous Version: [[Version/1.5.4297"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:
Next Version: [[Version/0.0.232"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:

"Error: Invalid time." contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.

Released on: –

It’s here! This update includes clever new AI strategies including sappers who blast and dig around your defences and raiders who burn crops. I’ve also added a number of incidents, including several long-term atmospheric conditions like volcanic winter and toxic fallout. There is also an array of new traps for players to use, dozens of other new features and hundreds of fixes and small improvements. A full change list is at the end of this post. If you wish, you can also read my day-to-day work log here.

If you own the game, you can get the new version by re-downloading from the link you used before (it is a permanent link and always has the newest version). You should also get an update email from us. Anyone still having trouble should start at this thread. There may be a delay of some hours before your download count resets or your email arrives.


Also note that this build will not load old savegames or old worlds, so please don’t try to load these in the new version. They’ll probably just crash the game.

Release Trailer


Core Release


  • Added new raid type: sappers.
  • Sappers attempt to dig or blast their way around your hardest defensive point. The circumvent ‘killbox’-like strategies.
  • Enemies now flee things that are about to explode
  • Enemies remember trap positions that their faction has encountered before, and avoid them.
  • Raiders opportunistically ignite crops on fire.
  • Pawns can now do ‘job override’ checks to see if a new job should start before ending their current job. These are now used liberally to have pawns respond faster and more intelligently to changing conditions (especially in combat).
  • Pawns check for job override when taking damage. It will no longer be possible to bug out the centipede enemy and kill him at close range while he tries to take a firing position.
  • Enemies no longer take unpowered player turrets as primary targets.
  • Pawns choose sky-gaze, wander, eating and other positions by traversing the region graphic instead of by random coordinate scattering, which solves problems with them taking long paths around long walls.
  • Added deadfall trap: A simple rearmable trap that falls on enemies and damages them.
  • Added IED trap: An artillery shell connected to a trigger that detonates after a short delay.
  • Added incendiary IED trap: Like IED, but sets fires.
New incidents
  • New incident: Toxic fallout. A toxic cloud that lasts for days or weeks. It kills plants, rots food, and slowly poisons people outside. Toxic buildup in characters leads to vomiting, dementia, and eventually death.
  • New incident: Volcanic winter. Lasts weeks or months and significantly reduces temperatures and light levels, leading to poorer harvests.
  • New incident: Manhunter pack. A pack of deadly wargs arrives and stalks the local area for a while before moving on. Fight them or hide inside from them.
  • New incident: Chased refugee. A refugee radios and offers to join the colony if you’ll fight the raiders on his tail.
  • New incident: Psychic sooth. The opposite of a psychic drone.
Allowed areas
  • Assign colonists to allowed areas.
  • Every item and location outside the allowed area is considered forbidden.
Storyteller changes
  • Storytellers will never entirely disallow events because of population.
  • Randy’s event chances are affected by population (somewhat).
  • Re-tuned storyteller population intent based on new output tables for smoother population gain with higher maximum and better recovery at small populations
Ice sheet
  • Ice sheet biome is now playable (though perhaps not survivable).
  • Added strip designator to reduce stripping micromanagement.
  • You can toggle allowing sowing in a growing zone.
  • Doors can be held open.
  • Door locking is now door forbidding (it’s clearer).
  • Added copy/paste functionality for storage zone/building settings.
  • World data now saves into map file to prevent game state confusion with multiple saves on one world.
  • Added new joy activity: build snowman.
  • You can now remove floors to reveal the terrain underneath.
  • You can now perform surgery on guests. Violating surgery will anger their faction.
  • Guests are smarter and no longer walk out of the colony bleeding.
  • Added new hairs donated by Shinzy.
  • Slave trader changed to pirate merchant, can still show up to buy slaves even when your population is high (though they may not carry any).
  • Hundreds more bugfixes, tuning changes, optimizations, and other small improvements.

Alpha 11b

I’ve just released RimWorld Alpha11b! This is a fix-and-adjust build without crazy new features. You can still load saves from Alpha 11 (though they will report some errors on loading and have a few minor issues around load time, they should play fine in the long term).

If you own the game, you can get the new version by re-downloading from the link you used before (it is a permanent link and always has the newest version). Anyone still having trouble should start at the support page. A new email will not be sent for this update.


Mods might become incompatible. I’ve tried to keep the API the same as it was before, but a few places have necessarily changed. Also, since the DLL was recompiled, the ABI might not be identical. This means the functions and variable names are the same, but the compiler might have changed the way the bits and bytes are passed around, causing code compiled against the old DLL to not work properly when it tries to talk to the new DLL. This means:

  • Simple mods (especially those which are purely XML data, images, and sounds without any code) should still work without any changes.
  • Mods with code might work without changes, but there’s a good chance they’ll need to be recompiled against the new DLL.
  • A few mods will actually need to have code changed if they touch parts of the API that I changed.


  • Colonists will now try to avoid pathing outside their allowed area.
  • Open doors equalize temperature faster.
  • Much, much smarter sapper escort AI.
  • Sapper now avoid mining high-health ore while finding tunnelling paths.
  • Reorganized and clean up options menu and graphics settings.
  • Mods config page shows load order of mods.
  • Toxic fallout kills plants much more slowly.
  • Enemies (especially wargs) now ignore unpowered unmanned turrets and mortars.
  • We no longer allow buying back prisoners you just sold as a way to insta-recruit anyone.
  • Can no longer sell rotten items.
  • Treatment result is now indicated with a text mote, not a global message.
  • Adjusted a bunch of sound volumes.
  • Fixed pirate merchants only bringing slaves when population is high. This should be reversed.
  • Reworked how slave prices are calculated so they take injuries, capacities, and skills into account better.
  • Colonists now harvest planted trees on their own.
  • Optimizations to grower work scan algorithms.
  • Cleanup on main menu background image.
  • Smelt slag recipe can use do until you have X.
  • Siegers can never use melee weapons (too exploitable).
  • New sound: warg voices.
  • New sound: treatment.
  • New sound: medicine used successfully.
  • Player-created backstories and translations have been updated.
  • About 150-200 bugfixes – some big, some small.

Alpha 11c/d

Alpha11c is a very small hotfix to Alpha11b that fixes a few serious bugs. All save games and mods should still be compatible.

Update: Now to Alpha11d. This is the same as Alpha11c, but the save game location will be correct on Macs. (I originally built Alpha11c against a slightly old version of Unity from before they changed the save game path).

There will not be a new email sent. You can download using your previous link from your last email. Your personal download link is permanent and always has the latest version. If you need help getting your link, please go to


  • Mitigated a game-killing bug caused by corrupted pawns. The corrupted pawn will now be destroyed instead of causing broken saves and game crashes. I’m still tracing the root cause of this so I can make the game not generate corrupted pawns in the first place.
  • Fixed a stuck-pawn bug caused by wardens trying to recruit downed prisoners and immediately ending their job, over and over.
  • Fixed prisoner config resetting at inappropriate times.
  • Fixed floor smoothing speed being determined by mining skill (it’s now construction).
  • Fixed repeated EMP damage canceling stuns in progress.

Recent version (Alpha 10)

Previous Version: [[Version/1.5.4297"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:
Next Version: [[Version/0.0.232"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:

"Error: Invalid time." contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.

Released on: –

Alpha 10 has arrived! This time we’ve added a new “joy” need with a bunch of ways to fulfil it, new timetable, outfits, and thing filter management tools, and dozens of smaller improvements. A full change list is at the end of this post.

If you own the game, you can get Alpha 10 by re-downloading from the link you used before (it is a permanent link and always has the newest version). You should also get an update email from us. Anyone still having trouble should start at this thread. There may be a delay of some hours before your download count resets or your email arrives.

Also note that this build will not load old savegames or old worlds, so please don’t try to load these in the new version. They’ll probably just crash the game.

Release Trailer

Core Release



  • New joy need added. Colonists want to have “joy”, which means anything that lets the stop working and enjoy themselves for a while.
  • Added joy sources
  • Skygazing
  • Meditating/praying
  • Social relaxation around campfire or table, with or without beer
  • Horseshoes game
  • Chess
  • Billiards
  • Television (purchasable)
  • Telescope for astronomy (purchasable)
  • Added armchair and dining chair
  • There are various kinds of joy. Repeated use of the same kind of joy builds up a tolerance, reducing its impact. Colonists will prefer joy sources they are not already tolerant to. Result: it’s beneficial to provide a variety of joy sources.

Outfits System

  • New outfits manager system added. You can design ‘outfits’ (restrictions on what a colonist is allowed to a wear) and assign them to colonists in a central interface. Colonists will then independently work to find the best apparel possible given their outfit and the current season. They will automatically switch out damaged apparel for better apparel, or poor-quality apparel for high-quality apparel.
  • If the player manually assigns apparel, the colonist will never remove it until the manual assignment is cleared.

Timetable System

  • New timetable system added. You can assign each colonist a daily timetable which describes when they should sleep, work, have joy, or decide on their own.


  • Colonists can fall unconscious on their own if over-exhausted.
  • Reworked how melee verbs are selected so they’ll be selected with a bit more randomness. e.g. Someone with one scyther blade hand won’t use it exclusively; you’ll need to get them two if you want a true killing machine.
  • Beer can now be wielded as a weapon (like wood).
  • Passion flames are now displayed subtly on the work overview screen.
  • New end credits song from Al!
  • Reduced skill degradation rate.
  • Day length extended from 24,000 to 30,000 ticks. Days per month reduced from 12 to 10.
  • Hunters will now approach and execute downed animals at close range.
  • Reworked food search so it smoothly integrates information about food distance, taste, and psychological preference to get the most optimal food source.
  • Health tab now displays overall bleeding rate.
  • Starvation and blood loss are now staged and affect consciousness as they worsen.
  • Reworked how skills generate so there will be more initial skill variation and age affect starting skills more.
  • Rebalanced and reformatted plant ecology tunings to lengthen crop cycles and slow wild plant spread. Reworked plant growth in relation to light levels so plants can still grow slowly in dim light (e.g. tundra summers).
  • Pain now creates unhappiness.
  • String lists are now part of language data and can be translated.
  • Butcher table, sculptor’s table, and stonecutter’s table can now be made of various stuffs.
  • Trees are no longer sowable. Traders carry wood.
  • Characters will now sometimes resist arrest.
  • You can now set a minimum skill level on bills.
  • Visitors will now carry away wounded guests from their faction.
  • Hunted animals will occasionally fight back. Some animals always fight back.
  • Doctors now automatically rescue downed colonists.
  • Generalized toggle power interaction to ‘switch flicking’ and applied it to power switch toggling and door locking as well as building power on/off.
  • Many many other fixes, adjustments, and optimizations.

Alpha 10B

I’ve released a quick hotfix for Alpha 10 that should address some bugs, design mistakes and imbalances in the first released version.

You should get an update email some time today. Or, you can just download from your existing link (as it always gives the latest version).

Save games from Alpha 10 will still work. To install, delete your Alpha 10 install directory and unzip the Alpha 10b files to a clean empty folder (your save data is not stored in the install directory).


  • Substantially increased the speed of joy gain.
  • Door locking is really door forbidding, so it happens instantly again and does not require colonist interaction.
  • Trees are sowable again.
  • The first enemy raider will never flee (makes him easier to capture).
  • Colonist names can now include numerals.
  • Fixed colonist outfit apparel search so colonists with guns will not take personal shields.
  • Improved colonist outfit apparel selection in general.
  • Some other smaller fixes.

Alpha 10C

I’ve released another hotfix addressing some bugs and balance issues. Thank you for being patient with these!

This is a silent hotfix; there will be no update email. Just re-download from your existing link.

Save games from Alpha 10 will still work. To install, delete your old install directory and unzip the new Alpha 10c files to a clean empty folder (your save data is not stored in the install directory).


  • Changes to speed up pacing: reduced building costs, start with more steel, a colonist will join reasonably early (on Cassandra or Phoebe). Recruiting is slightly easier. Joy tolerance is gained slower.
  • You’ll get a letter when an animal goes insane due to taking damage. Also, the chance of this happening is reduced.
  • Colonists will stand away from boomrats while executing them.
  • Joy-related thoughts are broken up more finely and balanced.
  • Planning designation has dark outline for easy visibility.
  • Trees are still sowable, but it takes a lot of time to sow them.
  • Bugfix: Colonists will no longer get stuck if you put a blueprint under a hopper and they try to fill it.
  • Bugfix: Colonists no longer relax socially in prisons.
  • Bugfix: Cooks will no longer make more meals than requested in the “do until you have X” bill repeat mode.
  • Bugfix: Unpowered lamps will no longer start glowing after being destroyed.

Alpha 10D

So I got to have that special moment where you’re looking at some game code and you realize that the game you shipped last week to 75,000 people is totally horribly broken in subtle but game-destroying ways. This is the hotfix to the problem I found and others. Up to now, Alpha 10 has been basically broken.

There were a number of issues but the biggest one was probably the broken enemy fleeing and recruitment code that made it way too hard to get new people.

Sorry about releasing a kind-of broken version. I’m thinking that for Alpha 11 I’ll start doing public unstable builds a week before the stable release. It’s getting really hard to catch all the bugs in the game as it becomes more complex and it takes longer to play.

To update, just use your existing download link; it always gives the latest version. Save games from Alpha 10 will still work. To install, delete your old install directory and unzip the new Alpha 10d files to a clean empty folder (your save data is not stored in the install directory).


  • Fixed and rebalanced prisoner recruiting: Prisoners no longer get cabin fever and no longer have a joy need (until we get support for proper prison complexes). They can be recruited at any mood over 35% (though the chance may be very low).
  • Fixed a units change bug that caused 40% of enemies to flee after taking one hit, and other enemies to never flee. Now the flee properly with individual health thresholds again.
  • Fixed PawnName parsing so pawns with apostrophes in their names will work.
  • Cleaned up and robustified the AI with regards to finding a space to stand next to medical beds. Abolished the “medical bed needs headspace” alert as it’s no longer needed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused colonists to get stuck switching apparel over and over given certain weather conditions and combinations of apparel (they were considering the needed warmth in relation to their own current apparel instead of in relation to their absolute naked needs).
  • Fixed a bug that would crash the UI if colonists hauled a sculpture or TV while the player was selecting an install location.
  • Fixed bug that caused pawns to sometimes teleport to the bottom left corner of the map.
  • Fixed the needs tab not displaying on animals if a human was never previously selected with the needs tab.
  • Fixed a bug that caused colonists to spaz out around the billiards table when they reached full joy instead of just ending the job.
  • Some minor storyteller tuning.
  • Some minor typo fixes in game text.

Alpha 10E

This hotfix was broke for the first few hours of its release, when it was called Alpha10e. If you got it during that time, please re-download the fixed Alpha10f. The fix solves an issue in Alpha10e where rain would never put out fires, leading to the whole map burning down.

This small hotfix cleans up some minor issues that remained in Alpha10d.

To update, just use your existing download link from your last update email – it always gives the latest version. Save games from Alpha 10 will still work. To install, delete your old install directory and unzip the new Alpha 10f files to a clean empty folder (your save data is not stored in the install directory).


  • Reworked apparel optimization AI. Now they very much prefer wearing anything over wearing nothing (so they don’t walk around naked with clothes on the floor), and have a lower threshold of quality difference to replace apparel.
  • Optimized fire significantly so large fires won’t slow down your computer as much.
  • Some very minor fixes.

Complete Version List


0.12.906 (Alpha 12)
0.11.877 (Alpha 11C/11D)
0.11.857 (Alpha 11B)
0.11.834 (Alpha 11)
0.10.785 (Alpha 10)
0.9.722 (Alpha 9)
0.8.657 (Alpha 8)
0.7.581 (Alpha 7)
0.6.532 (Alpha 6)
0.5.496B (Alpha 5D)
0.5.496 (Alpha 5C)
0.5.492B (Alpha 5B)
0.5.492 (Alpha 5)
0.4.460 (Alpha 4)
0.3.410 (Alpha 3)
0.2.363 (Alpha 2)
0.1.334 (Alpha 1)
Internal 0.0.334
Internal 0.0.333
Internal 0.0.332
Internal 0.0.331


Internal 0.0.330B
Internal 0.0.330
Internal 0.0.329
Internal 0.0.328
Internal 0.0.327
Internal 0.0.325
Internal 0.0.324
Internal 0.0.323
Internal 0.0.322
Internal 0.0.321
Internal 0.0.320
Internal 0.0.318
Internal 0.0.317B
Internal 0.0.317
Internal 0.0.314
Internal 0.0.294
0.0.254B (Pre-Alpha Backer 2)
Internal 0.0.254
Internal 0.0.253c
Internal 0.0.253b
Internal 0.0.253
0.0.250 (Pre-Alpha Backer 1)
Internal 0.0.250
Internal 0.0.249a
Internal 0.0.248
Internal 0.0.247
0.0.245 (Pre-Alpha Press Release 2)
Internal 0.0.245
Internal 0.0.243
Internal 0.0.241
Internal 0.0.240
0.0.232 (Pre-Alpha Press Release 1)