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Quests are a class of event where a challenge is performed in order to gain a reward.


Quests are found in the Quests tab. Most quests are offered by a faction, but they can be offered by individual pawns or unaligned AI's. Most quests have to be accepted, but some are automatically given. Some quests have requirements to be accepted, and others have a time limit for acceptance. Quests can be "trashed" by clicking on the trash can icon, but is purely visual and can be reversed (Quests/Historical).

Most quests are time sensitive, and have one or both of these timers:

  • The first timer is the limit to accept the quest. If not accepted, the quest will be rejected.
  • The second timer is the time to do the quest, or alternatively, how long a quest lasts for.

Not all quests have a time limit. The 3 endgame quests in particular (Ship to the Stars, Royal Ascent, Archonexus) can be done at any time.

Without the Royalty DLC, you will receive 1 quest every 10 day interval - quests can spawn from 3 to 19.9 days apart. With the Royalty DLC, you will get 2 quests every 12 day interval, as this DLC introduces many more possible quests.

Quests use the raid points mechanic to determine quest size. In general, the larger the colony, the more difficult and more rewarding quests will be. If a quest actually has a raid or other major threat, then it will be larger than what the usual raids would be. Quests can exceed the usual cap of 10,000 points.

Quests can be from 1 to 3 stars. The 3 endgame quests, exclusively have 4 stars. The more stars, the higher the raid point multiplier.


Rewards vary greatly - from simple plasteel and uranium, to quest-exclusive items like tornado generators and vanometric power cells, to factional goodwill and new colonists. Quests may only have 1 reward, or they can have a pool of 3 rewards to choose from.

Reward preferences can be altered at the bottom of the quest menu. This allows you to choose if you want goodwill or honorContent added by the Royalty DLC from a specific faction. Disabling these rewards means you'll get another pool of rewards to choose from.

Certain pawn join rewards - typically the ones offered by the pawn themselves - will not give detailed information about the pawn themselves. You will be able to see their age and backstory before accepting. For example, a Nurse will always have some amount of Medical skill, but will almost always be incapable of Violence.


Most quests can be failed in a couple of general ways:

  1. Not accepting it / Not completing it in time.
  2. Becoming hostile with the quest giver's faction.
  3. Becoming neutral with an enemy faction you were supposed to fight.

Quests can be failed in other ways, depending on the type of quest. No matter what, if you've gotten the quest reward, then you have the reward.

List of quests

Bandit camp

A faction has contacted you about an outpost of a mutual enemy. Destroy it to be rewarded.

When accepting this quest:

  • An event space generates somewhere near your colony, with enemies inside.
    • Timer starts as soon as the base is generated, and will remain the same regardless of when it is accepted.

As soon as the enemies are "fleeing" (>50% of enemies downed or killed), you will be rewarded at your colony. Plus, the camp itself can generate with some loot.

Downed refugee

A refugee has contacted you for help. They are downed and need your help. As a pawn join event, it will be less common as you gain more people.

When this quest appears:

  • You have a certain time frame to reach the downed refugee. The refugee won't starve or bleed out before you reach the event space.
  • Any specified threats will be present. An unknown threat may appear as you approach the refugee.
  • Generally, the refugee won't have any bleeding wounds at all, meaning you have time to deal with any threats that appear. When rescued, they will gain the +18 Rescued moodlet for 30 days.

Select a colonist, right click on the refugee, and click "offer help" in order to accept them into your colony. You can see the pawn's bio and stats before accepting them. If you don't like the pawn, then you can leave with no penalty.

Item stash

You have been contacted about items nearby your colony.

When this quest appears:

  • You have a certain time frame to reach the item stash.
  • Any specified threats will be present. An unknown threat may appear as you approach the refugee.

Peace talks

An enemy faction is willing to talk. Depending on your negotiator, they may become ease relations, or immediately attack you. This needs a hostile faction that is willing to become allies.

When this quest appears:

  • You have a certain, random time frame to reach the peace talk location. This time is not listed in the quest description. As soon as you reach the event tile, the event will trigger.
  • This quest has various outcomes, increasing or decreasing goodwill. The chance of each outcome is determined randomly, influenced by the Negotiation Ability of the best pawn you set into the caravan.
    • Truimph - Goodwill increases by 50-75, faction leaves a gift of silver.
    • Success - Goodwill increases by 25-75.
    • Flounder - No change in relations.
    • Backfire - Goodwill decreases by 10-50.
    • Disaster - Goodwill decreases by 25-75, immediate attack on caravan party.

Peace talks will train the negotiator's Social skill. Even if peace talks were a "Truimph", the faction may still be hostile to you. You can send gifts to increase goodwill to 0, where they will become neutral. You cannot ever gain goodwill with pirate factions or any faction listed as "hostile" in the Factions screen, so they will never offer you this quest.

Prisoner rescue

A prisoner has called you for help. If you can free them, then they will join the colony. As a pawn join event, it will be less common as you gain more people.

When this quest appears:

  • You have a certain timeframe to reach the prisoner camp. When you arrive, you'll need to defeat all enemies.
  • The prisoner starts with some food in their cell. When rescued, they will gain the +18 Rescued moodlet for 30 days.

In order to recruit the prisoner: first, defeat enemies. Then, claim the prison cell's door, or just destroy the cell's walls. Select a colonist, right click on the prisoner, and click "Free Prisoner". You can see the pawn's bio and stats before accepting them. If you don't like the pawn, then you can leave with no penalty.

Threatened joiner

A pawn is threatened by some sort of mutual enemy. As a pawn join event, it will be less common as you gain more people.

When accepting this quest:

Trade request

A faction base is requesting a special offer. You have a certain amount of time to get to the faction base and deliver the items.

When accepting this quest:

  • You will have to deliver the requested items. All items must be of normal quality or higher, but item HP does not matter.
    • You can't send the items directly via transport pod, but you can transport pod a pawn and the items to the location.
  • A timer starts as soon as you accept this quest. The time limit does not compensate you if you accept the quest early; accepting the quest later is advantageous as it gives more time.

Rewards are received as soon as items are delivered. Item rewards are inserted into the caravan that fulfilled the offer in the first place; make sure you can carry it back.

Ore lump

A long-range mineral scanner has found a lump of ore. You have a certain amount of time to get the ore before others retrieve it. Note: this quest only appears when using the long-range mineral scanner.

When this quest appears:

  • You have a certain timeframe (30 days) to reach the ore lump. You have 10 days to mine the ore before raids start arriving.
  • Any specified threats will be present. An additional unknown threat may appear as you approach the ore lump.

The reward is that you get to mine the minerals you've scanned for. Many minerals are very heavy and need either pack animals or transport pods to bring back.

Resource No. of Tiles Total Yield Total Mass (kg) Market Value
Steel 55 - 60 2200 - 2400 1100 - 1200 4180 - 4560
Plasteel 10 - 15 400 - 600 100 - 150 3600 - 5400
Components 50 - 70 100 - 140 60 - 84 3200 - 4480
Silver 60 - 80 2400 - 3200 16.8 - 22.4 2400 - 3200
Gold 8 - 12 320 - 480 2.5 - 3.8 3200 - 4800
Uranium 15 - 20 600 - 800 600 - 800 3600 - 4800
Jade 20 - 25 700 - 875 350 - 438 3500 - 4375


Royalty intro quests

These quests appear only once, near the start of the game. These offer distinct interaction with the empire faction.

Noble Wimp

Content added by the Royalty DLC A high-ranking noble is being chased by a small, manhunting animal. This quest generally appears after 8-11 days from colony start, but can appear later on or never generate. This quest won't appear if you have under 3 colonists, if you have disabled honor in your Reward Preferences, or if you are in an extreme biome.

When accepting this quest:

  • An empire noble, always with the Wimp trait, joins your colony as a quest lodger. A single manhunter animal - rat, squirrel, or raccoon at largest, will be following them.
  • After 3 hours from accepting the quest, a shuttle will arrive to pick up the noble. The noble can be carried to the shuttle if they are downed.

This quest always gives 8 honor, enough to get a pawn to the Yeoman rank.

Notes: You can arrest the noble wimp, if so desired. The noble will have a massive amount of resistance due to their title (+75 for count), which makes it not worth it.

  • However, with the Ideology DLC, they can be enslavedContent added by the Ideology DLC with much less effort. Slavery removes the conceited work restrictions, and gives an innate mood buff that counters regular noble requirements. Meanwhile, being a wimp makes slave rebellions easy to quell. Slavery can be worth betraying the empire, if the noble has some very desirable psycasts, like Berserk Pulse, Farskip, or Neuroquake.

The Deserter

Content added by the Royalty DLC Somebody has deserted the empire. Accepting them will mean that you'll become enemies with the empire. This quest generally appears after 26-29 days of the colony start, but can appear later on or never generate.

When accepting this quest:

  • The deserter joins you as a colonist. This deserter will be of the "Trooper" pawn type. They will always be capable of violence, and have a Shooting skill between 4 - 10 (before xenotypeContent added by the Biotech DLC).
  • −200 goodwill with the empire. (Goodwill has a cap of -100)
  • You will have to fight the "loyalty squad" from the empire. Due to how early this quest appears, this is likely to be just 1 trooper.
  • An empire outpost will be generated, with 2 psylink neuroformers, along with other camp loot. This goes away after 60 days.

It does not matter what happens to the deserter pawn after you have accepted the quest. You will still have access to the neuroformer camp.


  • There is nothing stopping you from befriending the empire later, by giving them gifts and/or doing quests for goodwill.
  • Can be worth betraying the empire in just for the gear the deserter brings, especially in Naked Brutality. If you're lucky, then the loyalty squad will only be downed, netting you a second pair of trooper gear.

Desperate refugees

Content added by the Royalty DLC Desperate refugees are looking to stay at your colony to rest and regroup.

When accepting this quest:

  • Refugees join as quest lodgers, and will do work. These refugees will never be afiliated with any faction. The higher your current colonist population, the more refugees appear, but the less likely the quest is to generate.
    • Refugees may offer to join the colony. There is no penalty for not accepting this join offer.
    • Refugees may betray you. They will become enemies, pick up any nearby weapons, and attack colonists as if they were raiders. They will never betray you on their own if you get a betrayal offer yourself.
    • Refugees will never betray you if one of them is childContent added by the Biotech DLC and the storyteller setting, Child enemies is turned off.
  • If a refugee is arrested, experienced a harmful surgery, or killed for any reason, then the other refugees will either receive a −12 moodlet, leave your colony (failing the quest), or betray you immediately.
  • If the refugees stay for the full period of time and they leave the map successfully, then you will get a random, wealth-scaled reward in the future.


  • If you really want a refugee to join your colony, then it's best to arrest one of them immediately, to avoid the chance of betrayal and subsequent death. Draft all the other refugees as far away as possible, for when they go hostile.

Betrayal offer

A member of another faction has learned that the refugees are in your faction, and wants them dead.

  • Gain a reward if you kill all members of the refugee group.
    • If a refugee has joined the colony before the betrayal offer, then you don't need to kill them. If a refugee joins afterwards, or is arrested and then recruited, then the quest fails.

Build Monument

Content added by the Royalty DLC A noble, leader, or machine persona has requested you to create a specific mounument.

When accepting this quest:

  • You will immediately receive a monument marker through drop pod.
  • Once the monument marker is installed, you will have to build the monument around the specified timeframe. The marker can be moved if so desired.
  • Once the monument is built, then you will usually have to protect any part of the monument from being destroyed in X days. Otherwise, one of the two things can happen, depending on the quest:
    • Loss of goodwill with the faction, if any.
    • Any major threat other than a raid. These are specified by the quest when it is generated.

You will get the reward when the monument is finished in the required timeframe, no matter what happens to it afterwards.


Title inheritance

Content added by the Royalty DLC If a pawn with a noble title of yeoman and above dies, their designated heir will inherit their title. Their heir is randomly chosen, with extra weight given to the person's then-current spouse. If you want to change this title, you need to go to a comms console and request it.

This is exactly the same as the build monument quest, but the only reward is that the heir is changed. No threat rewards on failure, just goodwill loss.

Ferried bandit camp

Content added by the Royalty DLC An NPC noble wants you to take out a camp of bandits, and will ferry your soldiers there in a shuttle. Identical to a normal bandit camp barring the means of travel.

When accepting this quest:

  • A shuttle will arrive in your colony, requesting a specific amount of soldiers (no more, no less). The location is generally much too far away (~150+ world tiles) to be able to support the team with additional troops normally. Travel time takes only an in-game hour or so in either direction.
  • The soldiers will be fed en route, and are given a generous time limit (several days) to take out the bandit camp.
  • The bandits will typically begin attacking your team of soldiers within a few minutes of landing, even if your soldiers have not attacked them or gotten near them yet.

As soon as the enemies are "fleeing" (>50% of enemies downed or killed), you will be rewarded at your colony. Plus, the camp itself can generate with some loot. ​The same shuttle canferry them back. Nota bene: If honor is chosen as a reward, only a pawn that participated in the attack can be given it.

This quest does not allow you to grab anything back, only your colonists. If for example, you found an interesting hostile that is incapacitated, you can't bring him back. One of a good solution is to have the pawns carry enough material to make Pod launcher, Transport pod and have enough Chemfuel to fuel the pod as far enough as possible. If not, try and launch the pod with a few able colonist inside and bring them back to main base.

Forced Weather

Content added by the Royalty DLC A noble of the empire, or a machine persona from space, is willing to cause a game condition on your colony for a few days.

When accepting this quest:

You will get the reward immediately upon accepting this quest.


  • Don't underestimate weather conditions. Forced rain will lower ranged accuracy and movement speed.
  • Forced fog will prevent the usual rain that appears when a fire gets too big. Wildfires can ravage the whole map, including your base.


Content added by the Royalty DLC A group is asking for you to house someone for a certain amount of time.

When accepting this quest:

  • A pawn or multiple pawns will arrive at your base through drop pod or shuttle. These can be animals, prisoners, or human visitors. You must keep them safe for the duration.
    • If the pawn is a visitor, then you may have to keep their mood above a certain threshold. If average mood is too low for too long, then the quest fails. The quest may also specify they appreciate quality accommodation; keeping average mood > 50% will increase goodwill. [How much?]
    • If a pawn is a noble, then you will need a bedroom suitable for their rank to accept the quest. You will also need another bedroom suitable for any of your own nobles.
    • The pawns may come with blood rot. Blood rot must be treated every day in order to be prevented. If it progresses to 1.00, the pawn dies. A tend quality of 40% or more is required to stop progression. Tends below 40% slow the disease, tends above 40% will reverse the progression of the disease.
    • The pawns may come with paralytic abasia. They will be unable to move.
  • There may be a specified major threat that arrives with the quest. This threat can arrive at any time during the hospitality stay.
    • If there is a major threat, you may come with soldiers under your control. They can die in battle without consequence and will have +12 On Duty moodlet. However, betraying them will lower goodwill as usual.

Pawn Lending

Content added by the Royalty DLC A member of an outlander or empire faction is requesting a pawn from your colony.

  • A shuttle will arrive to pick up specified amount of colonists. The amount requested is dependent on your current colonist count. The pawn must be age 13 or older.
  • The shuttle will return in a specified amount of days. Colonists are usually safe, but if they have a pre-existing condition like the plague, then they can die.

You will get the reward when requested colonists have left the colony.

Rewarded Warfare

Content added by the Royalty DLC A faction is asking you to fight a mutual enemy.

When accepting this quest:

  • A major threat will be triggered in your colony. This can be a manhunter pack, mechanoid cluster, or one or multiple raids.
    • If there are multiple raids in this quest, the listed raid will be the first raid. The other raids will have the same raid points, but not the same composition.
  • You may receive soldiers under your control. They can die in battle without consequence and will have +12 On Duty moodlet. However, betraying them will lower goodwill as usual. They will leave once the threat has been cleared.
  • Soldier names like "janissary" or "cataphract" correspond to their respective raider types. A janissary will be wearing marine armor and come with a high-tech weapon, for instance.

For manhunters and raiders, you'll get the reward once all quest enemies are defeated or left the map. You do not need to actually kill any manhunters, for instance. For mech clusters, the reward appears after the "Mechanoid cluster buildings have been defeated" message appears.

Shuttle Rescue

Content added by the Royalty DLC A shuttle of the empire has crashed and needs to land in your colony, along with the commander, their soldiers, and possible civilians. Raiders of a mutual enemy will come and attack the shuttle group.

When accepting this quest:

  • A crashed shuttle appears on the map. Landing site unaffected by ship landing beacons. The commander and civilians need to be saved. Soldiers do not need to be saved. Every person comes with biocoded weapons. This shuttle can be deconstructed for Plasteel 35, Steel 20, and Component 5, regardless of the outcome.
  • Raiders will come in ~ 4 hours from the shuttle crashing. Raiders have the intent to kill the empire's pawns.
  • The rescue shuttle will arrive within 8 hours of the shuttle crash. Downed people must be carried to the shuttle yourself.
  • −10 goodwill with the empire if the shuttle commander is killed, or otherwise misses the shuttle.
    • Another −10 goodwill if any amount of other occupants misses the shuttle.


  • The shuttle is worth a fair chunk of materials. This quest is often worth it for the shuttle alone.
  • The empire's weapons are all biocoded. The armor isn't, but stripping will penalize goodwill, and death acidifiers prevent post-mortem retrieval.
  • Against small raids, it is likely that the empire's fighters will be able to handle enemies on their own.

Noble Ceremony

Content added by the Royalty DLC Your noble has enough honor for a new title. In order to accept this title, you must have a throne room suitable of their title. The map must be clear of the empire's enemies.

When accepting this quest:

  • A bestower and a squad of janissaries will arrive via shuttle.
  • If the bestower is downed via any means, then they'll drop 2 psylink neuroformers. However, downing will lower goodwill with the empire faction regardless of who did it.
  • Once the bestower has reached the throne room, select your noble pawn, right click the bestower, and the Bestowing Ceremony ritual will begin.

You will get the reward once the bestowing ceremony finishes, regardless of outcome.

The ceremony is considered a ritual and its outcome affects colonist mood. It can also grant extra honor based on ritual quality, regardless of outcome. Quality is determined by participant count and room impressiveness. You can get up to a maximum of 3 honor, at >90% quality.

Ritual Quality 0% 30% 60% 90%
Honor Gained 0 1 2 3


Ancient complex

 You've learned of an ancient complex nearby. It is said to contain information about <RELIC NAME>.  - Self-travel description
 <PAWN NAME>, <PAWN TYPE> of <FACTION NAME>, has discovered an ancient complex a long distance away. He/She believes it contains information about the relic known as <RELIC NAME>.  - Shuttle-travel description

This sub-quest requires you to send your colonist to an abandoned ancient complex map. There is also a variant of the quest whereby a shuttle will take specific number of colonist and immediately taking off once the number of colonist are inside, usually landing at the edge of the map with the complex.

The ancient complex is often littered with derelict structures and desiccated corpses with no information on how long they have been dead for and no decaying health. To conclude the quest, hack all the terminal within the map. If your colonist arrived by shuttle, you can send the colonist back, but only when there are no threat within the map.

The base usually contains an explosive unstable barrel that explodes upon entering, and there are several other things to note by inside the base:

  • Room filled with mostly derelict structure with nothing to gain from smashing it.
  • Room filled with any kind of insects that will attack anyone on sight. They may be initially dormant.
  • Room filled with mechanoids. They may be initially dormant.
  • Room filled with derelict ancient casket. These will always contain hostile ancients. They may immediately open up upon entry.
  • Room similar to the first type, except it will trigger an infestation incident upon entry.

You may run into Hermetic crate (contains any item, including techprints), Security crate (contains equipment), Ancient enemy terminal (calls enemy faction) and Ancient loot beacon (calls a drop beacon of loot from random places, with the chance of triggering a raid at the same time) from any of the room, which can be interacted by the pawns.


Content added by the Ideology DLC Beggars have arrived in your colony, asking for goods. Beggars appear roughly once every 60 days.

When this quest appears:

  • Some beggars will appear on your map. They are always unaffiliated with any faction.
  • They will request a random material that you have, like silver, herbal medicine, or beer. They can request up to Silver 700 silver worth of items. Right click the beggar with the question marks to give them the items.
  • The beggars must leave the map healthy in order for the quest to complete. If a beggar is arrested or killed, you'll get the "Travelers Betrayed" notification.

This quest gives no extrinsic reward, and betraying the beggars has no penalty. However, it interacts with the Charity precept.


  • Beggars can be arrested, and have very low base resistance (4-8 with low population). If you find a beggar with desirable characteristics, don't be hesitant to capture one.

Work site

Content added by the Ideology DLC

Relic hunt

