Agave fruit
Agave fruit
Agave fruit is a vegetable raw food obtained by harvesting wild agave.
Agave fruit is obtained by harvesting sufficiently grown wild agave, which can be found in dry biomes, namely arid shrublands, deserts, and extreme deserts. Each plant yields 10 units per plant, before modifiers for Difficulty and Plant Harvest Yield.
Agave fruit can also be foraged by a caravan when traveling through its habitat in its growing season. It can also be found in cargo pods in the same quantities that rice and corn can be found in.
As a raw food, agave fruit can be be eaten raw, with a flat 2% chance of giving food poisoning, or cooked into a meal with a food poisoning chance dependent on the skill of the cook and the cleanliness of the kitchen. Animals are immune to food poisoning from raw food but not from meals. When used in food recipes that require specific types of nutrition, such as fine meals, agave fruit is classified as a vegetable.
As with most raw food, eating agave fruit directly results in a −7 Ate raw food mood penalty. This mood penalty is negated if the pawn has the ascetic trait or the robust digestion gene.
As a non-plantable food source, a player is mostly likely to acquire agave fruit from harvesting wild plants and foraging on caravans. Ultimately, the unreliability and the inefficiency of these methods compared to traditional farming means that agave won't see a lot of use, but it should still be exploited when stocks are low or pawns are away from home.
Version history[edit]
- 0.2.363 - added