Difference between revisions of "User:JuliaCat/data"

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<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
== Bodies ==
== Bodies ==
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
=== Body Parts ===
=== Body Parts ===
{| {{STDT| sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
{| {{STDT| sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
Line 20,045: Line 20,047:
| -<!-- Other -->
| -<!-- Other -->
== Chemicals ==
== Chemicals ==

Revision as of 16:39, 6 November 2024

Damage Types



Name Addiction Hediff Tolerance Hediff Can Binge Generate Addiction Genes Gene Overdose Chance Factor Resist Gene Overdose Chance Factor Immune Gene Tolerance Buildup Factor Resist Gene Tolerance Buildup Factor Immune On Generated Addicted Tolerance Chance On Generated Addicted Events
Go-juice Go-juice addiction - true true 50% 0% 100% 100% - -

Luciferium Luciferium need - false false N/A N/A N/A N/A - -

Psychite Psychite addiction Psychite tolerance true true 50% 0% 50% 0% 80%

Smokeleaf Smokeleaf dependence Smokeleaf tolerance true true 100% 100% 50% 0% 80% -

Wake-up Wake-up addiction - true true 50% 0% 100% 100% - -

Alcohol Alcohol addiction Alcohol tolerance true true 100% 100% 50% 0% 80%

Ambrosia Ambrosia addiction Ambrosia tolerance true false N/A N/A N/A N/A 80% -



  • developmentalStageFilter = DevelopmentalStage.Child | DevelopmentalStage.Adult;
  • showOnNeedList = true;
  • baseLevel = 0.5f;
  • fallPerDay = 0.5f;
Developmental Stage Filter Show On Need List Base Level Fall Per Day
Child, Adult true 0.5 0.5
Name Description Base Level Fall Per Day Details List Priority
Mood Mood represents how happy or stressed someone is. If mood gets too low, the person may suffer a mental break. Depending on how low their mood is, someone who has a mental break may have a minor breaks like hiding in their room for a day, or a major break like going on a murder spree. 0.32
  • Need Class: Need_Mood
  • <seekerRisePerHour>0.12</seekerRisePerHour>
  • <seekerFallPerHour>0.08</seekerFallPerHour>
  • Show On Need List: false
  • Min Intelligence: Humanlike
  • Major: true
  • Freeze While Sleeping: true
  • Show For Caravan Members: true
  • Developmental Stage Filter: Baby, Child, Adult
Food Food is the amount of nutrition a creature has consumed recently. If it is at zero, a creature will become increasingly malnourished and eventually die.
  • Need Class: Need_Food
  • Major: true
  • Show For Caravan Members: true
  • Developmental Stage Filter: Baby, Child, Adult
  • Show Unit Ticks: true
Sleep Sleep is how much time a creature has spent sleeping recently. If it is at zero, a creature will eventually fall asleep on the spot.
  • Need Class: Need_Rest
  • Major: true
  • Show For Caravan Members: true
  • Developmental Stage Filter: Baby, Child, Adult
Recreation Recreation is the need to have fun. Repeating the same kind of activity makes it less fun, so variety is necessary.
  • Need Class: Need_Joy
  • Min Intelligence: Humanlike
  • Colonists Only: true
  • Never On Prisoner: true
  • Never On Slave: true
  • Major: true
  • Freeze While Sleeping: true
  • Freeze In Mental State: true
  • Developmental Stage Filter: Adult
Beauty Beauty reflects how visually pleasing a person has found their surroundings recently. Beautiful things like art improve beauty when viewed, while ugly things like filth and rough stone surfaces reduce it. 0.4
  • Need Class: Need_Beauty
  • Min Intelligence: Humanlike
  • Colonist And Prisoners Only: true
  • <seekerRisePerHour>0.32</seekerRisePerHour>
  • <seekerFallPerHour>0.08</seekerFallPerHour>
  • Freeze While Sleeping: true
Comfort Comfort is gained by sitting in or sleeping on comfortable furniture. It is acquired while laying in bed, sitting in a chair while working, or other times.
  • Need Class: Need_Comfort
  • Min Intelligence: Humanlike
  • Colonist And Prisoners Only: true
  • <seekerRisePerHour>0.60</seekerRisePerHour>
  • <seekerFallPerHour>0.04</seekerFallPerHour>
  • Nullifying Precepts:
Outdoors Outdoors expresses the need not to be cooped up inside. It is harmed by long periods inside, especially underground. It improves when someone spends time under the sky, especially outdoors. It's not about the size of the rooms, but the need to be outside from time to time. Lack of outdoors time is a significant challenge for people who dwell in underground bases.
  • Need Class: Need_Outdoors
  • Min Intelligence: Humanlike
  • Colonist And Prisoners Only: true
  • Freeze While Sleeping: true
Indoors Indoors expresses the need to be within walls and under a roof. It is harmed by spending time in outdoor areas or not under roofs. To raise this need past 50%, a person must be under an overhead mountain, not just a normal roof.
  • Need Class: Need_Indoors
  • Min Intelligence: Humanlike
  • Colonist And Prisoners Only: true
  • Freeze While Sleeping: true
Chemical Chemical expresses the desire to ingest drugs. When above a certain level it will create good mood, but when below a certain level it will create increasingly bad mood. 0.071
  • Need Class: Need_Chemical_Any
  • Min Intelligence: Humanlike
  • Colonist And Prisoners Only: true
  • Freeze While Sleeping: true
Room size -
  • Need Class: Need_RoomSize
  • Show On Need List: false
  • Min Intelligence: Humanlike
  • Colonist And Prisoners Only: true
  • <seekerRisePerHour>0.90</seekerRisePerHour>
  • <seekerFallPerHour>0.90</seekerFallPerHour>
  • Freeze While Sleeping: true

Go-juice Because of a go-juice addiction, this person needs to regularly consume the drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms. 0.333
  • Need Class: Need_Chemical
  • Only If Caused By Hediff: true
  • Tutor Highlight Tag: NeedAddiction
  • Show For Caravan Members: true

Luciferium This person's body is enhanced by luciferium mechanites.

Without regular doses of luciferium, the mechanites will lose cohesion. If this happens, the user becomes continuously, violently insane and eventually dies.

This addiction never goes away.
  • Need Class: Need_Chemical
  • Developmental Stage Filter: Baby, Child, Adult
  • Only If Caused By Hediff: true
  • Tutor Highlight Tag: NeedAddiction
  • Show For Caravan Members: true

Psychite Because of a psychite addiction, this person needs to regularly consume the drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
  • Need Class: Need_Chemical
  • Only If Caused By Hediff: true
  • Tutor Highlight Tag: NeedAddiction
  • Show For Caravan Members: true

Smokeleaf Because of a smokeleaf dependence, this person needs to regularly consume the drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
  • Need Class: Need_Chemical
  • Only If Caused By Hediff: true
  • Tutor Highlight Tag: NeedAddiction
  • Show For Caravan Members: true

Wake-up Because of a wake-up addiction, this person needs to regularly consume the drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms. 0.333
  • Need Class: Need_Chemical
  • Only If Caused By Hediff: true
  • Tutor Highlight Tag: NeedAddiction
  • Show For Caravan Members: true

Alcohol Because of an alcohol addiction, this person needs to regularly consume alcohol to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
  • Need Class: Need_Chemical
  • Only If Caused By Hediff: true
  • Tutor Highlight Tag: NeedAddiction
  • Show For Caravan Members: true

Ambrosia Because of an ambrosia addiction, this person needs to regularly consume ambrosia to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
  • Need Class: Need_Chemical
  • Only If Caused By Hediff: true
  • Tutor Highlight Tag: NeedAddiction
  • Show For Caravan Members: true

Authority dummy need
  • Need Class: Need_Authority
  • This is a temporary dummy need to suppress errors when loading older saves.

    — XML comment,  RimWorld

Suppression - 0.5 0 -

Deathrest People with the deathrest gene must deathrest every few days or quadrums. Deathresting means entering a regenerative coma for several days, during which the rester appears dead.

A variety of special buildings can connect to a deathresting person and give them bonuses upon waking.

Going too long without deathrest will cause deathrest exhaustion, which massively degrades a person's physical capacities.
  • Need Class: Need_Deathrest
  • Major: true
  • Min Intelligence: ToolUser
  • Only If Caused By Gene: true
Kill satiety Kill satiety fulfills a built-in desire to do violence at close range to human victims. If it isn't satiated, the person will become very unhappy. 0
  • Need Class: Need_KillThirst
  • Min Intelligence: ToolUser
  • Colonist And Prisoners Only: true
  • Only If Caused By Gene: true
Learning Children need new lessons and experiences to grow up well, and will become unhappy without them.

Children will only do learning activities when their schedule is set to Recreation or Anything.

Activities that fulfill a child's desire to learn include:

A satisfied learning need helps children gain growth tiers faster, giving them more passions and choices during growth moments.
  • Need Class: Need_Learning
  • Developmental Stage Filter: Child
  • Colonists Only: true
  • Major: true
Play Babies need to be played with by adults. If they aren't played with, they will become unhappy.
  • Need Class: Need_Play
  • Developmental Stage Filter: Baby
  • Colonist And Prisoners Only: true
  • Major: true
Energy A reserve of bioelectric energy needed for a mechanoid to function. It can be recharged at a charging station. If it reaches zero, the mech will go into dormant self-charging mode and recharge very slowly.
  • Need Class: Need_MechEnergy
  • Show On Need List: true
  • Min Intelligence: ToolUser
  • Player Mechs Only: true
  • Freeze While Sleeping: true
  • Show For Caravan Members: true
  • Major: true


// Token: 0x040045F3 RID: 17907 private const float GUIArrowTolerance = 0.05f;


// Token: 0x040045B5 RID: 17845 public ThoughtHandler thoughts;

// Token: 0x040045B6 RID: 17846 public PawnObserver observer;

// Token: 0x040045B7 RID: 17847 public PawnRecentMemory recentMemory;

// Token: 0x040045B8 RID: 17848 private int lastInstantMoodCheckTick = -9999;

// Token: 0x040045B9 RID: 17849 private float lastInstantMood = -1f;


// Token: 0x04004571 RID: 17777 public int lastNonStarvingTick = -99999;

// Token: 0x04004572 RID: 17778 public const float BaseFoodFallPerTick = 2.66666666E-05f;

// Token: 0x04004573 RID: 17779 private const float BaseMalnutritionSeverityPerDay = 0.453f;

// Token: 0x04004574 RID: 17780 private const float BaseMalnutritionSeverityPerInterval = 0.0011325f;

// Token: 0x04004575 RID: 17781 private CompHoldingPlatformTarget platformComp;


// Token: 0x040045DC RID: 17884 private int lastRestTick = -999;

// Token: 0x040045DD RID: 17885 private float lastRestEffectiveness = 1f;

// Token: 0x040045DE RID: 17886 private int ticksAtZero;

// Token: 0x040045DF RID: 17887 private const float FullSleepHours = 10.5f;

// Token: 0x040045E0 RID: 17888 public const float BaseRestGainPerTick = 3.809524E-05f;

// Token: 0x040045E1 RID: 17889 private const float BaseRestFallPerTick = 1.58333332E-05f;

// Token: 0x040045E2 RID: 17890 public const float ThreshTired = 0.28f;

// Token: 0x040045E3 RID: 17891 public const float ThreshVeryTired = 0.14f;

// Token: 0x040045E4 RID: 17892 public const float DefaultFallAsleepMaxLevel = 0.75f;

// Token: 0x040045E5 RID: 17893 public const float DefaultNaturalWakeThreshold = 1f;

// Token: 0x040045E6 RID: 17894 public const float CanWakeThreshold = 0.2f;

// Token: 0x040045E7 RID: 17895 private const float BaseInvoluntarySleepMTBDays = 0.25f;


// Token: 0x0400459A RID: 17818 public JoyToleranceSet tolerances = new JoyToleranceSet();

// Token: 0x0400459B RID: 17819 private int lastGainTick = -999;


// Token: 0x04004536 RID: 17718 private const float BeautyImpactFactor = 0.1f;

// Token: 0x04004537 RID: 17719 private const float ThreshVeryUgly = 0.01f;

// Token: 0x04004538 RID: 17720 private const float ThreshUgly = 0.15f;

// Token: 0x04004539 RID: 17721 private const float ThreshNeutral = 0.35f;

// Token: 0x0400453A RID: 17722 private const float ThreshPretty = 0.65f;

// Token: 0x0400453B RID: 17723 private const float ThreshVeryPretty = 0.85f;

// Token: 0x0400453C RID: 17724 private const float ThreshBeautiful = 0.99f;

// Token: 0x0400453D RID: 17725 private int lastInstantBeautyCheckTick = -9999;

// Token: 0x0400453E RID: 17726 private float lastInstantBeauty = -1f;


// Token: 0x0400455B RID: 17755 public float lastComfortUsed;

// Token: 0x0400455C RID: 17756 public int lastComfortUseTick;

// Token: 0x0400455D RID: 17757 private const float MinNormal = 0.1f;

// Token: 0x0400455E RID: 17758 private const float MinComfortable = 0.6f;

// Token: 0x0400455F RID: 17759 private const float MinVeryComfortable = 0.7f;

// Token: 0x04004560 RID: 17760 private const float MinExtremelyComfortablee = 0.8f;

// Token: 0x04004561 RID: 17761 private const float MinLuxuriantlyComfortable = 0.9f;

// Token: 0x04004562 RID: 17762 public const int ComfortUseInterval = 10;


// Token: 0x040045C1 RID: 17857 private const float Delta_IndoorsThickRoof = -0.45f;

// Token: 0x040045C2 RID: 17858 private const float Delta_OutdoorsThickRoof = -0.4f;

// Token: 0x040045C3 RID: 17859 private const float Delta_IndoorsThinRoof = -0.32f;

// Token: 0x040045C4 RID: 17860 private const float Minimum_IndoorsThinRoof = 0.2f;

// Token: 0x040045C5 RID: 17861 private const float Delta_OutdoorsThinRoof = 1f;

// Token: 0x040045C6 RID: 17862 private const float Delta_IndoorsNoRoof = 5f;

// Token: 0x040045C7 RID: 17863 private const float Delta_OutdoorsNoRoof = 8f;

// Token: 0x040045C8 RID: 17864 private const float DeltaFactor_InBed = 0.2f;

// Token: 0x040045C9 RID: 17865 private float lastEffectiveDelta;


// Token: 0x0400457D RID: 17789 private static readonly float[] Thresholds = new float[] { 0.8f, 0.6f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.05f };

// Token: 0x0400457E RID: 17790 private const float Max_NotUnderThickRoof = 0.5f;

// Token: 0x0400457F RID: 17791 private const float Delta_Indoors_ThickRoof = 2f;

// Token: 0x04004580 RID: 17792 private const float Delta_Indoors_ThinRoof = 1f;

// Token: 0x04004581 RID: 17793 private const float Delta_Indoors_NoRoof = 0f;

// Token: 0x04004582 RID: 17794 private const float Delta_Outdoors_ThickRoof = 0f;

// Token: 0x04004583 RID: 17795 private const float Delta_Outdoors_ThinRoof = -0.25f;

// Token: 0x04004584 RID: 17796 private const float Delta_Outdoors_NoRoof = -0.25f;

// Token: 0x04004585 RID: 17797 private const float Delta_NotUnderThickRoofOverThreshold = -0.5f;

// Token: 0x04004586 RID: 17798 private float lastEffectiveDelta;


Fall Per Tick Factor = Fall Per Tick Factor Base × Fall Curve

Fall Per Need Interval Tick = Fall Per Day × (Fall Per Tick Factor / Ticks in a Day) × Need Update Interval

Fall Per Need Interval Tick = 0.071 × (Fall Per Tick Factor / 60000) × 150

Mood Threshold
Extremely Negative 0.01
Very Negative 0.15
Negative 0.3
Positive 0.6
Very Positive 0.75
      • Mood Buff For Current Level:
Current Level Mood Buff
≤ 0.01 Extremely Negative
≤ 0.15 Very Negative
≤ 0.3 Negative
≤ 0.6 Neutral
≤ 0.75 Positive
> 0.75 Very Positive
      • Fall Curve:
Current Level Need Fall
0 0.3
0.4 0.6
0.401 1
0.7 1
1 1
Mood Threshold
Extremely Negative 0.1
Very Negative 0.25
Negative 0.4
Positive 0.7
Very Positive 0.85
      • Mood Buff For Current Level:
Current Level Mood Buff
≤ 0.1 Extremely Negative
≤ 0.25 Very Negative
≤ 0.4 Negative
≤ 0.7 Neutral
≤ 0.85 Positive
> 0.85 Very Positive
      • Fall Curve:
Current Level Need Fall
0 0.4
0.4 0.7
0.401 1
0.7 1
1 1.15

// Token: 0x0400454A RID: 17738 public const int InterestTraitDegree = 1;

// Token: 0x0400454B RID: 17739 public const int FascinationTraitDegree = 2;

// Token: 0x0400454C RID: 17740 private const float FallPerTickFactorForChemicalFascination = 1.25f;

// Token: 0x0400454D RID: 17741 public const float GainForHardDrugIngestion = 0.3f;

// Token: 0x0400454E RID: 17742 public const float GainForSocialDrugIngestion = 0.2f;

// Token: 0x0400454F RID: 17743 private static readonly SimpleCurve InterestDegreeFallCurve = new SimpleCurve { { new CurvePoint(0f, 0.3f), true }, { new CurvePoint(Need_Chemical_Any.FascinationDegreeLevelThresholdsForMood.negative, 0.6f), true }, { new CurvePoint(Need_Chemical_Any.FascinationDegreeLevelThresholdsForMood.negative + 0.001f, 1f), true }, { new CurvePoint(Need_Chemical_Any.FascinationDegreeLevelThresholdsForMood.positive, 1f), true }, { new CurvePoint(1f, 1f), true } };

// Token: 0x04004550 RID: 17744 private static readonly SimpleCurve FascinationDegreeFallCurve = new SimpleCurve { { new CurvePoint(0f, 0.4f), true }, { new CurvePoint(Need_Chemical_Any.FascinationDegreeLevelThresholdsForMood.negative, 0.7f), true }, { new CurvePoint(Need_Chemical_Any.FascinationDegreeLevelThresholdsForMood.negative + 0.001f, 1f), true }, { new CurvePoint(Need_Chemical_Any.FascinationDegreeLevelThresholdsForMood.positive, 1f), true }, { new CurvePoint(1f, 1.15f), true } };

// Token: 0x04004551 RID: 17745 private static readonly Need_Chemical_Any.LevelThresholds FascinationDegreeLevelThresholdsForMood = new Need_Chemical_Any.LevelThresholds { extremelyNegative = 0.1f, veryNegative = 0.25f, negative = 0.4f, positive = 0.7f, veryPositive = 0.85f };

// Token: 0x04004552 RID: 17746 private static readonly Need_Chemical_Any.LevelThresholds InterestDegreeLevelThresholdsForMood = new Need_Chemical_Any.LevelThresholds { extremelyNegative = 0.01f, veryNegative = 0.15f, negative = 0.3f, positive = 0.6f, veryPositive = 0.75f };

// Token: 0x04004553 RID: 17747 private Trait lastThresholdUpdateTraitRef;

// Token: 0x02002E19 RID: 11801 public enum MoodBuff { // Token: 0x0400B407 RID: 46087 ExtremelyNegative, // Token: 0x0400B408 RID: 46088 VeryNegative, // Token: 0x0400B409 RID: 46089 Negative, // Token: 0x0400B40A RID: 46090 Neutral, // Token: 0x0400B40B RID: 46091 Positive, // Token: 0x0400B40C RID: 46092 VeryPositive }

// Token: 0x02002E1A RID: 11802 public struct LevelThresholds { // Token: 0x0400B40D RID: 46093 public float extremelyNegative;

// Token: 0x0400B40E RID: 46094 public float veryNegative;

// Token: 0x0400B40F RID: 46095 public float negative;

// Token: 0x0400B410 RID: 46096 public float positive;

// Token: 0x0400B411 RID: 46097 public float veryPositive; }


// Token: 0x040045ED RID: 17901 private static List<Room> tempScanRooms = new List<Room>();

// Token: 0x040045EE RID: 17902 private const float MinCramped = 0.01f;

// Token: 0x040045EF RID: 17903 private const float MinNormal = 0.3f;

// Token: 0x040045F0 RID: 17904 private const float MinSpacious = 0.7f;

// Token: 0x040045F1 RID: 17905 public static readonly int SampleNumCells = GenRadial.NumCellsInRadius(7.9f);

// Token: 0x040045F2 RID: 17906 private static readonly SimpleCurve RoomCellCountSpaceCurve = new SimpleCurve { { new CurvePoint(3f, 0f), true }, { new CurvePoint(9f, 0.25f), true }, { new CurvePoint(16f, 0.5f), true }, { new CurvePoint(42f, 0.71f), true }, { new CurvePoint(100f, 1f), true } };


Drug Desire Category:

  • Withdrawal
  • Desire
  • Satisfied

If CurLevel > 0.1: Satisfied If CurLevel > 0.01: Desire Else: Withdrawal

ChemicalFallPerTick = fallPerDay / 60000

Need Interval

  • CurLevel -= this.ChemicalFallPerTick * 150


  • 0.1

Initial Level: 0.8~1

// Token: 0x04004548 RID: 17736 private const float ThreshDesire = 0.01f;

// Token: 0x04004549 RID: 17737 private const float ThreshSatisfied = 0.1f;


// Token: 0x0400452B RID: 17707 public const float LevelGainPerDayOfReigning = 2f;

// Token: 0x0400452C RID: 17708 public const float LevelGainPerDayOfGivingSpeech = 3f;

// Token: 0x0400452D RID: 17709 private readonly SimpleCurve FallFactorCurve = new SimpleCurve { { new CurvePoint(1f, 0f), true }, { new CurvePoint(3f, 0.5f), true }, { new CurvePoint(5f, 1f), true } };


Can be suppressed now when CurLevel < 0.7

Is high when CurLevel < 0.3

Need Interval

// Token: 0x040045F4 RID: 17908 private const float CanSuppressMaxThreshold = 0.7f;

// Token: 0x040045F5 RID: 17909 private const float SuppressCriticalThreshold = 0.3f;


// Token: 0x04004563 RID: 17763 public int lastDeathrestTick = -999;

// Token: 0x04004564 RID: 17764 [Unsaved(false)] private Gene_Deathrest cachedDeathrestGene;

// Token: 0x04004565 RID: 17765 public const float LevelForAlert = 0.1f;

// Token: 0x04004566 RID: 17766 public const float FallPerDay = 0.0333333351f;

// Token: 0x04004567 RID: 17767 public const float GainPerDayDeathresting = 0.2f;

// Token: 0x04004568 RID: 17768 private const float Interval = 400f;

// Token: 0x04004569 RID: 17769 public const float HemogenGainPerDayDeathrest = 0.08f;


Is Frozen when biological pawn age < 13 or IsFrozen = true

Show On Needs List when pawn biological age ≥ 13 and ShowOnNeedsList = true


  • 0.3

Need Interval

  • CurLevel -= 8.333333E-05

Do Kill Side Effects

  • If there is an associated weapon body part group, weapon linked hediff, or weapon is a melee weapon:
  • CurLevel = 1

// Token: 0x0400459C RID: 17820 public const float FallPerDay = 0.0333333351f;

// Token: 0x0400459D RID: 17821 private const float MinAgeForNeed = 13f;


IsFrozen when deathresting

Learning Categories:

  • Empty
  • Very Low
  • Low
  • Satisfied
  • High
  • Extreme

Current Category:

Current Level Play Category
< 0.01 Empty
< 0.15 Very Low
< 0.3 Low
< 0.7 Satisfied
< 0.85 High
≥ 0.85 Extreme


  • 0.15
  • 0.3
  • 0.7
  • 0.85

Need Interval:

  • CurLevel -= 0.000450000021
  • growthPoints += GrowthPointsPerDay * 0.0025

// Token: 0x040045A5 RID: 17829 private static string learningActivitiesLineList;

// Token: 0x040045A6 RID: 17830 public const float BaseFallPerTick = 3E-06f;

// Token: 0x040045A7 RID: 17831 public const float BaseFallPerInterval = 0.000450000021f;

// Token: 0x040045A8 RID: 17832 public const float ThresholdEmpty = 0.01f;

// Token: 0x040045A9 RID: 17833 public const float ThresholdLow = 0.15f;

// Token: 0x040045AA RID: 17834 public const float ThresholdSatisfied = 0.3f;

// Token: 0x040045AB RID: 17835 public const float ThresholdHigh = 0.7f;

// Token: 0x040045AC RID: 17836 public const float ThresholdVeryHigh = 0.85f;

// Token: 0x040045AD RID: 17837 public const float IconSize = 30f;

// Token: 0x040045AE RID: 17838 public const float IconPad = 5f;

LearningUtility: // Token: 0x04002B2E RID: 11054 public const float NeedSatisfiedPerTick = 1.2E-05f;

// Token: 0x04002B2F RID: 11055 public const float StartJobMaxLearning = 0.9f;

// Token: 0x04002B30 RID: 11056 private const float EndJobMaxLearning = 0.999f;

// Token: 0x04002B31 RID: 11057 public const float LearningRateBonusOffset_Blackboard = 0.2f;

// Token: 0x04002B32 RID: 11058 public const int MaxConnectedBlackboards = 3;

Learning Desires

Def Name Label Description Worker Class Icon Job Def Selection Weight XP Per Tick
Skydreaming sky dreaming Find a spot outside and watch the sky. Requires access to the outdoors. LearningGiver_Skydreaming Sky dreaming learning.png Skydreaming 1 -
Radiotalking radio talking Chat with people over the radio. Requires a powered comms console. LearningGiver_Radiotalking Radio talking learning.png Radiotalking 1 -
Floordrawing floor drawing Draw designs on the ground using chalk. A cleaner will eventually remove the drawings. LearningGiver_Floordrawing Floor drawing learning.png Floordrawing 1 -
NatureRunning nature running Explore the local outdoors. Requires access to the outdoors. LearningGiver_NatureRunning Nature running learning.png NatureRunning 1 -
Workwatching work watching Follow an adult and watch them as they work. This gives experience in skills. LearningGiver_Workwatching Work watching learning.png Workwatching 1 0.16
Lessontaking lesson taking An adult assigned to childcare will teach about various topics. This gives experience in skills. Requires a school desk. LearningGiver_Lessontaking Lesson taking learning.png Lessontaking 2.5 0.25
Reading reading Find a book and practice reading. LearningGiver_Reading Reading learning.png Reading 1 -


Is low when current level percentage < 0.15

Play Categories:

  • Empty
  • Very Low
  • Low
  • Satisfied
  • High
  • Extreme

Current Category:

Current Level Play Category
< 0.01 Empty
< 0.15 Very Low
< 0.3 Low
< 0.7 Satisfied
< 0.85 High
≥ 0.88 Extreme


  • 0.15
  • 0.3
  • 0.7
  • 0.85

Need Interval:

  • CurLevel -= 0.00025

// Token: 0x040045D1 RID: 17873 public const float BaseFallPerInterval = 0.00025f;

// Token: 0x040045D2 RID: 17874 public const float ThresholdEmpty = 0.01f;

// Token: 0x040045D3 RID: 17875 public const float ThresholdLow = 0.15f;

// Token: 0x040045D4 RID: 17876 public const float ThresholdSatisfied = 0.3f;

// Token: 0x040045D5 RID: 17877 public const float ThresholdHigh = 0.7f;

// Token: 0x040045D6 RID: 17878 public const float ThresholdVeryHigh = 0.85f;


// Token: 0x04002B43 RID: 11075 private const float PlayPerTick = 0.0002f;

// Token: 0x04002B44 RID: 11076 private const float EndJobMaxPlay = 0.99f;

// Token: 0x04002B45 RID: 11077 private const float MaxBabyDecorationDistance = 9.9f;



  • Max Mech Energy: 100

Base Fall Per Day:

  • While Active: 10
  • While idle or gestating: 3

Fall Per Day: If Pawn is downed, not awake, is in self shutdown, is charging, or is caravan member: Fall Per Day = 0

Fall Per Day = Base Fall Per Day × Energy Usage Multiplier

Need Update Interval = 150

Ticks in a Day = 60,000

Therefore, there are 400 Need Update Intervals in a day

Need Interval

  • num = 400

If not in self shutdown:

  • CurLevel -= Fall Per Day / num

If in self shutdown:

  • CurLevel += 1 / num

If Curlevel ≤ 0:

If Curlevel ≤ 15 or mech is charging:

// Token: 0x040045AF RID: 17839 private bool selfShutdown;

// Token: 0x040045B0 RID: 17840 public Building_MechCharger currentCharger;

// Token: 0x040045B1 RID: 17841 public const float BaseFallPerDayActive = 10f;

// Token: 0x040045B2 RID: 17842 public const float BaseFallPerDayIdle = 3f;

// Token: 0x040045B3 RID: 17843 public const float BaseGainPerDaySelfShutdown = 1f;

// Token: 0x040045B4 RID: 17844 public const float ShutdownUntil = 15f;


≤ ≥


Debug Outputs




Body Part Tag Groups



Ostrich, Emu, Cassowary, Chicken, Duck, Goose

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 20% 20% 5% Outside Top
Head 25 75% 15% 3.1% Outside Top
Skull 25 30% 4.5% 1.8% Inside Top
Brain 10 60% 2.7% 2.7% Inside Top
Eye 10 12% 1.8% 1.8% Outside Top
Eye 10 12% 1.8% 1.8% Outside Top
Beak 20 25% 3.8% 3.8% Outside Top
Body 40 100% 100% 19% Outside Middle
Tail 10 10% 10% 10% Outside Middle
Spine 25 5% 5% 5% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
Lung 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 5% 5% 5% Inside Middle
Leg 30 10% 10% 5% Outside Bottom
Foot 25 50% 5% 5% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 10% 10% 5% Outside Bottom
Foot 25 50% 5% 5% Outside Bottom



defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Pronotum 20 18% 18% 6.3% Outside Top
InsectHead 30 65% 12% 1.5% Outside Top
Brain 10 20% 2.3% 2.3% Inside Top
Eye 10 15% 1.8% 1.8% Outside Top
Eye 10 15% 1.8% 1.8% Outside Top
Antenna 10 10% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
Antenna 10 10% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
InsectNostril 10 7% 0.82% 0.82% Outside Top
InsectMouth 10 10% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
Shell 30 100% 100% 28% Outside Middle
Elytra 30 5% 5% 5% Outside Middle
Elytra 30 5% 5% 5% Outside Middle
Stomach 20 5% 5% 5% Inside Middle
InsectHeart 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
InsectLeg 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom
InsectLeg 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom
InsectLeg 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom
InsectLeg 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom
InsectLeg 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom
InsectLeg 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom


Spelopede, Megaspider

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Pronotum 20 18% 18% 6.3% Outside Top
InsectHead 30 65% 12% 1.3% Outside Top
Brain 10 20% 2.3% 2.3% Inside Top
Eye 10 12% 1.4% 1.4% Outside Top
Eye 10 12% 1.4% 1.4% Outside Top
Antenna 10 8% 0.94% 0.94% Outside Top
Antenna 10 8% 0.94% 0.94% Outside Top
InsectNostril 10 6% 0.7% 0.7% Outside Top
InsectMouth 10 8% 0.94% 0.94% Outside Top
HeadClaw 15 15% 1.8% 1.8% Outside Top
Shell 30 100% 100% 28% Outside Middle
Elytra 30 5% 5% 5% Outside Middle
Elytra 30 5% 5% 5% Outside Middle
Stomach 20 5% 5% 5% Inside Middle
InsectHeart 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
InsectLeg 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom
InsectLeg 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom
InsectLeg 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom
InsectLeg 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom
InsectLeg 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom
InsectLeg 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom


Grizzly bear, Polar bear, Capybara, Rat, Boomrat, Raccoon, Waste rat Content added by the Biotech DLC, Chimera Content added by the Anomaly DLC

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 22% 22% 5.5% Outside Top
Head 25 75% 16% 2.5% Outside Top
Skull 25 25% 4.1% 1.2% Inside Top
Brain 10 70% 2.9% 2.9% Inside Top
Eye 10 12% 2% 2% Outside Top
Eye 10 12% 2% 2% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 1.3% 1.3% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 1.3% 1.3% Outside Top
Nose 10 10% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
AnimalJaw 10 10% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
Body 40 100% 100% 26% Outside Middle
Spine 25 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
Paw 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
Paw 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
Paw 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
Paw 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom


Cougar, Panther, Lynx, Cat, Yorkshire terrier, Guinea pig, Labrador retriever, Husky, Hare, Snowhare, Alphabeaver, Chinchilla, Megasloth, Squirrel, Warg, Timber wolf, Arctic wolf, Fennec fox, Red fox, Arctic fox, Immature dryad Content added by the Ideology DLC, Woodmaker dryad Content added by the Ideology DLC, Berrymaker dryad Content added by the Ideology DLC, Medicinemaker dryad Content added by the Ideology DLC, Gaumaker dryad Content added by the Ideology DLC, Carrier dryad Content added by the Ideology DLC, Clawer dryad Content added by the Ideology DLC, Barkskin dryad Content added by the Ideology DLC

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 20% 20% 5% Outside Top
Head 25 75% 15% 2.3% Outside Top
Skull 25 25% 3.8% 1.1% Inside Top
Brain 10 70% 2.6% 2.6% Inside Top
Eye 10 12% 1.8% 1.8% Outside Top
Eye 10 12% 1.8% 1.8% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
Nose 10 10% 1.5% 1.5% Outside Top
AnimalJaw 10 10% 1.5% 1.5% Outside Top
Body 40 100% 100% 21% Outside Middle
Tail 10 7% 7% 7% Outside Middle
Spine 25 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
Paw 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
Paw 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
Paw 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
Paw 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom


Cow, Muffalo, Bison, Goat, Elk, Yak, Caribou, Horse, Donkey, Pig, Ibex, Deer, Gazelle, Sheep, Alpaca

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 22% 22% 5.5% Outside Top
Head 25 75% 16% 2.5% Outside Top
Skull 25 25% 4.1% 1.2% Inside Top
Brain 10 70% 2.9% 2.9% Inside Top
Eye 10 12% 2% 2% Outside Top
Eye 10 12% 2% 2% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 1.3% 1.3% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 1.3% 1.3% Outside Top
Nose 10 10% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
AnimalJaw 10 10% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
Body 40 100% 100% 26% Outside Middle
Spine 25 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom


Boomalope, Dromedary, Toxalope Content added by the Biotech DLC

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Hump 20 10% 10% 10% Outside Top
Neck 25 18% 18% 4.5% Outside Top
Head 25 75% 14% 2% Outside Top
Skull 25 25% 3.4% 1% Inside Top
Brain 10 70% 2.4% 2.4% Inside Top
Eye 10 12% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
Eye 10 12% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Top
Nose 10 10% 1.4% 1.4% Outside Top
AnimalJaw 10 10% 1.4% 1.4% Outside Top
Body 40 100% 100% 22% Outside Middle
Spine 25 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.98% 0.98% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.98% 0.98% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.98% 0.98% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.98% 0.98% Outside Bottom


Wild boar

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 26% 26% 5.2% Outside Top
Head 25 80% 21% 2.9% Outside Top
Skull 25 20% 4.2% 1.2% Inside Top
Brain 10 70% 2.9% 2.9% Inside Top
Eye 10 9% 1.9% 1.9% Outside Top
Eye 10 9% 1.9% 1.9% Outside Top
Ear 12 6% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
Ear 12 6% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
Nose 10 6% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
AnimalJaw 10 30% 6.2% 1.2% Outside Top
Tusk 20 40% 2.5% 2.5% Outside Top
Tusk 20 40% 2.5% 2.5% Outside Top
Body 40 100% 100% 24% Outside Middle
Spine 25 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.98% 0.98% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.98% 0.98% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.98% 0.98% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.98% 0.98% Outside Bottom



defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 32% 32% 6.4% Outside Top
Head 25 80% 26% 1.3% Outside Top
Skull 25 15% 3.8% 1.2% Inside Top
Brain 10 70% 2.7% 2.7% Inside Top
Eye 10 6% 1.5% 1.5% Outside Top
Eye 10 6% 1.5% 1.5% Outside Top
Ear 12 6% 1.5% 1.5% Outside Top
Ear 12 6% 1.5% 1.5% Outside Top
Trunk 15 28% 7.2% 7.2% Outside Top
AnimalJaw 10 28% 7.2% 1.4% Outside Top
Tusk 20 40% 2.9% 2.9% Outside Top
Tusk 20 40% 2.9% 2.9% Outside Top
Body 40 100% 100% 20% Outside Middle
Spine 25 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Leg 30 6% 6% 5.1% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.9% 0.9% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6% 6% 5.1% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.9% 0.9% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6% 6% 5.1% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.9% 0.9% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6% 6% 5.1% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.9% 0.9% Outside Bottom


Rhinoceros, Thrumbo

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 28% 28% 7% Outside Top
Head 25 75% 21% 2.1% Outside Top
Skull 25 15% 3.2% 0.95% Inside Top
Brain 10 70% 2.2% 2.2% Inside Top
Eye 10 9% 1.9% 1.9% Outside Top
Eye 10 9% 1.9% 1.9% Outside Top
Ear 12 6% 1.3% 1.3% Outside Top
Ear 12 6% 1.3% 1.3% Outside Top
Nose 10 35% 7.3% 1.1% Outside Top
Horn 20 85% 6.2% 6.2% Outside Top
AnimalJaw 10 10% 2.1% 2.1% Outside Top
Body 40 100% 100% 22% Outside Middle
Spine 25 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.98% 0.98% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.98% 0.98% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.98% 0.98% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% Outside Bottom
Hoof 10 15% 0.98% 0.98% Outside Bottom



defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 24% 24% 6% Outside Top
Head 25 75% 18% 2.2% Outside Top
Skull 25 24% 4.3% 1.3% Inside Top
Brain 10 70% 3% 3% Inside Top
Eye 10 9% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
Eye 10 9% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 1.4% 1.4% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 1.4% 1.4% Outside Top
Nose 10 10% 1.8% 1.8% Outside Top
AnimalJaw 10 10% 1.8% 1.8% Outside Top
Jowl 20 10% 1.8% 1.8% Outside Top
Body 40 100% 100% 21% Outside Middle
Tail 10 5% 5% 5% Outside Middle
Spine 25 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 4.9% Outside Bottom
FrontClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
FrontClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
FrontClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
FrontClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
FrontClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 4.9% Outside Bottom
FrontClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
FrontClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
FrontClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
FrontClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
FrontClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 4.9% Outside Bottom
RearClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
RearClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
RearClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
RearClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
RearClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 6.5% 6.5% 4.9% Outside Bottom
RearClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
RearClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
RearClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
RearClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
RearClaw 7 5% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom



defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
TurtleShell 50 100% 100% 28% Outside Middle
Tail 10 5% 5% 5% Outside Middle
Spine 25 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Head 25 17% 17% 2.9% Outside Middle
Brain 10 18% 3.1% 3.1% Inside Middle
Eye 10 15% 2.6% 2.6% Outside Middle
Eye 10 15% 2.6% 2.6% Outside Middle
Nose 10 15% 2.6% 2.6% Outside Middle
TurtleBeak 10 20% 3.4% 3.4% Outside Middle
Plastron 20 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 5% 5% 5% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 5% 5% 5% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 5% 5% 5% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 5% 5% 5% Outside Bottom



defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Clavicle 25 1% 1% 1% Inside Top
Clavicle 25 1% 1% 1% Inside Top
Neck 25 10% 10% 2.8% Outside Top
Head 25 72% 7.2% 1.6% Outside Top
Skull 25 18% 1.3% 0.39% Inside Top
Brain 10 70% 0.91% 0.91% Inside Top
Eye 10 12% 0.86% 0.86% Outside Top
Eye 10 12% 0.86% 0.86% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 0.58% 0.58% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 0.58% 0.58% Outside Top
Nose 10 10% 0.72% 0.72% Outside Top
AnimalJaw 10 10% 0.72% 0.72% Outside Top
Torso 40 100% 100% 15% Outside Middle
Ribcage 30 4.5% 4.5% 4.5% Inside Middle
Sternum 20 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% Inside Middle
Spine 25 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Shoulder 30 10% 10% 1.5% Outside Middle
Arm 30 85% 8.5% 4.7% Outside Middle
Humerus 25 10% 0.85% 0.85% Inside Middle
Radius 20 10% 0.85% 0.85% Inside Middle
Shoulder 30 10% 10% 1.5% Outside Middle
Arm 30 85% 8.5% 4.7% Outside Middle
Humerus 25 10% 0.85% 0.85% Inside Middle
Radius 20 10% 0.85% 0.85% Inside Middle
Tail 10 2% 2% 2% Outside Bottom
Pelvis 25 1% 1% 1% Inside Bottom
Hand 20 25% 2.1% 0.68% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 11% 0.23% 0.23% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 13% 0.28% 0.28% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 15% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 14% 0.3% 0.3% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 15% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
Hand 20 25% 2.1% 0.68% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 11% 0.23% 0.23% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 13% 0.28% 0.28% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 15% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 14% 0.3% 0.3% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 15% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 10% 10% 6% Outside Bottom
Femur 25 10% 1% 1% Inside Bottom
Tibia 25 10% 1% 1% Inside Bottom
Foot 25 20% 2% 0.66% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 10% 0.2% 0.2% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 12% 0.24% 0.24% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 14% 0.28% 0.28% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 15% 0.3% 0.3% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 16% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 10% 10% 6% Outside Bottom
Femur 25 10% 1% 1% Inside Bottom
Tibia 25 10% 1% 1% Inside Bottom
Foot 25 20% 2% 0.64% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 11% 0.22% 0.22% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 12% 0.24% 0.24% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 14% 0.28% 0.28% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 15% 0.3% 0.3% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 16% 0.32% 0.32% Outside Bottom



defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
SnakeBody 30 100% 100% 55% Outside Middle
Stomach 20 5% 5% 5% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 5% 5% 5% Inside Middle
SnakeHead 30 20% 20% 4% Outside Middle
Skull 25 30% 6% 3% Inside Middle
Brain 10 50% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Eye 10 10% 2% 2% Outside Middle
Eye 10 10% 2% 2% Outside Middle
Nose 10 15% 3% 3% Outside Middle
SnakeMouth 20 15% 3% 3% Outside Middle


Human, Creepjoiner Content added by the Anomaly DLC, Revenant Content added by the Anomaly DLC, Sightstealer Content added by the Anomaly DLC

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 7.5% 7.5% 1.5% Outside Top
Head 25 80% 6% 1.7% Outside Top
Skull 25 18% 1.1% 0.22% Inside Top
Brain 10 80% 0.86% 0.86% Inside Top
Eye 10 7% 0.42% 0.42% Outside Top
Eye 10 7% 0.42% 0.42% Outside Top
Ear 12 7% 0.42% 0.42% Outside Top
Ear 12 7% 0.42% 0.42% Outside Top
Nose 10 10% 0.6% 0.6% Outside Top
Jaw 20 15% 0.9% 0.9% Outside Top
Tongue 10 0.1% 0% 0% Inside Top
Clavicle 25 9% 1.1% 1.1% Inside Top
Clavicle 25 9% 1.1% 1.1% Inside Top
Torso 40 100% 100% 15% Outside Middle
Ribcage 30 3.6% 3.6% 3.6% Inside Middle
Sternum 20 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% Inside Middle
Spine 25 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Heart 15 2% 2% 2% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Liver 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Shoulder 30 12% 12% 1.7% Outside Middle
Arm 30 77% 9.2% 6.1% Outside Middle
Humerus 25 10% 0.92% 0.92% Inside Middle
Radius 20 10% 0.92% 0.92% Inside Middle
Shoulder 30 12% 12% 1.7% Outside Middle
Arm 30 77% 9.2% 6.1% Outside Middle
Humerus 25 10% 0.92% 0.92% Inside Middle
Radius 20 10% 0.92% 0.92% Inside Middle
Pelvis 25 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Bottom
Hand 20 14% 1.3% 0.83% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 6% 0.08% 0.08% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 7% 0.09% 0.09% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 8% 0.1% 0.1% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 7% 0.09% 0.09% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 8% 0.1% 0.1% Outside Bottom
Hand 20 14% 1.3% 0.83% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 6% 0.08% 0.08% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 7% 0.09% 0.09% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 8% 0.1% 0.1% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 7% 0.09% 0.09% Outside Bottom
Finger 8 8% 0.1% 0.1% Outside Bottom
Waist 10 0% 0% 0% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 14% 14% 9.8% Outside Bottom
Femur 25 10% 1.4% 1.4% Inside Bottom
Tibia 25 10% 1.4% 1.4% Inside Bottom
Foot 25 10% 1.4% 0.85% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 6% 0.08% 0.08% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 7% 0.1% 0.1% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 8% 0.11% 0.11% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 9% 0.13% 0.13% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 9% 0.13% 0.13% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 14% 14% 9.8% Outside Bottom
Femur 25 10% 1.4% 1.4% Inside Bottom
Tibia 25 10% 1.4% 1.4% Inside Bottom
Foot 25 10% 1.4% 0.85% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 6% 0.08% 0.08% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 7% 0.1% 0.1% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 8% 0.11% 0.11% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 9% 0.13% 0.13% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 9% 0.13% 0.13% Outside Bottom


Centipede blaster, Centipede gunner, Centipede burner

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalHead 30 15% 15% 8.3% Outside Top
ArtificialBrain 10 5% 0.75% 0.75% Inside Top
SightSensor 10 8% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
SightSensor 10 8% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 8% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 8% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
SmellSensor 10 8% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
MechanicalCentipedeBodyFirstRing 45 100% 100% 14% Outside Middle
MechanicalCentipedeBodySecondRing 40 71% 71% 11% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 5% 3.6% 3.6% Inside Middle
MechanicalCentipedeBodyThirdRing 35 80% 57% 11% Outside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 5% 2.8% 2.8% Inside Middle
MechanicalCentipedeBodyFourthRing 30 75% 43% 12% Outside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 6% 2.6% 2.6% Inside Middle
MechanicalCentipedeBodyFifthRing 25 66% 28% 14% Outside Middle
MechanicalCentipedeBodySixthRing 20 50% 14% 14% Outside Middle


Lancer, Legionary Content added by the Biotech DLC, Tesseron Content added by the Biotech DLC

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalNeck 30 10% 10% 2% Outside Top
MechanicalHead 30 80% 8% 2.7% Outside Top
ArtificialBrain 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Inside Top
SightSensor 10 13% 1% 1% Outside Top
SightSensor 10 13% 1% 1% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
SmellSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
MechanicalThorax 40 100% 100% 2% Outside Middle
MechanicalShoulder 25 17% 17% 2.5% Outside Middle
MechanicalArm 30 85% 14% 12% Outside Middle
MechanicalShoulder 25 17% 17% 2.5% Outside Middle
MechanicalArm 30 85% 14% 12% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 6% 6% 6% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
MechanicalHand 20 20% 2.9% 1.2% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalHand 20 20% 2.9% 1.2% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 20% 20% 16% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 20% 4% 4% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 20% 20% 16% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 20% 4% 4% Outside Bottom



defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalNeck 30 10% 10% 2% Outside Top
MechanicalHead 30 80% 8% 2.7% Outside Top
ArtificialBrain 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Inside Top
SightSensor 10 20% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
SightSensor 10 20% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 5% 0.4% 0.4% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 5% 0.4% 0.4% Outside Top
SmellSensor 10 6% 0.48% 0.48% Outside Top
MechanicalThoraxCanManipulate 40 100% 100% 4% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 6% 6% 6% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
MechanicalLeg 30 18% 18% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 9% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 18% 18% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 9% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 18% 18% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 9% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 18% 18% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 9% 9% Outside Bottom



defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalNeck 30 10% 10% 2% Outside Top
MechanicalHead 30 80% 8% 2.7% Outside Top
ArtificialBrain 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Inside Top
SightSensor 10 13% 1% 1% Outside Top
SightSensor 10 13% 1% 1% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
SmellSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
MechanicalThorax 40 100% 100% 2% Outside Middle
MechanicalShoulder 25 17% 17% 2.5% Outside Middle
MechanicalArm 30 85% 14% 7.2% Outside Middle
Blade 20 30% 4.3% 4.3% Outside Middle
MechanicalShoulder 25 17% 17% 2.5% Outside Middle
MechanicalArm 30 85% 14% 7.2% Outside Middle
Blade 20 30% 4.3% 4.3% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 6% 6% 6% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
MechanicalHand 20 20% 2.9% 1.2% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalHand 20 20% 2.9% 1.2% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFinger 7 15% 0.43% 0.43% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 20% 20% 16% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 20% 4% 4% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 20% 20% 16% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 20% 4% 4% Outside Bottom



defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalHead 30 15% 15% 8.3% Outside Top
ArtificialBrain 10 5% 0.75% 0.75% Inside Top
SightSensor 10 8% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
SightSensor 10 8% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 8% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 8% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
SmellSensor 10 8% 1.2% 1.2% Outside Top
MechanicalTermiteBodyFirstRing 50 100% 100% 14% Outside Middle
MechanicalTermiteBodySecondRing 40 71% 71% 11% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 5% 3.6% 3.6% Inside Middle
MechanicalTermiteBodyThirdRing 35 80% 57% 54% Outside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 5% 2.8% 2.8% Inside Middle




defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalNeck 30 10% 10% 2% Outside Top
MechanicalHead 30 80% 8% 2.7% Outside Top
ArtificialBrain 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Inside Top
SightSensor 10 13% 1% 1% Outside Top
SightSensor 10 13% 1% 1% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
SmellSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
MechanicalThorax 40 100% 100% 2% Outside Middle
MechanicalShoulder 25 17% 17% 2.5% Outside Middle
MechanicalArm 30 85% 14% 12% Outside Middle
MechanicalShoulder 25 17% 17% 2.5% Outside Middle
MechanicalArm 30 85% 14% 12% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 6% 6% 6% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
PowerClaw 40 20% 2.9% 2.9% Outside Bottom
PowerClaw 40 20% 2.9% 2.9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 20% 20% 16% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 20% 4% 4% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 20% 20% 16% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 20% 4% 4% Outside Bottom

Militor, Lifter, Constructoid, Fabricor, Cleansweeper, War urchin, Paramedic

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalNeck 30 10% 10% 2% Outside Top
MechanicalHead 30 80% 8% 4.6% Outside Top
ArtificialBrain 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Inside Top
SightSensor 10 13% 1% 1% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
SmellSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
MechanicalThoraxCanManipulate 40 100% 100% 40% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 6% 6% 6% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
SmallMechanicalLeg 10 20% 20% 16% Outside Bottom
SmallMechanicalFoot 5 20% 4% 4% Outside Bottom
SmallMechanicalLeg 10 20% 20% 16% Outside Bottom
SmallMechanicalFoot 5 20% 4% 4% Outside Bottom


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalNeck 30 10% 10% 2% Outside Top
MechanicalHead 30 80% 8% 4.6% Outside Top
ArtificialBrain 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Inside Top
SightSensor 10 13% 1% 1% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
SmellSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
MechanicalThorax 40 100% 100% 23% Outside Middle
MechanicalShoulder 25 17% 17% 2.5% Outside Middle
MechanicalArm 30 85% 14% 10% Outside Middle
Blade 20 30% 4.3% 4.3% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 6% 6% 6% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
SmallMechanicalLeg 10 20% 20% 16% Outside Bottom
SmallMechanicalFoot 5 20% 4% 4% Outside Bottom
SmallMechanicalLeg 10 20% 20% 16% Outside Bottom
SmallMechanicalFoot 5 20% 4% 4% Outside Bottom


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalNeck 30 10% 10% 2% Outside Top
MechanicalHead 30 80% 8% 2.7% Outside Top
ArtificialBrain 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Inside Top
SightSensor 10 20% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
SightSensor 10 20% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 5% 0.4% 0.4% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 5% 0.4% 0.4% Outside Top
SmellSensor 10 6% 0.48% 0.48% Outside Top
MechanicalThoraxCanManipulate 40 100% 100% 4% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 6% 6% 6% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
MechanicalLeg 30 18% 18% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 9% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 18% 18% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 9% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 18% 18% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 9% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 18% 18% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 9% 9% Outside Bottom


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalNeck 30 10% 10% 2% Outside Top
MechanicalHead 30 80% 8% 2.7% Outside Top
ArtificialBrain 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Inside Top
SightSensor 10 20% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
SightSensor 10 20% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 5% 0.4% 0.4% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 5% 0.4% 0.4% Outside Top
SmellSensor 10 6% 0.48% 0.48% Outside Top
MechanicalThoraxCanManipulate 40 100% 100% 4% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 6% 6% 6% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
MechanicalLeg 30 18% 18% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 9% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 18% 18% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 9% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 18% 18% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 9% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 18% 18% 9% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 9% 9% Outside Bottom


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalDiabolusBodyFirstRing 55 100% 100% 10% Outside Middle
MechanicalHead 30 10% 10% 3.4% Outside Middle
ArtificialBrain 10 10% 1% 1% Inside Middle
SightSensor 10 13% 1.3% 1.3% Outside Middle
SightSensor 10 13% 1.3% 1.3% Outside Middle
HearingSensor 10 10% 1% 1% Outside Middle
HearingSensor 10 10% 1% 1% Outside Middle
SmellSensor 10 10% 1% 1% Outside Middle
MechanicalDiabolusBodySecondRing 55 75% 75% 3.7% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 5% 3.8% 3.8% Inside Middle
DiabolusCapacitor 50 10% 7.5% 7.5% Outside Middle
DiabolusCapacitor 50 10% 7.5% 7.5% Outside Middle
MechanicalDiabolusBodyThirdRing 50 70% 52% 16% Outside Middle
MechanicalDiabolusBodyFourthRing 45 70% 37% 15% Outside Middle
MechanicalDiabolusBodyFifthRing 40 60% 22% 11% Outside Middle
MechanicalDiabolusBodySixthRing 35 50% 11% 10% Outside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 5% 0.55% 0.55% Inside Middle
BulbTurret 40 5% 5% 5% Outside Middle


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalNeck 30 10% 10% 2% Outside Top
MechanicalHead 30 80% 8% 2.7% Outside Top
ArtificialBrain 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Inside Top
SightSensor 10 13% 1% 1% Outside Top
SightSensor 10 13% 1% 1% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
HearingSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
SmellSensor 10 10% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Top
MechanicalThoraxCanManipulate 40 100% 100% 7% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 6% 6% 6% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 4% 4% 4% Inside Middle
BulbTurret 40 5% 5% 5% Outside Middle
MechanicalLeg 30 16% 16% 8% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 8% 8% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 16% 16% 8% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 8% 8% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 16% 16% 8% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 8% 8% Outside Bottom
MechanicalLeg 30 16% 16% 8% Outside Bottom
MechanicalFoot 20 50% 8% 8% Outside Bottom

War queen

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MechanicalWarqueenBodyFirstRing 55 100% 100% 10% Outside Middle
MechanicalHead 30 10% 10% 3.4% Outside Middle
ArtificialBrain 10 10% 1% 1% Inside Middle
SightSensor 10 13% 1.3% 1.3% Outside Middle
SightSensor 10 13% 1.3% 1.3% Outside Middle
HearingSensor 10 10% 1% 1% Outside Middle
HearingSensor 10 10% 1% 1% Outside Middle
SmellSensor 10 10% 1% 1% Outside Middle
MechanicalWarqueenBodySecondRing 50 75% 75% 11% Outside Middle
Reactor 20 5% 3.8% 3.8% Inside Middle
MechanicalWarqueenBodyThirdRing 45 80% 60% 18% Outside Middle
MechanicalWarqueenBodyFourthRing 40 70% 42% 17% Outside Middle
MechanicalWarqueenBodyFifthRing 35 60% 25% 11% Outside Middle
FluidReprocessor 15 5% 1.3% 1.3% Inside Middle
MechanicalWarqueenFormingPod 200 50% 13% 13% Inside Middle
BulbTurret 40 5% 5% 5% Outside Middle




defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 22% 22% 5.5% Outside Top
Head 25 75% 16% 2.5% Outside Top
Skull 25 25% 4.1% 1.2% Inside Top
Brain 10 70% 2.9% 2.9% Inside Top
Eye 10 12% 2% 2% Outside Top
Eye 10 12% 2% 2% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 1.3% 1.3% Outside Top
Ear 12 8% 1.3% 1.3% Outside Top
Nose 10 10% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
AnimalJaw 10 10% 1.6% 1.6% Outside Top
Body 40 100% 100% 26% Outside Middle
Spine 25 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
NoctolClaw 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
NoctolClaw 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
NoctolClaw 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 7% 7% 6% Outside Bottom
NoctolClaw 10 15% 1.1% 1.1% Outside Bottom


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
NociosphereShell 2500 100% 100% 15% Outside Middle
NociosphereCore 750 5% 5% 5% Inside Middle
ShellSection 1250 20% 20% 20% Outside Middle
ShellSection 1250 20% 20% 20% Outside Middle
ShellSection 1250 20% 20% 20% Outside Middle
ShellSection 1250 20% 20% 20% Outside Middle


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MetalhorrorNeck 30 18% 18% 4.5% Outside Top
MetalhorrorHead 30 75% 14% 4.1% Outside Top
MetalhorrorBrain 45 70% 9.5% 9.5% Inside Top
MetalhorrorTorso 50 100% 100% 3% Outside Middle
MetalhorrorCore 50 5% 5% 5% Inside Middle
MetalhorrorShoulder 30 17% 17% 2.5% Outside Middle
MetalhorrorArm 30 85% 14% 10% Outside Middle
MetalhorrorBlade 20 30% 4.3% 4.3% Outside Middle
MetalhorrorShoulder 30 17% 17% 2.5% Outside Middle
MetalhorrorArm 30 85% 14% 10% Outside Middle
MetalhorrorBlade 20 30% 4.3% 4.3% Outside Middle
MetalhorrorLeg 30 20% 20% 18% Outside Bottom
MetalhorrorFoot 30 10% 2% 2% Outside Bottom
MetalhorrorLeg 30 20% 20% 18% Outside Bottom
MetalhorrorFoot 30 10% 2% 2% Outside Bottom

Fleshmass nucleus

defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
FleshmassNucleusCore 100 100% 100% 100% Outside Middle


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 7.5% 7.5% 1.5% Outside Top
Head 25 80% 6% 3.5% Outside Top
Skull 25 18% 1.1% 0.22% Inside Top
Brain 10 80% 0.86% 0.86% Inside Top
Eye 10 7% 0.42% 0.42% Outside Top
Eye 10 7% 0.42% 0.42% Outside Top
Jaw 20 10% 0.6% 0.6% Outside Top
Clavicle 25 9% 1.1% 1.1% Inside Top
Clavicle 25 9% 1.1% 1.1% Inside Top
Torso 40 100% 100% 5.1% Outside Middle
SpineLauncher_Gorehulk 40 11% 11% 11% Outside Middle
Ribcage 30 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Sternum 20 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% Inside Middle
Spine 25 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Heart 15 2% 2% 2% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Liver 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Shoulder 30 12% 12% 0.12% Outside Middle
FleshClub_Gorehulk 12 60% 7.2% 7.2% Outside Middle
SpineLauncher_Gorehulk 40 30% 3.6% 3.6% Outside Middle
Shoulder 30 12% 12% 0.12% Outside Middle
FleshClub_Gorehulk 12 60% 7.2% 7.2% Outside Middle
SpineLauncher_Gorehulk 40 30% 3.6% 3.6% Outside Middle
Pelvis 25 2% 2% 2% Inside Bottom
Waist 10 0% 0% 0% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 14% 14% 9.8% Outside Bottom
Femur 25 10% 1.4% 1.4% Inside Bottom
Tibia 25 10% 1.4% 1.4% Inside Bottom
Foot 25 10% 1.4% 0.85% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 6% 0.08% 0.08% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 7% 0.1% 0.1% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 8% 0.11% 0.11% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 9% 0.13% 0.13% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 9% 0.13% 0.13% Outside Bottom
Leg 30 14% 14% 9.8% Outside Bottom
Femur 25 10% 1.4% 1.4% Inside Bottom
Tibia 25 10% 1.4% 1.4% Inside Bottom
Foot 25 10% 1.4% 0.85% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 6% 0.08% 0.08% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 7% 0.1% 0.1% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 8% 0.11% 0.11% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 9% 0.13% 0.13% Outside Bottom
Toe 8 9% 0.13% 0.13% Outside Bottom


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 32% 32% 6.4% Outside Top
Head 25 80% 26% 16% Outside Top
Skull 25 15% 3.8% 1.2% Inside Top
Brain 10 70% 2.7% 2.7% Inside Top
Eye 10 6% 1.5% 1.5% Outside Top
Eye 10 6% 1.5% 1.5% Outside Top
Ear 12 6% 1.5% 1.5% Outside Top
Ear 12 6% 1.5% 1.5% Outside Top
MovingBody 40 100% 100% 32% Outside Middle
Spine 25 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Heart 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Lung 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Liver 20 3% 3% 3% Inside Middle
Fin 12 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom
Fin 12 6% 6% 6% Outside Bottom


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MovingBodyFleshbeast 40 100% 100% 42% Outside Middle
Spine 25 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Heart 15 2% 2% 2% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Liver 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
FleshbeastHead 25 40% 40% 1.2% Outside Middle
Skull 25 18% 7.2% 1.4% Inside Middle
Brain 10 80% 5.8% 5.8% Inside Middle
Eye 10 2% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Middle
Eye 10 2% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Middle
Tentacle 30 15% 6% 6% Outside Middle
Tentacle 30 15% 6% 6% Outside Middle
Tentacle 30 15% 6% 6% Outside Middle
Tentacle 30 15% 6% 6% Outside Middle
Tentacle 30 15% 6% 6% Outside Middle


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 7.5% 7.5% 1.5% Outside Top
FleshbeastHead 25 80% 6% 3.5% Outside Top
Skull 25 18% 1.1% 0.22% Inside Top
Brain 10 80% 0.86% 0.86% Inside Top
Eye 10 7% 0.42% 0.42% Outside Top
Eye 10 7% 0.42% 0.42% Outside Top
Jaw 20 10% 0.6% 0.6% Outside Top
Torso 40 100% 100% 31% Outside Middle
Spine 25 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Heart 15 2% 2% 2% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Liver 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Shoulder 30 12% 12% 2.8% Outside Middle
FleshbeastSpike 40 77% 9.2% 9.2% Outside Middle
Shoulder 30 12% 12% 2.8% Outside Middle
FleshbeastSpike 40 77% 9.2% 9.2% Outside Middle
FleshbeastLeg 30 10% 10% 10% Outside Bottom
FleshbeastLeg 30 10% 10% 10% Outside Bottom


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 7.5% 7.5% 1.5% Outside Top
FleshbeastHead 25 80% 6% 3.5% Outside Top
Skull 25 18% 1.1% 0.22% Inside Top
Brain 10 80% 0.86% 0.86% Inside Top
Eye 10 7% 0.42% 0.42% Outside Top
Eye 10 7% 0.42% 0.42% Outside Top
Jaw 20 10% 0.6% 0.6% Outside Top
Torso 40 100% 100% 31% Outside Middle
Spine 25 2.5% 2.5% 0.58% Inside Middle
FleshbeastSpike 40 77% 1.9% 1.9% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Heart 15 2% 2% 2% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Liver 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Shoulder 30 12% 12% 2.8% Outside Middle
FleshbeastSpike 40 77% 9.2% 9.2% Outside Middle
Shoulder 30 12% 12% 2.8% Outside Middle
FleshbeastSpike 40 77% 9.2% 9.2% Outside Middle
FleshbeastLeg 30 10% 10% 10% Outside Bottom
FleshbeastLeg 30 10% 10% 10% Outside Bottom


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
Neck 25 7.5% 7.5% 1.5% Outside Top
FleshbeastHead 25 80% 6% 3.5% Outside Top
Skull 25 18% 1.1% 0.22% Inside Top
Brain 10 80% 0.86% 0.86% Inside Top
Eye 10 7% 0.42% 0.42% Outside Top
Eye 10 7% 0.42% 0.42% Outside Top
Jaw 20 10% 0.6% 0.6% Outside Top
Torso 40 100% 100% 31% Outside Middle
Spine 25 2.5% 2.5% 0.58% Inside Middle
FleshbeastSpike 40 77% 1.9% 1.9% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Heart 15 2% 2% 2% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Liver 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Shoulder 30 12% 12% 12% Outside Middle
Shoulder 30 12% 12% 12% Outside Middle
FleshbeastLeg 30 10% 10% 10% Outside Bottom
FleshbeastLeg 30 10% 10% 10% Outside Bottom


defName hitPoints (non-adjusted) coverage coverageAbsWithChildren coverageAbs depth Collapseheight
MovingBodyFleshbeast 40 100% 100% 27% Outside Middle
Spine 25 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Stomach 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Heart 15 2% 2% 2% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Lung 15 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Kidney 15 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% Inside Middle
Liver 20 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Inside Middle
Tentacle 30 5% 5% 5% Outside Middle
Tentacle 30 5% 5% 5% Outside Middle
Tentacle 30 5% 5% 5% Outside Middle
FleshbeastHead 25 40% 40% 27% Outside Middle
Skull 25 18% 7.2% 1.4% Inside Middle
Brain 10 80% 5.8% 5.8% Inside Middle
Eye 10 2% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Middle
Eye 10 2% 0.8% 0.8% Outside Middle
FleshbeastSpike 40 5% 2% 2% Outside Middle
FleshbeastSpike 40 5% 2% 2% Outside Middle


Animal Combat Power

animal meleeDps baseHealthScale moveSpeed averageArmor combatPowerCalculated combatPower combatPower difference
YorkshireTerrier 1.2 0.4 3.1 0% 32 30 -2
Chicken 0.9 0.35 2.1 0% 26 30 4
Duck 1.2 0.35 2.1 0% 29 30 1
Rat 1.6 0.29 4 0% 35 30 -5
GuineaPig 1.6 0.4 5 0% 39 33 -6
Hare 1.1 0.4 6 0% 36 33 -3
Snowhare 1.1 0.4 6 0% 36 33 -3
Chinchilla 1.6 0.4 5 0% 39 33 -6
Squirrel 1.3 0.25 5.1 0% 34 33 -1
Cat 2.4 0.42 4.4 0% 45 35 -10
Monkey 1.4 0.45 4.3 0% 37 35 -2
Goose 1.6 0.4 2.3 0% 34 35 1
Raccoon 1.9 0.4 4.1 0% 40 35 -5
Megascarab 1.6 0.4 3.75 45% 53 40 -13
Alphabeaver 2.3 0.7 3.7 0% 51 40 -11
Gazelle 2.2 0.7 6 0% 55 40 -15
Iguana 2.5 0.5 3 0% 46 40 -6
Dryad_Basic 2.6 0.8 3 0% 56 40 -16
Dryad_Woodmaker 2.6 0.8 3 0% 56 40 -16
Dryad_Berrymaker 2.6 0.8 3 0% 56 40 -16
Dryad_Medicinemaker 2.6 0.8 3 0% 56 40 -16
Dryad_Gaumaker 2.6 0.8 3 0% 56 40 -16
Dryad_Carrier 2.6 0.8 2.4 0% 55 40 -15
Dryad_Clawer 7.4 0.7 4 0% 113 40 -73
Dryad_Barkskin 2.6 0.9 3.2 55% 90 40 -50
WasteRat 1.8 0.29 4 0% 36 40 4
Goat 2.3 0.7 3.9 0% 51 45 -6
Pig 2.3 0.7 3.9 0% 51 45 -6
Capybara 2.6 0.7 3.9 0% 55 45 -10
Fox_Fennec 2.6 0.7 4.6 0% 56 45 -11
Fox_Red 2.6 0.7 4.6 0% 56 45 -11
Fox_Arctic 2.6 0.7 4.6 0% 56 45 -11
Turkey 2.0 0.6 3.6 0% 45 50 5
Ibex 2.5 0.85 4.6 0% 59 50 -9
Deer 2.2 0.9 5.5 0% 59 50 -9
WildBoar 2.9 0.7 4.6 0% 60 55 -5
Sheep 2.8 0.7 4.8 0% 59 55 -4
Boomrat 2.0 0.4 4.6 0% 42 55 13
Cassowary 2.8 0.8 4.6 0% 62 60 -2
Cobra 3.7 0.5 3.5 0% 59 65 6
Alpaca 2.3 1 4.1 0% 60 65 5
Emu 3.1 0.9 5.5 0% 72 70 -2
LabradorRetriever 2.9 1 5 0% 71 70 -1
Tortoise 1.9 0.6 1 42% 57 70 13
Husky 3.1 1.05 5 0% 76 75 -1
Cow 2.4 1.5 3.2 0% 74 75 1
Yak 2.4 1.5 3.2 0% 74 75 1
Spelopede 2.2 1.7 3.65 18% 85 75 -10
Wolf_Timber 3.6 0.99 5 0% 82 75 -7
Wolf_Arctic 3.6 0.99 5 0% 82 75 -7
Lynx 3.7 0.8 5 0% 75 80 5
Boomalope 2.9 0.65 3.4 0% 56 80 24
Donkey 2.5 1.45 5 0% 79 80 1
Toxalope 2.9 0.65 3.4 0% 56 80 24
Ostrich 4.2 1 6 0% 92 85 -7
Dromedary 2.9 1.6 4.3 0% 89 90 1
Muffalo 3.1 1.75 4.5 0% 100 100 0
Bison 3.2 1.75 4.7 0% 102 100 -2
Horse 2.0 1.75 5.8 0% 78 100 22
Elk 3.1 1.9 5 0% 106 110 4
Caribou 3.1 2 5 0% 110 110 0
Cougar 4.7 1.3 5 0% 113 120 7
Panther 4.7 1.3 5 0% 113 120 7
Megaspider 2.9 2.5 3.6 22% 132 150 18
Warg 5.2 1.4 5 0% 127 160 33
Bear_Grizzly 5.4 2.5 4.6 0% 196 200 4
Bear_Polar 5.4 2.5 4.6 0% 196 200 4
Elephant 5.8 3.6 4.8 0% 278 260 -18
Rhinoceros 5.5 3.5 5 0% 259 270 11
Megasloth 6.1 3.6 4.8 0% 291 280 -11
Thrumbo 6.9 8 5.5 50% 715 500 -215

Backstory Counts Per Tag

tag adulthoods childhoods
InsectsRelated 0 1
Offworld 348 34
Scientist 22 6
Researcher 17 0
Pirate 249 23
Farmer 8 8
Cult 64 51
ImperialCommon 43 19
Outlander 104 17
Madman 4 4
Miner 12 1
Hunter 9 1
Logger 4 0
ImperialFighter 19 21
Vatgrown 0 1
Outsider 1 0
Newborn 0 1
Child 0 1
ChildTribal 0 1
AdultColonist 1 1
AdultTribal 1 1
VatGrown 0 1
Tribal 37 18
TribalHunter 9 0
TribalLogger 3 0
TribalFarmer 3 1
TribalMiner 4 1
ImperialRoyal 20 9
Slave 3 0
Trader 4 0
Civil 1 0


defName label knowledge gain knowledge category codex entry combat power min. containment bioferrite gen. body size health scale speed lifespan tempMin tempMax flammability meleeDps baseHealthScale moveSpeed averageArmor combatPowerCalculated
Human human - 70 0 0.00 1 1 4.6 80 16 26 70% 2.2 1 4.6 0% 65
Nociosphere nociosphere 2.5 Advanced nociosphere 800 0 7.20 3.6 10 0.2 5000 -100 250 0% 0.0 10 0.15 100% 72
Metalhorror metalhorror 4 Advanced metalhorror 300 110 4.00 1 0.6 5.5 250 -100 250 200% 6.2 0.6 5.5 50% 155
Revenant revenant 3 Advanced revenant 300 80 4.00 1 10 3.2 1000 -40 60 0% 0.9 10 3.2 0% 167
Sightstealer sightstealer 1.5 Basic sightstealer 70 30 1.60 0.8 0.8 4.8 250 -40 60 70% 2.2 0.75 4.83 0% 53
Noctol noctol 1 Advanced noctol 80 60 3.00 1 1.5 8 25 -40 60 70% 5.6 1.5 8 23% 173
FleshmassNucleus fleshmass nucleus 3 Advanced fleshmass nucleus 100 0 3.00 1 1 0.2 5000 -100 250 0% 0.0 1 0.15 100% 27
Gorehulk gorehulk 2 Basic gorehulk 75 60 3.00 2 1.3 3.3 25 -40 60 70% 1.2 1.25 3.25 0% 47
Devourer devourer 2 Advanced devourer 250 90 4.00 4 7.2 3.5 200 -40 60 70% 3.5 7.2 3.5 40% 350
Chimera chimera 1 Advanced chimera 135 70 3.23 2.2 3 3.6 10 -40 60 70% 5.4 3 3.6 0% 223
Bulbfreak bulbfreak 2.5 Advanced fleshbeast 360 75 7.00 3.5 0.3 3.8 15 -40 60 125% 2.2 0.3 3.8 0% 39
Toughspike toughspike 2 Basic fleshbeast 70 50 2.00 1 1 4.3 15 -40 60 125% 2.2 1 4.3 18% 67
Trispike trispike 2 Basic fleshbeast 90 40 2.00 1 0.3 4.3 10 -40 60 125% 2.2 0.3 4.3 0% 40
Fingerspike fingerspike 1 Basic fleshbeast 25 20 1.20 0.6 0.5 5.1 10 -40 60 125% 2.2 0.5 5.1 0% 47

Mental Breaks

defName intensity chance in intensity min duration (days) avg duration (days) max duration (days) recoverFromSleep recoveryThought category blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction allowBeatfire
Binging_Food Minor 21% 0.42 0.58 0.75 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Misc allowBeatfire
CubeSculpting Minor 0% 0.33 0.58 0.58 null Misc blockNormalThoughts
DarkVisions Minor 26% 0.5 0.67 0.75 recoverFromSleep VoidCatharsis Misc blockNormalThoughts allowBeatfire
FireTerror Minor 0% 0 0.3 1666.67 null Misc blockNormalThoughts
InsultingSpree Minor 13% 0.42 0.58 0.75 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Malicious blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction allowBeatfire
TargetedInsultingSpree Minor 13% 0.42 0.58 0.75 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Malicious blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction allowBeatfire
Wander_OwnRoom Minor 13% 0.67 0.83 1 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Misc blockNormalThoughts allowBeatfire
Wander_Sad Minor 13% 0.67 0.83 1 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Misc blockNormalThoughts allowBeatfire
BedroomTantrum Major 4.5% 0.13 0.17 0.2 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Aggro blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction allowBeatfire
Binging_DrugMajor Major 14% 0.67 0.8 1 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Misc allowBeatfire
CorpseObsession Major 5.4% 0.83 1 1.17 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Misc allowBeatfire
EntityKiller Major 14% 0.13 0.17 0.2 recoverFromSleep VoidCatharsis Aggro blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction allowBeatfire
HumanityBreak Major 14% 0.17 0.47 1666.67 null Misc blockNormalThoughts
InsaneRamblings Major 14% 0.67 0.83 1 recoverFromSleep VoidCatharsis Misc blockNormalThoughts allowBeatfire
SadisticRage Major 14% 0.13 0.17 0.5 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Aggro blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction allowBeatfire
Tantrum Major 4.5% 0.13 0.17 0.2 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Aggro blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction allowBeatfire
TargetedTantrum Major 4.5% 0.67 0.83 1 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Aggro blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction allowBeatfire
Wander_Psychotic Major 14% 1.17 1.33 1.5 Catharsis Misc blockNormalThoughts
WildDecree Major 0% 0.67 0.83 1 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Misc blockNormalThoughts allowBeatfire
Berserk Extreme 8.2% 0.67 0.83 1 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Aggro blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction
BerserkShort Extreme 0% 0.17 0.25 0.25 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Aggro blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction
Binging_DrugExtreme Extreme 8.2% 0.67 0.8 1 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Misc allowBeatfire
Catatonic Extreme 8.2%
EntityLiberator Extreme 8.2% 0.67 0.83 1 recoverFromSleep VoidCatharsis Malicious blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction allowBeatfire
FireStartingSpree Extreme 8.2% 0.1 0.13 0.17 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Malicious blockRandomInteraction
GiveUpExit Extreme 8.2% 0.17 0.47 1666.67 Catharsis Misc blockNormalThoughts allowBeatfire
IdeoChange Extreme 8.2% 0.17 0.47 1666.67 Catharsis Misc
Jailbreaker Extreme 8.2% 1 1 1 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Malicious allowBeatfire
MurderousRage Extreme 8.2% 1.67 1.67 1.67 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Aggro blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction allowBeatfire
Rebellion Extreme 8.2% 1 1 1 recoverFromSleep null Malicious
RunWild Extreme 4.1%
Slaughterer Extreme 6.1% 0.13 0.17 0.2 recoverFromSleep Catharsis Aggro blockNormalThoughts blockRandomInteraction allowBeatfire
TerrifyingHallucinations Extreme 8.2% 0.67 0.83 1 recoverFromSleep VoidCatharsis Misc blockNormalThoughts allowBeatfire


defName type social stages best mood worst mood stack limit stack limit per o. pawn stacked effect multiplier duration (days) effect multiplying stat game condition hediff lerp opinion to zero after duration pct max cumulated opinion offset next thought nullified if not colonist show bubble
Inebriated situ mood [0] alcohol warmth [+10 Mo] [1] quite inebriated [+14 Mo] [2] drunk [+20 Mo] [3] hammered [+26 Mo] 26 10 1 0 AlcoholHigh 70%
Hungover situ mood [0] mild hangover [-3 Mo] [1] serious hangover [-6 Mo] [2] pounding hangover [-12 Mo] [3] 0 -12 1 0 Hangover 70%
AlcoholWithdrawal situ mood [0] [1] alcohol withdrawal [-35 Mo] 0 -35 1 0 AlcoholAddiction 70%
AmbrosiaHigh situ mood [0] ambrosia warmth [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 0 AmbrosiaHigh 70%
AmbrosiaWithdrawal situ mood [0] [1] ambrosia withdrawal [-10 Mo] 0 -10 1 0 AmbrosiaAddiction 70%
GoJuiceHigh situ mood [0] high on go-juice [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 0 GoJuiceHigh 70%
GoJuiceWithdrawal situ mood [0] [1] go-juice withdrawal [-22 Mo] 0 -22 1 0 GoJuiceAddiction 70%
FlakeHigh situ mood [0] high on flake [+35 Mo] 35 35 1 0 FlakeHigh 70%
PsychiteTeaHigh situ mood [0] psychite tea [+12 Mo] 12 12 1 0 PsychiteTeaHigh 70%
YayoHigh situ mood [0] high on yayo [+35 Mo] 35 35 1 0 YayoHigh 70%
PsychiteWithdrawal situ mood [0] [1] psychite withdrawal [-35 Mo] 0 -35 1 0 PsychiteAddiction 70%
SmokeleafHigh situ mood [0] high on smokeleaf [+13 Mo] 13 13 1 0 SmokeleafHigh 70%
SmokeleafWithdrawal situ mood [0] [1] smokeleaf withdrawal [-20 Mo] 0 -20 1 0 SmokeleafAddiction 70%
WakeUpWithdrawal situ mood [0] [1] wake-up withdrawal [-22 Mo] 0 -22 1 0 WakeUpAddiction 70%
Expectations situ mood [0] sky-high expectations [1] high expectations [+6 Mo] [2] moderate expectations [+12 Mo] [3] low expectations [+18 Mo] [4] very low expectations [+24 Mo] [5] extremely low expectations [+30 Mo] [6] noble expectations [-6 Mo] [7] royal expectations [-12 Mo] [8] elite expectations [-6 Mo] [9] supreme expectations [-12 Mo] 30 -12 1 0 70%
AteNutrientPasteMeal mem mood [0] ate nutrient paste meal [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 1 70%
AnestheticHigh situ mood [0] [1] anesthetic wooziness [+10 Mo] [2] 10 0 1 0 Anesthetic 70%
KnowGuestExecuted mem mood [0] justified execution [-2 Mo] [1] someone was euthanized [-3 Mo] [2] someone was executed [-5 Mo] [3] someone was organ-murdered [-6 Mo] [4] someone was ripscanned [-6 Mo] -2 -6 5 75% 6 70%
KnowColonistExecuted mem mood [0] justified execution of colonist [-2 Mo] [1] colonist euthanized [-3 Mo] [2] colonist executed [-5 Mo] [3] colonist organ-harvested [-6 Mo] [4] colonist ripscanned [-6 Mo] -2 -6 5 75% 6 70%
KnowPrisonerDiedInnocent mem mood [0] innocent prisoner died [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 75% 6 70%
KnowColonistDied mem mood [0] colonist died [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 6 70%
BondedAnimalDied mem mood [0] bonded animal {0} died [-8 Mo] -8 -8 5 1 75% 20 70%
PawnWithGoodOpinionDied mem mood [0] my friend {0} died [-10 Mo] -10 -10 5 1 75% 20 70%
PawnWithBadOpinionDied mem mood [0] my rival {0} died [+10 Mo] 10 10 5 1 75% 10 70%
MySonDied mem mood [0] my son {0} died [-20 Mo] -20 -20 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyDaughterDied mem mood [0] my daughter {0} died [-20 Mo] -20 -20 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyHusbandDied mem mood [0] my husband {0} died [-20 Mo] -20 -20 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyWifeDied mem mood [0] my wife {0} died [-20 Mo] -20 -20 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyFianceDied mem mood [0] my fiance {0} died [-18 Mo] -18 -18 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyFianceeDied mem mood [0] my fiancée {0} died [-18 Mo] -18 -18 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyLoverDied mem mood [0] my lover {0} died [-16 Mo] -16 -16 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyBrotherDied mem mood [0] my brother {0} died [-14 Mo] -14 -14 10 1 75% 30 70%
MySisterDied mem mood [0] my sister {0} died [-14 Mo] -14 -14 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyGrandchildDied mem mood [0] my grandchild {0} died [-12 Mo] -12 -12 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyFatherDied mem mood [0] my father {0} died [-8 Mo] -8 -8 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyMotherDied mem mood [0] my mother {0} died [-8 Mo] -8 -8 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyNieceDied mem mood [0] my niece {0} died [-5 Mo] -5 -5 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyNephewDied mem mood [0] my nephew {0} died [-5 Mo] -5 -5 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyHalfSiblingDied mem mood [0] my half-sibling {0} died [-5 Mo] -5 -5 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyAuntDied mem mood [0] my aunt {0} died [-4 Mo] -4 -4 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyUncleDied mem mood [0] my uncle {0} died [-4 Mo] -4 -4 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyGrandparentDied mem mood [0] my grandparent {0} died [-4 Mo] -4 -4 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyCousinDied mem mood [0] my cousin {0} died [-4 Mo] -4 -4 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyKinDied mem mood [0] my kin {0} died [-4 Mo] -4 -4 10 1 75% 30 70%
DebugBad mem mood [0] debug bad thought [-10 Mo] -10 -10 100 100% 1 70%
DebugGood mem mood [0] debug good thought [+10 Mo] 10 10 100 100% 1 70%
AteLavishMeal mem mood [0] ate lavish meal [+12 Mo] 12 12 1 1 70%
AteFineMeal mem mood [0] ate fine meal [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 1 70%
AteRawFood mem mood [0] ate raw food [-7 Mo] -7 -7 1 1 70%
AteKibble mem mood [0] ate kibble [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 1 70%
AteCorpse mem mood [0] ate corpse [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 1 70%
AteHumanlikeMeatDirect mem mood [0] raw cannibalism [-20 Mo] -20 -20 1 1 70%
AteHumanlikeMeatDirectCannibal mem mood [0] raw cannibalism [+20 Mo] 20 20 1 1 70%
AteHumanlikeMeatAsIngredient mem mood [0] cooked cannibalism [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 1 70%
AteHumanlikeMeatAsIngredientCannibal mem mood [0] cooked cannibalism [+15 Mo] 15 15 1 1 70%
AteInsectMeatDirect mem mood [0] ate insect meat [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 1 70%
AteInsectMeatAsIngredient mem mood [0] ate cooked insect meat [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 1 70%
AteRottenFood mem mood [0] ate rotten food [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 1 70%
GotMarried mem mood [0] got married to {0} [+40 Mo] 40 40 1 30 70%
AttendedWedding mem mood [0] attended wedding [+20 Mo] 20 20 10 75% 10 70%
AttendedParty mem mood [0] attended party [+8 Mo] 8 8 10 75% 10 70%
AttendedConcert mem mood [0] attended concert [+8 Mo] 8 8 10 75% 10 70%
HeldConcert mem mood [0] held concert [+8 Mo] 8 8 10 75% 10 70%
TerribleSpeech mem soc [0] terrible speech [-8 Mo](-30 Op) -8 -8 10 75% 8 70%
UninspiringSpeech mem soc [0] uninspiring speech [-4 Mo](-15 Op) -4 -4 10 75% 8 70%
EncouragingSpeech mem soc [0] encouraging speech [+5 Mo](+20 Op) 5 5 10 75% 8 70%
InspirationalSpeech mem soc [0] inspirational speech [+10 Mo](+40 Op) 10 10 10 75% 8 70%
ColonistLost mem mood [0] colonist lost [-6 Mo] -6 -6 5 75% 6 70%
BondedAnimalReleased mem mood [0] bonded animal {0} released [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 1 75% 15 70%
BondedAnimalLost mem mood [0] bonded animal {0} lost [-8 Mo] -8 -8 5 1 75% 20 70%
PawnWithGoodOpinionLost mem mood [0] my friend {0} lost [-10 Mo] -10 -10 5 1 75% 20 70%
PawnWithBadOpinionLost mem mood [0] my rival {0} lost [+10 Mo] 10 10 5 1 75% 10 70%
MySonLost mem mood [0] my son {0} lost [-20 Mo] -20 -20 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyDaughterLost mem mood [0] my daughter {0} lost [-20 Mo] -20 -20 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyHusbandLost mem mood [0] my husband {0} lost [-20 Mo] -20 -20 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyWifeLost mem mood [0] my wife {0} lost [-20 Mo] -20 -20 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyFianceLost mem mood [0] my fiance {0} lost [-18 Mo] -18 -18 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyFianceeLost mem mood [0] my fiancée {0} lost [-18 Mo] -18 -18 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyLoverLost mem mood [0] my lover {0} lost [-16 Mo] -16 -16 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyBrotherLost mem mood [0] my brother {0} lost [-14 Mo] -14 -14 10 1 75% 30 70%
MySisterLost mem mood [0] my sister {0} lost [-14 Mo] -14 -14 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyGrandchildLost mem mood [0] my grandchild {0} lost [-12 Mo] -12 -12 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyFatherLost mem mood [0] my father {0} lost [-8 Mo] -8 -8 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyMotherLost mem mood [0] my mother {0} lost [-8 Mo] -8 -8 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyNieceLost mem mood [0] my niece {0} lost [-5 Mo] -5 -5 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyNephewLost mem mood [0] my nephew {0} lost [-5 Mo] -5 -5 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyHalfSiblingLost mem mood [0] my half-sibling {0} lost [-5 Mo] -5 -5 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyAuntLost mem mood [0] my aunt {0} lost [-4 Mo] -4 -4 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyUncleLost mem mood [0] my uncle {0} lost [-4 Mo] -4 -4 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyGrandparentLost mem mood [0] my grandparent {0} lost [-4 Mo] -4 -4 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyCousinLost mem mood [0] my cousin {0} lost [-4 Mo] -4 -4 10 1 75% 30 70%
MyKinLost mem mood [0] my kin {0} lost [-4 Mo] -4 -4 10 1 75% 30 70%
AteWithoutTable mem mood [0] ate without table [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 1 70%
SleepDisturbed mem mood [0] disturbed sleep [-1 Mo] -1 -1 3 100% 1 70%
NewColonyOptimism mem mood [0] initial optimism [+10 Mo] 10 10 1 8 70% NewColonyHope
NewColonyHope mem mood [0] initial hope [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 8 70%
SleptOutside mem mood [0] slept outside [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 1 70%
SleptOnGround mem mood [0] slept on ground [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 1 70%
SleptInCold mem mood [0] slept in the cold [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 1 70%
SleptInHeat mem mood [0] slept in the heat [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 1 70%
KnowPrisonerSold mem mood [0] prisoner sold [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 4 70%
FreedFromSlavery mem mood [0] freed from slavery [+15 Mo] 15 15 1 20 70%
ReleasedHealthyPrisoner mem mood [0] prisoner released [+2 Mo] 2 2 5 1 75% 6 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Bloodlust mem mood [0] bloodlust organ harvested [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 4 70%
KnowGuestOrganHarvested mem mood [0] someone's organ harvested [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 75% 8 70%
KnowColonistOrganHarvested mem mood [0] colonist's organ harvested [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 75% 8 70%
MyOrganHarvested mem mood [0] my organ harvested [-30 Mo] -30 -30 5 75% 8 70%
WasImprisoned mem mood [0] was imprisoned [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 12 70%
Catharsis mem mood [0] catharsis [+40 Mo] 40 40 5 75% 3 70%
Nuzzled mem mood [0] nuzzled [+4 Mo] 4 4 3 50% 1 70%
KnowBuriedInSarcophagus mem mood [0] buried in sarcophagus [+4 Mo] 4 4 4 50% 8 70%
SoakingWet mem mood [0] soaking wet [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0.1 70%
ButcheredHumanlikeCorpse mem mood [0] I butchered humanlike [-6 Mo] -6 -6 10 75% 6 70%
KnowButcheredHumanlikeCorpse mem mood [0] we butchered humanlike [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 6 70%
ButcheredHumanlikeCorpseOpinion mem soc [0] butchered humanlike corpse (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
ObservedLayingCorpse mem mood [0] observed corpse [-4 Mo] -4 -4 3 50% 0.5 70%
ObservedLayingRottingCorpse mem mood [0] observed rotting corpse [-6 Mo] -6 -6 5 50% 0.5 70%
WitnessedDeathAlly mem mood [0] witnessed ally's death [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 75% 2 70%
WitnessedDeathNonAlly mem mood [0] witnessed outsider's death [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 1 70%
WitnessedDeathFamily mem mood [0] witnessed family member's death [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 6 70%
WitnessedDeathBloodlust mem mood [0] witnessed death with bloodlust [+8 Mo] 8 8 5 75% 4 70%
KilledHumanlikeBloodlust mem mood [0] killed someone [+12 Mo] 12 12 5 75% 4 70%
DefeatedHostileFactionLeader mem mood [0] defeated hostile leader {0} [+10 Mo] 10 10 5 75% 6 70%
DefeatedHostileFactionLeaderOpinion situ soc [0] defeated hostile leader (+20 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
DefeatedMechCluster mem mood [0] defeated mech cluster [+4 Mo] 4 4 5 75% 10 70%
DefeatedInsectHive mem mood [0] defeated insect hive [+4 Mo] 4 4 5 75% 10 70%
DeniedJoining mem mood [0] denied joining [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 6 70%
ColonistBanished mem mood [0] colonist banished [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 6 70%
ColonistBanishedToDie mem mood [0] colonist banished to death [-6 Mo] -6 -6 5 75% 6 70%
PrisonerBanishedToDie mem mood [0] prisoner banished to death [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 6 70%
ColonyPrisonerEscaped mem mood [0] Colonist prisoner escaped [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 6 70%
BondedAnimalBanished mem mood [0] bonded animal {0} banished [-6 Mo] -6 -6 5 75% 6 70%
FailedToRescueRelative mem mood [0] failed to rescue {0} [-18 Mo] -18 -18 5 75% 30 70%
RescuedRelative mem mood [0] rescued {0} [+18 Mo] 18 18 5 75% 30 70%
Rescued mem mood [0] rescued [+18 Mo] 18 18 5 75% 30 70%
TravelAnticipation situ mood [0] eager to travel [+5 Mo] [1] excited to travel [+10 Mo] 10 5 1 0 70%
PyroUsed mem mood [0] used flame weapon [+8 Mo] 8 8 1 0.333 70%
OnDuty mem mood [0] on duty [+12 Mo] 12 12 1 25 70%
AteInImpressiveDiningRoom mem mood [0] null [1] null [2] null [3] decent dining room [+2 Mo] [4] slightly impressive dining room [+3 Mo] [5] somewhat impressive dining room [+4 Mo] [6] very impressive dining room [+5 Mo] [7] extremely impressive dining room [+6 Mo] [8] unbelievably impressive dining room [+7 Mo] [9] wondrously impressive dining room [+8 Mo] 8 2 1 1 70%
JoyActivityInImpressiveRecRoom mem mood [0] null [1] null [2] null [3] decent rec room [+2 Mo] [4] slightly impressive rec room [+3 Mo] [5] somewhat impressive rec room [+4 Mo] [6] very impressive rec room [+5 Mo] [7] extremely impressive rec room [+6 Mo] [8] unbelievably impressive rec room [+7 Mo] [9] wondrously impressive rec room [+8 Mo] 8 2 1 1 70%
SleptInBedroom mem mood [0] awful bedroom [-4 Mo] [1] null [2] null [3] decent bedroom [+2 Mo] [4] slightly impressive bedroom [+3 Mo] [5] impressive bedroom [+4 Mo] [6] very impressive bedroom [+5 Mo] [7] extremely impressive bedroom [+6 Mo] [8] unbelievably impressive bedroom [+7 Mo] [9] wondrously impressive bedroom [+8 Mo] 8 -4 1 1 70%
SleptInBarracks mem mood [0] awful barracks [-7 Mo] [1] dull barracks [-5 Mo] [2] mediocre barracks [-4 Mo] [3] decent barracks [-3 Mo] [4] slightly impressive barracks [-2 Mo] [5] impressive barracks [-1 Mo] [6] very impressive barracks [+1 Mo] [7] extremely impressive barracks [+2 Mo] [8] unbelievably impressive barracks [+3 Mo] [9] wondrously impressive barracks [+4 Mo] 4 -7 1 1 70%
Chitchat mem soc [0] chitchat (+0.66 Op) 0 0 300 75% 0 70% 10
DeepTalk mem soc [0] deep talk (+15 Op) 0 0 300 10 90% 20 70%
Slighted mem soc [0] slighted (-5 Op) 0 0 300 10 90% 20 70%
Insulted mem soc [0] insulted (-15 Op) 0 0 300 10 90% 20 70%
InsultedMood mem mood [0] insulted [-5 Mo] -5 -5 10 90% 2 70%
KindWords mem soc [0] kind words (+15 Op) 0 0 300 10 90% 20 70%
KindWordsMood mem mood [0] kind words [+5 Mo] 5 5 10 90% 2 70%
RapportBuilt mem soc [0] rapport built (+2 Op) 0 0 300 50 100% 20 70%
HadAngeringFight mem soc [0] angering fight (-22 Op) 0 0 300 5 90% 20 70%
HadCatharticFight mem soc [0] cathartic fight (+38 Op) 0 0 300 5 90% 20 70%
HarmedMe mem soc [0] harmed me (-15 Op) 0 0 300 1 75% 10 70%
BotchedMySurgery mem soc [0] botched my surgery (-20 Op) 0 0 300 5 90% 90 70%
RescuedMe mem soc [0] rescued me (+15 Op) 0 0 300 3 90% 30 70%
RescuedMeByOfferingHelp mem soc [0] rescued me (+25 Op) 0 0 300 1 75% 30 70%
RecruitedMe mem soc [0] recruited me (+20 Op) 0 0 1 1 120 70%
CrashedTogether mem soc [0] crashed together (+25 Op) 0 0 300 1 75% 20 70%
SoldMyLovedOne mem soc [0] loved one sold/sold my loved one [-10 Mo](-10 Op) -10 -10 10 2 75% 120 70%
SoldMyBondedAnimal mem soc [0] bonded animal given away/gave away my bonded animal (-10 Op) 0 0 10 2 75% 60 70%
SoldMyBondedAnimalMood mem mood [0] bonded animal given away/gave away my bonded animal [-10 Mo] -10 -10 10 75% 60 70%
ForcedMeToTakeDrugs mem soc [0] forced me to take drugs (-30 Op) 0 0 10 1 75% 60 70%
ForcedMeToTakeDrugsMood mem mood [0] forced to take drugs [-20 Mo] -20 -20 1 6 70%
ForcedMeToTakeLuciferium mem soc [0] forced me to take luciferium (-30 Op) 0 0 10 1 75% 120 70%
ForcedMeToTakeLuciferiumMood mem mood [0] forced to take luciferium [-20 Mo] -20 -20 1 6 70%
RebuffedMyRomanceAttempt mem soc [0] rebuffed me (-10 Op) 0 0 300 5 90% 10 70%
RebuffedMyRomanceAttemptMood mem mood [0] rebuffed by {0} [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 90% 3 70%
FailedRomanceAttemptOnMe mem soc [0] failed to romance me (-15 Op) 0 0 300 5 90% 10 70%
FailedRomanceAttemptOnMeLowOpinionMood mem mood [0] had to rebuff {0} [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 90% 3 70%
BrokeUpWithMe mem soc [0] broke up with me (-50 Op) 0 0 300 1 75% 60 70%
BrokeUpWithMeMood mem mood [0] broken up with by {0} [-15 Mo] -15 -15 2 75% 25 70%
CheatedOnMe mem soc [0] cheated on me (-70 Op) 0 0 300 1 75% 120 70%
CheatedOnMeMood mem mood [0] cheated on by {0} [-20 Mo] -20 -20 2 75% 25 70%
DivorcedMe mem soc [0] divorced me (-70 Op) 0 0 300 1 75% 180 70%
DivorcedMeMood mem mood [0] divorced by {0} [-20 Mo] -20 -20 2 75% 30 70%
RejectedMyProposal mem soc [0] rejected my proposal (-30 Op) 0 0 300 1 50% 60 70%
RejectedMyProposalMood mem mood [0] my proposal was rejected by {0} [-18 Mo] -18 -18 5 50% 25 70%
IRejectedTheirProposal mem soc [0] I rejected their proposal (-15 Op) 0 0 300 1 90% 60 70%
HoneymoonPhase mem soc [0] honeymoon phase (+40 Op) 0 0 300 1 75% 30 70%
GotSomeLovin mem soc [0] got some lovin' [+8 Mo](+6 Op) 8 8 10 60% 3 70%
KilledMyFriend mem soc [0] killed my friend (-35 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 60 70%
KilledMyRival mem soc [0] killed my rival (+35 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 60 70%
KilledMyLover mem soc [0] killed my lover (-50 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 120 70%
KilledMyFiance mem soc [0] killed my fiance (-65 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 120 70%
KilledMySpouse mem soc [0] killed my spouse (-65 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 120 70%
KilledMyFather mem soc [0] killed my father (-80 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 120 70%
KilledMyMother mem soc [0] killed my mother (-80 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 120 70%
KilledMySon mem soc [0] killed my son (-80 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 120 70%
KilledMyDaughter mem soc [0] killed my daughter (-80 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 120 70%
KilledMyBrother mem soc [0] killed my brother (-80 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 120 70%
KilledMySister mem soc [0] killed my sister (-80 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 120 70%
KilledMyKin mem soc [0] killed my kin (-15 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 60 70%
KilledMyBondedAnimal mem soc [0] killed my bonded animal (-10 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 60 70%
ArtifactMoodBoost mem mood [0] strange feeling [+15 Mo] 15 15 3 75% 1 PsychicSensitivity 70%
EnvironmentDark situ mood [0] darkness [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 0 70%
ApparelDamaged situ mood [0] ratty apparel [-3 Mo] [1] tattered apparel [-5 Mo] -3 -5 1 0 70%
WrongApparelGender situ mood [0] wearing {0} apparel [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 0 70%
DeadMansApparel situ mood [0] tainted {0} [-5 Mo] [1] tainted {0} (+1) [-8 Mo] [2] tainted {0} (+2) [-11 Mo] [3] tainted {0} etc [-14 Mo] -5 -14 1 0 70%
HumanLeatherApparelSad situ mood [0] human leather {0} [-2 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [-4 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [-6 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [-8 Mo] -2 -8 1 0 70%
HumanLeatherApparelHappy situ mood [0] human leather {0} [+2 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [+4 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [+6 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [+8 Mo] 8 2 1 0 70%
Sick situ mood [0] sick [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 0 70%
EnvironmentCold situ mood [0] chilly [-4 Mo] [1] cold [-8 Mo] [2] numbing cold [-12 Mo] [3] absolutely freezing [-16 Mo] -4 -16 1 0 70%
EnvironmentHot situ mood [0] sweaty [-4 Mo] [1] hot [-8 Mo] [2] sweltering hot [-12 Mo] [3] blistering hot [-16 Mo] -4 -16 1 0 70%
LoveReading situ mood [0] I love reading [+4 Mo] [1] I really love reading [+6 Mo] 6 4 1 0 70%
SkillBookPassion situ mood [0] interesting textbook [+6 Mo] [1] amazing textbook [+10 Mo] 10 6 1 0 70%
NeedFood situ mood [0] hungry [-6 Mo] [1] ravenously hungry [-12 Mo] [2] malnourished [-20 Mo] [3] badly malnourished [-26 Mo] [4] starving [-32 Mo] [5] advanced starvation [-38 Mo] [6] extreme starvation [-44 Mo] -6 -44 1 0 70%
NeedRest situ mood [0] drowsy [-6 Mo] [1] tired [-12 Mo] [2] exhausted [-18 Mo] -6 -18 1 0 70%
NeedJoy situ mood [0] recreation-starved [-20 Mo] [1] recreation-deprived [-10 Mo] [2] recreation unfulfilled [-5 Mo] [3] recreation satisfied [+5 Mo] [4] recreation fully satisfied [+10 Mo] 10 -20 1 0 70%
NeedComfort situ mood [0] uncomfortable [-3 Mo] [1] comfortable [+4 Mo] [2] quite comfortable [+6 Mo] [3] extremely comfortable [+8 Mo] [4] luxuriantly comfortable [+10 Mo] 10 -3 1 0 70%
NeedBeauty situ mood [0] hideous environment [-15 Mo] [1] ugly environment [-10 Mo] [2] unsightly environment [-5 Mo] [3] pretty environment [+5 Mo] [4] beautiful environment [+10 Mo] [5] gorgeous environment [+15 Mo] 15 -15 1 0 70%
NeedRoomSize situ mood [0] confined interior [-10 Mo] [1] cramped interior [-5 Mo] [2] spacious interior [+5 Mo] 5 -10 1 0 70%
NeedOutdoors situ mood [0] entombed underground [-9 Mo] [1] trapped underground [-7 Mo] [2] cabin fever [-5 Mo] [3] trapped indoors [-3 Mo] [4] stuck indoors [-1 Mo] -1 -9 1 0 70%
NeedIndoors situ mood [0] just outdoors [-1 Mo] [1] outdoors [-3 Mo] [2] long outdoors [-5 Mo] [3] very long outdoors [-7 Mo] [4] brutal outdoors [-8 Mo] -1 -8 1 0 70%
DrugDesireFascination situ mood [0] chemical want [-4 Mo] [1] chemical hunger [-8 Mo] [2] chemical starvation [-12 Mo] -4 -12 1 0 70%
DrugDesireFascinationSatisfied situ mood [0] chemical comfort [+3 Mo] [1] chemical satisfaction [+6 Mo] 6 3 1 0 70%
DrugDesireInterest situ mood [0] chemical want [-2 Mo] [1] chemical hunger [-4 Mo] [2] chemical starvation [-6 Mo] -2 -6 1 0 70%
DrugDesireInterestSatisfied situ mood [0] chemical comfort [+1 Mo] [1] chemical satisfaction [+3 Mo] 3 1 1 0 70%
PrisonCell situ mood [0] awful prison cell [-4 Mo] [1] null [2] null [3] decent prison cell [+2 Mo] [4] slightly impressive prison cell [+3 Mo] [5] impressive prison cell [+4 Mo] [6] very impressive prison cell [+5 Mo] [7] extremely impressive prison cell [+6 Mo] [8] unbelievably impressive prison cell [+7 Mo] [9] wondrously impressive prison cell [+8 Mo] 8 -4 1 0 70%
PrisonBarracks situ mood [0] awful barracks [-4 Mo] [1] dull barracks [-2 Mo] [2] null [3] null [4] slightly impressive barracks [+1 Mo] [5] somewhat impressive barracks [+2 Mo] [6] very impressive barracks [+3 Mo] [7] extremely impressive barracks [+4 Mo] [8] unbelievably impressive barracks [+5 Mo] [9] wondrously impressive barracks [+6 Mo] 6 -4 1 0 70%
HospitalPatientRoomStats situ mood [0] awful hospital [-4 Mo] [1] dull hospital [-2 Mo] [2] null [3] null [4] slightly impressive hospital [+1 Mo] [5] somewhat impressive hospital [+2 Mo] [6] very impressive hospital [+3 Mo] [7] extremely impressive hospital [+4 Mo] [8] unbelievably impressive hospital [+5 Mo] [9] wondrously impressive hospital [+6 Mo] 6 -4 1 0 70%
Affair situ soc [0] affair (-70 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Incestuous situ soc [0] incestuous 0 0 1 0 70%
Disfigured situ soc [0] disfigured (-15 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
HardWorkerVsLazy situ soc [0] hard worker vs lazy 0 0 1 0 70%
TeetotalerVsChemicalInterest situ soc [0] teetotaler vs chemical interest 0 0 1 0 70%
TeetotalerVsAddict situ soc [0] teetotaler vs addict (-25 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
ChemicalInterestVsTeetotaler situ soc [0] chemical interest vs teetotaler 0 0 1 0 70%
HoldingMePrisoner situ soc [0] holding me prisoner (-25 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Drunk situ soc [0] drunk (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Pretty situ soc [0] physically appealing (+20 Op) [1] physically stunning (+40 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Ugly situ soc [0] physically unsightly (-20 Op) [1] physically hideous (-40 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
AnnoyingVoice situ soc [0] annoying voice (-25 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
CreepyBreathing situ soc [0] creepy breathing (-25 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Man situ soc [0] man (-25 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Woman situ soc [0] woman (-25 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
TranshumanistAppreciation situ soc [0] body modder appreciation (+8 Op) [1] body modder appreciation (+16 Op) [2] body modder appreciation (+24 Op) [3] body modder appreciation (+32 Op) [4] body modder appreciation (+40 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
BodyPuristDisgust situ soc [0] body purist disgust (-8 Op) [1] body purist disgust (-16 Op) [2] body purist disgust (-24 Op) [3] body purist disgust (-32 Op) [4] body purist disgust (-40 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
AteRawHumanlikeMeat mem soc [0] ate raw humanlike meat (-5 Op) 0 0 1 5 70%
SoldPrisoner situ soc [0] sold prisoner to slavery (-15 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
ExecutedPrisoner situ soc [0] executed prisoner (-8 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
KilledColonist situ soc [0] killed colonist (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
KilledColonyAnimal situ soc [0] killed colony animal (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
OpinionOfMyLover situ mood [0] opinion of my {0} {1} 0 0 1 0 70%
BondedAnimalMaster situ mood [0] {0}'s master [+5 Mo] [1] master of {0} [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 0 70%
NotBondedAnimalMaster situ mood [0] not {0}'s master [-3 Mo] [1] not master of {0} [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
WantToSleepWithSpouseOrLover situ mood [0] sleeping alone [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
SharedBed situ mood [0] sharing bed 0 0 1 0 70%
ColonistLeftUnburied situ mood [0] colonist left unburied [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 0 70%
Naked situ mood [0] naked [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
Pain situ mood [0] minor pain [-5 Mo] [1] serious pain [-10 Mo] [2] intense pain [-15 Mo] [3] mind-shattering pain [-20 Mo] -5 -20 1 0 70%
PsychicEmanatorSoothe situ mood [0] psychic emanator soothe [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 0 PsychicSensitivity 70%
PsychicDrone situ mood [0] psychic soothe [+16 Mo] [1] low psychic drone [-12 Mo] [2] moderate psychic drone [-22 Mo] [3] high psychic drone [-30 Mo] [4] extreme psychic drone [-40 Mo] 16 -40 1 0 PsychicSensitivity 70%
Joywire situ mood [0] joywire [+30 Mo] 30 30 1 0 Joywire 70%
Aurora situ mood [0] beautiful aurora [+14 Mo] 14 14 1 0 Aurora 70%
DoingPassionateWork situ mood [0] minor passion for my work [+8 Mo] [1] burning passion for my work [+14 Mo] 14 8 1 0 70%
MissingTongue situ mood [0] missing tongue [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
RotStink situ mood [0] rot stink [-10 Mo] [1] awful rot stink [-16 Mo] -10 -16 1 0 70%
RotStinkLingering situ mood [0] rot stink lingering [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
ToxicFallout situ mood [0] toxic fallout [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 0 70%
MasochistPain situ mood [0] masochist in minor pain [+5 Mo] [1] masochist in serious pain [+10 Mo] [2] masochist in intense pain [+15 Mo] [3] masochist in mind-shattering pain [+20 Mo] 20 5 1 0 70%
ProsthophileNoProsthetic situ mood [0] body modder frustrated [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
ProsthophileHappy situ mood [0] body modder pleased [+4 Mo] [1] body modder quite pleased [+7 Mo] [2] body modder delighted [+9 Mo] [3] body modder enchanted [+11 Mo] [4] body modder overjoyed [+12 Mo] [5] machine body is complete [+13 Mo] 13 4 1 0 70%
ProsthophobeUnhappy situ mood [0] body purist squeamish [-10 Mo] [1] body purist disgusted [-15 Mo] [2] body purist violated [-20 Mo] [3] body purist horrified [-25 Mo] [4] body purist nightmare [-30 Mo] [5] I have become what I hate [-35 Mo] -10 -35 1 0 70%
BrawlerUnhappy situ mood [0] brawler has ranged weapon [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 0 70%
PyromaniacHappy situ mood [0] pyromaniac has incendiary weapon [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 0 70%
PyromaniacNearFire situ mood [0] beautiful fire [+2 Mo] 2 2 4 75% 0 70%
ClothedNudist situ mood [0] constraining clothes [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
HappyNude situ mood [0] happily nude [+20 Mo] 20 20 1 0 70%
UndergrounderIndoors situ mood [0] undergrounder indoors [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 0 70%
UndergrounderUnderground situ mood [0] underground [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 0 70%
UndergrounderOutdoors situ mood [0] undergrounder outdoors [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
NightOwlDuringTheDay situ mood [0] night owl in daytime [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 0 70%
NightOwlDuringTheNight situ mood [0] night owl at night [+16 Mo] 16 16 1 0 70%
Greedy situ mood [0] greedy for impressive bedroom [-8 Mo] [1] greedy for impressive bedroom [-8 Mo] [2] greedy for impressive bedroom [-8 Mo] [3] greedy for impressive bedroom [-6 Mo] [4] greedy for impressive bedroom [-4 Mo] [5] null [6] null [7] null [8] null [9] null [10] null -4 -8 1 0 70%
Jealous situ mood [0] jealous of {0}'s bedroom [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
Ascetic situ mood [0] ascetic has awful bedroom [+5 Mo] [1] ascetic has dull bedroom [+4 Mo] [2] ascetic has mediocre bedroom [+3 Mo] [3] null [4] null [5] ascetic has impressive bedroom [-5 Mo] [6] ascetic has impressive bedroom [-5 Mo] [7] ascetic has impressive bedroom [-5 Mo] [8] ascetic has impressive bedroom [-5 Mo] [9] ascetic has impressive bedroom [-5 Mo] [10] ascetic has impressive bedroom [-5 Mo] [11] ascetic has impressive bedroom [-5 Mo] 5 -5 1 0 70%
MoodOffsetSanguine situ mood [0] sanguine [+12 Mo] 12 12 1 0 70%
MoodOffsetOptimist situ mood [0] optimist [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 0 70%
MoodOffsetPessimist situ mood [0] pessimist [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
MoodOffsetDepressive situ mood [0] depressive [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 0 70%
MoodOffsetTorturedArtist situ mood [0] Tortured artist [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
PsychicHarmonization mem mood [0] psychic harmony: {HARMONIZER_labelShort} [+8 Mo] 8 8 100 75% 0 PsychicSensitivity 70%
GainedTitle mem mood [0] Received {TITLE} title [+8 Mo] 8 8 1 7 70%
LostTitle mem mood [0] Lost {TITLE} title [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 7 70%
TitleApparelRequirementNotMet situ mood [0] want {TITLE_label}-specific apparel [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
TitleApparelMinQualityNotMet situ mood [0] want {TITLE_label}-quality apparel [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
TitleThroneroomRequirementsNotMet situ mood [0] undignified throneroom [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
TitleBedroomRequirementsNotMet situ mood [0] undignified bedroom [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
TitleNoThroneRoom situ mood [0] no throne room [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
TitleNoPersonalBedroom situ mood [0] no personal bedroom [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
OtherTravelerDied mem mood [0] traveler died [-12 Mo] -12 -12 5 75% 10 70%
AteFoodInappropriateForTitle mem mood [0] ate low-class food [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 1 70%
OtherTravelerArrested mem mood [0] traveler arrested [-12 Mo] -12 -12 5 75% 10 70%
OtherTravelerSurgicallyViolated mem mood [0] traveler surgically violated [-12 Mo] -12 -12 5 75% 10 70%
TerribleBestowingCeremony mem mood [0] terrible bestowing ceremony [-3 Mo] -3 -3 3 75% 6 70%
UnimpressiveBestowingCeremony mem mood [0] unimpressive bestowing ceremony [-1 Mo] -1 -1 3 75% 6 70%
HonorableBestowingCeremony mem mood [0] honorable bestowing ceremony [+3 Mo] 3 3 3 75% 6 70%
GrandioseBestowingCeremony mem mood [0] grandiose bestowing ceremony [+6 Mo] 6 6 3 75% 6 70%
ReignedInThroneroom mem mood [0] awful throneroom [-6 Mo] [1] dull throneroom [-4 Mo] [2] mediocre throneroom [-2 Mo] [3] null [4] null [5] null [6] very impressive throneroom [+2 Mo] [7] extremely impressive throneroom [+4 Mo] [8] unbelievably impressive throneroom [+5 Mo] [9] wondrously impressive throneroom [+6 Mo] 6 -6 1 1 70%
DecreeMet mem mood [0] decree satisfied [+6 Mo] 6 6 3 75% 15 70%
DecreeFailed mem mood [0] decree failed [-4 Mo] -4 -4 3 75% 15 70%
Disinherited mem soc [0] disinherited [-4 Mo](-30 Op) -4 -4 3 75% 30 70%
NeuroquakeEcho mem mood [0] neuroquake echo [-12 Mo] -12 -12 3 75% 10 70%
ListeningToHarp situ mood [0] listening to harp [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 0 70%
ListeningToHarpsichord situ mood [0] listening to harpsichord [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 0 70%
ListeningToPiano situ mood [0] listening to piano [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 0 70%
DecreeUnmet situ mood [0] decree ignored 0 0 1 0 70%
PsychicEntropyOverloaded situ mood [0] minor psychic breakdown [-6 Mo] [1] major psychic breakdown [-12 Mo] [2] total psychic breakdown [-18 Mo] -6 -18 1 0 PsychicBreakdown 70%
AnimaScream mem mood [0] anima scream [-6 Mo] -6 -6 3 75% 5 PsychicSensitivity 70%
Joyfuzz situ mood [0] joyfuzz [+30 Mo] 30 30 1 0 Joyfuzz 70%
PsychicLove situ soc [0] psychic love (+40 Op) 0 0 1 0 PsychicLove 70%
BondedThoughtKind situ mood [0] {WEAPON}'s kind thoughts [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 0 70%
BondedThoughtCalm situ mood [0] {WEAPON}'s calm thoughts [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 0 70%
BondedThoughtMuttering situ mood [0] {WEAPON}'s muttering [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
BondedThoughtWailing situ mood [0] {WEAPON}'s wailing [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
OnKill_GoodThought mem mood [0] {WEAPON}'s kill happiness [+6 Mo] 6 6 5 25% 3 70%
OnKill_BadThought mem mood [0] {WEAPON}'s kill sorrow [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 25% 3 70%
KillThirst_Weapon situ mood [0] {WEAPON}'s kill thirst [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
JealousRage mem mood [0] {WEAPON}'s jealousy [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 1 70%
ExpectationsSlave situ mood [0] destitute slave expectations [+46 Mo] [1] poor slave expectations [+40 Mo] [2] meager slave expectations [+34 Mo] [3] slave expectations [+28 Mo] 46 28 1 0 70%
AteVeneratedAnimalMeat mem mood [0] ate venerated animal meat [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 5 70%
TameVeneratedAnimalDied mem mood [0] venerated {ANIMALKIND} died [-5 Mo] -5 -5 3 50% 5 70%
VeneratedAnimalsOnMapOrCaravan situ mood [0] venerated {ANIMAL_label} [+1 Mo] [1] venerated {ANIMAL_label} [+2 Mo] [2] venerated {ANIMAL_label} [+3 Mo] [3] venerated {ANIMAL_label} [+4 Mo] [4] venerated {ANIMAL_label} [+5 Mo] 5 1 1 0 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Know_Prohibited mem soc [0] slaughtered animal (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Know_Prohibited_Mood mem mood [0] animal slaughtered [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 6 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Horrible mem mood [0] slaughtered animal [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 6 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] slaughtered animal (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] animal slaughtered [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 6 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Disapproved mem mood [0] slaughtered animal [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 6 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] slaughtered animal (-3 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] animal slaughtered [-1 Mo] -1 -1 5 75% 6 70%
ChangedIdeo_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] recent apostasy (-30 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 30 70%
ChangedIdeo_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] recent apostasy (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 30 70%
ChangedIdeo_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] recent apostasy (-8 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 30 70%
IsApostate_Abhorrent_Social situ soc [0] apostate (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
IsApostate_Horrible_Social situ soc [0] apostate (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
IsApostate_Disapproved_Social situ soc [0] apostate (-3 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
WearingDesiredApparel_Soft situ mood [0] wearing {APPAREL} [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 0 70%
WearingDesiredApparel_Strong situ mood [0] wearing {APPAREL} [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 0 70%
HasAutomatedTurrets_Prohibited situ mood [0] automated weapons [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 0 70%
HasAutomatedTurrets_Horrible situ mood [0] automated weapons [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
HasAutomatedTurrets_Disapproved situ mood [0] automated weapons [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
BlindingCeremony_Know_Horrible mem mood [0] blinding ceremony [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 4 70%
BlindingCeremony_Self_Respected mem mood [0] was blinded [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 4 70%
BlindingCeremony_Self_Elevated mem mood [0] was blinded [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 4 70%
BlindingCeremony_Self_Sublime mem mood [0] was blinded [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 4 70%
Blindness_Respected_Blind situ mood [0] blind [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 0 70%
Blindness_Elevated_Blind situ mood [0] blind [+10 Mo] 10 10 1 0 70%
Blindness_Sublime_Blind situ mood [0] blind [+15 Mo] 15 15 1 0 70%
Blindness_Respected_Blind_Social situ soc [0] blind (+10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_Elevated_Blind_Social situ soc [0] blind (+20 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_Sublime_Blind_Social situ soc [0] blind (+30 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_ArtificialBlind situ mood [0] vision blocked [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 0 70%
Blindness_Elevated_HalfBlind situ mood [0] half-blind [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 0 70%
Blindness_Sublime_HalfBlind situ mood [0] half-blind [-1 Mo] -1 -1 1 0 70%
Blindness_Elevated_HalfBlind_Social situ soc [0] half-blind (+5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_Sublime_HalfBlind_Social situ soc [0] half-blind (+5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_Elevated_NonBlind situ mood [0] not blind [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
Blindness_Sublime_NonBlind situ mood [0] not blind [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
Blindness_Respected_NonBlind_Social situ soc [0] sighted (-2 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_Elevated_NonBlind_Social situ soc [0] sighted (-3 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_Sublime_NonBlind_Social situ soc [0] sighted (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
InstalledProsthetic_Abhorrent mem mood [0] installed enhancement [-30 Mo] -30 -30 1 6 70%
InstalledProsthetic_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] installed enhancement (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
InstalledProsthetic_Disapproved mem mood [0] installed enhancement [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 6 70%
InstalledProsthetic_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] installed enhancement (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
HasProsthetic_Abhorrent situ mood [0] artificial enhancement [-18 Mo] -18 -18 1 0 70%
HasProsthetic_Abhorrent_Social situ soc [0] artificial enhancement (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
HasProsthetic_Disapproved situ mood [0] artificial enhancement [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
HasProsthetic_Disapproved_Social situ soc [0] artificial enhancement (-3 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
HasNoProsthetic_Disapproved situ mood [0] no artificial enhancement [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
HasNoProsthetic_Disapproved_Social situ soc [0] no artificial enhancement (-3 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
HasProsthetic_Approved situ mood [0] transhumanist modded [+1 Mo] [1] transhumanist connected [+1 Mo] [2] transhumanist enhanced [+2 Mo] [3] transhumanist synchronized [+2 Mo] [4] transhumanist integrated [+3 Mo] [5] transhumanist transformed [+3 Mo] 3 1 1 0 70%
AteHumanMeat_Abhorrent mem mood [0] ate human meat [-20 Mo] -20 -20 1 1 70%
ButcheredHuman_Abhorrent mem mood [0] I butchered humanlike [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 6 70%
ButcheredHuman_Know_Abhorrent mem mood [0] we butchered humanlike [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 75% 5 70%
ButcheredHuman_Know_Abhorrent_Opinion mem soc [0] butchered humanlike (-20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteHumanMeat_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] ate human meat (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
HumanLeatherApparel_Abhorrent situ mood [0] human leather {0} [-2 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [-4 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [-6 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [-8 Mo] -2 -8 1 0 70%
AteHumanMeat_Horrible mem mood [0] ate human meat [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 1 70%
ButcheredHuman_Horrible mem mood [0] I butchered humanlike [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 6 70%
ButcheredHuman_Know_Horrible mem mood [0] we butchered humanlike [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 5 70%
ButcheredHuman_Know_Horrible_Opinion mem soc [0] butchered humanlike (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteHumanMeat_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] ate human meat (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
HumanLeatherApparel_Horrible situ mood [0] human leather {0} [-2 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [-3 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [-5 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [-6 Mo] -2 -6 1 0 70%
AteHumanMeat_Disapproved mem mood [0] ate human meat [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 1 70%
ButcheredHuman_Disapproved mem mood [0] I butchered humanlike [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 6 70%
ButcheredHuman_Know_Disapproved mem mood [0] we butchered humanlike [-1 Mo] -1 -1 5 75% 5 70%
ButcheredHuman_Know_Disapproved_Opinion mem soc [0] butchered humanlike (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteHumanMeat_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] ate human meat (-3 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
HumanLeatherApparel_Disapproved situ mood [0] human leather {0} [-1 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [-2 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [-3 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [-4 Mo] -1 -4 1 0 70%
AteHumanMeat_Preferred mem mood [0] ate human meat [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 1 70%
NoRecentHumanMeat_Preferred situ mood [0] want human meat [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 0 70%
HumanLeatherApparel_Preferred situ mood [0] human leather {0} [+1 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [+2 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [+3 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [+4 Mo] 4 1 1 0 70%
AteNonCannibalFood_Horrible mem mood [0] ate non-cannibal food [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 1 70%
AteNonCannibalFood_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] ate non-cannibal food (-3 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteHumanMeat_RequiredStrong mem mood [0] ate human meat [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 1 70%
NoRecentHumanMeat_RequiredStrong situ mood [0] want human meat [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
HumanLeatherApparel_RequiredStrong situ mood [0] human leather {0} [+2 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [+3 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [+5 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [+6 Mo] 6 2 1 0 70%
AteNonCannibalFood_Abhorrent mem mood [0] ate non-cannibal food [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 1 70%
AteNonCannibalFood_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] ate non-cannibal food (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteHumanMeat_RequiredRavenous mem mood [0] ate human meat [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 1 70%
NoRecentHumanMeat_RequiredRavenous situ mood [0] want human meat [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
HumanLeatherApparel_RequiredRavenous situ mood [0] human leather {0} [+2 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [+4 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [+6 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [+8 Mo] 8 2 1 0 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_Beggars mem mood [0] beggars not helped [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_Beggars mem mood [0] beggars not helped [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_Beggars mem mood [0] beggars not helped [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_Beggars_Betrayed mem mood [0] beggars betrayed [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_Beggars_Betrayed mem mood [0] beggars betrayed [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_Beggars_Betrayed mem mood [0] beggars betrayed [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_Pilgrims mem mood [0] pilgrims not helped [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_Pilgrims mem mood [0] pilgrims not helped [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_Pilgrims mem mood [0] pilgrims not helped [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_Pilgrims_Betrayed mem mood [0] pilgrims betrayed [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_Pilgrims_Betrayed mem mood [0] pilgrims betrayed [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_Pilgrims_Betrayed mem mood [0] pilgrims betrayed [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_WandererJoins mem mood [0] wanderer rejected [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_WandererJoins mem mood [0] wanderer rejected [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_WandererJoins mem mood [0] wanderer rejected [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_ShuttleCrashRescue mem mood [0] crashing shuttle ignored [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_ShuttleCrashRescue mem mood [0] crashing shuttle ignored [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_ShuttleCrashRescue mem mood [0] crashing shuttle ignored [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_RefugeePodCrash mem mood [0] crashed refugee not helped [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_RefugeePodCrash mem mood [0] crashed refugee not helped [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_RefugeePodCrash mem mood [0] crashed refugee not helped [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_HospitalityRefugees mem mood [0] refugees not helped [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_HospitalityRefugees mem mood [0] refugees not helped [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_HospitalityRefugees mem mood [0] refugees not helped [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_IntroWimp mem mood [0] noble not helped [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_IntroWimp mem mood [0] noble not helped [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_IntroWimp mem mood [0] noble not helped [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_ThreatReward_Joiner mem mood [0] rejected joiner in danger [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_ThreatReward_Joiner mem mood [0] rejected joiner in danger [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_ThreatReward_Joiner mem mood [0] rejected joiner in danger [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_Beggars mem mood [0] beggars helped [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_Beggars mem mood [0] beggars helped [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_Beggars mem mood [0] beggars helped [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_WandererJoins mem mood [0] wanderer helped [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_WandererJoins mem mood [0] wanderer helped [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_WandererJoins mem mood [0] wanderer helped [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_ShuttleCrashRescue mem mood [0] shuttle survivors helped [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_ShuttleCrashRescue mem mood [0] shuttle survivors helped [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_ShuttleCrashRescue mem mood [0] shuttle survivors helped [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_RefugeePodCrash mem mood [0] pod refugee helped [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_RefugeePodCrash mem mood [0] pod refugee helped [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_RefugeePodCrash mem mood [0] pod refugee helped [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_HospitalityRefugees mem mood [0] refugees hosted [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_HospitalityRefugees mem mood [0] refugees hosted [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_HospitalityRefugees mem mood [0] refugees hosted [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_IntroWimp mem mood [0] noble helped [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_IntroWimp mem mood [0] noble helped [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_IntroWimp mem mood [0] noble helped [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_ThreatReward_Joiner mem mood [0] accepted someone in danger [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_ThreatReward_Joiner mem mood [0] accepted someone in danger [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_ThreatReward_Joiner mem mood [0] accepted someone in danger [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
SlabBed_Preferred situ mood [0] slept on slab bed [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 0 70%
IngestedDrug_Horrible mem mood [0] used drug [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 3 70%
IngestedRecreationalDrug_Horrible mem mood [0] used recreational drug [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 3 70%
IngestedHardDrug_Horrible mem mood [0] used hard drug [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 3 70%
IngestedDrug_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] used drug (-3 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
IngestedRecreationalDrug_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] used recreational drug (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
IngestedHardDrug_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] used hard drug (-8 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AdministeredDrug_Horrible mem mood [0] administered drug [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 3 70%
AdministeredRecreationalDrug_Horrible mem mood [0] administered recreational drug [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 3 70%
AdministeredHardDrug_Horrible mem mood [0] administered hard drug [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 3 70%
AdministeredDrug_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] administered drug (-3 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AdministeredRecreationalDrug_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] administered recreational drug (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AdministeredHardDrug_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] administered hard drug (-8 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteNonFungusPlant_Despised mem mood [0] ate non-fungus plant raw [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 1 70%
AteNonFungusMealWithPlants_Despised mem mood [0] ate non-fungus plant cooked [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 1 70%
AteFungus_Preferred mem mood [0] ate fungus [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 1 70%
AteFungusAsIngredient_Preferred mem mood [0] ate cooked fungus [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 1 70%
AteFungus_Despised mem mood [0] ate fungus raw [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 1 70%
AteFungusAsIngredient_Despised mem mood [0] ate fungus cooked [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 1 70%
HighLife situ mood [0] high life [+3 Mo] [1] high life [2] high life missing [3] high life missing [-10 Mo] 3 -10 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Abhorrent situ mood [0] diverse thoughts [-3 Mo] [1] diverse thoughts [-6 Mo] [2] diverse thoughts [-9 Mo] -3 -9 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Abhorrent_Uniform situ mood [0] uniform thoughts [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Abhorrent_Social situ soc [0] different ideoligion (-25 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
IdeoDiverity_Abhorrent_AltarSharing situ mood [0] false altar [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Abhorrent_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [+5 Mo] [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [-4 Mo] 5 -4 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Abhorrent_ParticipatedInOthersRitual mem mood [0] false ritual [-6 Mo] -6 -6 5 75% 1 70%
IdeoDiversity_Horrible situ mood [0] diverse thoughts [-2 Mo] [1] diverse thoughts [-4 Mo] [2] diverse thoughts [-6 Mo] -2 -6 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Horrible_Uniform situ mood [0] uniform thoughts [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Horrible_Social situ soc [0] different ideoligion (-15 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
IdeoDiverity_Horrible_AltarSharing situ mood [0] false altar [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Horrible_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [+4 Mo] [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [-3 Mo] 4 -3 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Horrible_ParticipatedInOthersRitual mem mood [0] false ritual [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 1 70%
IdeoDiversity_Disapproved situ mood [0] diverse thoughts [-1 Mo] [1] diverse thoughts [-2 Mo] [2] diverse thoughts [-3 Mo] -1 -3 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Disapproved_Uniform situ mood [0] uniform thoughts [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Disapproved_Social situ soc [0] different ideoligion (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
IdeoDiverity_Disapproved_AltarSharing situ mood [0] false altar [-1 Mo] -1 -1 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Disapproved_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [+3 Mo] [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [-2 Mo] 3 -2 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Disapproved_ParticipatedInOthersRitual mem mood [0] false ritual [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 1 70%
IdeoDiversity_Standard_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [+2 Mo] [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings 2 0 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Approved situ mood [0] diverse thoughts [+1 Mo] [1] diverse thoughts [+2 Mo] [2] diverse thoughts [+3 Mo] 3 1 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Approved_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE} surroundings [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE} surroundings [+2 Mo] 2 0 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Respected situ mood [0] diverse thoughts [+2 Mo] [1] diverse thoughts [+4 Mo] [2] diverse thoughts [+6 Mo] 6 2 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Respected_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE} surroundings [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE} surroundings [+3 Mo] 3 0 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Exalted situ mood [0] diverse thoughts [+3 Mo] [1] diverse thoughts [+6 Mo] [2] diverse thoughts [+9 Mo] 9 3 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Exalted_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE} surroundings [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE} surroundings [+4 Mo] 4 0 1 0 70%
AteInsectMeat_Loved mem mood [0] ate insect meat [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 1 70%
AteInsectMeatAsIngredient_Loved mem mood [0] ate cooked insect meat [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 1 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] killed innocent animal (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] innocent animal killed [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Horrible mem mood [0] killed innocent {0} [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] killed innocent animal (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] innocent animal killed [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Disapproved mem mood [0] killed innocent {0} [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] killed innocent animal (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] innocent animal killed [-1 Mo] -1 -1 5 75% 6 70%
Darklight_Preferred_BlindingLight situ mood [0] blinding light [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
Darklight_Preferred_IndoorLight situ mood [0] indoor light [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
Darklight_Preferred_Darklight situ mood [0] darklight [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 0 70%
Eclipse_Beautiful situ mood [0] beautiful eclipse [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 0 70%
GotLovin_Abhorrent mem mood [0] lustful act [-30 Mo] -30 -30 1 1 70%
Lovin_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] lustful act (-20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
GotLovin_Horrible mem mood [0] lustful act [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 1 70%
Lovin_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] lustful act (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
GotLovin_Disapproved mem mood [0] act of desire [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 1 70%
Lovin_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] act of desire (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
Lovin_Know_Approved mem soc [0] lovin' afterglow (+5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteMeat_Abhorrent mem mood [0] ate meat [-24 Mo] -24 -24 1 1 70%
AteMeat_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] ate meat (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 3 70%
AteMeat_Horrible mem mood [0] ate meat [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 1 70%
AteMeat_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] ate meat (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 3 70%
AteMeat_Disapproved mem mood [0] ate meat [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 1 70%
AteMeat_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] ate meat (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 3 70%
AteNonMeat_Abhorrent mem mood [0] ate vegetarian [-16 Mo] -16 -16 1 1 70%
AteNonMeat_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] ate vegetarian (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 3 70%
AteNonMeat_Horrible mem mood [0] ate vegetarian [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 1 70%
AteNonMeat_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] ate vegetarian (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 3 70%
AteNonMeat_Disapproved mem mood [0] ate vegetarian [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 1 70%
AteNonMeat_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] ate vegetarian (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 3 70%
Mined_Know_Prohibited mem soc [0] mined (-15 Op) 0 0 100 1 75% 4 70%
Mined_Know_Prohibited_Mood mem mood [0] mined [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 2 70%
MineableDestroyed_Prohibited mem mood [0] destroyed natural wall [-40 Mo] -40 -40 1 2 70%
Mined_Horrible mem mood [0] mined [-20 Mo] -20 -20 1 2 70%
Mined_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] mined (-10 Op) 0 0 100 1 75% 2 70%
Mined_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] mined [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 2 70%
MineableDestroyed_Horrible mem mood [0] destroyed natural wall [-20 Mo] -20 -20 1 2 70%
Mined_Disapproved mem mood [0] mined [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 2 70%
Mined_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] mined (-5 Op) 0 0 100 1 75% 2 70%
Mined_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] mined [-1 Mo] -1 -1 5 75% 2 70%
MineableDestroyed_Disapproved mem mood [0] destroyed natural wall [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 2 70%
AnyBodyPartCovered_Disapproved_Male situ mood [0] wearing clothes [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartCovered_Disapproved_Female situ mood [0] wearing clothes [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartCovered_Disapproved_Memory mem mood [0] wore clothes [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0.5 70%
AnyBodyPartCovered_Disapproved_Social_Male situ soc [0] wearing clothes (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartCovered_Disapproved_Social_Female situ soc [0] wearing clothes (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartButGroinCovered_Disapproved_Male situ mood [0] wearing clothes (non-groin) [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartButGroinCovered_Disapproved_Female situ mood [0] wearing clothes (non-groin) [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartButGroinCovered_Disapproved_Memory mem mood [0] wore clothes (non-groin) [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0.5 70%
AnyBodyPartButGroinCovered_Disapproved_Social_Male situ soc [0] wearing clothes (non-groin) (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartButGroinCovered_Disapproved_Social_Female situ soc [0] wearing clothes (non-groin) (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinUncovered_Disapproved_Male situ mood [0] uncovered groin [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinUncovered_Disapproved_Female situ mood [0] uncovered groin [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Male situ soc [0] uncovered groin (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Female situ soc [0] uncovered groin (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinOrChestUncovered_Disapproved_Male situ mood [0] uncovered groin/chest [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinOrChestUncovered_Disapproved_Female situ mood [0] uncovered groin/chest [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinOrChestUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Male situ soc [0] uncovered groin/chest (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinOrChestUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Female situ soc [0] uncovered groin/chest (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinChestOrHairUncovered_Disapproved_Male situ mood [0] uncovered groin/chest/hair [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinChestOrHairUncovered_Disapproved_Female situ mood [0] uncovered groin/chest/hair [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinChestOrHairUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Male situ soc [0] uncovered any body part (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinChestOrHairUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Female situ soc [0] uncovered any body part (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinChestHairOrFaceUncovered_Disapproved_Male situ mood [0] uncovered any body part [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinChestHairOrFaceUncovered_Disapproved_Female situ mood [0] uncovered any body part [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinChestHairOrFaceUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Male situ soc [0] uncovered any body part (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinChestHairOrFaceUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Female situ soc [0] uncovered any body part (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
TradedOrgan_Abhorrent mem mood [0] traded organ [-30 Mo] -30 -30 1 6 70%
TradedOrgan_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] traded organ (-30 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 10 70%
TradedOrgan_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] organ traded [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 50% 8 70%
SoldOrgan_Disapproved mem mood [0] sold organ [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 6 70%
SoldOrgan_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] sold organ (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 10 70%
SoldOrgan_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] organ sold [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 8 70%
InstalledOrgan_Abhorrent mem mood [0] installed organ [-30 Mo] -30 -30 1 6 70%
InstalledOrgan_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] installed organ (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 10 70%
InstalledOrgan_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] installed organ [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 50% 8 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Abhorrent mem mood [0] harvested organ [-30 Mo] -30 -30 1 5 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] harvested organ (-30 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 10 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] organ harvested [-10 Mo] -10 -10 5 50% 8 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Horrible mem mood [0] harvested organ [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 5 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] harvested organ (-20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 10 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] organ harvested [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 50% 8 70%
Pain_Idealized situ mood [0] minor pain [+3 Mo] [1] serious pain [+5 Mo] [2] intense pain [+7 Mo] [3] mind-shattering pain [+9 Mo] 9 3 1 0 70%
ExecutedGuest_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] justified execution [-3 Mo] [1] someone was euthanized [-4 Mo] [2] someone was executed [-6 Mo] [3] someone was organ-murdered [-7 Mo] [4] someone was ripscanned [-7 Mo] -3 -7 5 75% 6 70%
ExecutedColonist_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] justified execution of colonist [-3 Mo] [1] colonist euthanized [-4 Mo] [2] colonist executed [-6 Mo] [3] colonist organ-harvested [-7 Mo] [4] colonist ripscanned [-7 Mo] -3 -7 5 75% 6 70%
ExecutedPrisoner_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] executed prisoner (-25 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
InnocentPrisonerDied_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] responsible for the death of a prisoner (-25 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
InnocentPrisonerDied_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] innocent prisoner died [-7 Mo] -7 -7 5 75% 6 70%
InnocentPrisonerDied_Abhorrent mem mood [0] innocent prisoner died (responsible) [-20 Mo] -20 -20 1 6 70%
ExecutedPrisoner_Horrible mem mood [0] executed prisoner [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 6 70%
InnocentPrisonerDied_Horrible mem mood [0] innocent prisoner died (responsible) [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 6 70%
ExecutedPrisoner_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] executed prisoner (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
InnocentPrisonerDied_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] responsible for the death of a prisoner (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
ExecutedPrisonerInnocent_Horrible mem mood [0] executed innocent prisoner [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 6 70%
ExecutedPrisonerInnocent_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] executed innocent prisoner (-30 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
ExecutedPrisonerGuilty_Respected mem mood [0] executed guilty prisoner [+10 Mo] 10 10 1 6 70%
GuiltyPrisonerDied_Respected mem mood [0] guilty prisoner died (responsible) [+10 Mo] 10 10 1 6 70%
ExecutedPrisonerGuilty_Know_Respected mem soc [0] executed guilty prisoner (+20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
ExecutedPrisonerGuilty_Know_Respected_Mood mem mood [0] guilty prisoner executed [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 6 70%
GuiltyPrisonerDied_Know_Respected mem soc [0] responsible for the death of a prisoner (+15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
ExecutedPrisoner_Respected mem mood [0] executed prisoner [+10 Mo] 10 10 1 6 70%
PrisonerDied_Respected mem mood [0] prisoner died (responsible) [+10 Mo] 10 10 1 6 70%
ExecutedPrisoner_Know_Respected mem soc [0] executed prisoner (+15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
PrisonerDied_Know_Respected mem soc [0] responsible for the death of a prisoner (+15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
Execution_Know_Respected_Mood mem mood [0] execution [+3 Mo] 3 3 5 75% 2 70%
NoRecentExecution situ mood [0] no execution [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
Ranching_Central_AnimalMassPerCapita situ mood [0] no animals [-3 Mo] [1] scarce animals [-2 Mo] [2] few animals [-1 Mo] [3] some animals [+1 Mo] [4] lots of animals [+2 Mo] [5] tons of animals [+3 Mo] 3 -3 1 0 70%
Ranching_SowedPlant mem mood [0] sowed human food plant [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 2 70%
RelicDestroyed mem mood [0] relic destroyed [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 75% 30 70%
RelicLost mem mood [0] relic lost [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 75% 30 70%
ScarificationCeremony_Know_Horrible mem mood [0] Scarification ceremony [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 4 70%
ScarificationCeremony_Self_Minor mem mood [0] got scarified [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 4 70%
ScarificationCeremony_Self_Heavy mem mood [0] got scarified [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 4 70%
ScarificationCeremony_Self_Extreme mem mood [0] got scarified [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 4 70%
Scarification_Extreme_Opinion situ soc [0] scarified (+10 Op) [1] not scarified (-10 Op) [2] insufficiently scarified (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Scarification_Extreme situ mood [0] scarified [+3 Mo] [1] not scarified [-3 Mo] [2] insufficiently scarified [-3 Mo] 3 -3 1 0 70%
Scarification_Heavy_Opinion situ soc [0] scarified (+5 Op) [1] not scarified (-5 Op) [2] insufficiently scarified (-3 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Scarification_Heavy situ mood [0] scarified [+2 Mo] [1] not scarified [-2 Mo] [2] insufficiently scarified [-2 Mo] 2 -2 1 0 70%
Scarification_Minor_Opinion situ soc [0] scarified (+3 Op) [1] not scarified (-3 Op) [2] insufficiently scarified (-2 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Scarification_Minor situ mood [0] scarified [+1 Mo] [1] not scarified [-1 Mo] [2] insufficiently scarified [-1 Mo] 1 -1 1 0 70%
Skullspike_Desired situ mood [0] skullspikes [+1 Mo] [1] skullspikes [+2 Mo] [2] skullspikes [+3 Mo] 3 1 1 0 70%
Skullspike_Disapproved situ mood [0] skullspikes [-1 Mo] [1] skullspikes [-2 Mo] [2] skullspikes [-3 Mo] -1 -3 1 0 70%
Slavery_Abhorrent_SlavesInColony situ mood [0] slaves in colony [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] sold slave (-20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] slave sold [-10 Mo] -10 -10 5 75% 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] enslaved prisoner (-20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
Slavery_Horrible_SlavesInColony situ mood [0] slaves in colony [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 0 70%
SoldSlave_Horrible mem mood [0] sold slave [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Horrible mem mood [0] enslaved prisoner [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 6 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] sold slave (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] slave sold [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] enslaved prisoner (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] prisoner enslaved [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 6 70%
Slavery_Disapproved_SlavesInColony situ mood [0] slaves in colony [-1 Mo] -1 -1 1 0 70%
SoldSlave_Disapproved mem mood [0] sold slave [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Disapproved mem mood [0] enslaved prisoner [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 6 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] sold slave (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] slave sold [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] enslaved prisoner (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] prisoner enslaved [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 6 70%
Slavery_Honorable_SlavesInColony situ mood [0] slaves in colony [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 0 70%
Slavery_Honorable_NoSlavesInColony situ mood [0] no slaves in colony [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 0 70%
SoldSlave_Honorable mem mood [0] sold slave [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Honorable mem mood [0] enslaved prisoner [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 6 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Honorable mem soc [0] sold slave (+10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 25 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Honorable_Mood mem mood [0] slave sold [+2 Mo] 2 2 5 75% 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Honorable mem soc [0] enslaved prisoner (+10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Honorable_Mood mem mood [0] prisoner enslaved [+2 Mo] 2 2 5 75% 6 70%
SleptUsingSleepAccelerator mem mood [0] used sleep accelerator [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 1 70%
NeedNeuralSupercharge situ mood [0] want neural supercharge [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
AgeReversalDemanded situ mood [0] harmful aging [-4 Mo] [1] terrible aging [-7 Mo] [2] horrific aging [-10 Mo] [3] 0 -10 1 0 70%
AgeReversalReceived mem mood [0] received age reversal [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 4 70%
BioSculpterDespised mem mood [0] used biosculpter pod [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 12 70%
MinifiedTreeDied_Know_Prohibited_Mood mem mood [0] extracted tree died [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 3 70%
MinifiedTreeDied_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] extracted tree died [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 3 70%
MinifiedTreeDied_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] extracted tree died [-1 Mo] -1 -1 5 75% 3 70%
CutTree_Know_Prohibited mem soc [0] cut tree (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
CutTree_Horrible mem mood [0] cut tree [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 3 70%
CutTree_Know_Prohibited_Mood mem mood [0] tree felled [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 3 70%
CutTree_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] cut tree (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
CutTree_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] tree felled [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 3 70%
CutTree_Disapproved mem mood [0] cut tree [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 3 70%
CutTree_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] cut tree (-3 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
CutTree_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] tree felled [-1 Mo] -1 -1 5 75% 3 70%
GauranlenConnectionDesired situ mood [0] Gauranlen connection [+3 Mo] [1] want Gauranlen connection [2] want Gauranlen connection [-1 Mo] [3] want Gauranlen connection [-2 Mo] [4] want Gauranlen connection [-4 Mo] [5] want Gauranlen connection [-6 Mo] 3 -6 1 0 70%
TreesDesired situ mood [0] amazing trees [+9 Mo] [1] amazing tree [+8 Mo] [2] remarkable trees [+7 Mo] [3] amazing tree [+6 Mo] [4] rich forest [+5 Mo] [5] full trees [+4 Mo] [6] mixed trees [+3 Mo] [7] full tree [+2 Mo] [8] mini trees [+4 Mo] [9] mini tree [+2 Mo] [10] no tree [-1 Mo] [11] no tree [-2 Mo] [12] trees missed [-3 Mo] [13] trees missed [-4 Mo] [14] trees sorely missed [-5 Mo] 9 -5 1 0 70%
TreeDensityReduced situ mood [0] healthy trees [1] trees disturbed [-2 Mo] [2] trees defaced [-5 Mo] [3] trees damaged [-8 Mo] [4] trees harmed [-10 Mo] [5] trees defiled [-13 Mo] [6] trees wrecked [-16 Mo] [7] trees ravaged [-20 Mo] 0 -20 1 0 70%
KillWithNobleWeapon mem mood [0] victory by noble weapon [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 1 70%
UsedDespisedWeapon mem mood [0] used despised weapon [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 2 70%
WieldingNobleOrDespisedWeapon situ mood [0] wielding {WEAPON} [+3 Mo] [1] wielding {WEAPON} [-5 Mo] 3 -5 1 0 70%
IdeoBuildingMissing situ mood [0] Missing {BUILDING_label} [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
IdeoBuildingDisrespected situ mood [0] {BUILDING_labelCap} disrespected [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
ParticipatedInRaid_Respected mem mood [0] participated in raid [+3 Mo] 3 3 300 100% 5 70%
ParticipatedInRaid_Required mem mood [0] participated in raid [+6 Mo] 6 6 300 100% 5 70%
RecentConquest_Respected situ mood [0] recent conquest [+6 Mo] [1] no recent conquest [-6 Mo] 6 -6 1 0 70%
RecentConquest_Required situ mood [0] recent conquest [+12 Mo] [1] no recent conquest [-12 Mo] 12 -12 1 0 70%
IdeoRoleLost mem mood [0] Lost {ROLE_label} role [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 10 70%
IdeoRoleEmpty situ mood [0] No {ROLE_label} [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 0 70%
IdeoRoleApparelRequirementNotMet situ mood [0] Want {ROLE_label} apparel [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
IdeoLeaderResentmentStandard situ mood [0] [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 0 70%
IdeoLeaderResentmentDisapproved situ mood [0] [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
IdeoLeaderResentmentHorrible situ mood [0] [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
IdeoLeaderResentmentAbhorrent situ mood [0] [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 0 70%
WasEnslaved mem mood [0] was enslaved [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 12 70%
SleptInRoomWithSlave mem mood [0] shared room with slave [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 1 70%
ConnectedTreeDied mem mood [0] Gauranlen death [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 10 70%
RelicsCollected mem mood [0] all relics collected [+15 Mo] 15 15 1 15 70%
BiosculpterPleasure mem mood [0] biosculpter pleasure cycle [+15 Mo] 15 15 1 12 70%
DryadDied mem mood [0] dryad died [-3 Mo] -3 -3 4 75% 6 70%
WillDiminished mem soc [0] will diminished (-2 Op) 0 0 300 50 100% 20 70%
FailedConvertAbilityInitiator mem mood [0] failed to convert {0} [-3 Mo] -3 -3 3 80% 2 70%
FailedConvertAbilityRecipient mem mood [0] {0} tried to convert me [-5 Mo] -5 -5 3 80% 2 70%
Counselled mem mood [0] counselled by {0} 0 0 1 0 70%
CounselFailed mem mood [0] failed consolation by {0} [-3 Mo] -3 -3 3 75% 1 70%
Counselled_MoodBoost mem mood [0] counselled by {0} [+8 Mo] 8 8 1 3 70%
TendedByMedicalSpecialist mem mood [0] tended by {0} [+8 Mo] 8 8 100 75% 4 70%
ObservedTerror mem mood [0] {THING_label} 0 0 300 75% 1 70%
ObservedGibbetCage mem mood [0] observed gibbet cage [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 1 70%
ObservedSkullspike mem mood [0] observed skullspike [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 1 70%
RelicAtRitual mem mood [0] {RELICNAME} at ritual [+2 Mo] [1] two relics at ritual [+3 Mo] [2] three relics at ritual [+4 Mo] 4 2 1 4 70%
TrialExonerated mem mood [0] exonerated [+8 Mo] 8 8 1 10 70%
TrialFailed mem mood [0] failed trial [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 10 70%
TrialConvicted mem mood [0] convicted [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 20 70%
TerribleParty mem mood [0] terrible party [-3 Mo] -3 -3 3 75% 6 70%
BoringParty mem mood [0] boring party [-1 Mo] -1 -1 3 75% 6 70%
FunParty mem mood [0] fun party [+8 Mo] 8 8 3 75% 6 70%
UnforgettableParty mem mood [0] unforgettable party [+16 Mo] 16 16 3 75% 6 70%
TerribleFuneral mem mood [0] disgraceful funeral [-3 Mo] -3 -3 3 75% 6 70%
LacklusterFuneral mem mood [0] lackluster funeral [-1 Mo] -1 -1 3 75% 6 70%
GoodFuneral mem mood [0] good funeral [+5 Mo] 5 5 3 75% 6 70%
HeartwarmingFuneral mem mood [0] heartwarming funeral [+8 Mo] 8 8 3 75% 6 70%
TerribleFestival mem mood [0] terrible festival [-3 Mo] -3 -3 3 75% 6 70%
BoringFestival mem mood [0] boring festival [-1 Mo] -1 -1 3 75% 6 70%
FunFestival mem mood [0] fun festival [+5 Mo] 5 5 3 75% 6 70%
UnforgettableFestival mem mood [0] unforgettable festival [+8 Mo] 8 8 3 75% 6 70%
TerribleSacrifice mem mood [0] terrible sacrifice [-3 Mo] -3 -3 3 75% 6 70%
BoringSacrifice mem mood [0] boring sacrifice [-1 Mo] -1 -1 3 75% 6 70%
SatisfyingSacrifice mem mood [0] satisfying sacrifice [+5 Mo] 5 5 3 75% 6 70%
SpectacularSacrifice mem mood [0] spectacular sacrifice [+8 Mo] 8 8 3 75% 6 70%
TerribleSkyLanterns mem mood [0] terrible skylantern festival [-3 Mo] -3 -3 3 75% 6 70%
UnimpressiveSkyLanterns mem mood [0] boring skylanterns [-1 Mo] -1 -1 3 75% 6 70%
BeautifulSkyLanterns mem mood [0] beautiful skylantern festival [+6 Mo] 6 6 3 75% 6 70%
UnforgettableSkyLanterns mem mood [0] unforgettable skylantern festival [+10 Mo] 10 10 3 75% 6 70%
TerribleScarification mem mood [0] terrible scarification [-2 Mo] -2 -2 3 75% 6 70%
BoringScarification mem mood [0] boring scarification [-1 Mo] -1 -1 3 75% 6 70%
SatisfyingScarification mem mood [0] satisfying scarification [+1 Mo] 1 1 3 75% 6 70%
SpectacularScarification mem mood [0] spectacular scarification [+3 Mo] 3 3 3 75% 6 70%
TerribleBlinding mem mood [0] terrible blinding [-2 Mo] -2 -2 3 75% 6 70%
BoringBlinding mem mood [0] boring blinding [-1 Mo] -1 -1 3 75% 6 70%
SatisfyingBlinding mem mood [0] satisfying blinding [+1 Mo] 1 1 3 75% 6 70%
SpectacularBlinding mem mood [0] spectacular blinding [+3 Mo] 3 3 3 75% 6 70%
EffectiveConversion mem mood [0] effective conversion [+3 Mo] 3 3 3 75% 6 70%
MasterfulConversion mem mood [0] masterful conversion [+6 Mo] 6 6 3 75% 6 70%
TerribleDuel mem mood [0] terrible duel [-3 Mo] -3 -3 3 75% 6 70%
BoringDuel mem mood [0] boring duel [-1 Mo] -1 -1 3 75% 6 70%
GoodDuel mem mood [0] good duel [+5 Mo] 5 5 3 75% 6 70%
UnforgettableDuel mem mood [0] unforgettable duel [+8 Mo] 8 8 3 75% 6 70%
AwkwardExecution mem mood [0] awkward execution [-1 Mo] -1 -1 3 75% 6 70%
SatisfyingExecution mem mood [0] satisfying execution [+6 Mo] 6 6 3 75% 6 70%
SpectacularExecution mem mood [0] spectacular execution [+8 Mo] 8 8 3 75% 6 70%
LookChangeDesired situ mood [0] look change desired [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 0 70%
MasochistWearingCollar situ mood [0] masochist collared [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 0 70%
MasochistWearingBodyStrap situ mood [0] masochist body strapped [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 0 70%
WearingColor_Favorite situ mood [0] wearing favorite color [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 0 70%
WearingColor_Ideo situ mood [0] wearing ideoligion color [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 0 70%
FailedConvertIdeoAttemptResentment mem soc [0] conversion resentment [-4 Mo](-15 Op) -4 -4 5 3 90% 1 70%
PsychicArchotechEmanator_Major situ mood [0] archotech emanation [-10 Mo] [1] archotech emanation [-5 Mo] -5 -10 1 0 PsychicSensitivity 70%
PsychicArchotechEmanator_Grand situ mood [0] archotech emanation [-14 Mo] [1] archotech emanation [-7 Mo] -7 -14 1 0 PsychicSensitivity 70%
PsychicArchotechEmanator_Core situ mood [0] archotech emanation [-18 Mo] [1] archotech emanation [-9 Mo] -9 -18 1 0 PsychicSensitivity 70%
Pyrophobia situ mood [0] afraid of fire [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 0 70%
Bloodfeeders_Revered_Opinion_Bloodfeeder situ soc [0] bloodfeeder (+20 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Bloodfeeders_Reviled_Opinion_Bloodfeeder situ soc [0] bloodfeeder (-40 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
BloodfeederDied_Revered mem mood [0] bloodfeeder died [-2 Mo] -2 -2 3 75% 10 70%
BloodfeederDied_Reviled mem mood [0] bloodfeeder died [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 10 70%
Bloodfeeder_ReveredBloodfeeder situ mood [0] revered bloodfeeder [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 0 70%
Bloodfeeder_ReviledBloodfeeder situ mood [0] bloodfeeder self hatred [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 0 70%
BloodfeederColonist_Revered situ mood [0] no bloodfeeders [-2 Mo] [1] no bloodfeeder master [-1 Mo] [2] bloodfeeder master [+2 Mo] 2 -2 1 0 70%
BloodfeederColonist_Reviled situ mood [0] bloodfeeder among us [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
ChildLabor_Encouraged_ChildAssignedRecreation situ mood [0] children assigned recreation [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
ChildLabor_Encouraged_ChildAssignedWork situ mood [0] children assigned work [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
GrowthVat_Essential_Pregnant situ mood [0] natural pregnancy [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 0 70%
GrowthVat_Essential_ChildNotInGrowthVat situ mood [0] child not in growth vat [-2 Mo] -2 -2 3 75% 0 70%
GrowthVat_Prohibited_ChildNotInGrowthVat situ mood [0] child not in growth vat [+1 Mo] 1 1 3 75% 0 70%
GrowthVat_Prohibited_GrowthVatInColony situ mood [0] growth vat [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
GrowthVat_Prohibited_ChildInGrowthVat situ mood [0] my child is in a growth vat [-8 Mo] -8 -8 3 75% 0 70%
PreferredXenotype situ soc [0] preferred xenotype (+10 Op) [1] disliked xenotype (-30 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
PreferredXenotypeMakeup situ mood [0] all preferred xenotypes [+2 Mo] [1] some disliked xenotypes [-2 Mo] [2] many disliked xenotypes [-3 Mo] [3] tons of disliked xenotypes [-4 Mo] 2 -4 1 0 70%
SelfDislikedXenotype situ mood [0] I am disliked xenotype [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
CryingBaby mem mood [0] baby crying [-8 Mo] -8 -8 3 80% 0.25 70%
MyCryingBaby mem mood [0] my baby is crying [-4 Mo] -4 -4 3 80% 0.25 70%
GigglingBaby mem mood [0] baby giggling [+4 Mo] 4 4 3 80% 0.25 70%
MyGigglingBaby mem mood [0] my baby giggling [+8 Mo] 8 8 3 80% 0.25 70%
KilledChild mem mood [0] killed a child [-6 Mo] -6 -6 5 80% 5 70%
MyBirthMotherDied mem mood [0] my birth mother {0} died [-8 Mo] -8 -8 10 1 75% 30 70%
KilledMyBirthMother mem soc [0] killed my birth mother (-80 Op) 0 0 300 10 75% 120 70%
MyBirthMotherLost mem mood [0] my birth mother {0} lost [-8 Mo] -8 -8 10 1 75% 30 70%
AteBabyFood mem mood [0] ate baby food [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 1 70%
FedOn_Social mem soc [0] fed on (-20 Op) 0 0 50 10 75% 60 70%
WasTaught mem soc [0] taught me a skill (+8 Op) 0 0 1 10 20 70%
GaveLesson mem soc [0] listened to my lesson (+4 Op) 0 0 1 10 20 70%
FedOn mem mood [0] fed on by {0} [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 5 70%
IngestedHemogenPack mem mood [0] ingested hemogen pack [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 75% 5 70%
PregnancyTerminated mem mood [0] pregnancy terminated [-5 Mo] [1] pregnancy terminated [-10 Mo] [2] pregnancy terminated [-20 Mo] -5 -20 3 75% 10 70%
PregnancyEnded mem mood [0] pregnancy ended [+5 Mo] 5 5 3 75% 5 70%
Stillbirth mem mood [0] stillbirth [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 10 70%
Miscarried mem mood [0] miscarried [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 10 70%
PartnerMiscarried mem mood [0] {0} miscarried [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 10 70%
BabyBorn mem mood [0] {0} was born healthy [+8 Mo] 8 8 1 15 70%
PsychicBondTorn mem mood [0] psychic bond torn ({0}) [-25 Mo] -25 -25 1 30 70%
XenogermHarvested_Prisoner mem mood [0] genes harvested [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 25 70%
MyChildHappy situ mood [0] my child {CHILD_nameDef} is happy [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 0 70%
MyChildrenHappy situ mood [0] my children are happy [+8 Mo] 8 8 1 0 70%
MyChildSad situ mood [0] my child {CHILD_nameDef} is unhappy [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
MyChildrenSad situ mood [0] my children are unhappy [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
YoungstersHappy situ mood [0] happy youngsters [+2 Mo] 2 2 3 75% 0 70%
YoungstersSad situ mood [0] sad youngsters [-2 Mo] -2 -2 3 75% 0 70%
EnslavedChild situ mood [0] enslaved child [-8 Mo] -8 -8 3 75% 0 70%
BabySick situ mood [0] my baby {BABY_nameDef} is sick [-8 Mo] [1] my babies are sick [-8 Mo] -8 -8 3 75% 0 70%
ChildInGrowthVat situ mood [0] my child is in a growth vat [-4 Mo] -4 -4 3 75% 0 70%
MyParentHappy situ mood [0] parent is happy [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 0 70%
MyParentsHappy situ mood [0] parents are happy [+12 Mo] 12 12 1 0 70%
CribQuality situ mood [0] null [1] null [2] null [3] good crib [+2 Mo] [4] excellent crib [+4 Mo] [5] masterwork crib [+6 Mo] [6] legendary crib [+8 Mo] 8 2 1 0 70%
MoodOffsetVeryHappy situ mood [0] genetic joy [+10 Mo] 10 10 1 0 70%
MoodOffsetHappy situ mood [0] genetic optimism [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 0 70%
MoodOffsetUnhappy situ mood [0] genetic pessimism [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 0 70%
MoodOffsetVeryUnhappy situ mood [0] genetic depression [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 0 70%
NeedLearning situ mood [0] learning-starved [-20 Mo] [1] learning-deprived [-10 Mo] [2] learning unfulfilled [-5 Mo] [3] learning satisfied [+5 Mo] [4] learning fully satisfied [+10 Mo] 10 -20 1 0 70%
NeedPlay situ mood [0] desperately wants to play [-20 Mo] [1] really wants to play [-10 Mo] [2] wants to play [-5 Mo] [3] entertained [+5 Mo] [4] very entertained [+10 Mo] 10 -20 1 0 70%
BreastfedBaby mem soc [0] breastfed (+8 Op) 0 0 5 90% 20 70%
BreastfedMe mem soc [0] breastfed me (+16 Op) 0 0 5 90% 3 70%
FedBaby mem soc [0] fed (+4 Op) 0 0 5 90% 20 70%
FedMe mem soc [0] fed me (+16 Op) 0 0 5 90% 3 70%
PlayedWithMe mem soc [0] played with me (+8 Op) 0 0 5 90% 3 70%
BabyGiggledSocial mem soc [0] giggled (+12 Op) 0 0 5 90% 10 70%
BabyCriedSocial mem soc [0] cried (-12 Op) 0 0 5 90% 10 70%
PsychicBond situ soc [0] psychic bond (+50 Op) 0 0 1 0 PsychicBond 70%
KilledChild_Opinion situ soc [0] killed a child (-20 Op) 0 0 1 5 0 70%
PregnancyMood_Collapse situ mood [0] pregnancy mood collapse [-14 Mo] -14 -14 1 0 PregnancyMood 70%
PregnancyMood_Down situ mood [0] pregnancy mood down [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 PregnancyMood 70%
PregnancyMood_Up situ mood [0] pregnancy mood up [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 0 PregnancyMood 70%
PregnancyMood_High situ mood [0] pregnancy mood high [+8 Mo] 8 8 1 0 PregnancyMood 70%
KillThirst situ mood [0] kill thirst [-1 Mo] -1 -1 1 0 70%
SunlightSensitivity_Mild situ mood [0] sunlight sensitivity [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
SunlightSensitivity_Major situ mood [0] sunlight sensitivity [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 0 70%
ScanningSickness situ mood [0] scanning sickness [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 ScanningSickness 70%
DeathrestExhaustion situ mood [0] deathrest exhaustion [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 0 70%
HateAura situ mood [0] apocriton hatred (intense) [-16 Mo] [1] apocriton hatred (strong) [-10 Mo] [2] apocriton hatred (distant) [-4 Mo] -4 -16 1 0 PsychicSensitivity 70%
NoxiousHaze situ mood [0] acidic smog [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 0 70%
Recluse situ mood [0] recluse alone [+12 Mo] [1] recluse in small group [+6 Mo] [2] recluse crowded [-4 Mo] [3] recluse very crowded [-8 Mo] 12 -8 1 0 70%
ChildlikePositivity situ mood [0] childlike joy [+16 Mo] [1] childlike wonder [+12 Mo] [2] childlike enthusiasm [+8 Mo] [3] childlike confidence [+4 Mo] 16 4 1 0 70%
PregnancyAttitude situ mood [0] new pregnancy [+6 Mo] [1] new pregnancy [-3 Mo] 6 -3 1 0 70%
PsychicBondProximity situ mood [0] psychic bond [+12 Mo] [1] psychic bond distance [-10 Mo] 12 -10 1 0 70%
DeathrestChamber situ mood [0] deathrested outside [-4 Mo] [1] awful deathrest chamber [-4 Mo] [2] null [3] null [4] decent deathrest chamber [+2 Mo] [5] good deathrest chamber [+3 Mo] [6] great deathrest chamber [+4 Mo] [7] excellent deathrest chamber [+5 Mo] [8] exceptional deathrest chamber [+6 Mo] [9] unbelievable deathrest chamber [+7 Mo] [10] wondrous deathrest chamber [+8 Mo] 8 -4 1 0 70%
BloodTorch situ mood [0] blood torch [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 0 70%
HemogenCraving situ mood [0] hemogen craving [-10 Mo] [1] hemogen craving [-15 Mo] [2] hemogen craving [-20 Mo] -10 -20 1 0 HemogenCraving 70%
Inhumanizing_Required_Human situ mood [0] human shame [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
PsychicRitualPerformed_Abhorrent mem mood [0] psychic ritual performed [-4 Mo] -4 -4 2 75% 4 70%
InvolvedInPsychicRitual_Abhorrent mem mood [0] involved in psychic ritual [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 4 70%
InvolvedInPsychicRitual_Social_Abhorrent mem soc [0] involved in psychic ritual (-20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 4 70%
PsychicRitualPerformed_Disapproved mem mood [0] psychic ritual performed [-2 Mo] -2 -2 2 75% 4 70%
InvolvedInPsychicRitual_Disapproved mem mood [0] involved in psychic ritual [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 4 70%
InvolvedInPsychicRitual_Social_Disapproved mem soc [0] involved in psychic ritual (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 4 70%
InvolvedInPsychicRitual_Exalted mem mood [0] involved in psychic ritual [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 4 70%
InvolvedInPsychicRitual_Social_Exalted mem soc [0] involved in psychic ritual (+10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 4 70%
NoPsychicRituals situ mood [0] no psychic rituals [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
AteTwistedMeat mem mood [0] ate twisted meat [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 1 70%
PsychicRitualVictim mem mood [0] psychic ritual victim [-18 Mo] -18 -18 1 20 70%
DarknessLifted mem mood [0] unnatural darkness lifted [+8 Mo] 8 8 1 2 70%
HealedMe situ soc [0] healed me (+10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
MutatedMyArm situ soc [0] mutated my arm (-30 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
BlissLobotomy mem mood [0] bliss lobotomy [+20 Mo] 20 20 1 0 70%
PlayedWithCube mem mood [0] cube joy [+15 Mo] 15 15 1 1 70%
UnnaturalCorpseDestroyed mem mood [0] unnatural corpse is angry [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 1 70%
ObeliskAbduction mem mood [0] obelisk abduction [-3 Mo] [1] obelisk abduction [+12 Mo] 12 -3 1 3 70%
EmbracedTheVoid mem mood [0] embraced the void [+14 Mo] 14 14 1 60 70%
ClosedTheVoid mem mood [0] closed the void [+14 Mo] 14 14 1 60 70%
VoidClosed mem mood [0] void closed [+8 Mo] 8 8 1 30 70%
ClosedTheVoidOpinion mem soc [0] closed the void (+30 Op) 0 0 1 120 70%
Chimera mem mood [0] observed chimera [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 1 70%
PsychicRitualGuilt mem mood [0] {RITUAL} guilt [-3 Mo] [1] {RITUAL} guilt [-6 Mo] [2] {RITUAL} guilt [-10 Mo] -3 -10 3 75% 6 70%
VoidCatharsis mem mood [0] void catharsis [+30 Mo] 30 30 5 75% 3 70%
HeardInhumanRambling mem mood [0] {0} rambling [-2 Mo] -2 -2 20 4 75% 1 70%
VoidCuriosity mem mood [0] Void curiosity [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 10 70%
VoidCuriositySatisfied mem mood [0] Void curiosity satisfied [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 10 70%
BecameGhoul mem mood [0] {0} became a ghoul [-6 Mo] -6 -6 5 1 75% 20 70%
DrainedMySkills mem soc [0] drained my skills (-25 Op) 0 0 300 10 90% 20 70%
UsedMeForPsychicRitual mem soc [0] used me for psychic ritual (-20 Op) 0 0 300 10 90% 30 70%
VoidPleasure situ mood [0] void pleasure [+8 Mo] 8 8 1 0 Inhumanized 70%
DeathPall mem mood [0] death pall [-4 Mo] [1] death pall exposure [-8 Mo] -4 -8 1 0.1 70%
GrayPall mem mood [0] gray pall [-3 Mo] [1] gray pall exposure [-6 Mo] -3 -6 1 0.1 70%
UnnaturalDarkness situ mood [0] unnatural darkness [-5 Mo] [1] unnatural sky [+5 Mo] 5 -5 1 0 UnnaturalDarkness 70%
SleepSuppressor situ mood [0] Sleep suppressor [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
BioferriteGenerator situ mood [0] Bioferrite generator [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
HateChantDrone situ mood [0] hate chant whispers [-5 Mo] [1] quiet hate chanting [-10 Mo] [2] hate chanting [-20 Mo] [3] loud hate chanting [-30 Mo] [4] extreme hate chanting [-45 Mo] -5 -45 1 0 PsychicSensitivity 70%
HarbingerScream mem mood [0] harbinger tree scream [-6 Mo] -6 -6 3 75% 2 PsychicSensitivity 70%
FleshTentacle situ mood [0] flesh tentacle [-6 Mo] -6 -6 2 75% 0 Tentacle 70%
FleshWhip situ mood [0] flesh whip [-6 Mo] -6 -6 2 75% 0 FleshWhip 70%
JoyousPresence situ mood [0] Joyous presence [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 0 70%
SwallowedByDarkness situ mood [0] swallowed by darkness [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 0 70%
PleasurePulse situ mood [0] pleasure pulse [+12 Mo] 12 12 1 0 PsychicSensitivity PleasurePulse 70%
NeurosisPulse situ mood [0] neurosis pulse [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 PsychicSensitivity NeurosisPulse 70%
Voidsight situ mood [0] voidsight [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 Voidsight 70%
BloodRage situ mood [0] blood rage [1] blood rage [-6 Mo] [2] blood rage [-12 Mo] [3] blood rage [-18 Mo] [4] blood rage [-24 Mo] 0 -24 1 0 BloodRage 70%
UnnaturalCorpse situ mood [0] unnatural corpse [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
CubeWithdrawl situ mood [0] [1] cube withdrawal [-15 Mo] [2] cube withdrawal [-20 Mo] [3] cube withdrawal [-30 Mo] 0 -30 1 0 CubeWithdrawal 70%
CubeSculptures situ mood [0] cube sculpture [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 0 70%
DestroyedCubeSculpture mem mood [0] my cube sculpture destroyed [-5 Mo] -5 -5 10 75% 5 70%
SpokeToDisturbingMood mem mood [0] unsettling conversation [-4 Mo] -4 -4 10 75% 1 70%
ReadingTome situ mood [0] Fascinating tome [+8 Mo] 8 8 1 0 70%
DeadlifeDust situ mood [0] deadlife dust [-4 Mo] [1] deadlife dust [-8 Mo] [2] deadlife dust [-12 Mo] -4 -12 1 0 70%
WearingDreadLeather situ mood [0] dread leather {0} [-2 Mo] [1] dread leather {0} (+1) [-4 Mo] [2] dread leather {0} (+2) [-6 Mo] [3] dread leather {0} etc [-8 Mo] -2 -8 1 0 70%
ImprisonedWithEntity situ mood [0] imprisoned with entity [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 0 70%
EntityInRoom situ mood [0] monster by my bed [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 0 70%
VoidFascination situ mood [0] captured entity [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 0 70%
JuggernautSerum situ mood [0] juggernaut serum [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 0 JuggernautSerum 70%
DeathRefusalSickness situ mood [0] death refusal [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 DeathRefusalSickness 70%
SpokeToDisturbing mem soc [0] unsettling conversation (-3 Op) 0 0 100 10 75% 1 70%
Joyous situ soc [0] joyous (+20 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GhoulNegative situ soc [0] ghoul (-20 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GhoulPositive situ soc [0] ghoul (+20 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GeneticChemicalDependency_Alcohol situ mood [0] Genetic alcohol dependency [-1 Mo] -1 -1 1 0 70%
GeneticChemicalDependency_GoJuice situ mood [0] Genetic go-juice dependency [-1 Mo] -1 -1 1 0 70%
GeneticChemicalDependency_Psychite situ mood [0] Genetic psychite dependency [-1 Mo] -1 -1 1 0 70%
GeneticChemicalDependency_Smokeleaf situ mood [0] Genetic Smokeleaf dependency [-1 Mo] -1 -1 1 0 70%
GeneticChemicalDependency_WakeUp situ mood [0] Genetic wake-up dependency [-1 Mo] -1 -1 1 0 70%

Ideo Thoughts

defName type social stages best mood worst mood stack limit stack limit per o. pawn stacked effect multiplier duration (days) effect multiplying stat game condition hediff lerp opinion to zero after duration pct max cumulated opinion offset next thought nullified if not colonist show bubble
AteNutrientPasteMeal mem mood [0] ate nutrient paste meal [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 1 70%
KnowGuestExecuted mem mood [0] justified execution [-2 Mo] [1] someone was euthanized [-3 Mo] [2] someone was executed [-5 Mo] [3] someone was organ-murdered [-6 Mo] [4] someone was ripscanned [-6 Mo] -2 -6 5 75% 6 70%
KnowColonistExecuted mem mood [0] justified execution of colonist [-2 Mo] [1] colonist euthanized [-3 Mo] [2] colonist executed [-5 Mo] [3] colonist organ-harvested [-6 Mo] [4] colonist ripscanned [-6 Mo] -2 -6 5 75% 6 70%
KnowPrisonerDiedInnocent mem mood [0] innocent prisoner died [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 75% 6 70%
AteHumanlikeMeatDirect mem mood [0] raw cannibalism [-20 Mo] -20 -20 1 1 70%
AteHumanlikeMeatAsIngredient mem mood [0] cooked cannibalism [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 1 70%
AteInsectMeatDirect mem mood [0] ate insect meat [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 1 70%
AteInsectMeatAsIngredient mem mood [0] ate cooked insect meat [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 1 70%
KnowPrisonerSold mem mood [0] prisoner sold [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 4 70%
KnowGuestOrganHarvested mem mood [0] someone's organ harvested [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 75% 8 70%
KnowColonistOrganHarvested mem mood [0] colonist's organ harvested [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 75% 8 70%
ButcheredHumanlikeCorpse mem mood [0] I butchered humanlike [-6 Mo] -6 -6 10 75% 6 70%
KnowButcheredHumanlikeCorpse mem mood [0] we butchered humanlike [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 6 70%
ButcheredHumanlikeCorpseOpinion mem soc [0] butchered humanlike corpse (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
ObservedLayingCorpse mem mood [0] observed corpse [-4 Mo] -4 -4 3 50% 0.5 70%
ObservedLayingRottingCorpse mem mood [0] observed rotting corpse [-6 Mo] -6 -6 5 50% 0.5 70%
HumanLeatherApparelSad situ mood [0] human leather {0} [-2 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [-4 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [-6 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [-8 Mo] -2 -8 1 0 70%
AteRawHumanlikeMeat mem soc [0] ate raw humanlike meat (-5 Op) 0 0 1 5 70%
AteVeneratedAnimalMeat mem mood [0] ate venerated animal meat [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 5 70%
TameVeneratedAnimalDied mem mood [0] venerated {ANIMALKIND} died [-5 Mo] -5 -5 3 50% 5 70%
VeneratedAnimalsOnMapOrCaravan situ mood [0] venerated {ANIMAL_label} [+1 Mo] [1] venerated {ANIMAL_label} [+2 Mo] [2] venerated {ANIMAL_label} [+3 Mo] [3] venerated {ANIMAL_label} [+4 Mo] [4] venerated {ANIMAL_label} [+5 Mo] 5 1 1 0 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Know_Prohibited mem soc [0] slaughtered animal (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Know_Prohibited_Mood mem mood [0] animal slaughtered [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 6 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Horrible mem mood [0] slaughtered animal [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 6 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] slaughtered animal (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] animal slaughtered [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 6 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Disapproved mem mood [0] slaughtered animal [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 6 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] slaughtered animal (-3 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
SlaughteredAnimal_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] animal slaughtered [-1 Mo] -1 -1 5 75% 6 70%
ChangedIdeo_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] recent apostasy (-30 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 30 70%
ChangedIdeo_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] recent apostasy (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 30 70%
ChangedIdeo_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] recent apostasy (-8 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 30 70%
IsApostate_Abhorrent_Social situ soc [0] apostate (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
IsApostate_Horrible_Social situ soc [0] apostate (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
IsApostate_Disapproved_Social situ soc [0] apostate (-3 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
WearingDesiredApparel_Soft situ mood [0] wearing {APPAREL} [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 0 70%
WearingDesiredApparel_Strong situ mood [0] wearing {APPAREL} [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 0 70%
HasAutomatedTurrets_Prohibited situ mood [0] automated weapons [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 0 70%
HasAutomatedTurrets_Horrible situ mood [0] automated weapons [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
HasAutomatedTurrets_Disapproved situ mood [0] automated weapons [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
BlindingCeremony_Know_Horrible mem mood [0] blinding ceremony [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 4 70%
BlindingCeremony_Self_Respected mem mood [0] was blinded [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 4 70%
BlindingCeremony_Self_Elevated mem mood [0] was blinded [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 4 70%
BlindingCeremony_Self_Sublime mem mood [0] was blinded [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 4 70%
Blindness_Respected_Blind situ mood [0] blind [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 0 70%
Blindness_Elevated_Blind situ mood [0] blind [+10 Mo] 10 10 1 0 70%
Blindness_Sublime_Blind situ mood [0] blind [+15 Mo] 15 15 1 0 70%
Blindness_Respected_Blind_Social situ soc [0] blind (+10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_Elevated_Blind_Social situ soc [0] blind (+20 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_Sublime_Blind_Social situ soc [0] blind (+30 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_ArtificialBlind situ mood [0] vision blocked [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 0 70%
Blindness_Elevated_HalfBlind situ mood [0] half-blind [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 0 70%
Blindness_Sublime_HalfBlind situ mood [0] half-blind [-1 Mo] -1 -1 1 0 70%
Blindness_Elevated_HalfBlind_Social situ soc [0] half-blind (+5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_Sublime_HalfBlind_Social situ soc [0] half-blind (+5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_Elevated_NonBlind situ mood [0] not blind [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
Blindness_Sublime_NonBlind situ mood [0] not blind [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
Blindness_Respected_NonBlind_Social situ soc [0] sighted (-2 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_Elevated_NonBlind_Social situ soc [0] sighted (-3 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Blindness_Sublime_NonBlind_Social situ soc [0] sighted (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
InstalledProsthetic_Abhorrent mem mood [0] installed enhancement [-30 Mo] -30 -30 1 6 70%
InstalledProsthetic_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] installed enhancement (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
InstalledProsthetic_Disapproved mem mood [0] installed enhancement [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 6 70%
InstalledProsthetic_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] installed enhancement (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
HasProsthetic_Abhorrent situ mood [0] artificial enhancement [-18 Mo] -18 -18 1 0 70%
HasProsthetic_Abhorrent_Social situ soc [0] artificial enhancement (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
HasProsthetic_Disapproved situ mood [0] artificial enhancement [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
HasProsthetic_Disapproved_Social situ soc [0] artificial enhancement (-3 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
HasNoProsthetic_Disapproved situ mood [0] no artificial enhancement [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
HasNoProsthetic_Disapproved_Social situ soc [0] no artificial enhancement (-3 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
HasProsthetic_Approved situ mood [0] transhumanist modded [+1 Mo] [1] transhumanist connected [+1 Mo] [2] transhumanist enhanced [+2 Mo] [3] transhumanist synchronized [+2 Mo] [4] transhumanist integrated [+3 Mo] [5] transhumanist transformed [+3 Mo] 3 1 1 0 70%
AteHumanMeat_Abhorrent mem mood [0] ate human meat [-20 Mo] -20 -20 1 1 70%
ButcheredHuman_Abhorrent mem mood [0] I butchered humanlike [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 6 70%
ButcheredHuman_Know_Abhorrent mem mood [0] we butchered humanlike [-5 Mo] -5 -5 5 75% 5 70%
ButcheredHuman_Know_Abhorrent_Opinion mem soc [0] butchered humanlike (-20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteHumanMeat_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] ate human meat (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
HumanLeatherApparel_Abhorrent situ mood [0] human leather {0} [-2 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [-4 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [-6 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [-8 Mo] -2 -8 1 0 70%
AteHumanMeat_Horrible mem mood [0] ate human meat [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 1 70%
ButcheredHuman_Horrible mem mood [0] I butchered humanlike [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 6 70%
ButcheredHuman_Know_Horrible mem mood [0] we butchered humanlike [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 5 70%
ButcheredHuman_Know_Horrible_Opinion mem soc [0] butchered humanlike (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteHumanMeat_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] ate human meat (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
HumanLeatherApparel_Horrible situ mood [0] human leather {0} [-2 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [-3 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [-5 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [-6 Mo] -2 -6 1 0 70%
AteHumanMeat_Disapproved mem mood [0] ate human meat [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 1 70%
ButcheredHuman_Disapproved mem mood [0] I butchered humanlike [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 6 70%
ButcheredHuman_Know_Disapproved mem mood [0] we butchered humanlike [-1 Mo] -1 -1 5 75% 5 70%
ButcheredHuman_Know_Disapproved_Opinion mem soc [0] butchered humanlike (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteHumanMeat_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] ate human meat (-3 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
HumanLeatherApparel_Disapproved situ mood [0] human leather {0} [-1 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [-2 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [-3 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [-4 Mo] -1 -4 1 0 70%
AteHumanMeat_Preferred mem mood [0] ate human meat [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 1 70%
NoRecentHumanMeat_Preferred situ mood [0] want human meat [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 0 70%
HumanLeatherApparel_Preferred situ mood [0] human leather {0} [+1 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [+2 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [+3 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [+4 Mo] 4 1 1 0 70%
AteNonCannibalFood_Horrible mem mood [0] ate non-cannibal food [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 1 70%
AteNonCannibalFood_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] ate non-cannibal food (-3 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteHumanMeat_RequiredStrong mem mood [0] ate human meat [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 1 70%
NoRecentHumanMeat_RequiredStrong situ mood [0] want human meat [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
HumanLeatherApparel_RequiredStrong situ mood [0] human leather {0} [+2 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [+3 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [+5 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [+6 Mo] 6 2 1 0 70%
AteNonCannibalFood_Abhorrent mem mood [0] ate non-cannibal food [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 1 70%
AteNonCannibalFood_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] ate non-cannibal food (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteHumanMeat_RequiredRavenous mem mood [0] ate human meat [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 1 70%
NoRecentHumanMeat_RequiredRavenous situ mood [0] want human meat [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
HumanLeatherApparel_RequiredRavenous situ mood [0] human leather {0} [+2 Mo] [1] human leather {0} (+1) [+4 Mo] [2] human leather {0} (+2) [+6 Mo] [3] human leather {0} etc [+8 Mo] 8 2 1 0 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_Beggars mem mood [0] beggars not helped [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_Beggars mem mood [0] beggars not helped [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_Beggars mem mood [0] beggars not helped [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_Beggars_Betrayed mem mood [0] beggars betrayed [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_Beggars_Betrayed mem mood [0] beggars betrayed [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_Beggars_Betrayed mem mood [0] beggars betrayed [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_Pilgrims mem mood [0] pilgrims not helped [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_Pilgrims mem mood [0] pilgrims not helped [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_Pilgrims mem mood [0] pilgrims not helped [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_Pilgrims_Betrayed mem mood [0] pilgrims betrayed [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_Pilgrims_Betrayed mem mood [0] pilgrims betrayed [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_Pilgrims_Betrayed mem mood [0] pilgrims betrayed [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_WandererJoins mem mood [0] wanderer rejected [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_WandererJoins mem mood [0] wanderer rejected [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_WandererJoins mem mood [0] wanderer rejected [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_ShuttleCrashRescue mem mood [0] crashing shuttle ignored [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_ShuttleCrashRescue mem mood [0] crashing shuttle ignored [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_RefugeePodCrash mem mood [0] crashed refugee not helped [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_RefugeePodCrash mem mood [0] crashed refugee not helped [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_RefugeePodCrash mem mood [0] crashed refugee not helped [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_HospitalityRefugees mem mood [0] refugees not helped [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_HospitalityRefugees mem mood [0] refugees not helped [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_HospitalityRefugees mem mood [0] refugees not helped [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_IntroWimp mem mood [0] noble not helped [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_IntroWimp mem mood [0] noble not helped [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_IntroWimp mem mood [0] noble not helped [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Essential_ThreatReward_Joiner mem mood [0] rejected joiner in danger [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Important_ThreatReward_Joiner mem mood [0] rejected joiner in danger [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 8 70%
CharityRefused_Worthwhile_ThreatReward_Joiner mem mood [0] rejected joiner in danger [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_Beggars mem mood [0] beggars helped [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_Beggars mem mood [0] beggars helped [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_Beggars mem mood [0] beggars helped [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_WandererJoins mem mood [0] wanderer helped [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_WandererJoins mem mood [0] wanderer helped [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_WandererJoins mem mood [0] wanderer helped [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_ShuttleCrashRescue mem mood [0] shuttle survivors helped [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_ShuttleCrashRescue mem mood [0] shuttle survivors helped [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_RefugeePodCrash mem mood [0] pod refugee helped [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_RefugeePodCrash mem mood [0] pod refugee helped [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_RefugeePodCrash mem mood [0] pod refugee helped [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_HospitalityRefugees mem mood [0] refugees hosted [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_HospitalityRefugees mem mood [0] refugees hosted [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_HospitalityRefugees mem mood [0] refugees hosted [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_IntroWimp mem mood [0] noble helped [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_IntroWimp mem mood [0] noble helped [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_IntroWimp mem mood [0] noble helped [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Essential_ThreatReward_Joiner mem mood [0] accepted someone in danger [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Important_ThreatReward_Joiner mem mood [0] accepted someone in danger [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 8 70%
CharityFulfilled_Worthwhile_ThreatReward_Joiner mem mood [0] accepted someone in danger [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 8 70%
SlabBed_Preferred situ mood [0] slept on slab bed [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 0 70%
IngestedDrug_Horrible mem mood [0] used drug [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 3 70%
IngestedRecreationalDrug_Horrible mem mood [0] used recreational drug [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 3 70%
IngestedHardDrug_Horrible mem mood [0] used hard drug [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 3 70%
IngestedDrug_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] used drug (-3 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
IngestedRecreationalDrug_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] used recreational drug (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
IngestedHardDrug_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] used hard drug (-8 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AdministeredDrug_Horrible mem mood [0] administered drug [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 3 70%
AdministeredRecreationalDrug_Horrible mem mood [0] administered recreational drug [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 3 70%
AdministeredHardDrug_Horrible mem mood [0] administered hard drug [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 3 70%
AdministeredDrug_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] administered drug (-3 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AdministeredRecreationalDrug_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] administered recreational drug (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AdministeredHardDrug_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] administered hard drug (-8 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteNonFungusPlant_Despised mem mood [0] ate non-fungus plant raw [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 1 70%
AteNonFungusMealWithPlants_Despised mem mood [0] ate non-fungus plant cooked [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 1 70%
AteFungus_Preferred mem mood [0] ate fungus [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 1 70%
AteFungusAsIngredient_Preferred mem mood [0] ate cooked fungus [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 1 70%
AteFungus_Despised mem mood [0] ate fungus raw [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 1 70%
AteFungusAsIngredient_Despised mem mood [0] ate fungus cooked [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 1 70%
HighLife situ mood [0] high life [+3 Mo] [1] high life [2] high life missing [3] high life missing [-10 Mo] 3 -10 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Abhorrent situ mood [0] diverse thoughts [-3 Mo] [1] diverse thoughts [-6 Mo] [2] diverse thoughts [-9 Mo] -3 -9 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Abhorrent_Uniform situ mood [0] uniform thoughts [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Abhorrent_Social situ soc [0] different ideoligion (-25 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
IdeoDiverity_Abhorrent_AltarSharing situ mood [0] false altar [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Abhorrent_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [+5 Mo] [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [-4 Mo] 5 -4 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Abhorrent_ParticipatedInOthersRitual mem mood [0] false ritual [-6 Mo] -6 -6 5 75% 1 70%
IdeoDiversity_Horrible situ mood [0] diverse thoughts [-2 Mo] [1] diverse thoughts [-4 Mo] [2] diverse thoughts [-6 Mo] -2 -6 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Horrible_Uniform situ mood [0] uniform thoughts [+2 Mo] 2 2 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Horrible_Social situ soc [0] different ideoligion (-15 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
IdeoDiverity_Horrible_AltarSharing situ mood [0] false altar [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Horrible_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [+4 Mo] [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [-3 Mo] 4 -3 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Horrible_ParticipatedInOthersRitual mem mood [0] false ritual [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 1 70%
IdeoDiversity_Disapproved situ mood [0] diverse thoughts [-1 Mo] [1] diverse thoughts [-2 Mo] [2] diverse thoughts [-3 Mo] -1 -3 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Disapproved_Uniform situ mood [0] uniform thoughts [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Disapproved_Social situ soc [0] different ideoligion (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
IdeoDiverity_Disapproved_AltarSharing situ mood [0] false altar [-1 Mo] -1 -1 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Disapproved_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [+3 Mo] [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [-2 Mo] 3 -2 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Disapproved_ParticipatedInOthersRitual mem mood [0] false ritual [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 1 70%
IdeoDiversity_Standard_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings [+2 Mo] [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE}-style surroundings 2 0 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Approved situ mood [0] diverse thoughts [+1 Mo] [1] diverse thoughts [+2 Mo] [2] diverse thoughts [+3 Mo] 3 1 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Approved_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE} surroundings [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE} surroundings [+2 Mo] 2 0 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Respected situ mood [0] diverse thoughts [+2 Mo] [1] diverse thoughts [+4 Mo] [2] diverse thoughts [+6 Mo] 6 2 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Respected_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE} surroundings [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE} surroundings [+3 Mo] 3 0 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Exalted situ mood [0] diverse thoughts [+3 Mo] [1] diverse thoughts [+6 Mo] [2] diverse thoughts [+9 Mo] 9 3 1 0 70%
IdeoDiversity_Exalted_StyleDominance situ mood [0] {ADJECTIVE} surroundings [1] Non-{ADJECTIVE} surroundings [+4 Mo] 4 0 1 0 70%
AteInsectMeat_Loved mem mood [0] ate insect meat [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 1 70%
AteInsectMeatAsIngredient_Loved mem mood [0] ate cooked insect meat [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 1 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] killed innocent animal (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] innocent animal killed [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Horrible mem mood [0] killed innocent {0} [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] killed innocent animal (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] innocent animal killed [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Disapproved mem mood [0] killed innocent {0} [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] killed innocent animal (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 6 70%
KilledInnocentAnimal_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] innocent animal killed [-1 Mo] -1 -1 5 75% 6 70%
Darklight_Preferred_BlindingLight situ mood [0] blinding light [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
Darklight_Preferred_IndoorLight situ mood [0] indoor light [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
Darklight_Preferred_Darklight situ mood [0] darklight [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 0 70%
Eclipse_Beautiful situ mood [0] beautiful eclipse [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 0 70%
GotLovin_Abhorrent mem mood [0] lustful act [-30 Mo] -30 -30 1 1 70%
Lovin_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] lustful act (-20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
GotLovin_Horrible mem mood [0] lustful act [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 1 70%
Lovin_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] lustful act (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
GotLovin_Disapproved mem mood [0] act of desire [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 1 70%
Lovin_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] act of desire (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
Lovin_Know_Approved mem soc [0] lovin' afterglow (+5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 5 70%
AteMeat_Abhorrent mem mood [0] ate meat [-24 Mo] -24 -24 1 1 70%
AteMeat_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] ate meat (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 3 70%
AteMeat_Horrible mem mood [0] ate meat [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 1 70%
AteMeat_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] ate meat (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 3 70%
AteMeat_Disapproved mem mood [0] ate meat [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 1 70%
AteMeat_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] ate meat (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 3 70%
AteNonMeat_Abhorrent mem mood [0] ate vegetarian [-16 Mo] -16 -16 1 1 70%
AteNonMeat_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] ate vegetarian (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 3 70%
AteNonMeat_Horrible mem mood [0] ate vegetarian [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 1 70%
AteNonMeat_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] ate vegetarian (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 3 70%
AteNonMeat_Disapproved mem mood [0] ate vegetarian [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 1 70%
AteNonMeat_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] ate vegetarian (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 3 70%
Mined_Know_Prohibited mem soc [0] mined (-15 Op) 0 0 100 1 75% 4 70%
Mined_Know_Prohibited_Mood mem mood [0] mined [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 2 70%
MineableDestroyed_Prohibited mem mood [0] destroyed natural wall [-40 Mo] -40 -40 1 2 70%
Mined_Horrible mem mood [0] mined [-20 Mo] -20 -20 1 2 70%
Mined_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] mined (-10 Op) 0 0 100 1 75% 2 70%
Mined_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] mined [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 2 70%
MineableDestroyed_Horrible mem mood [0] destroyed natural wall [-20 Mo] -20 -20 1 2 70%
Mined_Disapproved mem mood [0] mined [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 2 70%
Mined_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] mined (-5 Op) 0 0 100 1 75% 2 70%
Mined_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] mined [-1 Mo] -1 -1 5 75% 2 70%
MineableDestroyed_Disapproved mem mood [0] destroyed natural wall [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 2 70%
AnyBodyPartCovered_Disapproved_Male situ mood [0] wearing clothes [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartCovered_Disapproved_Female situ mood [0] wearing clothes [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartCovered_Disapproved_Social_Male situ soc [0] wearing clothes (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartCovered_Disapproved_Social_Female situ soc [0] wearing clothes (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartButGroinCovered_Disapproved_Male situ mood [0] wearing clothes (non-groin) [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartButGroinCovered_Disapproved_Female situ mood [0] wearing clothes (non-groin) [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartButGroinCovered_Disapproved_Social_Male situ soc [0] wearing clothes (non-groin) (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
AnyBodyPartButGroinCovered_Disapproved_Social_Female situ soc [0] wearing clothes (non-groin) (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinUncovered_Disapproved_Male situ mood [0] uncovered groin [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinUncovered_Disapproved_Female situ mood [0] uncovered groin [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Male situ soc [0] uncovered groin (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Female situ soc [0] uncovered groin (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinOrChestUncovered_Disapproved_Male situ mood [0] uncovered groin/chest [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinOrChestUncovered_Disapproved_Female situ mood [0] uncovered groin/chest [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinOrChestUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Male situ soc [0] uncovered groin/chest (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinOrChestUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Female situ soc [0] uncovered groin/chest (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinChestOrHairUncovered_Disapproved_Male situ mood [0] uncovered groin/chest/hair [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinChestOrHairUncovered_Disapproved_Female situ mood [0] uncovered groin/chest/hair [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinChestOrHairUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Male situ soc [0] uncovered any body part (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinChestOrHairUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Female situ soc [0] uncovered any body part (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinChestHairOrFaceUncovered_Disapproved_Male situ mood [0] uncovered any body part [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinChestHairOrFaceUncovered_Disapproved_Female situ mood [0] uncovered any body part [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
GroinChestHairOrFaceUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Male situ soc [0] uncovered any body part (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
GroinChestHairOrFaceUncovered_Disapproved_Social_Female situ soc [0] uncovered any body part (-10 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
TradedOrgan_Abhorrent mem mood [0] traded organ [-30 Mo] -30 -30 1 6 70%
TradedOrgan_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] traded organ (-30 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 10 70%
TradedOrgan_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] organ traded [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 50% 8 70%
SoldOrgan_Disapproved mem mood [0] sold organ [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 6 70%
SoldOrgan_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] sold organ (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 10 70%
SoldOrgan_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] organ sold [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 8 70%
InstalledOrgan_Abhorrent mem mood [0] installed organ [-30 Mo] -30 -30 1 6 70%
InstalledOrgan_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] installed organ (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 10 70%
InstalledOrgan_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] installed organ [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 50% 8 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Abhorrent mem mood [0] harvested organ [-30 Mo] -30 -30 1 5 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] harvested organ (-30 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 10 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] organ harvested [-10 Mo] -10 -10 5 50% 8 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Horrible mem mood [0] harvested organ [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 5 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] harvested organ (-20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 10 70%
HarvestedOrgan_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] organ harvested [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 50% 8 70%
Pain_Idealized situ mood [0] minor pain [+3 Mo] [1] serious pain [+5 Mo] [2] intense pain [+7 Mo] [3] mind-shattering pain [+9 Mo] 9 3 1 0 70%
ExecutedGuest_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] justified execution [-3 Mo] [1] someone was euthanized [-4 Mo] [2] someone was executed [-6 Mo] [3] someone was organ-murdered [-7 Mo] [4] someone was ripscanned [-7 Mo] -3 -7 5 75% 6 70%
ExecutedColonist_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] justified execution of colonist [-3 Mo] [1] colonist euthanized [-4 Mo] [2] colonist executed [-6 Mo] [3] colonist organ-harvested [-7 Mo] [4] colonist ripscanned [-7 Mo] -3 -7 5 75% 6 70%
ExecutedPrisoner_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] executed prisoner (-25 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
InnocentPrisonerDied_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] responsible for the death of a prisoner (-25 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
InnocentPrisonerDied_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] innocent prisoner died [-7 Mo] -7 -7 5 75% 6 70%
InnocentPrisonerDied_Abhorrent mem mood [0] innocent prisoner died (responsible) [-20 Mo] -20 -20 1 6 70%
ExecutedPrisoner_Horrible mem mood [0] executed prisoner [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 6 70%
InnocentPrisonerDied_Horrible mem mood [0] innocent prisoner died (responsible) [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 6 70%
ExecutedPrisoner_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] executed prisoner (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
InnocentPrisonerDied_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] responsible for the death of a prisoner (-15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
ExecutedPrisonerInnocent_Horrible mem mood [0] executed innocent prisoner [-15 Mo] -15 -15 1 6 70%
ExecutedPrisonerInnocent_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] executed innocent prisoner (-30 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
ExecutedPrisonerGuilty_Respected mem mood [0] executed guilty prisoner [+10 Mo] 10 10 1 6 70%
ExecutedPrisonerGuilty_Know_Respected mem soc [0] executed guilty prisoner (+20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
ExecutedPrisonerGuilty_Know_Respected_Mood mem mood [0] guilty prisoner executed [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 6 70%
ExecutedPrisoner_Respected mem mood [0] executed prisoner [+10 Mo] 10 10 1 6 70%
PrisonerDied_Respected mem mood [0] prisoner died (responsible) [+10 Mo] 10 10 1 6 70%
ExecutedPrisoner_Know_Respected mem soc [0] executed prisoner (+15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
PrisonerDied_Know_Respected mem soc [0] responsible for the death of a prisoner (+15 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
Execution_Know_Respected_Mood mem mood [0] execution [+3 Mo] 3 3 5 75% 2 70%
NoRecentExecution situ mood [0] no execution [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
Ranching_Central_AnimalMassPerCapita situ mood [0] no animals [-3 Mo] [1] scarce animals [-2 Mo] [2] few animals [-1 Mo] [3] some animals [+1 Mo] [4] lots of animals [+2 Mo] [5] tons of animals [+3 Mo] 3 -3 1 0 70%
Ranching_SowedPlant mem mood [0] sowed human food plant [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 2 70%
ScarificationCeremony_Know_Horrible mem mood [0] Scarification ceremony [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 4 70%
ScarificationCeremony_Self_Minor mem mood [0] got scarified [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 4 70%
ScarificationCeremony_Self_Heavy mem mood [0] got scarified [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 4 70%
ScarificationCeremony_Self_Extreme mem mood [0] got scarified [+6 Mo] 6 6 1 4 70%
Scarification_Extreme_Opinion situ soc [0] scarified (+10 Op) [1] not scarified (-10 Op) [2] insufficiently scarified (-5 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Scarification_Extreme situ mood [0] scarified [+3 Mo] [1] not scarified [-3 Mo] [2] insufficiently scarified [-3 Mo] 3 -3 1 0 70%
Scarification_Heavy_Opinion situ soc [0] scarified (+5 Op) [1] not scarified (-5 Op) [2] insufficiently scarified (-3 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Scarification_Heavy situ mood [0] scarified [+2 Mo] [1] not scarified [-2 Mo] [2] insufficiently scarified [-2 Mo] 2 -2 1 0 70%
Scarification_Minor_Opinion situ soc [0] scarified (+3 Op) [1] not scarified (-3 Op) [2] insufficiently scarified (-2 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Scarification_Minor situ mood [0] scarified [+1 Mo] [1] not scarified [-1 Mo] [2] insufficiently scarified [-1 Mo] 1 -1 1 0 70%
Skullspike_Desired situ mood [0] skullspikes [+1 Mo] [1] skullspikes [+2 Mo] [2] skullspikes [+3 Mo] 3 1 1 0 70%
Skullspike_Disapproved situ mood [0] skullspikes [-1 Mo] [1] skullspikes [-2 Mo] [2] skullspikes [-3 Mo] -1 -3 1 0 70%
Slavery_Abhorrent_SlavesInColony situ mood [0] slaves in colony [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] sold slave (-20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Abhorrent_Mood mem mood [0] slave sold [-10 Mo] -10 -10 5 75% 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Abhorrent mem soc [0] enslaved prisoner (-20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
Slavery_Horrible_SlavesInColony situ mood [0] slaves in colony [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 0 70%
SoldSlave_Horrible mem mood [0] sold slave [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Horrible mem mood [0] enslaved prisoner [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 6 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] sold slave (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] slave sold [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] enslaved prisoner (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] prisoner enslaved [-3 Mo] -3 -3 5 75% 6 70%
Slavery_Disapproved_SlavesInColony situ mood [0] slaves in colony [-1 Mo] -1 -1 1 0 70%
SoldSlave_Disapproved mem mood [0] sold slave [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Disapproved mem mood [0] enslaved prisoner [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 6 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] sold slave (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] slave sold [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] enslaved prisoner (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] prisoner enslaved [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 6 70%
Slavery_Honorable_SlavesInColony situ mood [0] slaves in colony [+1 Mo] 1 1 1 0 70%
Slavery_Honorable_NoSlavesInColony situ mood [0] no slaves in colony [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 0 70%
SoldSlave_Honorable mem mood [0] sold slave [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Honorable mem mood [0] enslaved prisoner [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 6 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Honorable mem soc [0] sold slave (+10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 25 70%
SoldSlave_Know_Honorable_Mood mem mood [0] slave sold [+2 Mo] 2 2 5 75% 6 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Honorable mem soc [0] enslaved prisoner (+10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 15 70%
EnslavedPrisoner_Know_Honorable_Mood mem mood [0] prisoner enslaved [+2 Mo] 2 2 5 75% 6 70%
SleptUsingSleepAccelerator mem mood [0] used sleep accelerator [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 1 70%
NeedNeuralSupercharge situ mood [0] want neural supercharge [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
AgeReversalDemanded situ mood [0] harmful aging [-4 Mo] [1] terrible aging [-7 Mo] [2] horrific aging [-10 Mo] [3] 0 -10 1 0 70%
BioSculpterDespised mem mood [0] used biosculpter pod [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 12 70%
MinifiedTreeDied_Know_Prohibited_Mood mem mood [0] extracted tree died [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 3 70%
MinifiedTreeDied_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] extracted tree died [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 3 70%
MinifiedTreeDied_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] extracted tree died [-1 Mo] -1 -1 5 75% 3 70%
CutTree_Know_Prohibited mem soc [0] cut tree (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
CutTree_Horrible mem mood [0] cut tree [-10 Mo] -10 -10 1 3 70%
CutTree_Know_Prohibited_Mood mem mood [0] tree felled [-4 Mo] -4 -4 5 75% 3 70%
CutTree_Know_Horrible mem soc [0] cut tree (-5 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
CutTree_Know_Horrible_Mood mem mood [0] tree felled [-2 Mo] -2 -2 5 75% 3 70%
CutTree_Disapproved mem mood [0] cut tree [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 3 70%
CutTree_Know_Disapproved mem soc [0] cut tree (-3 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 20 70%
CutTree_Know_Disapproved_Mood mem mood [0] tree felled [-1 Mo] -1 -1 5 75% 3 70%
GauranlenConnectionDesired situ mood [0] Gauranlen connection [+3 Mo] [1] want Gauranlen connection [2] want Gauranlen connection [-1 Mo] [3] want Gauranlen connection [-2 Mo] [4] want Gauranlen connection [-4 Mo] [5] want Gauranlen connection [-6 Mo] 3 -6 1 0 70%
TreesDesired situ mood [0] amazing trees [+9 Mo] [1] amazing tree [+8 Mo] [2] remarkable trees [+7 Mo] [3] amazing tree [+6 Mo] [4] rich forest [+5 Mo] [5] full trees [+4 Mo] [6] mixed trees [+3 Mo] [7] full tree [+2 Mo] [8] mini trees [+4 Mo] [9] mini tree [+2 Mo] [10] no tree [-1 Mo] [11] no tree [-2 Mo] [12] trees missed [-3 Mo] [13] trees missed [-4 Mo] [14] trees sorely missed [-5 Mo] 9 -5 1 0 70%
TreeDensityReduced situ mood [0] healthy trees [1] trees disturbed [-2 Mo] [2] trees defaced [-5 Mo] [3] trees damaged [-8 Mo] [4] trees harmed [-10 Mo] [5] trees defiled [-13 Mo] [6] trees wrecked [-16 Mo] [7] trees ravaged [-20 Mo] 0 -20 1 0 70%
KillWithNobleWeapon mem mood [0] victory by noble weapon [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 1 70%
UsedDespisedWeapon mem mood [0] used despised weapon [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 2 70%
WieldingNobleOrDespisedWeapon situ mood [0] wielding {WEAPON} [+3 Mo] [1] wielding {WEAPON} [-5 Mo] 3 -5 1 0 70%
ParticipatedInRaid_Respected mem mood [0] participated in raid [+3 Mo] 3 3 300 100% 5 70%
ParticipatedInRaid_Required mem mood [0] participated in raid [+6 Mo] 6 6 300 100% 5 70%
RecentConquest_Respected situ mood [0] recent conquest [+6 Mo] [1] no recent conquest [-6 Mo] 6 -6 1 0 70%
RecentConquest_Required situ mood [0] recent conquest [+12 Mo] [1] no recent conquest [-12 Mo] 12 -12 1 0 70%
IdeoRoleApparelRequirementNotMet situ mood [0] Want {ROLE_label} apparel [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
IdeoLeaderResentmentStandard situ mood [0] [-2 Mo] -2 -2 1 0 70%
IdeoLeaderResentmentDisapproved situ mood [0] [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
IdeoLeaderResentmentHorrible situ mood [0] [-4 Mo] -4 -4 1 0 70%
IdeoLeaderResentmentAbhorrent situ mood [0] [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 0 70%
Bloodfeeders_Revered_Opinion_Bloodfeeder situ soc [0] bloodfeeder (+20 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
Bloodfeeders_Reviled_Opinion_Bloodfeeder situ soc [0] bloodfeeder (-40 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
BloodfeederDied_Revered mem mood [0] bloodfeeder died [-2 Mo] -2 -2 3 75% 10 70%
BloodfeederDied_Reviled mem mood [0] bloodfeeder died [+5 Mo] 5 5 1 10 70%
Bloodfeeder_ReveredBloodfeeder situ mood [0] revered bloodfeeder [+4 Mo] 4 4 1 0 70%
Bloodfeeder_ReviledBloodfeeder situ mood [0] bloodfeeder self hatred [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 0 70%
BloodfeederColonist_Revered situ mood [0] no bloodfeeders [-2 Mo] [1] no bloodfeeder master [-1 Mo] [2] bloodfeeder master [+2 Mo] 2 -2 1 0 70%
BloodfeederColonist_Reviled situ mood [0] bloodfeeder among us [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
ChildLabor_Encouraged_ChildAssignedRecreation situ mood [0] children assigned recreation [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
ChildLabor_Encouraged_ChildAssignedWork situ mood [0] children assigned work [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
GrowthVat_Essential_Pregnant situ mood [0] natural pregnancy [-5 Mo] -5 -5 1 0 70%
GrowthVat_Essential_ChildNotInGrowthVat situ mood [0] child not in growth vat [-2 Mo] -2 -2 3 75% 0 70%
GrowthVat_Prohibited_ChildNotInGrowthVat situ mood [0] child not in growth vat [+1 Mo] 1 1 3 75% 0 70%
GrowthVat_Prohibited_GrowthVatInColony situ mood [0] growth vat [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%
GrowthVat_Prohibited_ChildInGrowthVat situ mood [0] my child is in a growth vat [-8 Mo] -8 -8 3 75% 0 70%
PreferredXenotype situ soc [0] preferred xenotype (+10 Op) [1] disliked xenotype (-30 Op) 0 0 1 0 70%
PreferredXenotypeMakeup situ mood [0] all preferred xenotypes [+2 Mo] [1] some disliked xenotypes [-2 Mo] [2] many disliked xenotypes [-3 Mo] [3] tons of disliked xenotypes [-4 Mo] 2 -4 1 0 70%
SelfDislikedXenotype situ mood [0] I am disliked xenotype [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 0 70%
Inhumanizing_Required_Human situ mood [0] human shame [-8 Mo] -8 -8 1 0 70%
PsychicRitualPerformed_Abhorrent mem mood [0] psychic ritual performed [-4 Mo] -4 -4 2 75% 4 70%
InvolvedInPsychicRitual_Abhorrent mem mood [0] involved in psychic ritual [-12 Mo] -12 -12 1 4 70%
InvolvedInPsychicRitual_Social_Abhorrent mem soc [0] involved in psychic ritual (-20 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 4 70%
PsychicRitualPerformed_Disapproved mem mood [0] psychic ritual performed [-2 Mo] -2 -2 2 75% 4 70%
InvolvedInPsychicRitual_Disapproved mem mood [0] involved in psychic ritual [-6 Mo] -6 -6 1 4 70%
InvolvedInPsychicRitual_Social_Disapproved mem soc [0] involved in psychic ritual (-10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 4 70%
InvolvedInPsychicRitual_Exalted mem mood [0] involved in psychic ritual [+3 Mo] 3 3 1 4 70%
InvolvedInPsychicRitual_Social_Exalted mem soc [0] involved in psychic ritual (+10 Op) 0 0 100 3 75% 4 70%
NoPsychicRituals situ mood [0] no psychic rituals [-3 Mo] -3 -3 1 0 70%


Tool Capacities

Def Name Label CollapseSource
Stab stab Content from Rimworld core game only
Cut cut Content from Rimworld core game only
Blunt blunt Content from Rimworld core game only
Scratch scratch Content from Rimworld core game only
Poke poke Content from Rimworld core game only
Bite bite Content from Rimworld core game only
ToxicBite toxic bite Content from Rimworld core game only
ScratchToxic toxic scratch Content from Rimworld core game only
KickMaterialInEyes kick material in eyes Content from Rimworld core game only
Demolish demolish Content from Rimworld core game only
DemolishDoors demolish doors Content added by the Biotech DLC


defName requiredCapacity verb logEntryDef combatLogRulesHit combatLogRulesDeflect combatLogRulesMiss CollapsecombatLogRulesDodge
Slash Cut
  • verbClass: Verb_MeleeAttackDamage
  • meleeDamageDef: Cut
MeleeAttack Maneuver_Slash_MeleeHit Maneuver_Slash_MeleeDeflect Maneuver_Slash_MeleeMiss Maneuver_Slash_MeleeDodge
Stab Stab
  • verbClass: Verb_MeleeAttackDamage
  • meleeDamageDef: Stab
MeleeAttack Maneuver_Stab_MeleeHit Maneuver_Stab_MeleeDeflect Maneuver_Stab_MeleeMiss Maneuver_Stab_MeleeDodge
Smash Blunt
  • verbClass: Verb_MeleeAttackDamage
  • meleeDamageDef: Blunt
MeleeAttack Maneuver_Smash_MeleeHit Maneuver_Smash_MeleeDeflect Maneuver_Smash_MeleeMiss Maneuver_Smash_MeleeDodge
Demolish Demolish
  • verbClass: Verb_MeleeAttackDamage
  • meleeDamageDef: Demolish
  • ai_IsBuildingDestroyer: true
MeleeAttack Maneuver_Smash_MeleeHit Maneuver_Smash_MeleeDeflect Maneuver_Smash_MeleeMiss Maneuver_Smash_MeleeDodge
Scratch Scratch
  • verbClass: Verb_MeleeAttackDamage
  • meleeDamageDef: Scratch
MeleeAttack Maneuver_Scratch_MeleeHit Maneuver_Scratch_MeleeDeflect Maneuver_Scratch_MeleeMiss Maneuver_Scratch_MeleeDodge
ScratchToxic ScratchToxic
  • verbClass: Verb_MeleeAttackDamage
  • meleeDamageDef: ScratchToxic
MeleeAttack Maneuver_Scratch_MeleeHit Maneuver_Scratch_MeleeDeflect Maneuver_Scratch_MeleeMiss Maneuver_Scratch_MeleeDodge
Poke Poke
  • verbClass: Verb_MeleeAttackDamage
  • meleeDamageDef: Poke
MeleeAttack Maneuver_Poke_MeleeHit Maneuver_Poke_MeleeDeflect Maneuver_Poke_MeleeMiss Maneuver_Poke_MeleeDodge
Bite Bite
  • verbClass: Verb_MeleeAttackDamage
  • meleeDamageDef: Bite
  • commonalityVsEdificeFactor: 0.01
MeleeAttack Maneuver_Bite_MeleeHit Maneuver_Bite_MeleeDeflect Maneuver_Bite_MeleeMiss Maneuver_Bite_MeleeDodge
ToxicBite ToxicBite
  • verbClass: Verb_MeleeAttackDamage
  • meleeDamageDef: ToxicBite
MeleeAttack Maneuver_Bite_MeleeHit Maneuver_Bite_MeleeDeflect Maneuver_Bite_MeleeMiss Maneuver_Bite_MeleeDodge
KickMaterialInEyes KickMaterialInEyes
  • verbClass: Verb_MeleeApplyHediff
  • bodypartTagTarget: SightSource
  • minIntelligence: ToolUser
  • impactFleck: SandInEyes
  • linkedBodyPartsGroup: Feet
SandInEyes Maneuver_KickMaterialInEyes_MeleeHit Maneuver_KickMaterialInEyes_MeleeDeflect Maneuver_KickMaterialInEyes_MeleeMiss Maneuver_KickMaterialInEyes_MeleeDodge


defName RewardStandardMidFreq RewardStandardCore RewardStandardLowFreq RewardStandardQualitySuper CollapseRewardStandardHighFreq
Hyperweave - - - -
MedicineUltratech - - - -
VoidsightSerum - - - -
NerveSpiker - - - -
Bow_Recurve - - - -
Luciferium - - - -
MindNumbSerum - - - -
Genepack - - - -
Bow_Great - - - -
VoidSculpture - - - -
MeleeWeapon_Gladius - - - -
Schematic - - - -
TextBook - - - -
Novel - - - -
SculptureSmall - - - -
MeleeWeapon_Spear - - - -
ComponentSpacer - - - -
MetalbloodSerum - - - -
JuggernautSerum - - - -
Mindscrew - - - -
Joywire - - - -
Painstopper - - - -
Harp - - - -
Tome - - - -
Psytrainer_Painblock - - - -
Psytrainer_Stun - - - -
Psytrainer_Burden - - - -
Psytrainer_SolarPinhole - - - -
Psytrainer_WordOfTrust - - - -
Psytrainer_Chunkskip - - - -
MeleeWeapon_LongSword - - - -
Throne - - - -
SculptureLarge - - - -
SculptureTerror - - - -
Apparel_Gunlink - - - -
Telescope - - - -
Gun_HeavySMG - - - -
HandTalon - - - -
ElbowBlade - - - -
KneeSpike - - - -
VenomFangs - - - -
VenomTalon - - - -
MeleeWeapon_Warhammer - - - -
PowerClaw - - - -
Apparel_ShieldBelt - - - -
Apparel_PsyfocusShirt - - - -
Psytrainer_BlindingPulse - - - -
Psytrainer_EntropyDump - - - -
Psytrainer_Waterskip - - - -
Psytrainer_WordOfJoy - - - -
Gun_ChainShotgun - - - -
Harpsichord - - - -
Gun_LMG - - - -
DrillArm - - - -
FieldHand - - - -
Apparel_PackBroadshield - - - -
Apparel_DeadlifePack - - - -
Apparel_PlateArmor - - - -
Gun_AssaultRifle - - - -
Gun_HellcatRifle - - - -
Apparel_PsyfocusHelmet - - - -
Apparel_EltexSkullcap - - - -
Apparel_PsyfocusVest - - - -
Apparel_ShardPsychicShockLance - - - -
Apparel_ArmorHelmetRecon - - - -
ShardAnimalPulser - - - -
Gun_SniperRifle - - - -
Apparel_ShardPsychicInsanityLance - - - -
Gun_Incinerator - - - -
Apparel_PsychicShockLance - - - -
Psytrainer_Beckon - - - -
Psytrainer_VertigoPulse - - - -
Psytrainer_ChaosSkip - - - -
Psytrainer_WordOfLove - - - -
AestheticNose - - - -
PsychicSoothePulser - - - -
ReinforcedBarrel - - - -
Apparel_PsyfocusRobe - - - -
Apparel_PowerArmorHelmet - - - -
Apparel_PackJump - - - -
Apparel_PsychicInsanityLance - - - -
Piano - - - -
PsychicAnimalPulser - - - -
ArchiteCapsule - - - -
Psytrainer_Skip - - - -
Psytrainer_Wallraise - - - -
Psytrainer_Smokepop - - - -
Psytrainer_Focus - - - -
Psytrainer_WordOfSerenity - - - -
Apparel_ArmorHelmetReconPrestige - - - -
Apparel_ArmorHelmetCataphract - - - -
Neurotrainer_Shooting - - - -
Neurotrainer_Melee - - - -
Neurotrainer_Construction - - - -
Neurotrainer_Mining - - - -
Neurotrainer_Cooking - - - -
Neurotrainer_Plants - - - -
Neurotrainer_Animals - - - -
Neurotrainer_Crafting - - - -
Neurotrainer_Artistic - - - -
Neurotrainer_Medicine - - - -
Neurotrainer_Social - - - -
Neurotrainer_Intellectual - - - -
TornadoGenerator - - - -
BiomutationPulser - - - -
GastroAnalyzer - - - -
AestheticShaper - - - -
Apparel_ArmorMarineHelmetPrestige - - - -
Apparel_BiomutationLance - - - -
Psytrainer_Berserk - - - -
Psytrainer_Invisibility - - - -
Psytrainer_Flashstorm - - - -
Psytrainer_WordOfInspiration - - - -
Psytrainer_Farskip - - - -
RoyalBed - - - -
FlatscreenTelevision - - - -
TechprofSubpersonaCore - - - -
Gun_TripleRocket - - - -
Gun_DoomsdayRocket - - - -
DeathrestCapacitySerum - - - -
Psytrainer_BerserkPulse - - - -
Psytrainer_ManhunterPulse - - - -
Psytrainer_MassChaosSkip - - - -
Psytrainer_BulletShield - - - -
Psytrainer_Neuroquake - - - -
Gun_ChargeRifle - - - -
BionicEye - - - -
BionicArm - - - -
BionicLeg - - - -
Neurocalculator - - - -
LearningAssistant - - - -
Immunoenhancer - - - -
Coagulator - - - -
HealingEnhancer - - - -
ToughskinGland - - - -
LoveEnhancer - - - -
DetoxifierStomach - - - -
ReprocessorStomach - - - -
NuclearStomach - - - -
CircadianAssistant - - - -
CircadianHalfCycler - - - -
Apparel_ArmorHelmetCataphractPrestige - - - -
Gun_Minigun - - - -
SculptureGrand - - - -
VanometricPowerCell - - - -
Shell_AntigrainWarhead - - - -
OrbitalTargeterBombardment - - - -
OrbitalTargeterPowerBeam - - - -
Apparel_ArmorHelmetMechCommander - - - -
PsychicEmanator - - - -
MechSerumHealer - - - -
Gun_ChargeLance - - - -
ArmorskinGland - - - -
MegascreenTelevision - - - -
GrandThrone - - - -
InfiniteChemreactor - - - -
Apparel_ArmorRecon - - - -
MechSerumResurrector - - - -
StoneskinGland - - - -
Apparel_ArmorReconPrestige - - - -
MeleeWeapon_MonoSword - - - -
MeleeWeapon_Zeushammer - - - -
MeleeWeapon_PlasmaSword - - - -
MeleeWeapon_PsyfocusStaff - - - -
Apparel_PowerArmor - - - -
Apparel_ArmorLocust - - - -
Apparel_ArmorMarineGrenadier - - - -
Apparel_IntegratorHeadset - - - -
Apparel_ArmorMarinePrestige - - - -
ArchotechEye - - - -
ArchotechArm - - - -
ArchotechLeg - - - -
Apparel_ArmorCataphract - - - -
Apparel_ArmorCataphractPhoenix - - - -
Apparel_ArmorCataphractPrestige - - - -
Apparel_ArmorHelmetMechlordHelmet - - - -
Apparel_MechlordSuit - - - -
defName weightClass ingredients ingredients market value forming cycles total forming time (game days) produced at research required bandwidth cost repair energy cost base health scale move speed average armor melee DPS weapon weapon range weapon DPS weapon accuracy short weapon accuracy medium weapon accuracy long shooter accuracy short shooter accuracy medium shooter accuracy long total accuracy short total accuracy medium total accuracy long special abilities combat power Collapsebody size
Mech_Lifter Light 50x steel 1x basic subcore $202 1 2 mech gestator basic mechtech 1 0.66 1 2.8 15% 1.4 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 10 0.70
Mech_Constructoid Light 50x steel 1x basic subcore $202 1 2 mech gestator basic mechtech 1 0.66 1 3.4 15% 2.0 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 10 0.70
Mech_Fabricor Light 100x steel 1x high subcore $1002 1 2 mech gestator high mechtech 1 0.66 1 3.4 15% 1.4 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 10 0.70
Mech_Agrihand Light 50x steel 1x basic subcore $202 1 2 mech gestator basic mechtech 1 0.66 1 3.4 15% 2.2 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 10 0.70
Mech_Cleansweeper Light 50x steel 1x basic subcore $202 1 2 mech gestator basic mechtech 1 0.66 1 3.4 15% 1.4 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 10 0.30
Mech_WarUrchin Light "-" "-" "-" 0 "-" "-" 1 0.66 1.3 4.2 15% 2.0 spiner 6.9 40 30% 40% 95% 61% 36% 20% 18% 14% 19% none 10 0.70
Mech_Paramedic Light 100x steel 1x high subcore $1002 1 2 mech gestator high mechtech 1 0.66 1 3.8 15% 1.4 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 10 0.70
Mech_Militor Light 50x steel 1x basic subcore $202 1 2 mech gestator basic mechtech 1 0.66 1 3.8 15% 2.0 mini-shotgun 12.9 8.3 87% 70% 55% 61% 36% 20% 53% 25% 11% none 45 0.70
Mech_Scorcher Medium 80x steel 32x plasteel 3x component 1x standard subcore $343 2 4 large mech gestator standard mechtech 1 0.33 0.7 4.5 30% 3.2 mini-flameblaster 4.9 0 48% 35% 26% 61% 36% 20% 29% 13% 5.1% none 75 1.00
Mech_Termite_Breach Medium "-" "-" "-" 0 "-" "-" 1 0.33 2.16 2.1 39% 3.6 thump cannon 24.9 9 87% 77% 64% 61% 36% 20% 53% 28% 13% none 110 1.60
Mech_Pikeman Medium 100x steel 40x plasteel 4x component 1x standard subcore $343 2 4 large mech gestator standard mechtech 2 0.33 0.85 2.5 30% 3.2 needle gun 44.9 6 80% 90% 85% 61% 36% 20% 49% 32% 17% none 110 1.00
Mech_Scyther Medium 75x steel 75x plasteel 4x component 1x standard subcore $343 2 4 large mech gestator standard mechtech 2 0.33 1.32 4.7 30% 6.2 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 150 1.00
Mech_Legionary Medium 100x plasteel 6x component 1x high subcore $1041 4 8 large mech gestator ultra mechtech 2 0.33 0.72 4.3 30% 3.2 needle launcher 24.9 6 80% 90% 85% 61% 36% 20% 49% 32% 17% none 150 1.00
Mech_Tesseron Medium 110x plasteel 7x component 1x high subcore $1041 4 8 large mech gestator ultra mechtech 3 0.33 0.72 4.7 30% 3.5 beam graser 24.9 0 70% 65% 55% 61% 36% 20% 43% 23% 11% none 150 1.00
Mech_Lancer Medium 75x steel 75x plasteel 4x component 1x standard subcore $343 2 4 large mech gestator high mechtech 3 0.33 0.72 4.7 30% 3.5 charge lance 29.9 17.6 85% 85% 75% 61% 36% 20% 52% 31% 15% none 180 1.00
Mech_Tunneler Heavy 150x steel 75x plasteel 4x component 1x standard subcore $343 4 8 large mech gestator standard mechtech 3 0.2 1.5 1.9 60% 4.7 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% has shield 250 3.50
Mech_Centurion UltraHeavy 300x steel 200x plasteel 2x advanced component 1x powerfocus chip 1x high subcore $2211 12 24 large mech gestator ultra mechtech 5 0.15 3 1.6 50% 3.7 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 250 3.60
Mech_CentipedeBlaster Heavy 255x steel 355x plasteel 8x component 1x high subcore $1043 6 12 large mech gestator ultra mechtech 4 0.2 4.32 1.9 47% 3.7 heavy charge blaster 26.9 113.7 26% 26% 18% 61% 36% 20% 16% 9.4% 3.5% none 400 3.00
Mech_CentipedeGunner Heavy 255x steel 255x plasteel 8x component 1x high subcore $1043 6 12 large mech gestator high mechtech 4 0.2 4.32 1.9 47% 3.7 minigun 30.9 55.6 25% 25% 18% 61% 36% 20% 15% 9% 3.5% none 400 3.00
Mech_CentipedeBurner Heavy 255x steel 255x plasteel 8x component 1x high subcore $1043 6 12 large mech gestator high mechtech 4 0.2 4.32 1.9 47% 3.7 inferno cannon 26.9 8 100% 100% 100% 61% 36% 20% 61% 36% 20% none 400 3.00
Mech_Diabolus UltraHeavy 300x steel 300x plasteel 2x signal chip 1x high subcore $1511 12 24 large mech gestator high mechtech 5 0.15 4.5 2.4 50% 3.8 hellsphere cannon 18.9 106.7 100% 100% 100% 61% 36% 20% 61% 36% 20% none 500 4.00
Mech_Apocriton UltraHeavy "-" "-" "-" 0 "-" "-" 2 0.33 5.2 3.2 58% 2.1 toxic needle gun 44.9 10.6 80% 90% 92% 61% 36% 20% 49% 32% 18% none 600 1.00
Mech_Warqueen UltraHeavy 600x steel 300x plasteel 3x advanced component 1x nano structuring chip 1x high subcore $2711 12 24 large mech gestator ultra mechtech 5 0.15 5.2 1.6 50% 1.2 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% produces war urchins 600 4.00

  • Thing Collapse
    Breach axe
    Knife (Jade)
    Eltex staff
    Monosword (Persona)
    Plasmasword (Persona)
    Zeushammer (Persona)
    Elephant tusk
    Thrumbo horn
    Recurve bow
    Short bow
    Nerve spiker
    Assault rifle
    Bolt-action rifle
    Chain shotgun
    Heavy SMG
    Launcher (EMP, Incendiary, Smoke, Toxbomb)
    Machine pistol
    Pump shotgun
    Sniper rifle
    Hellcat rifle
    Charge lance
    Charge rifle
    Doomsday rocket launcher
    Triple rocket launcher
    EMP grenades
    Frag grenades
    Molotov cocktails
    Tox grenades
    Heavy charge blaster
    Inferno cannon
    Needle gun
    Thump cannon
    Beam graser
    Charge blaster turret
    Hellsphere cannon
    Toxic needle gun
    Mini-turret gun
    Mortar (Weapon)
    Uranium slug cannon
    Inferno cannon (Turret)
    Light charge blaster
    Tactical turret gun
  • Tags

    • weaponTags
      • Artillery
      • Artillery_BaseDestroyer
      • AssaultRifle
      • Autopistol
      • Axe
      • BeamGraserGun
      • Bladelink
      • ChargeBlasterHeavyGun
      • EltexStaff
      • EmpireGrenadeDestructive
      • Flamethrower
      • GrenadeDestructive
      • GrenadeEMP
      • GrenadeFlame
      • GrenadeSmoke
      • GrenadeTox
      • Gun
      • GunHeavy
      • GunSingleUse
      • HeavyTox
      • HellsphereCannonGun
      • IndustrialGunAdvanced
      • InfernoCannonGun
      • LongSword
      • MechanoidGunBreach
      • MechanoidGunHeavy
      • MechanoidGunLongRange
      • MechanoidGunMedium
      • MechanoidGunMiniFlameblaster
      • MechanoidGunNeedleLauncher
      • MechanoidGunShortRange
      • MechanoidGunSlugthrower
      • MechanoidGunSpiner
      • MechanoidGunToxicNeedle
      • MedievalMeleeAdvanced
      • MedievalMeleeBasic
      • MedievalMeleeDecent
      • Minigun
      • Neolithic
      • NeolithicMeleeAdvanced
      • NeolithicMeleeBasic
      • NeolithicMeleeDecent
      • NeolithicMeleeDestructive
      • NeolithicRangedFlame
      • NerveSpiker
      • PumpShotgun
      • Revolver
      • ShortShots
      • SimpleGun
      • SniperRifle
      • SpacerGun
      • Spear
      • TurretGun
      • UltratechMelee

    • weaponClasses
      • LongShots
      • Melee
      • MeleeBlunt
      • MeleePiercer
      • Neolithic
      • Ranged
      • RangedHeavy
      • RangedLight
      • ShortShots
      • Ultratech

    • apparelTags
      • BeltDefensePop
      • BeltDefenseTox
      • Firefighting
      • Horaxian
      • IndustrialAdvanced
      • IndustrialBasic
      • IndustrialMilitaryAdvanced
      • IndustrialMilitaryBasic
      • Neolithic
      • Outlander
      • Royal
      • SpacerMilitary
      • Western

    • tags
      • Bald
      • NoBeard

    • techHediffsTags
      • Advanced
      • AdvancedWeapon
      • Anomaly
      • Ghoul
      • ImplantEmpireCommon
      • Poor
      • Simple
      • PainCauser
      • SubcoreBasic
      • ImplantEmpireRoyal
      • DrillArm
      • FieldHand

    • apparelRequired
      • Apparel_AirwireHeadset
      • Apparel_ArmorCataphract
      • Apparel_ArmorCataphractPrestige
      • Apparel_ArmorHelmetCataphract
      • Apparel_ArmorHelmetCataphractPrestige
      • Apparel_ArmorHelmetRecon
      • Apparel_ArmorRecon
      • Apparel_Bandolier
      • Apparel_BasicShirt
      • Apparel_BowlerHat
      • Apparel_CollarShirt
      • Apparel_CowboyHat
      • Apparel_Duster
      • Apparel_FlakJacket
      • Apparel_FlakPants
      • Apparel_FlakVest
      • Apparel_HatTop
      • Apparel_Jacket
      • Apparel_LabCoat
      • Apparel_PackTox
      • Apparel_Pants
      • Apparel_PlateArmor
      • Apparel_PowerArmor
      • Apparel_PowerArmorHelmet
      • Apparel_Robe
      • Apparel_Sash
      • Apparel_Shadecone
      • Apparel_ShieldBelt
      • Apparel_Tailcap
      • Apparel_TribalHeaddress
      • Apparel_WarMask
      • Apparel_WarVeil

    • styleTags
      • Bald
      • Balding
      • BeardBushy
      • BeardLong
      • BeardPunk
      • BeardRural
      • BeardShort
      • BeardTribal
      • BeardUrban
      • Bushy
      • Cultist
      • Furskin
      • Ghoul
      • HairLong
      • HairShort
      • MoustacheOnly
      • NoTattoo
      • Punk
      • Royalty
      • Rural
      • Shaved
      • Soldier
      • TattoBodyBuddhist
      • TattooBodyCannibal
      • TattooBodyInsect
      • TattooBodyPunk
      • TattooBodyTribal
      • TattooFaceCannibal
      • TattooFacePunk
      • TattooFaceTribal
      • Tribal
      • Urban
      • Wild

    • styleItemTags
      • BeardTribal
      • Cultist
      • NoBeard
      • Punk
      • Royalty
      • Rural
      • Soldier
      • TattooBodyInsect
      • TattooFaceCannibal
      • TattooFaceTribal
      • Tribal
      • Urban
      • Wild

    • disabledWorkTags
      • AllWork
      • Caring
      • Cleaning
      • Commoner
      • Firefighting
      • Intellectual
      • ManualDumb
      • ManualSkilled
      • PlantWork
      • Social
      • Violent

    • targetTags
      • Caravan
      • Map_Misc
      • Map_PlayerHome
      • Map_RaidBeacon
      • Map_TempIncident

    • buildingTags
      • Anomaly
      • Artillery
      • Artillery_BaseDestroyer
      • Bed
      • Biotech
      • MechClusterActivator
      • MechClusterCombatThreat
      • MechClusterMember
      • MechClusterMemberGood
      • MechClusterMemberLamp
      • MechClusterProblemCauser
      • Production
      • RitualFocus
      • RitualSeat
      • Artillery_MannedMortar

    • tradeTags
      • Armor
      • Art
      • Artifact
      • BasicClothing
      • Bionic
      • Clothing
      • Drugs
      • ExoticBuilding
      • ExoticMisc
      • HiTechArmor
      • HoraxArmor
      • HoraxWeapon
      • MortarShell
      • MusicalInstrument
      • PsylinkNeuroformer
      • Serum
      • TechHediff
      • Television
      • UtilitySpecial
      • WeaponMelee
      • WeaponRanged

    • thingSetMakerTags (thingSetMakerTagsToAllow + thingSetMakerTagsToDisallow)
      • AnimalPart
      • ImplantEmpireRoyal
      • RewardNonEmpireFactionsOnly
      • RewardStandardCore
      • RewardStandardHighFreq
      • RewardStandardLowFreq
      • RewardStandardMidFreq
      • RewardStandardQualitySuper
      • SingleUseWeapon
      • SkillNeurotrainer
      • Techprint
      • WeaponBladelink