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A workbench equipped for creating art.


Refines biological matter like wood or plant matter into chemfuel.


A work station with all the equipment needed to mix wort for beer production. Wort must be fermented to finally become beer.

Butcher spot.png

A place for butchering animals. Due to the lack of equipment, butchering here yields only 70% of the meat and leather of each creature.


A heavy table for butchering dead creatures into pieces of raw meat.


Cooks meals and produces heat, and burns out after a few days. As with all heat sources, it must be placed indoors so it has a closed space to heat. Refuelable.

Crafting spot.png

A place for crafting simple items like knives or bows. Production here is slow because of the lack of tools.

Deep drill.png

A deep-crust drilling rig for extracting minerals from deep under the surface. Use a ground-penetrating scanner to detect the resources. This drill will yield stone chunks if no resources are present. Can be repositioned freely.

Drug lab.png

A work bench equipped with containers, heaters, and measurement devices for producing various drugs.


A huge stone crematorium which vaporizes corpses with extremely high temperatures.

Electric smelter.png

Extracts usable metal from slag chunks and other mixed metal items. Consumes a lot of power.


An electric-powered station for smithing non-mechanical weapons and tools.


An electrically-powered stove with an attached countertop for preparing meals.

Table tailor electric north.png

A workbench with a sewing machine for rapid tailoring of clothes. Can work without electricity at 50% of normal speed.

Component assembly bench.png

A workbench equipped with advanced tools for producing technological marvels from simpler materials.

Fueled smithy.png

A wood-fueled station for smithing non-mechanical weapons and tools.

Fueled Stove.jpg

A wood-fueled stove with an attached countertop for preparing meals.

Table tailor hand north.png

A workbench for tailoring clothes by hand. Works at 50% of the speed of an electric tailoring bench.

Hi-tech research bench.png

A high-tech bench with computers and electronic measurement equipment. Allows more rapid research, and unlocks advanced research projects.


Holds resources for use by machines like nutrient paste dispensers.


An artificial nutrient bath for growing plants. The nutrients pumps must work continuously; the plants will die if power is cut.

Infinite chemreactor.png

Slowly generates chemfuel by a complex series of chemical reactions, using atoms extracted from the air.


A work station for assembling machinery like guns and ammunition, or breaking down dead mechanoids.

Nutrient paste dispenser.png

A machine that synthesizes edible nutrient paste from organic feedstocks placed in adjacent hoppers. It consumes less ingredients and time than any other meal production method - but nobody likes eating nutrient paste. Accepts raw food, but not rough plant matter like hay.


A simple bench with writing implements and simple measurement devices. Researchers work here to discover new things.


A work table with saws and chisels for cutting stone chunks into usable blocks.


An industrial lamp which lights an area brightly enough to grow crops, but consumes a huge amount of power. Automatically turns itself off at night.


Cooks meals and produces heat, and burns out after a few days. As with all heat sources, it must be placed indoors so it has a closed space to heat. Refuelable.

Cooler south.png

An air-cooling machine that fits into a wall. Cool air comes out one side, while hot exhaust comes out the other. Can be used to cool down rooms during summer, or to create a walk-in freezer.


A device that converts electricity into heat. It can automatically turn itself on or off to reach a specific target temperature.

Passive cooler.png

A traditional unpowered cooler that works by water evaporation. Must be regularly replenished with wood. Not efficient enough to refrigerate food.


A simple vent for equalizing the temperature between two rooms without allowing people to walk between them.

Auto charge turret.png

A self-powered turret mounted with a charge blaster. It cannot sense targets at very short ranges.

Auto inferno turret.png

A self-powered turret mounted with an inferno cannon. It cannot sense targets at very short ranges.


A self-powered, self-loading, automatic mortar. It can hit targets at any distance, over walls, but is quite inaccurate.


A heavy automatic turret. Its large-caliber shells do heavy damage over significant ranges, but its barrel must be refurbished after use. It cannot fire at close-up targets, and may explode when damaged.


A waist-high barrier for use as cover from incoming shots. Barricades are ugly, but provide better cover than other low objects. Barricades will block certain kinds of animals the same way that fences do.

Foam turret menu icon.png

An activatable turret for extinguishing fires. The turret stands idle until someone approaches and activates it, after which it will automatically spray large amounts of firefoam on any flames in sight.

IED EMP trap.png

A pair of EMP shells connected to a trigger which detonates on touch or bullet impact. The explosion can paralyze mechanoids for a few seconds. Since it is hidden in the surrounding terrain, it cannot be placed adjacent to other traps. Animals can sense these when calm.

IED antigrain warhead trap.png

An antimatter-powered antigrain warhead connected to a trigger which detonates on touch or bullet impact. Since it is hidden in the surrounding terrain, it cannot be placed adjacent to other traps. Animals can sense these when calm.

IED firefoam trap.png

A pair of firefoam shells connected to a trigger which detonates on touch or bullet impact. Since it is hidden in the surrounding terrain, it cannot be placed adjacent to other traps. Animals can sense these when calm.

IED incendiary trap.png

A pair of incendiary shells connected to a trigger which detonates on touch or bullet impact. Since it is hidden in the surrounding terrain, it cannot be placed adjacent to other traps. Animals can sense these when calm.

IED smoke trap.png

A pair of smoke shells connected to a trigger which detonates on touch or bullet impact. Since it is hidden in the surrounding terrain, it cannot be placed adjacent to other traps. Animals can sense these when calm.

IED tox trap.png

A pair of tox gas shells connected to a trigger which detonates on touch or bullet impact. Since it is hidden in the surrounding terrain, it cannot be placed adjacent to other traps. Animals can sense these when calm.

IED high explosive.png

A pair of high-explosive shells connected to a trigger which detonates on touch or bullet impact. Since it is hidden in the surrounding terrain, it cannot be placed adjacent to other traps. Animals can sense these when calm.


A self-powered defense turret mounted with a weak but long-ranged slug-thrower. May explode when damaged.


A portable automatic turret. Requires steel to refurbish its barrel after heavy use. May explode when damaged. Its dumb AI brain can't be directly controlled, so beware of friendly fire.

Turret mortar.png

A manned mortar that launches all kinds of shells. While it can inflict devastating damage, the mortar's inherent inaccuracy makes it more useful for attacking large fortifications than groups of enemies in the field.

TurretRocket MenuIcon.png

An emergency-defense launcher that fires a single barrage of rockets covering a large area. The turret does not fire until someone activates it. It is very effective against large groups of weaker combatants, but less effective against small numbers of armored targets. Once fired, it must cool off for hours and be reloaded to fire again.


Bags of locally-sourced dirt or sand, stacked for use as cover. Sandbags are ugly, but provide better cover than other low objects.

Trap spike armed.png

Five spikes under tension, connected to a touch-activated trigger. When the victim disturbs the trigger, the spikes spring forth and strike the victim. Since it is hidden in the surrounding terrain, it cannot be placed adjacent to other traps. Animals can sense these when calm.


An armor-piercing turret. Its ultra-dense uranium shells can punch through heavy armor, but it requires new uranium slugs to be loaded after use. It's more accurate at longer ranges, and can't fire at all close up. May explode when damaged.


This cryptosleep casket looks like it has been here for a very long time. Who knows what it might contain?

Archonexus core.png

The central core of an archonexus. Its broad surfaces are perfectly clean, and they somehow appear both flat and curved at the same time.
To most, its purpose seems unknowable. However, some say this is part of an archotech itself, and that the one who finds it can invoke the power of the machine god.
The psychic power it emanates is terrifyingly loud and complex, yet dead silent. It is heard without ears, felt without skin, seen without eyes, known without memory. It is the thoughts of a being from another plane of existence. The perceptions are reflected directly into any human mind who ventures too close, and few can hold onto their humanity for long under such mental pressure. Only the psychically-deaf are immune.

Archotech tower.png

A moderately-sized archotech tower rising from the ground. Traces along its surface glow steadily with a strange color. Humans can only begin to guess at its purpose.

Caravan hitching spot.png

Designates a spot for hitching animals and forming caravans. Colonist will hitch animals here while loading a caravan. You can also use these during encounters away from home to keep animals from wandering.


An ultratech device for controlling climate. Using chemicals and exotic fields to manipulate the atmosphere, it shifts the temperature in this region of the world.

Comms console south.png

Allows radio contact with other factions and orbital traders.

Crashed mechanitor ship.png

A short-range ship used by a mechanitor to transport mechs for low-orbit or planetary travel.


A self-powered sarcophagus designed to keep a person in a state of suspended animation for many years.


A massive electromagnetic interference generator. It interferes with or shuts down electrical devices in nearby regions.


A box with soft material made to hold eggs. Egg-laying animals will lay eggs in egg boxes if they can. Your haulers will take all the eggs out only when the box is full, to save time. The box also protects eggs from deteriorating outdoors, though it does not protect from temperature damage.

Firefoam popper.png

When it detects fire, this safety device pops and sprays a fire-retardant foam in a circular field around itself. Can also be triggered manually.

Grand altar.png

A grand platform that plays a role in ideoligious rituals.

Grand archotech structure.png

A grand archotech structure of towering height and impressive bulk. The shape is hard to perceive, and the surfaces seem to flow when stared at too long. It could have appeared moments ago, or been here thousands of years. It emanates intense psychic influence, forcing thoughts and perceptions directly into the mind of anyone who ventures too close. The emanations are not aggressive, but they are utterly alien and impossible to ignore. Sensations unlinked from time or space, the endless rumination of an inhuman mind a billion times larger - the weak-minded lose themselves quickly under. Only the psychically-deaf are immune.


A towering slab with extensive engravings on the sides. Steles have been used since ancient times to memorialize individuals, battles, and other important events.

Grave full south.png

A decent final resting place. Colonists will visit full graves to gain meditative joy.

Ground-penetrating scanner.png

A sensor unit used by researchers to search for buried resources. The chance to find a resource depends on the operator's research ability. It consumes a lot of electricity. If you find a buried resource, you'll need to use deep drills to extract it. It doesn't work under a roof.

Ideogram morbid b.png

A large image drawn on the ground and reinforced with metal edges. It is used as a focus for rituals.

Large altar.png

A large platform that plays a role in ideoligious rituals.


A tall, thick slab with engravings on the sides. Steles have been used since ancient times to memorialize individuals, battles, and other important events.


A lateral sensor unit used by researchers to detect a specific type of mineral across the planet. The chance to find a resource depends on the operator's research ability. This sensor can be tuned to target a specific resource type. It consumes a lot of electricity. If you find a resource, you'll need to travel to collect it.

Major archotech structure.png

A large archotech structure. The dull green surface is utterly pristine and undamaged, and so smooth that it's slippery. There is no way to guess how long it has been here, and its purpose seems unfathomable. The psychic power it emanates isn't aggressive, but it is overwhelming and inhuman. Like standing inside a threshing machine of whirling blades, inside the heartbeat of a sleeping giant, inside a tight tunnel and you can't move or speak or breathe... Anyone who goes near it will become unsettled unless they are psychically deaf.

Marriage spot.png

Designates a spot where marriage ceremonies will take place. Spectators can watch from either side.


Designates a spot for meditation. Psycasters can meditate here to gain psyfocus. If a focus object like a sculpture is nearby, the psycaster will be able to focus on it to boost their psyfocus gain. However, different people are able to use different focus objects.

Medium altar.png

A medium platform that plays a role in ideoligious rituals.


Very slowly equalizes moisture in nearby terrain, converting marshes or shallow water into dry ground, and soft sand into normal sand. Does not affect deep water.


Increases research speed when placed near hi-tech research bench and unlocks new research projects. Each research bench can only use one multi-analyzer.

Drop Beacon.png

Required for orbital trading. You can only sell goods to orbital traders if they're near an orbital trade beacon. Can be placed indoors.

Party spot.png

Designates a spot for throwing parties.


A post with a sign designating an animal pen. It must be placed in an area enclosed by fences, barricades, walls, and doors. You can assign each pen marker a set of animals to accept, and handlers will bring animals to an appropriate pen.

Pod launcher south.png

A fueling port for launching one transport pod. Pod launchers can launch as a group - but the launchers must be placed adjacent to each other.


An archotech device transmitting the thoughts of a mad superintelligence. It generates a massive psychic drone tuned to one gender and affecting a whole region of the planet. People of that gender will be disturbed by the effect, reducing their mood and possibly driving them insane. The effect is modulated by an individual's psychic sensitivity.

Sarcophagus full north.png

An ornamented burial receptacle for the honored dead.

Ship Landing Beacon.png

Marks the corner of a landing area. Four of these placed at the corners of a clear area (minimum 9x9) create a landing pad. Spacecraft usually land on pads if possible.


A spacer-tech shuttle designed for transit between surface and orbit, or between moons of a planetary system.

Small altar.png

A small platform that plays a role in ideoligious rituals.


An ultratech weapon of mass destruction designed for area denial. By harvesting available compounds and converting them into self-reproducing opaque molecules, it can spew enough smoke to block the sun in a whole region of the planet.


An ancient ultratech spacedrone.


An ultratech machine that generates a sheet of exotic fields at high altitude, turning the sky opaque and blocking the sun.

Tool cabinet south.png

Increases work speed when placed near a workbench. One workbench can use up to two tool cabinets.


An ultratech weapon of mass destruction designed for area denial. This device harvests available compounds and converts them into self-reproducing poisons. By spewing these into the atmosphere, it can poison a whole region of the planet.

Drop pod.png

A launchable sub-orbital cargo pod capable of carrying people, items, or animals. Can be used for sending gifts, transporting people or supplies, surprise attacks, or reinforcing battles.


An ancient-style decorative container.

Vitals monitor south.png

Increases medical tend quality, surgery success chance, and immunity gain speed when placed directly adjacent to a hospital bed. Only works for hospital beds - normal beds will not benefit. Attaching more than one vitals monitor to the same bed will have no effect.


An ultratech device for controlling weather. Using chemicals and exotic fields, it forces the weather into a particular configuration.


Stores electricity for later use. Charged batteries explode when exposed to rain or fire.

BioferriteGenerator north.png

An electrical generator that works by pressurizing and igniting bioferrite, then harvesting energy from the resulting heat.

Because of the destruction of psychically active bioferrite, this device generates an uncomfortable psychic drone which disturbs those who pass nearby.

Chemfuel powered generator.png

Produces power by consuming chemfuel. Must be periodically refueled by hand.

Geothermal plant.png

Produces electricity from geothermal steam geysers. Must be placed on a steam geyser.

Hidden conduit.png

Hidden electrical cables for moving power around. They're tougher than regular conduits, but also slower to build and more expensive.

PowerConduit MenuIcon.png

A bundle of electrical cables for moving power around. Can be placed under walls and other buildings.


Switches power on/off.

Solar generator.png

Produces electricity from sunlight. Does not work in the dark or under artificial light.


This electrical generator very slowly pollutes the terrain in a radius around it while producing energy. If all terrain in the radius is polluted, the generator will shut down.


A mechanoid power generation unit. The vanometric power core will run forever, extracting energy from quantum foam fluctuations. An internal amplifier system makes it unstable. If damaged, the unit will generate a massive explosion. Some brave humans steal these from mechanoids for their own use as power plants or defensive bombs. However, an unintentional detonation can be devastating.

Vanometric power cell.png

Generates free energy, forever, without using fuel. This technology is developed by archotechs, and is beyond even most glitterworld societies. While nobody knows exactly how it works, scholars believe it somehow extracts energy directly from fluctuations in the quantum foam.

Watermill generator.png

Produces electricity from a river. Must be placed with its wheel in moving water. If watermills are placed too close together, the turbulence they generate will interfere and reduce power generation.

WaterproofConduit MenuIcon.png

Insulated electrical cables for transmitting power under shallow water.

Wind Power.png

A wind-powered electrical generator. Requires a large clear space in front and behind for optimal air flow.


Produces power by consuming wood. Must be periodically loaded with wood fuel by hand.


A doorway hung with thick overlapping strips of fabric or leather. It allows animals to pass while insulating the temperature. Animal flaps are commonly used as barn doors to give penned animals a sheltered place to sleep.


Divides rooms. Powered operation allows people to move through the door without slowing down.


A flat wooden surface on supportive beams which can be built over water. You can build light structures on bridges, but be careful - bridges are fragile. If a bridge falls, buildings on top of it fall as well.


A column capable of holding a roof. Does not block sight or movement and looks quite nice.


Divides rooms. Simple doors must be manually opened, which slows people down. The amount of slowdown depends on what the door is made of.


A fence made of posts joined by crossbars used for building pens for certain kinds of animals. Some kinds of animals can get past fences. Predators will not hunt creatures on the other side of a fence, but may still wander inside.


A simple gate made of posts and crossbars. It blocks some animals like a fence. Handlers can lead animals in and out of the pen through these gates.

Ornate door.png

Divides rooms. An intricately-carved door, decorated with gold. This large, heavy door requires adjacent walls to function.

SecurityDoor MenuIcon south.png

A heavily reinforced door. It is slow to open and requires electricity, but is very strong. It's a good choice if you want to keep something dangerous out - or in. The door requires walls on either side to function.


An impassable wall. Capable of holding up a roof.

Ancient ATM.png

An ancient ATM. Smashed and rusted, it is completely useless now. How it got here is hard to say.

Ancient air conditioner.png

An ancient air conditioning machine. Its internals were smashed long ago and what wasn't looted has rusted away in the time since.

Ancient band node.png

An ancient band node. Valuable parts are missing, and everything else is degraded to uselessness.


An ancient, broken barrel that looks like it once contained waste of some sort. The only thing it contains now is a smear of dried sludge.

Ancient basic recharger south.png

An ancient basic recharger. Valuable parts are missing, and everything else is degraded to uselessness.

Ancient bed.png

An old, rotted mattress on a rusty frame. Though uncomfortable, it can still be used, but it's too dilapidated to restore.

Ancient car.png

An ancient, broken car. Everything that isn't rusted away was looted long ago.

RustedCarFrame north.png

An ancient, rusted car frame. The body shell has long since rusted away to nothing.

Ancient comms console.png

An ancient console with an attached communications dish. Valuable parts are missing, and everything else is degraded to uselessness.

Ancient concrete barrier.png

A traffic management solution from long ago.

Ancient container east.png

A large container from some ancient freight carrying vehicle. It has long since been looted and deteriorated into uselessness.


An ancient, broken crate. Any valuables it once contained have degraded to uselessness.


This cryptosleep casket looks like it has been here for a very long time. Who knows what it might contain?

Ancient cryptosleep pod.png

A single-use pod for preserving one person in a state of suspended animation. Unlike cryptosleep caskets, cryptosleep pods can only be used once.

Ancient display bank.png

An ancient computer interface. Valuable parts are missing, and everything else is degraded to uselessness.

Ancient dropship.png

The remains of an ancient dropship. The valuable parts were looted long ago and the rest has deteriorated to uselessness.

Ancient dropship engine.png

An ancient dropship engine. It probably came off a military troop carrier. Its delicate internals are rusted to uselessness, and the valuable parts were looted long ago.

Ancient enemy terminal.png

An ancient computer terminal. It can be hacked to call nearby enemies.


An ancient engine block that is rusted through. No repair could salvage this.

Ancient equipment blocks.png

A collection of ancient equipment blocks of unknown function. Valuable parts are missing, and everything else is degraded to uselessness.


The remains of the back-mounted energy cannon of a massive, ancient exostrider mechanoid.


The remains of the head of a massive, ancient exostrider mechanoid. It was blasted by some kind of high-energy weapon.

Ancientexostriderleg a.png

The remains of the leg of a massive, ancient exostrider mechanoid.


The remains of a massive, ancient exostrider war mechanoid. Long ago, some high-energy weapon shattered the body and fused the parts into an almost-solid mass.
In its guts, it looks like there is a still-functional transponder. If you could extract the transponder, you could decrypt it to gather valuable information.
The mech's incendiary weapon cells are intact but unstable, and will likely detonate after you do some damage.

Ancient fence.png

An ancient fence made of reinforced concrete posts joined by concrete panels.

Ancient generator.png

An ancient electrical generator. Its usable parts were smashed or looted long ago, and the rest has rusted into uselessness.

Ancient giant wheel.png

A giant wheel which came off some large vehicle many ages ago. The rubber has disintegrated away and the metal is twisted and rusted.

Ancient hydrant.png

An ancient hydrant. Heavily rusted, it is completely useless now. How it got here is hard to say.

Ancient jet engine.png

An ancient jet engine, probably detached from a large airplane. Its delicate internals are rusted to uselessness, and the valuable parts were looted long ago.

Ancient kitchen sink.png

An ancient kitchen sink made of some non-metallic fiber-sheet material. It is badly deteriorated and there's no way to salvage anything from it.
How it got here must be a long story.

Ancient lamp.png

An ancient self-powered lamp. Its internal power supply is badly depleted, but it still emits a weak glow.

Ancient lamppost.png

Road lighting from long ago. No longer functional.

Ancient large crate.png

A large crate which was abandoned ages ago. It's too rusted to store anything.

Ancient large mech gestator south.png

An ancient large mech gestator. Valuable parts are missing, and everything else is degraded to uselessness.

Ancient locker bank.png

An ancient, rusted bank of lockers. All of the lockers have been forced open with nothing valuable left behind.

Ancient long crate.png

A long, empty crate which was abandoned ages ago. It's too rusted to store anything.

Ancient machine.png

A large ancient machine case filled with unknown machinery. Valuable parts are missing, and everything else is degraded to uselessness.


A large, ancient engine block from some giant vehicle or power source. It's rusted through, and all the useful components are gone. No repair could salvage this.

Ancient mech drop beacon.png

The broken shell of a mech drop beacon. Its useful components are missing and the shell has deteriorated after many years.

Ancient mech gestator south.png

An ancient mech gestator. Valuable parts are missing, and everything else is degraded to uselessness.


A shell from a smashed mechanoid. It has been deteriorating for many years and the useful components have disintegrated.

Ancient mega-cannon barrel east.png

A barrel from a long-range cannon for artillery or anti-ship use. When it was new, it must have been frighteningly powerful. Now, it's far beyond repair and every useful component has been looted.


A mounting platform that once held some sort of cannon. It has been broken for many years and every useful component was looted long ago.

Ancient microwave.png

An ancient device for heating food. Smashed and rusted, it is completely useless now. How it got here is hard to say.

Ancient nav beacon.png

An ancient, broken ship navigation beacon. Every useful component was looted long ago.

Ancient operating table.png

A table once used for surgical operations. It has long since deteriorated into uselessness.

Ancient oven.png

An ancient oven. Smashed and rusted, it is completely useless now. How it got here is hard to say.

Ancient pipeline section.png

A section from an ancient pipeline. It once carried some valuable fluid over long distances. Now it's been looted and deteriorated to uselessness.

Ancient pipes A.png

A bunch of rusted old pipes. It is hard to say how these ended up here.

Ancient pod car.png

An ancient pod car once capable of automated flight. Its valuable parts were looted long ago, and the rest is badly deteriorated.

... further results
Sensor cluster.png

A multi-function sensor module. Can scan and signal across the void for communications, threat detection, deception, jamming, and other purposes.

Ship computer core.png

A computer core housing a machine persona who can guide a starship through any challenge during a multi-decade starflight.


A cryptosleep casket hardened against the dangers of space. Capable of maintaining a person in cryptosleep for centuries and surviving atmospheric re-entry.


A reactionless Johnson-Tanaka drive capable of launching a ship into orbit, and crawling across the vast expanses between stars.


Powers a ship on its journey between stars. Takeoff requires a long powerup process that is likely to attract raiders.


A structural beam around which a starship can be constructed. Includes all the necessary conduits and transit pipes for communications, power, and materials transport.

Alternate navbar layout[edit]