Difference between revisions of "RimWorld Wiki:To-do"

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Line 703: Line 703:
**Obedience training steps 1 -> 3.
**Obedience training steps 1 -> 3.
**Warg damage increased by 15%.
**Warg damage increased by 15%.
**Warg wildness 80% -> 35%
**All insects main attack cooldowns 2.5 -> 2.9
**All insects main attack cooldowns 2.5 -> 2.9
**Alphabeaver body size 0.6 -> 0.45
**Alphabeaver body size 0.6 -> 0.45
Line 717: Line 716:
**Alpaca leg damage 7 -> 6
**Alpaca leg damage 7 -> 6
**Dromedary leg damage 11 -> 8
**Dromedary leg damage 11 -> 8
**Wolf wildness 75% -> 85%.
**Wolf trainable intelligence Advanced -> Intermediate
**Wolf trainable intelligence Advanced -> Intermediate
**Wolf bite damage 11 -> 12
**Wolf bite damage 11 -> 12

Revision as of 06:44, 20 August 2020

There are many, many things to be done on this wiki to make it better. Mark incomplete pages or pages needing work with {{Stub}} to make our job a bit easier.

If you want to suggest something that needs to be done, sign your post with ~~~~ - Zesty (talk)

Outdated pages and pages that need updated/more images


Image(s) wanted

Anatomy of the pawn Edited.pngAnatomy of the pawn.pngAncient bedAncient mechanoid shellAncient mega-cannon barrelAncient mega-cannon platformAncient warwalker clawAncient warwalker footAncient warwalker legAncient warwalker shellAncient warwalker torsoAncients/PawnsAnimal husbandryAntigrain warheadAutocannon turretBerserk pulseBiosculpter podBookcaseBooksBridgeCaravanCarpetCenturionChaos skipChunk skipCorrosive heartDamage TypesDeadlife packDeadlife shellDefense structuresDefense tacticsDevelopment modeDiabolusDisruptor flare packDoomsday rocket launcherDoomsdayExplosion.pngDoorEMP shellElectric inhibitorFaction baseFarskipFenceFrag grenade range.pngGasGhoul barbsGhoul platingGray boxGrowing zoneHarbinger treeHare... further results


General To-do List

Needs to be done list: (Feel free to do these if you know how!) (italic = minor, bold = major)

  • Pages: Assign tab currently only has a brief overview on the menu page. Outfits, Food policies and Drug policies each need individual pages. Mayoculpa (talk) 12:19, 5 February 2020 (UTC)
  • Defs: Def elements might be something useful to add in for technical reference/modder wannabes. This stuff is being constantly revised and constructed upon, so it's your choice whether to make it its own page or to integrate it as part of another page (e.g. Colonist). I've only covered a small amount of defs (see Category:Defs for a list), and that was a year ago. Longbyte1 (talk) 05:05, 16 February 2015 (UTC)
  • Need a better way to display data on tables without having to update the tables themselves. What's the best way to pull stats and stuff from pages to a table on another page? Zesty (talk)
    • I started a short how-to on properties and queries on my user page. Does that help? --Khaim (talk) 21:42, 15 September 2016 (UTC)
    • This is perhaps the main attraction of Cargo. If/when all that stuff is done, we can use data across the wiki from various pages using queries, without the pages being high-maintenance. The list queries above is a small example. Pangaea (talk) 15:15, 1 August 2019 (UTC)

Updates and maintenance needed on the Wiki

  • Freshen up the frontpage, and if nothing else, change from a table to div setup --> In progress by Pangaea
  • Categorise all images so it's easier to find them --> In progress by Pangaea
    • Ideally with AutoWikiBrowser, because it is much faster
  • If relevant: update outdated images, and add missing images
    • Possibly re-enable the MsUpload extension to make it easier, or do it with AWB --> DONE by Zesty
  • Add an Admin noticeboard --> DONE by Pangaea
  • Add Community portal to the Sidebar (and maybe re-order it slightly? See Wikipedia's system)
  • Update some of the default footer pages, as they seem outdated currently --> Partially done by Pangaea
  • Given a fitting license, borrow content from other wikis and improve and expand our Help sections
    • See [1] for a suggestion that might work here as well
  • Add articles for each technology and skill, with fitting templates
  • Purge outdated SMW entities: (see Statistics) --> DONE by Hypolite
  • Edit or make new screenshots without (so many) UI elements, as seen for instance in the Events page
  • An RSS feed for news would be nice, but looks like we'd need this extension for it. Could perhaps put it on the frontpage then. Pangaea (talk) 13:21, 1 August 2019 (UTC)

Wiki consistency and overhaul

  • Time to elaborate (or duplicate) Policies and Formatting guidelines. Basics like: Consensus, Edit Warring so that newcomers can learn their way around. Tutorials. Finish the page Help:Templates#Creating_a_template. Yoshida Keiji (talk) 09:17, 23 September 2017 (UTC)
    • Zesty has already said this is not Wikipedia proper; these policies could help with keeping order but if not enforced correctly they will seem excessively draconic and scare away potential contributors-- and this has already happened, twice. PigeonGuru, Strategist ( talk | contribs | assist ) 12:34, 25 July 2019 (UTC)

As an aside, if I may be so bold as to suggest a few extensions I didn't see here, which could prove useful:

  • LinkSuggest: Useful for new users to easier create links without knowing the ins and outs of the page names.
  • Cargo: I see you already use SMW. Cargo is basically a more light-weight alternative to SMW, and set up more like a traditional SQL database, so it's easier to use queries than with the pretty complex SMW syntax, and its plethora of property and query pages. I don't really suggest to shift from SMW to Cargo as it's a pretty monumental task given you appear to be actively using SMW here, however it may be worth to read up on it. I happened to be admin/guardian on a Gamepedia wiki when they, after huge stability issues related to SMW sitewide, decided to de facto ban it and urge wikis to transition over to Cargo. So I have, or at least had, a good deal of knowledge about it, and created a bunch of templates when Pillars of Eternity transitioned from SMW to Cargo. It's not perfect of course, but I found it really useful, so wanted to leave a tip here about it, just in case admins/mods want to look into it.
  • RandomSelection: This can be neat on the main page for various gameplay tips and such, which then get randomly selected. Not sure if there would be a good use for it with this game, but I have seen it used to good effect on other wikis, such as Witcher 3.


  • Install the MobileFrontend-extension -- Crasheripot
  • The Template:Infobox main should be somewhat wider. On nearly any page the infobox is used at least one line doesn't fit in and it is sometimes hard to read which numbers match which category. Especially for pages like animals the infobox is often longer than the rest of the article (I do realise that this depends on the size of your screen though). Ickputzdirwech (talk) 12:55, 26 February 2020 (UTC)

1.2 Update

As always. This time around, no need to strikeout completed items- just delete them right away. PigeonGuru ( talk | contribs | assist ) 04:51, 20 August 2020 (UTC)

The 1.2 release of RimWorld adds a variety of new content and a few new systems.

There are a few major parts to this update.

New stuff: Base game

  • Custom playstyle system: You can now select a new custom playstyle setting. This opens up a new menu that allows you to customize a large number of different settings exactly as you prefer. For example, you can make a game with lots of enemies, but high yields from crops and mining. The settings are:
    • Storyteller ignore wealth, and instead replace it with a factor from time alone. This can make the game fall off the rails easily, but is appropriate for someone who wants a pure challenge.
    • Player friendly fire chances.
    • Colonist instakill chance. This setting allows you to apply a damage filter that prevents colonists being killed by a single shot, because that can feel arbitrary. Colonists can still be downed by one shot and bleed out soon after, or take permanent injuries in one shot.
    • Overall threat scale
    • Major threats toggle
    • Quests threats toggle
    • Intro threats toggle
    • Predators hunt humans toggle
    • Extreme weather toggle
    • Harvest, mining, and butchering yield
    • Quest rewards
    • Raid loot
    • Trade prices
    • Turret rearm cost
    • Scaria rot chance
    • Enemy death on downed chance
    • Colonist mood
    • Food poison chance
    • Animal revenge chance
    • Infection chance
    • Disease frequency
    • Hive insect spawn rate
    • Deep drill infestation chance
    • Ancient structure threats toggle
    • Passive hives at map generation toggle
    • Toggles to allow/disallow player building traps, turrets, and mortars
    • Damage adaptation growth rate: Adaptation means the storyteller makes the game more challenging over time as long as you are not taking losses. This is separate from the story effects of wealth and population. This adjusts the rate of that challenge growth.
    • Damage adaptation effect: Adaptation means the storyteller makes the game more challenging over time as long as you are not taking losses. This is separate from the story effects of wealth and population. This adjusts the effect of that adaptation value on actual threats.
  • Raid loot generation: Previously raids would just drop whatever rewards were associated with the characters in that raid. Now, each raid generates a single core reward like a stack of drugs, medicine, jade, or plasteel. The reward is chosen semi-randomly according to the raider faction, and placed in the inventory of a few of the raiders. This allows us and users to accurately tune raid rewards, and solves issues where higher difficulties got bigger rewards.
  • Utility gear system: Wearable belts have been expanded into a system of wearable utility items. One person can wear one utility item. Utility items can be passive like a shield belt, but most give an ability the player can trigger. Most have a certain number of charges before they run out. Some can be reloaded, while others are consumed by use.
    • Utility item: Psychic insanity lance. Previously, this could only be used directly, and once. Now it's a utility item that can be carried and used twice before exhaustion.
    • Utility item: Psychic shock lance. Same as the psychic insanity lance, this was changed from a one-use item to a two-use utility item.
  • Automatic caravan setup: The caravan setup screen now automatically loads enough food and medicine for the journey. This can be overridden if desired. This interface was also restructured to ask for the route first, and to clean up placement of some UI elements. Overall, caravan forming takes less effort and fewer clicks.
  • 'Smash mechanoid' bill: This allows tribals to break down mechanoid corpses without a machining table, albeit at a slower rate.
  • New system for handling time limits on caravan encounter maps. Previously on encounter maps, the player caravan was just automatically reformed after a certain amount of time. Now, the colonists will be detected by enemies after some time. Later, enemy reinforcements will begin arriving to attack. The player can choose when to leave, and this scenario can play out even on maps where other enemies remain (e.g. If player is executing a siege).
  • Direct button to use drugs from inventory: This makes combat drugs more usable.
  • New visual effects:
    • Building destruction. Screen shake, dust, and so on.
    • Improvements to orbital bombardments. You can see and hear incoming projectiles and other details are improved.
    • EMP state on mechs or turrets, with electrical arcs and sparks.
  • New sound effects:
    • Many types of building destructions of various sizes and materials
    • EMP blast and EMP state
    • Windmill, watermill, wood generator, chemfuel generator ambience
    • Quest accepted, succeeded, concluded, failed
    • Mech serum used
    • Toxic buildup gained
    • Melee dodge
    • Power claw hit/miss
    • Human bite hit/miss

New stuff: Royalty expansion

  • Major quest * Shuttle defense: An Imperial shuttle has been damaged and needs a place to land. They're being hunted by raiders! If you accept the quest, the shuttle crash-lands on your colony map. Some civilians, plus a some Imperial soldiers, will get out and defend themselves at the shuttle as a raid comes after them. You have to help defend them until a rescue shuttle arrives to pick them up. Get to tha shuttle! Go!
  • Major quest * Bandit camp mission: The quest giver wants troops to help assault a bandit camp. He will provide a shuttle to bring you to and from the camp. A specific number of people must be provided. This creates a self-contained combat challenge without the fiddliness and time commitment of full travel.
  • Major quest * Refugee hospitality: A ragged group of travelers arrives. They ask to stay at your colony for a while. They have no rewards to offer, but there are other reasons to take them in. They will work for you during their time at the colony. If you keep their mood high, some of them may offer to join you permanently. After they leave, there is a chance they will pay you back later. One new aspect of this quest is that the travelers aren't part of any major faction, which means you can choose to capture them, harvest them, or sell them * though they may rebel or flee if you try. There is also chance they will betray and attack you, and a chance that some other party will contact you and offer a reward to betray and kill the travelers. Overall, this quest is designed to break out of the predictable challenge/reward structure of traditional quests and create more of a fluid, unpredictable situation with many options and outcomes.
  • Bestower: Titles are no longer given instantly when enough honor has been acquired, and psylink neuroformers are no longer sent to you by drop pods. Instead, a colonist with enough honor for a new title can invoke the bestower, a ceremonial priest-like figure who arrives by shuttle with a retinue of guards. He goes to the colonist's throne room, confirming that it satisfies the title requirements, and does the bestowing ceremony there. The ceremony itself gives the psylink upgrade and title. You can also betray the bestower to steal psylink neuroformers if you wish.

  • Psycasts can now have psyfocus costs: This lets us create psycasts that are useful over the long term instead of just in combat. The player can use them any time, but must restore psyfocus somehow.
  • Persona weapon traits: Now persona weapons have individual traits to reflect their individual personalities. Each weapon will have one or two traits. Some traits are good, some are bad, some are just different. Traits affect the weapon's market value, so a weapon with a negative trait will be cheaper. The traits are:
    • Psychic hypersensitizer: Psychic sensitivity +40% when wielded.
    • Psychic sensitizer: Psychic sensitivity +20% when wielded.
    • Psychic quiet: Psychic sensitivity -15% when wielded.
    • Psychic fog: Psychic sensitivity -30% when wielded.
    • Kind thoughts: Thought while bonded “[weaponName]’s kind thoughts +6”
    • Calm thoughts: Thought while bonded “[weaponName]’s calm thoughts +3”
    • Mad muttering: Thought while bonded “[weaponName]’s muttering -3”.
    • Mad wailing: Thought while bonded “[weaponName]’s wailing -6”.
    • Kill-focused: A pawn who kills someone with the weapon gains 20% psyfocus instantly.
    • Kill-happy: A pawn who kills someone with the weapon gains a “weaponname’s kill happiness +6” thought for 3 days. It stacks but the effect falls off fast.
    • Kill-sorrow: A pawn who kills someone with the weapon gains a “weaponname’s kill sorrow -3” thought lasting 3 days. It stacks but the effect falls off fast.
    • Painless: Pain locked to zero while wielded due to a psychic brain hediff.
    • Fast mover: Move faster while equipped due to a psychic brain hediff.
    • Hunger pangs: Hunger +50% while bonded due to a psychic brain hediff.
    • Neural cooling: Neural heat fall rate improved by 0.15 per second.
    • Psy-meditative: Wielder psyfocus gains from meditation increased by 10% (like increasing focus effectiveness by 10%).
    • Freewielder: The weapon does not bond. Anyone can grab it and use it.
    • Jealous: If you use another weapon while bonded, get a memory thought “weaponname’s jealous rage -15” for 1 day.
    • Kill thirst: If weapon has not killed anyone in 20 days, bonded pawn has a “[weaponName]’s kill thirst -4” thought.
  • Meditation enhancers: Meditation focus objects can now be enhanced by other objects placed nearby. This gives a reason to construct more integrated and expansive meditation temples instead of just a single object.
    • Anima tree and animus stone are enhanced by nearby animus stones.
    • Sculptures are enhanced by nearby sculptures.
    • Grave is enhanced by nearby graves.
  • Flame meditation focus: This is usable by pyromaniacs. They can focus on torches, campfires, or braziers. These are enhanced by nearby torches, campfires, or braziers.
  • Gloomlight mechanoid building: This building has two purposes. First, it emits a sickly light, so adds some visual interest to mech clusters, especially at night. Second, it can be reinstalled as a light or deconstructed for valuable resources. However, it is quite fragile so probably won't survive indiscriminate bombardment of a mech cluster. Similar to the unstable power cell, it's a reward which can be claimed only if the cluster is approached a certain way.
  • Bandits set up problem causer incident: This is a new way hostiles can threaten you besides raiding you. Now, sometimes they will set up a camp near your colony from which they will harass you using some kind of problem causer device, like a weather controller or smoke spewer. You have to attack the camp and eliminate it.
  • Shuttle pad for Empire bases: When you attack an Empire base it will have a shuttle pad, often with a shuttle on the pad about to take off. This just distinguishes these bases from other factions better.
  • Throne rooms in Empire bases:
  • Speech inspirations: When your noble gives an inspiring speech, each listener has a 5% chance of getting an inspiration in addition to the mood bonus.
  • Abasia disease incident: This random incident makes someone in the colony get paralytic abasia, which paralyzes them for a while.
  • Blood rot disease incident: This random incident makes someone in the colony get blood rot, which requires regular medical treatment for a while.
  • Abasia joiner incident: In this random incident, someone joins you, but they have paralytic abasia, so they must recover from that before they can work. It's your choice whether you want to heal them and let them join, or handle them another way.
  • Visual effects redone for all skip psycasts. It now has a resemblance to a charged black hole or a spherical cut in spacetime. The new effect is more science-themed and avoids magic-like elements to focus on the hard sci-fi RimWorld feel.
  • Visual effect redone for invisibility psycast. It now looks like light distortion, instead of a transparent glowing person. The new effect is more science-themed and avoids magic-like elements to focus on the hard sci-fi RimWorld feel.
  • Added visual effect for wallraise rocks expiring.
  • New sound effects:
    • Skip psycasts
    • Mech cluster defeated
    • Shuttle entry, exit, and ambience
    • Mechanoid assembled
    • Techprint applied
    • Meditation gain psyfocus
    • Mech building ambience: Sun blocker, smoke spewer, weather affecter, psychic harmer, EMI dynamo
    • Bionic slash hit/miss
    • Drill arm hit/miss
    • Field hand hit/miss
    • Mech turret small and large ambient calls
    • Bullet shield and mortar shield ambience
    • Proximity activator and countdown activator ambience

Improvements and adjustments

  • Renamed royal favor to honor.
  • Underground resources readout now shows what resource is in each underground cell and how many there are.
  • Desired psyfocus UI controls are more robust.
  • Refined room stats readout.
  • Storyteller now ignores HP for purposes of wealth calculation.
  • Monument placing feedback is improved. When you try to place a monument, now the specific reason it can't be placed is highlighted on the map and noted in a message.
  • Map generator doesn't generate little inaccessible islands any more (since they break various aspects of gameplay).
  • Anima tree will no longer be destroyed by meteors, crashed ship parts, or shuttles.
  • Empire soldiers now have more distinctive haircuts.
  • Pawns can now only bond one persona weapon at a time (otherwise trait effects can stack in broken ways).
  • Anima trees now reduce their anima grass progress rate after they're heavily used within a single day. This still permits power-leveling the anima grass with many meditators, but at reduced effectiveness.
  • Empire is no longer enemy with civil NPC factions. We added a warning to inform players if they call Empire military aid when there are enemies on the map that the aid won't fight (this is a rare scenario).
  • Display meat icon in butchery recipe float menu option.
  • Removed naming animals through nuzzling. Animals only get names by bonding, or if given names by the player (so you can implicitly tell which animals are bonded by seeing which have names).
  • Speech duration reduced from 5 hours to 4 hours.
  • Plasmasword damage increased from 19 to 20. Extra flame damage chance increased from 30% to 50%. Flame damage amount increased from 8 to 10. Persona plasmasword damage increased from 20 to 22. Persona plasmasword extra flame damage chance increased from 50% to 70%. Monosword damage reduced from 27 to 25. Persona monosword damage reduced from 29 to 27.
  • Stele and nature shrine now have terrain affordances appropriate for their sizes.
  • Certain sounds now change speed if game speed changes, so they stay in sync with on-screen motion.
  • All anima tree psylink levels now take 20 anima grass (instead of 18 or 22).
  • On the research tab, we now draw icons for techprint faction and research bench requirements (the latter as hyperlinks).
  • Quest helpers no longer spawn with the greedy trait.
  • Relabel skill neurotrainers to "skilltrainer" and give them their own category similar to psytrainers.
  • Removed special letter icon for choice letters.
  • Sort transporter contents list so humans are unloaded first, followed by animals, then by items.
  • Optimized UI gizmo drawing by skipping the layout phase.
  • Pawns of the same home faction (i.e. quest lodgers) will no longer arrest each other.
  • Soften anima tree glow. Remove anima grass glow.
  • Orbital mech cluster targeter will no longer spawn a cluster with condition causer.
  • Change threat text color to a lighter red for better readability. Applied it to more text where it makes sense.
  • Gear tab now expands if it needs space and there is space, before using scroll bar.
  • Added labelMale and labelFemale to traits.
  • Updated Korean language worker.
  • You can now navigate debug menus with keyboard alone.
  • All textures now use trilinear filtering instead of bilinear filtering for better sharpness at some zoom levels.
  • All textures now use kaiser filtered mipmaps instead of box filtered for better sharpness at some zoom levels.
  • Many, many other smaller improvements.


  • Added temporary factions system. These are used in the refugee quest, but can be used in other places as well.
  • Refactored quest generation to run the generation script in C# instead of in XML data. This was done for all the new quests and will make quest coding easier in future.
  • PatchOperationInsert: Only apply node normalization for text nodes, just in case.


  • Fix: Log files can get extremely big. We now handle direct log messages as well (e.g. internal Unity messages or mods using Debug.Log directly) when handling max message count.
  • Fix: Anima tree doesn't heal properly.
  • Fix: Joy meditation can cause pawns to fall out of bed.
  • Fix: Condition causer destroyed message sent whenever it was despawned instead of just when it was actually destroyed.
  • Fix: Text rounding issue with re-enter cooldown text.
  • Fix: Pawn bio tab -> double empty lines in tooltips just before the line that says when a backstory unlocks a psyfocus type.
  • Fix: Haircuts don't display their partly-transparent sections. This mostly made the shaved haircut invisible.
  • Fix: Many neural heat gizmos shown if many psycasters are selected.
  • Fix: Situational thoughts with reason don't give access to PAWN symbol.
  • Fix: Pawns interrupting their throne meditation for other jobs.
  • Fix: Curing scaria doesn't remove manhunting.
  • Fix: Not saving drawAimPie field in Stance_Warmup.
  • Fix: Insect glowpods affect anima meditation.
  • Fix: Uncapitalized tagged content in some circumstances.
  • Fix: Uncolored names in some letters. Added a color tag for quest threats.
  • Fix: LOS calcs for purpose of royal aid don't match LOS for guns.
  • Fix: Humans with 0% hearing get thoughts from listening to instruments.
  • Fix: Sounds with tempoAffectedByGameSpeed stop playing forever when the game is paused.
  • Fix: Pawn can get random inspiration while not capable of being conscious.
  • Fix: Bug where items from <costList> would never be returned from deconstructing a building if the stackCount of that item was exactly 1.
  • Fix: Peace talks can generate for factions with goodwill rewards disabled.
  • Fix: Inconsistent stat report for stuff, not reporting all stat factors/offsets if you open it via hyperlink.
  • Fix: Thoughts about not being master of a bonded animal appear even if pawn is too low-skilled to be master of their bonded animal.
  • Fix: Banishing quest lodgers causes "banished" thoughts.
  • Fix: Downed refugee icon on the quest info has permanent red tint from DamageFlasher.
  • Fix: The call to InnerThing.GetStatValue ignores the null check.
  • Fix: Siege buildings retain their faction after siege ended.
  • Fix: Manhunter animal quest and incedent don't cap out at 100 animals.
  • Fix: "Considered: Fine" stat appears on floors with royalty not active.
  • Fix: Psylink counts as an artificial part for a transhumanist.
  • Fix: Pawns not gaining comfort from throne while meditating.
  • Fix: Royalty-only stats appear in scenario editor with Royalty.
  • Fix: Colonists can lose their psylink entirely when being resurrected.
  • Fix: Pawns can spawn with missing heads.
  • Fix: References to Braziers in core.
  • Fix: While paused, musical instruments constantly loop, this also occurs while in the trade menu.
  • Fix: Pawn in cryptosleep requires bedroom.
  • Fix: Some raid pawn kind defs allow Brawler trait while having ranged weapons.
  • Fix: It's possible to use doors as electricity-less coolers.
  • Fix: Exception when selecting brazier construction ghost.
  • Fix: Undignified throne room alert causes FPS drop for a throne that is outdoors.
  • Fix: Just claimed artificial structures don't affect nature focus objects.
  • Fix: Throwing grenades only 1 cell away makes the graphic distorted
  • Fix: Pawns meditate in bed without being sick. They should go for a better meditation spot.
  • Fix: Mechanoids not waking up if you skip them.
  • Fix: Mechanoid capacity tooltip displays hidden capacity impactors.
  • Fix: "Created at" stat has duplicates for things with bulk and normal recipes.
  • Fix: Non-royal colonists will not wear royal apparel even if outfit requires it.
  • Fix: Empire is hostile to neutral ancients by default.
  • Fix: Several world feature names not being used.
  • Fix: Can't right click directly on pawn to prioritize hunting.
  • Fix: Psychic drone level increased letter doesn't mention affected gender.
  • Fix: RadialDistinctThingsAround doesn't work correctly for 1:X size things.
  • Fix: Text that says research speed will be multiplied by eg. 200% because of tech level is incorrect.
  • Fix: "s" on the end of "colonists" isn't colored in quest text.
  • Fix: Quest lodgers show up on history graph.
  • Fix: Incorrect calculation for packaged survival meal bulk recipe.
  • Fix: Wild men who are incapable of violence can hunt animals for food.
  • Fix: Shuttles sometimes land on natural roofs.
  • Fix: Some enemies spawn with smoke launchers who shouldn't.


  • You can now configure a desired psyfocus level on your psycasters and they will meditate enough to maintain it, without needing to use the schedule.
  • Reworked how destroyed buildings generate slag so small buildings don't generate giant slag blooms; they'll leave steel behind instead.
  • Implemented toggle for anima trees that toggles whether building ghosts are showing connections to meditation foci or not.
  • All Empire pawns have at least the title of Freeholder.
  • Player-created names update.

Training and feedback

  • Implemented warning message for pawns with psychically dull or deaf traits when becoming a royal or trying to gain a psylink by anima tree.
  • Rename difficulty: "The price of survival is blood" to "Blood and dust".
  • Rename esquire to acolyte. Adjust some title descriptions.
  • Added warning message when designating an anima tree for cutting.
  • Clarify undignified thronerooms reason text.
  • Anima tree now sends a letter when enough anima grass is available for linking.
  • We now prompt the user to confirm using a psytrainer if the pawn's psylink level is too low to use the psycast.
  • Add "Meditation desired psyfocus" learning helper lesson.
  • Add "Meditation schedule" learning helper lesson.
  • Show base and max value for MeditationFocusStrength stats with offsets.
  • Improved organization of drug stats listing.
  • Various text adjustments.


  • Increase rewards per points for quests game-wide.
  • Reduce the threat points for fights generated off the home map, and increase bandit camp quest rewards.
  • Double the rate of nuzzling by animals to buff mood-oriented pets.
  • Extend the thought for when you buried someone in a sarcophagus.
  • Reduce monument sizes about 15%.
  • Reduce psyfocus decay rates 0.5% at each level.
  • Increase psyfocus gain of wall from 11 to 22.
  • Increase psyfocus gain range of grave from 4~20 to 6~26.
  • Increase psyfocus gain range of sarcophagus from 8~24 to 10~30.
  • Increase psyfocus gain of animus stone from 25 to 34.
  • Increase psyfocus gain of sculptures by 2, up to a max of 28 at legendary quality.
  • Increase psyfocus gain of small nature shrine from 15 to 22.
  • Increase psyfocus gain of large nature shrine from 22 to 30.
  • Remove psylink neuroformer from traders (but most still buy it).
  • Reduce nature shrine build times by 40%.
  • Reduced yayo new addiction chance from 10% to 1%, and removed the min tolerance to addict.
  • Reduce flake new addition chance from 20% to 5%. Reduce flake tolerance gain from 4.5% to 4% (matches yayo).
  • Increase toxic fallout earliestDay from 20 to 60. Reduce base chance from 0.14 to 0.12. Increase volcanic winter earliest day from 30 to 60.
  • Reduce anima tree regrowth check cycle from 40 days to 30 days.
  • Ship chunks now leave a component if killed, even if not deconstructed.
  • Reduce blood rot severity per day gain from 60% to 40%.
  • Reduce chance for diseases in caravans by 4x.
  • Min market value for neuroformer quest rewards reduced from 720 to 600. Neuroformer market value increased from 1200 to 2600.
  • Reduced the selection weight of hostile factions as quest askers to 15%.
  • Disabled paralysis in hospitality quests.
  • Anima grass glows less brightly.
  • Various internal tunings in quests.


  • Moved Abasia and BloodRot to Royalty XML files.
  • Rename CompWarnInBuildingRadius -> ToggleDrawAffectedMeditationFoci.


  • Fix: Psyfocus meditation effect shown for psychically deaf pawns.
  • Fix: Wake-up meditation focus gain is overtuned, should be 20% not 40%. Also it needs to be expressed in the right format of % per day.
  • Fix: Lodgers with blood rot and abasia spawn with equipment that immediately gets dropped.
  • Fix: Tree sowing research project lists anima tree as hyperlink.
  • Fix: Incorrect pluralisation in goodwill letter text and removed reference to asker in success/failure letter to match quest text.
  • Fix: Item stash quest uses asker's short name instead of full name.
  • Fix: Typo in deserter quest description.
  • Fix: Unstable power cell can be rotated.
  • Fix: Accidentally referencing MeditationFocusStrength directly in StatWorker_PossibleCompOffsets.

1.1 Update

Here we go again. PigeonGuru, Strategist ( talk | contribs | assist ) 06:24, 17 February 2020 (UTC)

New features

  • UI now looks sharp at UI scales over 1.0. Great for 4K monitors.
  • New Quests tab provides information about available, active, and historical quests.
  • Added a new data-driven quests generation and management system. This should make it straightforward for modders and us to add or change quests without programming.
  • UI now uses colored text to highlight important words like character names, places, and rewards.
  • Improved the mod management interface and code.
  • Mods now have a global package ID which lets them refer to each other.
  • Mods can now define other mods they must be loaded after or before. Added a tool to automatically sort the mod list.
  • Mods can now define other mods that they depend on. Shortcuts allow the player to easily download required mods.
  • Mods can now define other mods that they are incompatible with. The interface will warn players about incompatibilities.
  • Added loading screen tips. These are short bits of text helping the player understand an obscure aspect of the game. They’re displayed during loading.
  • Loading screen now displays present and active expansions and mods.
  • Added room stats gizmo, which displays the stats of the room containing a selected building, at a glance.
  • Added smoke grenadier enemy.
  • Added a planet population slider to the planet generation parameters.
  • Added a bunch of new backstories across multiple categories.
  • Added heatstroke alert for colonists and tame animals.
  • Added taming inspiration, which makes the next tame attempt very likely to succeed.
  • Added fertility overlay, which shows terrain fertility in an easy-to-see way.
  • Added terrain affordance overlay, which shows where you can build what in an easy-to-see way.
  • Added an option to choose which kinds of letters pause the game.
  • Added recipes to burn entire stacks of drugs at once.
  • Added Wooden hand
  • Added a variety of new tribal backstories.
  • Added a letter to the player when a colonist is kidnapped, noting that there will be chances to get them back.
  • Added asexual trait.
  • Context menu now shows icons next to each option depending on what’s being chosen. E.g. When choosing a building material, see icons for the material. When choosing a drug to administer, see icons for the drugs. And so on.
  • Info cards can now include hyperlinks to other info cards. This is used in various places. For example, the info card for animals (and people) links to the type of meat and leather you can get from them. Info card for plants links to what you harvest from them. Info card for surgeries links to each ingredient. Info card for buildings links to the building materials. And so on.
  • Info card now visually displays the object being inspected.
  • For modders, added ModUpdating.txt, a file included with each version from now on with notes on what they might need to update to keep their mod working.
  • Added Greek language localzation created by some wonderful volunteers.


  • The game now uses an incremental garbage collector, which should remove the periodic frame hitches that would appear when a lot of memory was allocated and released. However, note that there is still a cost to memory allocations, so modders should still try to reduce allocation wherever possible.
  • Optimizations to many systems. Performance should be significantly better, especially in complex game situations with many pawns.
  • Faction icons are now differentiated by shape as well as color, to help out colorblind players.
  • Redesigned how the underground mineral scanner works. Instead of showing all minerals on the map instantly, it can be worked at by a pawn, who will periodically find new mineral patches. This can go on forever, so minerals are never exhausted.
  • Split tribe into two factions, the gentle tribe (naturally neutral) and fierce tribe (naturally hostile).
  • Redesigned the system for generating ruined buildings on map start to make much more varied and interesting ruins.
  • Prisoner tab now shows slave price, recruitment chance, potential faction relation gain upon release, and information about the last recruiter and their impacting.
  • Added new body impact visual effects for when a creature gets hit by a projectile.
  • Added ‘pawn lost’ thought that happens when a pawn is kidnapped or abandoned by their caravan.
  • Downed pawns can now be loaded into transport pods like prisoners.
  • Added confirmation dialog before attacking friendly factions.
  • Added ‘allow refueling’ toggle to torch, campfire and passive cooler.
  • Pawns now really like the pawn who rescued them.
  • Added toggle refuel allow command to pod launcher, wood generator, chemfuel generator, fueled smithy and fueled stove.
  • Added an explanatory letter telling players how to get advanced components for the fabrication bench.
  • Added skill descriptions to combat log text.
  • Added an arrow that points at the UI during the tutorial.
  • Added scar pain feedback and reworked how scar pain works. Scars are now assigned an easy-to-understand pain category instead of an obscure number.
  • Added ‘freed from slavery’ mood-boosting thought for pawns bought from a trader.
  • Trade interface now shows the next restock time for settlements.
  • Added mood boost when prisoner released.
  • Open caskets now look different from closed ones.
  • Colonists attending a party gain recreation value.
  • Player can now inspect the contents of cryptosleep caskets on a new tab.
  • Stomach is no longer a vital organ.
  • Changed animal rescue radius from 30 to 75.
  • Info card for surgeries now shows the chance of death upon failure.
  • Info card shows max hit points factor for materials.
  • Interface now reports the chance of a successful arrest before you try to make it.
  • Insect hives slowly heal over the course of days.
  • Reworked how traits and work disables are laid out in the Bio tab for greater space efficiency.
  • Changed caravan reform to be allowed with sleeping hostiles on site.
  • Changed sites to stop and reset forced exit timer when enemies start a battle (for awakening mechanoids and hidden ambushes).
  • Reworked the world site system to allow easier combination of different site parts, and to feed things back to the player more flexibly.
  • Added the ability for world sites to have unknown parts.
  • Rebalanced mechanoid bodypart coverages
  • Changed rare thrumbo incident to send from 2 to 6 thrumbos.
  • Adjusted a lot of text to use a colon instead of brackets, and to consistent use a capital after colon.
  • Ashes from burned plants and buildings now survive rain and disappear after 10-15 days. They’re also visually larger.
  • Trade price improvement from negotiator is now reported on the trade screen.
  • Tattered apparel and unhappy nudity alerts now shows how many are affected.
  • Changed and fixed some hotkeys.
  • Smelting, burning and destruction review. Plate armor is now smeltable, except for wooden plate armor which is burnable. Wooden club also is burnable now and the metallic variants are smeltable. Apparels from hyperweave or devilstrand can no longer be burnt, can destroy apparels now same as with weapons. Neolithic ranged weapons can now be burnt.
  • Placing turrets now shows min and max range, not just max range.
  • Pawns no longer engage in recreational acitivites when injured, unless the activity can be done in bed.
  • The terrain requirements for building walls now depends on what they’re built from. This means stone walls can’t be built on bridges any more.
  • Pawns now sometimes take the family name of their partner upon marriage.
  • Rework stock generation for all trader and settlement types.
  • Factions tab display changed for clarity; enemy relations are shown with icons.
  • Bio tab now displays faction icons.
  • History messages tab layout reworked – tooltip replaced with a pane on the right side that displays the letter.
  • Credits now list the memory of colonists who died.
  • Increased the selection limit up to 200.
  • Combined the stats ArtSpeed, TailoringSpeed and SmeltingSpeed into UnskilledLaborSpeed and renamed UnskilledLaborSpeed to GeneralLaborSpeed.
  • Renamed sculptor’s table to art bench since it’s not just for sculptures any more.
  • Localization data is now packed into a single file per language, which massively reduces the number of files in an install of the game and speeds up various file operations.
  • Many other balance changes, code improvements, optimizations, and adjustments.


  • Fix: Explosions from missed projectiles landing in wall cells could hit things on the other side of the wall.
  • Fix: Enemy settlements could generate with floors on water.
  • Fix: Nutrition eaten per day readout when forming a caravan would be affected by the current hunger level.
  • Fix: Manhunting animals could attack doors without seeing anyone going through them.
  • Fix: Corpses wouldn’t create corpse bile.
  • Fix: Colonists could play horseshoes from a different room.
  • Fix: Prisoner’s food restrictions were ignored when the food came from the warden’s inventory.
  • Fix: Duplicate context menu options on campfire when producing psychite tea.
  • Fix: Can’t give a rescued addict their drug without angering their faction.
  • Fix: Goodwill change during siege does not end attack.
  • Fix: Blind guy won’t use recreation.
  • Fix: Jawless animals can still haul.
  • Fix: Prisoner gets mood debuff when colonist euthanized.
  • Fix: Wind turbines register no wind during windy storm.
  • Fix: Shelves have no path cost and description doesn’t state they hide beauty of things inside of them.
  • Fix: No mood penalty for giving bonded animal as a gift if sent by transport pod.
  • Fix: Pawns with one-arm and alcohol withdrawal are unable to manipulate anything at all.
  • Fix: Pawn with alcohol-induced brain damage are doomed to die.
  • Fix: Uninstalling a trap does not properly roll the chance to trigger the trap.
  • Fix: Wild animals spawn in sealed underground spaces.
  • Fix: Pregnant animal is also viewed as sick one (since pregnancy affects its capacities), so it sells for less than one with no health conditions.
  • Fix: No forced departure countdown for caravan if there are sleeping mechanoids.
  • Fix: Luciferium wont remove Frail. Now, lucifierum can remove all chronic health conditions.
  • Fix: Even if campfire runs out of fuel during cooking, cooking continues.
  • Fix: Raiders keep attacking walls forever after their group flees.
  • Fix: Crashed ship parts that land on bridges are instantly destroyed.
  • Fix: Duplicate context menu options when opening cryptosleep casket.
  • Fix: Butchering rotted animal yields fresh meat even if it rots during the job.
  • Fix: Lag spikes on animal birth in endgame.
  • Fix: Storyteller choice resets when you reopen the storyteller config page.
  • Fix: When placing a cooler, the system ignores blueprints and building frames.
  • Fix: The ‘restore default settings’ tool exits game without saving.
  • Fix: If your only colony is on an island, the endgame quest to journey to the ship never occurs.
  • Fix: Rain and Snow weather overlay textures replaced with blank rectangles in old colonies due to loss of floating-point precision.
  • Fix: Age displayed differently in trade screen and on colonist.
  • Fix: Animals that are wandering won’t follow area restrictions.
  • Fix: Hopper and vitals monitor rotate in the opposite direction from other buildings.
  • Fix: Can’t restrict ambrosia in food restrictions.
  • Fix: Administered beer does not provide nutrition.
  • Fix: Steadfast and iron-willed traits effects’ are clamped to a small effect.
  • Fix: When a colonist dies while being rescued, others get no negative thoughts.
  • Fix: For the ‘drag a character from left behind to selected’ tutorial instruction, it allows you to drag a character anywhere at all, even just within ‘left behind’. It should only accept dragging from left behind to selected.
  • Fix: It’s possible to land in any biome in the tutorial by selecting a landing site, going to the character creation screen, then going back to select a different landing site.
  • Fix: Insects can be tamed and hunted after their hives are destroyed.
  • Fix: Preferred character list not working correctly.
  • Fix: Power conduit graphic does not display properly on top of grave.
  • Fix: Change colonist schedule to ‘sleep’ instantly ends the food binge mental state.
  • Fix: Selecting several beds causes a major performance drop.
  • Fix: Manhunter pack incident not working on high wealth or difficulty.
  • Fix: Can see things in undiscovered cells if they peek around the edge of the fog.
  • Fix: Arrested wild man don’t use nutrient despenser and can’t receive food.
  • Fix: Military commissar backstory missing Social bonus.
  • Fix: Allies can sometimes push player pawns out of cover during combat.
  • Fix: ‘Run in background’ being disabled can make the game stop loading when in the background.
  • Fix: Player can start with pets his pawns can’t keep tame.
  • Fix: Escape ship letter mentions raiders even in peaceful difficulty, where they are not present.

Beta 19/ 1.0 Update

Like before, a list of changes that need to be added. PigeonGuru, Strategist ( talk | contribs | assist ) 14:36, 28 August 2018 (UTC)

New features

  • Improved raids:
    • Balanced raid points to ensure smooth progression
  • Improved caravaning:
    • Added Caravan tab with caravan loading progress
    • Redesigned "Form caravan" window: stats like carried mass, caravan speed, days worth of food, and visibility are now explained better
    • Added "Remove from caravan" command: remove people or animals from the caravan even if it hasn't left the map yet
    • Added "Load into caravan" right-click option: designate extra items to be picked up by the caravan before leaving
  • New designators: Mass-forbid and unforbid
  • New main tab: Wildlife. Allows easy counting, finding, and designating of wild animals
  • New type of attack: Kick sand/water in eyes
  • You can now smooth natural rough rock walls into high-quality walls
  • New edge shader for blueprints looks much nicer and more visible than before.
  • Workbench bills can now be assigned to specific colonists
  • Added "Show what will buy" window which shows all items a trader will buy
  • Trees’ color now depends on the current season
  • Added toggleable auto-rebuild functionality: automatically place blueprints whenever a building is destroyed
  • Checkboxes are now "paintable": you can mass-select all checkboxes by clicking and dragging the mouse over them
  • Workbench bills can now be copied and pasted
  • Colonists now opportunistically haul things while working if their current target is roughly in the same direction
  • It's now possible to mass-cancel all designations with a designator's right-click menu
  • It's now possible to forbid/unforbid all items and rearm all traps with a designator's right-click menu
  • You can now drag and reorder colonists in the colonist bar
  • Social interaction log now has flavorful randomized text instead of the same repeated interaction text every time.
  • Random variant art added for some plants
  • Mods page now has a search bar so you can easily find one mod in your list of hundreds


  • Heavily rearranged the research tree for easier reading
  • Battles in the Combat tab are now named
  • Totally reworked how plants grow. Wild plants after several in-game years should now look more or less as good as at the beginning
  • Items of the same type in the Items tab are now grouped together
  • Items in the Items tab can now be sorted by mass, market value, etc.
  • When placing or selecting work stations where pawns can sit while working, the spot where the pawn goes is indicated by a chair outline so the player realizes that a chair can be built there
  • Changed deep moving water to chest-deep moving water: walkable but slower than shallow water
  • Reworked a ton of text generation to create more sensible, interesting results
  • Misc interface tweaks: colonists forming a caravan now have a special icon in the colonist bar, hovering over stats in the stat window now shows their details, added copy to clipboard button in the Combat tab
  • Doctors can draw medicine from the same stack at the same time
  • Downed colonists in hostile maps are now automatically kidnapped by the enemy (if there are no more healthy colonists nearby)
  • Insects will no longer attack the colony when harmed by raiders
  • Hives will no longer spawn close to enemy bases
  • Item deterioration rate now takes into account several factors, including being outdoors, being unroofed, and being in water
  • No more random deaths from meteorites falling on colonists
  • Caravan members now slowly gain social recreation when the caravan is not moving
  • Ambush maps now retain information about the caravan's exact sub-tile position, which means that caravans will now continue their journey from the same position after being ambushed
  • Death letter now contains information about last, relevant events
  • When a health condition in the Health tab is clicked we now seek to appropriate combat log entry
  • It's no longer possible to build roof over trees
  • Alphabeavers incident now only occurs in biomes with sparse plants
  • Plant cut/harvest time now depends on the plant's growth
  • Mechanoids now always die on downed
  • Nutrient paste dispensers are now orange when they can be used by prisoners
  • Doing passionate work now affects mood instead of recreation
  • Firefoam poppers will now pop whenever there's a fire in a 3-cell radius
  • Exotic goods outlander traders will no longer trade furniture
  • Some traders will now buy only some types of animals, not all
  • Adjusted doctors and patients work priorities a bit so they do urgent work first
  • Important world objects are now easier to see when the camera is zoomed out
  • The player now must choose a route for the caravan before sending it
  • Caravans will no longer rest just before reaching their destination
  • Heavily reworked how caravan movement speed works. Every tile now has an easy-to-understand, well-explained "movement difficulty" stat
  • Most crafting benches are now uninstallable and reinstallable
  • Inspired colonists now get a special icon in the colonist bar
  • Colonists will now take pemmican to inventory (like meals)
  • Frag grenades are no longer a valid hunting weapon
  • Ores mined by non-colonists (e.g. insects) now spawn forbidden
  • Alerts now also look at caravan members where appropriate
  • The permadeath savefile is now also renamed when the colony is given a name
  • "autostart.rws" is now automatically loaded on start in dev mode, for faster testing
  • Combined ribs into rib cage
  • Animals' melee damage now scales with life stage
  • Plants in the plant selection menu are now sorted by category and name
  • Reworked the "advanced map options" dialog layout, extreme game-breaking map sizes are now disabled by default and must be enabled in the options
  • Minerals and ancient dangers will no longer appear on encounter maps
  • Graves now show the person's date of death
  • Tribal factions can now do sapper raids
  • Added medical care column to the Assign tab
  • Rebalanced and refactored quality generation. Masterwork/legendary level items never generate on enemies, traders, bases. Masterwork/legendary items are extra hard to craft - generally you can now only get them by inspiration or from quests
  • Removed the distinction between allowed areas and animal areas
  • Wearing new apparel now takes time. Colonists now take off the colliding apparel first (which takes time) before wearing the new one
  • Inspiration expiration time is now shown on the inspect pane
  • Added minimum crafting skill to various weapon and apparel crafting recipes
  • Colonists can now wear armor vests with tribalwear
  • Minor starvation (below 25% severity) no longer causes miscarriages
  • Pets and bonded animals no longer disturb sleep
  • When reforming a caravan, we now list colonists' inventory separately so the player can choose what to take and what to leave
  • Enemies no longer use single use rocket launchers during caravan ambushes
  • Some letters now show information about the related faction relations in the bottom right corner
  • Various floors now require research. Split hospital beds into "Sterile materials" and "Hospital beds" research projects
  • Projectile impacts now wake up nearby people and animals
  • Explosive weapons now explode when set on fire
  • Fixed issues with animals sometimes randomly opening doors in combat and allowing enemies in
  • Improved following behavior so animals following their master will now try to stay close to him
  • Traders will no longer accept typical short-life meals (paste, simple, fine, lavish)


  • Reduced threat points for incidents by about 15%. Also reshaped the threat points curve to be easier in the early game, and tougher in the mid-late game.
  • World quest destinations appear 10% closer to the player bases.
  • Table search radius 25 -> 32
  • The “expectations” thoughts progress more rapidly.
  • Doubled initial blight size, increase spread rate by 30%.
  • Go frenzy inspiration duration 1 day -> 2 days
  • For all cases where a world quest has a time limit, increase the time limit by 50%
  • Poison ship part plant-killing circle stops expanding at radius 50.
  • Wounds are 50% less likely to become permanent scars.
  • Burying corpses takes 2x longer. Digging graves takes 20% longer.
  • Increased delay before auto-undraft by 20%.
  • Shallow water movement cost 12 -> 22
  • Equalized mood penalties for being too hot and too cold.
  • Refactored how apparel armor is calculated to be simpler, and rebalanced all apparel and stuff armor stats. Many thing protect from sharp attacks, few protect from blunt attacks, so blunt damage is now clearly specialized in attacking armored enemies.
  • Refactored how apparel insulation is calculated to be simpler, and rebalanced all apparel and stuff insulation stats.
  • Removed the impact of item hit points on various stats: Apparel armor rating, apparel insulation, shield belt max energy, melee weapon damage, ranged weapon accuracy.
  • Heavily reworked the selection weights of raider factions, raider strategies (sappers, siege, etc) and arrival modes (walk-in, drop pods) to make the more difficult ones appear more consistently against stronger colonies.
  • Overhauled mental break probabilities. Aside from some exceptional cases, all mental breaks are more or less equally probable.
  • World quests now appear about 2.5x more often and start from 6 days instead of 15 days.
  • Fixed a bug that caused there to be too many wild animals.
  • Small adjustments to some biome disease frequencies and animal densities
  • Rebalanced flammability across the whole game.
  • Adjusted balance of learning rates for various skills. Easier: Melee, shooting, social. Harder: Intellectual, growing, mining.
  • Extensive rebalance of the probabilities of various pawn kinds spawning with various weapons, tech hediffs, and apparel.
  • Allies will come to help more often during fights, and come with enough force to make a difference - but only if they’re actually allied in the new diplomacy system.
  • Increased base infection chances.

Quest rewards generation totally reworked to more consistently generate valuable, unique, -and interesting rewards.

  • Trade requests will give more time and much richer rewards, especially for poor colonies.
  • Rebalanced beauty of items, buildings, floors, filth, and plants game-wide.
  • Rebalanced the intensity and duration of many thoughts.
  • Deep drills cost more and mine slower.
  • Items:
    • Drastically reduced apparel crafting work times, especially for basic items.
    • Added minimum crafting skill to various weapon and apparel crafting recipes.
    • Small sculpture mass 5 -> 3. Large sculpture mass 10 -> 7. Grand sculpture mass 50 -> 25.
  • Plants:
    • All non-tree sowable crops yield 20% less when harvested and take 10% longer to sow.
    • Newly-seeded trees and other such plants are now faster to cut down than mature ones. -----The cut/harvest time lerps from 30% of normal just after sowing, up to 100% when the plant is mature.
    • Sowing trees takes 8x longer.
    • You can only sow trees which grow naturally in the local biome. This includes saguaro cactus.
    • Reduced all tree-type plant’s max hit points by to 66% of old values.
    • Bomb damage now does 2x damage vs plants.
    • Rose and Daylily sow work 440 -> 600, to solve the exploit where people fill a ugly rooms with flowers.
    • Healroot grow days 6.5 -> 12, sow and harvest work increased significantly.
    • Reduced daylily and rose lifespans.
    • Rice, strawberries, healroot, corn, cotton min fertility 50% -> 100%.
    • Sand fertility 6% -> 10%.
  • Buildings:
    • Reduced all costs to build the ship components by 30%
    • Slowed constructing buildings with all stone types by 20%
    • Adjusted minimum construction skill on a variety of buildings (generally adding one where there was none)
  • Animals:
    • Adjusted chances of various animals going manhunter on failed taming attempts and on being harmed.
    • Adjusted many animal market values and movement speeds.
    • Animals leather amount increased 50% across the board
    • Animal train chance reduced 25%.
    • Animal train chance wildness factor range: 0.05~2.00 -> 0.50~1.50.
    • Obedience training steps 1 -> 3.
    • Warg damage increased by 15%.
    • All insects main attack cooldowns 2.5 -> 2.9
    • Alphabeaver body size 0.6 -> 0.45
    • Wild boar trainable intelligence Advanced -> Intermediate (pig still has Advanced)
    • Wild boar tusk damage 9 -> 8
    • Wild boar speed 5 -> 4.2 (pig is still 3.6)
    • Wild boar min comfy temperature -20 -> -15
    • Pig bite damage 7 -> 6
    • Pig market value 280 -> 200
    • Boomalope chemfuel production reduced by 40%
    • Boomalope hunger rate 1.0 -> 1.3
    • Alpaca move speed 3.8 -> 3.2
    • Alpaca leg damage 7 -> 6
    • Dromedary leg damage 11 -> 8
    • Wolf trainable intelligence Advanced -> Intermediate
    • Wolf bite damage 11 -> 12
    • Wolf scratch usage commonality 100% -> 50% per side
    • Wolf nuzzle interval 120 -> 240 hours
    • Husky, lab body sizes reduced slightly
    • Lab hunger rate 0.5 -> 0.4
    • Thrumbo hunger rate 4.5->3.5
    • Nuzzle target search distance 15 -> 40
    • Nuzzled memory duration 0.5 days->1 day, stacked effect multipler 0.95->0.5, stack limit 10->3
    • Yorkshire terrier nuzzle interval 15 -> 24 hours
    • Monkey, chinchilla nuzzle interval 72 -> 48 hours
    • Hare, snowhare nuzzle interval 120 -> 72
  • Drugs:
    • Psychoid pekoe psychoid tolerance gain 0.02 -> 0.03
    • Psychoid pekoe market value 14 -> 10
    • Psychoid pekoe restFallFactor 0.9 -> 0.8
    • Hop plant min grow skill 7 -> 3
    • Beer fermenting time 10 days -> 6 days
    • Alcohol loses hidden ‘buzzed’ stage;‘warm’ begins from 0 severity
    • Alcohol severity per day -1.0 -> 0.75, so it lasts longer
    • Alcohol mood gains all increase +2
  • Ranged weapons:
    • Pawns hit by ranged attacks now stagger the same way as pawns hit by melee attacks. This effect only happens if the weapon's stopping power stat is equal or greater than the target's body size.
    • Missed shots now have a 50% extra chance of hitting nothing; this will make missed shots less likely to hit random things (but doesn’t change the chance of missing).
  • Melee:
    • Debuffed fists very slightly (~5%) in cooldown
    • Debuffed ranged weapon melee attacks to be in line with fists in terms of DPS
    • Buffed beer bottles, and wood log slightly (~10%) above fists in terms of DPS
    • Serious melee weapons (knife on upward) across the board 5%-10% DPS buff

Updates needed before 1.0

World generation

  • Caves now form sometimes in mountainous maps. Inside there are special cave plants. There can also be dormant insect hives.

Misc additions

  • Storyful combat: A major rework of melee combat, and a new way to report all combat interactions. Storyful combat generates a combat log that reports each blow, miss, swipe, block and fall in the combat. During or after a fight, you can review the combat log to see what happened, to generate a richer story.
  • New world site components (used in various situations):
    • Animal ambush


Since the contents of this section are a bit harder to document and not as relevant to the majority of people visiting the wiki, I will put a collapse here for the time being.

  • Modders can now add “def modifiers” which, instead of replacing a whole def, change specific fields of that def. This allows multiple mods to change the same def without wiping each others’ changes (unless they change the same field, of course).
  • Information on how to use def modifiers is in this forum thread: [https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=32735.0]
  • Various enums are now defs so modders can add new ones (TrainableIntelligence , DamageArmorCategory, ImpactSoundType, ReservationLayer, BillRepeatMode, PrisonerInteractionMode, FleshType).
  • GUI tables (like most of the main tabs along the bottom of the screen) are now defined by data, making it easier to add, rearrange, sort, and change columns on the UI.
  • Increasing skill relevance
  • Mining skill reworked: Steeper speed penalty for low skill. Mining yield is now slightly dependent on mining skill.
  • Work tab boxes are easier to identify skill level for visually.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • [16] UI can now be scaled to arbitrary scaling factors, for players who play in really high resolution.
  • [11b] Mods config page shows load order of mods.


  • [11a] Guests are smarter and no longer walk out of the colony bleeding.