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"A gigantic creature of unknown origin. The thrumbo is gentle by nature, but extremely dangerous when enraged. Its long fur is exceptionally beautiful and valuable, and its razor-sharp horn is priceless in most markets. Legends say that an old thrumbo is the wisest creature in the universe - it simply chooses not to speak."

Base Stats

Market Value
4400 Silver

Pawn Stats

Move Speed
5.25 c/s
Health Scale
1300% HP
Body Size
Mass - Baby
42 kg
Mass - Juvenile
105 kg
Mass - Adult
210 kg
Carrying Capacity
Filth Rate
Hunger Rate
7.2 Nutrition/Day
"herbivorous and dendrovorous" is not in the list (omnivorous (human), omnivorous grazer, omnivorous, herbivorous, dendrovorous, carnivorous, raw meat and corpses, ovivorous, animal products, none, ...) of allowed values for the "Diet" property.
herbivorous and dendrovorous
Life Expectancy
220 years
Manhunter Chance
Manhunter Chance (Taming)
Trainable Intelligence
Minimum Handling Skill
"+" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 25.
Maturity Age
Expression error: Unexpected round operator. years Expression error: Unexpected < operator.


Meat Yield
Thrumbo meat 140 thrumbo meat
Leather Yield
Thrumbofur 140 thrumbofur
Gestation Period
80 days
Offspring Per Birth

Thrumbos are large, gentle creatures that do not spawn natively in any biome, but can appear in all biomes through a random event. If provoked, thrumbos will retaliate using their horn which inflicts massive damage.

If slain, they will drop a thrumbo horn with a market value of Silver 3000, which can be either used as a powerful sword or can be sold to various traders.

Thrumbos are extremely powerful animals and a rampaging thrumbo can threaten the entire colony. Take full precautions when attempting to hunt Thrumbos: never ever engage in melee, only dare to engage them on favorable terms, and be cognizant that they can move faster than a colonist. Successfully incapacitated Thrumbos are an excellent opportunity to train healing skills as they may incur dozens of treatable wounds from a single battle.


One of the hardest animals to tame, even at level 20 you may only have a 1% chance to tame it. Additionally, thrumbos have a 2.5% chance to turn manhunter on a failed taming attempt, making this animal one of the hardest to tame. Even on best of terms a handler can still enrage a Thrumbo, who will likely incapacitate or kill the handler.

Successfully tamed Thrumbos are of little everyday use to a colony when compared to ordinary dogs, sporting a voracious appetite and a high resistance to training. Carry mechanics do not allow the Thrumbo to carry multiple stacks of items despite its strength. While they remain extremely dangerous in combat, Thrumbos are more of a trophy animal and have more use traded in for extra resources rather than used as a serious pet.


Thrumbos can be trained as follows:

This animal can be trained as follows:

Guard:  Check.png
Attack:  Check.png
Rescue:  Check.png
Haul:  Check.png

*As of version 1.1.2610, all animals can be tamed. The percentage of likelihood of success depends on factors such as the Animals Wildness Percentage, Pawn Handling Skill, and others. More information can be found on the animals page.
