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Used to categorize TechHediffs, i.e. artificial body parts. A certain pawn kind may be allowed parts with a specific tag.

The parts can be listed using Template: Tag List

Type: text

These are the allowed values:

  • Poor
  • Simple
  • Advanced
  • AdvancedWeapon
  • PainCauser
  • DrillArm Content added by the Royalty DLC
  • FieldHand Content added by the Royalty DLC
  • ImplantEmpireCommon Content added by the Royalty DLC
  • ImplantEmpireRoyal Content added by the Royalty DLC
  • SubcoreBasic Content added by the Biotech DLC
  • Anomaly Content added by the Anomaly DLC
  • Ghoul Content added by the Anomaly DLC

These are the items corresponding to each tag:

  • Item Tags
    Joywire Advanced
    Bionic arm Advanced
    Bionic jaw Advanced
    Bionic heart Advanced
    Painstopper Advanced
    Power claw Advanced, AdvancedWeapon
    Bionic stomach Advanced
    Bionic eye Advanced
    Bionic leg Advanced
    Bionic spine Advanced
    Bionic tongue Advanced
    Bionic ear Advanced
    Wooden hand Poor
    Denture Poor
    Wooden foot Poor
    Peg leg Poor
    Cochlear implant Simple
    Prosthetic arm Simple
    Prosthetic heart Simple
    Prosthetic leg Simple
    Revenant vertebrae Content added by the Anomaly DLC Anomaly
    Ghoul barbs Content added by the Anomaly DLC Ghoul
    Metalblood heart Content added by the Anomaly DLC Ghoul
    Corrosive heart Content added by the Anomaly DLC Ghoul
    Adrenal heart Content added by the Anomaly DLC Ghoul
    Ghoul plating Content added by the Anomaly DLC Ghoul
    Detoxifier lung Content added by the Biotech DLC Advanced
    Detoxifier kidney Content added by the Biotech DLC Advanced
    Standard subcore Content added by the Biotech DLC SubcoreBasic
    High subcore Content added by the Biotech DLC SubcoreBasic
    Basic subcore Content added by the Biotech DLC SubcoreBasic
    Coagulator Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Stoneskin gland Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Neurocalculator Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Gastro-analyzer Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Armorskin gland Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Aesthetic nose Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Nuclear stomach Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Healing enhancer Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Aesthetic shaper Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Immunoenhancer Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Circadian assistant Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Sterilizing stomach Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Reprocessor stomach Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Learning assistant Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Circadian half-cycler Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Toughskin gland Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Love enhancer Content added by the Royalty DLC Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Elbow blade Content added by the Royalty DLC AdvancedWeapon
    Venom fangs Content added by the Royalty DLC AdvancedWeapon
    Hand talon Content added by the Royalty DLC AdvancedWeapon
    Knee spike Content added by the Royalty DLC AdvancedWeapon
    Venom talon Content added by the Royalty DLC AdvancedWeapon
    Drill arm Content added by the Royalty DLC DrillArm, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Field hand Content added by the Royalty DLC FieldHand, ImplantEmpireCommon
    Psychic sensitizer Content added by the Royalty DLC ImplantEmpireRoyal
    Psychic harmonizer Content added by the Royalty DLC ImplantEmpireRoyal
    Psychic reader Content added by the Royalty DLC ImplantEmpireRoyal
    Mindscrew Content added by the Royalty DLC PainCauser
  • Showing 20 pages using this property.
    Ghoul  +
    Advanced  +, ImplantEmpireCommon  +
    Advanced  +, ImplantEmpireCommon  +
    Advanced  +, ImplantEmpireCommon  +
    SubcoreBasic  +
    Advanced  +
    Advanced  +
    Advanced  +
    Advanced  +
    Advanced  +
    Advanced  +
    Advanced  +
    Advanced  +
    Advanced  +
    Advanced  +, ImplantEmpireCommon  +
    Advanced  +, ImplantEmpireCommon  +
    Advanced  +, ImplantEmpireCommon  +
    Simple  +
    Poor  +
    The request is being processed and may take a moment. Preparing ...
    { "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "Poor", "Simple", "Advanced", "AdvancedWeapon", "PainCauser", "DrillArm", "FieldHand", "ImplantEmpireCommon", "ImplantEmpireRoyal", "SubcoreBasic", "Anomaly", "Ghoul" ] } }