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m (the name of the survival rifle was changed to bolt-action in a recent update)
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If one is equipped with an excellent quality or better LMG and has bionic eyes and/or arms and on the aforementioned drugs, you'll have a very effective shooter in your hands. LMGs are well-supplemented by a few survival rifles as they can pick off enemies at longer range, or more accurately - while the LMGs shred those that are closer.
If one is equipped with an excellent quality or better LMG and has bionic eyes and/or arms and on the aforementioned drugs, you'll have a very effective shooter in your hands. LMGs are well-supplemented by a few bolt-action rifles as they can pick off enemies at longer range, or more accurately - while the LMGs shred those that are closer.

Revision as of 18:21, 29 May 2017



"A light machine gun."

Base Stats

"Modern Weapons" is not in the list (Neolithic Weapons, Medieval Weapons, Industrial Weapons, Spacer Weapons, Ultra Weapons, Mechanoid Weapons) of allowed values for the "Class" property.
Weapon Class

Ranged Combat

8 dmg
84 ticks (1.4 secs)
120 ticks (2 secs)
25.9 tile(s)
50% - 64% - 41% - 22%
40 (m/s)
Burst Count
6 (per burst)
Burst Ticks
ticks (0.12 secs)
(514.29 RPM)

The LMG is similar to the gun used on the improvised turret. It fires a 6 round burst, and is notable for its high damage per second (DPS).

Gameplay Overview

The LMG is typically equipped by raiders (bar tribals) in the mid-late game, but can also be purchased for a moderate price, or crafted at a machining table. It has the longest burst out of any standard weapon in the game (bar the minigun and heavy charge blaster), which is shot at a moderate rate. The primary downside to the LMG is its poor accuracy, which makes it fall behind the charge rifle in most scenarios in terms of overall damage output - but the LMG can pull ahead against larger foes, or indeed at higher quality levels, or in the hands of a shooter with a pair of bionic eyes and/or consciousness-boosting drugs such as Luciferium or Go-juice (the former further boosting sight).

If one is equipped with an excellent quality or better LMG and has bionic eyes and/or arms and on the aforementioned drugs, you'll have a very effective shooter in your hands. LMGs are well-supplemented by a few bolt-action rifles as they can pick off enemies at longer range, or more accurately - while the LMGs shred those that are closer.