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As the table shows, damage output figures are indeed very close between the Jade Club and Plasteel Mace, with the Silver Mace generally being left in the dust compared to the former two weapons. It could be argued that a Plasteel Mace has a slight advantage over a Jade Club, but this advantage may diminish and indeed hand over to the Jade Club against enemies with higher levels of blunt resistance.
As the table shows, damage output figures are indeed very close between the Jade Club and Plasteel Mace, with the Silver Mace generally being left in the dust compared to the former two weapons. It could be argued that a Plasteel Mace has a slight advantage over a Jade Club, but this advantage may diminish and indeed hand over to the Jade Club against enemies with higher levels of blunt resistance.
[[Kind::Weapons| ]]

Revision as of 19:09, 21 January 2017



Base Stats

Weapon Class

Ranged Combat

11 dmg (Blunt)
ticks (0 secs)
126 ticks (2.1 secs)
1 tile(s)

The more modern descendant of the ancient Club, the Mace is more powerful than most Clubs, but also more expensive and takes longer to make. Maces can be found fairly commonly on mid-later game pirate/outlander raids, and they are the only other melee weapon in the vanilla game (as of A15C) which does blunt damage (not counting bionics). The standard DPS for a mace is 4.76, but of course varies from material to material. Unlike Clubs however, Maces can only be made out of metals and wood, as opposed to additionally stones in Clubs. Here's a table below which compares damage figures between all possible materials a mace could be made out of (assuming normal quality and full durability)

Wood Steel Plasteel Silver Gold Uranium
Damage 9 11 11 12 13 15
Cooldown 1.89s 2.1s 1.68s 2.1s 2.31s 2.835s
DPS (to 3 dp) 4.762 5.238 6.548 5.714 5.628 5.291

Mace vs. Club

Going back - although Maces are generally superior to Clubs, it could be argued that a Jade Club is superior to all maces of the same quality, here's a table below which compares metrics of a Jade Club to Plasteel and Silver maces. All the figures are assuming the damage output at Normal quality and full durability.

Jade Club Plasteel Mace Silver Mace
Damage 17 11 12
Cooldown 2.64s 1.68s 2.1s
DPS (to 3 dp) 6.439 6.548 5.714

As the table shows, damage output figures are indeed very close between the Jade Club and Plasteel Mace, with the Silver Mace generally being left in the dust compared to the former two weapons. It could be argued that a Plasteel Mace has a slight advantage over a Jade Club, but this advantage may diminish and indeed hand over to the Jade Club against enemies with higher levels of blunt resistance.