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As of version 0.16.1393 (21 December 2016) stats now stack differently (more additive, less multiplying) to reduce some exploits.

Stat NameDescription
Accuracy (Close)The weapon's accuracy at a distance of 3 cells or less.
An actual shot's chance to hit will also be affected by other factors.
Accuracy (Long)The weapon's accuracy at a distance of 40 cells or more.
An actual shot's chance to hit will also be affected by other factors.
Accuracy (Medium)The weapon's accuracy at a distance of 25 cells.
An actual shot's chance to hit will also be affected by other factors.
Accuracy (Short)The weapon's accuracy at a distance of 12 cells.
An actual shot's chance to hit will also be affected by other factors.
Accuracy Factor (Close)A multiplier on accuracy at a distance of 3 cells or less.
Accuracy Factor (Long)A multiplier on accuracy at a distance of 40 cells or more.
Accuracy Factor (Medium)A multiplier on accuracy at a distance of 25 cells.
Accuracy Factor (Short)A multiplier on accuracy at a distance of 12 cells.
Activity Suppression SpeedThe speed at which this person can suppress unnatural entities. A higher speed means they take less time to suppress each entity.
AddictivenessThe chance of addiction per dose of a drug.
Aiming TimeHow long it takes to shoot after choosing a target.
Always Hide
Animal Gather SpeedThe speed at which this person milks, shears, and otherwise gathers resources from animals.
Animal Gather YieldThe percentage yield someone receives when they shear, milk, or otherwise gather resources from a living animal. Higher percentages reduce the chance of wasting the product.
Animal Products Price ImprovementWhen this person sells meat, leather, or wool, prices are improved by this percentage.
Animals Learning FactorA multiplier on the learning rate for animals skill.
Anomaly Knowledge
Armor - BluntThe protection given against blunt damage like fists, club impacts and rock falls.

Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value.

The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100.

  • If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly.
  • If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is reduced by half and changed to blunt.
  • If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.

For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage.

Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in.
Armor - Blunt (Material Factor)Armor against blunt damage like club impacts, rock falls, and explosions.
Armor - ElectricWas a property of textiles and an apparel stat, before B19. Remove due to its uselessness. Armor against electric damage like EMP pulses.
Armor - HeatThe protection given against temperature-related damage like burns.

Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value.

The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100.

  • If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly.
  • If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is reduced by half and changed to blunt.
  • If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.

For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage.

Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in.
Armor - Heat (Material Factor)Armor against temperature-related damage like burns.
Armor - Material Effect Multiplier
Armor - SharpThe protection given against sharp damage like bullets, knife stabs, explosions, and animal bites.

Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value.

The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100.

  • If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly.
  • If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is reduced by half and changed to blunt.
  • If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.

For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage.

Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in.
Armor - Sharp (Material Factor)Armor against sharp damage like bullets, knife stabs, and animal bites.
Arrest Success ChanceHow effective this person is in arresting people. This affects chance that this person will be able to arrest someone without resistance.
Assembly Speed FactorThe speed at which people assemble genes here is multiplied by this value.
Baby Play PowerHow effectively this object can be used to fulfill a baby's need for play.
Bandwidth CostHow much bandwidth this mech consumes when under mechanitor control.
Base Escape Interval Mtb Days
Base Healing QualityBase quality of healing given to patients when acting as a doctor.
Beauty (Pawn)How physically attractive this person is. This affects social interactions.
Beauty (Stat)How enjoyable an object is to look at.
Beautiful objects fulfill characters' need for beauty.
Bed Hunger Rate Multiplier
Bioferrite Density
Biosculpter Occupant SpeedA multiplier on how quickly this person will complete a biosculpter pod cycle.
Biosculpter Pod Speed FactorA multiplier on the speed of a biosculpter pod. This is affected by the cleanliness of the room - a cleaner room will result in a quicker biosculpting cycle.
Birth Quality OffsetThis alters the quality of a birth when this is used as a birth place. Birth quality affects the chance of the baby being born healthy.
Blunt DamageA multiplier on damage from blunt-type attacks for weapons made of this material.
Body SizeHow large the creature is.
Bond Chance FactorA multiplier on the chance to bond with an animal when interacting with it.
Brewing SpeedSpeed at which this person brews beer.
Building Size Category
Butchery EfficiencyThe amount of meat produced when butchering flesh creatures. The actual amount is also related to the creature's size.
Butchery SpeedSpeed at which this person butchers flesh creatures.
Cancer Rate FactorA multiplier on how likely this person is to develop cancer in any given time frame.
Capacity Factors
Capacity Offsets
Caravan Riding SpeedThe multiplier applied to a person's movement speed when they ride this animal as part of a caravan. Animals can only be ridden in caravans.
Carrying CapacityThe amount of stuff this creature can carry in its hands, mouth, or other manipulators.
This is separate from the ability to carry cargo on long cross-world trips.
Casting TimeHow long it takes to perform this ability.
Cleaning Speed MultiplierA multiplier on how fast this cleans up filth from the ground.
Cleaning Time MultiplierA multiplier on how long it takes to clean filth from this surface.
Cold Containment BonusThis entity is less likely to escape if kept in a very cold room.
Comfort (Stat)How comfortable an object is to sit or lay on.
Using comfortable objects fulfills a character's need for comfort.
Construct Success ChanceThe chance that this person will succeed in constructing something. Failing means wasting time and resources.
Construction SpeedSpeed at which this person constructs and repairs buildings.
Construction Speed (Material Factor)The speed at which buildings made of this are constructed is multiplied by this value.
Some materials, like stone, are slow to build from, while others, like wood, are fast.
Containment StrengthHow securely this can contain an entity. This is improved by stronger walls and doors, more light, fewer other entities in the room, and special containment devices. Some entities are easier to contain in cold temperatures.
Containment Strength
Control Taking TimeHow many seconds it will take for a mechanitor to take control of this mech.
Conversion PowerHow effective this person is at converting others to their own ideoligion. When this person attempts to convert someone else, this value multiplies the amount of certainty the other person loses.
Cooking SpeedThe speed at which this person cooks meals.
Crawl SpeedSpeed of crawling in cells per second.
Days To Start RotThe number of days before a food item starts to rot if not refigerated.
Deep Drilling SpeedA speed at which this person uses a deep drill to extract underground resources.
Default Base Value
Detection ChanceThe likelihood of this psychic power being detected when it is used.
Some factions try to enforce laws which restrict some powers to those holding specific titles. When you use a power, there is a chance that the psychic signature will be detected at a distance, which leads to diplomatic consequences.
Deterioration RateThe rate at which this item deteriorates when left outside, in average hit points of damage per day. Things deteriorate faster than normal in some weather, like rain.
Diplomatic PowerHow effective the pawn is at diplomacy with other factions.
Disable If Skill Disabled
Display Max When Above Or Equal
Display Priority In Category
Door Opening SpeedThe speed at which the door opens. It can vary based on the type of door constructed and the material used to construct it.
Drug Cooking SpeedThe speed at which this person brews beer and tea, or makes simple drug products like smokeleaf joints.
Drug Crop Harvest YieldThe yield this person gets when harvesting drug crops.
Low yields give a chance that this person will accidentally waste the harvest. High yields increase the yield from each plant.
Drug Sell Price ImprovementWhen this person sells non-medical drugs, prices are improved by this percentage.
Drug Synthesis SpeedHow fast this character synthesizes complex chemical drugs.
DurationHow long the effects of this ability last.
EMP ResistanceThis mechanoid has special shielding and shock-dissipation filaments that reduce the effect of EMP damage by this percentage. This reduces the duration of stuns caused by EMP.
Eating SpeedMultiplier on eating speed.
Effect RadiusThe radius of the area of effect of this ability.
Energy Usage MultiplierA multiplier on how fast a mechanoid consumes its energy reserves while operating.
Entity Study RateThe rate at which this person generates knowledge from studying unnatural entities.
Equip DelayThe time it takes to equip and unequip this item.
FertilityIt affects the chance of a pregnancy occurring. Pregnancy chance is dependent on the fertility of both partners. This also affects the chance of successfully implanting an embryo in a surrogate.
Filth MultiplierHow susceptible this surface is to filth. If this is less than 100%, some of the filth deposited here will disappear on contact. This only applies to organic filth.
Filth RateHow much filth this creature produces. It's best to keep filth-producing animals outdoors or on straw matting where their filth won't be a problem.
Finalize Equipped Stat Offset
FlammabilityHow easily an object catches fire and how strongly it burns.
Food Poison ChanceThe probability that this character will inadvertently poison a meal they cook. Anyone who eats a food-poisoned meal will be temporarily debilitated with pain, weakness, and vomiting
Food Poison Chance (Food Stat)The chance this food will cause food poisoning.
For Information Only
Foraged Food AmountThe amount of nutrition this person will automatically forage per day while traveling by caravan.
Format String
Format String Unfinalized
From DLC
General Labor SpeedThe speed at which this person carries out general labor like making stone blocks, making chemfuel at a refinery, burning items, tailoring clothes, creating art, smithing armor and weapons or smelting slag. This stat applies both to activities that involve no skill, as well as those where the skill affects the quality of the product instead of the speed of production.
Genetic Complexity IncreaseWhen placed near a gene assembler, this building increases the maximum genetic complexity that can be assembled at once.
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