User:Ickputzdirwech/Maintenance lists

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Pages with only maintenance categories[edit]

The following pages (ordered by Modification date) only have a maintenance category defined and lack a content category:

Embryo, Stasis cocoon, Fleshmass neural lump, Revenant flesh chunk, Gray flesh sample, Twisted archotech support, Void metal wall, Void metal mass, Metal hell, Revenant invisibility, Books, Fleshmass, Ovum, Fleshmass spitter, Labyrinth, Stat/Categories, Stat/Core Abilities, Stat/Core Apparel, Stat/Core Basics General, Stat/Core Basics Special, Stat/Core Building Special, Stat/Core Pawns Combat, Stat/Core Pawns Social, Stat/Core Pawns Work General, Stat/Core Pawns Work Medical, Stat/Core Pawns Work Recipes, Stat/Core Stuff, Stat/Core Weapons Melee, Stat/Core Weapons Ranged, Stat/Core Pawns General, Gray statue, Gray box, Nutrition, Monolith fragment, Psychic ritual siege, Shambler swarm animals, Shambler swarm, Shambler assault, Small shambler swarm, Fleshbeast attack, Revenant spine, ... further results

The last checked page has a Modification date of: 28 September 2024 23:35:46. There are still more to go. Ex.png

Pages with wrong property definitions[edit]

This category is currently empty. Good work! Check.png

Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls[edit]

This category is currently empty. Good work! Check.png

Pages to be recoded[edit]

#10 out of #96 random pages that need to be recoded:

For a complete list, see Category:Pages to be recoded.

Pages to be moved[edit]

#7 out of #7 random pages that need to be moved:

For a complete list, see Category:Pages to be moved.


#10 out of #901 random pages that are stubs:

For a complete list, see Category:Stubs.

Pages to be rewritten[edit]

#10 out of #114 random pages that need to be rewritten:

For a complete list, see Category:Pages to be rewritten.

Pages that need fact checking[edit]

#10 out of #327 random pages that need fact checking:

For a complete list, see Category:Pages that need fact checking.

Unverified articles[edit]

#10 out of #754 random unverified articles:

For a complete list, see Category:Unverified articles.

File tests[edit]

Pages that need images[edit]

#10 out of #126 random pages that need images:

For a complete list, see Category:Pages that need images.

Files without an image category[edit]

The following files (ordered by Modification date) don't have a file category set:

RevenantSpine.png Gray flesh strip.png Revenant flesh chunk.png Monolith fragment A.png Monolith fragment B.png Monolith fragment C.png Monolith fragment D.png Monolith fragment E.png Monolith fragment F.png Flesh whip limb A.png Flesh whip limb B.png Flesh whip limb C.png Flesh whip limb D.png Tentacle limb A.png Tentacle limb B.png Tentacle limb C.png Fleshmass atlas.png Fleshmass piece A.png Fleshmass piece B.png Fleshmass piece C.png Fleshmass piece D.png Fleshmass piece E.png Fleshmass piece F.png Fleshmass piece G.png Fleshmass piece H.png Fleshmass base 1x1 A.png Fleshmass base 3x3 A.png Fleshmass base 2x2 B.png Fleshmass base 3x3 B.png Fleshmass base 2x2 A.png Fleshmass base 1x1 B.png Fleshmass atlas 4 1.png ... further results

The last checked file has a Modification date of: 31 July 2024 19:35:40. There are still more to go. Ex.png

Files without a license template[edit]

The following files (ordered by Modification date) don't have a license template: Metal Horror Meal and Surgery1.PNGCult 1.jpgCult 2.jpgGauranlenRadius.png... further results

The last checked page has a Modification date of: 25 July 2024 20:35:50. There are still more to go. Ex.png

Files with incomplete license information[edit]

The following query returns up to #10 out of #48 random files that have a license template but with incomplete information:

SlagSnack.png, Ambox Edit-clear.png, Copyright.png, Noun project 1842.svg, Example base layout.png, Preview.png, Ambox content.png, CustomTrait.png, Save file for Mac using EasyFind.png, Anatomy of the pawn Edited.png... further results