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It can be very helpful to keep a pod with a healing cycle prepared, that isn't bound to any particular colonist. This can not only save on many medicine, but also save the life of a colonist that you might not otherwise have been able to treat in time.
It can be very helpful to keep a pod with a healing cycle prepared, that isn't bound to any particular colonist. This can not only save on many medicine, but also save the life of a colonist that you might not otherwise have been able to treat in time.
Having a waiting pod near your colony defenses allows pawns to rapidly be placed in the pod - as they are effectively suspended as soon as they enter the pod, and all injuries will be healed once the cycle is complete, this effectively guarantees that a pawn that makes it to the pod will survive, even if they had seconds to live. They will also be free of any risk of infection. The downside to this is the increased healing time over traditional methods.
Having a waiting pod near your colony defenses allows pawns to rapidly be placed in the pod - as they are effectively suspended as soon as they enter the pod, and all injuries will be healed once the cycle is complete, this effectively guarantees that a pawn that makes it to the pod will survive, even if they had seconds to live. They will also be free of any risk of infection. The downside to this is the increased healing time over traditional methods.
Pleasure cycles are not worth the four days of inactivity, stuck in a pod. It only provides 12 days of +10 mood. By the time you have gotten the technology to use bioscultper pods, you should already have developed better mood management options, such as [[psychite tea]], which provides a +12 mood buff for a small amount of easily acquirable [[psychoid leaves]].
{{Heal Option Table}}
{{Heal Option Table}}

Revision as of 00:23, 6 October 2021

Biosculpter pod

Biosculpter pod

An immersive pod equipped with a biosculpting fluid injector and attached control system. It can perform a variety of biological alterations including age reversal and pleasure-giving. Each pod becomes biotuned to its user, and cannot be used by anyone else. Biotuning resets after 60 days. Believers in transhumanism believe biosculpter pods are of critical importance in their quest to transcend normal human physical limitations.

Base Stats

Market Value
455 Silver [Note]
50 kg


2 × 3
-150 W


Required Research
Skill Required
Construction 8
Work To Make
2,800 ticks (46.67 secs)
Resources to make
Steel 120 + Component 3

A Biosculpter pod is a new building added by the Ideology DLC. It's unlocked by researching Biosculpting. It's very important to colonies with Transhumanist ideoligion, but other colonies can still build and use it.


The biosculpter pod can be built with Steel 120 Steel, Component 4 Components and 28,000 ticks (7.78 mins) of work.


It can perform four different operations on a colonist. After an operation, the pod becomes attuned to that colonist, forbidding usage by other colonists for 60 days. Each operation takes between 4 to 25 days to complete. The time to complete is affected by room cleanliness and is further reduced by half for colonists with Transhumanist ideoligion. It also requires nutrients to complete a cycle, which needs to be loaded by colonists. It accepts things like human meat and kibble, without mood impact on colonists, but does not accept hay.

Room cleanliness increases the speed of the the biosculpting cycle, with cleaner rooms being faster. 0.6 cleanliness (Sterile tile flooring) grants a 115% speed-factor.

A colonist inside the biosculpting pod will have the progression of any diseases stopped for the duration of the pod operation. The pod will not cure the disease or have any other effect on it.

In the case of power loss, the biosculpting will pause until power is restored or 24 hours pass without power, at which the biosculpting cycle will automatically be interrupted and the colonist will be ejected. They will get biosculpting sickness temporarily.

Conditions that will be or can be healed by a biosculpter cycle will be listed in the confirmation dialog displayed when ordering a pawn to enter or load another into the biosculpter.

Note: Drug highs and tolerances do not decay while in a pod, but the time for scheduled use still progresses. Thus a pawn may take a dose, get in a pod, have the timer to their next dose tick down, and then take a second scheduled dose while still under the effects of the first. This can turn otherwise safe or low risk drug schedules into dangerous ones and runs the risk of addictions. Food poisoning and toxic buildup similarly do not progress while in the pod.

Circumstances Cycle time (days)
Medic Bioregeneration Age reversal Pleasure
Default 6 25 8 4
Sterile 5.22 21.74 6.96 3.48
Transhumanist 3 12.5 4 2
Transhumanist and Sterile 2.61 10.87 3.48 1.74

Note that the Transhumanist speed boost is per pawn, and so is not reflected in the pod UI.



Heal all fresh wounds, blood loss, and one random infectious disease

— Tooltip

Medic costs 5 nutrients and takes 6 days to complete. It heals all fresh wounds, bloodloss and one random disease.

It can cure: Malaria, Sleeping sickness, Flu, Plague, Gut worms, Muscle parasites, and Infections.



Heal all fresh wounds, heal one random permanent injury, and restore small missing body parts like fingers and toes.

— Tooltip

Bioregeneration costs 30 nutrients and Glitterworld medicine 2 glitterworld medicine and takes 25 days to complete. The Bioregeneration research project must be completed before it can be used. It heals all fresh wounds, one random permanent injury, and restores destroyed or missing minor body parts.

It can heal on the following permanent injuries: scars including brain scars, Frail, Cataracts, Bad back, Asthma, Hearing loss, and Artery blockages.

It does not heal: Alzheimer's, Dementia, Toxic buildup, missing body parts, Luciferium need, addictions or diseases.

It can restore the following body parts: Eye, Ear, Nose, Finger, Toe, and Tongue.

Age reversal


Reverse one year of aging.

— Tooltip

Age reversal costs 5 nutrients and takes 8 days to complete. It reverses one year of aging, to a minimum colonist age of 18. Colonists with Transhumanist ideoligions are granted Received age reversal thought, which adds 3 mood for 4 days, but they will expect yearly treatments.



Temporarily reshape the nervous system to deliver elevated levels of happiness for a time.

— Tooltip

Pleasure costs 5 nutrients and takes 4 days to complete. It grants Biosculptor Pleasure Cycle thought, giving +10 mood for 12 days.


Age reversal is only important when a colonist is getting close to turning 50 years old biologically (the non-bracketed number listed for their age), or is already 50 or older. While you can do age reversal pre-emptively, it may be worthwhile to hold off unless the colonist has nothing to do for a while.

Healing can be extremely valuable, especially for scars on the torso, neck, and head, which can't be replaced by bionics. Repairing these scars would otherwise require a rare Healer mech serum or a permanent commitment to luciferium.

Because of the 60 day delay before the pod can be used by another colonist, some colonies may find it effective to repeatedly biosculpt one colonist, giving them age reversal, all the healing they can accept, and a pleasure cycle all in a row.

There currently is an exploit that allows you to uninstall active biosculpters and still have them biosculpt a pawn without consuming power or nutrition.

It can be very helpful to keep a pod with a healing cycle prepared, that isn't bound to any particular colonist. This can not only save on many medicine, but also save the life of a colonist that you might not otherwise have been able to treat in time. Having a waiting pod near your colony defenses allows pawns to rapidly be placed in the pod - as they are effectively suspended as soon as they enter the pod, and all injuries will be healed once the cycle is complete, this effectively guarantees that a pawn that makes it to the pod will survive, even if they had seconds to live. They will also be free of any risk of infection. The downside to this is the increased healing time over traditional methods.

Pleasure cycles are not worth the four days of inactivity, stuck in a pod. It only provides 12 days of +10 mood. By the time you have gotten the technology to use bioscultper pods, you should already have developed better mood management options, such as psychite tea, which provides a +12 mood buff for a small amount of easily acquirable psychoid leaves.

Healing method table

Some injuries and health conditions will not naturally heal or cannot be immediately cured by treatment. In these cases, transplantation, artificial body parts, healer mech sera, luciferium or biosculpter podsContent added by the Ideology DLC may help, but each has its own unique list of what it can and cannot cure.

The full comparison table between healing methods is collapsed due to length. Expand to view.

Condition Transplant Bionics Healer mech serum Luciferium Biosculpter podContent added by the Ideology DLC ScarlessContent added by the Biotech DLC
Alzheimer's Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png
Artery blockage Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png
Dementia Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png
Carcinoma Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png
Chemical damage
- Kidney
Check.png Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Biotech DLC
Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Chemical damage
- Other
Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Cirrhosis Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Frail Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png
Cataracts Ex.png Check.png[One] Check.png[Both] Check.png[One or Both?] Check.png[Both] Check.png[Both]
Bad back Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png
Hearing loss Ex.png Check.png[One] Check.png[Both] Check.png[One or Both?] Check.png[Both] Check.png[Both]
Asthma Check.png[One] Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Biotech DLC[One]
Check.png[Both] Check.png[Both] Check.png[Both] Check.png[Both]
Toxic buildup Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Blood loss Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Biotech DLC
Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Food poisoning Ex.png Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Ex.pngContent added by the Royalty DLC[Prev]
Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Trauma savant Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Resurrection psychosis Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Blindness Ex.png Check.png[One] Check.png[Both] Check.png Check.png[Both] Check.png[Both]
Sterilized Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
- Heart
Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Liver
Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Kidney/Lung
Check.png[One] Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Biotech DLC
Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Digits/Eyes/Ears/Tongue
Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Jaw
Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Limbs/Stomach/Spine
Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Nose
Ex.png Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Royalty DLC
Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Brain/Neck/Torso
Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png
- Limbs/Eyes
Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png
Luciferium need Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Addictions Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Malaria Ex.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png
Sleeping sickness Ex.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png
Flu Ex.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png
Plague Ex.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png
Gut worms Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Muscle parasites Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Limbs/Eyes
Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png
- Other
Ex.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png
Fibrous mechanites Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Sensory mechanites Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Paralytic abasia Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Scaria Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Blood rot Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Organ decay
- Lung
Check.png Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Biotech DLC/Content added by the Anomaly DLC
Check.png[One] ? Ex.png Check.png[One]
Organ decay
- Kidney
Check.png Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Biotech DLC
Check.png[One] ? Ex.png Check.png[One]
Organ decay
- Heart
Check.png Check.png Check.png ? Ex.png Check.png
Revenant hypnosisContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? ? ? ? ?
Duplicate sicknessContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? ? ? ? ?
Crumbling mindContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? Check.png[Note 1] ? ? ?
Bliss lobotomyContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? ? ? ? ?
Cube comaContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? ? ? ? ?
Psychically deadContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? ? ? ? ?
InhumanizedContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? ? ? ? ?
^Both Heals both relevant organs if condition is present in both.
^One Heals only one organ, even if condition is present in both.
^Prev This option prevents the acquisition of new cases of this condition, independent of whether or not it cures existing cases.
^IGS While this option does not outright cure these diseases, the increase to Immunity Gain Speed can hasten their healing and/or help prevent fatal cases.
^Note 1 This condition can only be cured until it reaches its final stage. Once it has, it becomes permanently incurable.

Version history

  • Ideology DLC Release - Added.
  • 1.3.3069 - Reduce nutrition required for biosculpting from 20 to 10 for healing and age reversal cycles.
  • 1.3.3080 - Now ejects pawns when uninstalled, previously could be exploited to "pokeball" colonists, suspending them safely and indefinitely.
  • 1.3.3101 - Added copy/paste gizmos for biosculpter nutrition settings. Biosculpters now list what can or will be cured in the tooltip. Split biosculpter healing cycle into two distinct cycles: Medic and bioregeneration. Added a new research project requiring multianalyzer and biosculpting that enables bioregeneration cycle. Medic cycle treats short-term wounds, while bioregeneration can heal permanent scars, age-related conditions, and some smaller missing limbs. Reduced age reversal cycle duration from 10 to 8 days. Reduced nutrition requirements of healing and age reversal cycles from 10 to 5.
  • 1.3.3117 - Bioregeneration cycle now requires 2 glitterworld medicine. Integrated artwork for bioregeneration cycle gizmo, previously it used the healing cycle artwork. Pawns in no longer get diseases while in the pod. Conditions that will be or can be healed by a biosculpter cycle now listed in confirmation dialog.