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Designed to be engineers, genies' delicate bones and natural aptitude with machines allow them to manipulate devices with remarkable precision. They are emotionally cold and can follow orders where others might panic. However, they are fragile, and their amplified nerve impulses make them easy to debilitate with relatively little pain. With so much of their brains dedicated to analyzing machines, they lack the neural hardware to analyze emotions, so they sometimes come off as socially inept. Their dead calm makes it even harder for them to relate to what they see as madly-hotheaded baseliner humans.

Genies were engineered thousands of years ago by a long-disbanded space navy to hold engineering positions on large starships. Today, genies still serve as engineers in great cities and fleets, but many can also be found working as lawyers, pilots, and musicians.

Base Stats


Genies are a xenohuman breed that's cool as a cucumber, with the social skills of one too. Designed to be engineers, they are great at crafting and researching, but sacrifice farming and social skills for these talents.


Genies were engineered thousands of years ago by a long-disbanded space navy to hold engineering positions on large starships. Today, genies still serve as engineers in great cities and fleets, but many can also be found working as lawyers, pilots, and musicians.

Designed to be engineers, genies' delicate bones and natural aptitude with machines allow them to manipulate devices with remarkable precision. They are emotionally cold and can follow orders where others might panic. However, they are fragile, and their amplified nerve impulses make them easy to debilitate with relatively little pain. With so much of their brains dedicated to analyzing machines, they lack the neural hardware to analyze emotions, so they sometimes come off as socially inept. Their dead calm makes it even harder for them to relate to what they see as madly-hotheaded baseliner humans.[1]


The table below describes the chance for a given pawn from each faction being a genie. Note that this value does not account for chances in xenotype chance from ideoligionContent added by the Ideology DLC or from pawn kind, it only shows the base value before those factors.

Faction Chance
GentleTribe.png Gentle tribe 0%
FierceTribe.png Fierce tribe 0%
SavageTribe.png Savage tribe 0%
CannibalTribe.png Cannibal tribeContent added by the Ideology DLC 0%
NudistTribe.png Nudist tribeContent added by the Ideology DLC 0%
FierceNeanderthalTribe.png Fierce neanderthal tribe 0%
SavageImpidTribe.png Savage impid tribe 0%
Civil outlander.png Civil outlander union 2.5%
Rough outlander.png Rough outlander union 2.5%
RoughPigUnion.png Rough pig union 0%
Pirate.png Pirate gang 2.5%
CannibalPirate.png Cannibal pirate gangContent added by the Ideology DLC 2.5%
YttakinPirates.png Yttakin pirates 0%
WasterPirates.png Waster pirates 2.5%
Empire map marker.png Shattered empire Content added by the Royalty DLC 10%

As raiders, genies have a x0.8 combat power multiplier, meaning they count as 0.8 of a raider.


Genies blend in more than many other xenotypes, but they always are hairless, with slight bodies. Their genes are non-hereditary xenogenes, like their aggressive super-soldier counterparts, hussars.

Genies are designed to be peaceful, skilled workers.


Genies have a gene complexity of 11Complexity complexity. With a +1Metabolic efficiency metabolic efficiency, they have a hunger rate of ×90%.

All genies have these xenogenes:


Dead calm
Dead calm
Extra pain
Extra pain
Elongated fingers
Elongated fingers
Dead calm Delicate Extra pain Elongated fingers


No hair
No hair
Thin body
Thin body
No hair Beardless Thin body


Great crafting
Great crafting
Great intellectual
Great intellectual
Poor plants
Poor plants
Poor animals
Poor animals
Awful social
Awful social
Great crafting Great intellectual Poor plants Poor animals Awful social


Genies are delicate, driven people. You are most likely to find them with groups from the Empire, but they have a small chance of appearing with Outlander Unions or Pirates. Since genies are engineered through their xenogenes, you cannot obtain a genie through reproduction, and should recruit one instead.


Genies have a clear role in your colony - Crafting and Intellectual - and not much else. In combat, genies take more damage and are easy to down as forced Wimps. They are poor at other tasks, namely Plants, Animals, and Social. But, being good at those 2 aforementioned skills, genies can be useful for the entire game.

Great Crafting means that, if a baseliner would be at Crafting 12, a genie would be at Crafting 20. Plus, great crafting automatically gives a passion in the skill. And, because the skill is an offset, genies won't have the skill decay of a "natural" 20 pawn. Genies aren't innately better than a highly skilled pawn, but it is much easier for a genie to reach (and maintain) a very high skill level. Skill has a significant impact on quality, which has a significant impact on item performance. High skill makes it easy to farm excellent (or higher) quality items. When combined with a source of inspired creativity, or if they are a production specialist,Content added by the Ideology DLC a skill 20 pawn will constantly pump out masterwork and legendary items.

So, while genies are bad at combat, they can outfit the rest of your colony with some great gear. Having 110% Manipulation and being good at Intellectual are nice bonuses. This makes one or two genies very worthwhile to recruit. Due to the dead calm gene and a lowered hunger rate, genies can also be good as prisoners and a hemogen source.

Gene extraction

Some of the more valuable genes that genies have to extract are:

  • Great Crafting - As mentioned in the section above, great crafting can result in high skill and high quality gear. You can install this gene onto any tortured artist for an easy source of Legendary items. If you have this gene, you don't even need to deal with a gene's poor combat.
  • Awful Social - You'll only need a few social colonists at any given time. Awful Social can be given to anyone already bad at social for free metabolic efficiency. In a similar vein, Poor Plants / Poor Animals can be installed on those not using those skills.
  • Dead calm - Dead calm prevents prison breaks and berserk, making it a great gene to install on any long-term prisoners. This gene is also useful on colonists, as it prevents social fights and disables the Aggressive set of genes (just watch out for metabolic efficiency).

Remember that xenogerms replace all xenogenes. If you implant a xenogerm into a genie, all of their genes will be replaced. This also applies to certain other xenotypes. Don't install dead calm onto a hussar, unless you want to erase their other genes (or are prepared to replace them).

  1. Genie xenotype description and short description