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Revision as of 15:50, 2 October 2021 by Cheldra (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 93597 by Cheldra (talk) - something broke in Nutrition Production - investigating)
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"Engineered for chemicals production, the boomalope grows a large sac of volatile chemicals on its back. Though it is weak and fragile for its size, other animals have learned to avoid it because of the huge explosion it produces when it dies. It can be milked to produce chemfuel - very carefully."

Base Stats

Market Value
350 Silver

Pawn Stats

Move Speed
3.4 c/s
Health Scale
65% HP
Body Size
Mass - Baby
24 kg
Mass - Juvenile
60 kg
Mass - Adult
120 kg
Carrying Capacity
Filth Rate
Hunger Rate
0.86 Nutrition/Day
Life Expectancy
15 years
Manhunter Chance
Manhunter Chance (Taming)
Trainable Intelligence
Minimum Handling Skill
Roam Interval
2 days
Maturity Age
0.333 years (20 days)
Juvenile Age
0.2 years (12 days)
Comfortable Temp Range
-15 °C – 40 °C (5 °F – 104 °F)


Meat Yield
Boomalope meat 280 boomalope meat
Leather Yield
Plainleather 80 plainleather
Milk Amount
Chemfuel 11 chemfuel
Milking Interval
1 days
Gestation Period
6.66 days
Offspring Per Birth

Melee Combat

Attack 1
7 dmg (Blunt)
10 % AP
2 second cooldown
0.2 chance factor
Attack 2
Left hoof
9 dmg (Blunt)
13 % AP
2 second cooldown
Attack 3
Left hoof
9 dmg (Poke)
13 % AP
2 second cooldown
Attack 4
Right hoof
9 dmg (Blunt)
13 % AP
2 second cooldown
Attack 5
Right hoof
9 dmg (Poke)
13 % AP
2 second cooldown
Attack 6
10 dmg (Bite)
15 % AP
2 second cooldown
0.5 chance factor
Average DPS

Boomalopes are herbivores with a high hunger rate. They produce 11 chemfuel per day, and explode on death.


Boomalopes can be found in Arid Shrubland, Desert, Temperate Forest and Tropical Rainforest. They can either be tamed by a Handler or self-tame in a random event.

Boomalopes can be bought and sold in other faction bases and from bulk goods traders. Boomalopes purchased from traders will be already tamed.


They produce Chemfuel 11 chemfuel per day when fed, but production decreases as saturation drops. Production drops to half when the animal is hungry, one third when urgently hungry and completely stopped when starving.

On death, boomalopes explode, doing 10 Flame damage in a radius that depends on the age stage of the animal. Baby boomalopes explode in a 1.9 tile radius, juveniles in a 2.9 tile radius, and adults in a 4.9 tile radius. This explosion does not itself set fires nor provide chemfuel puddles to burn but the Flame damage might ignite surrounding objects and pawns. Note: This explosion will still occur if the boomalope is slaughtered or dies of natural causes.


An adult boomalope consumes 17.2 hay per day. In 100% fertility soil, this would require 12.4 tiles of haygrass to grow. In order to produce the same Chemfuel 11 chemfuel per day in a biofuel refinery, 21 tiles of corn plant would be needed.

This advantage is further increased if the boomalope is allowed to graze instead of requring pawn-grown crops. This can partially or totally negate the ongoing resource costs of boomalopes, which the refinery cannot replicate.

Lastly, milking at its base value requires 400 ticks (6.67 secs) of work for Chemfuel 11 units of chemfuel, or 36.4 ticks (0.61 secs) of work per chemfuel, while the refinery requires 2,500 ticks (41.67 secs) for Chemfuel 35 units, or 71.4 ticks (1.19 secs) of work per chemfuel. Milking time is dependent on the animal gather speed of the pawn, while refining time is dependent on their general labor speed. Notably, both stats have the same factors except that of the Animals skill of animal gather speed - thus, milking is more work efficient than refining for any pawn with a Animals skill of 4 or above and has a much greater potential for further reduction at higher skill levels.


This animal can be trained as follows:

Guard:  Ex.png
Attack:  Ex.png
Rescue:  Ex.png
Haul:  Ex.png

*As of version 1.1.2610, all animals can be tamed. The percentage of likelihood of success depends on factors such as the Animals Wildness Percentage, Pawn Handling Skill, and others. More information can be found on the animals page.


Body part Health
Head 16
Skull 16
Brain 7
Nose 7
Neck 16
Jaw 13
Eye [1]
(left, right)
(left, right)
Body 26
(left, right)
(left, right)
Liver[2] 13
Heart[2] 10
Spine[2] 16
Stomach[2] 13
(left, right, fore, hind)
(left, right, fore, hind)
  1. Located inside of Head.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Located inside of Body.


While relatively weak, when dying they cause a large fiery explosion, igniting nearby flammables. Killing them using ranged weapons is recommended, especially during rainfall to prevent fires from devastating the area. While it may be dangerous to handle them as tamed animals due to potential collateral damage, they are extremely useful as sacrificial release animals against tribal raids. It is useful to have them contained to a small area of the colony to ensure that they do not cause any damage if they die. While boomalopes will sleep outside, one should also have separate animal sleeping spots in a nearby safe area to avoid bringing an injured boomalope to your other tamed animals or inside your base. Killing a tamed boomalope will still explode, but they can be butchered afterward without issue. Boomalopes spawn in areas with long and year-round growing periods. A herd of man hunting boomalopes can destroy a base, but they are susceptible to chain explosions.

Version history

  • 0.12.906 - Added
  • Beta 18 - gained the ability to produce chemfuel, at a rate of 20 fuel per 2 days.
  • Beta 19/1.0 - chemfuel production reduced by 40%, hunger rate 1.0 -> 1.3
  • 1.3.3066 - Trainable Intelligence reduced from Intermediate to None.