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An advanced form of one of mankind's oldest weapons, the war axe is a short blade attached to a shaft. The simple, ancient design concentrates cutting power generated from strong overhand swings.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Weapon Class
1.5 kg

Ranged Combat


Melee Combat

Melee Attack 1
9 dmg (Poke)
13% AP
2 seconds cooldown
Melee Attack 2 
15 dmg (Cut)
22% AP
2 seconds cooldown


Crafted At
Fueled smithy / Electric smithy
Required Research
Skill Required
Crafting 3
Work To Make
7,000 ticks (1.94 mins)
Stuff Tags
Metallic, Woody
Resources to make
Stuff 50

The Axe is a melee weapon added by the Royalty DLC that primarily deals sharp damage.

Note: Although classified by the Ideoligion Weapon PreferencesContent added by the Ideology DLC as a 'Melee Blunt' weapon along with weapons that predominately deal blunt damage, its primary attack deal sharp damage. It is unknown if this categorization is a bug or intended behavior.


Axes can be crafted at either a fueled or electric smithy once the Smithing research project has been completed. They require Stuff 50 Stuff (Metallic/Woody, 500 for SVMs), 7,000 ticks (1.94 mins) of work, and a Crafting skill of 3.

Alternatively, axes can be purchased from any combat supplier or war merchant and found on raiders and some Empire pawns.


The axe is roughly equal to the gladius - they both have the same material cost, and same research cost.

Note that both axes and gladii are actually worse than the knife, despite the latter being cheaper. This is due to the melee verb selection system, introduced in 1.1. Each weapon has multiple attacks, or verbs, with some better than others. The game's infobox incorrectly calculates the likelihood of each attack (it uses RimWorld 1.0 values). For example, the knife is assumed to use "Bad" attacks more often than it does in practice. With this in mind, knives have a "true" DPS of 7.23, rather than the gladius' 7.13 or axe's 6.75. Knives are just as likely as axes to do Cut damage, which has a chance for extra damage, too.

A potential use is for ideoligionContent added by the Ideology DLC with the Melee Blunt set as Noble weapons, providing a sharp-type weapon option that grants mood buffs instead of penalties.

Attack table

Feature Toggle
AttacksRitual Quality Check Off.pngRitual Quality Check On.png
QualityRitual Quality Check Off.pngRitual Quality Check On.png
  • Axe Axe Handle (Poke) Edge (Cut) Human: Left & right fist (Blunt) HP Value
    Material DPS[1] AP[1] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2]
    Awful Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 6.8 19.94% 6.48 2s 9.36% 3.24 8.33% 15.6 2s 22.88% 7.8 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 200 50 Silver
    Awful Gold Gold 4.36 12.77% 7.2 2s 10.4% 3.6 8.33% 9 2s 13.2% 4.5 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 60 2510 Silver
    Awful Plasteel Plasteel 7.08 17.3% 6.48 1.6s 9.36% 4.05 8.33% 13.2 1.6s 19.36% 8.25 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 280 255 Silver
    Awful Silver Silver 4.81 14.09% 7.2 2s 10.4% 3.6 8.33% 10.2 2s 14.96% 5.1 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 70 265 Silver
    Awful Steel Steel 5.48 16.07% 7.2 2s 10.4% 3.6 8.33% 12 2s 17.6% 6 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 100 60 Silver
    Awful Uranium Uranium 5.62 17.82% 10.8 2.2s 15.6% 4.91 8.33% 13.2 2.2s 19.36% 6 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 250 174 Silver
    Awful Wood Wood 3.78 11.05% 6.48 2s 9.36% 3.24 12.5% 4.8 2s 7.04% 2.4 12.5% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 37.5% 65 39 Silver
    Poor Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 7.57 22.18% 7.29 2s 10.53% 3.65 8.33% 17.55 2s 25.74% 8.78 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 200 75 Silver
    Poor Gold Gold 4.82 14.11% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 8.33% 10.13 2s 14.85% 5.06 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 60 3765 Silver
    Poor Plasteel Plasteel 7.87 19.21% 7.29 1.6s 10.53% 4.56 8.33% 14.85 1.6s 21.78% 9.28 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 280 380 Silver
    Poor Silver Silver 5.32 15.6% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 8.33% 11.48 2s 16.83% 5.74 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 70 395 Silver
    Poor Steel Steel 6.08 17.83% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 8.33% 13.5 2s 19.8% 6.75 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 100 90 Silver
    Poor Uranium Uranium 6.24 19.8% 12.15 2.2s 17.55% 5.52 8.33% 14.85 2.2s 21.78% 6.75 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 250 260 Silver
    Poor Wood Wood 3.87 11.31% 7.29 2s 10.53% 3.65 12.5% 5.4 2s 7.92% 2.7 12.5% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 37.5% 65 58 Silver
    Normal Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 8.33 24.43% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 8.33% 19.5 2s 28.6% 9.75 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 200 101 Silver
    Normal Gold Gold 5.28 15.46% 9 2s 13% 4.5 8.33% 11.25 2s 16.5% 5.63 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 60 5025 Silver
    Normal Plasteel Plasteel 8.65 21.13% 8.1 1.6s 11.7% 5.06 8.33% 16.5 1.6s 24.2% 10.31 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 280 505 Silver
    Normal Silver Silver 5.84 17.11% 9 2s 13% 4.5 8.33% 12.75 2s 18.7% 6.38 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 70 525 Silver
    Normal Steel Steel 6.68 19.58% 9 2s 13% 4.5 8.33% 15 2s 22% 7.5 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 100 120 Silver
    Normal Uranium Uranium 6.86 21.78% 13.5 2.2s 19.5% 6.14 8.33% 16.5 2.2s 24.2% 7.5 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 250 350 Silver
    Normal Wood Wood 3.81 11.13% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 25% 6 2s 8.8% 3 25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 25% 65 78 Silver
    Good Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 9.1 26.67% 8.91 2s 12.87% 4.46 8.33% 21.45 2s 31.46% 10.73 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 200 126 Silver
    Good Gold Gold 5.74 16.8% 9.9 2s 14.3% 4.95 8.33% 12.38 2s 18.15% 6.19 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 60 5525 Silver
    Good Plasteel Plasteel 9.43 23.04% 8.91 1.6s 12.87% 5.57 8.33% 18.15 1.6s 26.62% 11.34 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 280 630 Silver
    Good Silver Silver 6.36 18.62% 9.9 2s 14.3% 4.95 8.33% 14.03 2s 20.57% 7.01 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 70 655 Silver
    Good Steel Steel 7.28 21.34% 9.9 2s 14.3% 4.95 8.33% 16.5 2s 24.2% 8.25 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 100 150 Silver
    Good Uranium Uranium 7.48 23.75% 14.85 2.2s 21.45% 6.75 8.33% 18.15 2.2s 26.62% 8.25 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 250 435 Silver
    Good Wood Wood 4.3 12.46% 8.91 2s 12.87% 4.46 75% 6.6 2s 9.68% 3.3 8.33% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 65 97 Silver
    Excellent Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 9.86 28.91% 9.72 2s 14.04% 4.86 8.33% 23.4 2s 34.32% 11.7 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 200 151 Silver
    Excellent Gold Gold 6.2 18.15% 10.8 2s 15.6% 5.4 8.33% 13.5 2s 19.8% 6.75 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 60 6025 Silver
    Excellent Plasteel Plasteel 10.22 24.95% 9.72 1.6s 14.04% 6.08 8.33% 19.8 1.6s 29.04% 12.38 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 280 760 Silver
    Excellent Silver Silver 6.87 20.13% 10.8 2s 15.6% 5.4 8.33% 15.3 2s 22.44% 7.65 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 70 790 Silver
    Excellent Steel Steel 7.88 23.1% 10.8 2s 15.6% 5.4 8.33% 18 2s 26.4% 9 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 100 180 Silver
    Excellent Uranium Uranium 8.11 25.73% 16.2 2.2s 23.4% 7.36 8.33% 19.8 2.2s 29.04% 9 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 250 520 Silver
    Excellent Wood Wood 4.63 13.41% 9.72 2s 14.04% 4.86 75% 7.2 2s 10.56% 3.6 8.33% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 65 116 Silver
    Masterwork Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 12.07 35.34% 11.75 2s 16.97% 5.87 25% 28.28 2s 41.47% 14.14 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 200 250 Silver
    Masterwork Gold Gold 7.34 21.51% 13.05 2s 18.85% 6.53 8.33% 16.31 2s 23.93% 8.16 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 60 7025 Silver
    Masterwork Plasteel Plasteel 13.05 30.56% 11.75 1.6s 16.97% 7.34 25% 23.93 1.6s 35.09% 14.95 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 280 1265 Silver
    Masterwork Silver Silver 8.16 23.91% 13.05 2s 18.85% 6.53 8.33% 18.49 2s 27.12% 9.24 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 70 1315 Silver
    Masterwork Steel Steel 9.38 27.5% 13.05 2s 18.85% 6.53 8.33% 21.75 2s 31.9% 10.88 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 100 300 Silver
    Masterwork Uranium Uranium 9.67 30.67% 19.58 2.2s 28.28% 8.9 8.33% 23.93 2.2s 35.09% 10.88 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 250 870 Silver
    Masterwork Wood Wood 5.45 15.79% 11.75 2s 16.97% 5.87 75% 8.7 2s 12.76% 4.35 8.33% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 65 194 Silver
    Legendary Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 13.74 40.22% 13.37 2s 19.31% 6.68 25% 32.18 2s 47.19% 16.09 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 200 500 Silver
    Legendary Gold Gold 8.26 24.21% 14.85 2s 21.45% 7.43 8.33% 18.56 2s 27.23% 9.28 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 60 8025 Silver
    Legendary Plasteel Plasteel 14.85 34.77% 13.37 1.6s 19.31% 8.35 25% 27.23 1.6s 39.93% 17.02 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 280 2525 Silver
    Legendary Silver Silver 9.19 26.93% 14.85 2s 21.45% 7.43 8.33% 21.04 2s 30.86% 10.52 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 70 2625 Silver
    Legendary Steel Steel 10.58 31.01% 14.85 2s 21.45% 7.43 8.33% 24.75 2s 36.3% 12.38 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 100 600 Silver
    Legendary Uranium Uranium 10.91 34.63% 22.28 2.2s 32.18% 10.13 8.33% 27.23 2.2s 39.93% 12.38 75% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 250 1740 Silver
    Legendary Wood Wood 6.11 17.69% 13.37 2s 19.31% 6.68 75% 9.9 2s 14.52% 4.95 8.33% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 8.33% 65 390 Silver

    For the full effects of qualities, see Quality.

    1. 1.0 1.1 Note: This is the actual base average derived from the melee verb system updated in 1.1.2610, it may sometimes disagree with the listed value in the in-game infobox.
      It may also change depending on the stats and the melee verbs available to the wielder if the weapon is wielded by some other than a baseline human.
    2. Chance for attack to be selected, assuming the weapon is wielded by a baseline human. It may change depending on the melee verbs available to the wielder

    Version history