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Plants Menu Wild Plants Trees Domesticated Plants Decorative Plants

Trees are a type of plant. They can either be native to the biome or planted by the player in a growing zone. Native trees are immune to blight, and will spawn in as seed from the map edges. Teak and Cecropia are native to Tropical biomes, Oak and Poplar are native to temperate biomes, Cacti and Poplar are native to Arid biomes (only Cacti in Extreme Desert), and Birch and Pine are native to colder biomes (bar Ice Sheet). Cacti are unique in the respect that they won't give a flying hoot as to what ground they happen to grow on; as they have a fertility sensitivity of 0% and minimum fertility of 5%.

Trees have four types of natural enemies, which fall into two categories. Their natural predator is the Thrumbo and the Alphabeaver, and some biologists have classified "Fire" as a third type of natural enemy. The other type of enemy is the player, who hunts trees for their wood. It is unclear exactly what players use it for, but their range of usage reportedly varies from construction material, weaponry and rather sinisterly as food for a fueled generator. Humans are by far the biggest threat to trees, their unrelenting hunger for flooring and dining chairs has often been cited as the leading cause of deforestation. Some have had success in taming trees, going so far as to train them to grow in neat rows in intricately designated growing zones. For some bizarre reason; the Saguaro Cactus 'seed' is so elusive that Cacti cannot be grown in growing zones - and no man has ever been known to grow these sacred spiny plants.

Vulnerable trees can be brutally murdered at 40% growth to obtain 50% of their coveted yield. Cacti can be cut at 20%. Note that the Growth Time in the below table assumes 24hr growth. Since trees, as all plants, rest between the hours of 19h and 6h, actual growth time is longer. Also note that environmental factors such as temperature and light levels can further negatively influence growth speed.

If the ambient temperature drops below freezing, trees will cease to grow until back into their comfortable range again (includng Pine trees that are native to cold biomes). Some pansy trees will instantaneously shed all of their leaves at -2°C, sturdier specimens will hold out until -10°C. This range differs from tree to individual tree. If the temperature remains at a comfortable level for at least a day, their leaves will magically reappear.

Additionally; Humans can also tactically utilise trees as some form of cover, being marginally more effective than hideous Rock Chunks, but not as effective as rugged sandbags and sturdy walls. They do this so by standing against the tree trunks and popping off shots, while the opposition rains their lead into the fragile, yet sturdy bark, and also the skulls, organs and limbs of those 'protected'. Alternatively, the mysterious Humans may be moved from tree-to-tree with so-called 'Melee Weapons' (or simply their 'Fists'), until they eventually reach their opponents (or get shot in the process) and hack or bash them to pieces or a pulp respectively while they hopelessly cower, using their very tree as 'cover'.

Anima tree a.png

A rare tree with warm, skin-smooth bark and long iridescent leaves. Infused with bioluminescent micro-organisms, anima trees develop a unique form of psychic symbiosis with surrounding lifeforms, allowing them to grow in a wide variety of biomes.
If a person (psycaster or not) meditates near an anima tree, it will grow anima grass around its base. Once enough grass is grown, it becomes possible to carry out a psychic linking ritual with the tree and upgrade a person's psychic powers. Only tribal peoples know the secret of this ritual. Tribal psycasters are also able to draw psyfocus from anima trees while meditating to them.
Anima trees' psychic properties are weakened if artificial structures are placed nearby. They refuse to be caged or studied, and must remain part of nature.
Most tribes believe that anima trees are not simply trees, but are rather the physical extremities of a single world spirit.

Bamboo tree.png

A fast-growing tree-like plant that grows in dense groves. Bamboo can be harvested for a wood-like material. The plant itself is not beautiful.

Birch tree.png

A temperate-biome tree known for its thin, white, paper-like bark.

Birch trees are trees that naturally occur in boreal forests and tundras. Birch trees can also be grown by the player in any biome, but can't be sown in hydroponics. A mature birch tree yields 30 wood.

Bonsai tree.png

A small tree, pruned and shaped to look visually pleasing.

Burned tree b.png

A burned tree stump. It's ugly and yields no usable wood.

Cecropia tree.png

One of the most common rainforest trees. Cecropia grows very fast, but yields little usable wood.

Cecropia trees are a plant that only naturally occurs in tropical rainforests. Cecropia trees can also be grown by the player in any biome, but can't be sown in hydroponics. A mature cecropia tree yields 20 wood.

Stump chopped a.png

A stump left behind after a tree has been felled. The stump can be extracted but yields very little usable wood. Left outdoors, the stump will deteriorate in time.

Cocoa tree.png

A tropical tree that produces chocolate, genetically engineered to sweeten its own product, and survive in slightly less-warm climates.

Tree cypress a.png

A tall coniferous tree often found in swamps. Despite its slow growth, planting these trees can be profitable as a low-effort, long-term investment because they yield so much usable wood.

Drago tree.png

A hardy desert tree topped with thick, pointed leaves.

Gauranlen tree.png

A large, distinctive-looking tree with a unique life-cycle. Each Gauranlen tree contains a small non-conscious dryad queen. The queen births creatures called dryads which guard and tend the tree. In exchange, the tree nurtures its protectors by feeding them directly. From the outside, it appears the dryads are created by the tree directly and act as part of it.
It is possible for a person to form a connection with a Gauranlen tree and partially control the dryads it produces.
Some say Gauranlen trees are the homes of nature spirits that follow humanity across worlds.


A small toxin-adapted tree with twisted branches. It can only grow on polluted terrain, and yields a meager amount of wood when harvested.

Harbinger tree.png

A gnarled tree that grows a flesh-like covering. Harbinger trees are capable of feeding on corpses and raw meat, and will consume those placed nearby. If well fed, the grove will continue to grow.
In a tribal myth, these trees are the emissaries of a mad, shapeless god who rules an endless black ocean. The myth ends after the shapeless god reaches up from the water and tears down the sky.

Tree maple a.png

A common medium-sized tree, easily identifiable by its distinct three-pointed leaf.

Tree oak a.png

A hardwood tree. Oaks take a long time to grow, but their wood is so strong that 'oak' is used as a metaphor for strength across many cultures.

Oak trees are a plant that naturally occurs in temperate forests. Oak trees can also be grown by the player that biome, but can't be sown in hydroponics. A mature oak tree yields 50 wood.

Palm tree.png

A tropical tree with a tall, naked trunk topped by a cluster of very broad leaves. Unfortunately, this variety doesn't produce any edible coconuts.

Pebble Cactus a.png

A small cactus that resembles a cluster of pebbles. It can only grow on polluted terrain. It yields a meager amount of woody fiber when harvested.

Pine tree.png

A large conifer covered with prickly pine cones. It grows in a distinctive conical shape.

Pine trees are a plant that naturally occur in boreal forests and tundra. Pine trees can also be grown by the player in those biomes, but can't be sown in hydroponics. A mature pine tree yields 30 wood.


After generations of exposure, these trees have evolved to metabolize pollutants. By drawing pollutants from the ground through wide root networks, they slowly clean polluted terrain in their vicinity. However, they cannot do this if buildings are constructed over their roots.
Unlike most methods of cleaning polluted terrain, polux trees do not create toxic wastepacks.

Poplar tree.png

A softwood tree that grows very fast. Unfortunately, its wood is weak and so it yields less useful material than hardwood trees.

Poplar trees are a tree that naturally occurs in boreal and temperate forests. Poplar trees can also be grown by the player in those biomes, but can't be sown in hydroponics. A mature poplar tree yields 27 wood.

Rat palm a.png

A tree similar to a palm tree with dense surface roots. It can only grow on polluted terrain. When harvested, it yields a meager amount of wood.

Saguaro cactus.png

A large cactus native to arid Earth environments. Though it is not a tree, it yields a small amount of fibrous material that can be used like wood.

Saguaro cacti, are a tree-like plant. The description says "it is not a tree", and Tree connection Meme doesn’t penalize cutting them, but they still produce wood. They naturally occur in arid shrublands, deserts, and extreme deserts. Saguaro cacti require Plants skill level 6 to sow. A mature saguaro cactus yields Wood 15 Wood.

Stump smashed a.png

The remnants of a tree destroyed by damage. It's ugly. The stump can be extracted but yields very little usable wood. Left outdoors, the stump will deteriorate in time.

Teak tree a.png

An exceptionally strong hardwood tree that grows in warm climates. Because teak wood is so durable and water-resistant, it was used to form the keel of wooden sailing ships in ancient times.

Teak trees are a tree that only naturally occurs in tropical rainforests. Teak trees can also be grown by the player in any biome, but can't be sown in hydroponics. A mature teak tree yields 60 wood.


A tall brown mushroom with a long stem. When harvested, it yields a wood-like substance.

Willow tree a.png

One of the fastest growing shade trees, willows provide a beautiful, leafy canopy. It doesn't yield much usable wood.

Witchwood a.png

A small toxin-adapted tree with a twisted trunk. It can only grow on polluted terrain. When harvested, it yields a meager amount of wood.