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One of mankind's oldest manufactured objects. The knife has taken many forms, but the concept has always remained the same: A handle for holding and a sharp edge for cutting.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Weapon Class
0.5 kg

Ranged Combat


Melee Combat

Melee Attack 1
9 dmg (Blunt)
13% AP
2 seconds cooldown
Melee Attack 2 
12 dmg (Cut)
18% AP
1.5 seconds cooldown
Melee Attack 3 
13 dmg (Stab)
20% AP
2 seconds cooldown


Crafted At
Crafting spot / Fueled smithy / Electric smithy
Required Research
Work To Make
1,800 ticks (30 secs)
Stuff Tags
Resources to make
Stuff 30
MedievalMeleeBasic, NeolithicMeleeBasic

The knife is a primitive, sharp melee weapon. It deals a low amount of damage, but has a short cooldown, making it friendlier to unskilled users.


Knives can be crafted at the crafting spot, fueled smithy or smithy with Stuff 30 Stuff (Metallic, 300 for SVMs) and 1,800 ticks (30 secs) of work. It can also be purchased from any outlander and orbital combat suppliers, or obtained from outlander and pirate raiders drops.

A plasteel knife is given at the beginning with Crashlanded scenario.


Knives are low-tier melee weapons, being cheap and fast to produce.


In the Crashlanded scenario, you receive a normal quality plasteel knife. This is roughly as strong as a normal steel longsword, and stronger than most other steel weapons of normal quality. Compared to the longsword, the knife attacks faster for less damage per hit, and is marginally worse against armor.

The quick attacks also help colonists with low melee skill, who might want to train melee due to a passion or a trait like brawler.

Naked Brutality

As you can make knives in a crafting spot, creating knives can be useful in Naked Brutality and other low-resource scenarios. But, provided you have 2 Crafting, the short bow should be your go-to weapon. As a ranged weapon, it is generally better for defense, and lets you hunt 0% manhunter animals without getting hurt (even docile animals will retaliate in melee). If wood isn't available (e.g. in an ice sheet or desert), you might have to make a knife, as they can be made out of steel.

In terms of melee weapons, Clubs are your direct crafting spot alternatives. Clubs have 2 advantages over knives: they can be made out of wood, and they have no quality. While a steel club is worse than a "normal" quality steel knife, they are better than a poor or awful knife. Also note, that as blunt weapons, clubs are less likely to cause bleeding or decapitate limbs. This makes them somewhat worse in combat, but better if you want to capture.

Considering metals other than steel: a plasteel knife is better than any club, and a uranium club is better than a uranium knife.

Crafting knives

Smithing unlocks a variety of weapons. Despite the gladius and ikwa being more expensive, both are worse than the knife (of the same material/quality). Why is this?

  • The melee verb selection system, introduced in 1.1. Each weapon has multiple attacks, or verbs, with some better than others. The game's infobox incorrectly calculates the likelihood of each attack (it uses RimWorld 1.0 values). For example, the knife is assumed to use "Bad" attacks more often than it does in practice. With this in mind, knives have a "true" DPS of 7.23, rather than the gladius' 7.13 or ikwa's 6.75.
  • The impact of Cut damage type. Of the 3 weapons, knives are the most likely to deal Cut damage. Whenever a Cut attack is rolled, it has a chance to cleave. When a weapon cleaves, it deals 140% damage, spread throughout body parts.
While cleaving reduces the chance to destroy body parts, it deals more pain, which gets enemies into pain shock faster. Pain shock is the most common way to disable enemies in combat, much more likely than body part destruction. Even mechanoids, who don't feel pain, can only lose so much HP before dying in combat. Stab has the advantage of superior damage to internal body parts, however the chance of hitting the same organ 2 times in a row is miniscule, and gladii won't instakill from heart damage.

Maces deal less DPS, but as they do Blunt damage, they have a substantial niche compared to the knife. Once longswords are available, knives are statistically worse than a sword (assuming same material/quality).

You could make knives in order to train Crafting skill, but as clubs can be made of wood or stone, they are generally the better option. Once an electric smithy is available, plate armor requires more work and can be made out of wood.

Attack table

Feature Toggle
AttacksRitual Quality Check Off.pngRitual Quality Check On.png
QualityRitual Quality Check Off.pngRitual Quality Check On.png
  • Knife Knife Handle (Blunt) Blade (Cut) Point (Stab) Human: Left & right fist (Blunt) HP Value
    Material DPS[1] AP[1] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2]
    Awful Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 7.16 17.43% 6.48 2s 9.36% 3.24 6.25% 12.48 1.5s 18.72% 8.32 75% 13.52 2s 20.8% 6.76 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 200 19 Silver
    Awful Gold Gold 4.53 11% 7.2 2s 10.4% 3.6 6.25% 7.2 1.5s 10.8% 4.8 75% 7.8 2s 12% 3.9 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 60 1505 Silver
    Awful Plasteel Plasteel 7.46 15.07% 6.48 1.6s 9.36% 4.05 6.25% 10.56 1.2s 15.84% 8.8 75% 11.44 1.6s 17.6% 7.15 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 280 142 Silver
    Awful Silver Silver 5.01 12.18% 7.2 2s 10.4% 3.6 6.25% 8.16 1.5s 12.24% 5.44 75% 8.84 2s 13.6% 4.42 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 70 153 Silver
    Awful Steel Steel 5.74 13.95% 7.2 2s 10.4% 3.6 6.25% 9.6 1.5s 14.4% 6.4 75% 10.4 2s 16% 5.2 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 100 32 Silver
    Awful Uranium Uranium 5.86 15.46% 10.8 2.2s 15.6% 4.91 6.25% 10.56 1.65s 15.84% 6.4 75% 11.44 2.2s 17.6% 5.2 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 250 96 Silver
    Poor Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 7.98 19.42% 7.29 2s 10.53% 3.65 6.25% 14.04 1.5s 21.06% 9.36 75% 15.21 2s 23.4% 7.61 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 200 29 Silver
    Poor Gold Gold 5.02 12.19% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 6.25% 8.1 1.5s 12.15% 5.4 75% 8.78 2s 13.5% 4.39 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 60 2255 Silver
    Poor Plasteel Plasteel 8.29 16.76% 7.29 1.6s 10.53% 4.56 6.25% 11.88 1.2s 17.82% 9.9 75% 12.87 1.6s 19.8% 8.04 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 280 215 Silver
    Poor Silver Silver 5.56 13.52% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 6.25% 9.18 1.5s 13.77% 6.12 75% 9.95 2s 15.3% 4.97 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 70 230 Silver
    Poor Steel Steel 6.38 15.51% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 6.25% 10.8 1.5s 16.2% 7.2 75% 11.7 2s 18% 5.85 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 100 48 Silver
    Poor Uranium Uranium 6.52 17.2% 12.15 2.2s 17.55% 5.52 6.25% 11.88 1.65s 17.82% 7.2 75% 12.87 2.2s 19.8% 5.85 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 250 144 Silver
    Normal Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 8.79 21.41% 8.1 2s 11.7% 4.05 6.25% 15.6 1.5s 23.4% 10.4 75% 16.9 2s 26% 8.45 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 200 39 Silver
    Normal Gold Gold 5.51 13.38% 9 2s 13% 4.5 6.25% 9 1.5s 13.5% 6 75% 9.75 2s 15% 4.88 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 60 3005 Silver
    Normal Plasteel Plasteel 9.13 18.46% 8.1 1.6s 11.7% 5.06 6.25% 13.2 1.2s 19.8% 11 75% 14.3 1.6s 22% 8.94 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 280 285 Silver
    Normal Silver Silver 6.11 14.85% 9 2s 13% 4.5 6.25% 10.2 1.5s 15.3% 6.8 75% 11.05 2s 17% 5.53 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 70 305 Silver
    Normal Steel Steel 7.02 17.06% 9 2s 13% 4.5 6.25% 12 1.5s 18% 8 75% 13 2s 20% 6.5 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 100 64 Silver
    Normal Uranium Uranium 7.18 18.94% 13.5 2.2s 19.5% 6.14 6.25% 13.2 1.65s 19.8% 8 75% 14.3 2.2s 22% 6.5 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 250 192 Silver
    Good Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 9.61 23.4% 8.91 2s 12.87% 4.46 6.25% 17.16 1.5s 25.74% 11.44 75% 18.59 2s 28.6% 9.3 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 200 48 Silver
    Good Gold Gold 5.99 14.56% 9.9 2s 14.3% 4.95 6.25% 9.9 1.5s 14.85% 6.6 75% 10.73 2s 16.5% 5.36 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 60 3505 Silver
    Good Plasteel Plasteel 9.97 20.15% 8.91 1.6s 12.87% 5.57 6.25% 14.52 1.2s 21.78% 12.1 75% 15.73 1.6s 24.2% 9.83 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 280 355 Silver
    Good Silver Silver 6.66 16.19% 9.9 2s 14.3% 4.95 6.25% 11.22 1.5s 16.83% 7.48 75% 12.16 2s 18.7% 6.08 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 70 385 Silver
    Good Steel Steel 7.65 18.62% 9.9 2s 14.3% 4.95 6.25% 13.2 1.5s 19.8% 8.8 75% 14.3 2s 22% 7.15 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 100 79 Silver
    Good Uranium Uranium 7.84 20.69% 14.85 2.2s 21.45% 6.75 6.25% 14.52 1.65s 21.78% 8.8 75% 15.73 2.2s 24.2% 7.15 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 250 240 Silver
    Excellent Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 10.42 25.39% 9.72 2s 14.04% 4.86 6.25% 18.72 1.5s 28.08% 12.48 75% 20.28 2s 31.2% 10.14 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 200 58 Silver
    Excellent Gold Gold 6.48 15.75% 10.8 2s 15.6% 5.4 6.25% 10.8 1.5s 16.2% 7.2 75% 11.7 2s 18% 5.85 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 60 4005 Silver
    Excellent Plasteel Plasteel 10.8 21.85% 9.72 1.6s 14.04% 6.08 6.25% 15.84 1.2s 23.76% 13.2 75% 17.16 1.6s 26.4% 10.73 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 280 425 Silver
    Excellent Silver Silver 7.21 17.52% 10.8 2s 15.6% 5.4 6.25% 12.24 1.5s 18.36% 8.16 75% 13.26 2s 20.4% 6.63 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 70 460 Silver
    Excellent Steel Steel 8.29 20.18% 10.8 2s 15.6% 5.4 6.25% 14.4 1.5s 21.6% 9.6 75% 15.6 2s 24% 7.8 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 100 95 Silver
    Excellent Uranium Uranium 8.5 22.43% 16.2 2.2s 23.4% 7.36 6.25% 15.84 1.65s 23.76% 9.6 75% 17.16 2.2s 26.4% 7.8 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 250 290 Silver
    Masterwork Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 13.23 32.28% 11.75 2s 16.97% 5.87 12.5% 22.62 1.5s 33.93% 15.08 75% 24.51 2s 37.7% 12.25 12.5% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 200 97 Silver
    Masterwork Gold Gold 7.7 18.72% 13.05 2s 18.85% 6.53 6.25% 13.05 1.5s 19.58% 8.7 75% 14.14 2s 21.75% 7.07 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 60 5005 Silver
    Masterwork Plasteel Plasteel 14.17 27.64% 11.75 1.6s 16.97% 7.34 12.5% 19.14 1.2s 28.71% 15.95 75% 20.74 1.6s 31.9% 12.96 12.5% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 280 710 Silver
    Masterwork Silver Silver 8.58 20.86% 13.05 2s 18.85% 6.53 6.25% 14.79 1.5s 22.19% 9.86 75% 16.02 2s 24.65% 8.01 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 70 765 Silver
    Masterwork Steel Steel 9.89 24.07% 13.05 2s 18.85% 6.53 6.25% 17.4 1.5s 26.1% 11.6 75% 18.85 2s 29% 9.43 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 100 159 Silver
    Masterwork Uranium Uranium 10.16 26.79% 19.58 2.2s 28.28% 8.9 6.25% 19.14 1.65s 28.71% 11.6 75% 20.74 2.2s 31.9% 9.43 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 250 480 Silver
    Legendary Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 15.05 36.73% 13.37 2s 19.31% 6.68 12.5% 25.74 1.5s 38.61% 17.16 75% 27.89 2s 42.9% 13.94 12.5% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 200 194 Silver
    Legendary Gold Gold 8.67 21.09% 14.85 2s 21.45% 7.43 6.25% 14.85 1.5s 22.28% 9.9 75% 16.09 2s 24.75% 8.04 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 60 6005 Silver
    Legendary Plasteel Plasteel 16.12 31.45% 13.37 1.6s 19.31% 8.35 12.5% 21.78 1.2s 32.67% 18.15 75% 23.6 1.6s 36.3% 14.75 12.5% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 280 1420 Silver
    Legendary Silver Silver 9.67 23.53% 14.85 2s 21.45% 7.43 6.25% 16.83 1.5s 25.25% 11.22 75% 18.23 2s 28.05% 9.12 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 70 1530 Silver
    Legendary Steel Steel 11.17 27.18% 14.85 2s 21.45% 7.43 6.25% 19.8 1.5s 29.7% 13.2 75% 21.45 2s 33% 10.73 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 100 315 Silver
    Legendary Uranium Uranium 11.48 30.28% 22.28 2.2s 32.18% 10.13 6.25% 21.78 1.65s 32.67% 13.2 75% 23.6 2.2s 36.3% 10.73 6.25% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 6.25% 250 960 Silver

    For the full effects of qualities, see Quality.

    1. 1.0 1.1 Note: This is the actual base average derived from the melee verb system updated in 1.1.2610, it may sometimes disagree with the listed value in the in-game infobox.
      It may also change depending on the stats and the melee verbs available to the wielder if the weapon is wielded by some other than a baseline human.
    2. Chance for attack to be selected, assuming the weapon is wielded by a baseline human. It may change depending on the melee verbs available to the wielder

    Version history