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Basics Menus Game Creation Gameplay Pawns Plants Resources Gear Mods
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Sleeping spot.png Bed.png RoyalBed actual.png Hospital bed.png Animal sleeping spot.png Animal sleeping box.png Animal bed.png Stool.png 70px Armchair.png Table short.png Table long.png Plant pot.png Standing lamp.png Equipment rack.png

Name HP Build Time Material Cost Flammability (%) Provides Cover (%) Path Cost Standable Comfort (%) Beauty Size in Blocks
Animal sleeping spot N/A 0 0 0 0 0 yes - 0 1x1
Animal sleeping box 75* ?* 35* 20* 25 40 no 60 0 1x1
Animal bed 140* varies 45 textile 100 25 40 no 75 0 1x1
Armchair 220 84-150 100 textile 100 0 30 yes 80 3 1x1
Bed 150* 580* 35** 20* 40 60 no 75 8* 1x2
Dining chair 170* 67 60** 20* 0 30 yes 70 7* 1x1
Double bed 200* ?* 70** 20* 40 60 no 75 8* 2x2
Equipment rack 100* 175 30** 20* 40 0 no - neutral 1x2
Hospital bed 150* 175* 120** 20* 40 60 no - neutral 1x2
Plant pot 100* 175 15** 20* 20 0 no - neutral 1x1
Royal bed 200* 175* 120** 20* 40 60 no - 50 2x2
Sleeping spot 100 0 0 0 0 0 yes 40 neutral 1x2
Stool 15* 150* 15** 20* 0 30 yes 50 3* 1x1
Standing lamp 50 35 5 100 0 0 no - neutral 1x1
Table (short) 100 125 20** 20* 40 60 no - 8* 2x2
Table (long) 150 250 35** 20* 40 60 no - 12* 2x4

* value for Steel; varies by material
** x20 for small volume materials (silver, gold, uranium)