This article relates to content added by Ideology (DLC). Please note that it will not be present without the DLC enabled. |
A specially-treated wooden torch that produces a dim light over a large area. People who prefer darklight work best with this light source. Can be automatically refueled with wood. Produces a small amount of heat.
Base Stats
- Style Dominance
- 5
- HP
- 75
- Flammability
- 0%
- Path Cost
- 14 (48%)
- Usable Item(s)
- Capacity
- 20.0
- Consumption Rate
- 1.5
- Size
- 1 × 1
- Minifiable
- False
- Placeable
- True
- Passability
- pass through only
- Cover Effectiveness
- 15%
- Terrain Affordance
- Light
- Light Radius
- 4.75
- Heat Per Second
- 3.5
- Stops Heating At
- 23 °C (73.4 °F)
- Work To Make
- 100 ticks (1.67 secs)
- Deconstruct yield
- nothing
- Destroy yield
- nothing
The darktorch is a piece of furniture that burns wood to light an area with darklight, while also generating a small amount of heat.
Darktorches can be constructed, each requiring 20 Wood and 100 ticks (1.67 secs) of work modified by the construction speed of the builder.
Once constructed, they cannot be re-installed, they can only be deconstructed.

The darktorch outputs light in a 7 tile radius, with the nearest 4.746 tiles being above 50% light level and considered lit. It heats the room to a maximum temperature of 23 °C (73.4 °F) at a rate of 3.5 heat per second.[Exact mechanic unclear]
It consumes 1.5 wood per day as long as it is lit. It can hold up to
20 wood at a time, for a maximum run time of 13.33 days. It is constructed with a full fuel capacity. Fuel is delivered to the torch lamp by a haulers as long as refueling is enabled. It cannot be "turned off" or paused, only deconstructed, in which case no wood is recovered, regardless of any "fuel" remaining.
If under the rain and unroofed, it consumes an additional 0.0006 wood per 1 tick (0.02 secs), or 37.5 wood per day. It therefore lasts for 0.53 days if in constant rain.
The darktorch differs from the torch lamp in that it does not count as "bright light" for the Lighting: Darklight Preferred precept. Instead, it gives those with the precept a +4 moodlet, and prevents surgery penalties for being in darkness. It is identical to the fungus darktorch except in that it burns wood instead of raw fungus.
It is generally not resource and work-time efficient to use once Electricity has been researched, however its grid independence and immunity to power outages and solar flares make it very useful in niche applications even beyond this point.
It consumes wood at a 3/4 the rate of a regular torch lamp - if the area requiring lighting is not large enough to require the additional radius of the torch lamp, this makes it more efficient to use the darktorch.
Version history[edit]
- Ideology DLC initial release - Added.