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A bowl-shaped furnishing used to hold a fire. Will light the surroundings and create heat.

Base Stats

15 kg
Path Cost
42 (24%)


Usable Item(s)
Wood Wood
Consumption Rate


1 × 1
pass through only
Cover Effectiveness
Terrain Affordance
Light Radius
Heat Per Second
Stops Heating At
23 °C (73.4 °F)


Required Research
Complex furniture
Work To Make
1,000 ticks (16.67 secs)
Stuff Tags
Metallic, Stony
Resources to make
Stuff 50
Deconstruct yield
Stuff 25
Destroy yield
Stuff 12 - 13

A brazier is a type of furniture which emits light and heat. Braziers are required for higher ranks of titles to make them happy. Braziers need to be consistently fueled to appease the nobles whose thronerooms contain them. It is also a meditation focus for psycasters.


Braziers can be constructed once the Complex furniture research project has been completed. Each requires Stuff 50 Stuff (Metallic/Stony, 500 for SVMs) and 1,000 ticks (16.67 secs) of work modified by the construction speed of the builder and the work to build factor and offset of the material.


The brazier consumes Wood 2 wood per day as long as it is lit, and consumes an additional Wood 0.0006 wood per 1 tick (0.02 secs), or a total of Wood 38 wood per day, if it is lit while unroofed in the rain. It can hold up to 30 fuel at a time, for a maximum run time of 15 days. Fuel is delivered to the brazier by a haulers as long as refueling is enabled. An uninstalled brazier both stops consuming fuel and retains its fuel level when reinstalled.

The white area (6 tiles out) is 50% illumination, required for best surgery success chance; the yellow (7th tile) represents 30% or better, adequate for all general labor, avoiding mood penalties, and for growing decorative plants indoors in plant pots.

A lit brazier outputs light in a 10 tile radius, with the nearest 7.175 tiles at or above 30% light level and considered "Lit", to a maximum of 50%. The provided light in this area is bright enough to prevent work speed penalties, grow decorative plants, and prevent the debuff "In darkness". However, braziers are not bright enough to grow most crops indoors, which require 51% illumination. Light does not "stack", so no amount of braziers will ever give more than 50% illumination (e.g. for rice plants, etc).

Lit braziers will also heat enclosed rooms to a maximum temperature of 23 °C (73.4 °F) at a rate of 3.5 heat per second.[Exact mechanic unclear].

Two lit braziers are required in the throne room of every noble of "Acolyte" rank or above.


Braziers are nearly identical to torch lamps; they output the same light radius and heat per second, with the same max temperature and fuel consumption. Braziers can hold 10 more wood and can be uninstalled, but require Stuff 50 Stuff (Metallic/Stony, 500 for SVMs) to make. You can uninstall the brazier as a time-consuming way to turn it off.

Braziers or darklight braziers Content added by the Ideology DLC are required for the aforementioned nobility. If the Ideology DLC is installed, then darklight braziers are the superior option; they have the exact same stats, including light radius, but consume 75% fuel.

Stats table

  • Brazier Brazier Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 002,500 ticks (41.67 secs) 160 0% 47 Silver
    Gold Gold 20 000,900 ticks (15 secs) 48 0% 5,005 Silver
    Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 006,140 ticks (1.71 mins) 136 0% 67 Silver
    Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 006,140 ticks (1.71 mins) 124 0% 67 Silver
    Marble blocks Marble blocks 1 005,640 ticks (1.57 mins) 96 0% 65 Silver
    Plasteel Plasteel 0 002,200 ticks (36.67 secs) 224 0% 460 Silver
    Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 005,140 ticks (1.43 mins) 112 0% 64 Silver
    Silver Silver 6 001,000 ticks (16.67 secs) 56 0% 505 Silver
    Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 006,140 ticks (1.71 mins) 104 0% 67 Silver
    Steel Steel 0 001,000 ticks (16.67 secs) 80 0% 99 Silver
    Jade Jade 10 005,000 ticks (1.39 mins) 40 0% 270 Silver
    Uranium Uranium 0 001,900 ticks (31.67 secs) 200 0% 305 Silver
  • Version history[edit]

    • ? - Added.
    • 1.5.4062 - Increased work to build from 100 to 1000. Hide meditation focus radius ring from braziers.