Wall lamp
Wall lamp
A wall-mounted lamp that lights an area using electricity. It is less powerful than a standing lamp, but can be mounted on walls.
Base Stats
- Mass
- 2 kg
- HP
- 35
- Flammability
- 100%
- Rotatable
- True
- Path Cost
- 0 (100%)
- Size
- 1 × 1
- Minifiable
- True
- Placeable
- True
- Passability
- standable
- Cover Effectiveness
- 20%
- Edifice
- false
- Power
- -30 W
- Light Radius
- 7.97
- Required Research
- Electricity
- Work To Make
- 330 ticks (5.5 secs)
- Destroy yield
- nothing
The wall lamp is wall-mounted piece of furniture that produces light. It is a wall-mounted equivalent to the standing lamp, providing less light in return for not taking up a tile.
Wall lamps can be constructed once the Electricity research project has been completed. Each requires 15 Steel and 330 ticks (5.5 secs) of work modified by the construction speed of the builder.
This section is a stub. You can help RimWorld Wiki by expanding it. Reason: 1) summary equivalent to Standing lamp 2) Explain wall mounting mechanics (what can it mount to - walls/natural stone/ore etc? What happens when the host object is destroyed, What can be placed below it, note its lack of pathcost etc.). Ensure parity with Wall lamp - templatize if necessary.. |

Wall lamps consume 30W* of power to produce light, with a maximum of 50% illumination in a small radius**. The provided light in this area is bright enough to prevent work speed penalties, grow decorative plants, and prevent the debuff "In darkness". However, wall lamps are not bright enough to grow most crops indoors, which require 51% illumination. Light does not "stack", so no amount of wall lamps will ever give more than 50% illumination (e.g. for rice plants, etc).
Wall lamps are a wall attachable building, requiring a wall in an adjacent tile in one of the four cardinal directions to support it. It can be attached to nearly any wall: artificial and natural. A single tile can hold up to four wall lamps, provided there is support. When there are multiple available walls to attach the lamp to, the building can be rotated to cycle between each wall. Deconstruction or destruction of the supporting wall will drop a minified wall lamp on the ground.
If the Ideology DLC is enabled, wall lamps can be set to darklight mode, which will please Ideoligions that prefer darkness.
Wall lamps can be uninstalled freely. Unlike most other powered structures, the lamp will not short circuit when unroofed in the rain.
- (* Initially; this drops to 15 watts with Advanced Lights, see below)
- (** 5 tiles diagonally, 7-8 orthogonally depending how you measure - see image, left)
Advanced lights[edit]
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With the Advanced Lights research, the power cost of wall lamps are halved, to 15W of power. Lights can also be changed to a variety of different colors, which have no gameplay effect. Wall lamps of different colors will blend together.
Its main advantage is that it doesn't hinder movement, and allows for practically any non wall building to occupy the same tile, saving the usual tile occupied by a standing lamp. Compared to the standing lamp, it produces light in a smaller radius (≈9 -> ≈8 tiles), costs less steel to construct (20 -> 15), and takes 30 ticks (300 -> 330) more work to make. Both lamps consume the same amount of power.
This section relates to content added by Ideology (DLC). Please note that it will not be present without the DLC enabled. |
Ideoligions allow the selection of styles which then change the texture of the certain items and buildings when constructed by the colony. These style variants can be crafted if the colony has the selected style, or can be looted from raiders from factions with the requisite style.
Version history[edit]
- 1.5.4062 - Added.