Persona monosword

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Persona monosword

Persona monosword

A crystal-metallic longsword infused with mechanites that maintain a mono-molecular cutting edge. It cuts through even thick armor with ease, and its light weight permits fast attacks.
This weapon has an onboard persona that can bond to only a single person. The wielder and intelligent weapon can synchronize their reflexes and attack with frightening speed, accuracy, and creativity. Once bonded to a wielder, the weapon's persona will refuse to be wielded by anyone else.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Weapon Class
Market Value
3000 Silver
2 kg

Ranged Combat


Melee Combat

Melee Attack 1
12 dmg (Blunt)
18% AP
1.6 seconds cooldown
Melee Attack 2 
27 dmg (Stab)
90% AP
1.6 seconds cooldown
Melee Attack 3 
27 dmg (Cut)
90% AP
1.6 seconds cooldown
Melee Average DPS
Melee Average AP

The persona monosword is a DLC melee weapon added by the Royalty DLC that does a large amount of damage, has a fairly short cooldown, and deals sharp damage, it also boasts one of the highest armor penetration values for melee weapons in the game. It is the persona weapon variant of the monosword.

It has a great advantage against armored targets and cause opponents to bleed out fairly quickly as the persona monosword lops off limbs with fair ease.


Persona monoswords cannot be crafted. Instead, they can be purchased from any combat supplier or war merchant, at Empire faction bases, or obtained as a quest reward.

They can also be found on the following raider kinds:

Raider Kind Chance Average Quality Health
Imperial Citizen ? ? 100%
Stellic Warden ? Excellent 100%
Knight/Dame ? Excellent 100%
Praetor ? Excellent 100%
Baron/Baroness ? Excellent 100%
Count/Countess ? Excellent 100%
Duke/Duchess ? Excellent 100%
Consul ? Excellent 100%
Stellarch ? Excellent 100%


Persona mechanics

Persona weapons form a psychic bond with the first wielder that equips them. The weapon must be destroyed for a wielder to bond to another persona weapon. Without the Freewielder trait, the wielder must die for the weapon to be held by another. The bond remains broken if the wielder is resurrected, though they can relink with the weapon. When bonded, persona weapons have no value, both for trade and for the purposes of raid points.

Each individual persona weapon has randomly generated custom name, and a certain combination of traits, listed in #Persona traits.

Persona weapons are also superior to their baseline versions in terms of combat.


Unlike other ultratech weapons, the monosword has no special mechanics. Instead it simply has excellent stats coupled with an extraordinarily high AP for its Point and Edge attacks. Namely it has a base AP of 90%, as opposed to the 41% that would otherwise be expected from a weapon with the same, already high, damage. This higher AP also scales with quality, improving at the same rate as all other weapons.


Compared to their base monosword, persona monoswords boast both a higher damage and faster cooldown on their edge and point attacks, resulting in a significantly higher DPS. This comes at the cost of only being used by a single pawn unless they have the Freewielder trait. Additionally, the persona variant has the effect on verb selection at high qualities as described below unlike the base variant.

Unlike the two other persona weapons, the persona plasmasword and the persona zeushammer, the persona monosword inflicts no status effect, instead it has its disproportionately large armor piercing value. With this exceptional AP and a high Damage per Second, it is one of the best and most versatile melee weapons in the game, performing well against all targets while its brethren excel in specific roles.

Keep in mind however that while it does have exceptional AP, armor pieces tend to be more protective against sharp than blunt. Thus, against high tier armors that aren't negated by the either weapon's AP, the persona monosword is more affected by armor than the persona zeushammer of the same quality. For example, a normal quality persona zeushammer would have a higher effective DPS against a normal quality set of Cataphract armor than a normal quality persona monosword. When the persona monosword AP is sufficient to outright negate the armor, such as against a poor flak vest, then the superior optimal DPS of the persona monosword would win out.

Melee verb selection at high quality

Melee verbs, i.e. the types of melee attacks performed by a pawn, are chosen by assigning them attacks into categories, based on their relative strength and AP compared to the strongest attack. These categories are: "best" (75%), "mid" (25%), and "worst" (0%). This system is not calculated for the in-game weapon info.

At Masterwork quality or higher, the persona monosword has the unique distinction of having primary attacks strong enough that all other attacks are relegated to the "worst" category, ensuring that the user only makes attacks with the blade. This results in a 40.3% increase in DPS when going from Excellent to Masterwork, significantly above the normal 20.8% from the quality increase alone. It also increases the effective AP in a similar way, ensuring that only the best armored enemies will ever take no damage from an attack that hits. Ironically, when wielded by a pawn with the Strong Melee DamageContent added by the Biotech DLC gene, the lower-damage secondary attack is brought back into the "mid" category for Masterwork and Legendary monoswords, negating this advantage.

This increase in DPS and AP also places masterwork and legendary monoswords in a clear lead over all other melee weapons of any quality when it comes to pure damage output, however the extent of that superiority when the effects of different damage types are considered has not been adequately tested.[Needs testing]

Attack table

Feature Toggle
AttacksRitual Quality Check Off.pngRitual Quality Check On.png
  • Persona monosword Persona monosword Handle (Blunt) Point (Stab) Edge (Cut) Human: Left & rigth fist (Blunt) HP Value
    DPS[1] AP[1] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2] Dam. Cool. AP DPS Chance[2]
    Awful 11.63 57.6% 9.6 1.6s 14.4% 6 25% 21.6 1.6s 72% 13.5 37.5% 21.6 1.6s 72% 13.5 37.5% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 100 1500 Silver
    Poor 13.08 64.8% 10.8 1.6s 16.2% 6.75 25% 24.3 1.6s 81% 15.19 37.5% 24.3 1.6s 81% 15.19 37.5% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 100 2250 Silver
    Normal 14.53 72% 12 1.6s 18% 7.5 25% 27 1.6s 90% 16.88 37.5% 27 1.6s 90% 16.88 37.5% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 100 3000 Silver
    Good 15.98 79.2% 13.2 1.6s 19.8% 8.25 25% 29.7 1.6s 99% 18.56 37.5% 29.7 1.6s 99% 18.56 37.5% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 100 3500 Silver
    Excellent 17.44 86.4% 14.4 1.6s 21.6% 9 25% 32.4 1.6s 108% 20.25 37.5% 32.4 1.6s 108% 20.25 37.5% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 100 4000 Silver
    Masterwork 24.47 130.5% 17.4 1.6s 26.1% 10.88 0% 39.15 1.6s 130.5% 24.47 50% 39.15 1.6s 130.5% 24.47 50% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 100 5000 Silver
    Legendary 27.84 148.5% 19.8 1.6s 29.7% 12.38 0% 44.55 1.6s 148.5% 27.84 50% 44.55 1.6s 148.5% 27.84 50% 8.2 2s 12% 4.1 0% 100 6000 Silver

    For the full effects of qualities, see Quality.

    1. 1.0 1.1 Note: This is the actual base average derived from the melee verb system updated in 1.1.2610, it may sometimes disagree with the listed value in the in-game infobox.
      It may also change depending on the stats and the melee verbs available to the wielder if the weapon is wielded by some other than a baseline human.
    2. Chance for attack to be selected, assuming the weapon is wielded by a baseline human. It may change depending on the melee verbs available to the wielder

    {{Persona traits}

    Version history

    • Royalty DLC release - Addedas Linked monosword.
    • 1.1.2647 - Linked monoswords renamed to persona monoswords and no longer damaged relations with the Empire without the necessary titles. Previously, a title of Knight or Dame was required.
    • 1.2.2719 - Persona monosword damage reduced from 29 to 27.