A biological human liver. Plays an important role in metabolism.
Base Stats
- Type
- Medical Items – Body Parts
- Mass
- 2 kg
- HP
- 50
- Flammability
- 100%
- thingCategories
- BodyPartsNatural
The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile. This helps carry away waste products from the liver. All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver accounts for up to 100% of a person's blood filtration along with the kidneys, and 50% of a person's metabolism. Destruction of the liver is instantly fatal.
Kidney items are harvested from live humans through surgery. It must be perfectly healthy in order to obtain the item. This bill requires 1 of any type of medicine to perform. Success chance is dependent on a number of factors, including bed quality, room cleanliness, and doctor skill - specifically the doctor's Medical Surgery Success Chance.
Removing a liver from a guest decreases faction goodwill by -160 (-80 for unnecessary surgery, -80 from murder), so it is very likely to make them hostile.
Because removing the liver is invariably fatal, removing it will potentially give tremendous mood penalties, which all stack:
- -5 for "Colonist organ harvested" (any organ)
- -6 for "Colonist organ-harvested" (fatal organ harvesting)
- -4 for "Observed corpse"
- -5 for "Witnessed ally's death"
- = -20
Pawns with the Bloodlust and Psychopath trait, or those with an Ideoligion with Organ Use: Acceptable are not affected by the harvesting of other people.
Livers can also be acquired through trading with faction settlements or Exotic Goods traders.
Livers are a vital part for humans; losing one will instantly kill them. Livers account for 100% of Blood Filtration and 50% of Metabolism.
Blood Filtration has a 0.1x effect on Consciousness, so losing 90% of the liver means -9% Consciousness, which affects a wide variety of stats. It also has a 0.5x effect on Immunity Gain Speed, so a damaged liver will make diseases much more deadly. Finally, damage to Metabolism reduces the Rest Rate Multiplier, which makes a pawn sleep for longer periods to become fully rested.
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Installing the part requires 2,500 ticks (41.67 secs) of work, ?x medicine of ?? quality or better, and a Medical skill of 5.
Removing the part requires ? of work, ?x medicine of ?? quality or better, and a Medical skill of ?.
If the operation fails, the part has a chance[What Chance?] to be destroyed.
Harvesting from a guest will inflict massive goodwill penalties, and harvesting from a colonist will bring even more mood penalties, so simply steal organs from a prisoner. If you want a colonist dead, it's best to imprison them first.
Total destruction of the liver is instantly fatal, while Consciousness and Immunity Gain Speed are important stats. Thus, you should replace damaged livers on valuable colonists as soon as possible.
Livers are worth 500, worth exactly the same as a heart. However, the heart can be replaced by a prosthetic heart; by installing the prosthetic, you can obtain both the heart and the liver.
As a completely removed liver/heart will kill a colonist, it's best to harvest a kidney and lung, before taking the liver. This is worth 1,000 +
900 +
1,200 =
1150, before accounting for Market Price or the prosthetic heart. This comes at the usual mood penalties, unless you have a colony filled with Psychopaths or a favorable Ideoligion
Version history
- 0.7.581 - Item form added, and now harvestable.