Fleshmass lung

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Fleshmass lung

Fleshmass lung

A cancerous mass of semi-sentient flesh. The tissue constantly regrows and replaces itself, making it immune to effects like lung rot and asthma.
The organ has its own neural structures and may become dangerous if removed.

Base Stats

Medical ItemsBody Parts

The fleshmass lung is a body part added by the Anomaly DLC that replaces a human lung and provides enhanced resistance to some effects and, if the Biotech DLC is active, toxic environment resistance.Content added by the Biotech DLC


Like other mutated body parts, the Fleshmass lung can not be harvested from a pawn. But pawns can start with one in the Anomaly starting scenario.

Twisted obelisk[edit]

The Fleshmass lung is one of the options for random mutation that may be selected by the twisted obelisk during either random activation or intentional mutation.

Random activations only occur when suppressing or studying the obelisk, and happen on average every 24 hours spent doing so. Should a body part mutation be selected as the outcome, it will target the pawn studying or suppressing the obelisk, instantly replacing the normal version of the part. There is a ~16.7% chance for the Fleshmass lung to be selected as the outcome. See the twisted obelisk page for further information on other possible outcomes.

Intentional mutations can be performed once the obelisk has been sufficiently studied and are triggered and targeted by the player. A single non-ghoul human[Verify] pawn[Colonist only?] can be targeted for mutation, after which there is a 5 day cooldown. There is a 25% chance for the Fleshmass lung to be selected as the outcome.

Regardless of source, mutations cannot replace artificial body parts or existing fleshmass parts, and the mutation attempt will fail with no other effect should such a part be randomly targeted. Note that that any cooldowns will still be enforced. Mutations can replace missing body parts however.


The fleshmass lung replace the user's organic lung. The fleshmass lung has a part efficiency of 100%. This fully replaces the functionality of a normal lung but provides no direct enhancement - when coupled with the lung body part having a Breathing importance of 50%, it results in an increase in breathing of up to 50% when replacing a missing or totally inoperable lung. Breathing, in turn, affects Moving, Consciousness if below 100%, and Rest Rate Multiplier.

Fleshmass lungs are also fully immune to asthma and lung rot and will cure these aliments in that lung. Additionally, if the Biotech DLC is active, also increases their Toxic Environment ResistanceContent added by the Biotech DLC by +30%. This reduces the amount of toxic buildup from toxic fallout, tox gas,Content added by the Biotech DLC and pollutionContent added by the Biotech DLC by 30%. Replacing both lungs stacks to the maximum of +60% resistance. Note that it does not prevent the other effects of tox gas.

A fleshmass lung inflicts +6% pain on its bearer. With no other sources of pain, this is insufficient to inflict any Consciousness penalties but does inflict a −5/+5/+3 moodlet for normal, masochist, and Pain IdealizingContent added by the Ideology DLC pawns respectively. These thoughts do not stack, with the most positive taking precedent.

Finally, for psycasters,Content added by the Royalty DLC pain also adds a multiplier of 100% + 3 × Pain percentage to Neural Heat Recovery Rate, or ×118% assuming no other sources of pain besides the lung.

Note that the effects of pain on mood and consciousness are not strictly linear, and the values may be different for pawns with other sources of pain. See the Pain article for details.

Note that the fleshmass lung has no item form.


Spawns a fleshbeast when removed - the fleshbeast spawns stunned initially.

Removing the part requires ???? of work, 1x medicine of herbal quality or better, and has no Medical skill requirements.


In terms of effectiveness, Fleshmass lungs are typically inferior to the Detoxifier lung.Content added by the Biotech DLC However, they are effectively free upgrades, requiring only to wait for the cooldown and patience with the RNG. For colonists with the masochist trait or a colony with the Pain: Idealized precept,Content added by the Ideology DLC the pain that comes from the Fleshmass Lungs might even make them preferable to Detoxifier Lungs.

Breathing Right lung
No lung Asthma2 Organic lung Fleshmass lungContent added by the Anomaly DLC Detoxifier lungContent added by the Biotech DLC
Left lung
No lung 00%1 25% 035% 045% 050% 050% 055%
Asthma2 25% 50% 060% 070% 075% 075% 080%
35% 60% 070% 080% 085% 085% 090%
45% 70% 080% 090% 095% 095% 100%
Organic lung 50% 75% 085% 095% 100% 100% 105%
Fleshmass lungContent added by the Anomaly DLC 50% 75% 085% 095% 100% 100% 105%
Detoxifier lungContent added by the Biotech DLC 55% 80% 090% 100% 105% 105% 110%

1 Barring special cases, this means death of the pawn.

2 The order is from most severe (≥45% severity) to least severe.

Version history[edit]