Toxic Environment Resistance

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Toxic Environment Resistance is a stat: How resistant this creature is to the effects of environmental toxins. This protects against toxic fallout and rot stink exposure, but not against direct attacks with venom or injected poison. Its minimum allowed value is 0%. Its maximum allowed value is 100%. Its default value is 0%.

Thus, a pawn with a 50% toxic environment resistance would take half the toxic buildup severity increase tox gas or half the rot stink severity from corpses, but would take all the toxic build-up from a cobra's bite. A pawn with 50% Toxic Resistance would instead take half the toxic buildup from both the tox gas and the cobra's bite, but would take all the rot stink severity.

Humans and most creatures have a base value of 0% resistance. The following exceptions apply:

Note that this is in addition to any toxic resistance they may have.

Also note that many references to the resistance are keyed to the Biotech DLC being present, despite the stat being defined in Core. It is currently unclear what the effect of this is.



  • Animal CollapseToxic Environment Resistance
    Human 0
    Megascarab 0.8
    Megaspider 0.8
    Spelopede 0.8
    Noctol Content added by the Anomaly DLC 1
    Toxalope Content added by the Biotech DLC 1
    Waste rat Content added by the Biotech DLC 1
  • Offsets[edit]

    Stat Def Data[edit]

    Def Name
    Label For Full Stat List
    Offset Label
    Description Category Parameters Complex
    • Def Name:
    • Label:
      toxic environment resistance
    How resistant this creature is to the effects of environmental toxins. This protects against toxic fallout and rot stink exposure, but not against direct attacks with venom or injected poison.
    • Display Order:
    • Def Name:
    • Label:
    • Display All By Default:
    • To String Style: PercentZero
    • Default Base Value: 0%
    • Min Value: 0%
    • Max Value: 100%
    - 3450

    Version history[edit]