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(Add path cost)
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| cover = 0.5
| cover = 0.5
| flammability = 1.0
| flammability = 1.0
| path cost = 50
| styledominance = 20
| styledominance = 20
| production facility 1 = Art bench
| production facility 1 = Art bench

Latest revision as of 00:58, 28 December 2024

Large sculpture

Large sculpture

A person-sized piece of material sculpted into an artistic form.

Base Stats

7 kg
Style Dominance
Path Cost
50 (21%)


1 × 1
Cover Effectiveness


Crafted At
Art bench
Work To Make
30,000 ticks (8.33 mins)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Stuff Tags
Metallic, Woody, Stony
Resources to make
Stuff 100
Has Quality

Large sculptures are the middle of the three beauty-oriented sculptures in cost and beauty. The other two are:


Large sculptures can be crafted at an art bench, each requiring Stuff 100 Stuff (Metallic/Woody/Stony, 1000 for SMVs) and 30,000 ticks (8.33 mins) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter and the work to make factor of the material. Unlike most crafted items, the quality of the sculpture depends on the artistic skill of the sculptor.


Sculptures have a high base beauty rating, which is modified by the sculpture's material and quality. All sculptures have a 1.1x Sell Price Multiplier, making them sell for more when compared to other items of the same market value.

Similar to items of high quality, all sculptures will have descriptions of the art work they depict randomly generated for them. For further details, see the Sculptures page.


Pawns with the Artistic meditation focus type can use sculptures in a 10-tile radius to increase psyfocus. This includes all pawns who are not Tribal or Ascetic.

The highest quality sculpture is the primary source of psyfocus:

Quality Awful Poor Normal Good Excellent Masterwork Legendary
Base Strength +12% +16% +20% +22% +24% +26% +28%

The other, surrounding sculptures give a much smaller boost:

Quality Awful Poor Normal Good Excellent Masterwork Legendary
Strength Offset +0% +0% +1% +1% +1% +2% +2%

The maximum meditation focus strength is thus 44% for a legendary sculpture surrounded by 8 additional sculptures of masterwork or legendary quality.


Sculptures can quickly increase the Impressiveness of a room through Wealth and Beauty, in addition to fulfilling the actual beauty need. Certain rooms give increasing mood buffs for being more impressive:

  • Dining room
  • Rec room
  • Bedroom (inc. Barrack, Prison Room)
  • Hospital
  • Throne room Content added by the Royalty DLC & Ritual room Content added by the Ideology DLC

Other than these rooms, place art where pawns will stay for a long time, such as work stations. For extra efficiency, you can combine these rooms to make the most out of the sculptures. If Dining, Recreation, and Work all happen in the same room, then the same sculpture can apply to all 3 rooms, in addition to the general increase to Wealth.

Note that sculptures increase a room's beauty rating from anywhere inside, but will only fulfill the beauty need when in an 8-tile radius from a pawn.

Which sculpture to create[edit]

An initial consideration is the material the sculpture is to be constructed from - some materials, namely Gold, Marble blocks, Silver, Jade, have a beauty offset. This offset is added after the beauty multiplier and only applied once per item. As such, there is an advantage in beauty per tile for large sculptures over grand sculptures when made of one of those materials. For example, Jade has beauty factor of 2.5 and an offset of 10. As such a Jade grand sculpture would have a total beauty of (400 × 2.5) + 10 or 1010. Conversely, the 4 large sculptures you could construct with the same materials would have a total beauty of 1040. In a similar vein, there is an advantage in beauty per material for small sculptures and, to a lesser extent, large sculptures. The effects of this offset are most visible at lower qualities, and the other factors in choosing a sculpture size are usually more relevant, however, it should be considered if one of the aforementioned materials will be used.

Small sculptures are the worst for beauty. For each point of beauty, they require the most work and take up the most space. Yet, because small sculptures take the most work, they have the highest Market Value per material. Therefore, small sculptures are the most profitable to sell per material. Small sculptures also have another advantage when selling: quality is a multiplier to market value, but can only increase value up to a flat cap. Small sculptures, especially of gold or silver, are less impacted by the cap than the larger sculptures. Plus, traders likely won't have enough money to afford a masterwork grand sculpture.

Conversely, large and grand sculptures are better to actually place around your base. Both are equally as space efficient (before rounding). You can place 4 large sculptures in 4 separate locations, as opposed in a grand sculpture needing a 2x2 space. This makes large sculptures a better solution for bedrooms and other smaller rooms, and a more flexible option generally.

Making grand sculptures exhibits a greater risk - if it turns out awful, you've had wasted 4 sculpture's worth of time. Conversely, grand sculptures are the best when you have inspired creativity, assuming you can actually complete it. It may be wise to work on a grand sculpture, suspend it before it's completed, and finish it once the inspiration hits. Grand sculptures are also the most wealth efficient way to provide beauty of all sculptures, due to the aforementioned market value cap. A gold grand sculpture costs 40340 Silver at Normal quality and 43340 Silver at Legendary quality, an increase of 3000 Silver. Four large sculptures would cost 40380 Silver at Normal quality and 52380 Silver at Legendary quality, an increase of 12000 Silver.

Stats table

Feature Toggle
QualityRitual Quality Check Off.pngRitual Quality Check On.png
  • Large sculpture Large sculpture Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Quality Material
    Awful Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC -2 075,000 ticks (20.83 mins) 300 75% 173 Silver
    Awful Gold Gold -42 027,000 ticks (7.5 mins) 90 40% 5,050 Silver
    Awful Granite blocks Granite blocks -10 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 255 0% 115 Silver
    Awful Limestone blocks Limestone blocks -10 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 233 0% 115 Silver
    Awful Marble blocks Marble blocks -14 034,500 ticks (9.58 mins) 180 0% 107 Silver
    Awful Plasteel Plasteel -10 066,000 ticks (18.33 mins) 420 0% 570 Silver
    Awful Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks -11 033,000 ticks (9.17 mins) 210 0% 104 Silver
    Awful Silver Silver -21 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 105 40% 555 Silver
    Awful Slate blocks Slate blocks -11 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 195 0% 115 Silver
    Awful Steel Steel -10 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 150 40% 149 Silver
    Awful Jade Jade -26 042,000 ticks (11.67 mins) 75 0% 325 Silver
    Awful Uranium Uranium -5 057,000 ticks (15.83 mins) 375 0% 405 Silver
    Awful Wood Wood -10 021,000 ticks (5.83 mins) 98 100% 98 Silver
    Poor Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 12 075,000 ticks (20.83 mins) 300 75% 260 Silver
    Poor Gold Gold 210 027,000 ticks (7.5 mins) 90 40% 7,575 Silver
    Poor Granite blocks Granite blocks 50 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 255 0% 173 Silver
    Poor Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 50 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 233 0% 173 Silver
    Poor Marble blocks Marble blocks 68 034,500 ticks (9.58 mins) 180 0% 161 Silver
    Poor Plasteel Plasteel 50 066,000 ticks (18.33 mins) 420 0% 855 Silver
    Poor Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 55 033,000 ticks (9.17 mins) 210 0% 157 Silver
    Poor Silver Silver 103 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 105 40% 830 Silver
    Poor Slate blocks Slate blocks 55 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 195 0% 173 Silver
    Poor Steel Steel 50 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 150 40% 225 Silver
    Poor Jade Jade 130 042,000 ticks (11.67 mins) 75 0% 490 Silver
    Poor Uranium Uranium 25 057,000 ticks (15.83 mins) 375 0% 605 Silver
    Poor Wood Wood 50 021,000 ticks (5.83 mins) 98 100% 147 Silver
    Normal Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 25 075,000 ticks (20.83 mins) 300 75% 345 Silver
    Normal Gold Gold 420 027,000 ticks (7.5 mins) 90 40% 10,095 Silver
    Normal Granite blocks Granite blocks 100 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 255 0% 230 Silver
    Normal Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 100 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 233 0% 230 Silver
    Normal Marble blocks Marble blocks 136 034,500 ticks (9.58 mins) 180 0% 215 Silver
    Normal Plasteel Plasteel 100 066,000 ticks (18.33 mins) 420 0% 1,140 Silver
    Normal Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 110 033,000 ticks (9.17 mins) 210 0% 210 Silver
    Normal Silver Silver 206 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 105 40% 1,110 Silver
    Normal Slate blocks Slate blocks 110 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 195 0% 230 Silver
    Normal Steel Steel 100 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 150 40% 300 Silver
    Normal Jade Jade 260 042,000 ticks (11.67 mins) 75 0% 650 Silver
    Normal Uranium Uranium 50 057,000 ticks (15.83 mins) 375 0% 805 Silver
    Normal Wood Wood 100 021,000 ticks (5.83 mins) 98 100% 196 Silver
    Good Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 50 075,000 ticks (20.83 mins) 300 75% 430 Silver
    Good Gold Gold 840 027,000 ticks (7.5 mins) 90 40% 10,595 Silver
    Good Granite blocks Granite blocks 200 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 255 0% 290 Silver
    Good Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 200 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 233 0% 290 Silver
    Good Marble blocks Marble blocks 272 034,500 ticks (9.58 mins) 180 0% 270 Silver
    Good Plasteel Plasteel 200 066,000 ticks (18.33 mins) 420 0% 1,420 Silver
    Good Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 220 033,000 ticks (9.17 mins) 210 0% 260 Silver
    Good Silver Silver 412 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 105 40% 1,385 Silver
    Good Slate blocks Slate blocks 220 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 195 0% 290 Silver
    Good Steel Steel 200 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 150 40% 370 Silver
    Good Jade Jade 520 042,000 ticks (11.67 mins) 75 0% 815 Silver
    Good Uranium Uranium 100 057,000 ticks (15.83 mins) 375 0% 1,005 Silver
    Good Wood Wood 200 021,000 ticks (5.83 mins) 98 100% 245 Silver
    Excellent Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 75 075,000 ticks (20.83 mins) 300 75% 515 Silver
    Excellent Gold Gold 1260 027,000 ticks (7.5 mins) 90 40% 11,095 Silver
    Excellent Granite blocks Granite blocks 300 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 255 0% 345 Silver
    Excellent Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 300 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 233 0% 345 Silver
    Excellent Marble blocks Marble blocks 408 034,500 ticks (9.58 mins) 180 0% 320 Silver
    Excellent Plasteel Plasteel 300 066,000 ticks (18.33 mins) 420 0% 1,705 Silver
    Excellent Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 330 033,000 ticks (9.17 mins) 210 0% 315 Silver
    Excellent Silver Silver 618 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 105 40% 1,660 Silver
    Excellent Slate blocks Slate blocks 330 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 195 0% 345 Silver
    Excellent Steel Steel 300 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 150 40% 445 Silver
    Excellent Jade Jade 780 042,000 ticks (11.67 mins) 75 0% 975 Silver
    Excellent Uranium Uranium 150 057,000 ticks (15.83 mins) 375 0% 1,210 Silver
    Excellent Wood Wood 300 021,000 ticks (5.83 mins) 98 100% 295 Silver
    Masterwork Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 125 075,000 ticks (20.83 mins) 300 75% 860 Silver
    Masterwork Gold Gold 2100 027,000 ticks (7.5 mins) 90 40% 12,095 Silver
    Masterwork Granite blocks Granite blocks 500 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 255 0% 575 Silver
    Masterwork Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 500 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 233 0% 575 Silver
    Masterwork Marble blocks Marble blocks 680 034,500 ticks (9.58 mins) 180 0% 535 Silver
    Masterwork Plasteel Plasteel 500 066,000 ticks (18.33 mins) 420 0% 2,845 Silver
    Masterwork Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 550 033,000 ticks (9.17 mins) 210 0% 520 Silver
    Masterwork Silver Silver 1030 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 105 40% 2,770 Silver
    Masterwork Slate blocks Slate blocks 550 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 195 0% 575 Silver
    Masterwork Steel Steel 500 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 150 40% 745 Silver
    Masterwork Jade Jade 1300 042,000 ticks (11.67 mins) 75 0% 1,630 Silver
    Masterwork Uranium Uranium 250 057,000 ticks (15.83 mins) 375 0% 2,015 Silver
    Masterwork Wood Wood 500 021,000 ticks (5.83 mins) 98 100% 490 Silver
    Legendary Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 200 075,000 ticks (20.83 mins) 300 75% 1,725 Silver
    Legendary Gold Gold 3360 027,000 ticks (7.5 mins) 90 40% 13,095 Silver
    Legendary Granite blocks Granite blocks 800 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 255 0% 1,150 Silver
    Legendary Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 800 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 233 0% 1,150 Silver
    Legendary Marble blocks Marble blocks 1088 034,500 ticks (9.58 mins) 180 0% 1,070 Silver
    Legendary Plasteel Plasteel 800 066,000 ticks (18.33 mins) 420 0% 4,140 Silver
    Legendary Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 880 033,000 ticks (9.17 mins) 210 0% 1,045 Silver
    Legendary Silver Silver 1648 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 105 40% 4,110 Silver
    Legendary Slate blocks Slate blocks 880 039,000 ticks (10.83 mins) 195 0% 1,150 Silver
    Legendary Steel Steel 800 030,000 ticks (8.33 mins) 150 40% 1,490 Silver
    Legendary Jade Jade 2080 042,000 ticks (11.67 mins) 75 0% 3,255 Silver
    Legendary Uranium Uranium 400 057,000 ticks (15.83 mins) 375 0% 3,805 Silver
    Legendary Wood Wood 800 021,000 ticks (5.83 mins) 98 100% 980 Silver
  • Variants[edit]


    Ideoligions allow the selection of styles which then change the texture of the certain items and buildings when constructed by the colony. These style variants can be crafted if the colony has the selected style.

    Version history[edit]

    • 0.9.722 - Sculptures now have sizes - small, large, and grand.
    • Beta 19 - Mass 10kg -> 7kg
    • 1.1.2654 - Increase psyfocus gain of sculptures by 2, up to a max of 28 at legendary quality.
    • Ideology DLC Release - Received styles via new Ideoligion style system.