Les personnages peuvent être plus ou moins efficaces selon les abilités suivantes :
- Construction
- Cuisine
- Jardinage
- Recherche
- Minage
- Combat Arme à feu
- Combat en mélée
- Social
Current version
The most current PC version in our database is: 1.5.4297
The most current console version in our database is: 1.23
Is this not correct? Please feel free to update it yourself, or let us know on the Rimworld Discord!
Past PC versions
All public versions can be found in the expanding table below. All past versions including Internal, Public, Silent, Hotfixes, Release, Alpha & Beta versions, can be found on the Category:Version page.
If there is a version that is missing, please feel free to add it! Just don't forget to tag the page with the Version Category!
Past console versions
All past console versions can be found on the Category:Console version page. This has a list of every version tagged by that category.
If there is a version that is missing, please feel free to add it! Just don't forget to tag the page with the Console version Category!
Version | Release Date |
Console version/1.23 | 12 May 2023 |
Console version/1.22 | 4 May 2023 |
Console version/1.21 | 25 April 2023 |
Console version/1.11 | 8 December 2022 |
Console version/1.10 | 29 September 2022 |
Console version/1.09 | 21 September 2022 |
Console version/1.08 | 25 August 2022 |
Console version/1.07 | 10 August 2022 |
Console version/1.06 | 4 August 2022 |
Current version
The most current PC version in our database is: 1.5.4297
The most current console version in our database is: 1.23
Is this not correct? Please feel free to update it yourself, or let us know on the Rimworld Discord!
Past PC versions
All public versions can be found in the expanding table below. All past versions including Internal, Public, Silent, Hotfixes, Release, Alpha & Beta versions, can be found on the Category:Version page.
If there is a version that is missing, please feel free to add it! Just don't forget to tag the page with the Version Category!
Past console versions
All past console versions can be found on the Category:Console version page. This has a list of every version tagged by that category.
If there is a version that is missing, please feel free to add it! Just don't forget to tag the page with the Console version Category!
Version | Release Date |
Console version/1.23 | 12 May 2023 |
Console version/1.22 | 4 May 2023 |
Console version/1.21 | 25 April 2023 |
Console version/1.11 | 8 December 2022 |
Console version/1.10 | 29 September 2022 |
Console version/1.09 | 21 September 2022 |
Console version/1.08 | 25 August 2022 |
Console version/1.07 | 10 August 2022 |
Console version/1.06 | 4 August 2022 |
Abilités pas encore implémentées :
- Médecine
- Arts
- Fabrication
Le score de base dans chaque abilité est de 3, avec un minimum de 0 sans limite maximale. Chaque point ajoute différents bonus aux abilités :
- Les abilités en rapport avec le travail ont un bonus de vitesse de 10%
- Le tir à l'arme à feu donne 0.20% de chance en moins de rater sa cible, chaque mètre.
- Le combat à main nu donne ~2.1% chances de plus de toucher
- Social donne 10% d'impact supplémentaire sur les relations, 25% de chance supplémentaires de recruter un bon profil, et un bonus de ~0.5% de vendre et acheter des améliorations à travers les négociations.
Un personnage peut avoir des abilités utilisables avec un score de 0, ou une abilité non utilisable (À cause de son histoire passée) avec un score supérieur à 0.
Current version
The most current PC version in our database is: 1.5.4297
The most current console version in our database is: 1.23
Is this not correct? Please feel free to update it yourself, or let us know on the Rimworld Discord!
Past PC versions
All public versions can be found in the expanding table below. All past versions including Internal, Public, Silent, Hotfixes, Release, Alpha & Beta versions, can be found on the Category:Version page.
If there is a version that is missing, please feel free to add it! Just don't forget to tag the page with the Version Category!
Past console versions
All past console versions can be found on the Category:Console version page. This has a list of every version tagged by that category.
If there is a version that is missing, please feel free to add it! Just don't forget to tag the page with the Console version Category!
Version | Release Date |
Console version/1.23 | 12 May 2023 |
Console version/1.22 | 4 May 2023 |
Console version/1.21 | 25 April 2023 |
Console version/1.11 | 8 December 2022 |
Console version/1.10 | 29 September 2022 |
Console version/1.09 | 21 September 2022 |
Console version/1.08 | 25 August 2022 |
Console version/1.07 | 10 August 2022 |
Console version/1.06 | 4 August 2022 |
Current version
The most current PC version in our database is: 1.5.4297
The most current console version in our database is: 1.23
Is this not correct? Please feel free to update it yourself, or let us know on the Rimworld Discord!
Past PC versions
All public versions can be found in the expanding table below. All past versions including Internal, Public, Silent, Hotfixes, Release, Alpha & Beta versions, can be found on the Category:Version page.
If there is a version that is missing, please feel free to add it! Just don't forget to tag the page with the Version Category!
Past console versions
All past console versions can be found on the Category:Console version page. This has a list of every version tagged by that category.
If there is a version that is missing, please feel free to add it! Just don't forget to tag the page with the Console version Category!
Version | Release Date |
Console version/1.23 | 12 May 2023 |
Console version/1.22 | 4 May 2023 |
Console version/1.21 | 25 April 2023 |
Console version/1.11 | 8 December 2022 |
Console version/1.10 | 29 September 2022 |
Console version/1.09 | 21 September 2022 |
Console version/1.08 | 25 August 2022 |
Console version/1.07 | 10 August 2022 |
Console version/1.06 | 4 August 2022 |
Code Specifics:</translate>
ConstructionSpeedBase = 0.5 ConstructionSpeedPctPerLevel = 0.15 GrowingSpeedBase = 0.2 GrowingSpeedPctBonusPerLevel = 0.12 LearnRateGlobalMultiplier = 1.1 MiningSpeedBase = 0.5 MiningSpeedPctPerLevel = 0.15 RecruitChancePerLevel = 0.05 ResearchSpeedBase = 0.1 ResearchSpeedPctPerLevel = 0.15 SocialEffectBonusPctPerLevel = 0.1 TradeablePriceImprovementPerLevel = 0.005 XpPerBurstFiredInAnger = 200 XpPerBurstFiredNeutralPawn = 50 XpPerBurstFiredPractice = 10 XpPerHarvestGrowing = 50 XpPerIncidentalSocialInteraction = 4 XpPerMeleeHit = 100 XpPerPickHitMining = 13 XpPerPlanting = 25 XpPerPrisonerChat = 50 XpPerResearchTick = 0.22 XpPerSowGrowing = 25 XpPerTickConstruction = 0.7