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Drugs can be useful to gain temporary benefits of various sorts, but can lead to harmful addictions, negative side effects, and even overdose resulting in permanent ailments or death. Most drugs are crafted at the drug lab using either psychoid leaves or neutroamine. Beer, however requires hops and has an intermediate stage before fermenting called wort.

If you want to avoid drugs in your colony, you have the option of burning them at a campfire or crematorium, or forbidding them and selling them to a trader which is lucrative on the market. Binging pawns will take drugs even if they're forbidden though.

Burning drugs to prevent policy breakers from overdose.

The effects of drugs are modulated by body size, so smaller creatures need less beer to be drunk than bigger animals such as the Thrumbo.

Drugs can be assigned for regular taking through the drug policy system. Similar to Outfits, drug policies are an assigned schedule for taking drugs. You can set any number of drugs, each with a frequency. For example, you can assign a colonist to drink 2 beers every day, and take one Penoxycyline every 5 days. You can also toggle to use the drug to feed an addiction, separately from joy usage.

Drugs can also be administered through a medical operation. Animals may take drugs on their own if they are within their allowed areas.

The drugs in the game are split into the following categories:

Hard Social Medical Other
Go-juice Beer Luciferium Ambrosia
Flake Smokeleaf joint Penoxycyline
Wake-up Psychite tea

Addiction and Tolerance

Addictions are a sad reality that most drug-using colonies must face. Without a continuous supply of drugs, withdrawal symptoms will kick in and your poor colonist will suffer. Luciferium has an instant addiction. Once taken, it will need to be taken regularly. Otherwise, the withdrawal from it will cause all sorts of mental breaks, eventually including death.

Tolerance is the value related to addiction upon consumption of any drugs. It has a fixed buildup amount for each drug, and decreases each day afterwards. Tolerance gain is inversely proportional to body size, so smaller colonists (teenagers) gain more tolerance per drug use. Colonists will have a chance of getting addicted once they cross a certain tolerance threshold. Safe consumption of drugs can be set in the restriction tab for drug usage.

When tolerant, the severity given per dose of the drug will decrease by a fixed amount, meaning that they will last shorter, and colonists will need to consume more of them.
Addiction also has the same effect, in addition to requiring the pawn get a regular dose of the drug to prevent withdrawal.

Drug Mood Recreation High gain per dose High fall rate High duration per dose Tolerance gain per dose Tolerance fall rate New addiction min tolerance Safe dose interval New addiction chance
Beer 10-25 17% 15% 75% / Day 0.2 Days 1.6 1.6% / Day 25% 1 Day 1%
Smokeleaf 13 80% 50% 100% 0.5 Days 3% 1.5% /Day 15% 2 Days 2%
Flake 35 70% 75% 300% / Day 0.3 Days 4% 1.5% / Day 0% Never 5%
Yayo 35 80% 75% 150% / Day 0.5 days 4% 1.5% / Day 0% Never 1%
Wake-up 0 40% 75% 150% / Day 0.5 days N/A N/A 0% Never 2%
Go-juice 5 40% 50% 75% 0.7 Days N/A N/A 0 Never 2.6%
Ambrosia 5 50% 50% 75% 0.7 Days 3.2% 2% / Day 15% 1.6 Days 1%
Psychite tea 12 40% 75% 300% / Day 0.3 days 3% 1.5% / Day 10% 2.0 Days 2%
Values as of version 1.1.2647
  • Tolerance gain values are for size 1.00 colonists (normal).

Fighting Addictions

Drug binges

Colonists with either the Chemical Interest or Fascination traits as well as addicts may randomly have drug binges. Such colonists will ignore drug policies. This can cause a relapse from getting those colonists clean.

Remove access to drugs

Colonists can't take drugs that they can't reach. A drug binging colonist without access to that drug will only wander around until their senses are restored. Other withdrawal-based mental breaks are another story.

To destroy drugs, you can burn them at a campfire. You can also sell them to passing traders that are interested in buying, or have a non-binging colonist take them away on a caravan.

One alternative to keeping drugs out of the hands of binging addicts is to place the drugs in a room and board up the entrance. This could also be done to the addict by trapping them but will become counterproductive once they become hungry. Another alternative, which may be quicker depending on the case, is to load the drugs in a transport pod and keep them there until the binge is over.

'Rehab center'

Instead of keeping the drugs from the addict, you can keep the addict from the drugs by imprisoning them and keeping them there until they're clean. Imprisoning them also contains the impacts of their mental breaks. You can arrest an addicted colonist by drafting another colonist and right clicking on the addict. Using force can have a negative social influence on the patient and increased mood debuffs that will make recovery even harder, especially if such measure was performed with weapons (healing will take longer and could injure the body badly). As with any combat, the addicted or the arresting colonist have the chance of dying. It may be best to wait until the pawn collapses due to exhaustion or starvation, then arrest them without the possibility of a physical intervention. If it must be done while they can stand, then it's wise to disarm this colonist before attempting to arrest them as they may resist and go berserk. Still, addicted colonists will usually go down quickly due to the consciousness penalty from withdrawal.

Chatting with the imprisoned while they're getting clean will help train your warden's Social skill. Still, arresting any colonist will give them the accompanying thoughts of being imprisoned both during and afterward.

This also works great for addicted prisoners as they're already imprisoned. It is recommended to keep them in their own cell though. Otherwise, they can go berserk and attack other prisoners. If you want to recruit such an addict, it's recommended to get them clean before recruiting. There's no use in releasing an addicted new recruit, only to throw them right back in their cell very soon.

You can avoid the berserk state of a "drug rehab inmate" by installing and then removing peg legs to keep them incapacitated until new (and possibly better depending on technological level) replacement legs get reinstalled after the addiction ends. This trick can also be done by installing and removing a bionic spine which is half as costly as double bionic legs but does not make the pawn faster. Make sure you have prosthetics or bionics researched if you want to do this method of rehabilitation.


Withdrawal will make the person feel a great mood drop and impair their stats, depending on the addicted drug. Once the withdrawal passes away, the colonist will feel good as new.

During this time, you may want to give your colonist more time to enjoy himself. Giving him social drugs may help depending on the situation, but remember never to feed his addiction as this resets the withdrawal countdown, unless he's addicted to multiple drugs at the same time, in which it may be easier to deal with 1 drug addiction at a time.
On the other hand, if they become incapacitated when the withdrawal symptoms hit all at once, it may be better to leave them like that, as they are unable to have mental breaks or such during the withdrawal period.

The health overview tab which will display a counter with withdrawal percentage. The higher it gets, the closer to complete recovery (100%, though 99.5% is rounded to 100% in display).

Colonist who almost defeated her addiction to psychite

Healer mech serum

Using the healer mech serum instantly treats addictions if there are no other serious health problems affecting the addict. This gives a convenient but somewhat costly way to bypass the lengthy withdrawal period.


Drug Market Value Ingredients Work Amount Minimum Skills
Wake-Up 35 2 Neutroamine 15
Penoxycyline 18 2 Neutroamine 10
Flake 14 4 Psychoid leaves 5
Yayo 21 8 Psychoid leaves 6
Psychoid pekoe / Psychite Tea 10 4 Psychoid leaves 7
Smokeleaf 11 4 Smokeleaf leaves 8
Go-Juice 53 2 Neutroamine, 1 Yayo 10
Beer 12 1 Wort 17
Recipes as of 1.0.2408


Gojuice b.png

A synthetic combat drug developed for space marines during the early days of interplanetary warfare. Go-juice blocks pain and increases the user's melee and shooting abilities. It also enhances movement speed. Military chemists who created it were never able to remove its addictiveness. Some saw this as a downside; others saw it as a benefit.



A synthetic performance-enhancing drug developed for space marines during the early days of interplanetary warfare. Go-juice blocks pain, increases movement speed, and improves the user's melee and shooting abilities. The military chemists who created it were never able to remove its addictiveness. Some saw this as a downside; others saw it as a benefit.

Base Stats

DrugHard Drug
Tech Level
Market Value
53 Silver
Stack Limit
0.1 kg
Deterioration Rate
Path Cost


Recreation Offset
Recreation Kind
Maximum To Ingest
Ingestion Time
80 ticks (1.33 secs)


Crafted At
Drug lab
Required Research
Go-juice production
Work To Make
600 ticks (10 secs)
Work Speed Stat
Drug Synthesis Speed
Resources to make
Neutroamine 2 + Yayo 1
Food Preference
Drug Category
Is Pleasure Drug
Bulk Product Amount

Go-juice is a potent hard combat drug that almost completely blocks pain and significantly improves a pawn's capabilities, at the risk of addiction and overdose.


s can be crafted, each requiring and Expression error: Unexpected < operator. of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter.

It can also be found on raiders and purchased.


Go-juice is a potent combat stimulant that has a variety of effects. These can be broken into effects that occur:

  • Instantaneously and one time upon using the drug.
  • While high on the drug.
  • While addicted to the drug.
  • While withdrawing from the drug.

Upon injection

A pawn taking go-juice will do so right where it stands without looking for a place to sit first. Go-juice is taken by injection, taking Expression error: Unexpected < operator.. It has the following one time effects:

Go-juice high

"Go-juice in the bloodstream. It supercharges combat-related abilities, and instantly increases psyfocus when first injected."

While each go-juice injection increases the severity of the go-juice high by 50% (see "Upon injection" above), it decreases by 75% per day again, meaning that the high of a single dose lasts 16 hours. The maximum severity of a go-juice high is 100% which is reached with 2 go-juice. Regardless of the go-juice high severity, the effects are always the same. Only their duration changes accordingly:

  • +5 Mood ("I feel pumped but steady. I am the bullet in flight, ready to cut through you.")
  • ×10% Pain (meaning all pain will be divided by ten)
  • +20% Consciousness
  • +35% Sight
  • +50% Moving


As of version 1.2.3005, go-juice no longer gives a pawn any tolerance at all when taken, despite the effects of tolerance still existing in-game. This has been confirmed as intended behaviour.[1]


"A chemical addiction to go-juice. Long-term presence of go-juice has caused neurological adaptations at the cellular level, so the brain can no longer function properly without the drug. Without regular doses of go-juice, withdrawal symptoms will begin. However, extended abstinence will force the brain to adapt back to its normal state, resolving the addiction."

— Addiction description

Each dose of go-juice carries a Expression error: Missing operand for *.% chance of addiction. There is therefore no safe dose interval.

The addiction progresses by 4.5% per day from the initial 50%. Once it reaches 100% the addiction is healed, meaning it takes about 11.1 days to overcome the addiction. Consuming go-juice during an addiction will reduce the addiction progress by 20% again (see "Upon injection" above).

Developing an addiction means a pawn has a go-juice need. The need for go-juice falls by 33.3% per day, consuming go-juice satisfies the need by 90% (see "Upon injection" above), meaning the pawn will need to consume go-juice at least every 2.7 days to prevent withdrawal symptoms.


"Because of a go-juice addiction, this person needs to regularly consume the drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms."

— Need description

As soon as the go-juice need reaches 0%, the pawn suffers from the following symptoms:

  • −22 Mood ("I'm all fuzzy and can't think straight. My limbs feel heavy, I'm tired and hungry, everything hurts. And why won't my eyes focus properly?")
  • ×300% Pain (meaning all pain will be tripled)
  • −20% Consciousness
  • −50% Moving
  • −20% Sight
  • −20% Blood pumping
  • −10% Manipulation
  • +30% Sleep Fall Rate (meaning the pawn needs to sleep about a 30% sooner)
  • +50% Hunger rate factor (meaning the pawn needs to eat about 50% sooner)
  • Mental break chances:
    • Hard drug binge: on average every 40 days. This averages to 0.3 hard drug binges during each withdrawal.
    • Psychotic wandering: on average every 10 days. This averages to 1.1 wanderings during each withdrawal.


Go-juice is a stimulant and pain-killer, with a significant impact on combat performance. Barring wake-up and luciferium, no other drug helps much with combat - reducing pain and with a slight movement increase at most. There is no real comparison to wake-up; go-juice is made for combat and movement, and wake-up is made for work speed. Luciferium comes with a permanent addiction, and in any case, works with go-juice.


Increases to Sight and Consciousness boosts accuracy, both ranged and melee. Increased Moving helps with all forms of kiting tactics and makes it easier to retreat. Increased medical tend speed can save a pawn that's bleeding out quickly. Like the painstopper, the large reduction in pain allows a pawn to stand up far longer and win more fights. But they will continue fighting until very close to death - or when physically made unable.

Finally, go-juice provides slight boosts to mood, recreation, and rest. While weaker in this regard than most other drugs, they can still help prevent mental breaks.

The risk of addiction and overdose is always present, but addiction is better than death. For example, a miner digging out far away from your base will appreciate carrying go-juice, for when a raid or manhunter pack spawns near them. Withdrawal symptoms are harsh, but its 11.1 day withdrawal (assuming no future doses are taken) can be managed by arresting the addict in question. Go-juice has the second shortest withdrawal, behind ambrosia.

Misc work

Besides combat, the increase in Moving can make pawns much faster at hauling and somewhat quicker at other tasks. Usually this is not worth the risk of addiction unless you need to repair your defenses. But if you have a pawn you don't care about, like an unwanted wanderer or some desperate refugeesContent added by the Royalty DLC, then you can use go-juice to expedite your work.

Go-juice's consciousness boost also improves the odds of successful surgery. Useful for surgeries with a reduced chance to succeed, such as carcinoma removal. Otherwise, surgery success chance can usually be capped at 98%, with a sterile room, hospital bed, and a good doctor.

Tip: Unless you need an immediate and significant boost in chemical recreation, rest or psyfocusContent added by the Royalty DLC it is recommended to wait at least 4.8 hours between the first and the second dose of go-juice. Otherwise the overdose severity might build up resulting in a minor overdose (this is unrelated to the 0.5% chance for a major overdose that comes with each injection). Be particularly careful when using go-juice in combination with other drugs! The third dose and any dose after that shouldn't be taken earlier than 16 hours after the second to last dose. Otherwise some hours of the go-juice high will be wasted.


Assuming a healthy, but otherwise unaugmented pawn, the bonuses from consuming go-juice translates to:

Drug dependency

The Go-juice dependency gene,Content added by the Biotech DLC found in hussars, completely removes the chance of normal addiction and overdose. But at 5 days without the drug, the pawn will incur severe penalties. At the least, dependency is less severe than actual addiction or withdrawal.

Each dose of go-juice requires to create. A stack of 50 neutroamine, worth Silver 300 before Trade Price Improvement and difficulty, can last a single pawn for 125 days, or just over 2 years. With 0 Social skill in Losing is Fun, this price increases to Silver 504. In practice, this supply will end up being somewhat shorter if you want to use go-juice for combat or work purposes. Meanwhile, psychoid/yayo can be grown inside your colony. A drug-dependent pawn will survive for up to 60 days without the drug, usually more than enough time to form a caravan or find an orbital trader.

Overall, go-juice dependency is very affordable; you'll just need [[Research#|]] and Psychite refining researched, and some form of trade. In exchange, a dependent pawn can get all the benefit of go-juice at any time, with 0% chance of any health problems whatsoever.


Version history

  • 0.15.1279 - Added.
  • 1.1.2647 - Rebalanced. Addiction risk and effects reduced, safe dose interval removed. Now instantly gives psyfocusContent added by the Royalty DLC when taken by psycasters.


  1. Rejected bug report: "[1.2.2753] Wake-up and go-juice do not cause tolerance". Unused tolerance effects: "A built-up tolerance to go-juice. The more severe this tolerance is, the more go-juice it takes to get the same effect." Starting at 45% tolerance the pawn could get moderate chemical damage in the brain reducing part efficiency by 50%, impairing the pawn in all jobs from combat to daily work. The chemical damage would be applied in a curve with the following points: a) At 45% tolerance on average every 99999 days. b) At 50% tolerance on average every 120 days. c) At 100% tolerance on average every 90 days. All values in between are calculated with linear interpolation. The go-juice tolerance would decrease by 1.5% per day.


Luciferium b.png

A concoction of advanced glitterworld mechanites that dramatically improve the body's functioning in all respects. Unfortunately, without the moderating effects of regular doses every five or six days, the mechanites lose cohesion, causing continuous berserk rages and, eventually, death. After the first dose, there is no way to get the mechanites out, ever. On the urbworlds, they call Luciferium the 'Devil's Bargain'. Many have been forced to kill friends when no more of the seductive red pills could be found.



A concoction of mechanites that dramatically improve the body's functioning in all respects. Over time, it can even heal old scarred-over wounds or brain damage, though it cannot regenerate lost limbs. Unfortunately, without the moderating effects of regular doses every five or six days, the mechanites lose cohesion, causing continuous berserk rages and, eventually, death.
After the first dose, there is no way to get the mechanites out, ever.
On the urbworlds, they call Luciferium the 'Devil's Bargain'. Many have been forced to kill friends when no more of the seductive red pills could be found.

Base Stats

DrugMedical Drug
Tech Level
Market Value
70 Silver
Stack Limit
0.01 kg
Deterioration Rate
Path Cost


Maximum To Ingest
Food Preference
Drug Category
Is Pleasure Drug

Luciferium is a rare, powerful, expensive and dangerous drug that can heal permanent injuries, chronic health conditions, and helps fight disease, but will kill its user if not taken regularly.


Luciferium cannot be crafted, and must be either acquired through trade, as a quest reward, found in ancient shrines, or looted from pirate Raiders.


Luciferium provides a variety of enhancing effects. It always causes addiction. These can be broken into effects that occur:

  • While addicted to the drug.
  • While withdrawing from the drug.

Luciferium Addiction

Luciferium addiction is unique in that it is permanent - there is no waiting it out. If not taken regularly, luciferium will eventually kill. Pawns will remain addicted even after applying healer mech serum or resurrector mech serum. The only possible way to save someone going through a luciferium withdrawal is to give them more luciferium.

Developing an addiction forms a luciferium need. This need falls by 15% every day, consuming luciferium satisfies the need by +90%. Therefore, an adult human would need to take 1 dose of luciferium every 6 days exactly. Only the first dose sets luciferium need to 100%.


As soon as the luciferium need reaches 0%, the pawn suffers from the following symptoms:

Death is caused by the brain being instantly destroyed, meaning that the Deathless geneContent added by the Biotech DLC does not protect against it.

Healing method table

Some injuries and health conditions will not naturally heal or cannot be immediately cured by treatment. In these cases, transplantation, artificial body parts, healer mech sera, luciferium or biosculpter podsContent added by the Ideology DLC may help, but each has its own unique list of what it can and cannot cure.

The full comparison table between healing methods is collapsed due to length. Expand to view.

Condition Transplant Bionics Healer mech serum Luciferium Biosculpter podContent added by the Ideology DLC ScarlessContent added by the Biotech DLC
Alzheimer's Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png
Artery blockage Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png
Dementia Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png
Carcinoma Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png
Chemical damage
- Kidney
Check.png Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Biotech DLC
Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Chemical damage
- Other
Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Cirrhosis Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Frail Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png
Cataracts Ex.png Check.png[One] Check.png[Both] Check.png[One or Both?] Check.png[Both] Check.png[Both]
Bad back Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png
Hearing loss Ex.png Check.png[One] Check.png[Both] Check.png[One or Both?] Check.png[Both] Check.png[Both]
Asthma Check.png[One] Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Biotech DLC[One]
Check.png[Both] Check.png[Both] Check.png[Both] Check.png[Both]
Toxic buildup Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Blood loss Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Biotech DLC
Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Food poisoning Ex.png Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Ex.pngContent added by the Royalty DLC[Prev]
Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Trauma savant Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Resurrection psychosis Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Blindness Ex.png Check.png[One] Check.png[Both] Check.png Check.png[Both] Check.png[Both]
Sterilized Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
- Heart
Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Liver
Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Kidney/Lung
Check.png[One] Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Biotech DLC
Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Digits/Eyes/Ears/Tongue
Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Jaw
Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Limbs/Stomach/Spine
Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Nose
Ex.png Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Royalty DLC
Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Brain/Neck/Torso
Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png
- Limbs/Eyes
Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png
Luciferium need Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Addictions Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Malaria Ex.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png
Sleeping sickness Ex.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png
Flu Ex.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png
Plague Ex.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png
Gut worms Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Muscle parasites Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
- Limbs/Eyes
Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png
- Other
Ex.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png[IGS] Check.png Ex.png
Fibrous mechanites Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Sensory mechanites Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Paralytic abasia Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Scaria Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Blood rot Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Organ decay
- Lung
Check.png Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Biotech DLC/Content added by the Anomaly DLC
Check.png[One] ? Ex.png Check.png[One]
Organ decay
- Kidney
Check.png Ex.pngContent from Rimworld core game only
Check.pngContent added by the Biotech DLC
Check.png[One] ? Ex.png Check.png[One]
Organ decay
- Heart
Check.png Check.png Check.png ? Ex.png Check.png
Revenant hypnosisContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? ? ? ? ?
Duplicate sicknessContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? ? ? ? ?
Crumbling mindContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? Check.png[Note 1] ? ? ?
Bliss lobotomyContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? ? ? ? ?
Cube comaContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? ? ? ? ?
Psychically deadContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? ? ? ? ?
InhumanizedContent added by the Anomaly DLC ? ? ? ? ? ?
^Both Heals both relevant organs if condition is present in both.
^One Heals only one organ, even if condition is present in both.
^Prev This option prevents the acquisition of new cases of this condition, independent of whether or not it cures existing cases.
^IGS While this option does not outright cure these diseases, the increase to Immunity Gain Speed can hasten their healing and/or help prevent fatal cases.
^Note 1 This condition can only be cured until it reaches its final stage. Once it has, it becomes permanently incurable.


Luciferium is useful for treating permanent injuries and conditions. Curing many of these would otherwise require the much rarer healer mech serum or DLC-exclusive options such as the biosculpter pod Content added by the Ideology DLC, the Scarless gene ,Content added by the Biotech DLC or the Unnatural healing ability.Content added by the Anomaly DLC Some other ailments require long-term and potentially ineffective medicial treatment, or a surgery with an unavoidable chance of instant death. The increase in blood filtration also increases Immunity Gain Speed, which can help fight off otherwise fatal diseases (whenever from old age or poor treatment). For a breakdown of what can be cured by which method, see the healing method table or the page of the ailment in question.

In addition to its medical properties, luciferium provides a small but permanent buff to many tasks a pawn can perform, in combat or out. Other than that, luciferium is useful for the ship launch or the Royal Ascent quest Content added by the Royalty DLC. Once you've left the planet, addiction doesn't matter - at least for gameplay purposes.

Lucifierium isn't too expensive. 10 doses of luciferium costs a market value of Silver Expression error: Unexpected * operator. silver and can sustain a human for a year. If you can get a consistent source of trade and income, luciferium can be tolerated even if you don't need its medical properties. Keeping many colonists addicted is difficult, as faction bases and traders only come with so many doses per restock. However, an extensive trade network can support into the double digits.

Luciferium can be administered to animals via the operations menu, substantially improving their combat effectiveness. Sometimes, animals may also take Luciferium randomly by themselves if it is within their allowed zone.

Luciferium management

Luciferium has to be taken every 6 days on the dot, or the withdrawal risks killing them. However, due to the mechanics of a fixed drug schedule, setting their drug assignment to take one pill every 6 days does NOT work. If this is set, pawns will only begin to take luciferium 6 days after they have taken their last drug. Therefore, even the slightest delay (e.g. the small time spent walking to an open tile to take the drug) will cause the need to slowly decay, potentially killing the pawn.

Instead, for all adult pawns that take luciferium, players should use the "take for addiction" setting in the drug policy. This has pawns take the drug as soon as their need level hits 10%, which is both self-correcting in the event a dose is delayed, and avoids all waste. Players should also ensure that the pawn's drug policy has them carry at least one dose of the drug, to ensure that it's taken in as timely a manner as possible. For pawns younger than 18, "take for addiction" can be used for safety, though note that it can waste a small amount of dosage.

When creating a caravan with addicted pawns, remember to either bring luciferium manually or have the pawns set up to carry several doses. For long trips or maximum safety, having transport pods available to launch additional doses in an emergency is also advisable.

Putting a pawn into a cryptosleep casket or a biosculpter pod will suspend their luciferium needs until they are let out. This can be a way to save their life in case the drug runs out. If you run out of luciferium before researching or building them, you can look for ancient shrines, as they have ancient cryptosleep caskets.

Raider farming

It is possible to give prisoners luciferium to make them addicted, if the prisoner leaves the map title safely, they may reappear in future raids and bring two or three doses of luciferium with them.


  • Luciferium is considered to be in the "Ultra" tech level.
  • Luciferium is named after Lucifer; the personification of evil in Christian theology. Its nickname, "The Devil's Bargain," is a further hint to this; and, indeed, addicting a pawn to luciferium is quite like a deal with the devil: unparalleled power at the cost of a lifelong race against the death-clock.


Version history

  • 0.15.1279 - Added.
  • 1.1.0 - Fixed Luciferium not removing Frail. Now, lucifierum can remove all chronic health conditions.
  • 1.1.2610 - Reduced market value from 120 to 70.
  • 1.4.3523 - Luciferium now causes death from brain destruction, meaning the deathless gene Content added by the Biotech DLC cannot stop it.


Penoxycyline b.png

A drug for blocking various infections. Blocks malaria, sleeping sickness, and plague. Take every 5 days.



A drug for preventing infections before they take hold. Blocks malaria, sleeping sickness, plague.[sic] Must be taken every five days to remain effective.
This drug only prevents new infections. It does not cure existing infections - even those that are not yet discovered.

Base Stats

DrugMedical Drug
Tech Level
Market Value
18 Silver
Stack Limit
0.005 kg
Deterioration Rate
Path Cost


Maximum To Ingest


Crafted At
Drug lab
Required Research
Penoxycyline production
Work To Make
600 ticks (10 secs)
Work Speed Stat
Drug Synthesis Speed
Resources to make
Neutroamine 2
Food Preference
Drug Category
Is Pleasure Drug
Bulk Product Amount

Penoxycyline is a drug that prevents users from catching malaria, sleeping sickness, and plague


s can be crafted, each requiring and Expression error: Unexpected < operator. of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter. Note that Neutroamine can only be obtained from traders or found in cargo pods.

It can also be bought from orbital, Outlander, or Empire Content added by the Royalty DLC traders, as well as Outlander and Empire faction bases.


Penoxycyline completely prevents users from catching any of the following diseases while its "high" is active:

Despite the wording of the description, it does nothing to prevent or treat infections, or any other diseases or ailments besides the three above.

When the Disease event occurs, pawns that were protected from getting the disease by penoxycyline will be specifically noted as such. Penoxycyline does nothing to treat pre-existing diseases.

Penoxycyline is not addictive and has no direct side effects. Penoxycyline can contribute to overdoses, increasing severity by 0.08-0.14 per dose consumed. This severity is not enough to cause any health effect on its own. However, it can cause minor overdoses when taken along with hard drugs.


Diseases usually aren't a fatal problem by the time you can get a good supply of neutroamine and have the [[Research#|]] research. For an otherwise healthy colonist: a decent doctor, in a clean hospital, using herbal medicine or medicine is usually enough to treat the disease (so long as the colonist rests for the duration). However, this drug can still be helpful.

Penoxycyline can reduce the time spend resting in bed, especially in tropical biomes where disease is prevalent and sleeping sickness is possible. If you don't want to use penoxycyline on every colonist, you can reserve it for your doctors. This prevents your doctors from getting sick when a disease outbreak occurs. It can also be used on sickly pawns for obvious reasons. If you can afford the neutroamine cost (and won't be using it for medicine, wake-up, or go-juice), then this drug is a net positive.

While the in-game description says to "Take every five days", the effect actually lasts just over than a half-day longer. This gives pawns some leeway, in case colonists don't consume the pills promptly. Set a drug policy to tell the pawns to take one every 5 days and keep one in the inventory to take as soon as possible, or be cheap, set it to "6 days" and live dangerously.


Version history

  • 0.15.1279 - Added as Malari-block, and only prevents Malaria
  • 0.16.1393 - Reworked. Renamed from Malari-block to Penoxycyline and now prevents a wide variety of infections. Cost decreased from 5 neutroamine to 3.
  • Alpha 17 - Cost is further reduced from 3 to 2 neutroamine. It also received an overhaul, such that instead of instantly boosting disease immunity to 61%, it now provides true immunity and cannot reactively increase immunity against a disease that is already in progress.


Flake c.png

A flaky substance that can be smoked to induce a short but powerful euphoric state. While it is cheap to produce, it is exceptionally addictive.



A flaky white preparation of psychite that can be smoked to induce a short but powerful euphoric state. While it is cheap to produce and extremely pleasurable to use, it is exceptionally addictive. Flake is known for destroying lives, communities, and entire societies.

Base Stats

DrugHard Drug
Tech Level
Market Value
14 Silver
Stack Limit
0.05 kg
Deterioration Rate
Path Cost


Recreation Offset
Recreation Kind
Maximum To Ingest
Ingestion Time
650 ticks (10.83 secs)


Crafted At
Drug lab
Required Research
Psychite refining
Work To Make
250 ticks (4.17 secs)
Work Speed Stat
Drug Synthesis Speed
Resources to make
Psychoid leaves 4
Food Preference
Drug Category
Is Pleasure Drug
Bulk Product Amount

Flake is potent mood enhancing hard drug that significantly improves the mood of a pawn and provides additional bonuses, at the risk of addiction and overdose. It is cheaper than yayo, but comes with additional maluses.


s can be crafted, each requiring and Expression error: Unexpected < operator. of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter.

It can also be found on raiders and purchased.


Flake is a highly potent mood enhancing drug that has a variety of effects. These can be broken into effects that occur:

  • Instantaneously and one time upon using the drug.
  • While high on the drug.
  • While having a built-up tolerance to the drug.
  • While addicted to the drug.
  • While withdrawing from the drug.

Note that psychite tolerance, addiction and withdrawal are shared by psychite tea, flake and yayo.

Upon smoking

A pawn taking flake will do so right where it stands without looking for a place to sit first. Flake is smoked, taking Expression error: Unexpected < operator.. It has the following one time effects:

  • +Expression error: Missing operand for *.% recreation
  • If the pawn has the chemical interest or chemical fascination trait:
  • +20% Rest
  • 1.5% Chance for a major overdose
  • +18% to +35% Overdose severity
  • +18.75% to +75% Flake high severity, depending on psychite tolerance (see "Flake high" below)
  • +4% Psychite tolerance severity, divided by body size (see "Psychite tolerance" below)
  • Expression error: Missing operand for *.% Psychite addiction chance (see "Psychite addiction" below)
  • If the pawn has a psychite addiction already:
    • +90% Psychite need (see "Addiction" below)
    • −30% Addiction progress (see "Withdrawal" below)

Flake high

"Active flake in the bloodstream. Generates an intense euphoric, debilitating high."

— High on flake description

Each flake increases the flake high severity by the following formula:

Increase in severity = 0.75 * (100 - (tolerance * 75 round 0))

Therefore with 0% tolerance the severity increases by 75%, with 100% tolerance by 18.75%. It decreases by 300% per day again, meaning that the high of a single dose lasts between 1.5 and 6 hours. The maximum severity of a flake high is 100% which is reached with 1.3 to 5.3 flake. Regardless of the flake high severity, the effects are always the same. Only their duration changes accordingly:

Without any tolerance, a dose of flake will last for 6 hours.

Psychite tolerance

"A built-up tolerance to psychite. The more severe this tolerance is, the more psychite-based drugs like yayo or flake it takes to get the same effect."

— Tolerance description

Each consumed increases the psychite tolerance of the pawn by the following formula:

Increase in tolerance = 4% / body size

Thus smaller or not fully grown pawns gain more tolerance per drug use then bigger or fully grown ones. An adult human has a body size of 1. Psychite tolerance decreases at a rate of 1.5% per day.

See sections " high" and "Psychite addiction" for how psychite tolerance affects high severity and psychite addiction chance respectively.

If the psychite tolerance is above a certain thresholds it imposes a chance over time to gain the following ailment:

  • Chemical damage (severe) Tolerance above 45% imposes a chance proportional to the tolerance held to get chemical damage (severe). Chemical damage (severe) gained this way will affect only kidneys and only one kidney at a time.
    Tolerance Chemical damage (severe)
    average interval
    45% 99999 Days
    50% 180 Days
    100% 135 Days

Psychite addiction

"A chemical addiction to psychite. Long-term presence of psychite has caused neurological adaptations at the cellular level, so the brain can no longer function properly without the drug. Without regular doses of psychite from drugs like flake or yayo, withdrawal symptoms will begin. However, extended abstinence will force the brain to adapt back to its normal state, resolving the addiction."

— Addiction description

The addiction progresses by 3.33% per day from the initial 50%. Once it reaches 100% the addiction is healed, meaning it takes about 15 days to overcome the addiction. Consuming during a psychite addiction will reduce the addiction progress by 30% again (see "Upon " above).

Developing a psychite addiction has the following one time effect:

Developing an addiction also means a pawn has a psychite need. The need for psychite falls by 50% per day, consuming psychite satisfies the need by 90% (see "Upon " above), meaning the pawn will need to consume at least every 1.8 days to prevent withdrawal symptoms.

Psychite withdrawal

"Because of a psychite addiction, this person needs to regularly consume the drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms."

— Need description

As soon as the psychite need reaches 0%, the pawn suffers from the following withdrawal symptoms:


Flake is one of three drugs that can be produced from psychoid leaves, the others being psychite tea and yayo. Go-juice is a derivative of yayo. In general, flake is better for selling, not using.


As a mood control drug, flake is generally inferior to yayo. Yayo is safer: it has a much lower addiction chance (1% vs 5%), a lower major overdose chance (1% vs 1.5%), and each unit of yayo lasts twice as long as flake, meaning there are less chances to overdose/become addicted. They both give +35 mood and x50% pain, but yayo also gives +15% Moving. Flake's only real advantages as a taken drug are 1.) the increased chemical recreation per leaf, and 2.) flake's smaller discrete doses. Yayo is worth two flake and each high lasts twice as long, but it has to be taken all at once. You can "split up" flake for 2 separate mood emergencies.

Psychite tea only gives +12 mood and ×80% Sleep Fall Rate, but is considerably safer than both flake and yayo. Adults can safely drink tea once every 2 days without getting addicted. This makes tea far more useful for regular use. However, all 3 psychite drugs contribute towards the same tolerance, so tea's safe usage interval does not apply if combined with either of the other two. Yayo is more appropriate for mood emergencies. In absolute emergencies, you can take yayo, flake, and psychite tea simultaneously for a +82 mood buff.

For the Psychite dependency gene,Content added by the Biotech DLC flake is often superior to the other psychite drugs. As dependency eliminates regular addiction and overdose, the regular safety advantages of yayo/psychite tea are negated. Flake is cheaper than yayo and satisfies the dependency for the same amount of time. Flake costs the same as psychite tea, but flake has a much greater mood increase, and restores more Rest. But if psychoid cost isn't an issue, then yayo is likely preferred due to the increase in Moving.

Drug comparison table

Drug Mood Buff Moving Pain Tiredness Consciousness Sight Global working speed
Flake +35 - x50% x33% - - -
Yayo +35 +15% x50% x33% - - -
Psychite tea +12 - x90% x80% - - -
Go-juice +5 +50% x10% - +20% +35% -
Wake-up - +10% - x80% +10% - +50%


On the market, flake is worth 2/3rds the silver of yayo, requires 80% of the Work To Make, and 50% of the ingredient costs. Flake gives 33% more silver per leaf for only 7% more work, making it always superior if you are able to use all your psychoid leaves.

If the work required to create drugs is a bottleneck, then flake still remains more efficient when you sell the remaining leaves raw. For example, a pawn requires 35,000 ticks (9.72 mins) of work and 800 psychoid leaves to synthesize 100 yayo worth Silver 2100. With the same amount of work, a pawn could use 560 leaves to craft 140 flake worth Silver 1960. The remaining 240 psychoid leaves are worth Silver 456, for a total of Silver 2416. However, psychoid leaves will eventually rot away without refrigeration, and fewer traders accept raw leaves. Therefore, if long term refrigeration is an issue, then yayo may be necessary.

If caravan weight is a limiting factor, yayo is worth more proportional to mass, however the low weight of all the options means this is unlikely to be relevant as a single muffalo can carry almost 20 stacks of flake, worth over 20,000 silver.

  • Psychite tea is economically inferior to both yayo and flake; its primary advantage instead lies in its use by colonists. It is produced at a campfire or stove with the Cooking skill and only the Psychoid Brewing research however, and thus may be a more accessible in the early game.
  • Compared to smokeleaf joints, flake takes less work to harvest, flake takes much less work to synthesize, and flake is worth more per unit. Smokeleaf's major advantage is that smokeleaf plants grow faster than psychoid. If colonist work time doesn't matter, then smokeleaf can be worthwhile. Also, creating joints requires Cooking rather than Intellectual.
  • Compared to beer, flake is more efficient for overall value / work. Flake takes much less grower work, and it's worth more per unit. Like smokeleaf, hop plants grow faster than psychoid, and use Cooking rather than Intellectual.


Version history

  • 0.15.1279 - Added.
  • 1.2.2719 - Reduce flake new addiction chance from 20% to 5%. Reduce flake tolerance gain from 4.5% to 4%


Yayo c.png

A fine white powder snorted to produce a euphoric high. Yayo reduces the user's need for rest, and suppresses pain. It is, however, addictive.



A refined powdery preparation of the psychite drug. When snorted, it produces a rapid euphoric high, dramatically reduces the user's need for rest, and suppresses pain. Like all forms of psychite, it is addictive, though it is not as addictive as the cruder flake.
Because of its high cost and refined appearance, many cultures associate yayo with degenerate wealth. Whether in the throneroom or the boardroom, many hare-brained policy schemes have been developed during yayo-fueled binge parties.

Base Stats

DrugHard Drug
Tech Level
Market Value
21 Silver
Stack Limit
0.05 kg
Deterioration Rate
Path Cost


Recreation Offset
Recreation Kind
Maximum To Ingest
Ingestion Time
150 ticks (2.5 secs)


Crafted At
Drug lab
Required Research
Psychite refining
Work To Make
350 ticks (5.83 secs)
Work Speed Stat
Drug Synthesis Speed
Resources to make
Psychoid leaves 8
Food Preference
Drug Category
Is Pleasure Drug
Bulk Product Amount

Yayo is a potent mood enhancing hard drug that significantly improves the mood of a pawn and provides additional bonuses, at the risk of addiction and overdose. It is also used in the manufacturing of go-juice.


s can be crafted, each requiring and Expression error: Unexpected < operator. of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter.

It can also be found on raiders and purchased.


  • Product Ingredients Type [ExpandCollapse]
  • Summary

    Yayo is a highly potent mood enhancing drug that has a variety of effects. These can be broken into effects that occur:

    • Instantaneously and one time upon using the drug.
    • While high on the drug.
    • While having a built-up tolerance to the drug.
    • While addicted to the drug.
    • While withdrawing from the drug.

    Note that psychite tolerance, addiction and withdrawal are shared by psychite tea, flake and yayo.

    Upon snorting

    A pawn taking yayo will do so right where it stands without looking for a place to sit first. Yayo is taken nasally, taking Expression error: Unexpected < operator.. It has the following one time effects:

    • +Expression error: Missing operand for *.% recreation
    • If the pawn has the chemical interest or chemical fascination trait:
    • +40% Rest
    • 1% Chance for a major overdose
    • +18% to +35% Overdose severity (same across all hard drugs)
    • +18.75% to +75% Yayo high severity, depending on tolerance (see "Yayo high" below)
    • +4% Psychite tolerance severity, divided by body size (see "Psychite tolerance" below)
    • Expression error: Missing operand for *.% Psychite addiction chance (see "Psychite addiction" below)
    • If the pawn has an addiction already:
      • +90% Psychite need (see "Psychite addiction" below)
      • −20% Addiction progress (see "Psychite withdrawal" below)

    Yayo high

    "Active yayo in the bloodstream. Generates an intense euphoric high."

    — High on yayo description

    Each yayo increases the yayo high severity by the following formula:

    Increase in severity = 0.75 * (100 - (tolerance * 75 round 0))

    Therefore with 0% tolerance the severity increases by 75%, with 100% tolerance by 18.75%. It decreases by 150% per day again, meaning that the high of a single dose lasts between 3 and 12 hours. The maximum severity of a yayo high is 100% which is reached with 1.3 to 5.3 yayo. Regardless of the yayo high severity, the effects are always the same. Only their duration changes accordingly:

    Without any tolerance, a dose of yayo will last for 12 hours.

    Psychite tolerance

    "A built-up tolerance to psychite. The more severe this tolerance is, the more psychite-based drugs like yayo or flake it takes to get the same effect."

    — Tolerance description

    Each consumed increases the psychite tolerance of the pawn by the following formula:

    Increase in tolerance = 4% / body size

    Thus smaller or not fully grown pawns gain more tolerance per drug use then bigger or fully grown ones. An adult human has a body size of 1. Psychite tolerance decreases at a rate of 1.5% per day.

    See sections " high" and "Psychite addiction" for how psychite tolerance affects high severity and psychite addiction chance respectively.

    If the psychite tolerance is above a certain thresholds it imposes a chance over time to gain the following ailment:

    • Chemical damage (severe) Tolerance above 45% imposes a chance proportional to the tolerance held to get chemical damage (severe). Chemical damage (severe) gained this way will affect only kidneys and only one kidney at a time.
      Tolerance Chemical damage (severe)
      average interval
      45% 99999 Days
      50% 180 Days
      100% 135 Days

    Psychite addiction

    "A chemical addiction to psychite. Long-term presence of psychite has caused neurological adaptations at the cellular level, so the brain can no longer function properly without the drug. Without regular doses of psychite from drugs like flake or yayo, withdrawal symptoms will begin. However, extended abstinence will force the brain to adapt back to its normal state, resolving the addiction."

    — Addiction description

    The addiction progresses by 3.33% per day from the initial 50%. Once it reaches 100% the addiction is healed, meaning it takes about 15 days to overcome the addiction. Consuming during a psychite addiction will reduce the addiction progress by 20% again (see "Upon " above).

    Developing a psychite addiction has the following one time effect:

    Developing an addiction also means a pawn has a psychite need. The need for psychite falls by 50% per day, consuming psychite satisfies the need by 90% (see "Upon " above), meaning the pawn will need to consume at least every 1.8 days to prevent withdrawal symptoms.

    Psychite withdrawal

    "Because of a psychite addiction, this person needs to regularly consume the drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms."

    — Need description

    As soon as the psychite need reaches 0%, the pawn suffers from the following withdrawal symptoms:


    Yayo is one of three drugs that can be produced from psychoid leaves, the others being flake and psychite tea. Yayo can also be further refined into go-juice with the addition of 2 neutroamine. As a rough guideline, yayo is for using, and flake is for selling.


    As a mood control drug, yayo is generally superior to flake. Yayo is safer: it has a much lower addiction chance (1% vs 5%), a lower major overdose chance (1% vs 1.5%), and each unit of yayo lasts twice as long as flake, meaning there are less chances to overdose/become addicted. They both give +35 mood and x50% pain, but yayo also gives +15% Moving. Flake's only real advantages as a taken drug are 1. the increased chemical Recreation per leaf, and 2. flake's smaller discrete doses. Yayo is worth two flake and each high lasts twice as long, but it has to be taken all at once. You can "split up" flake for 2 separate mood emergencies.

    Psychite tea only gives +12 mood and ×80% Sleep Fall Rate, but is considerably safer than both flake and yayo. Adults can safely drink tea once every 2 days without getting addicted. This makes tea far more useful for regular use. However, all 3 psychite drugs contribute towards the same tolerance, so tea's safe usage interval does not apply if a colonist has used flake or yayo. Yayo is more appropriate for mood emergencies, or as an ersatz combat drug if go-juice isn't available. In absolute emergencies, you can take yayo, flake, and psychite tea simultaneously for a +82 mood buff.

    For the Psychite dependency gene,Content added by the Biotech DLC addiction and major overdoses are non-factors. As psychite tea provides less mood and rest, it is inferior to both flake and yayo. Yayo is more expensive to produce than flake, but satisfies the same dependency for the same time. If producing psychoid isn't an issue, then yayo can be helpful for the increase to Moving.

    Drug comparison table

    Drug Mood buff Moving Pain Tiredness Consciousness Sight Global working speed
    Yayo +35 +15% ×50% ×33% - - -
    Flake +35 - ×50% ×33% - - -
    Go juice +5 +50% ×10% - +20% +35% -
    Wake-up - +10% - ×80% +10% - +50%


    On the market, yayo is worth 50% more silver than flake, with a 20% increase in the Work To Make and a 100% increase in ingredient cost. Flake gives 33% more silver per leaf for only 7% more work.

    Specifically, yayo will sell for Silver Expression error: Unexpected / operator. silver per leaf, and flake will sell for Silver 3.5 silver per leaf.

    If the work required to create drugs is a bottleneck, then flake remains more efficient when you sell the remaining leaves raw. For example, a pawn requires 35,000 ticks (9.72 mins) of work and 800 psychoid leaves to synthesize 100 yayo worth Silver 2100. With the same amount of work, a pawn could use 560 leaves to craft 140 flake worth Silver 1960. The remaining 240 psychoid leaves are worth Silver 456, for a total of Silver 2416. However, psychoid leaves will eventually rot away without refrigeration, and fewer traders accept raw leaves. Therefore, if long term refrigeration is an issue, then yayo may be necessary.

    If caravan weight is a limiting factor, yayo is worth more proportional to mass, however the low weight of all the options means this is unlikely to be relevant as a single muffalo can carry almost 20 stacks of flake worth over 20,000 silver.

    Note that the third possible product for psychoid leaves, psychite tea, is economically inferior to both yayo and flake. Its primary advantage instead lies in ease and safety of use by colonists. It is produced at a campfire or stove with the Cooking skill and requires only the Psychoid Brewing research, and thus may be a more accessible in the early game. And being a social drug, it has a safe dose interval (of 2 days in an adult) and no possibility of overdose.


    • Yayo is slang for Cocaine in Spanish derived from Santiago Luis Polanco Rodriguez, but it's more commonly known from the quote "Chichi, get the Yayo" from Scarface (1983).[1]


    Version history

    • 0.15.1279 - Added.
    • 1.2.2719 - Reduced yayo new addiction chance from 10% to 1%, and removed the min tolerance to addict.

    Psychite tea

    Tea c.png

    A fragrant tea which can be drank to induce a weak euphoric effect. Very easy to produce, but be wary of addiction..

    Psychite tea

    Psychite tea

    A fragrant tea infused with leaves of the psychoid plant. Drinking it induces a subtle psychite euphoria. This tea is easy to produce at cooking facilities, but can produce psychite addiction if consumed too often.
    Many tribes use psychoid tea, both as a daily energizer and as part of social and religious rituals.

    Base Stats

    DrugSocial drug
    Tech Level
    Market Value
    10 Silver
    Stack Limit
    0.05 kg
    Deterioration Rate
    Path Cost


    Recreation Offset
    Recreation Kind
    Maximum To Ingest
    Ingestion Time
    210 ticks (3.5 secs)


    Crafted At
    Campfire / Fueled stove / Electric stove
    Required Research
    Psychoid brewing
    Skill Required
    Cooking 2
    Work To Make
    400 ticks (6.67 secs)
    Work Speed Stat
    Drug Cooking Speed
    Resources to make
    Psychoid leaves 4
    Drug Category
    Bulk Product Amount
    Psychite tea

    Psychite tea is a relatively safe social drug that greatly improves mood, slightly reducing pain and the rate in which pawns get tired, at the risk of addiction. It is relatively very easy to research compared to other drugs, especially for Tribal colonies who suffer a speed penalty while researching more advanced drugs.


    s can be crafted, each requiring and Expression error: Unexpected < operator. of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter.

    It can also be purchased from Tribal traders, especially Shaman Merchants who commonly stock it, as well as Tribal faction bases. Tribal visitors and raiders will also occasionally carry them.


    Psychite tea is a moderately potent social drug that has a variety of effects. These can be broken into effects that occur:

    • Instantaneously and one time upon using the drug.
    • While high on the drug.
    • While having a built-up tolerance to the drug.
    • While addicted to the drug.
    • While withdrawing from the drug.

    Note that psychite tolerance, addiction and withdrawal are shared by psychite tea, flake and yayo.

    Upon drinking

    A pawn taking psychite tea will do so right where it stands without looking for a place to sit first. Psychite tea is taken by drinking, taking Expression error: Unexpected < operator.. It has the following one time effects:

    • +Expression error: Missing operand for *.% recreation
    • If the pawn has the chemical interest or chemical fascination trait:
    • +10% Rest
    • +18.75% to +75% Psychite tea high severity, depending on tolerance (see "Psychite tea high" below)
    • +3% Psychite tolerance severity, divided by body size (see "Psychite tolerance" below)
    • If the pawn has a 10% Psychite tolerance already:
      • Expression error: Unexpected * operator.% to Expression error: Unexpected * operator.% Psychite addiction chance (see "Psychite addiction" below)
    • If the pawn has a psychite addiction already:
      • +90% Psychite need (see "Psychite addiction" below)
      • −15% Psychite addiction progress (see "Psychite addiction" below)

    Psychite tea high

    "Active psychite tea in the bloodstream. Generates a mild euphoric effect."

    Each psychite tea increases the psychite tea high severity by the following formula:

    Increase in severity = 0.75 * (100 - (tolerance * 75 round 0))

    Therefore with 0% tolerance the severity increases by 75%, with 100% tolerance by 18.75%. It decreases by 300% per day again, meaning that the high of a single dose lasts between 1.5 and 6 hours. The maximum severity of a psychite tea high is 100% which is reached with 1.3 to 5.3 psychite teas. Regardless of the psychite tea high severity, the effects are always the same. Only their duration changes accordingly:

    Without any tolerance, a dose of psychite tea will last for 6 hours.

    Psychite tolerance

    "A built-up tolerance to psychite. The more severe this tolerance is, the more psychite-based drugs like yayo or flake it takes to get the same effect."

    — Tolerance description

    Each consumed increases the psychite tolerance of the pawn by the following formula:

    Increase in tolerance = 3% / body size

    Thus smaller or not fully grown pawns gain more tolerance per drug use then bigger or fully grown ones. An adult human has a body size of 1. Psychite tolerance decreases at a rate of 1.5% per day.

    See sections " high" and "Psychite addiction" for how psychite tolerance affects high severity and psychite addiction chance respectively.

    If the psychite tolerance is above a certain thresholds it imposes a chance over time to gain the following ailment:

    • Chemical damage (severe) Tolerance above 45% imposes a chance proportional to the tolerance held to get chemical damage (severe). Chemical damage (severe) gained this way will affect only kidneys and only one kidney at a time.
      Tolerance Chemical damage (severe)
      average interval
      45% 99999 Days
      50% 180 Days
      100% 135 Days

    Psychite addiction

    "A chemical addiction to psychite. Long-term presence of psychite has caused neurological adaptations at the cellular level, so the brain can no longer function properly without the drug. Without regular doses of psychite from drugs like flake or yayo, withdrawal symptoms will begin. However, extended abstinence will force the brain to adapt back to its normal state, resolving the addiction."

    — Addiction description

    The addiction progresses by 3.33% per day from the initial 50%. Once it reaches 100% the addiction is healed, meaning it takes about 15 days to overcome the addiction. Consuming during a psychite addiction will reduce the addiction progress by 15% again (see "Upon " above).

    Developing a psychite addiction has the following one time effect:

    Developing an addiction also means a pawn has a psychite need. The need for psychite falls by 50% per day, consuming psychite satisfies the need by 90% (see "Upon " above), meaning the pawn will need to consume at least every 1.8 days to prevent withdrawal symptoms.

    Psychite withdrawal

    "Because of a psychite addiction, this person needs to regularly consume the drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms."

    — Need description

    As soon as the psychite need reaches 0%, the pawn suffers from the following withdrawal symptoms:


    Psychite tea is much less addictive than flake or yayo. Adult colonists, 18 or older, can drink it every 2 days without becoming addicted. Tea provides a greater mood buff than ambrosia or a single beer, while decreasing the need for rest, thus increasing a colonist's work time. Psychite tea can be consumed on a consistent schedule to increase productivity, or saved for combat situations where you need pawns to stay happy.

    The main risk of psychite tea is addiction from unintended use, whenever from a drug binge or from a pawn with chemical interest. Psychite withdrawal is harsher than smokeleaf, much harsher than ambrosia, and it is noticeably harder to get addicted to beer. If these factors can be handled, then using psychite tea is a net positive for the colony. Of these, drug binges can be avoided by keeping mood up. Pawns with chemical interest will respect allowed areas, so restrict them from areas that create or store drugs.

    Work analysis

    Psychite tea provides ×80% to Rest Fall Rate for 6 hours, or +25% time per 1% Rest need. Without tea, the Rest need falls by ~3.96% per hour when not already tired. The boost from tea will equate to +5.94% Rest need over 6 hours, in addition to the instant +10% Rest from ingesting the drug. This results in a net boost of +15.94% Rest, or 4.03 hours of effective awake time.

    Actual time saved will almost always be lower in a 24 hour schedule, as sleeping increases Rest faster than it falls. On a normal quality bed, a dose of tea equates to 0.95 hours of sleep, or 2,375 ticks (39.58 secs) . With healthy pawns at the lowest possible skill, it takes 480.5 ticks to sow a psychoid plant, 769.2 ticks to cook the tea, and 210 ticks to drink it, for a total of 1449.8 ticks per dose. Note that this is before travel time.

    Time savings decrease as Rest Rate Multiplier increases, such as with better beds or the quick sleeper trait. However, psychite tea also increases the Recreation meter, which saves time recreating. Plus, high skill colonists create tea a lot faster. Short of a circadian half-cyclerContent added by the Royalty DLC or the Never sleep geneContent added by the Biotech DLC, creating psychite tea with perfect travel time is always a plus on work.


    Flake costs the same amount of psychoid leaves, takes less work, and is worth Silver 4 silver more per unit. Therefore, psychite tea is a completely inferior option to both flake and yayo once Psychite refining has been researched.

    Smokeleaf joints are a usually better option. Smokeleaf plants grow faster than psychoid, and give +12.5% more drugs per plant and planter work. Smokeleaf joints take 12.5% longer to create in a drug lab than psychite in a electric stove, but give +10% more silver per unit. Note that both crafting spots and campfires double the work for their respective drug, while fueled stoves require constant wood. Therefore, smokeleaf is the superior cash crop if you have a drug lab, or if you don't have either stove.

    Regardless, psychoid may be grown in a colony for drinking - any excess tea can be sold for good money.


    Version history

    • Beta 18 - Added as Psychoid pekoe.
    • Beta 19 - Renamed from Psychoid pekoe to Psychite tea. No longer made at a crafting spot.
    • Beta 19/1.0 - tolerance gain 0.02 -> 0.03, market value 14 -> 10, restFallFactor 0.9 -> 0.8
    • 1.5.4062 - Drug tolerance gain is now divided by body size and not body size squared - this also had the effect of making the suggested safe dose intervals for children correct.

    Smokeleaf joint

    Joint c.png

    Smokeleaf leaves prepared in small rolls for smoking. The drug improves mood, but also increases appetite, reduces focus, and slows movement. Smokeleaf use can produce a dependency. Can be produced without equipment at a crafting spot.

    Smokeleaf joint

    Smokeleaf joint

    Smokeleaf leaves prepared in small rolls for smoking. The drug improves mood, but also increases appetite, reduces focus and slows movement. Smokeleaf use can produce a dependency.
    Joints can be produced at a crafting spot without equipment, and are a fixture in many traditional low-industriousness cultures.

    Base Stats

    DrugSocial drug
    Tech Level
    Market Value
    11 Silver
    Stack Limit
    0.05 kg
    Deterioration Rate


    Recreation Offset
    Recreation Kind
    Maximum To Ingest
    Ingestion Time
    720 ticks (12 secs)


    Crafted At
    Crafting spot / Drug lab
    Work To Make
    450 ticks (7.5 secs)
    Work Speed Stat
    Drug Cooking Speed
    Resources to make
    Smokeleaf leaves 4
    Drug Category
    Bulk Product Amount
    Smokeleaf joint

    Smokeleaf joints are social drugs that are relatively safe to use, easy to produce, and provide a moderately potent mood and recreation buff, balanced by some drawbacks. Care should be taken however, as the consciousness debuff its high inflicts can cause death in pawns with already lowered consciousness.


    s can be crafted, each requiring and Expression error: Unexpected < operator. of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter.

    Despite being Cooking-based, the Crafting work-type must be enabled in the Work menu in order to perform this activity.

    It can also be found on raiders and purchased.


    Smokeleaf is a moderately potent mood enhancing social drug that has a variety of effects. These can be broken into effects that occur:

    • Instantaneously and one time upon using the drug.
    • While high on the drug.
    • While having a built-up tolerance to the drug.
    • While addicted to the drug.
    • While withdrawing from the drug.

    Upon smoking

    A pawn smoking a smokeleaf joint will look for a place to sit first, but is still able to smoke without one. Smokeleaf joints are smoked, taking Expression error: Unexpected < operator.. It has the following one time effects:

    • +Expression error: Missing operand for *.% recreation
    • If the pawn has the chemical interest or chemical fascination trait:
    • −10% Rest
    • +12.5% to +50% Stoned on smokeleaf severity, depending on tolerance (see "Stoned on smokeleaf" below)
    • +3% Tolerance severity, divided by body size (see "Tolerance" below)
    • If the pawn has 15% tolerance already:
      • Expression error: Unexpected * operator.% to Expression error: Unexpected * operator.% Addiction chance (see "Addiction" below)
    • If the pawn has an addiction already:
      • +90% Smokeleaf need (see "Addiction" below)
      • −6% Addiction progress (see "Addiction" below)

    Stoned on smokeleaf

    "Smokeleaf's active chemical in the bloodstream. Generates a soft feeling of fuzzy well-being."

    — Stoned on smokeleaf description

    Each joint smoked increases the stoned on smokeleaf severity by the following formula:

    Increase in severity = 0.5 * (100 - (tolerance * 75 round 0))

    Therefore with 0% tolerance the severity increases by 50%, with 100% tolerance by 12.5%. It decreases by 100% per day again, meaning that the high of a single dose lasts between 3 and 12 hours. The maximum severity of a smokeleaf high is 100% which is reached with 2 to 8 joints. Regardless of the smokeleaf high severity, the effects are always the same. Only their duration changes accordingly:

    • +13 Mood ("I'm, like, stoned, man.")
    • −30% Consciousness (WARNING: If a pawns consciousness drops to 0% they die.)
    • −10% Moving
    • +30% Hunger rate factor offset. (Note: The offsets to the factor are additive with each other, while the factor itself is multiplicative with the hunger rate.)
    • −20% Pain

    Without any tolerance, a smokeleaf joint will last for 12 hours.


    "A built-up tolerance to smokeleaf. The more severe this tolerance is, the more smokeleaf it takes to get the same effect."

    — Tolerance description

    Each smokeleaf joint consumed increases the tolerance of the pawn by the following formula:

    Increase in tolerance = 3% / body size

    Thus smaller or not fully grown pawns gain more tolerance per drug use then bigger or fully grown ones. An adult human has a body size of 1. Tolerance decreases at a rate of 1.5% per day.

    See sections "Stoned on smokeleaf" and "Addiction" for how tolerance affects stoned on smokeleaf severity and addiction chance respectively.

    If the tolerance is above a certain thresholds it imposes a chance over time to gain the following ailments:

    • Carcinoma
      Tolerance above 36% imposes a chance to get carcinoma proportional to the tolerance held. Carcinoma gained this way will affect only lungs and only one lung at a time.
      Tolerance Average carcinoma interval Graph
      36% 99999 Days
      40% 180 Days
      100% 135 Days
    • Asthma
      Tolerance above 45% imposes a chance to get asthma proportional to the tolerance held. Asthma gained this way will affect both lungs.
      Tolerance Average asthma interval Graph
      45% 99999 Days
      50% 180 Days
      100% 135 Days


    "A chemical addiction to smokeleaf. Long-term use of smokeleaf has caused neurological adaptations at the cellular level, so the brain can no longer function properly without the drug. Without regular doses of smokeleaf, withdrawal symptoms will begin. However, extended abstinence will force the brain to adapt back to its normal state, resolving the addiction."

    — Addiction description

    Once a pawn has a tolerance of 15% or above, each dose carries a chance of addiction that scales with tolerance. Due to the minimum tolerance to addict, smokeleaf joints can be safely consumed once every 2 days without risking addiction, so long as the pawn has a body size of 1 or higher and their tolerance is not already elevated before starting the schedule.

    The chance of addiction is as follows:

    Tolerance Addiction chance Graph
    0% 0%
    15% Expression error: Unexpected * operator.%
    50% Expression error: Unexpected * operator.%
    80% Expression error: Unexpected * operator.%

    The addiction progresses by 3.33% per day from the initial 50%. Once it reaches 100% the addiction is healed, meaning it takes about 15 days to overcome the addiction. Consuming smokeleaf during an addiction will reduce the addiction progress by 6% again (see "Upon smoking" above).

    Developing an addiction means a pawn has a smokeleaf need. The need for smokeleaf falls by 50% per day, consuming smokeleaf satisfies the need by 90% (see "Upon smoking" above), meaning the pawn will need to consume smokeleaf at least every 1.8 days to prevent withdrawal symptoms.


    "Because of a smokeleaf dependence, this person needs to regularly consume the drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms."

    — Need description

    As soon as the smokeleaf need reaches 0% the pawn suffers from the following withdrawal symptoms:

    • −20 Mood ("I really wish I could smoke. I feel jittery, and my gut has that anxious sensation all the time.")
    • −20% Consciousness (WARNING: If a pawns consciousness drops to 0% they die.)
    • −15% Moving
    • Mental break chances:
      • Food binge: on average every 30 days. This averages to 1 food binge during each withdrawal.
      • Hard drug binge: on average every 50 days. This averages to 0.6 hard drug binges during each withdrawal.


    Smokeleaf joints are a relatively safe drug that's easy to acquire. Adult humans can safely take smokeleaf once every 2 days without getting addicted or facing any adverse health effect.

    However, smokeleaf comes with significant penalties to Consciousness and Moving. The Consciousness penalty will make pawns slower at nearly every task in the game, and lowers their effectiveness in combat. This makes smokeleaf poor as a "general" mood-boosting drug - you don't want your soldiers stoned just before a battle. It is best used when you don't care about productivity. Prisoners and noble guestsContent added by the Royalty DLC don't work, for example. It can also be great for mood emergencies. As a painkiller, Smokeleaf subtracts pain by 20%. compared to Beer, Psychite tea, Flake, Yayo and Go-juice which only reduce pain by a multiplier while also having heavier risks involved. This is less useful for combat due to its aforementioned debuffs, and regulates it to mood control for pawns with scars, or the long-lasting Fibrous/Sensory Mechanites.

    Since smokeleaf lowers Consciousness, it also puts pawns at a slightly higher risk of death. Pawns will die if they reach 0% Consciousness, so the combination of injury and smokeleaf could kill them. And don't administer smokeleaf to pawns below 30% Consciousness, as it will instantly kill them. However, putting a pawn under anesthetic while they are stoned on smokeleaf will not kill them, despite anesthetic reducing a pawn's consciousness to 1%.

    It is recommended to set a drug policy to disable "For Recreation". Otherwise, pawns will take smokeleaf joints freely, and run the risk of getting addicted.


    Smokeleaf is one of the better drugs for trade. Unlike beer or psychite, you technically don't need research to create smokeleaf joints. However, a drug lab does require research, and it makes smokeleaf twice as fast to create.

    • For work efficiency, smokeleaf is mostly inferior to flake. Smokeleaf takes more work to harvest (+11.1% work per drug), more base work to synthesize (+80% work per drug), and each joint is worth less (78.6% value per drug). Smokeleaf joints use Cooking, while Flake uses Intellectual.
    Without the Psychite Refining research, smokeleaf is one of the better drugs. If you have drug labs available, smokeleaf is around as efficient as beer. Beer will take more work to plant and harvest, while smokeleaf will take more time to cook.
    • For growth efficiency or speed, smokeleaf is arguably the best plant in the game. In rich soil or hydroponics, smokeleaf will give the most money, per tile, per day growing. In regular soil or worse, hop plants (beer) will be slightly better.


    Version history

    • 0.15.1279 - Added.
    • Version 1.0 the effect of the mood buff was decreased from 15 to 13.
    • 1.5.4062 - Drug tolerance gain is now divided by body size and not body size squared - this also had the effect of making the suggested safe dose intervals for children correct.


    Wakeup b.png

    An addictive stimulant. Fills the need for rest, and allows users to work for extended periods without getting tired. Addiction causes reduced mental performance and, sometimes, psychotic breaks with reality.

    Drug info
    Addictiveness 10%
    Market value $35.00
    Hit points 50
    Work to make 15
    Drug effects
    Consciousness +10%
    Global work speed +50%
    Joy +40%
    Moving +10%
    Rest 100%
    Tiredness x80%