Aesthetic nose

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Aesthetic nose

Aesthetic nose

The nose is shaped to the user's desired form, matching prevalent beauty standards and enhancing physical impressions.

Base Stats

Medical ItemsBody Parts
Market Value
830 Silver


Work To Make
26,000 ticks (7.22 mins)

The Aesthetic Nose gives a pawn that's been implanted with it a bonus of +1 to beauty, corresponding to +20 opinion from other colonists.


Aesthetic noses can be made at the fabrication bench, after the Flesh Shaping research is completed. This research requires the Flesh Shaping techprint to unlock. Crafting the part requires 10 Plasteel, 2 advanced components and 26000 unit of work.

The required techprint can be obtained either by trade or completing quests for the Empire. The part itself can be obtained by trade, quests or found on Raiders and Visitors


The aesthetic nose both improves the beauty of the pawn and replaces a missing nose. Thus it is useful for social harmony by keeping opinions high, both by the +20 of having +1 beauty but also by avoiding the "Disfigured" opinion penalty a missing nose creates. This bonus and removal of a malus can be also help couple up a particular pawn or keep an existing couple together and happy by increasing their opinion of each other.

The Gastro-analyzer and aesthetic nose can not be installed on the same pawn.

Gastro-analyzer is an implant INTO the nose, while aesthetic nose REPLACES the nose. You can't install a gastro analyzer into a aesthetic nose; it's one or the other. - Tynan Sylvester [1]

This is the only part incompatibility meaning, besides Wealth, there is no reason not to install this part on non-cooking pawns. However its small effect also make doing so a low priority.

There are conflicting reports that beauty improves Trade prices, but these are currently unconfirmed.

Archotech armBionic armPower clawProsthetic armWooden handDrill arm Content added by the Royalty DLCElbow blade Content added by the Royalty DLCField hand Content added by the Royalty DLCHand talon Content added by the Royalty DLCVenom talon Content added by the Royalty DLCFlesh tentacleContent added by the Anomaly DLCFlesh whipContent added by the Anomaly DLC
Archotech eyeBionic eyeBionic earBionic jawBionic tongueCochlear implantDentureAesthetic nose Content added by the Royalty DLC
Head implants
JoywirePainstopperCircadian assistant Content added by the Royalty DLCCircadian half-cycler Content added by the Royalty DLCGastro-analyzer Content added by the Royalty DLCLearning assistant Content added by the Royalty DLCMindscrew Content added by the Royalty DLCNeurocalculator Content added by the Royalty DLCPsychic harmonizer Content added by the Royalty DLCPsychic reader Content added by the Royalty DLCPsychic sensitizer Content added by the Royalty DLCVenom fangs Content added by the Royalty DLCControl sublink (Standard, High) Content added by the Biotech DLCMechlink Content added by the Biotech DLCMech gestation processor Content added by the Biotech DLCRemote repairer Content added by the Biotech DLCRemote shielder Content added by the Biotech DLCRepair probe Content added by the Biotech DLC
Bionic spineRevenant vertebraeContent added by the Anomaly DLC
Bionic stomachNuclear stomach Content added by the Royalty DLCReprocessor stomach Content added by the Royalty DLCSterilizing stomach Content added by the Royalty DLCFleshmass stomach Content added by the Anomaly DLC
Bionic heartProsthetic heartHeartAdrenal heartContent added by the Anomaly DLCCorrosive heartContent added by the Anomaly DLCMetalblood heartContent added by the Anomaly DLC
LungDetoxifier lung Content added by the Biotech DLCFleshmass lung Content added by the Anomaly DLC
KidneyDetoxifier kidney Content added by the Biotech DLC
Visceral implants
Death acidifierAesthetic shaper Content added by the Royalty DLCCoagulator Content added by the Royalty DLCHealing enhancer Content added by the Royalty DLCArmorskin gland Content added by the Royalty DLCStoneskin gland Content added by the Royalty DLCToughskin gland Content added by the Royalty DLCImmunoenhancer Content added by the Royalty DLCLove enhancer Content added by the Royalty DLCGhoul platingContent added by the Anomaly DLCGhoul barbsContent added by the Anomaly DLC
Archotech legBionic legProsthetic legPeg legWooden footKnee spike Content added by the Royalty DLC
Psylink neuroformer Content added by the Royalty DLCXenogerm Content added by the Biotech DLC
Scyther bladePsychic silencer Content added by the Royalty DLC