Toxic wastepack

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Toxic wastepack

Toxic wastepack

A compacted package of toxic waste that will slowly dissolve if not frozen. The surface is heat-sealed for safe transport. Wastepacks will pollute the surrounding terrain if they dissolve, deteriorate, or are otherwise destroyed. Toxic wastepacks are flammable. If burned or damaged, they will release tox gas.

Base Stats

Market Value
Stack Limit
6 kg
Deterioration Rate

Toxic wastepacks are a byproduct created by mech-related buildings, the cleanup of Pollution, .


Pollution Pumpss and pawns manually cleaning pollution on the ground generate Wastepacks. Wastepacks may also be dropped into your colony as part of a quest.

Mechanoid Recharging and Gestation

Toxic wastepacks are produced when Mechs utilize mech rechargers or large mech rechargerss, and whenever a mech gestator or large mech gestator finishes gestating. The amount of wastepacks produced is proportional to the Bandwidth of the mech recharged or gestated.

Mechanoid Type Bandwidth Wastepacks Per Recharge
Agrihand, Cleansweeper, Fabricor, Militor, Paramedic 1 5
Lancer, Legionary, Pikeman, Scorcher, Scyther 2 10
Tesseron, Tunneler 3 15
Centipede (all) 4 20
Centurion, Diabolus, War queen 5 25


Up to 5 toxic wastepacks can fit into 1 tile, and they do not fit on shelves.

1 wastepack per stack will disolve every 8 days, with the following factors:

  • 0.5x if indoors
  • 2x if in Rain
  • 0x if 0 °C (32 °F) or lower. No decrease for any temperature above freezing point.


Wastepacks pollute 6 ground tiles of a colony, per wastepack, when they deteoriate. A full stack of 5 wastepacks pollutes 30 tiles. When burned or damaged, they release tox gas, in addition to the pollution.[Detail Needed] (What about natural walls / walls? Do they polute underneath?).

When dropped in a caravan or unmanned transport pod, they will lower goodwill of a nearby faction by some amount. There's no extra effect on an already hostile faction. Waste dropped this way immediately pollutes the world tile they're dropped on by 0.05% - it takes 2000 wastepacks to fill a hex. Dropping them on a water hex applies an 8x multiplier, meaning 250 wastepacks will fill it.



Most means of destroying wastepacks have some sort of consequence:

  • Letting it deteroriate naturally. Pollution is localized - wastepacks that deteroriate away from your base won't have an impact, at least for a while. Insectoids may come due to overall pollution.
  • Dumping it via caravan. Dumping within 4 tiles of your colony will still cause some pollution to spread back.
    • Dumping near a faction will lower goodwill proportional to distance, wastepacks, and current goodwill.
    • If the wastepack is "unintentionally" lost due to all pawns in a caravan dying, there won't be any goodwill penalties. This comes at the cost of a colonist, any pack animals, and the respective mood penalty.
  • Dumping with transport pods. This costs steel and chemfuel for each launch: to send 25 wastepacks takes Steel 50, Component 1, and variable chemfuel. Pods allow you to easily drop waste to a faraway, hostile base, where goodwill simply doesn't matter.
  • Wastepack atomizers have no explicit consequences. However, they are expensive to create, expensive in power, and aren't fast. One atomizer can support 4.6 bandwidth of mechanoids - a mechanitor is very likely to have more.
  • Polux trees, which are another clean form of pollution removal. They can't be grown manually, and only appear if there's a lot of pollution, already.
  • Shuttles.Content added by the Royalty DLC You can load Empire shuttles with toxic wastepacks. As shuttles have a carrying capacity of 1000kg, this allows the movement of 166 wastepacks at a time, provided you are on good terms with the empire. Normal goodwill penalties will apply if wastepacks are delivered within 15 tiles of another faction's settlement, but there is no goodwill hit from the Empire for merely using the shuttle for the delivery.

credit to /u/BenightedAlizar on r/rimworld


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