Slab bed

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Slab bed

Slab bed

A slab of hard material made to sleep on. Slab beds are uncomfortable, but some see their use as a demonstration of moral good.

Base Stats

Tech Level
30 kg
Path Cost


1 × 2
pass through only
Cover Effectiveness
Terrain Affordance
End table, Dresser, Sleep accelerator
Surgery Success Chance Factor
Immunity Gain Speed Factor
Rest Effectiveness


Required Research
Complex furniture
Work To Make
400 ticks (6.67 secs)
Stuff Tags
Metallic, Woody, Stony
Resources to make
Stuff 30
Deconstruct yield
Stuff 15
Destroy yield
Stuff 7 - 8
Has Quality

Slab beds are a type of furniture added by the Ideology DLC. They are a variant of the regular bed that provides no comfort to their users but does provide a mood boost to those with the correct precept.


Slab beds can be constructed once the complex furniture research project has been completed. Each requires Stuff 30 Stuff (Metallic/Woody/Stony, 300 for SMVs) and 400 ticks (6.67 secs) of work modified by the construction speed of the builder and the work to build factor and offset of the material. The constructor must follow an ideoligion with the Pain is virtue meme in order to build it.


Slab beds are a form of sleep furniture. One pawn can sleep on one at a time.

Slab beds function as do other beds, but provide no comfort to their users. Instead, they provide a +2 "Slept on slab bed" mood buff to pawns with an ideoligion with the Slab bed: Preferred precept. As of 1.3.3117, the end table and dresser are as related options to build when the slab bed is selected, and the dresser is shown as linking to the it as well, but neither facility improves the bed.

Otherwise, their bed stats act as they do on other beds.

Rest Effectiveness[edit]

Rest Effectiveness is a measure how fast a pawn will regain rest. A pawn sleeping in a bed with 125% rest effectiveness would regain rest 25% faster, and thus require 80% of the time to sleep. Rest effectiveness varies by quality and material. Stone materials only offer 90% of the rest effectiveness of a bed made from non-stone materials at the same quality level.

  • Material Awful Poor Normal Good Excellent Masterwork Legendary
    Non-Stone and Jade 86%
    (12.21 h)
    (11.41 h)
    (10.5 h)
    (9.72 h)
    (9.21 h)
    (8.4 h)
    (6.56 h)
    Non-Stone and Jade
    + Sleep accelerator Content added by the Ideology DLC
    (9.04 h)
    (8.45 h)
    (7.78 h)
    (7.2 h)
    (6.82 h)
    (6.22 h)
    (4.86 h)
    Stone except Jade 77%
    (13.57 h)
    (12.68 h)
    (11.67 h)
    (10.8 h)
    (10.23 h)
    (9.33 h)
    (7.29 h)
    Stone except Jade
    + Sleep accelerator Content added by the Ideology DLC
    (9.77 h)
    (9.13 h)
    (8.4 h)
    (7.78 h)
    (7.37 h)
    (6.72 h)
    (5.25 h)
  • Bracketed numbers are in-game hours to refill rest from 0% to 100% at the given rest effectiveness.

    Surgery Success Chance Factor[edit]

    The Surgery Success Chance Factor is exactly what it sounds like - a multiplier on the chance for a successful surgery assuming it is performed in this bed. The base value depends on the bed type with most beds and bedrolls having a base value of 100%, the sleeping spot a lower value of 70%, and the hospital bed a higher value of 110%. This base value is then modified by the bed's quality level. Beds of the same type and quality level will all have the same factor, regardless of what they're constructed from.

  • Quality Awful Poor Normal Good Excellent Masterwork Legendary
    Surgery Success Chance Factor 90% 95% 100% 105% 110% 115% 130%
  • This table assumes the slab bed is inside a clean, properly lit room. For the full effects of light, cleanliness and placing the slab bed outside see Surgery Success Chance Factor.


    A pawn resting in a slab bed of any quality will have their Immunity Gain Speed multiplied by ×1.07 and heal an additional +? HP from injuries per day.


    Slab beds are an obvious choice for pawns following Pain is Virtue, which always has Comfort: Ignored. For the same resting stats, slab beds cost fewer materials, require less work, and have a +2 moodlet over a regular bed. For other pawns, the loss of comfort turns a possible +10 moodlet into a −3 Uncomfortable moodlet.

    The real comparison is not between slab and regular beds, but if you should take Pain is Virtue as a whole. The lack of comfort means you don't have to build dining chairs or armchairs, but lose out on the comfort bonuses later on. Other than that, you will have to deal with Scarification, but gain the benefits of Rough Living (making the earlygame easier) and Pain: Idealized (allowing pawns to remain stable in the toughest of times). Scars can make up for mood, but come at the usual costs of pain.

    Stats table

    Feature Toggle
    QualityRitual Quality Check Off.pngRitual Quality Check On.png
  • Slab bed Slab bed Beauty Comfort Rest
    factor [B]
    Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Quality Material
    Awful Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 0 74% (14.2 h) 90% 001,000 ticks (16.67 secs) 280 75% 13 Silver
    Awful Gold Gold -2 0 86% (12.21 h) 90% 000,360 ticks (6 secs) 84 40% 1,500 Silver
    Awful Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 0 77% (13.57 h) 90% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 238 0% 18 Silver
    Awful Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 0 77% (13.57 h) 90% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 217 0% 18 Silver
    Awful Marble blocks Marble blocks 0 0 77% (13.57 h) 90% 002,340 ticks (39 secs) 168 0% 18 Silver
    Awful Plasteel Plasteel 0 0 86% (12.21 h) 90% 000,880 ticks (14.67 secs) 392 0% 137 Silver
    Awful Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 0 77% (13.57 h) 90% 002,140 ticks (35.67 secs) 196 0% 17 Silver
    Awful Silver Silver -1 0 86% (12.21 h) 90% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 98 40% 151 Silver
    Awful Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 0 77% (13.57 h) 90% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 182 0% 18 Silver
    Awful Steel Steel 0 0 86% (12.21 h) 90% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 140 40% 29 Silver
    Awful Jade Jade -1 0 86% (12.21 h) 90% 002,000 ticks (33.33 secs) 70 0% 79 Silver
    Awful Uranium Uranium 0 0 86% (12.21 h) 90% 000,760 ticks (12.67 secs) 350 0% 91 Silver
    Awful Wood Wood 0 0 86% (12.21 h) 90% 000,280 ticks (4.67 secs) 91 100% 19 Silver
    Poor Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 0 79% (13.27 h) 95% 001,000 ticks (16.67 secs) 280 75% 20 Silver
    Poor Gold Gold 10 0 92% (11.41 h) 95% 000,360 ticks (6 secs) 84 40% 2,250 Silver
    Poor Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 0 83% (12.68 h) 95% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 238 0% 27 Silver
    Poor Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 0 83% (12.68 h) 95% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 217 0% 27 Silver
    Poor Marble blocks Marble blocks 0 0 83% (12.68 h) 95% 002,340 ticks (39 secs) 168 0% 27 Silver
    Poor Plasteel Plasteel 0 0 92% (11.41 h) 95% 000,880 ticks (14.67 secs) 392 0% 205 Silver
    Poor Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 0 83% (12.68 h) 95% 002,140 ticks (35.67 secs) 196 0% 26 Silver
    Poor Silver Silver 3 0 92% (11.41 h) 95% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 98 40% 225 Silver
    Poor Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 0 83% (12.68 h) 95% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 182 0% 27 Silver
    Poor Steel Steel 0 0 92% (11.41 h) 95% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 140 40% 44 Silver
    Poor Jade Jade 5 0 92% (11.41 h) 95% 002,000 ticks (33.33 secs) 70 0% 118 Silver
    Poor Uranium Uranium 0 0 92% (11.41 h) 95% 000,760 ticks (12.67 secs) 350 0% 137 Silver
    Poor Wood Wood 0 0 92% (11.41 h) 95% 000,280 ticks (4.67 secs) 91 100% 28 Silver
    Normal Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 0 86% (12.21 h) 100% 001,000 ticks (16.67 secs) 280 75% 26 Silver
    Normal Gold Gold 20 0 100% (10.5 h) 100% 000,360 ticks (6 secs) 84 40% 3,000 Silver
    Normal Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 0 90% (11.67 h) 100% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 238 0% 36 Silver
    Normal Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 0 90% (11.67 h) 100% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 217 0% 36 Silver
    Normal Marble blocks Marble blocks 1 0 90% (11.67 h) 100% 002,340 ticks (39 secs) 168 0% 35 Silver
    Normal Plasteel Plasteel 0 0 100% (10.5 h) 100% 000,880 ticks (14.67 secs) 392 0% 275 Silver
    Normal Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 0 90% (11.67 h) 100% 002,140 ticks (35.67 secs) 196 0% 35 Silver
    Normal Silver Silver 6 0 100% (10.5 h) 100% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 98 40% 300 Silver
    Normal Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 0 90% (11.67 h) 100% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 182 0% 36 Silver
    Normal Steel Steel 0 0 100% (10.5 h) 100% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 140 40% 58 Silver
    Normal Jade Jade 10 0 100% (10.5 h) 100% 002,000 ticks (33.33 secs) 70 0% 157 Silver
    Normal Uranium Uranium 0 0 100% (10.5 h) 100% 000,760 ticks (12.67 secs) 350 0% 183 Silver
    Normal Wood Wood 0 0 100% (10.5 h) 100% 000,280 ticks (4.67 secs) 91 100% 37 Silver
    Good Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 0 93% (11.3 h) 105% 001,000 ticks (16.67 secs) 280 75% 33 Silver
    Good Gold Gold 40 0 108% (9.72 h) 105% 000,360 ticks (6 secs) 84 40% 3,500 Silver
    Good Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 0 97% (10.8 h) 105% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 238 0% 45 Silver
    Good Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 0 97% (10.8 h) 105% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 217 0% 45 Silver
    Good Marble blocks Marble blocks 2 0 97% (10.8 h) 105% 002,340 ticks (39 secs) 168 0% 44 Silver
    Good Plasteel Plasteel 0 0 108% (9.72 h) 105% 000,880 ticks (14.67 secs) 392 0% 340 Silver
    Good Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 0 97% (10.8 h) 105% 002,140 ticks (35.67 secs) 196 0% 43 Silver
    Good Silver Silver 12 0 108% (9.72 h) 105% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 98 40% 375 Silver
    Good Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 0 97% (10.8 h) 105% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 182 0% 45 Silver
    Good Steel Steel 0 0 108% (9.72 h) 105% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 140 40% 73 Silver
    Good Jade Jade 20 0 108% (9.72 h) 105% 002,000 ticks (33.33 secs) 70 0% 197 Silver
    Good Uranium Uranium 0 0 108% (9.72 h) 105% 000,760 ticks (12.67 secs) 350 0% 230 Silver
    Good Wood Wood 0 0 108% (9.72 h) 105% 000,280 ticks (4.67 secs) 91 100% 46 Silver
    Excellent Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 0 98% (10.71 h) 110% 001,000 ticks (16.67 secs) 280 75% 39 Silver
    Excellent Gold Gold 60 0 114% (9.21 h) 110% 000,360 ticks (6 secs) 84 40% 4,000 Silver
    Excellent Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 0 103% (10.23 h) 110% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 238 0% 54 Silver
    Excellent Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 0 103% (10.23 h) 110% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 217 0% 54 Silver
    Excellent Marble blocks Marble blocks 3 0 103% (10.23 h) 110% 002,340 ticks (39 secs) 168 0% 53 Silver
    Excellent Plasteel Plasteel 0 0 114% (9.21 h) 110% 000,880 ticks (14.67 secs) 392 0% 410 Silver
    Excellent Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 0 103% (10.23 h) 110% 002,140 ticks (35.67 secs) 196 0% 52 Silver
    Excellent Silver Silver 18 0 114% (9.21 h) 110% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 98 40% 450 Silver
    Excellent Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 0 103% (10.23 h) 110% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 182 0% 54 Silver
    Excellent Steel Steel 0 0 114% (9.21 h) 110% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 140 40% 88 Silver
    Excellent Jade Jade 30 0 114% (9.21 h) 110% 002,000 ticks (33.33 secs) 70 0% 235 Silver
    Excellent Uranium Uranium 0 0 114% (9.21 h) 110% 000,760 ticks (12.67 secs) 350 0% 275 Silver
    Excellent Wood Wood 0 0 114% (9.21 h) 110% 000,280 ticks (4.67 secs) 91 100% 56 Silver
    Masterwork Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 0 108% (9.77 h) 115% 001,000 ticks (16.67 secs) 280 75% 65 Silver
    Masterwork Gold Gold 100 0 125% (8.4 h) 115% 000,360 ticks (6 secs) 84 40% 5,000 Silver
    Masterwork Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 0 113% (9.33 h) 115% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 238 0% 90 Silver
    Masterwork Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 0 113% (9.33 h) 115% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 217 0% 90 Silver
    Masterwork Marble blocks Marble blocks 5 0 113% (9.33 h) 115% 002,340 ticks (39 secs) 168 0% 89 Silver
    Masterwork Plasteel Plasteel 0 0 125% (8.4 h) 115% 000,880 ticks (14.67 secs) 392 0% 685 Silver
    Masterwork Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 0 113% (9.33 h) 115% 002,140 ticks (35.67 secs) 196 0% 87 Silver
    Masterwork Silver Silver 30 0 125% (8.4 h) 115% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 98 40% 755 Silver
    Masterwork Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 0 113% (9.33 h) 115% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 182 0% 90 Silver
    Masterwork Steel Steel 0 0 125% (8.4 h) 115% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 140 40% 146 Silver
    Masterwork Jade Jade 50 0 125% (8.4 h) 115% 002,000 ticks (33.33 secs) 70 0% 395 Silver
    Masterwork Uranium Uranium 0 0 125% (8.4 h) 115% 000,760 ticks (12.67 secs) 350 0% 455 Silver
    Masterwork Wood Wood 0 0 125% (8.4 h) 115% 000,280 ticks (4.67 secs) 91 100% 93 Silver
    Legendary Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 0 138% (7.63 h) 130% 001,000 ticks (16.67 secs) 280 75% 131 Silver
    Legendary Gold Gold 160 0 160% (6.56 h) 130% 000,360 ticks (6 secs) 84 40% 6,000 Silver
    Legendary Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 0 144% (7.29 h) 130% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 238 0% 181 Silver
    Legendary Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 0 144% (7.29 h) 130% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 217 0% 181 Silver
    Legendary Marble blocks Marble blocks 8 0 144% (7.29 h) 130% 002,340 ticks (39 secs) 168 0% 177 Silver
    Legendary Plasteel Plasteel 0 0 160% (6.56 h) 130% 000,880 ticks (14.67 secs) 392 0% 1,365 Silver
    Legendary Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 0 144% (7.29 h) 130% 002,140 ticks (35.67 secs) 196 0% 174 Silver
    Legendary Silver Silver 48 0 160% (6.56 h) 130% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 98 40% 1,505 Silver
    Legendary Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 0 144% (7.29 h) 130% 002,540 ticks (42.33 secs) 182 0% 181 Silver
    Legendary Steel Steel 0 0 160% (6.56 h) 130% 000,400 ticks (6.67 secs) 140 40% 290 Silver
    Legendary Jade Jade 80 0 160% (6.56 h) 130% 002,000 ticks (33.33 secs) 70 0% 785 Silver
    Legendary Uranium Uranium 0 0 160% (6.56 h) 130% 000,760 ticks (12.67 secs) 350 0% 915 Silver
    Legendary Wood Wood 0 0 160% (6.56 h) 130% 000,280 ticks (4.67 secs) 91 100% 185 Silver
  • A Bracketed numbers are in-game hours to refill rest to 100% from 0% at the given rest effectiveness.
    B This assumes the slab bed is inside a clean, properly lit room. For the full effects of light, cleanliness and placing a slab bed outside see Surgery Success Chance Factor.

    Version history[edit]

    • 1.3.3200 - Base flammability multiplier increased from 0% to 100%