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Pigskins are a xenotype, genetically engineered for their organs.


Human-pig hybrids, Pigskins were initially created for organ-harvesting operations by a long-gone government that was uncomfortable with the thought of exploiting baseliners. However, they found success in their attempt to merge human DNA with that of a pig - to make easier transplantable organs such as hearts and lungs - creating a more humanlike being than anticipated.

They retain similar characteristics to baseliners; capable of speech, tool usage and bipedal movement. However, they do maintain piglike elements. Pigskins have a robust digestive system and can eat almost anything without getting sick, however, a notable drawback of the xenotype is their trotter-shaped hands that make it more difficult to manipulate tools and objects and their nearsightedness results in their preference for close-range - or explosive - weaponry.


The table below describes the chance for a given pawn from each faction being a pigskin. Note that this value does not account for chances in xenotype chance from ideoligionContent added by the Ideology DLC or from pawn kind, it only shows the base value before those factors.

Faction Chance
GentleTribe.png Gentle tribe 0%
FierceTribe.png Fierce tribe 0%
SavageTribe.png Savage tribe 0%
CannibalTribe.png Cannibal tribeContent added by the Ideology DLC 0%
NudistTribe.png Nudist tribeContent added by the Ideology DLC 0%
FierceNeanderthalTribe.png Fierce neanderthal tribe 0%
SavageImpidTribe.png Savage impid tribe 0%
Civil outlander.png Civil outlander union 0%
Rough outlander.png Rough outlander union 0%
RoughPigUnion.png Rough pig union 100%
Pirate.png Pirate gang 2.5%
CannibalPirate.png Cannibal pirate gangContent added by the Ideology DLC 2.5%
YttakinPirates.png Yttakin pirates 0%
WasterPirates.png Waster pirates 2.5%
Empire map marker.png Shattered empire Content added by the Royalty DLC 0%


In-game, pigskins are not in any way related to pigs. They don't mind wearing pigskin clothes or eating pork, nor do they produce either when butchered.


Pigskins have a gene complexity of 16Complexity complexity. With a −1Metabolic efficiency metabolic efficiency, they have a hunger rate of ×125%.

All pigskins have these germline genes:


Pig nose
Pig nose
Trotter hands
Trotter hands
Strong stomach
Strong stomach
Robust digestion
Robust digestion
Reduced pain
Reduced pain
Strong immunity
Strong immunity
Pig nose Trotter hands Nearsighted Strong stomach Robust digestion Reduced pain Strong immunity


Pig ears
Pig ears
Hulk body
Hulk body
Fat body
Fat body
Pig voice
Pig voice
Pig ears Hulk body Fat body Pig voice


Poor cooking
Poor cooking
Poor cooking

Rough pig unions

Pigskins congregate and usually form factions known as the rough pig union. Essentially, a loose alliance of rugged pigskin townships that prefer to interact with their own kind - but, have been known to make friends with 'thinsnouts'. However, they're far more ready to toss a bomb and gnaw human gristle when it suits them, which is their general approach unless one cosies up to them. Earn their respect, and they'd be a worthwhile ally, reading to offer a trotter to those they think of as friends.


Pigskins are formidable opponents. Thanks to reduced pain, pigskins require twice as much damage to be downed from pain shock - the most common way to disable a pawn through combat. Rough pigskin unions often use a combination of shotguns, grenades, and melee weapons to make up for their nearsightedness. While not as tough as a neanderthal, pigskins move as fast as a baseliner and have access to industrial technology.

As colonists, pigskins come with a few quirks. Trotter hands reduces Manipulation, meaning pigskins are 85% as fast at doing most work. Nearsighted means an accuracy penalty when shooting from 26 tiles or more. And they eat more food than a baseliner. In return, pigskins can eat raw food safely, are resistant to disease, and have reduced pain.

Early on, both food poisoning and disease can be major setbacks. Their traits are also useful in a caravan. But in an established colony, the negatives will often outweigh the benefits. Yet the negatives are tolerable. You shouldn't reject an otherwise good colonist just for being a pigskin. Like with the rough pig union, colonist pigskins are most effective wielding shotguns, grenades, melee, or launchers, which all circumvent the nearsighted gene.

Despite their lower metabolic efficiency and manipulation, pigskins only require 75% the plant level of an otherwise identical baseliner to sustain themselves by foraging.

Gene extraction

Some of the more valuable genes pigskins have to extract are:

  • Strong stomach - Full immunity to food poisoning, which is still possible (if rare) even with the best cooks.
  • Strong immunity - 110% immunity can be helpful to save on medicine and potentially save lives. Even when medicine is no longer an issue, this gene helps pawns recover from disease faster.
  • Nearsighted - Can be installed on brawlers, melee fighters, noncombatants, and anyone using a ranged weapon with a range under 26 tiles without penalty, giving a boost to metabolic efficiency. For a full list of unaffected ranged weapons, see here.
  • Robust digestion - Increasing the nutrition from raw meat by 80% is key to sustaining a large number of ghoulsContent added by the Anomaly DLC.
  • Poor cooking - Since most pawns don't need to cook, it's an easy way to gain 1 point of metabolic efficiency. Furthermore, given high enough manipulation, a level 16 cook can reach the maximum Butchery Efficiency and Cooking Speed and the minimum Food Poison Chance.

Version history

  • 1.4.3531 - Adjust prevalence of nicknames among pigskins.