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== Current version ==
The most current PC version in our database is: '''{{Current Version|link=1}}'''
<div style="display:none;"><onlyinclude>0.6.532</onlyinclude></div>
The most current [[Console edition|console version]] in our database is: '''{{Current Version|link=1|console=1}}'''
:''See '''[[upcoming features]]''' for future updates. Known bugs in the latest versions are listed '''[[List of known bugs|here]]'''.''
*'''Public''' versions were announced on the [http://ludeon.com/blog/ Developer Blog]
Is this not correct? Please feel free to update it yourself, or let us know on the [https://discordapp.com/invite/UTaMDWc Rimworld Discord]!
*'''Quiet''' versions were recorded on the [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_rCdGYp3nbSUXFG4Ky96RZW1cJGt9g_6ANZZPOHyNsg/pub Changelog]
*'''Silent''' versions were released without record
*Internal versions were not released to the public
<div class="toclimit-{{{1|{{{limit|2}}}}}}">__TOC__</div>
= Current version (Alpha 12) =
== Past PC versions ==
All public versions can be found in the expanding table below. All past versions including Internal, Public, Silent, Hotfixes, Release, Alpha & Beta versions, can be found on the [[:Category:Version]] page.  
Animal taming
Colonists with the Animal Handler work type will now interact with animals.
Animal handling success rates are governed by the new Animals skill.
Handlers can tame animals. They approach designated wild animals with food and attempt to tame them to make them part of the colony.
Handlers can train animals as designated in tame animals’ Training tab. Animal training looks like taming, requires food, and trains one “trainable skill” at a time. Not all animals can learn anything; they need sufficient trainable intelligence.
Trainable skills:
Obedience: has master, follows master while master is drafted and defends him.
Release: master can release animal during combat to attack distant enemies, and call animal back.
Rescue: animal will rescue wounded colonists and take them to bed. Animal must be smart and large enough to do this.
Haul: animal will intermittently haul items like a colonist would. Animal must be smart enough to do this, and will haul an amount related to its body size.
Added Animals main tab, which lists all colony animals and provides interfaces to set their master and area restriction.
Each animal has a ‘wildness’ indicating how difficult it is to tame.
Animals have a minimum handling skill. Player is warned if they designate taming an animal that no handler can actually tame.
Tame animals can be assigned animal areas in which they will try to remain.
Tame animals can be bought and sold. Bulk traders carry normal animals, while exotic goods traders can buy and sell any weird animal, pre-tamed.
Tame animals can be designated for slaughter and animal handlers will slaughter them.
New animal behaviors and mechanics
Some animals (alpaca, muffalo, camel) can be shorn for wool that can be crafted into apparel.
Some animals (muffalo, cow, camel) can be milked.
Some animals (chicken, cobra, iguana, tortoise, etc) can now lay eggs. Fertilized eggs will hatch. All eggs can be eaten or cooked.
Animals can be pregnant and give birth. Animals are made pregnant when a male approaches and mates with a female. Birth is accompanied by amniotic fluid spray.
You can now build animal beds and animal boxes and place animal sleeping spots.
Animals all sleep.
Animals can have different graphics per gender.
Animals have “life stages” related to their ages. Baby animals are tiny and weak, juveniles somewhat larger, and adults are full size.
Colony starts with a random pet.
Animals can nuzzle colonists, improving their mood.
Animals can be named when tamed or when nuzzling. Names are drawn from a large bank of animal names.
All organisms including animals have life expectancies and will develop chronic conditions like frailty or cataracts in old age.
New incident: Farm Animals Wander In (some tame farm animals wander to and join the colony)
New incident: Self Tame (random wild animal on map becomes tame).
Doctors will treat animals’ wounds if the animal is in a colony bed.
Some animals may attack on a failed taming attempt.
Animals produce animal filth, proportional to body size, inversely proportional to petness.
Tons of new animal graphics and sounds for new animals.
New animals
Boomalope (large fragile animal that explodes and sets fires on death)
Thrumbo (giant peaceful powerful creature with amazing fur and horn)
Chinchilla (very valuable fur)
Yorkshire terrier
Labrador retriever
Room roles and stats
Rooms now have ‘roles’ and stats based on what is inside them. These are automatically-defined values that, in turn, passively affect thoughts and events in the room.
Room roles and stats can be inspected with a new inspection tool (bottom right of screen).
Room roles are:
Prison bedroom
Prison barracks
Dining room
Rec room
Room stats are:
Impressiveness (most important stat; an aggregate of other stats, mostly for pride psychology)
Cleanliness (has a direct effect on medical outcomes)
Room stats affect things like:
Immunity gain speed
Medical treatment quality
Room stats create many variants on thoughts like:
Ate in impressive dining room
Own impressive bedroom
Own bed in impressive barracks
Did joy activity in impressive rec room
Added traits:
Greedy: Unhappy without a very impressive room.
Jealous: Unhappy if anyone has a room noticeably better than him.
Ascetic: Unhappy unless he has a very crappy room.
Added ‘facilities’ – passive buildings that give bonuses to nearby buildings:
Vitals monitor (improves healing in adjacent medical bed)
Tool cabinet (improves production at nearby work table)
Multi-analyzer (speeds research at nearby research bench)
Ancient artifacts
Ancient artifacts with psychic powers can be bought, sold, and found in ancient crypts.
Psychic powers work at any range through obstacles.
Artifacts are one-use.
The artifacts are:
Psychic insanity lance – drives a single target insane
Psychic shock lance – drops a single target asleep
Psychic animal pulser – drives animals berserk map-wide
Psychic soothe pulser – gives a temporary mood boost to everyone on the map
Graves and sarcophagi
Graves are no longer just glorified storage slots; colonists must actually ‘bury’ corpses.
Can now build sarcophagi out of solid materials. High-quality sarcophagi are art items.
Colonists will visit graves of dead colonists for a joy activity.
Misc new incidents
New incident: Poison ship. A variation on the psychic drone ship that kills plants in an expanding circle.
New Flashstorn. A localized, intense lightning storm in one area of the map. Causes big fires.
Interface rework
Main tabs like Work, Outfits, World, Factions, etc are now tabs permanently displayed along the bottom of the screen instead of being buried in an Overview window.
Some tabs, like Work, will not take more space than they need to given the number of entries (colonists) to display.
Added heart attacks. People or animals approaching or past their life expectancy will have a chance of heart attack, which will progress and resolve in a random way. Heart attack is emergency-treatable to improve outcomes.
Added hay (animal food only, for getting through winter). Added haygrass (long growing, high yield of hay).
Added way to enable/deny medicine in different qualities to any colonist, prisoner, or tame animal, from a the health tab.
All furniture is now ‘minifiable’ like televisions and telescopes. This means beds, chairs, etc can be moved without being rebuilt, bought, and sold.
New trait: Night owl. Happy when awake at night, sad if awake around midday.
New thought: Crowded – In a space with too many people.
New installable implant: Painstopper. Prevents all pain, but reduces consciousness permanently.
New installable implant: Joywire. Large permanent happiness boost, but reduces consciousness permanently.
Furniture can now be art engraved.
New floors: gold tile, sterile tile, cream carpet, dark gray carpet.
Game start now has a “select random landing site” button if you don’t want to choose.
Improvements to trade interface: better layout, expands vertically to use all screen space, increment/decrement buttons and launch/drop all buttons added.
Added ‘open’ designator for opening cryptosleep caskets, graves, sarcophagi, and other containers.
Manhunter pack incident can use animals besides wargs.
Commands are shown if there is at least 1 selected object with this command, instead of requiring all selected things be able to accept the command.
Dazed broken pawns will now randomly strip off clothes and drop things.
New graphics for squirrel and warg.
New graphics for research bench and other buildings.
Unskilled or injured growers can fail at harvesting, destroying the harvest for one plant
A bunch of new music from Alistair Lindsay.
Carrying capacity is now a stat that can change for body size and manipulation capacity.
Siegers will never be sent with only melee weapons (too exploitable).
Sappers now avoid mining through high-health ores and barriers.
Rebalanced crop yields and harvesting challenges so crops require a bit more space.
Game will auto-reset mods config on startup crash to try to recover.
Tons and tons of bugfixes and other adjustments, refactorings, balancings and tunings.
= Recent version (Alpha 11C/11D)=
If there is a version that is missing, please feel free to add it! Just don't forget to tag the page with the Version Category!
= Recent version (Alpha 10) =
{{#ask: [[Category:Version]] [[~Version/*]] [[!~Version/Current version]]
| ? = Version
| ?Release Date = Release Date&nbsp;
| headers=plain
| sort = Release Date
| order = descending
| limit = 500
| format = class
| class = mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable
= Recent version (Alpha 9) =
== Past console versions ==
All past console versions can be found on the [[:Category:Console version]] page. This has a list of every version tagged by that category.  
= Complete Version List =
If there is a version that is missing, please feel free to add it! Just don't forget to tag the page with the Console version Category!
<div class="wrapper"><dl>
:[[Version/0.12.906|0.12.906]] (Alpha 12)
:[[Version/0.11.877|0.11.877]] (Alpha 11C/11D)
:[[Version/0.11.857|0.11.857]] (Alpha 11B)
:[[Version/0.11.834|0.11.834]] (Alpha 11)
:[[Version/0.10.785|0.10.785]] (Alpha 10)
:[[Version/0.9.722|0.9.722]] (Alpha 9)
:[[Version/0.8.657|0.8.657]] (Alpha 8)
:[[Version/0.7.581|0.7.581]] (Alpha 7)
:[[Version/0.6.532|0.6.532]] (Alpha 6)
:[[Version/0.5.496B|0.5.496B]] (Alpha 5D)
:[[Version/0.5.496|0.5.496]] (Alpha 5C)
:[[Version/0.5.492B|0.5.492B]] (Alpha 5B)
:[[Version/0.5.492|0.5.492]] (Alpha 5)
:[[Version/0.4.460|0.4.460]] (Alpha 4)
:[[Version/0.3.410|0.3.410]] (Alpha 3)
:[[Version/0.2.363|0.2.363]] (Alpha 2)
:[[Version/0.1.334|0.1.334]] (Alpha 1)
:[[Internal version/0.1.334|Internal 0.0.334]]
:[[Internal version/0.1.333|Internal 0.0.333]]
:[[Internal version/0.1.332|Internal 0.0.332]]
:[[Internal version/0.1.331|Internal 0.0.331]]
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" /></dl></div>
{{#ask: [[Category:Console version]] [[~Console version/*]] [[!~Version/Current version]]
<div class="wrapper"><dl>
| ? = Version
| ?Release Date = Release Date&nbsp;
:[[Internal version/0.0.330B|Internal 0.0.330B]]
| headers=plain
| sort = Release Date
:[[Internal version/0.0.330|Internal 0.0.330]]
| order = descending
| limit = 500
:[[Internal version/0.0.329|Internal 0.0.329]]
| format = class
| class = mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable
:[[Internal version/0.0.328|Internal 0.0.328]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.327|Internal 0.0.327]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.325|Internal 0.0.325]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.324|Internal 0.0.324]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.323|Internal 0.0.323]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.322|Internal 0.0.322]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.321|Internal 0.0.321]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.320|Internal 0.0.320]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.318|Internal 0.0.318]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.317B|Internal 0.0.317B]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.317|Internal 0.0.317]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.314|Internal 0.0.314]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.294|Internal 0.0.294]]
:[[Version/0.0.254B|0.0.254B]] (Pre-Alpha Backer 2)
:[[Internal version/0.0.254|Internal 0.0.254]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.253c|Internal 0.0.253c]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.253b|Internal 0.0.253b]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.253|Internal 0.0.253]]
:[[Version/0.0.250|0.0.250]] (Pre-Alpha Backer 1)
:[[Internal version/0.0.250|Internal 0.0.250]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.249a|Internal 0.0.249a]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.248|Internal 0.0.248]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.247|Internal 0.0.247]]
:[[Version/0.0.245|0.0.245]] (Pre-Alpha Press Release 2)
:[[Internal version/0.0.245|Internal 0.0.245]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.243|Internal 0.0.243]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.241|Internal 0.0.241]]
:[[Internal version/0.0.240|Internal 0.0.240]]
:[[Version/0.0.232|0.0.232]] (Pre-Alpha Press Release 1)
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" /></dl></div>
[[Category:RimWorld game]]

Latest revision as of 02:26, 3 November 2023

Basics Menus Game Creation Gameplay Pawns Plants Resources Gear Mods
Basics Menu Controls User Interface Save File Modding Version history

Current version[edit]

The most current PC version in our database is: 1.5.4104

The most current console version in our database is: 1.23

Is this not correct? Please feel free to update it yourself, or let us know on the Rimworld Discord!

Past PC versions[edit]

All public versions can be found in the expanding table below. All past versions including Internal, Public, Silent, Hotfixes, Release, Alpha & Beta versions, can be found on the Category:Version page.

If there is a version that is missing, please feel free to add it! Just don't forget to tag the page with the Version Category!

VersionRelease Date 
Version/1.5.413625 June 2024
Version/1.5.410424 May 2024
Version/1.5.410121 May 2024
Version/1.5.409717 May 2024
Version/1.5.409414 May 2024
Version/1.5.409010 May 2024
Version/1.5.40855 May 2024
Version/1.5.40833 May 2024
Version/1.5.40822 May 2024
Version/1.5.40811 May 2024
Version/1.5.406919 April 2024
Version/1.5.406717 April 2024
Version/1.5.406616 April 2024
Version/1.5.406313 April 2024
Version/1.5.406212 April 2024
Version/1.4.39013 November 2023
Version/1.4.370420 April 2023
Version/1.4.368229 March 2023
Version/1.4.364116 February 2023
Version/1.4.361319 January 2023
Version/1.4.358017 December 2022
Version/1.4.356330 November 2022
Version/1.4.355825 November 2022
Version/1.4.355724 November 2022
Version/1.4.355522 November 2022
Version/1.4.354815 November 2022
Version/1.4.35429 November 2022
Version/1.4.35418 November 2022
Version/1.4.35374 November 2022
Version/1.4.35363 November 2022
Version/1.4.35352 November 2022
Version/1.4.35341 November 2022
Version/1.4.353129 October 2022
Version/1.4.353028 October 2022
Version/1.4.352927 October 2022
Version/1.4.352826 October 2022
Version/1.4.352725 October 2022
Version/1.4.352523 October 2022
Version/1.4.352422 October 2022
Version/1.4.352321 October 2022
Version/1.3.33877 June 2022
Version/1.3.33267 April 2022
Version/1.3.328727 February 2022
Version/1.3.32002 December 2021
Version/1.3.315922 October 2021
Version/1.3.311710 September 2021
Version/1.3.310125 August 2021
Version/1.3.308711 August 2021
Version/1.3.308610 August 2021
Version/1.3.30837 August 2021
Version/1.3.30826 August 2021
Version/1.3.30815 August 2021
Version/1.3.30804 August 2021
Version/1.3.30793 August 2021
Version/1.3.307631 July 2021
Version/1.3.307530 July 2021
Version/1.3.307429 July 2021
Version/1.3.3074b28 July 2021
Version/1.3.307328 July 2021
Version/1.3.307227 July 2021
Version/1.3.307025 July 2021
Version/1.3.3069b24 July 2021
Version/1.3.306924 July 2021
Version/1.3.306823 July 2021
Version/1.3.3069c23 July 2021
Version/1.3.306722 July 2021
Version/1.3.306621 July 2021
Version/1.2.300521 May 2021
Version/1.2.29005 February 2021
Version/1.2.275311 September 2020
Version/1.2.27198 August 2020
Version/1.1.26544 June 2020
Version/1.1.264728 May 2020
Version/1.1.26245 May 2020
Version/1.1.261829 April 2020
Version/1.1.261021 April 2020
Version/1.1.25989 April 2020
Version/1.1.258931 March 2020
Version/1.1.257921 March 2020
Version/1.1.257517 March 2020
Version/1.1.257113 March 2020
Version/1.1.257012 March 2020
Version/1.1.256911 March 2020
Version/1.1.25679 March 2020
Version/1.1.25668 March 2020
Version/1.1.25657 March 2020
Version/1.1.25646 March 2020
Version/1.1.25635 March 2020
Version/1.1.25624 March 2020
Version/1.1.25602 March 2020
Version/1.1.25591 March 2020
Version/1.1.024 February 2020
Version/1.0.254920 February 2020
Version/1.0.24082 October 2019
Version/1.0.228229 May 2019
Version/1.1.22585 May 2019
Version/1.1.22574 May 2019
Version/1.0.215017 January 2019
Version/1.0.209624 November 2018
Version/1.0.017 October 2018
Version/0.19.200929 August 2018
Version/0.18.172215 November 2017
Version/0.17.15573 June 2017
Version/0.17.154623 May 2017
Version/0.16.139321 December 2016
Version/0.15.12843 September 2016
Version/0.15.128030 August 2016
Version/0.15.127929 August 2016
Version/0.14.124930 July 2016
Version/0.14.124122 July 2016
Version/0.14.123819 July 2016
Version/0.14.123617 July 2016
Version/0.14.123415 July 2016
Version/0.13.11357 April 2016
Version/0.12.91430 August 2015
Version/0.12.91026 August 2015
Version/0.12.90622 August 2015
Version/0.11.87724 July 2015
Version/0.10.78523 April 2015
Version/0.9.72219 February 2015
Version/0.8.65716 December 2014
Version/0.7.5811 October 2014
Version/0.6.53213 August 2014
Version/0.5.4924 July 2014
Version/0.4.4602 June 2014
Version/0.3.41013 April 2014
Version/0.2.36326 February 2014
Version/0.1.33427 January 2014
Version/0.0.254B7 November 2013
Version/0.0.2504 November 2013
Version/0.0.24530 October 2013
Version/0.0.23217 October 2013

Past console versions[edit]

All past console versions can be found on the Category:Console version page. This has a list of every version tagged by that category.

If there is a version that is missing, please feel free to add it! Just don't forget to tag the page with the Console version Category!

VersionRelease Date 
Console version/1.2312 May 2023
Console version/1.224 May 2023
Console version/1.2125 April 2023
Console version/1.118 December 2022
Console version/1.1029 September 2022
Console version/1.0921 September 2022
Console version/1.0825 August 2022
Console version/1.0710 August 2022
Console version/1.064 August 2022