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Revision as of 23:04, 12 April 2017

Molotov cocktails

Molotov cocktails

Glass bottles filled with flammable liquid, with a burning cloth in the neck. A favorite weapon for hooligans and desperate warriors from rim to rim.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Weapon Class
Market Value
245 Silver
1.0 kg

Ranged Combat

Single Thrown
10 dmg (Flame)
90 ticks (1.5 secs)
160 ticks (2.67 secs)
12.9 tile(s)
12 (m/s)
Burst Count
1 (per burst)
Miss Radius
1.9 tile(s)
Blast Radius


Crafted At
Machining table
Required Research
Work To Make
6,000 ticks (1.67 mins)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Resources to make
Cloth 25 + Chemfuel 80
Has Quality
GrenadeDestructive, GrenadeFlame

Molotov cocktails are short ranged, thrown weapons that have a forced miss radius but deal flame damage and set a 3x3 "plus-shaped" (+) area on fire where they land. They are not consumed on use and do not use any ammo.


s can be crafted, each requiring and Expression error: Unexpected < operator. of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter.

They can also be purchased from orbital pirate merchants and orbital combat suppliers, outlander faction bases, or obtained from the following raider kinds:

Raider Kind Chance Average Quality Health
Grenadier 50% Normal 70-230%


Molotov cocktails range and AoE


Molotov cocktails are weapons. They take up the weapon slot and will not run out of ammo. They are blocked by walls, but the blast ignores cover. When choosing a target, a circular zone will generate to indicate range, then another 3x3 indicator with a circular center will become the aiming spot.

Molotovs deal [[Damage types#|]] damage in a tile radius. They are thrown from a very short range of tiles and have moderate aiming time; they explode immediately on landing. With a forced miss radius of 1.9 tiles, an unobstructed molotov always lands within 1 grid tile (including diagonals) of the target. This means Shooting skill, shooting accuracy, and health of the grenadier is irrelevant. Aiming time effects still apply, however.

Flame damage will possibly ignite pawns. The impact will create chemfuel puddles, which will then ignite and burn, causing general fires.[Puddle behavior?] Pawns on fire will run wildly and are unable to attack.

Pyromaniac pawns receive a +2 Pyromaniac has incendiary weapon mood buff while equipped with a grenades, and an additional +8 Used flame weapon mood for 0.333 days when used on an enemy. Note that they must be equipped, not merely carried.


When damaged with Flame damage[How much?], they may explode. The cocktails will spark and emit a hissing sound shortly before exploding some time later. The explosion deals 10 Flame damage in a 2.66 tile radius around itself.[Chemfuel puddles?] They cannot be smelted in an electric smelter.

Molotov cocktails have no quality - every set of molotovs will have the same stats, regardless of the skill of the crafter.



Molotovs are dubious in raw combat. Molotovs are better in a supporting role, being one of the few weapons that start fires. Pawns that are on fire will stop attacking and run wildly, making them easy targets. But fire on its own isn't very strong, molotovs have a short range, and fire can lead to collateral damage. Without manual oversight, grenades are inefficient against moving targets. However, due to the forced miss, they can be a viable alternative weapon for pawns with low shooting skill or health issues.

When throwing a cocktail down an 1-tile wide alley, a pawn can consistently throw a cocktail 4 tiles, not including the tile the pawn is standing on, without intersecting the two side walls. Beyond 4 tiles, there is a risk of hitting the wall and dropping short. This can be relevant to prevent friendly fire or damaging defenses during combat. Watch out when using these in place of frag grenades when melee blocking, as the fire can allow enemies to clip past your blockers, allowing them to surround the blockers or attack your backline.

Because it relies on fires, rain significantly diminishes its outdoor utility. Note that the game has a "firewatcher", and will automatically start rain if fires get too out of control.

Fire traps

Molotovs become much more useful as a general firestarter. Burning down flammable structures is a very powerful tactic, though it can be costly.

Place fuel like wooden barricades or straw matting where you want things to burn. Then, lure and trap raiders (or other enemies) inside.

  • In a mountain, you can use fire to burn any infestations that spawn inside your pawn's bedrooms.
  • You can use wooden columns/walls as fuel, and use them to support roofs. In the absence of other support, burning the wall will cause a roof collapse.

In a dedicated "oven" or "burn tunnel", fire can kill infinitely many human pawns. So long as a place is roofed and "Indoors", temperatures will rapidly rise. As heatstroke is the way most pawns are downed, no amount of heat protection will save an organic pawn. Note that mechanoids are completely immune to both fire and heatstroke. Heatstroke ignores the usual death on downed chance with combat, allowing you to easily capture pawns and recover untainted armor.


Fire is very useful to dispose of flammable items, like corpses. Simply gather all unwanted items in a fireproof room (like using stone for walls and floor), draft a pawn, and throw the cocktail. Make sure to remove the Home Area around the room, so that pawns don't try and extinguish the fire. Molotovs throw faster and are significantly cheaper to produce than incendiary launchers, so are better for this purpose. For corpses, watch out for rot stink; haul corpses quickly and wait for the rot to wear before burning.

In extremely cold temperatures, fire can be a last resort in order to create heat. Use with extreme caution - fire can quickly go out of control, and temperatures easily get too hot. Typically, colonies with access to molotovs also have access to heaters.

Version history

  • 1.0 - Received a crafting recipe.
  • 1.3.3066 - Grenade throws are rendered in an arc.

Frag grenades

Frag grenades

Old-school fragmentation grenades. They can be thrown a short distance, where they'll explode, damaging anything and anyone nearby.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Weapon Class
Market Value
265 Silver
1 kg

Ranged Combat

Single Thrown
50 dmg (Bomb)
Armor penetration
90 ticks (1.5 secs)
160 ticks (2.67 secs)
12.9 tile(s)
12 (m/s)
Burst Count
1 (per burst)
Miss Radius
1.9 tile(s)
Blast Radius
Stopping power


Crafted At
Machining table
Required Research
Work To Make
12,000 ticks (3.33 mins)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Resources to make
Steel 20 + Chemfuel 80
Has Quality
GrenadeDestructive, EmpireGrenadeDestructive

Frag grenades are short ranged, thrown weapons that have a forced miss radius but deal explosive damage in a small radius around their target. They are not consumed and do not use any ammo.


s can be crafted, each requiring and Expression error: Unexpected < operator. of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter.

They can also be purchased from orbital pirate merchants and orbital combat suppliers, outlander faction bases, or obtained from the following raider kinds:

Raider Kind Chance Average Quality Health
Grenadier 50% Normal 70-230%
Grenadier Content added by the Royalty DLC 100% Normal 70-230%


Frag grenade range and AOE.
Red = Radius which grenades can land, if aiming at the center.
Sterile tile = Tiles at risk of explosion.

Frag grenades are weapons. They take up the weapon slot and will not run out of ammo. Grenades are blocked by walls, but the blast ignores cover. When choosing a target, a circular zone will generate to indicate range, then another 3x3 indicator with a circular center will become the aiming spot.

Frag grenades deal [[Damage types#|]] damage in a tile radius. Bomb damage deals 2x damage to passable structures and builds, 4x damage to plants and impassable buildings, and 8x damage to walls. They are thrown from a very short range of tiles and have moderate aiming time. Once landed, grenades have a 100 ticks (1.67 secs) delay before exploding. With a forced miss radius of 1.9 tiles, an unobstructed grenade always lands within 1 grid tile (including diagonals) of the target. Therefore, the blast will always hit the intended tile. This means Shooting skill, shooting accuracy, and health of the grenadier is irrelevant. Aiming time effects still apply, however.

When throwing a grenade down an 1-tile wide alley, a pawn can consistently throw a grenade 4 tiles, not including the tile the pawn is standing on, without intersecting the two side walls. Beyond 4 tiles, there is a risk of hitting the wall and dropping short. This can be relevant to prevent friendly fire or damaging defenses during combat.


When damaged with Flame damage at 20 HP or below, the grenade item will explode. The grenades will spark and emit a hissing sound shortly before exploding some time later. The explosion deals 50 Bomb damage in a 2.66 tile radius around itself.

Frag grenades have no quality - every set of grenades will have the same stats, regardless of the skill of the crafter.


Grenades are highly effective in a melee block scenario. Grenadier (black square) aims at the red square. Circled grenade can hit multiple enemies for high damage.
Grenades can be thrown straight for up to 4 tiles. If aiming at the red tile, sterile tile is the blast zone. Don't put walls there.

As a weapon

Frag grenades are not conventional weapons. With only 12 tiles of range, they are difficult to use in a firefight. They are poor in a killbox, due to the grenade's tendency to break walls. In general, it is somewhat difficult to hit a moving target with a grenade. Usage without oversight is prone to vulnerable positioning and unwanted collateral damage.

But in the right circumstances, frag grenades can range from useful to incredibly powerful:

  • Melee blocking. Have 3 melee pawns line behind a doorway / hallway, as shown in the picture. Line a grenadier within 4 tiles of the hallway, and let them fire. Frag grenades are obscenely effective weapons in this scenario, as they can hit a clump of enemies with the full explosion. Melee blocks are extremely effective against melee enemies, such as manhunter packs, infestations, and melee-only raids. Grenades can damage walls within a 2-tile radius, so try and avoid getting your own walls blown up.
  • Structure destruction. Grenades are very effective at destroying walls and turrets due to Bomb damage's multiplier. Good against mech clusters.Content added by the Royalty DLC Combos well with blind smoke: smoke prevents turrets from targeting on at all, but has minimal impact on the grenade's accuracy.
    You can destroy your own walls too. This can be used as a roof collapse trap, though molotov cocktails may be better for this purpose.
  • Attacking enemies in cover. Grenades ignore the cover mechanic, and enemies in cover are stationary targets. While you usually shouldn't let your enemies have cover in the first place, this fact can be useful in certain points in the game.

Grenades offer a viable combat alternative for pawns with health issues or low skill, due to large blast radius, and the forced miss mechanic mostly ignoring accuracy. Frag grenades strictly benefit from the trigger-happy trait, as the Aiming Time bonus applies while the accuracy penalty does not, resulting in a significantly higher DPS. Similarly, the careful shooter trait is strictly detrimental, reducing DPS with no benefit in return.

Fighting against

Hostiles with grenades are very dangerous, mostly for the same reasons they are good as a player weapon. They function well against stationary targets like mini-turrets and colonists in cover. Players should pay attention to the "throwing" sound (a whooshing sound) and clear the area fast enough to avoid getting caught in its blast radius.

Like any ranged weapon, grenades can't be thrown in melee combat, so rushing them in melee will practically neutralize the threat. As raiders prioritize the nearest target, they'll target an approaching melee colonist, only to invariably miss as their target is moving.

Frag grenades are used by outlanders and pirates for their breacher raids. They deal damage to walls very quickly. But as grenades have a short range, and as breachers tend to rush ahead of the group, you can pick off the grenadiers.

Non-combat utility

Frag grenades are useful when destroying walls and other objects. Because they don't cause fires, you can throw them at an ignited object, which will end the fire (by destroying the object).

Frag grenades can also be used to clear items, such as in dumping zones. When dealing with flammable objects, it's less work to light them on fire instead.

Version history

  • Beta 19/1.0 - Frag grenades are no longer a valid hunting weapon
  • 1.2.2753 - Projectiles are now rendered with a visual arc and ground shadow.
  • 1.3.3066 - Grenade throws are rendered in an arc.

EMP grenades

EMP grenades

Electromagnetic pulse grenades damaging to electronic equipment.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Weapon Class
Market Value
315 Silver
1 kg

Ranged Combat

Single Thrown
50 dmg (EMP)
90 ticks (1.5 secs)
160 ticks (2.67 secs)
12.9 tile(s)
12 (m/s)
Burst Count
1 (per burst)
Miss Radius
1.9 tile(s)
Blast Radius


Crafted At
Machining table
Required Research
Work To Make
24,000 ticks (6.67 mins)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Resources to make
Steel 20 + Component 6
Has Quality

EMP grenades are short ranged, thrown weapons that have a forced miss radius but deal EMP damage in a small radius around their target, allowing them to stun mechanical targets and deplete shields. They are not consumed on use and do not use any ammo.


s can be crafted, each requiring and Expression error: Unexpected < operator. of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter.

They can also be purchased from orbital pirate merchants and orbital combat suppliers, outlander faction bases, and can be recovered after defeating the following raider types:

Raider Kind Chance Average Quality Health
EMP grenadier 100% Normal 70-230%



EMP grenades are weapons. They take up the weapon slot and will not run out of ammo. Grenades are blocked by walls, but the blast ignores cover. When choosing a target, a circular zone will generate to indicate range, then another 3x3 indicator with a circular center will become the aiming spot.

EMP grenades deal EMP damage in a tile radius. They are thrown from a very short range of tiles, and have moderate aiming time. Once landed, grenades have a 100 ticks (1.67 secs) delay before exploding. With a forced miss radius of 1.9 tiles, an unobstructed grenade always lands within 1 grid tile (including diagonals) of the target. Therefore, the blast will always hit the intended tile. This means Shooting skill, shooting accuracy, and health of the grenadier is irrelevant. Aiming time effects still apply, however.

EMP does not deal physical damage. Instead, EMP grenades stun turrets, mechanoids, and mortars for 50 EMP damage, or 25 seconds. After being stunned, mechanoids become "Adapted" and gain immunity against further stuns for 2,200 ticks (36.67 secs). Immunity is applied on stun, and further EMPs won't extend adaptation. EMP also disables shield belts, causes brain shock on humanoids with brain implants, and vomiting on those with certain stomach implants.


If at 20 HP or less, a grenade will explode if damaged by Flame damage. The grenades will spark and emit a hissing sound shortly before exploding some time later. The explosion deals 50 EMP damage in a 2.66 tile radius around itself.

EMP grenades have no quality - every set of grenades will have the same stats, regardless of the skill of the crafter.


While harmless against most organic life, EMP weaponry is incredibly useful against mechanoids, like centipedes, a decisive advantage against some of the toughest enemies in the game. Due to the forced miss radius, EMP grenades are a viable combat alternative for those with health issues or low shooting skill. Trigger-happy is beneifical, while the careful shooter trait is strictly detrimental.

Usage without oversight is prone to vulnerable positioning, inefficiency against moving target, and unwanted collateral damage. It therefore is a good idea to manually aim EMP grenades instead of relying on the colonists' AI to do that. They will not lead a moving target and will not attack targets which can only be hit by area of effect (e.g. well behind the corner of a wall). Repeated throwing will not stun mechs for any longer.

When throwing a grenade down an 1-tile wide alley, a pawn can consistently throw a grenade 4 tiles, not including the tile the pawn is standing on, without intersecting the two side walls. Beyond 4 tiles, there is a risk of hitting the wall and dropping short.

With the Royalty DLC active, they also play a vital role in suppressing low-shield packs Content added by the Royalty DLC and downing mech low-shields Content added by the Royalty DLC, ensuring that colonists can maintain damage output. Mech clustersContent added by the Royalty DLC are another great target of EMPs, even if their proximity activators prevent the best firing angle. There are also niche uses in brain shocking pawns with certain implants to safely down them as a method of safely downing berserking supersoldier colonists or rebellious slaves.Content added by the Ideology DLC

Comparison to EMP launchers

The key differences between EMP grenades and launchers are: Range, Rate of Fire, Blast Radius, and Quality.

While both have the same miss radius, grenades have a significantly larger blast radius. This means that grenades will always hit their intended tile, while the launcher may miss. Grenades are also faster to throw, which is a key advantage in most practical situations.

Launchers have a higher range, which may be useful with good terrain/cover or against low shield packsContent added by the Royalty DLC or mechanoid shieldsContent added by the Royalty DLC. However, most mechanoids will still outrange the launcher, including all mechanoids without the Biotech DLC. The militorContent added by the Biotech DLC and diabolusContent added by the Biotech DLC in particular are vulnerable to the launcher's extra range - the rest really aren't.

Unlike grenades, launchers are affected by quality. Masterwork and Legendary launchers in particular see an increase in damage (i.e. stun duration). Legendary launchers will stun for long enough that it's technically possible to 100% stun lock those without EMP resistance. In practice, it is almost impossible to get the timing perfect even before accounting for the risk of missed shots, unless you have multiple colonists with legendary launchers. Conversely, this makes grenades relatively better if you don't have good crafters - Awful launchers are worse at their job.

Overall, grenades are often the stronger and more practical choice. Their higher blast radius and faster fire rate make up for the range.

Source Damage Stun Duration Post-Stun Adaption Duration Ideal Stun Uptime
Awful EMP launcher 45 1,350 ticks (22.5 secs) 850 ticks (14.17 secs) 61.36%
EMP Grenades, Poor/Norm/Good/Exc EMP launcher 50 1,500 ticks (25 secs) 700 ticks (11.67 secs) 68.18%
Masterwork EMP launcher 62.5 1,875 ticks (31.25 secs) 325 ticks (5.42 secs) 85.23%
Legendary EMP launcher 75 2,250 ticks (37.5 secs) ticks (0 secs) (-50 ticks (-0.83 secs)) 100%

Version history

  • 0.6.532 - Added.
  • On or before 1.0.2096 - Texture updated.
  • 1.3.3066 - Grenade throws are rendered in an arc.