Hospital bed

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Hospital bed

Hospital bed

A bed specially designed for use in hospitals. Adjustable for a patient and festooned with built-in equipment, it improves medical outcomes over normal beds.

Base Stats

35 kg
Path Cost
42 (24%)


1 × 2
pass through only
Cover Effectiveness
Terrain Affordance
Vitals monitor, End table, Dresser, Sleep accelerator
Surgery Success Chance Factor
Immunity Gain Speed Factor
Rest Effectiveness


Required Research
Hospital bed
Skill Required
Construction 8
Work To Make
2,800 ticks (46.67 secs)
Stuff Tags
Resources to make
Stuff 40 + Steel 80 + Component 5
Deconstruct yield
Stuff 20 + Steel 40 + Component 2 - 3
Destroy yield
Stuff 10 + Steel 20 + Component 1 - 2

A hospital bed improves quality of medical treatments, boosts immunity gain speed to help recover from diseases faster, and speeds up healing from injuries. It can even boost medical tend quality above the normal maximum for that type of medicine, for example allowing 70%+ treatment quality from herbal medicine.

When a colonist that is injured, sick, or has been scheduled for an operation is selected, the player may right-click a hospital bed to direct the colonist there by selecting the "Rest until healed" command (even for elective surgeries). That colonist will then go to that bed and sleep there instead of at their designated beds, and instead of doing their regular tasks. At any time, the colonist can be given another task and, if they can move, they will leave the bed and perform that task.

A hospital bed can also be linked to a vitals monitor to further increase medical treatment quality and patient's immunity gain speed. The bonuses for immunity gain speed from a hospital bed and a vitals monitor stack, but a vitals monitor does not improve the recovery rate from injuries.

While resting on a hospital bed, colonists recover from injuries much faster than a normal bed or sleeping spot. The increased heal rate from using a hospital bed relative to a normal bed is equivalent to a +75% increase in tend quality (see injury for details).

It also increases the success rate of surgeries.


Constructing a hospital bed requires Hospital Bed to be researched and a construction skill of 8. It requires Stuff 40 Stuff (Metallic, 400 for SVMs), Steel 80 Steel, Component 5 Components and is constructed in 2,800 ticks (46.67 secs).


Rest Effectiveness

Rest Effectiveness is a measure how fast a pawn will regain rest. A pawn sleeping in a bed with 125% rest effectiveness would regain rest 25% faster, and thus require 80% of the time to sleep. Rest effectiveness varies by quality and material. Stone materials only offer 90% of the rest effectiveness of a bed made from non-stone materials at the same quality level.

  • Quality Awful Poor Normal Good Excellent Masterwork Legendary
    Rest effectiveness 86%
    (12.21 h)
    (11.41 h)
    (10.5 h)
    (9.72 h)
    (9.21 h)
    (8.4 h)
    (6.56 h)
    + Sleep accelerator Content added by the Ideology DLC 116%
    (9.04 h)
    (8.45 h)
    (7.78 h)
    (7.2 h)
    (6.82 h)
    (6.22 h)
    (4.86 h)
  • Bracketed numbers are in-game hours to refill rest from 0% to 100% at the given rest effectiveness.


    Comfort is a measure of how fast a pawn will refill their comfort meter. A pawn sleeping in a bed with a higher comfort value will regain comfort proportionally faster. Comfort varies by quality but not material. Beds of the same quality level will all have the same comfort, regardless of what they're constructed from. An adjacent end table and a nearby dresser will each increase the base comfort by a further +0.05. This increase is applied before the quality multiplier.

  • Quality Awful Poor Normal Good Excellent Masterwork Legendary
    Comfort 61% 70% 80% 90% 99% 116% 136%
    + End Table 65% 75% 85% 95% 105% 123% 145%
    + Dresser 65% 75% 85% 95% 105% 123% 145%
    + End Table & Dresser 68% 79% 90% 101% 112% 131% 153%
  • Surgery Success Chance Factor

    The Surgery Success Chance Factor is exactly what it sounds like - a multiplier on the chance for a successful surgery assuming it is performed in this bed. The base value depends on the bed type with most beds having a base value of 100%, the sleeping spot a lower value of 70%, and the hospital bed a higher value of 110%. This base value is then modified by the bed's quality level. Beds of the same type and quality level will all have the same factor, regardless of what they're constructed from.

  • Quality Awful Poor Normal Good Excellent Masterwork Legendary
    Surgery Success Chance Factor 99 104.5 110 115.5 121 126.5 143
  • Analysis

    When compared to a regular bed:


    • Can be used alongside a vitals monitor, giving further boosts to their medical care
    • ~75% increase in tend quality
    • 10% increased surgery success chance
    • +0.04 immunity gain speed
    • 6.25% increased comfort
    • ~7.14% more HP


    • Nearly impossible to acquire early game
    • Much more expensive, requiring 80 steel and 6 components
    • Requires the Hospital Bed research project
    • Takes 2.5x longer to construct
    • Requires level 8 Construction
    • -1 beauty
    • ~16.67% heavier

    The massive increase in tend quality and surgery success chance makes it a worthwhile project to pursue for treatment, especially in maps such as the Tropical Rainforest or Tropical Swamp where diseases like Malaria are much more frequent. A pawn with a high Doctor skill and Herbal Medicine can substitute for most cases early game, but a hospital bed minimalizes the risk of poor tend results. Since the hospital beds are locked behind their dedicated project (1200 research points), as well as needing Sterile Materials (600 points) and Microelectronics (3000 research points), it is not advised to prioritize them; instead, spend time researching projects that are more immediately necessary for your playthrough. In bedrooms/barracks, using hospital beds is generally not worth the cost, unless the pawn is sickly, very old, or otherwise needs immediate access to quality care in their bedrooms.

    Stats table

    Feature Toggle
    QualityRitual Quality Check Off.pngRitual Quality Check On.png
  • Hospital bed Hospital bed Beauty Comfort Rest
    factor [B]
    Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Quality Material
    Awful Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 0.61 73% (14.36 h) 99% 007,000 ticks (1.94 mins) 300 75% 184 Silver
    Awful Gold Gold -2 0.61 86% (12.21 h) 99% 002,520 ticks (42 secs) 90 40% 2,160 Silver
    Awful Plasteel Plasteel 0 0.61 86% (12.21 h) 99% 006,160 ticks (1.71 mins) 420 0% 345 Silver
    Awful Silver Silver -1 0.61 86% (12.21 h) 99% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 105 40% 360 Silver
    Awful Steel Steel 0 0.61 86% (12.21 h) 99% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 150 40% 199 Silver
    Awful Uranium Uranium 0 0.61 86% (12.21 h) 99% 005,320 ticks (1.48 mins) 375 0% 285 Silver
    Poor Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 0.7 78% (13.43 h) 105% 007,000 ticks (1.94 mins) 300 75% 275 Silver
    Poor Gold Gold 10 0.7 92% (11.41 h) 105% 002,520 ticks (42 secs) 90 40% 3,240 Silver
    Poor Plasteel Plasteel 0 0.7 92% (11.41 h) 105% 006,160 ticks (1.71 mins) 420 0% 520 Silver
    Poor Silver Silver 3 0.7 92% (11.41 h) 105% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 105 40% 540 Silver
    Poor Steel Steel 0 0.7 92% (11.41 h) 105% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 150 40% 300 Silver
    Poor Uranium Uranium 0 0.7 92% (11.41 h) 105% 005,320 ticks (1.48 mins) 375 0% 430 Silver
    Normal Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 0.8 85% (12.35 h) 110% 007,000 ticks (1.94 mins) 300 75% 365 Silver
    Normal Gold Gold 20 0.8 100% (10.5 h) 110% 002,520 ticks (42 secs) 90 40% 4,320 Silver
    Normal Plasteel Plasteel 0 0.8 100% (10.5 h) 110% 006,160 ticks (1.71 mins) 420 0% 695 Silver
    Normal Silver Silver 6 0.8 100% (10.5 h) 110% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 105 40% 720 Silver
    Normal Steel Steel 0 0.8 100% (10.5 h) 110% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 150 40% 400 Silver
    Normal Uranium Uranium 0 0.8 100% (10.5 h) 110% 005,320 ticks (1.48 mins) 375 0% 570 Silver
    Good Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 0.9 92% (11.44 h) 116% 007,000 ticks (1.94 mins) 300 75% 460 Silver
    Good Gold Gold 40 0.9 108% (9.72 h) 116% 002,520 ticks (42 secs) 90 40% 4,820 Silver
    Good Plasteel Plasteel 0 0.9 108% (9.72 h) 116% 006,160 ticks (1.71 mins) 420 0% 870 Silver
    Good Silver Silver 12 0.9 108% (9.72 h) 116% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 105 40% 905 Silver
    Good Steel Steel 0 0.9 108% (9.72 h) 116% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 150 40% 500 Silver
    Good Uranium Uranium 0 0.9 108% (9.72 h) 116% 005,320 ticks (1.48 mins) 375 0% 715 Silver
    Excellent Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 0.99 97% (10.84 h) 121% 007,000 ticks (1.94 mins) 300 75% 550 Silver
    Excellent Gold Gold 60 0.99 114% (9.21 h) 121% 002,520 ticks (42 secs) 90 40% 5,320 Silver
    Excellent Plasteel Plasteel 0 0.99 114% (9.21 h) 121% 006,160 ticks (1.71 mins) 420 0% 1,040 Silver
    Excellent Silver Silver 18 0.99 114% (9.21 h) 121% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 105 40% 1,085 Silver
    Excellent Steel Steel 0 0.99 114% (9.21 h) 121% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 150 40% 595 Silver
    Excellent Uranium Uranium 0 0.99 114% (9.21 h) 121% 005,320 ticks (1.48 mins) 375 0% 855 Silver
    Masterwork Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 1.16 106% (9.88 h) 127% 007,000 ticks (1.94 mins) 300 75% 920 Silver
    Masterwork Gold Gold 100 1.16 125% (8.4 h) 127% 002,520 ticks (42 secs) 90 40% 6,320 Silver
    Masterwork Plasteel Plasteel 0 1.16 125% (8.4 h) 127% 006,160 ticks (1.71 mins) 420 0% 1,735 Silver
    Masterwork Silver Silver 30 1.16 125% (8.4 h) 127% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 105 40% 1,805 Silver
    Masterwork Steel Steel 0 1.16 125% (8.4 h) 127% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 150 40% 995 Silver
    Masterwork Uranium Uranium 0 1.16 125% (8.4 h) 127% 005,320 ticks (1.48 mins) 375 0% 1,430 Silver
    Legendary Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 1.36 136% (7.72 h) 143% 007,000 ticks (1.94 mins) 300 75% 1,835 Silver
    Legendary Gold Gold 160 1.36 160% (6.56 h) 143% 002,520 ticks (42 secs) 90 40% 7,320 Silver
    Legendary Plasteel Plasteel 0 1.36 160% (6.56 h) 143% 006,160 ticks (1.71 mins) 420 0% 3,470 Silver
    Legendary Silver Silver 48 1.36 160% (6.56 h) 143% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 105 40% 3,610 Silver
    Legendary Steel Steel 0 1.36 160% (6.56 h) 143% 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 150 40% 1,990 Silver
    Legendary Uranium Uranium 0 1.36 160% (6.56 h) 143% 005,320 ticks (1.48 mins) 375 0% 2,855 Silver
  • A Bracketed numbers are in-game hours to refill rest to 100% from 0% at the given rest effectiveness.
    B This assumes the hospital bed is inside a clean, properly lit room without a vitals monitor. For the full effects of light, cleanliness, a vitals monitor and placing a hospital bed outside see Surgery Success Chance Factor.

    Version history

    Beta 19