Mechanoid Weapons

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A multi-barrel machine gun. It's unwieldy, but once it starts firing it fires very fast. Where most self-loading guns are powered by the energy from the gunpowder, the minigun uses an electric motor to rapidly cycle cartridges through the weapon.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Weapon Class
Market Value
1160 Silver
10 kg

Ranged Combat

10 dmg (Bullet)
Armor penetration
150 ticks (2.5 secs)
138 ticks (2.3 secs)
30.9 tile(s)
15% - 25% - 25% - 18%
70 (m/s)
Burst Count
25 (per burst)
Burst Ticks
ticks (0.08 secs)
(720 RPM)
Stopping power

Melee Combat

Melee Attack 1
11.7 dmg (Blunt)
18% AP
2.6 seconds cooldown
Melee Average DPS
Melee Average AP


Crafted At
Machining table
Required Research
Multibarrel weapons
Skill Required
Crafting 7
Work To Make
60,000 ticks (16.67 mins)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Resources to make
Steel 160 + Component 20
Has Quality
Gun, GunHeavy, Minigun

The minigun is a very heavy, multi-shot ranged weapon that puts a lot of damage downrange in exchange for a move speed penalty.


s can be crafted, each requiring and Expression error: Unexpected < operator. of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter.

They can also be purchased from outlander and orbital combat suppliers, and outlander faction bases. They can also be found on the following raider kinds:

Raider Kind Chance Average Quality Health
Heavy mercenary 36.73% Normal 70-320%
Cataphract Content added by the Royalty DLC ? ? 70-230%

Miniguns also spawn on all centipede gunners, including those gestated by a colony. However, it is not possible to loot them. The centipedes carrying it will not drop it on death, downing, or complete loss of manipulation like other weapons.


The minigun fires -shot bursts of rounds which deal a moderate amount of damage each; a short delay between each shot; a slightly longer time between bursts; slightly longer range and very low overall accuracy.

When equipped, a mechanoid weapons reduces the pawn's base move speed by −0.25 c/s. As offsets such as these apply before multiplicative effects such as from Moving capacity, the actual impact on move speed can be larger or smaller than this value. For example, a pawn with 125% Moving would have their speed decreased by −0.3125 c/s, while a pawn with only 50% Moving would only have their speed decreased by −0.125 c/s. See Move Speed for details.


The minigun takes what the LMG has and cranks it up to eleven.

Raw damage per second is, by far, the highest out of all non-explosive weapons in the game. It's almost double that of the chain shotgun, and 2.5 that of the LMG. Even against single targets, the minigun's average DPS technically surpasses the charge rifle past "short" range (12 tiles). In practice, miniguns are poor against single targets for a number of reasons. It is inaccurate, which makes damage highly variable. And it has a long warmup time; by the time a minigun starts firing, a charge rifle would have already completed a burst. Weapons like assault rifles and heavy SMGs are more reliably good against a lone target.

But the minigun isn't meant for single targets. The low accuracy and huge, 25-shot burst makes the minigun extremely good against crowds. Missed shots can hit other targets in the vicinity, negating much of the accuracy. Even low-skill pawns are bound to hit things with so many bullets. But, even then, the minigun is not without problems. The massive warmup/cooldown cycle and movement speed penalty makes it rather inflexible; pawns will become extremely vulnerable if shooting out in the open.

Therefore, miniguns are best used inside a well-defended emplacement, like a killbox, against large, clustered crowds of enemies. Note that they are expensive; not just costly in both production time and resources, but also in research requirements. They won't appear from raiders until the lategame.


The minigun is most accurate between 12 and 25 cells range, though the exponential accuracy application from Shooting skill means that the minigun is likely to hit its highest accuracy at between 0 and 14 cells, depending on Shooting level (it requires at least Shooting 8 for the best accuracy range to be anything other than 0 cells, however).

Against an unarmored human, a minigun can kill with 4 hits to the torso, 3-4 hits to the head, 3 hits to the neck or 1 hit to the brain; cripple or destroy limbs in 3 hits; and cripple or destroy eyes and digits with a single hit. It'll generally take around 7 hits (~9.8 seconds average) to incapacitate that human from pain shock.

From a strictly primary-target perspective, at a relative short range of 12 cells, a Minigun is best paired with Careful Shooter up to Shooting level 13, and Trigger-Happy at 14+. At a moderate range of 20 cells, Careful Shooter wins up through Shooting 18, and Trigger-Happy at 19+. Careful Shooting wins for all shooting levels at a target range of 24+ cells. However, against crowds of enemies, where accuracy is mostly irrelevant, Trigger-Happy wins at all Shooting levels and all ranges for rather obvious reasons.

Attack table

  • Mechanoid Weapons (Error: Page has no Property:Image)
    Mechanoid Weapons
    Dam. AP Accuracy
    Expression error: Unexpected * operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator.% Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected * operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Silver

    Values shown in Red indicate the weapon is out of range at the reference point for this range band.
    The value is provided due to the interpolated nature of accuracy between range points.

  • Version history

    • 0.3.410 - Can now spawn on pawns
    • Beta 19 - forced miss radius removed allowing it to hit single targets; to compensate accuracy has been nerfed. Also received a buff to damage and a nerf to fire rate; the overall damage is slightly higher.
    • 1.4.3523 - New weaponTag added to uniquely identify it for use by a specific centipede variant.

    Charge lance

    Charge lance

    A pulse-charged rail-assisted lance weapon. It fires a single shot at high velocity, charging it with unstable energy as it leaves the acceleration rail.

    Base Stats

    Tech Level
    Weapon Class
    Market Value
    1355 Silver
    8 kg

    Ranged Combat

    30 dmg (Bullet)
    Armor penetration
    102 ticks (1.7 secs)
    162 ticks (2.7 secs)
    29.9 tile(s)
    65% - 85% - 85% - 75%
    120 (m/s)
    Burst Count
    1 (per burst)
    Stopping power

    Melee Combat

    Melee Attack 1
    9 dmg (Blunt)
    13% AP
    2.0 seconds cooldown
    Melee Attack 2 
    9 dmg (Blunt)
    13% AP
    2.0 seconds cooldown
    Melee Attack 3 
    9 dmg (Poke)
    13% AP
    2.0 seconds cooldown
    Melee Average DPS
    Melee Average AP


    Crafted At
    Fabrication bench
    Required Research
    Pulse charged munitions
    Skill Required
    Crafting 9
    Work To Make
    60,000 ticks (16.67 mins)
    Work Speed Stat
    General Labor Speed
    Resources to make
    Plasteel 60 + Advanced component 3
    Has Quality
    Gun, SpacerGun, MechanoidGunMedium
    RewardStandardLowFreq, RewardStandardQualitySuper

    The charge lance is a heavy, single-shot ranged weapon which deals a high amount of damage per shot with commensurate AP, a longer time between shots, an above-average range and high overall accuracy.


    s can be crafted, each requiring and Expression error: Unexpected < operator. of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter.

    Charge lances can also be found in ancient shrines or purchased from outlander and orbital combat suppliers, as well as outlander settlements.

    Lancers are the only enemy in the core game to use charge lances, but they aren't dropped when the lancer dies. Therefore, there is no way to acquire charge lances from raiders in the core game. With the Royalty DLC enabled, however, Janissaries, Cataphracts, and Stellic Defenders from the Empire have a possibility to spawn with a charge lance equipped.


    The charge lance deals the highest damage per shot of all non-explosives, so has gained a reputation for dismembering and outright killing people (along with the pila and sniper rifle). It also has the highest armor penetration of all wieldable weapons, and it can stagger humans and slightly larger targets like megaspiders. Range is also above average, just below the assault rifle.

    But, for an endgame weapon, the charge lance's overall DPS is actually quite low. Charge rifles only have 4 tiles less range, and outdamage the charge lance against any reasonable target. As both weapons cost the same and are unlocked from the same research, the charge rifle is the preferred option.

    Moreover, the lance faces heavy competition with the assault rifle. The assault rifle has more range, and greater unarmored DPS at any range. Armor is relevant; against centipedes, charge lances end up having 17% more DPS from medium range (assuming equal quality). However, the AR is much cheaper. The range advantage allows the AR to outrange lancers and more easily kite centipedes. And, If the assault rifle is of a higher quality, then the analysis skews heavily towards the AR; it'd be roughly equal vs. armor and much better vs. unarmored. Against unarmored targets, a normal quality charge lance has similar DPS to a masterwork greatbow.

    The high damage per shot means that it can quickly dismember pawns. Not a great quality against human raiders, as higher DPS kills faster on average (through pain shock) than organ loss. However, it is a very dangerous property when used against your colony, as raiders far outnumber colonists. You can kill hundreds of raiders, but just 1 shot can permanently cripple an important colonist. As a result, lancers should be priority targets, especially before you have easy access to artificial parts. This also makes it a great hunting weapon, though a sniper rifle remains better.


    Against a human target with 45% or lower armor on all layers, a normal-quality charge lance can kill with 2 hits to the torso, 1-2 hits to the head, or 1 hit to the neck or brain; cripple or destroy limbs with a single hit; and destroy eyes and digits with a single hit. It'll generally take around 3 hits (~14.9 seconds average) to incapacitate that human from pain shock. A legendary-quality charge lance can 1-shot any body part or organ in a human pawn's body, and with an armor penetration of 67.5%, can do so against even quite heavily armored targets.

    A charge lance is best paired with a trigger-happy pawn at shorter ranges and a careful shooter at longer ranges. The exact range transition depends on shooting level, being as low as 4 cells at Shooting level 5 and as high as 24 cells at Shooting level 20. At its maximum range of 30 cells, a charge lance is always better in the hands of a careful shooter than a trigger-happy pawn, or one without either trait, regardless of Shooting level.

    Attack table

  • Mechanoid Weapons (Error: Page has no Property:Image)
    Mechanoid Weapons
    Dam. AP Accuracy
    Expression error: Unexpected * operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator.% Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected * operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Silver

    Values shown in Red indicate the weapon is out of range at the reference point for this range band.
    The value is provided due to the interpolated nature of accuracy between range points.

  • Version history

    • Beta 19 - received a slight damage buff (27 --> 30), a slight reduction in time to aim and increase in attack cooldown, leaving fire rate more or less the same. It also received a crafting recipe, allowing humans to use them.
    • 1.1 - range and long range accuracy was nerfed (37 --> 30; 80% --> 75%).

    Inferno cannon

    Inferno cannon

    An incendiary-shot mini-artillery device. It fires a large incendiary warhead.

    Base Stats

    Tech Level
    Weapon Class
    Market Value
    1400 Silver
    18 kg

    Ranged Combat

    10 dmg (Flame)
    Armor penetration
    75 ticks (1.25 secs)
    504 ticks (8.4 secs)
    27 tile(s)
    45 (m/s)
    Burst Count
    1 (per burst)
    Miss Radius
    3.5 tile(s)
    Blast Radius

    Melee Combat

    Melee Attack 1
    11.7 dmg (Blunt)
    18% AP
    2.6 seconds cooldown
    Melee Average DPS
    Melee Average AP
    Has Quality
    MechanoidGunHeavy, InfernoCannonGun

    The inferno cannon is an mechanoid-only ranged weapon. It is the main armament of the centipede burner.

    This weapon cannot be independently obtained in normal play. It is provided here for comparisons sake.


    Inferno cannons spawn on all centipede burners, including those gestated by a colony. However, it is not possible to obtain it directly in normal play. Pawns carrying it will not drop it on death, downing, or complete loss of manipulation like other weapons. It can be spawned in by the Debug actions menu but, like all unobtainable weapons, will disappear after being dropped.


    The inferno cannon is a medium-range siege weapon armed to centipedes only, and it won't drop upon its death. It fires a projectile that sets anything within a 2.4-tile radius on fire, accuracy for touch range is 79, short is 42, medium is 18, and long is 6. While its shots deal trivial damage, the primary threat is that it starts fires that can consume large areas and cause extensive damage if left uncontrolled. Characters caught by its fire will run out of their cover in an attempt to put themselves out and will not fight back when damaged, making them sitting ducks. Burns do not cause bleeding but instead cause extensive pain, which leads to shock and incapacitation, or uncommonly scar the pawn badly. Downed colonists are also liable to death by fire unless rescued or put out. Shots can burn flammables through walls, so use extreme caution when opening ancient shrines as you may not want to trigger the spacers while the threat still lingers around.

    Inferno cannon blast burning flammables through walls


    If you haven't already switched from wood walls and floors, Inferno Cannons are a significant threat. To avoid the worst of the collateral fire damage, build bunkers made of stone to fight Centipedes from, and keep firefoam poppers handy just in case fire threatens your stockpiles or farm fields.

    Devilstrand clothing, especially dusters, offers a lot of protection against fire damage. Consider investing in some if you can.

    Attack table

  • Mechanoid Weapons (Error: Page has no Property:Image)
    Mechanoid Weapons
    Dam. AP Accuracy
    Expression error: Unexpected * operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator.% Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected * operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Silver

    Values shown in Red indicate the weapon is out of range at the reference point for this range band.
    The value is provided due to the interpolated nature of accuracy between range points.

  • Version history

    • 1.4.3523 - New weaponTag added to uniquely identify it for use by a specific centipede variant.