Sterilizing stomach

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Detoxifier stomach

Detoxifier stomach

An artificial stomach replacement with a broad-spectrum toxin filter and neutralization system. It allows the user to eat almost anything without ever worrying about food poisoning.

Base Stats

Medical ItemsBody Parts
Market Value
1030 Silver [Note]
4 kg


Crafted At
Fabrication bench
Required Research
Artificial metabolismTechprint
Skill Required
Crafting 8
Work To Make
26,000 ticks (7.22 mins)
Resources to make
Plasteel 15 + Advanced component 4
Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
Bionic, ImplantEmpireCommon

A detoxifier stomach is an artificial stomach introduced by the Royalty DLC that improves a pawn's metabolism and prevents food poisoning.


Detoxifier stomachs can be crafted at a Fabrication bench once the Artificial metabolism research project has been completed. The required techprint can be obtained either by trade or completing quests for the Empire. They require Plasteel 15 Plasteel, Advanced component 4 Advanced components, 26,000 ticks (7.22 mins) of work, and a Crafting skill of 8.

Alternatively, they can purchased from traders and outlander and empire settlements.


A detoxifier stomach improves a pawn's metabolism by 12.5%. This, in turn, slightly improves the rest rate multiplier by 3.75%, meaning the colonist will require less sleep.

Unlike the bionic stomach but similar to the other Royalty DLC stomach replacements, EMPing a pawn with a detoxifier stomach will force them to vomit.

Installing a stomach can be used to instantly treat gut worms as the new stomach replaces the diseased part. With it installed, further infections are also prevented.

A detoxifier stomach grants full immunity to food poisoning.

Eating capacity and eating speed are unaffected.


Installing a detoxifier stomach requires 2,500 ticks (41.67 secs) of work, 2x medicine of Herbal quality or better, and a Medical skill of 5.

Removing a detoxifier stomach requires 2,500 ticks (41.67 secs) of work, 1x medicine of ??[What Quality] quality or better, and a Medical skill of 5.

If the operation fails, the part has a chance[What Chance?] to be destroyed.


The detoxifier stomach is a cheaper way to reduce time sleeping than upgrading to a royal bed, however both can be combined.

While EMP-wielding enemies are relatively rare, friendly fire is a relevant concern on melee pawns as using EMP grenades and melee attackers on Centipedes is a common and successful tactic. Having a detoxifier stomach on those melee pawns will result in them vomiting and negatively affecting this tactic and others like it. However, this can also be exploited against enemies with part, as well as against escaping prisoners or rebellious slaves.Content added by the Ideology DLC For the latter two options however, use of an implant that causes brain shock may be more useful as it downs the pawn, rather than merely causes temporary vomiting.


The Royalty DLC introduced a number of stomach replacements to complement the base bionic stomach, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. All three of these variants include the benefits offered by the bionic stomach in addition to their unique benefits however they are also susceptible to EMP, causing the pawn to vomit uncontrollably for a short length of time.

Bionic Stomach

In comparison to the detoxifier stomach, the bionic stomach eliminates the vulnerability to EMP in exchange for being vulnerable to food poisoning.

Reprocessor Stomach

In comparison to the detoxifier stomach, the reprocessor stomach reduces the amount of food a pawn requires by 25% at the cost of vulnerability to food poisoning.

Nuclear Stomach

The nuclear stomach combines the benefits of both the detoxifier and reprocessor stomachs, reduces the amount of food a pawn requires by a whopping 75% and eliminating the risk of food poisoning at the cost of inflicting torso cancer on average once 120 in-game days.

  • Stomach Cost Digestion Hunger Rate Food poisoning Gut Worms EMP
    Side effects Market Value
    Stomach Content from Rimworld core game only - 1x 1x Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png -
    Bionic stomach Content from Rimworld core game only Plasteel 10+ Advanced component 3 1.125x 1x Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Silver 785
    Sterilizing stomach Content added by the Royalty DLC Plasteel 15+ Advanced component 4 1.125x 1x Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Silver 1,030
    Reprocessor stomach Content added by the Royalty DLC Plasteel 15+ Advanced component 4 1.125x 0.75x Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Silver 1,030
    Nuclear stomach Content added by the Royalty DLC Plasteel 15+ Advanced component 4 1.125x 0.25x Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Carcinoma Silver 1,030
    Fleshmass stomach Content added by the Anomaly DLC - 1x 1x Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png +8% Pain ??[Detail needed]