
From RimWorld Wiki
Revision as of 05:28, 27 January 2023 by Harakoni (talk | contribs) (Purple tables are already used for psychic stuff, and so kinda overused. Closer to biotech blue for genes and related content sounds good.)
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Genes are a system for adding capabilities to human pawns. They can be obtained from character creation or implanted via xenogerm.

Metabolic efficiency, denoted by the Metabolism symbol, controls the rate at which pawns get hungry. Harmful genes will increase their metabolic efficiency, getting hungry slower, and thus consuming less food overall. Meanwhile helpful genes reduce metabolic efficiency, getting hungry faster, and thus consuming more food. A baseline human has a metabolic efficiency of 0 (100% hunger rate), and genes can bring it as low as -5 (225% hunger rate) or up to 5 (50% hunger rate). The game prevents you from giving pawns less than -5 metabolic efficiency; it doesn't stop you from exceeding 5, but hunger rate will not go below 50%.

Complexity, denoted by the Complexity symbol, affects how many gene processors you need to create a xenogerm from a set of genes. A gene assembler can create xenogerms with a maximum complexity of 6, plus 2 for every attached gene processor. Complexity also determines the base time it takes to create the xenogerm, ranging from 4 hours at ≤3 complexity, to 23 hours at ≥20 complexity (which is then scaled by the research speed of whoever operates the gene assembler).[Detail needed]

The type of gene is shown both by its position in the gene tab of the pawn and its background:

  • GeneBackground Endogene.png Endogenes
  • GeneBackground Xenogene.png Xenogenes
  • GeneBackground ArchiteGene.png Archite genes


  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Archite capsules Baseliner.png Exclude
    Gene TotalHealing.png
    Carriers of this gene have a special type of regenerator cell which can heal old wounds and chronic illnesses like bad back.
    0 4 1 Sanguophage.png -
    Gene implanter
    Gene XenogermReimplanter.png
    Carriers of this gene can implant a copy of their xenogerm into another person through a somewhat gross-looking injector organ. Their own genetic material will then regrow very slowly. If they implant while their genes are regrowing, they will die.
    • Adds ability: Gene XenogermReimplanter.png Implant Genes
    Implant this person's xenogenes into a willing subject using a special injector organ. If this person's genes are currently regrowing, they will implant their xenogerm and die in the process.\n\nWhen implanted, a xenogerm will overwrite the target's xenogenes. Germline genes will be unaffected.
    • Passes on a copy of all xenogenes to a target. Causes genes to regrow for 2 years afterwards.
    • Using this ability while genes are regrowing kills the pawn.
      • If using this ability is lethal, then the caster will lose all of their xenogenes upon death.
    0 3 1 Sanguophage.png -
    Perfect immunity
    Gene PerfectImmunity.png
    Carriers of this gene have archite-enhanced immune systems which intelligently destroy invaders. They are totally immune to most normal illnesses.
    0 3 1 Sanguophage.png Immunity
    Gene NonSenescent.png
    Carriers of this gene do not go through senescence in the normal way. They never get chronic age-related diseases like cancer, bad back, cataracts, or dementia.
    0 3 1 Sanguophage.png -
    Gene Ageless.png
    Carriers of this gene have archites in the bloodstream which continuously reverse the process of aging. Starting at the age of 13, carriers begin to biologically age slower. By 18, the aging process stops completely.
    • Aging ×1 at age 13. Rate linearly slows as the pawn gets older.
    • Aging ×0 at age 18.
    0 3 1 Sanguophage.png -
    Gene Deathless.png
    Carriers of this gene have archites in the blood which will sustain their life processes no matter what. As long as the brain remains intact, a carrier of this gene will never die.
    • If a pawn would've died, but the brain (or head/neck) is not directly destroyed, they enter into a regenerative coma. This coma lasts until otherwise fatal conditions are removed, then 7 days after that.
      • Does not regenerate limbs or organs, except for the torso.
      • Pawns with the Deathrest gene too instead enter deathrest, and lose all Hemogen. After lethality is removed, the usual deathrest mechanics take place.
      • Entering the regeneration coma / involuntary deathrest will cause the pawn to lose 3% to 6% of total skill XP in a random skill.
    • Market value of genepacks containing this gene: ×200% (also multiplied by the usual ×400% for 1 Archite capsule)
    0 7 1 Sanguophage.png -
    Archite metabolism
    Gene ArchiteMetabolism.png
    Carriers of this gene have special archites in their cells that facilitate and optimize metabolism. This improves overall genetic and metabolic quality.
    • Increases metabolic efficiency. No other effect.
    • Market value of genepacks containing this gene: ×150% (also multiplied by ×700% for 2 Archite capsules)
    +6 6 2 Sanguophage.png -
  • Special abilities

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png
    Fire spew
    Gene Firespew.png
    Carriers are able to spew flammable bile generated by a special organ in their neck. The bile sticks to anything in a small area and can ignite people, objects, and the ground.
    • Adds ability: FireSpew.png Fire spew
    Spit a stream of sticky, flammable bile from the mouth. The bile can ignite anything or anyone it hits, and also form flaming pools on the ground. The bile is generated and stored by an organ in the neck, along with a separate pouch of hypergolic reactant for ignition.
    • Spits flammable liquid in a 7.9 tile triangle with a 3 tile wide end.[Detail Needed]
    • Target: Pawn or Location
    • Warmup Time: 60 ticks (1 sec)
    • Cooldown: 300,000 ticks (5 in-game days)
    • Charges: 1
    • AI Can Use: True. Note: AI will still target fire-immune targets.
    • Market value of genepacks containing this gene: ×150%
    −2 1 Impid.png
    Foam spray
    Gene FoamSpray.png
    Carriers grow glands in the neck that generate and store a fire-retardant foam. They can spew this foam over an area to extinguish fires.
    • Adds ability: Gene FoamSpray.png Foam spray
    Spray thick fire-retardant foam from glands in the neck up through the mouth. The foam will cover a small area and extinguish any fire it touches.
    • Spits firefoam in a 3x3 area around the target, up to 4 tiles away. This leaves firefoam filth on the ground, extinguishing fires and preventing new ones from igniting.
    • Target: Pawn or Location
    • Warmup Time: 60 ticks (1 sec)
    • Cooldown: 30,000 ticks (12 in-game hours) for all 3 charges. Cooldown will not begin until all charges have been expended.
    • Charges: 3
    • AI Can Use: False.
    −2 1 -
    Animal warcall
    Gene AnimalWarcall.png
    Carriers of this gene can perform an animal warcall, using a powerful bellow and psychic connection to call an animal to fight for them.
    • Adds ability: AnimalWarcall.png Animal warcall
    With a powerful bellow and psychic connection, call an animal to fight your enemies for a few hours.
    • Turns the target berserk against all factions hostile to the caster for 12 in-game hours/30,000 ticks (8.33 mins). -75 base goodwill when used on a friendly faction's animal.
    • Target: Any single animal or wildman. Does not require LoS [Detail]
    • Range: 49.9 tiles
    • Warmup Time: 120 ticks (2 secs)
    • Cooldown: 900,000 ticks (15 in-game days) per charge.
    • Charges: 2
    • AI Can Use: True
    −2 1 Yttakin.png
    Acid spray
    Gene AcidSpray.png
    Carriers grow glands in the neck that generate and store a sticky acid substance, along with acid-tolerant tissues in the mouth. They can spew this acid over an area, where it will stick to enemies and burn them over time.
    • Adds ability: AcidSpray.png Acid spray
    Spray a sticky acid substance from glands in the neck up through the mouth and all over the target area. The acid will stick to targets and burn them over time.
    • Spits a fast-moving acid projectile in a 3x3 area around the target, up to 8 tiles away. This does 30 damage to buildings and items, and creates a harmless "spent acid" filth on each affected tile. Creatures in the affected area suffer a 30 damage burn (possibly spread over multiple body parts), but suffer no persistent damage over time.
    • Target: Pawn or Location
    • Warmup Time: 60 ticks (1 sec)
    • Cooldown: 30,000 ticks (12 in-game hours)
    • Charges: 1
    • AI Can Use: True.
    • Market value of genepacks containing this gene: ×150%
    −2 1 -
  • Hemogen

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Prereq. Baseliner.png
    Gene Hemogenic.png
    Carriers of this gene have a reserve of biological strength powered by a resource called hemogen. The resource can be gained and spent in various ways, all of which are unlocked by other genes. Carriers lose 2 hemogen per day from biological entropy.
    • Creates a Hemogen need, which decreases by −2 per day.
    • Receive Hemogen Craving ailment when Hemogen hits 0.
      Craving severity increases by 5% / hour with 0 hemogen. Severity decreases by 10% / hour with it.
    +1 1 - Sanguophage.png
    Hemogen drain
    Gene HemogenDrain.png
    Carriers lose an additional 8 hemogen per day from biological entropy.
    • −8 Hemogen per day.
    +6 1 Hemogenic Sanguophage.png
    Gene Coagulate.png
    Carriers of this gene have special glands on their hands and wrists, as well as a unique salivary compound that they can use to rapidly tend wounds.
    • Adds ability: Gene Coagulate.png Coagulate
    Use special glands in the wrists to quickly tend someone's wounds.
    • Tends wounds. [Detail]
    • Target: Single target in LoS
    • Range: 3.9 tiles
    • Warmup Time: 60 ticks (1 sec)
    • Hemogen Cost: 20
    • AI Can Use: ?
    −1 1 Hemogenic Sanguophage.png
    Gene Bloodfeeder.png
    Carriers of this gene have small retractable fangs and an organ on the roof of the mouth which can extract hemogen from fresh warm blood. They can bite an unresisting person, suck the blood, and gain hemogen directly.
    • Adds ability: Gene Bloodfeeder.png Bloodfeed
    Bite the target and extract hemogen directly from their blood. The target will lose blood and will be horrified by the interaction, but will be otherwise unharmed. A fast-acting coagulant will seal the wound to prevent bleeding. Can only target non-hemogenic humans. Hemogen gain is affected by the target’s body size.
    • Feed on a pawn to gain up to +20 Hemogen, which scales with target body size, but not the user's.
      • Target will gain +45% blood loss and the −5 Fed on moodlet (5 days, doesn't stack, negated by Bloodfeeders precept.Content added by the Ideology DLC). Also gains a bloodfeeder mark on the neck (+1% pain).
      • If the target does not have enough blood, hemogen gain will be reduced accordingly.[Detail]
      • Bloodfeeder must have a non-0% Eating capacity.
    • Target: Single non-Hemogenic[Verify] human target. Must be downed or a colonist, slave,Content added by the Ideology DLC or prisoner not on a mental break.
      • A warning will be given if it would kill the target or render them unconscious, but it will not account for continuing blood loss.

    • Interaction with Bloodfeeders precept.Content added by the Ideology DLC
      • Bloodfeeders: Revered - Believers have a higher opinion towards bloodfeeders, negates moodlet for being fed on, mood bonus when bloodfeeders are in the colony or are the Leader,Content added by the Ideology DLC and mood penalty when they die.
      • Bloodfeeders: Reviled. - Believers have a lower opinion towards bloodfeeders, mood penalty when bloodfeeders are in the colony or when they are bloodfeeder, and mood bonus when they die.
    −1 1 Hemogenic Sanguophage.png
    Longjump legs
    Gene LongJumpLegs.png
    Carriers have special hemogen-powered muscle fibers in their legs which allow them to jump great distances.
    • Adds ability: Longjump.png Longjump
    Jump to a distant location using super-strong hemogen-powered legs.
    • Jump to the selected location, over non-LoS blocking objects, quickly but not instantly. Immune to all damage during the jump.
    • Target: Location in LoS
    • Range: 19.9 tiles
    • Warmup Time: 30 ticks (0.5 secs)
    • Hemogen Cost: 5
    • AI Can Use: False
    −2 1 Hemogenic Sanguophage.png
    Piercing spine
    Gene PiercingSpine.png
    Carriers grow an opening in their upper chest along with a quiver of keratin spines. Using a hemogen-powered chemical reaction, they can fire these spines at high speed at nearby targets with surprising accuracy.
    • Adds ability: PiercingSpine.png Piercing spine
    Use a hemogenic chemical reaction to launch a bony spine at the target. The spine exits through the skin from an opening between the collarbones. Given the method of launch, it is surprisingly easy to aim.
    • Launches an unerring spine at the target, dealing 30 RangedStab damage, with an AP of 100% and a stopping power of 1.
    • Target: Single target in LoS
    • Range: 3.9 tiles
    • Warmup Time: 30 ticks (0.5 secs)
    • Cooldown Time: 60 ticks (1 sec)
    • Hemogen Cost: 20
    • AI Can Use: True
    • Market value of genepacks containing this gene: ×150%
    −1 1 Hemogenic Sanguophage.png
    Gene Deathrest.png
    Carriers of this gene must periodically regenerate themselves in a special coma called deathrest. Deathrest takes days, but can confer substantial bonuses. Deathrest can be accelerated and its effects enhanced by the use of a variety of special buildings and technologies. Those who put off deathresting will suffer from deathrest exhaustion.
    +6 1 Hemogenic Sanguophage.png
  • Health

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Weak immunity
    Gene WeakImmunity.png
    Carriers of this gene gain immunity to diseases more slowly than normal. They may die from infections that others would survive.
    +2 1 Impid.png Immunity
    Strong immunity
    Gene StrongImmunity.png
    Carriers of this gene gain immunity to diseases faster than normal.
    −1 1 Neanderthal.png
    Super immunity
    Gene SuperStrongImmunity.png
    Carriers of this gene gain immunity to diseases considerably faster than normal.
    −2 2 Waster.png Immunity
    Slow wound healing
    Gene WoundHealingRateSlow.png
    Carriers of this gene heal from wounds half as fast as normal.
    • Injury healing factor ×50%
    +2 1 Impid.png
    Fast wound healing
    Gene WoundHealingRateFast.png
    Carriers of this gene heal from wounds twice as fast as normal.
    • Injury healing factor ×200%
    −2 1 Dirtmole.png WoundHealingRate
    Superfast wound healing
    Gene WoundHealingRateSuperfast.png
    Carriers of this gene heal from wounds four times as fast as normal.
    • Injury healing factor ×400%
    • Market value of genepacks containing this gene: ×125%
    −3 1 Hussar.png
    Gene Superclotting.png
    Carriers of this gene have extra-power coagulating factors in their blood, and will stop bleeding very quickly when wounded.
    • Every 6 seconds, all bleeding wounds are automatically tended at 20-70% tend quality. The exact tend quality is fully random within this range.
    • This renders it functionally impossible for the pawn to bleed out, at the minor downside of the wound being somewhat more susceptible to infection than being treated by a doctor under better conditions (e.g. by a skilled doctor, with industrial+ medicine, in a clean hospital).
    • Does not affect non-bleeding wounds.
    −1 1 - -
  • Psychics

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Psychically deaf
    Gene PsychicallyDeaf.png
    Carriers of this gene are deaf to all psychic energy and influence outside their own minds. They cannot be affected by psychic influence, nor can they ever wield psychic power.
    +2 1 Hussar.png PsychicAbility
    Psychically dull
    Gene PsychicallyDull.png
    Carriers of this gene are less psychically-sensitive than others.
    +1 1 Yttakin.png PsychicAbility
    Gene EnhancedPsychicAbility.png
    Carriers of this gene are more psychically-sensitive than average.
    • Psychic Sensitivity +20%
    • Meditation psyfocus gain +10% / day [Verify]
    • +0.1 Neural Heat Recovery per second base. Effectively 0.163 Heat/s recovery at Level 6 psylink.
    −2 1 Highmate.png
    Super psy-sensitive
    Gene ExtremePsychicAbility.png
    Carriers of this gene are much more psychically-sensitive than most.
    • Psychic Sensitivity +40%
    • Meditation psyfocus gain +20% / day [Verify]
    • +0.2 Neural Heat Recovery per second base. Effectively 0.325 Heat/s recovery at Level 6 psylink.
    −5 2 - PsychicAbility
    Psychic bonding
    Gene PsychicBonding.png
    Carriers of this gene have a special neural organ that makes them psychically bond with a lover for life. As long as the lovers are together, they will be happy. If they are physically separated, they will be disturbed by the distance. If one dies, the other's mind will be badly disrupted.
    • Romance attempts always succeed
    • Gains psychic bond with first attempted romance or lovin'
    • This person has a psychic bond with another person based on the psychic bonding gene. The bond itself grants some limited psychic awareness, allowing it to connect even with the psychically deaf.
    • Bonded pawns receive gain ×50% pain multiplier, +15% consciousness, +12 mood and +10% psychic sensitivity when on same map.
    • Bonded pawns receive −10 mood, +5% psychic sensitivity, and −25% consciousness when not on same map.
    • When one bonded pawn dies, the other will immediately enter an extreme mental break.[Verify]
    −1 1 Highmate.png -
  • Movement

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Slow runner
    Gene SlowMovespeed.png
    Carriers of this gene move more slowly than normal.
    +3 1 Dirtmole.png
    Fast runner
    Gene QuickMovespeed.png
    Carriers of this gene move more quickly than normal.
    −3 1 Sanguophage.png MoveSpeed
    Very fast runner
    Gene VeryQuickMovespeed.png
    Carriers of this gene move much more quickly than normal.
    −5 1 Impid.png MoveSpeed
    Naked speed
    Gene NakedSpeed.png
    Carriers of this gene move slower while clothed, and faster while naked.
    +2 1 Yttakin.png -
  • Mood

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Very unhappy
    Gene Depressive.png
    Carriers of this gene are highly predisposed to negative emotion. They'll see the bad in every situation and have a much lower mood than others.
    • Permanent −10 Genetic depression mood
    +5 1 - Mood
    Gene Pessimist.png
    Carriers of this gene are predisposed to pessimistic perceptions. They'll tend to interpret things negatively and have lower mood than others.
    • Permanent −5 Genetic pessimism mood
    +3 1 Impid.png Mood
    Gene Optimist.png
    Carriers of this gene are predisposed to optimistic feelings. They'll have higher mood than others.
    • Permanent +5 Genetic optimism mood
    −1 2 - Mood
    Very happy
    Gene Sanguine.png
    Carriers of this gene are highly predisposed to optimism and not at all inclined to think negatively. They'll have much higher mood than others.
    • Permanent +10 Genetic joy mood
    −2 3 Highmate.png Mood
  • Temperature

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Cold weakness
    Gene MinTemperatureSmallIncrease.png
    Carriers of this gene are slightly less comfortable in cold temperatures.
    +1 1 Impid.png MinTemperature
    Cold tolerant
    Gene MinTemperatureSmallDecrease.png
    Carriers of this gene are slightly more comfortable in cold temperatures.
    −1 1 Hussar.png
    Cold super-tolerant
    Gene MinTemperatureLargeDecrease.png
    Carriers of this gene are much more comfortable in cold temperatures.
    −2 1 - MinTemperature
    Heat weakness
    Gene MaxTemperatureSmallDecrease.png
    Carriers of this gene are slightly less comfortable in warm temperatures.
    +1 1 Highmate.png MaxTemperature
    Heat tolerant
    Gene MaxTemperatureSmallIncrease.png
    Carriers of this gene are slightly more comfortable in warm temperatures.
    −1 1 Hussar.png
    Heat super-tolerant
    Gene MaxTemperatureLargeIncrease.png
    Carriers of this gene are much more comfortable in warm temperatures.
    −2 1 Impid.png MaxTemperature
  • Resistance and sensitivity

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Tox resistance
    Gene PartialToxicityResistance.png
    Carriers of this gene are resistant to toxic buildup from any source. This includes pollution, toxic fallout, tox gas, and direct attacks with venom or injected poison. They'll gain half the amount of toxic buildup compared to others. Cellular filters in the lung and skin reduce the dose of toxins entering the bloodstream.
    −2 1 - ToxResistance
    Tox immunity
    Gene TotalToxicityResistance.png
    Carriers of this gene are totally immune to toxic buildup from all sources including polluted terrain, toxic fallout, tox gas, and direct attacks with venom or injected poison. They are also not bothered by acidic smog. The carrier's biochemical pathways are modified to route around interference from nearly all known toxins. Along with enhancements to the kidneys and liver, this keeps carriers comfortable in even the most toxic of environments.
    −4 2 Sanguophage.png ToxResistance
    Partial antitoxic lungs
    Gene PartialPollutionResistance.png
    Carriers of this gene are resistant to environmental toxins. They get less toxic buildup from tox gas, polluted terrain, and toxic fallout, but are still vulnerable to direct attacks with venom or injected poison. Additionally, they build up rot stink exposure slower.
    −1 1 Hussar.png ToxicEnvironmentResistance
    Total antitoxic lungs
    Gene TotalPollutionResistance.png
    Carriers of this gene are immune to environmental toxins, but not from direct toxic attacks. They get no toxic buildup from tox gas, polluted terrain, or toxic fallout, and they are not bothered by acidic smog. They are still vulnerable to direct attacks like venom and injected poison. Additionally, they are immune to rot stink exposure.
    −3 2 Waster.png ToxicEnvironmentResistance
    Mild UV sensitivity
    Gene MildUVSensitivity.png
    Carriers of this gene have biological compounds in their skin that react painfully to UV radiation. They are unusually sensitive to sunlight.
    • When in sunlight (when on an unroofed tile while light levels from natural sunlight are 11% or more):
    • Does not cause pain, despite the description.
    +3 1 Sanguophage.png UVSensitivity
    Intense UV sensitivity
    Gene IntenseUVSensitivity.png
    Carriers of this gene have biological compounds in their skin that react dangerously to UV radiation. They are intensely sensitive to sunlight.
    • When in sunlight (when on an unroofed tile while light levels from natural sunlight are 11% or more):
      • Move Speed ×80%
      • Mood: Sunlight Sensitivity: −12
    • Does not cause pain.
    +4 2 Dirtmole.png UVSensitivity
    Fire resistant
    Gene FireResistant.png
    Carriers of this gene have special fast-acting sweat glands and heat-resistant skin. They only take 25% of the normal damage from fire. The chance of them catching on fire is also drastically reduced.
    Note that this does not affect Heat or Vaporize damage
    −2 1 Impid.png FireDamage
    Gene FireWeakness.png
    Carriers have dry, thin skin which burns easily from fire, and their immune systems react very poorly to this kind of threat. Damage from fire is multiplied by 4.
    • Flame damage ×400%[Heat/vaporize?]
    +2 1 Sanguophage.png FireDamage
    Gene FireTerror.png
    Carriers of this gene have an intense fear of fire. When fires are close, there is a chance they will have a mental breakdown at any moment.
    • −10 Afraid of fire moodlet when within 20.9[?] tiles of fire
    • 0.1 day mtb chance of "Fleeing fire" mental break, presumably[?] also when within 20.9 tiles of fire
    • Suppresses Pyromaniac trait
    +4 1 Sanguophage.png -
  • Violence

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Dead calm
    Gene DeadCalm.png
    Carriers of this gene feel calm in every situation and have a very placid demeanor. They will never start social fights or have aggressive mental breaks.
    • Effects:
      • Will never do social fights
      • Mental breaks are never violent
      • Will never prison break
    −1 1 Genie.png Aggression
    Gene Aggressive.png
    Carriers of this gene are quick to anger. They are twice as likely to start social fights. When they have mental breaks, they are twice as likely to choose an aggressive kind of break.
    • Effects:
      • Social fight chance factor ×200%
      • Chance mental break is violent ×200%
      • Prison break interval factor ×60%
    +2 1 Neanderthal.png
    Gene HyperAggressive.png
    Carriers of this gene are hormonally high-strung and very aggressive. They are three times as likely to start social fights. Any mental break they have will be of an aggressive type.
    • Effects:
      • Social fight chance factor ×300%
      • Mental breaks are always violent
      • Prison break interval factor ×40%
    +3 1 Hussar.png Aggression
    Weak melee damage
    Gene WeakMeleeDamage.png
    Carriers of this gene do less damage in close-quarters combat. Weak fast-twitch muscle fibers make their strikes shaky and weak.
    +1 1 Impid.png MeleeDamage
    Strong melee damage
    Gene StrongMeleeDamage.png
    Carriers of this gene do more damage in close-quarters combat. Extra-strong fast-twitch muscle fibers make their strikes accurate and powerful.
    −2 1 Dirtmole.png
    Violence disabled
    Gene ViolenceDisabled.png
    Carriers of this gene are emotionally and mentally incapable of engaging in violence. They are overwhelmingly resistant to and horrified by the idea of hurting another.
    • Disables work:
      • Hunt
      • Violent
    +3 1 Highmate.png MeleeDamage
    Kind instinct
    Gene KindInstinct.png
    Carriers of this gene are high in trait agreeableness and are very conscientious. They rarely insult others or starts fights, and will sometimes offer kind words to brighten the moods of those around them. They also never judges people by their appearance.
    −1 1 Highmate.png -
    Kill thirst
    Gene Killthirst.png
    Carriers of this gene lust for the feeling of ending another's life. They will become irritated if they go for too long without killing someone in close combat.
    • Causes need: Kill satiety
    +4 1 - KillThirst
  • Sleep

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Very Sleepy
    Gene VerySleepy.png
    Carriers of this gene get tired much faster than others.
    • Sleep fall rate ×180%
    +4 1 - Sleep
    Gene Sleepy.png
    Carriers of this gene get tired somewhat faster than others.
    • Sleep fall rate ×140%
    +2 1 Yttakin.png Sleep
    Low sleep
    Gene QuickSleeper.png
    Carriers of this gene get tired less quickly than others.
    • Sleep fall rate ×40%
    −4 2 Sanguophage.png Sleep
    Never sleep
    Gene Neversleep.png
    Carriers of this gene have a unique metabolic process which allows clusters of neurons to sleep while the rest of the brain stays awake. They never need to sleep.
    • Effects:
      • Disables need: Sleep
    • Market value of genepacks containing this gene: ×125%
    −6 3 - Sleep
  • Pain

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Gene Delicate.png
    Carriers of this gene take greater injuries than others from the same damage. They have thin, brittle bones and less binding molecules in joints and flesh.
    +3 1 Genie.png
    Gene Tough.png
    Carriers of this gene take less injuries than others from the same damage. They have thickened, densified bones, nearly-solid ribcages, and strengthened binding factors in joints and flesh.
    • Incoming damage multiplier ×75%
    −2 1 Neanderthal.png
    Extra pain
    Gene ExtraPain.png
    Carriers of this gene feel more pain than others given the same injuries. Neuron activity in the brain's nociception center is amplified, so pain feels extra-intense and fiery. This can be protective, but overall it's considered a negative and makes it hard to push through difficult situations.
    +2 1 Genie.png Pain
    Reduced pain
    Gene PainReduced.png
    Carriers of this gene feel half as much pain compared to a baseliner. Reduced neuron activity in the brain's nociception centers makes pain dull and faint. This can be advantageous sometimes, and dangerous other times.
    • Pain ×50%
    −1 1 Hussar.png
  • Reproduction

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Low libido
    Gene LowLibido.png
    Carriers of this gene are less likely to engage in lovin' with their partner.
    0 1 - Libido
    High libido
    Gene HighLibido.png
    Carriers of this gene are more likely to engage in lovin' with their partner.
    0 1 Highmate.png Libido
    Gene Sterile.png
    Carriers of this gene cannot reproduce by natural means.
    • Fertility ×0%
    +1 1 - Fertility
    Gene Fertile.png
    Carriers of this gene have a higher chance of becoming pregnant or impregnating others.
    • Fertility ×200%
    0 1 - Fertility
  • Beauty

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Very unattractive
    Gene StaggeringlyUgly.png
    Carriers of this gene have misshapen, asymmetrical facial structures and blotchy skin. They're hard to look at.
    +2 1 - Beauty
    Gene Ugly.png
    Carriers of this gene have exaggerated facial features and poor skin that are generally considered ugly.
    +1 1 Waster.png Beauty
    Gene Pretty.png
    Carriers of this gene have unusually symmetrical, balanced facial features and extra-clear skin which gives them a pleasing appearance.
    −1 1 Sanguophage.png Beauty
    Very attractive
    Gene Beautiful.png
    Carriers of this gene have remarkably precise and symmetrical faces. Their features are distinctive and strong without being exaggerated, and their skin is nearly perfect. They are generally seen as beautiful.
    −2 1 Highmate.png Beauty
  • Cosmetic

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Red eyes
    Gene RedEyes.png
    Carriers of this gene have deeply red-pigmented eyes. 0 0 Hussar.png EyeColor
    Gray eyes
    Gene GrayEyes.png
    Carriers of this gene have pale white-gray eyes. 0 0 Dirtmole.png EyeColor
    No hair
    Gene HairStyleBaldOnly.png
    Carriers of this gene grow no hair on the head. 0 0 Genie.png
    Gene HairStyleShortOnly.png
    Carriers of this gene can only grow short hair. 0 0 Hussar.png HairStyle
    Gene HairStyleLongOnly.png
    Carriers of this gene grow hair on the head very quickly. 0 0 Highmate.png HairStyle
    Only bushy beards
    Gene BeardStyleBushyOnly.png
    Male carriers of this gene experience rapid beard growth and are uncomfortable cutting their beards. 0 0 - BeardStyle
    Gene BeardStyleNone.png
    Carriers of this gene grow no facial hair. 0 0 Genie.png
    Unisex beards
    Gene UnisexBeards.png
    Carriers of this gene always have thick facial hair, even women. 0 0 Yttakin.png BeardStyle
    Human ears
    Gene EarHuman.png
    Carriers of this gene have regular human ears. 0 0 - Ears
    Pointed ears
    Gene EarPointed.png
    Carriers of this gene have pointed ears. 0 0 - Ears
    Cat ears
    Gene EarCat.png
    Carriers of this gene have cat-like ears. 0 0 - Ears
    Floppy ears
    Gene EarFloppy.png
    Carriers of this gene grow long, floppy hound-like ears. 0 0 - Ears
    Pig ears
    Gene EarPig.png
    Carriers of this gene will grow pointed pig-like ears. 0 0 PigskinXenotype.png Ears
    Human nose
    Gene NoseHuman.png
    Carriers of this gene have regular human noses. 0 0 - Nose
    Human jaw
    Gene JawBaseline.png
    Carriers of this gene have regularly-shaped jaws. 0 0 - Jaw
    Heavy jaw
    Gene JawHeavy.png
    Carriers of this gene have large jaws. 0 0 Neanderthal.png Jaw
    Gaunt head
    Gene GauntHead.png
    Carriers of this gene have a pinched, gaunt appearance in their face and head. 0 0 Waster.png Jaw
    Heavy brow
    Gene HeavyBrow.png
    Carriers of this gene have a prominent brow. 0 0 Neanderthal.png -
    Gene HeadboneCenterhorn.png
    Carriers of this gene grow a single horn protruding from the center of the forehead. 0 0 - Headbone
    Gene HeadboneMinihorns.png
    Carriers of this gene grow two small horns protruding from the forehead. 0 0 Impid.png Headbone
    Human headbone
    Gene HeadboneHuman.png
    Carriers of this gene have regular human skulls. 0 0 - Headbone
    Human voice
    Gene VoiceHuman.png
    Carriers of this gene have regular human vocal chords[sic]. 0 0 - Voice
    Pig voice
    Gene VoicePig.png
    Carriers have a squealing voice like that of a pig. 0 0 PigskinXenotype.png Voice
    Roar voice
    Gene VoiceRoar.png
    Carriers have an animal-like roaring voice. 0 0 Yttakin.png Voice
    Facial ridges
    Gene FacialRidges.png
    Carriers of this gene grow raised ridges of skin on their face. 0 0 - -
  • Body type

    Since people without these genes can have any of the four body types, these genes effectively limit what body types a xenotype can have. For example, Neanderthal.pngNeanderthals cannot be thin, because they have all three of the other genes.

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Standard body
    Gene BodyStandard.png
    Carriers can have average-shaped bodies. A person can have more than one body type gene; one body type will be chosen among those that are allowed. 0 0 Hussar.png
    Thin body
    Gene BodyThin.png
    Carriers can have thin bodies. A person can have more than one body type gene; one body type will be chosen among those that are allowed. 0 0 Genie.png
    Fat body
    Gene BodyFat.png
    Carriers can have fat bodies. A person can have more than one body type gene; one body type will be chosen among those that are allowed. 0 0 Neanderthal.png
    Hulk body
    Gene BodyHulk.png
    Carriers can have large bodies. A person can have more than one body type gene; one body type will be chosen among those that are allowed. 0 0 Hussar.png
  • Hair

    These genes are defined in Core, not Biotech.

    All of them have a "random brightness factor" of 0.12 unless otherwise specified.

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Weight Baseliner.png Exclude
    Snow-white hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (250, 250, 250)
    • Random brightness factor: 0
    0 0 0.05 Highmate.png HairColor
    Gray hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (0.65, 0.65, 0.65)
    0 0 0.02 Waster.png HairColor
    Blonde hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (237, 202, 156)
    • Selection weight factor with dark skin: 0
    0 0 1? - HairColor
    Sandy-blonde hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (193, 146, 85)
    • Selection weight factor with dark skin: 0
    0 0 1? Impid.png HairColor
    Orange hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (189, 133, 49)
    0 0 0.05 Impid.png HairColor
    Reddish-brown hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (132, 83, 47)
    0 0 1? - HairColor
    Brown hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (90, 58, 32)
    0 0 1? - HairColor
    Dark-brown hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (56, 36, 18)
    0 0 1.5 - HairColor
    Dark-reddish hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (0.25, 0.2, 0.15)
    0 0 1.5 - HairColor
    Mid-black hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (0.31, 0.28, 0.26)
    0 0 1.5 - HairColor
    Dark-black hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
    0 0 1.5 - HairColor
    Ink-black hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (25, 25, 25)
    • Random brightness factor: 0
    0 0 0.05 - HairColor
    Blue hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (34, 63, 227)
    0 0 0.05 - HairColor
    Teal hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (52, 191, 182)
    0 0 0.05 - HairColor
    Green hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (72, 201, 40)
    0 0 0.05 - HairColor
    Pink hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (191, 86, 149)
    0 0 0.05 - HairColor
    Purple hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (227, 115, 255)
    0 0 0.05 - HairColor
    Red hair
    Carriers of this gene have a particular hair color. With multiple hair color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Hair color override: (191, 86, 86)
    0 0 0.05 - HairColor
  • Melanin

    These natural skin colors are not available in the xenotype editor and cannot be extracted. Every person gets one of these as an endogene unless they already have a skin-color endogene (e.g. Dirtmole.pngDirtmoles have light gray skin instead of these).

    These genes are defined in Core, not Biotech. They are all named "Skin color" in-game.

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Weight Exclude
    Carriers of this gene have a particular skin color. With multiple skin color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Skin color base: (242, 237, 224)
    • Min melanin: 0
    0 0 0.2 SkinColor
    Carriers of this gene have a particular skin color. With multiple skin color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Skin color base: (255, 239, 213)
    • Min melanin: 0.1
    0 0 0.5 SkinColor
    Carriers of this gene have a particular skin color. With multiple skin color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Skin color base: (255, 239, 201)
    • Min melanin: 0.25
    0 0 0.5 SkinColor
    Carriers of this gene have a particular skin color. With multiple skin color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Skin color base: (255, 239, 189)
    • Min melanin: 0.45
    0 0 0.5 SkinColor
    Carriers of this gene have a particular skin color. With multiple skin color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Skin color base: (249, 219, 165)
    • Min melanin: 0.58
    0 0 0? 1? SkinColor
    Carriers of this gene have a particular skin color. With multiple skin color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Skin color base: (242, 199, 140)
    • Min melanin: 0.63
    0 0 0? 1? SkinColor
    Carriers of this gene have a particular skin color. With multiple skin color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Skin color base: (228, 158, 90)
    • Min melanin: 0.75
    0 0 0? 1? SkinColor
    Carriers of this gene have a particular skin color. With multiple skin color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Skin color base: (130, 91, 48)
    • Min melanin: 0.83
    0 0 0.5 SkinColor
    Carriers of this gene have a particular skin color. With multiple skin color genes, one is randomly selected.
    • Skin color base: (99, 70, 36)
    • Min melanin: 0.9
    0 0 0.2 SkinColor
  • Skin

    These exotic (non-natural) skin colors do not appear on anyone without the gene. Like body type genes and hair genes, a person can have more than one skin color gene (e.g. Impid.pngImpids have three), and one will be chosen.

    All of these genes have a "random brightness factor" of 0.18 unless otherwise specified.

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Green skin
    FanGene SkinColor Green.png
    Carriers of this gene produce a pigment that gives their skin a green color.
    • Skin color override: (169,182,108)
    0 0 - SkinColorOverride
    Deep yellow skin
    FanGene SkinColor Yellow Deep.png
    Carriers of this gene produce a pigment that gives their skin a deep yellow color.
    • Skin color override: (204, 199, 65)
    0 0 - SkinColorOverride
    Pale yellow skin
    FanGene SkinColor Yellow Pale.png
    Carriers of this gene produce a pigment that turns their skin a grayish yellow color.
    • Skin color override: (193, 165, 99)
    0 0 Impid.png SkinColorOverride
    Orange skin
    FanGene SkinColor Orange.png
    Carriers of this gene produce a pigment that gives their skin an orange color.
    • Skin color override: (210, 114, 63)
    • Random brightness factor: 0
    0 0 Impid.png SkinColorOverride
    Deep red skin
    FanGene SkinColor Red Deep.png
    Carriers of this gene produce a deep-red pigment that gives their skin an almost bloody appearance.
    • Skin color override: (150, 62, 62)
    0 0 Impid.png SkinColorOverride
    Pale red skin
    FanGene SkinColor Red Pale.png
    Carriers of this gene produce a pigment that turns their skin a moderate red color.
    • Skin color override: (222, 106, 106)
    0 0 - SkinColorOverride
    Purple skin
    FanGene SkinColor Purple.png
    Carriers of this gene produce a pigment that gives their skin a purple color.
    • Skin color override: (97, 87, 195)
    0 0 Highmate.png SkinColorOverride
    Blue skin
    FanGene SkinColor Blue.png
    Carriers of this gene produce a pigment that turns their skin a blue color.
    • Skin color override: (100, 165, 193)
    0 0 Highmate.png SkinColorOverride
    Sheer white skin
    FanGene SkinColor White.png
    Carriers of this gene have sheer white skin, unlike natural skin tones, due to a special engineered reflective cell covering.
    • Skin color override: (250, 240, 240)
    • Random brightness factor: 0
    0 0 Highmate.png SkinColorOverride
    Light gray skin
    FanGene SkinColor Light Gray.png
    Carriers of this produce a light-gray pigment in their skin.
    • Skin color override: (200, 200, 200)
    0 0 Dirtmole.png SkinColorOverride
    Slate gray skin
    FanGene SkinColor Gray.png
    Carriers of this gene produce a pigment that turns their skin slate gray.
    • Skin color override: (90, 90, 90)
    0 0 Waster.png SkinColorOverride
    Ink black skin
    FanGene SkinColor Black.png
    Carriers of this gene produce a pigment that turns their skin a pale black color almost as dark as ink.
    • Skin color override: (55, 55, 55)
    • Random brightness factor: 0
    0 0 - SkinColorOverride
  • Miscellaneous

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Exclude
    Strong stomach
    Gene StrongStomach.png
    Carriers of this gene have an extra toxin-filtering organ in their stomach and will never suffer from food poisoning even after eating rotten food.
    −1 1 PigskinXenotype.png -
    Robust digestion
    Gene RobustDigestion.png
    Carriers of this gene grow a multi-fold stomach, allowing them to digest raw foods more efficiently than baseline humans. In general, they get the same nutrition from raw food as from if it is cooked. They also don't mind the taste of raw food at all.
    • Raw nutrition multiplier ×180% Note: Applies to Milk, but not Insect jelly
    • Removes mood: Ate raw food: -7
    • Note: Does not prevent food poisoning.
    −2 2 PigskinXenotype.png -
    Slow study
    Gene SlowLearning.png
    Carriers of this gene have deficient long-term memories and don't understand new ideas quickly. They are slow at learning new skills and knowledge.
    +2 1 Neanderthal.png Learning
    Quick study
    Gene FastLearning.png
    Carriers of this gene have excellent memories and grasp new ideas quickly. They learn faster than others.
    −3 2 - Learning
    Gene Nearsighted.png
    Carriers of this gene have difficulty seeing at a distance. Their shooting accuracy at long ranges is reduced.
    • Accuracy factor (long) ×25%
    • Accuracy factor (medium) ×50%
    +2 1 Dirtmole.png
    Dark vision
    Gene Darkvision.png
    Carriers of this gene see well in low light and are unaffected by mood penalties related to darkness. They have a reflective layer behind the retina that amplifies their ability to see in the dark.
    • Work speed is unaffected by darkness.
      • Movement speed is also unaffected by darkness (not mentioned by the in-game description).
    • Removes mood: Darkness: -5
    −1 1 Dirtmole.png
    Gene Inbred.png
    This genetic condition affects a person's fertility, immunity, and mental capacity.
    −2 1 - -
    Mild cell instability
    Gene MildCellInstability.png
    Carriers of this gene need less metabolic energy to stay alive, at the cost of reduced stability in their cell-replication machinery.
    • Lifespan factor ×80%
      • Note this means age-related diseases come earlier, e.g. Frail can happen at 40 instead of 50
    • Cancer rate factor ×300%
    • Immunity gain speed ×96%
    +2 1 - CellInstability
    Major cell instability
    Gene MajorCellInstability.png
    Carriers of this gene need much less metabolic energy to stay alive, at the cost of greatly-reduced stability in their cell-replication machinery.
    • Lifespan factor ×60%
      • Note this means age-related diseases come earlier, e.g. Frail can happen at 30 instead of 50
    • Cancer rate factor ×500%
    • Immunity gain speed ×92%
    +4 1 - CellInstability
    Grayless hair
    Gene GreylessHair.png
    Carriers of this gene keep their natural hair color as they age.
    • No age-related gray hair.
    0 1 Highmate.png -
    Human hands
    Gene HandsHuman.png
    Carriers of this gene have regular human hands.
    0 0 - Hands
    Trotter hands
    Gene HandsTrotter.png
    Carriers of this gene have hands that partially resemble pig trotters. This reduces their ability to manipulate objects.
    +1 1 PigskinXenotype.png Hands
    Elongated fingers
    Gene ElongatedFingers.png
    Long, delicate fingers improve the carrier's manipulation capacity. This aids with many tasks, especially crafting and construction.
    −1 1 Genie.png Hands
    Gene Furskin.png
    Carriers of this gene grow thick fur all over their body, which protects them from cold temperatures.
    −1 1 Yttakin.png HairStyle
    Pig nose
    Gene NosePig.png
    Carriers of this gene have pig-like snouts.
    0 0 PigskinXenotype.png Nose
    Pollution stimulus
    Gene PollutionRush.png
    Carriers of this gene get a chemical rush from being exposed to pollution. This makes them move faster and helps them think clearer. A similar gene is found in combat-engineered mega-insects.
    • Gain stat bonuses when exposed to pollution.
    −1 1 Waster.png -
    Gene Unstoppable.png
    Carriers of this gene are not slowed down when taking damage.
    • Stagger time multiplier ×0%
    −2 1 Hussar.png -
    Furry tail
    Gene TailFurry.png
    Carriers of this gene grow a fluffy tail which partially protects them from cold temperatures.
    −1 1 Yttakin.png Tail
    Smooth tail
    Gene TailSmooth.png
    Carriers of this gene grow a slender tail that can act as a dexterous fifth limb.
    • Manipulation: +5%
    • Adds an aesthetic only tail to the pawn's sprite
    • Note: Does not add a targetable or damageable body part
    −1 1 - Tail
  • Aptitudes

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Baseliner.png Skill
    Awful Animals
    Gene AwfulAnimals.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Animals is reduced by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, all passion is removed from Animals.
    • Animals: −8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Removes all passions for Animals
    +2 1 Hussar.png
    Awful Artistic
    Gene AwfulArtistic.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Artistic is reduced by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, all passion is removed from Artistic.
    • Artistic: −8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Removes all passions for Artistic
    +2 1 Hussar.png Artistic
    Awful Construction
    Gene AwfulConstruction.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Construction is reduced by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, all passion is removed from Construction.
    +2 1 - Construction
    Awful Cooking
    Gene AwfulCooking.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Cooking is reduced by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, all passion is removed from Cooking.
    • Cooking: −8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Removes all passions for Cooking
    +2 1 - Cooking
    Awful Crafting
    Gene AwfulCrafting.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Crafting is reduced by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, all passion is removed from Crafting.
    • Crafting: −8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Removes all passions for Crafting
    +2 1 - Crafting
    Awful Medical
    Gene AwfulMedical.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Medical is reduced by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, all passion is removed from Medical.
    • Medical: −8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Removes all passions for Medical
    +2 1 - Medical
    Awful Melee
    Gene AwfulMelee.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Melee is reduced by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, all passion is removed from Melee.
    • Melee: −8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Removes all passions for Melee
    +2 1 - Melee
    Awful Mining
    Gene AwfulMining.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Mining is reduced by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, all passion is removed from Mining.
    • Mining: −8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Removes all passions for Mining
    +2 1 Yttakin.png
    Awful Intellectual
    Gene AwfulIntellectual.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Intellectual is reduced by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, all passion is removed from Intellectual.
    +2 1 - Intellectual
    Awful Plants
    Gene AwfulPlants.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Plants is reduced by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, all passion is removed from Plants.
    • Plants: −8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Removes all passions for Plants
    +2 1 Hussar.png
    Awful Shooting
    Gene AwfulShooting.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Shooting is reduced by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, all passion is removed from Shooting.
    • Shooting: −8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Removes all passions for Shooting
    +2 1 - Shooting
    Awful Social
    Gene AwfulSocial.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Social is reduced by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, all passion is removed from Social.
    • Social: −8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Removes all passions for Social
    +2 1 Genie.png

    Poor Animals
    Gene PoorAnimals.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Animals is reduced by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Animals: −4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    +1 1 Genie.png
    Poor Artistic
    Gene PoorArtistic.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Artistic is reduced by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Artistic: −4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    +1 1 Waster.png
    Poor Construction
    Gene PoorConstruction.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Construction is reduced by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Construction: −4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    +1 1 -
    Poor Cooking
    Gene PoorCooking.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Cooking is reduced by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Cooking: −4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    +1 1 PigskinXenotype.png
    Poor Crafting
    Gene PoorCrafting.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Crafting is reduced by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Crafting: −4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    +1 1 -
    Poor Medical
    Gene PoorMedical.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Medical is reduced by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Medical: −4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    +1 1 -
    Poor Melee
    Gene PoorMelee.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Melee is reduced by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Melee: −4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    +1 1 -
    Poor Mining
    Gene PoorMining.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Mining is reduced by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Mining: −4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    +1 1 -
    Poor Intellectual
    Gene PoorIntellectual.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Intellectual is reduced by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Intellectual: −4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    +1 1 Neanderthal.png
    Poor Plants
    Gene PoorPlants.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Plants is reduced by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Plants: −4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    +1 1 Genie.png
    Poor Shooting
    Gene PoorShooting.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Shooting is reduced by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Shooting: −4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    +1 1 Neanderthal.png
    Poor Social
    Gene PoorSocial.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Social is reduced by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Social: −4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    +1 1 Neanderthal.png
    Strong Animals
    Gene StrongAnimals.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Animals is increased by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Animals: +4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    −1 2 -
    Strong Artistic
    Gene StrongArtistic.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Artistic is increased by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Artistic: +4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    −1 2 -
    Strong Construction
    Gene StrongConstruction.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Construction is increased by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Construction: +4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    −1 2 -
    Strong Cooking
    Gene StrongCooking.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Cooking is increased by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Cooking: +4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    −1 2 -
    Strong Crafting
    Gene StrongCrafting.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Crafting is increased by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Crafting: +4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    −1 2 -
    Strong Medical
    Gene StrongMedical.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Medical is increased by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Medical: +4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    −1 2 -
    Strong Melee
    Gene StrongMelee.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Melee is increased by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Melee: +4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    −1 2 Sanguophage.png
    Strong Mining
    Gene StrongMining.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Mining is increased by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Mining: +4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    −1 2 -
    Strong Intellectual
    Gene StrongIntellectual.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Intellectual is increased by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Intellectual: +4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    −1 2 Sanguophage.png
    Strong Plants
    Gene StrongPlants.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Plants is increased by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Plants: +4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    −1 2 -
    Strong Shooting
    Gene StrongShooting.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Shooting is increased by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Shooting: +4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    −1 2 -
    Strong Social
    Gene StrongSocial.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Social is increased by 4. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level.
    • Social: +4. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    −1 2 Sanguophage.png

    Great Animals
    Gene GreatAnimals.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Animals is increased by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, one level of passion is added to Animals.
    • Animals: +8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Adds one additional passion for Animals
    −3 2 Yttakin.png
    Great Artistic
    Gene GreatArtistic.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Artistic is increased by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, one level of passion is added to Artistic.
    • Artistic: +8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Adds one additional passion for Artistic
    −3 2 -
    Great Construction
    Gene GreatConstruction.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Construction is increased by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, one level of passion is added to Construction.
    −3 2 -
    Great Cooking
    Gene GreatCooking.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Cooking is increased by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, one level of passion is added to Cooking.
    • Cooking: +8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Adds one additional passion for Cooking
    −3 2 -
    Great Crafting
    Gene GreatCrafting.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Crafting is increased by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, one level of passion is added to Crafting.
    • Crafting: +8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Adds one additional passion for Crafting
    −3 2 Genie.png
    Great Medical
    Gene GreatMedical.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Medical is increased by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, one level of passion is added to Medical.
    • Medical: +8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Adds one additional passion for Medical
    −3 2 -
    Great Melee
    Gene GreatMelee.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Melee is increased by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, one level of passion is added to Melee.
    • Melee: +8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Adds one additional passion for Melee
    −3 2 Hussar.png
    Great Mining
    Gene GreatMining.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Mining is increased by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, one level of passion is added to Mining.
    • Mining: +8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Adds one additional passion for Mining
    −3 2 Dirtmole.png
    Great Intellectual
    Gene GreatIntellectual.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Intellectual is increased by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, one level of passion is added to Intellectual.
    −3 2 Genie.png
    Great Plants
    Gene GreatPlants.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Plants is increased by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, one level of passion is added to Plants.
    • Plants: +8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Adds one additional passion for Plants
    −3 2 -
    Great Shooting
    Gene GreatShooting.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Shooting is increased by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, one level of passion is added to Shooting.
    • Shooting: +8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Adds one additional passion for Shooting
    −3 2 Hussar.png
    Great Social
    Gene GreatSocial.png
    The carrier's aptitude in Social is increased by 8. Aptitude acts like an offset on skill level. Additionally, one level of passion is added to Social.
    • Social: +8. Note: Experience gain and decay applies as if this offset did not exist.
    • Adds one additional passion for Social
    −3 2 Highmate.png
  • Drugs

    There are one of each of these for each drug, except for ambrosia, luciferium and penoxycyline.

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity
    Alcohol resistant
    AddictionResistant Alcohol.png
    Carriers are only half as likely to become addicted to Alcohol.
    • Alcohol addiction factor: ×50%
    • Alcohol tolerance gain: ×50%
    −1 1
    Smokeleaf resistant
    AddictionResistant Smokeleaf.png
    Carriers are only half as likely to become addicted to Smokeleaf.
    • Smokeleaf addiction factor: ×50%
    • Smokeleaf tolerance gain: ×50%
    −1 1
    Psychite resistant
    AddictionResistant Psychite.png
    Carriers are only half as likely to become addicted to Psychite.
    • Psychite addiction factor: ×50%
    • Psychite tolerance gain: ×50%
    • Overdose chance: ×50% [Random or All]
    −2 1
    Go-juice resistant
    AddictionResistant Go Juice.png
    Carriers are only half as likely to become addicted to Go-juice.
    • Go-juice addiction factor: ×50%
    • Overdose chance: ×50% [Random or All]
    −2 1
    Wake-up resistant
    AddictionResistant Wake Up.png
    Carriers are only half as likely to become addicted to Wake-up.
    • Wake-up addiction factor: ×50%
    • Overdose chance: ×50% [Only this drug?] [Random or All?]
    −2 1
    Alcohol impervious
    AddictionImmune Alcohol.png
    Carriers of this gene never get addicted to Alcohol.
    • Alcohol addiction factor: x0%
    • Alcohol tolerance build-up: -100%
    −3 2
    Smokeleaf impervious
    AddictionImmune Smokeleaf.png
    Carriers of this gene never get addicted to Smokeleaf.
    • Smokeleaf addiction factor: x0%
    • Smokeleaf tolerance build-up: -100%
    −3 2
    Psychite impervious
    AddictionImmune Psychite.png
    Carriers of this gene never get addicted to Psychite.
    • Psychite addiction factor: x0%
    • Psychite tolerance build-up: -100%
    • Overdose chance: ×50% [Only this drug?] [Random or All?]
    −5 2
    Go-juice impervious
    AddictionImmune Go Juice.png
    Carriers of this gene never get addicted to Go-juice.
    • Go-juice addiction factor: x0%
    • Overdose chance: ×50% [Only this drug?] [Random or All?]
    −5 2
    Wake-up impervious
    AddictionImmune Wake Up.png
    Carriers of this gene never get addicted to Wake-up.
    • Wake-up addiction factor: x0%
    • Overdose chance: ×50% [Only this drug?] [Random or All?]
    −5 2
    Alcohol dependency
    ChemicalDependency Alcohol.png
    Carriers of this gene need to ingest alcohol on a regular basis to survive. After 5 days without alcohol, carriers will suffer from drug deficiency. After 30 days, they will fall into a coma. After 60 days, they will die.


    • Teetotalers will take the required drug without penalties, but ideoligion can still block taking them.
    • Chemical dependency severity increases by 0.2 per day without beer. [Mood?]
      • Severity 1 (5 days): Consciousness 70% max, Moving 80% max, Manipulation 50% max,
      • Severity 6 (30 days): Consciousness 10% max (Unconsciousness)
      • Severity 12 (60 days): Consciousness 0% max (Death)
    • Grants immunity to the chance of instant major overdose upon consuming beer. It does not prevent cumulative overdose from consuming multiple doses/drugs.
    • Alcohol addiction factor: x0%
    • Children under 13 do not get any of the ill effects from not using these drugs. The timer for penalties only starts on their 13th birthday.
    +3 1
    Smokeleaf dependency
    ChemicalDependency Smokeleaf.png
    Carriers of this gene need to ingest Smokeleaf on a regular basis to survive. After 5 days without smokeleaf, carriers will suffer from smokeleaf deficiency. After 30 days, they will fall into a coma. After 60 days, they will die.


    • Teetotalers will take the required drug without penalties, but ideoligion can still block taking them.
    • Chemical dependency severity increases by 0.2 per day without a smokeleaf joint. [Mood?]
      • Severity 1 (5 days): Consciousness 70% max, Moving 80% max, Manipulation 50% max,
      • Severity 6 (30 days): Consciousness 10% max (Unconsciousness)
      • Severity 12 (60 days): Consciousness 0% max (Death)
    • Grants immunity to the chance of instant major overdose upon consuming the drug in question. It does not prevent cumulative overdose from consuming multiple doses/drugs.
    • Smokeleaf addiction factor: x0%
    • Children under 13 do not get any of the ill effects from not using these drugs. The timer for penalties only starts on their 13th birthday.
    +3 1
    Psychite dependency
    ChemicalDependency Psychite.png
    Carriers of this gene need to ingest psychite on a regular basis to survive. After 5 days without Psychite, carriers will suffer from psychite deficiency. After 30 days, they will fall into a coma. After 60 days, they will die.


    • Teetotalers will take the required drug without penalties, but ideoligion can still block taking them.
    • Chemical dependency severity increases by 0.2 per day without psychite tea, flake, or yayo. [Mood?]
      • Severity 1 (5 days): Consciousness 70% max, Moving 80% max, Manipulation 50% max,
      • Severity 6 (30 days): Consciousness 10% max (Unconsciousness)
      • Severity 12 (60 days): Consciousness 0% max (Death)
    • Grants immunity to the chance of instant major overdose upon consuming the drugs in question. It does not prevent cumulative overdose from consuming multiple doses/drugs.
    • Psychite addiction factor: x0%
    • Children under 13 do not get any of the ill effects from not using these drugs. The timer for penalties only starts on their 13th birthday.
    +4 1
    Go-juice dependency
    ChemicalDependency Go Juice.png
    Carriers of this gene need to ingest Go-juice on a regular basis to survive. After 5 days without Go-juice, carriers will suffer from Go-juice deficiency. After 30 days, they will fall into a coma. After 60 days, they will die.


    • Teetotalers will take the required drug without penalties, but ideoligion can still block taking them.
    • Chemical dependency severity increases by 0.2 per day without go-juice. [Mood?]
      • Severity 1 (5 days): Consciousness 70% max, Moving 80% max, Manipulation 50% max,
      • Severity 6 (30 days): Consciousness 10% max (Unconsciousness)
      • Severity 12 (60 days): Consciousness 0% max (Death)
    • Grants immunity to the chance of instant major overdose upon consuming go-juice. It does not prevent cumulative overdose from consuming multiple doses/drugs.
    • Go-juice addiction factor: x0%
    • Children under 13 do not get any of the ill effects from not using these drugs. The timer for penalties only starts on their 13th birthday.
    +4 1
    Wake-up dependency
    ChemicalDependency Wake Up.png
    Carriers of this gene need to ingest wake-up on a regular basis to survive. After 5 days without wake-up, carriers will suffer from wake-up deficiency. After 30 days, they will fall into a coma. After 60 days, they will die.


    • Teetotalers will take the required drug without penalties, but ideoligion can still block taking them.
    • Chemical dependency severity increases by 0.2 per day without wake-up. [Mood?]
      • Severity 1 (5 days): Consciousness 70% max, Moving 80% max, Manipulation 50% max,
      • Severity 6 (30 days): Consciousness 10% max (Unconsciousness)
      • Severity 12 (60 days): Consciousness 0% max (Death)
    • Grants immunity to the chance of instant major overdose upon consuming wake-up. It does not prevent cumulative overdose from consuming multiple doses/drugs.
    • Wake-up addiction factor: x0%
    • Children under 13 do not get any of the ill effects from not using these drugs. The timer for penalties only starts on their 13th birthday.
    +4 1
  • Removed genes

    This table contains genes that are no longer found as-is in the current game version. They may have been removed or migrated in an update, or cut during development before a release.

  • Click to
    Name Description Metabolism Complexity Archite capsules Removed Reason
    Gene Resurrect.png
    Carriers have a reserve of unique resurrector archites which can infuse a corpse, rebuild degenerated tissue and kickstart the vital processes. This brings the dead back to life - though possibly with health issues. This can only be done very rarely, and comes at a steep hemogen cost.
    • Requires Hemogenic
    • Adds ability: Resurrect gene ability.png Resurrect
    Use archites in the bloodstream to infuse a corpse's body with new life, repairing degenerated cell structures and kickstarting vital functions. The older and worse-preserved the corpse is, the more likely it is that they will come back with memory loss or health conditions. This ability seems to exhaust the archites somehow, so it can only be used very rarely.
    • Resurrects the targeted corpse, similarly to Resurrector mech serum
    • Target: Any non-mechanoid corpse
    • Warmup Time: 2 ticks (0.03 secs)
    • Cooldown: 6,840,000 ticks (1.9 years) to 7,560,000 ticks (2.1 years)
    • Charges: 1
    • AI Can Use: False
    • Market value of genepacks containing this gene: ×150%
    0 4 1 Before Biotech DLC release Unknown.
    Skill apathy The carrier will have no passion in (skill). 2 1 - Before Biotech DLC release From an XML comment:

    "Removed since the downsides are too easy and boring to avoid, and synergize with skill loss genes too much. If you already aren't using the skill it's too easy to just kill passion on it too. -Ty"

    Drug addict-sensitive Carriers of this gene get addicted to (drug) very easily.
    • Specific drug addiction factor: x9999%
    2 1 - Before Biotech DLC Release From an XML comment:

    "Removed since these just aren't very interesting, very narrow in application, and the downsides are too easy and boring to avoid. Just not much interaction or story here. -Ty"

  • Notes

    • Genes that are restricted for specific xeno humans will cause a bug if its present at humans not belonging to said xeno races. (i.e: unable to draft)[Clarify]
    • Certain genes will not be properly negated by other genes. For example, a drug dependency endogene, while appearing to be negated by the same drug dependency as a xenogene, will instead cause the negative mood from the lack of the drug to start at 2.5 days instead of at 5 days.

    Version history

    • Biotech DLC Release - Added.
    • 1.4.3555 -
      • Psychic bond now gives +10% psychic sensitivity, or +5% if on different maps. Hediff description changed from This person has a psychic bond with another person based on the psychic bonding gene. to This person has a psychic bond with another person based on the psychic bonding gene. The bond itself grants some limited psychic awareness, allowing it to connect even with the psychically deaf. Bonds can now be created during lovin' allowing pawns already in a relationship when the gene was implanted to bond.
      • Many genes now give direct boosts instead of forcing traits, which allows genes and traits to stack:
      • <Drug> addict-resist genes renamed to <Drug> resistant, Addiction-resistant genes for alcohol, smokeleaf and psychite provide a 50% reduction in tolerance buildup. Addiction-resistant genes for psychite, wake-up and go juice have a 50% multiplier on overdose chance. Smokeleaf and Alcohol resistant metabolism cost reduced from −2 to −1.
      • <Drug> addict-immune genes renamed to <Drug> impervious. Addiction-immune genes for psychite, wake-up and go juice grants immunity to overdoses from the drug. Addiction-immune genes for alcohol, smokeleaf and psychite provides a 100% reduction in tolerance buildup. Smokeleaf and Alcohol impervious metabolism cost reduced from −5 to −3.
      • Smokeleaf and Alcohol dependency metabolism gain reduced from +4 to +3.
      • Furskin and beardless genes are now mutually exclusive.
      • Buffed furry tail minimum comfy temperature offset from −5 °C (−9 °F) to −10 °C (−18 °F).
    • 1.4.3563 - Fix: Pawns with "dead calm" gene can get into fights over botched conversion attempts.