Rhinoceros leather

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Rhinoceros leather

Rhinoceros leather

Tanned, dried, scraped rhinocerous skin. It is exceptionally durable in combat, but provides little protection from weather.

Base Stats

Stuff Categories
Market Value
4.2 Silver
Stack Limit
0.03 kg
Path Cost
14 (48%)

Stat Modifiers

Beauty Factor
Work To Make Factor
Work To Build Factor
Max Hit Points
Armor - Sharp
Armor - Blunt
Armor - Heat
Insulation - Cold
+14 °C (25.2 °F)
Insulation - Heat
+14 °C (25.2 °F)

Rhinoceros leather is a type of leather produced when a cook butchers a rhinoceros at a butcher table.


The following animals provide rhinoceros leather.

  • Animal Leather Yield
    Rhinoceros 120
  • Usage[edit]

    Rhinoceros leather can be used to craft and build the following things:

  • Product Ingredients Type [Expand]
  • Analysis[edit]

    Rhinoceros leather is 4th most protective textile in the game. It is right behind devilstrand, though by a wide margin. In contrast, both heat and cold insulation are mediocre.

    This makes it a very good candidate for dusters and other protective clothing, especially where temperature isn't a concern. But even rhinoceros leather should be replaced by devilstrand (or better) when possible. Prioritize your best material for dusters, where they will have the greatest impact. If you are limited on better textile, use extra leather for pants and button-down shirts. Rhinoceros leather is strong enough where even pants provide some protection against bullets.

    For use in furniture, it has a middle-of-the-road beauty factor. But more beautiful textiles like thrumbofur are in high demand as clothing. So, once rhino leather is made redundant as clothing, it is a decent choice for furniture beauty.

    Sharp protection by rhinoceros leather duster, shirt, and pants; with marine armor for reference


    Version history[edit]