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[[File:Efficient hospital.png|400px|thumb|right|Spatially efficient hospital design.]]
= Defense tactics/structures =
= Defense tactics/structures =
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Note that they will charge immediately upon seeing colonists so this is a measure to buy time at best.
Note that they will charge immediately upon seeing colonists so this is a measure to buy time at best.
= Extreme desert guide (old) =
= Weapon stuff =
This guide details how to survive in one of the most hostile environments in Rimworld - an extreme desert.
====revolver Unarmored====
For the unarmored testing, all pawns were completely naked.
== Brief ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center"
Extreme deserts are even hotter than a regular desert. Temperatures can be high enough to cause heatstroke for colonists that are not dressed for hot weather.
! Other Weapon !! 3 !! 7 !! 12 !! 18 !! 25 !! 32 !! 40
In an extreme desert plants are scarce and there is a lack of fertile soil to grow plants in. Although in normal deserts there are still small parches of arable land, in an extreme desert there are only gravel patches available to farm on.
! Autopistol
| style="background: #FFCD7B" | 34.35% || style="background: #FFCD7B" | 36.35% || style="background: #FFCD7B" | 42.38% || style="background: #FFCD7B" | 43.55% || style="background: #FFCD7B" | 42.35% || - || -
== Starting area ==
It is important to consider the terrain of your extreme desert. The main two options are flat maps and hilly/mountainous maps.
! Pump Shotgun
* Flat maps will have growing zones scattered on the map randomly while high altitude maps will mostly have growing areas at the foot of the mountains. This means it is possible to centralize your colony on a flat map while on a high altitude map your growers will have to travel further.
| style="background: #FFCD7B" | 33.28% || style="background: #FFCD7B" | 32.65% || style="background: #FF9B72" | 29.64% || - || - || - || -
* Flat maps will have more animals like Dromedaries, Fennel foxes and Iguanas. Foxes are the only threat present when hunting. There may also be some Megascarab on the map which while slow, can cause a lot of damage to your colonists so it is important to take care of them early on.
! Bolt-Action Rifle
It is not recommended to pick flat maps near the sea since they have less area available for building and the water cannot be used for fishing.
| style="background: #9BFF72" | 72.00% || style="background: #CDFF7B" | 64.80% || style="background: #CDFF7B" | 56.60% || style="background: #FFCD7B" | 41.95% || style="background: #FF9B72" | 24.50% || - || -
==  Lost Tribe ==
! Greatbow
: ''Main Article:'' [[Scenario_system#Lost_Tribe|Scenario system - Lost tribe]]
| style="background: #69FF69" | 83.71% || style="background: #9BFF72" | 74.36% || style="background: #CDFF7B" | 65.70% || style="background: #FFFF85" | 54.72% || style="background: #FFCD7B" | 39.98% || - || -
<gallery widths="400px" heights="400px" class="center" mode="nolines">
File:Extreme desert mountainous growing zones.png|'''Extreme desert mountainous growing zones layout'''
File:Extreme desert flat growing zones.png|'''Extreme desert flat growing zones layout'''
* Find and claim an intact structure that can fit five characters. The starting wood should be reserved for doors and [[cooler]]s only.
* Prioritize mining and crafting. It is important to conserve materials therefore place all production benches inside one large room.
* Hunting will be one of the main food sources at the beginning since the starter pemmican will run out quickly. Hunt everything on the map and build a butchers table. Harvest any agave and other resources on the map. Starter animals can also be a source of food.
* Immediately start growing rice at the beginning.
* Only build essential production benches such as a stonecutting bench and a butchering bench. Try to use steel that can be found on the map instead of the starter wood.
* At the beginning feed your colonists raw food until you research electricity.
* If there is a heatwave build passive coolers. This is the reason wood needs to conserved since a heatwave can easily wipe out your entire colony.
* Using a tailor bench, craft cowboy hats and dusters as soon as you can from leather, and later on once you have a good supply of food, from cotton you have planted.
* Research: If playing on a flat map, stonecutting will be important to allow you to build more walls. If playing on a mountainous maps, it is possible to build a colony inside the mountain and start researching electricity first.
*The very first [[Events#Visitors|visitor]] will be your savior as will be bringing some pemmican, but with just 200 starter silver, you can only buy like 55 units which isn't much or 60 if selling the spare weapon.
== Food ==
Immediately start growing rice or you won't make it past a week. Rice is not a good choice of crop in poor soil, but they grow fast. Once you have decent food stocks, replace this with potatoes as they perform better in poor soil.
Somewhere around your fifth day, your colony will have no food available at all and your only chances for survival will be opening an [[ancient shrine]] and hope there is at least one hive that has a [[spelopede]] or [[megaspider]] to hunt. These creatures will chase any intruder up to some 30 tiles away from their hive so they won't chase you forever, but they are very fast. Since you only start with two short bows and a bundle of pila, it is still possible to hunt without harm but will require good concentration and familiar tactic knowledge of kitting. To kite, means having a fast bait run towards a direction where nobody else is, while at the same time, the others shoot at the chasing creature. Use the Plan grid to draw their attack range.
<gallery widths="400px" heights="400px" class="center" mode="nolines">
File:Ancient structure opening purely for survival.png|'''Opening ancient structure purely for survival'''
File:Hive guardians persuit range 30 tiles plan grid.png|'''Hive guardians pursuit range of 30 tiles'''
If you are lucky, the same moment you need to open the ancient shrine will coincide with the timing of your first [[Event#Wanderer_joins_.2F_.28relationship.29|newcomer]] who might be better equipped to hunt, most likely a pistol. Which means you can go to up a max of four hunters. One more mouth to feed but safer hunting. The newcomer may likely as well arrive with some packaged survival meal, but it won't be enough for more than a day.
[[Insect jelly]] will start spawning, which will become another nutritional source, and this one never rots. But, hives will live so long as there is a guardian keeping maintenance, and if you kill them all, they will stop producing jelly. Soon after, by the time you might be picking them up. [[Glow pod]]s will appear too, replacing torch lamps.
[[Events#Herd_migration:_.28Animal.29|Animal herds]] may also help you survive from starvation.
Check your rice plantation periodically, as the plant can be harvested as early as 66% growth. While it may not yield much food, it's still better than nothing.
Check on the few agaves, they may be ready for harvest by now.
Check if any other life form has ventured to your territory.
Reached your first 100% ready harvest? Congratulations, you made it!
[[File:Managed to reach your first 100 percent harvest ready means you made it.png|800px|thumb|center|Managed to reach your first 100% harvest ready means you made it!!!]]
== Gathering materials ==
Due to the lack of trees, instead of using wood (Saguaro cactus provide merely 13 wood), it is best to build with steel as there's abundance in comparison, so it is wise to start mining this resource before you need them. Later on after researching stonecutting, you can upgrade to stone.
Those in high elevation areas should start caving in. During this process you may likely strike other minerals, which are slower to mine. But their empty space will do better for laying out a proper cave system, otherwise you will find yourself mining too much when going after said minerals gaining more work afterwards with the increasing need to build walls where those minerals were located to avoid mountain roof collapse.
Remember that ancient shrine? That room can also be used to build more facilities.
== Continuing research ==
Did you notice winter temperature is around 30 Celsius? Imagine peak summer time. Double time on research to get electricity. Lucky if you have a night owl in the team.
== Summer ==
Summer is going to start soon, and while the season itself is not a threat, [[Events#Heat_Wave|heat wave]] is as it rises temperature up to 60 degrees Celsius. You will need to build [[passive cooler]]s which require 50 wood each so that your colony doesn't die of heatstroke. Any temperature below 30 degrees Celsius will allow your people to recover at night.
== Base relocation or upgrade ==
After you have gone past your first heatwave, it's time to make life more comfortable so that none of your people are psychologically nor emotionally disturbed. Try to make the most of the whole map with as less effort as possible. And the rest it's up to you. Good luck!
<gallery widths="400px" heights="400px" class="center" mode="nolines">
File:Ancient structure converted into primitive private rooms.png|'''Ancient structure converted into primitive private rooms.'''
File:Base relocation close to six geysers.png|'''Base relocation close to six geysers.'''
= Ice sheet guide (old) =
{|style="border-left:solid 10px Aqua;border-right:solid 10px Aqua;border-top:solid 20px Aqua;border-bottom:solid 20px Aqua; background-color: LightCyan; " align="center"
<font size="4"><center>[[File:Snowman.png]] '''This guide was written on a timeline fashion so that your story can go parallel with the content of this page.''' [[File:Snowman.png]]</center></font size>
== Ice sheet for Lost tribe ==
Ice sheet has no growing season, forget about plants. Livestock is limited, you will be hunting anything you can eat regardless of it's taste.
== Start ==
* Pause the game immediately and check the size of the [[ancient shrine]], the bigger it is, the more [[cryptosleep casket]]s it "may" be hosting.
* Spot all steam geysers.
* Pick an ancient ruin big enough to host your 5 characters leaving enough space for a [[butcher table]] and a [[research bench]], plus a campfire. Nothing else for the first quarter of the year. You should be able to finish electricity research in 2 seasons more or less (30 ~ 40 days). From the second quarter, you can build tables and chairs.
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" class="center" mode="nolines">
File:Screen Shot 2017-07-03 at 6.54.51.png|'''Ideal start corner that contains all: Ancient ruin next to the ancient structure plus two steam geysers'''
File:Base with 2 steams geyser rooms connected by corridor and two airlock gates connecting to ancient ruin.png|'''Base with 2 steams geyser rooms connected by corridor and two airlock gates connecting to ancient ruin'''
File:Long 40 days for Electricity.png|'''Party composition that took 40 days to research Electricity had 3 characters with skill level 0, and 2 characters with skill level 2 (none of them with [[Skills#Passion|any passion]], no need to be selective at character creation stage)'''
* Analyze your team, set their priorities. Haul everything towards your chosen ruin and don't use wood at all except for the campfire.
* Start mining steel as your main construction material or begin caving in. Play as minimalistic as possible.
* All you have to do at first is just research electricity. You don't need to build a fortress yet.
* Set an animal zone away from your food, you don't want them eating your food as you can't win the game with pets alone. Let them all die of starvation, sorry. Starving pets are excellent lures for predators and while wild animals attack your pets, they won't turn their hunger rage towards you and you can attack them without danger, so long as their target is mid to big size (terriers die in a bear hit or two).
[[File:Terrier bait to lure a cougar.png|400px]]
* Gather enough steel to build walls and several deadfall traps by setting everyone to mine. Use terrain features to get the smallest home you can make besides the initial ancient ruin rebuilding that is.
* Hunt every time you see meat, as animals have the tendency to leave the map and won't remain roaming around long. When you find one snow hare, you find the others. Double click on zoomed out view to reduce time spent on searching.
* Always keep an eye on the polar beer food bar.
=== Sauna ===
After you are done enclosing your ancient ruin and had built both benches. Your next job is to use the steam geyser as main home due to it's heat source. Living on top of a geyser provides warmth enough to 10 degree Celsius, just to escape hypothermia. If your colonists complain about "sleeping in the cold", you tell them to man-up. The only two reasons to build a campfire are: to cook and an emergency extra source of heat when hard snow hits during Winter or a cold snap. Build a wall around (10x10 , the geothermal power plant is 6x6 so between the wall and the steam, the 8x8 line will become a one tile surrounding corridor just enough to place beds around), either by emulating a heater in the center of your room or by pulling a one tile corridor towards your home, even possibly digging a tunnel depending on the terrain altitude map of choice.
Eventually, you should ideally repeat the same geyser-room procedure with other steams in proximity, this is because cold and starvation will not kill you, but mental breaks will. For example, having more than two characters on berserk. Sometimes, two geysers may be close to each other, allowing you to use them at both ends while you build everything else in between. This lucky situation can allow to start building individual rooms for your people and get rid of the barrack penalties.
=== Survival in cryptosleep like the spacers ===
You will survive in this biome, by sending all to cryptosleep except for the researchers. Be very careful here as occupants cannot eject by themselves and sending them all together won't let you continue playing unless a wanderer joins. You MUST keep an "active" hauler outside to open and free the others.  
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" class="center" mode="nolines">
File:Ancient structure with hive means free food.png|'''Test your luck for free jelly permanent supply'''
File:Number of caskets plus three formula.png|'''Number of cryptosleep caskets plus three formula'''
File:Insectoid alcohol hammered.png|'''Immediately remove alcohol to prevent guardian insectoid death'''
Hives can become a valuable source of food, [[megascarab]]s are not guardians and unless [[megaspider]]s or [[spelopede]]s spawn; they won't last long.
==== Before sending everybody to cryptosleep ====
* Do open all [[Events#Area_revealed_.28blue_envelope.29|hidden areas]], as they may spawn hives. Contrary to other biomes, do not kill their guardians as without maintenance you will lose your flow of free jellies. Just go pick them up while the guardians are asleep. And of course let them multiply hives.
==== Events that can help you survive ====
* Animal herd
* Traders
==  Caskets plus three formula ==
There's really no need to murder your crew to reduce your roster numbers, instead, open the ancient structure. Let go of those who don't want to join if your original characters are too wounded by the time you are at this. Attempt capture if conditions are good. And also strip the downed as they may have pemmican, gold, components and/plasteel. How many characters you should have depends on many variants. A suggestion would be the total number of available cryptosleep caskets + 3. Between those three, two of them must be researchers and the other one extra a pawn that can serve the researchers by hunting, butchering and cooking for them. Then in any remaining time he/she would remain idle, join the researchers. Which means building additional two benches. Those that you choose to have them "awake" must have the capacity to '''HAUL'''. Or you won't ever be able to bring back those who you sent to cryptosleep.
There will always be variables that won't let any player fix a number of "active" characters at a time. If food is low, you can continue with just both researchers. Less than two, you won't finish electricity research in time. You can also bring everybody else back to activity when circumstances require more people, such as raids. Because of emergencies, it's best if you can send them to cryptosleep with their bellies full and in good mood. You don't want to have them back active with hunger and metal breaks when you need them as back-ups.
You can also store prisoners from pirate bands whose recruitment chance is over 95% as it may take too long and you don't want to waste food on them, and try to convince them only after you start to grow crops.
=== Pick your dream team ===
Wanderers welcomed, escape pods welcomed and refugees welcomed. Immediately after opening all the cryptosleep caskets, pause the game and run a full check on each surviving occupants. This is particularly important for those who play with the first five random characters given, without randomizing to cheesy convenience. Check the spacers and see who could become a valuable member of your main team based on what you originally lack. The rest will become food, but don't forget to strip them first so that you can use their clothes too. Otherwise, the "used by corpse" penalty will punish the wearer.
'''The number of cryptosleep caskets + 3 formula''' is very convenient because you may likely suffer some casualties along the way (heart attack, berserker killed by another member, etc.), just be careful not to lose the researchers. If you happen to have the "actives" in too much bad moods, consider switching formation with those in cryptosleep, so as to not lose the pace. Your wood storage shall be your countdown timer. You won't survive the game if you can't get electricity before you run out of wood.
== Cannibalism ==
It's inevitable. Just be very selective when butchering other humans as the character performing the action will receive mood penalties that can easily set it to mental breaks. It is okay if your characters complain of hunger. Again, keep your food supply on check and only feed your people when starvation kicks in, unless of course, their mental break is too dangerous to risk keeping them unhappy. When butchering human corpses it's best to set one same character to chomp many at once so that all the penalty goes to just that one rather everybody, and performing the action on same day will keep the penalty length shorter than extended after each consecutive day. Best the penalty wears off all together at once. Your best cannibal chef will be either of the two pair who just got married and is in honeymoon phase.
<center>[[File:Cannibalist freezer.png]]</center>
== Technology sequence ==
After electricity, go for Batteries, Solar panels and then Stonecutting so that you can start building plantation-rooms. [[Sun lamp]]s consume large amounts of electricity and you should by then have enough power and stored energy so that your crops grown steady. [[Solar generator]]s will not perform to their maximum capacity due to the short solar cycles common in polar regions as oppose to equatorian regions.
== Plantation room ==
After you have researched Electricity, Batteries, Solar Panels and Stonecutting AND crafted lots of stone blocks is when you can start building your first plantation room. Since the biome has scarce fertile tiles, you can easily select to mark a Grow zone and just drag your cursor on a 50x50 tiles area so that the game automatically marks where there is a "large" concentration of farmable area. Then just select the Sun lamp so that you can have the radius on your cursor ready to match such area. If you happen to lack said farmable tiles anywhere close to your base, you can fill in the blanks with hydroponic basins later on.
<center>[[File:Plantation room.png|800px]]</center>
Then use "Delete zones" to remove all growing zones that were created during the scan for farmable tiles, and use the "order" to "plan" to draw a cross of 11 tiles with tile number six (the crossing), being the location where the Sun lamp will be located. This will give you the radius of the lamp so that you can start setting the structure plans. Do use double walls for better insulation and with an airlock system as well.
<center>[[File:Plantation room 2 double walls.png|800px]]</center>
Once everything within the plantation room has been built, click the sun lamp and press "'''H'''" for the sun lamp itself to create a growing zone for you (instead of the conventional manual way). Start with rice, and harvest enough so that you can bring everybody else who has been in cryptosleep all this time for your colony to start running in full strength. Remind yourself that once temperature starts to drop again in Winter, you will need to install several '''[[heater]]s''' or plants will die.
<center>[[File:Plantation room 3.png|800px]]</center>
In the meantime, there's no need to rush directly your research towards hydroponics. You can go through Complex clothing, Drug production, Penoxycyline and then Hydroponics. Of course each player will play different stories, so adjust to circumstances as needed.
<center>[[File:First harvest in 75 days.png|800px]]</center>
In this demonstration, the first harvest takes place 75 days after start. Now you have both shelter and food. From here on, it's all up to you. Good luck!
== Extra content ==
=== Third year ===
Maximum capacity still restricted upon food limitations. Keeping some members on crypto sleep unless a party is announced, the mood bonus is cumulative. There has been no cannibalism since then but nonetheless keeping the extra meat. Solar flare can kill your crops so you still need to have wood stored to instantly build campfires to keep plantation rooms above -10 Celsius. Wild animal presence is rare compared to the beginning, even if leaving snow hares alive and feral, their predators hardly show up. Technological progress was crippled after losing a researcher, another one was recruited with 99% chance after a long convincing period. Wardrobe restriction of jackets, those who go hunting or mining will suffer hypothermia. Turtle march, slow but steady. While there is no need to build a large freezer, it is still necessary for summer and also because visitors with animals will eat your food (instead of theirs) if not stored in a closed area.
<center>[[File:Ice sheet base reformed 2 years after first harvest.png|800px]]</center>
=== Fourth year ===
Food no longer an issue with cultivation switch from rice to potato. Loss of a cooker resolved by building a [[nutrient paste dispenser]]. By now, already extracting minerals for the [[ship|spaceship]] with the [[ground-penetrating scanner]].
A 10 member ship will require:
* {{icon|steel}} 6.800 steel
* {{icon|plasteel}} 1.250 plasteel
* {{icon|uranium}} 305 uranium
* {{icon|component}} 186 components
* {{icon|gold}} 100 gold
* [[AI persona core]] 1
<center>[[File:Ice sheet base three years after first harvest.png|800px]]</center>
=== Fifth year ===
<center>[[File:Ice sheet for lost tribe guide fifth year.png|800px]]</center>
Game pitfall, there's nothing else to do. From all materials to end the game only Components cannot be dug up. At this point, you are basically still in your fourth year, just waiting with nothing else to do. Nobody wants to build the [[Component assembly bench]] due to its poor investment and it's miserable output. If you are fed up waiting for traders, just launch and finished. If you want to send all your colonists to space, there are mainly three options besides mining everywhere (only worry not to make mines larger than 12 tiles on one of it's sides or a [[Collapsed rocks]] will kill your miner):
* If you have a lot of Silver, request [[Trade#Exotic_Goods_Trader|Exotic goods trader]]s every four days with the [[comms console]].
* If you don't have money you can settle Component exclusive outposts within the periphery of your main colony by changing your game Options and increasing the maximum number of colonies up to five.
* Lastly you can go trade with other Factions while wishing for an ambush to mine Components from the random map
<gallery widths="400px" heights="400px" class="center" mode="nolines">
File:Mine size.png|'''Mines larger than 12 tiles on one of it's sides run the risk of collapsed rocks killing your miner'''
File:Sole survivor of the five original characters the 80 yo lady.png|'''Sole survivor of the original crew was the 80 years old lady, probably the most expendable due her age but still made it'''
File:Full colony onboard.png|'''Full colony onboard'''
== Attacking other Factions ==
Viable only if within reasonable reach. [[Transport pod]]s can make it possible but too much work for little benefit. If the desire is high, multiple settlements will be needed.
==== autopistol Unarmored ====
For the unarmored testing, all pawns were completely naked.
<gallery widths="400px" heights="400px" class="center" mode="nolines">
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center"
File:Ice sheet for Lost tribe attacking pirates 12 days.png|'''Closest ETA 12 days (24+ days roundtrip)'''
! Other Weapon !! 3 !! 7 !! 12 !! 18 !! 25 !! 32 !! 40
File:Ice sheet for Lost tribe attacking pirates 1 season and 7 days.png|'''Second closets ETA 1 season & 7 days (almost a year roundtrip)'''
! Machine Pistol
| style="background: #FF6969" | 9.95% || style="background: #FF9B72" | 20.95% || style="background: #FF9B72" | 27.52% || style="background: #FF9B72" | 28.44% || - || - || -
! Revolver
| style="background: #CDFF7B" | 65.65% || style="background: #CDFF7B" | 63.65% || style="background: #CDFF7B" | 57.62% || style="background: #CDFF7B" | 56.45% || style="background: #CDFF7B" | 57.65% || - || -
! Pump Shotgun
| style="background: #FFFF85" | 48.85% || style="background: #FFCD7B" | 41.51% || style="background: #FFCD7B" | 37.68% || - || - || - || -
! Bolt-Action Rifle
| style="background: #69FF69" | 83.81% || style="background: #9BFF72" | 75.01% || style="background: #CDFF7B" | 66.47% || style="background: #FFFF85" | 51.25% || style="background: #FF9B72" | 27.52% || - || -
! Greatbow
| style="background: #69FF69" | 90.40% || style="background: #69FF69" | 80.90% || style="background: #9BFF72" | 74.45% || style="background: #CDFF7B" | 60.70% || style="background: #FFFF85" | 45.25% || - || -
Line 651: Line 416:
[[File:crops.png|350px|thumb|center|Before a beach (left) and later a crop field (right).]]
[[File:crops.png|350px|thumb|center|Before a beach (left) and later a crop field (right).]]
= Colony building guide (old) =
= Colony building guide (pre-'restoration') =
This guide is the ultimate go-to guide to building your base, for all stages of the game.
This guide is the ultimate go-to guide to building your base, for all stages of the game.
Line 657: Line 422:
== Base Types ==
== Base Types ==
There are different ways to build your base.
There are different ways to build your base. In all different designs one can opt to either predefine each room role or make modular rooms which are easier to expand but also less efficient.
=== Superstructure base ===
=== Superstructure base ===
To build a superstructure base, put everything in 1 large building rather than separate it into multiple small parts.
A superstructure base is a base where everything or almost everything is in one large building rather than smaller separate parts.
This is a common method to build bases, and is generally the recommended way to do so.
This is the most common method to build bases.
* Saves building materials and space.
*Saves building materials and some space
* Easier to control temperature.
*More resistant against [[Events#Toxic_Fallout|toxic fallout]]
* Easier to defend against raids.
*Improved temperature control
* More resistant against [[Events#Toxic_Fallout|toxic fallout]].
*Fires can spread all over the base if flammable materials are used
* Geothermal vents and patches of deep water can limit the design and patches of soft sand will require [[moisture pump]]s before building, marshy terrain can just be covered with [[bridge]]s.
*Requires a large, continuous area of buildable land, making it not viable for swamp [[biomes]]
* Some areas might need to be unroofed to prevent cabin fever.
*Not flexible
* Some large hallways might be needed to help defend against raiders dropping on top.
*Less able to satisfy outdoors need, so risk of cabin fever [[thoughts]]
=== Town-like settlement ===
=== Separate structures base ===
Build everything in separated buildings, just like building a small town.
Build everything in separated buildings, just like building a small town.
This is great for starting off, as well as building in swamps where the land is not suited for building superstructure bases.
It is easier for starting off, but it is overall more vulnerable, so usually does not scale as well into late game.
* Easier to avoid areas with building restrictions.
*Does not require large patches of land
* Naturally gets rid of cabin fever.
* Naturally offer areas in between buildings to fight raiders that drop on top.
*Requires more space and building materials overall
* Requires more space and building materials overall.
* Harder to control temperature.
* Harder to defend against most raids.
* Vulnerable to [[Events#Toxic_Fallout|toxic fallout]].
=== Mountain base ===
=== Mountain base ===
For mountainous maps where you have less space to build, you can opt to dig inside the mountains instead.
For mountainous maps where you have less space to build, you can opt to dig inside the mountains instead.
Also very easy to start off, used to be the most popular kind of base but now depending on how bad the [[Infestation]]s are it can be good or impossible late game.
*Good temperature control
* Saves a lot of building materials.
*Easy to defend
* Easier to control temperature.
*Immune to mortar strikes
* Easier to defend against raids.
*Leaves more soil available for farming
* More resistant against [[Events#Toxic_Fallout|toxic fallout]].
* Free, beautiful [[Smooth stone|floor]] and walls.
* Immune to sieges and raiders dropping on top.
*'''Infestations can happen within base'''
* Infestations inside can be impossible to deal with.
*Not flexible
* Cabin fever can be a real problem.
*Colonists who never go outdoors will suffer the progressively debilitating Cabin Fever [[Thoughts|thought]].
== Base Structures ==
=== Modular base ===
Different structures suit the different needs of your colony. Most maps generate with ruins around, sometimes just walls and others are squares/rectangles just missing some filling sections. These if conveniently located can work perfectly at starting points reducing considerably the initial workload of characters with low level skills and reducing the beginning stage stress when you still have nothing.
Bases consisting of 'modules' that you progressively build to expand your base.
=== Warehouse ===
The properties depend on the modules that are used, but in general, they provide easier and more ordered expansion than other base types.
The warehouse is a room with a stockpile. The first room we need to build due to the "outdoors" deterioration on items if left in the open. It is not an official [[room roles|room role]].
== Base Structures ==
Later in the game the warehouse is usually the biggest room in the base. It should be covered by [[orbital trade beacon]]s so you can sell your stuff to trade ships.
The [[electric crematorium]] and [[electric smelter]] may be placed here, if you store corpses, tainted clothes, useless guns and steel slag chunks inside, to speed up burning/melting them. Also, if you making [[chemfuel]] with [[wood]] you may place the [[biofuel refinery]] here.
It does not need to be impressive or temperature controlled and should be built close to the workshop to minimize travel times.
=== Bedrooms ===
[[File:bedrooms.png|400px|thumb|right|Example of bedrooms. With table and chairs right outside.]]
Bedrooms are rooms with only one bed.
Only couples like to share a room, and all sleeping colonists will get disturbed by non-lovers walking about in the same room while they sleep, so once you have the resources you should upgrade to individual bedrooms for each colonist or couple. It is recommended to have [[double bed]]s in all rooms since they have better impressiveness, and couples can use them should they strike up love.
Good bedrooms give good mood modifiers so they should have plenty of art, good flooring and high-quality furniture. It should be temperature controlled for better moods. [[Dresser]]s and [[end table]]s are recommended in bedrooms to increase the comfort of the bed. [[Royal bed]]s are particularly good to have in bedrooms if you can afford it.
Colonists like to eat as soon as they wake up, but do not place table and chairs inside the bedrooms or colonists will use other colonists' tables at night and cause 'Disturbed sleep' penalties, instead bedrooms should be built close to dining rooms. Still, some people choose to build tables and chairs inside for aesthetic reasons.
=== Barracks ===
The barracks is a room with multiple beds.
They are usually a good option early-game when resources are limited, or during late-game to deal with an overflow of people. Overall, it is better to have separate bedrooms since barracks give a lower mood modifier and cause a lot of 'Disturbed sleep' penalties.
Good barracks give good mood modifiers so they should have plenty of art, good flooring and high-quality furniture. It should be temperature controlled for better moods. [[Dresser]]s are a very good addition to barracks since they increase the comfort of many beds at once.
Different structures suit the different needs of your colony.
Colonists like to eat as soon as they wake up, but do not place table and chairs inside the barracks or colonists will use the tables at night and cause 'Disturbed sleep' penalties, instead barracks should be built close to dining rooms.
=== Dining room ===
=== Dining room ===
Dining rooms, at its simplest, are simply rooms where you put tables and chairs for colonists to dine in.
[[File:dinningroom.png|400px|thumb|right|Example of combined recreation/dining room. The middle is unroofed to get rid of cabin fever and to accommodate a telescope.]]
A dining room should be built as close as possible near the freezer/ food storage so your colonists will actually use the dining room, instead of eating on the floor of the storage, giving them a -3 mood debuff. This is especially true for larger freezers, in which colonists retrieving food from the far end may simply give up searching for a table and eat on the floor.
Dining rooms are rooms with table and chairs for colonists to eat in.
For increased mood buffs, decorate your dining room using [[sculptures]], [[plant pot]]s or quality furniture.
It is usually a good idea to have the main dining room near the food storage so your colonists will actually use the dining room, instead of eating on the floor.
It is also a good idea to have smaller dining rooms near colonists' bedrooms or they might eat their breakfast on the floor since colonists tend to go to bed with food and eat as soon as they wake up.
=== Rec room ===
In big bases, dining rooms can be partially unroofed to get rid of cabin fever since colonists do not mind eating in hot or cold rooms.
You should have a wide variety of [[joy]] sources so your colonists don't get bored repeatedly throwing horseshoes at a pin, or wandering around aimlessly. Putting all of them in a room also provides a mood bonus after a colonist uses the facilities inside, depending on the impressiveness of the room.
Good dining rooms give good mood modifiers so they should have plenty of art, light, good flooring and high-quality furniture. It does not need to be temperature controlled. [[Nutrient paste dispenser]]s are very useful in dining rooms to ensure that nobody needs to eat raw food, they are usually placed half in the dining room and half in the freezer.
In the early game all you'll need is a horseshoes pin somewhere in the colony, and colonists will proceed to use it when they are bored.
Dining rooms can be combined with recreation rooms.
Once you reach midgame, you can afford more joy facilities such as chess tables or billiards tables, or [[Tube television]]s, which provide different kinds of joy for additional variety. In addition, you can also obtain additional joy sources from exotic goods traders, such as [[telescope]]s or [[Flatscreen television|flatscreen]] and [[Megascreen television|megascreen]] televisions, which are more joyful than the craftable tube television.
=== Recreation room ===
Similarly to the dining room, decorating it can improve the mood bonus from using the room.
The recreation room is a room with sources of [[joy]].
=== Combined common room ===
Colonists get bored of using the same joy source repeatedly, so you should have as many joy sources as possible in the recreation room.
Combining a dining room with a rec room is quite a good idea, as the room will have increased impressiveness as the wealth and space of both rooms are combined, and colonists' mood gains are based on the activity they did in the room, rather than the function of the room.
In the early game, all you need is a [[horseshoes pin]] and a [[chess table]]. During mid-game you can add a [[poker table]], a [[billiards table]] and a [[tube television]], then upgrade it to a [[flatscreen television]]. Later, buy a [[megascreen television]] and a [[telescope]] from traders.
Should you choose to do so, remember to leave enough space for both joy furniture and dining tables. You can choose to toggle the 'Gather spot' on for these tables, or set them to 'Off' and have an additional table for social purposes.
In big bases, recreation rooms can be partially unroofed to get rid of cabin fever since colonists do not mind playing in hot or cold rooms.
=== Barracks ===
Good recreations rooms give good mood modifiers so they should have plenty of art, light, good flooring and high-quality furniture. It does not need to be temperature controlled.
Recreation rooms can be combined with dining rooms.
=== Courtyard ===
[[File:Courtyard.png|400px|thumb|right|Small courtyard that serves both as a dining room and recreation room.]]
You may consider building an unroofed courtyard in the center of your base where colonists can get some fresh air. It is not an official [[room roles|room role]].
You can use it as a common area, putting joy items and dining tables for colonists to use, making the courtyard behave exactly the same as an unroofed dining/recreation room. It may also be used as a place to put your [[mortar]]s as putting them in the middle helps negate their blind spots, or [[transport pod]]s. This is better if it is a separate unroofed area as they are not beautiful to look at.
=== Freezer ===
[[File:freezer.png|400px|thumb|right|Example of a freezer with protected coolers. Corpses of important dead colonists are frozen inside for future [[resurrector mech serum|resurrection]].]]
The freezer is room with a stockpile that is kept cold by [[cooler]]s. It is not a official [[room roles|room role]].
The freezer is where you to keep your perishables that would otherwise spoil in the storage like food and corpses. Because you will be storing your harvests here, it is wise to position this room close to your plantations to reduce hauling jobs, with the doors pointing toward your growing zones. It should be covered by [[orbital trade beacon]]s so you can sell your food to trade ships.
This is usually the second biggest room in the base. [[Nutrient paste dispenser]]s are usually placed half in the dining room and half in the freezer.
Even though food freezes at {{Temperature|0}} you should have your freezer at least set at {{Temperature|-5}} since it will lose temperature whenever a colonist comes in. It is common to make airlocks in the entrance of the freezer to reduce that temperature exchange. It is also common to make the freezer with double walls to increase insulation. The freezer is vulnerable to [[Events#Solar Flare|solar flares]].
To save power it is a good idea to have the [[cooler]]s set to different temperatures. For example, if two [[cooler]]s are set to {{Temperature|-5}} then both will always consume power, but if a [[cooler]] is set to {{Temperature|-5}} and another is set to {{Temperature|-8}} then the first will only consume power during hotter times when the second is not able to keep the temperature bellow {{Temperature|-5}} alone.
[[Cooler]]s placement is of crucial importance as these devices have a very low HP, making them the weakest point in a wall from where raiders would break in easily and most likely ignite your food supply. Because of this, one of the best ways to keep your freezer away from harm is to place the coolers in the inside unroofed, or of course, wall off the coolers too.
You will need somewhere indoors for your colonists to sleep early-game. It should be one of your starting projects.
[[Butcher spot]]s, [[butcher table]]s and [[crafting spot]]s can be placed inside the freezer to butcher corpses, make [[kibble]] and make [[smokeleaf joint]]s, since the work to make those is so small and the ingredients are in the freezer your colonists might as well do it there. However, for mass production, it is better to have it close but outside the freezer due to the work speed penalty.  
Build beds for your colonists to sleep in as colonists dislike sleeping on the ground.
It does not need to be impressive and should be built close to dining rooms and kitchens.
=== Bedrooms ===
=== Kitchen ===
The kitchen is a room with a stove or a [[butcher table]].
[[File:Bedroom_example_midgame.png|400px|thumb|right|Mid-game bedrooms from Alpha 17. Each is carpeted, has beds, tables with chairs, flower pots for decoration and a vent connected to the corridors.]]
The kitchen is where your colonists turn raw food into meals. The room should be clean to avoid [[ailments#food poisoning|food poisoning]], so the [[butcher table]] may be placed nearby in a different room instead since it creates a lot of filth.
Only colonists in love like to share a bedroom, and all sleeping colonists will get disturbed by non-lovers walking about in the same room while they sleep, so once you have the manpower and materials you should upgrade to individual bedrooms for each colonist or couple. If you have couples they will need a double bed so that they can sleep together and avoid a mood debuff.
Besides stoves, the kitchen should include chairs, light and [[sterile tile]]s. You might want to add a little vegetable stockpile inside to save travel time, as plants take a while to spoil. Not flooring the kitchen can be a better option if you lack sufficient janitors, as dirt floors have less of an impact on both cleanliness and beauty than the dirt tracked into the kitchen, unless if you kitchen is full of blood instead of dirt.
For better comfort and rest effectiveness, make sure the beds are of Normal quality or above, otherwise deconstruct and try again until you get it.  
Since the kitchen is placed near the freezer, some crafting stations which include plants ingredients may be also placed in here. The [[brewery]] and [[drug lab]] are good choices and if you do place them here you should also add [[tool cabinet]]s and little stockpiles for [[hops]], [[smokeleaf leaves]], [[psychoid leaves]] and [[neutroamine]]. Also, if you making [[chemfuel]] with food you may place the [[biofuel refinery]] here.
You should also have tables and chairs in the bedrooms, as colonists often carry a meal with them.  Without a table, colonists will resort to eating their breakfast on the floor and gain a mood debuff. Turn off the 'Gather Spot' option on these tables, as colonists seeking [[joy]] may sit at these tables, possibly entering ''someone else's bedroom'' and disturb their sleep (though they don't seem to care beyond that).  Another option is to set aside one room near the bedrooms as a dining room or even build a table and chairs outdoors nearby.
It does not need to be impressive, but it is usually a good idea to add a little art since colonists tend to stay there for a long time. It should be temperature controlled for better working speed.
As you progress in the game, you should upgrade your bedrooms to allow colonists to live and sleep better.
Zone out colony animals.
*At the very beginning, you only need it to be 2x2, just enough to fit a bed and possibly an end table.
*In early-midgame, bedrooms should ideally be at least be 3x5; this gives you enough space to squeeze in a bed, a table and some other things, without feeling too cramped.
*In mid-game or later, a 4x6 bedroom allows you to fit in a double bed, a 1x2 table with chairs, an [[end table]] and a [[dresser]], with some room for decorations.
=== Storage ===
=== Workshop ===
You will obviously need to store your stuff somewhere in your base.
[[File:kitchenworkshop.png|500px|thumb|right|Example of a kitchen and workshop. Art keep people happy while working.]]
==== Warehouse ====
The workshop is a room with crafting stations.
A simple structure with nothing but an expansive stockpile zone to store items in. You can have multiple smaller stockpile zones which are set to allow different items so that colonists can sort them.
The workshop is where your colonists turn raw materials into advanced products. Besides crafting stations, the workshop should include chairs, light and [[tool cabinet]]s. A lot of different little materials stockpiles may be placed inside to save travel time.
==== Dangerous items ====
Early game crafting stations include the [[stonecutter's table]], [[sculptor's table]], [[hand tailor bench]] and [[fueled smithy]]. Mid game crafting stations include the [[machining table]], as well as the electric versions of [[hand tailor bench]] and [[fueled smithy]]. Late game crafting stations include the [[fabrication bench]].
It may be worth it to store items that can explode, such as [[mortar shell]]s or [[chemfuel]] independently in a walled room away from the exterior of the base. You can partition the room to stop explosions from affecting your entire stock of materials.  You may want to build this room out of stronger walls and doors to contain an accidental explosion inside or prevent an explosion outside from setting off the materials inside.
The [[brewery]], [[drug lab]], [[biofuel refinery]], [[electric crematorium]] and [[electric smelter]] may also be placed here.
Putting it away from the exterior prevents [[doomsday rocket launcher]]s fired at your base from hitting the items.
It does not need to be impressive, but it is usually a good idea to add a little art since colonists tend to stay there for a long time. It should be temperature controlled for better working speed.
==== Freezer ====
It should be built close to storage.
Freezers are vital to food preservation if you aren't living in a really cold place.
=== Laboratory ===
Consider making a dedicated stockpile with a very high priority at the front of your freezer which only allows [[meal]]s. This way, your meals will always be right at the front of your possibly very large freezer. Also, if you make two more stockpiles at the front of your freezer for meat and veggies, your cook won't have to run as far for ingredients, allowing him to make meals faster (colonists assigned to hauling and trained animals will move ingredients from the back of the freezer to the front).
The laboratory is a room with a [[simple research bench]] or a [[hi-tech research bench]].
Expect your dining room to be pretty crowded during meal times, especially after a party or marriage ceremony, so have enough chairs for at least half your colony. Colonists will also hang out in the dining room if you set the table for it, occupying seats.
Research speed is affected by the cleanliness of the room which is why it might be worth making a separate room for it. It should be isolated to avoid other people walking in dirt.
To save power, if you are living somewhere with sub-zero temperatures during the day (possibly in winter), put vents that lead outwards and turn off your freezer so you can use the outside cold to chill your meals. Close the vents once temperatures get warmer.
Besides the research bench, the laboratory should include a chair, light and [[sterile tile]]s. After you get the [[hi-tech research bench]] you can also get a [[multi-analyzer]].
==== Armory ====
It does not need to be impressive, but it is usually a good idea to add a little art since colonists tend to stay there for a long time. It should be temperature controlled for better working speed.
You can choose to have a dedicated area to store your weapons. If so, put it far away from your prison so that prisoners do not have ready access to dangerous weapons.
Zone out colony animals.
=== Hospital ===
=== Hospital ===
[[File:Hospital_example_midgame.png|400px|thumb|right|Hospital with sterile tiles, hospital beds with vital monitors, decorations and megascreen TVs facing the beds.]]
Dedicated hospitals are more of a mid-game thing when you have enough resources to build the specialized equipment used in them.
[[File:smallhospital.png|310px|thumb|right|Example of small hospital.]]
The hospital is a room with a medical bed. It is a place specialized in treating your colonists. If you do not have one, colonists will be treated in bedrooms. The room should be clean to avoid [[infection]].
In early-game all you need is [[floors]], [[bed]]s and a light source. During midgame you should replace your floor with [[sterile tile]]s and your beds with [[hospital bed]]s, and add [[vitals monitor]]s. All these will increase treatment quality.
Store medicine in or near your hospital so your doctors can quickly patch up your colonists.
Good hospitals give good mood modifiers so they should have plenty of art and high-quality furniture. It should be temperature controlled for better moods and to prevent heatstroke or hypothermia from visitors. Since injured colonists will likely spend a lot of time in the hospital it is a good idea to add televisions which they can watch while in bed. If you do not have televisions, other colonists will go to the hospital to cheer them up to provide [[joy]].
Hospitals should be built somewhere where colonists can quickly bring their downed comrades to treat them. Keep doors open, or use [[autodoor]]s so they don't obstruct colonists' access. If you need to you can build more elsewhere in the base.
It should be built close to the base entrance for quicker rescue.
[[Hospital bed]]s provide a boost to treatment quality, immunity gain speed, and healing speed, meaning colonists will recover faster from illnesses and injuries, making them the choice for hospitals.
Zone out colony animals.
The [[vitals monitor]] brings even better boosts to treatment and immunity gain, so when available it's recommended that you put them down near your hospital beds.
Store your medicine in or near your hospital using [[shelf|shelves]] so your doctors can quickly grab them to patch up colonists before they bleed to death. Sometimes just that little distance can already make a difference between life and death.
=== Armory ===
Hospitals should have [[sterile tile]]s as flooring as they provide a slight cleanliness buff that can increase surgery success chance and reduce wound infection chance.
The armory is a room with a stockpile for weapons and armor. It is not an official [[room roles|room role]].
Decorating hospitals to make them beautiful can give colonists inside a great mood boost (max +15, plus impressive room stats). This is good, especially considering that some colonists will stay in the hospital for some time , such as the severely injured, incapacitated or sick.
Often your colonists need to change their guns and gear to better fight different kinds of raids. Having an armory helps to keep your gun and gear stock under control and puts them in a more accessible position for your colonists to grab them quickly.
To provide joy, you may also install televisions into your hospitals. Patients lying in hospital beds within the viewing area will watch TV to entertain themselves when they are bored, and you won't need colonists coming to cheer them up as their only joy source.
It does not need to be impressive, nor does not need to be temperature controlled.
==== Patient rooms ====
It should be built close to your defenses for quicker reaction to raids, and should also be far away from the prison.
If you have even more resources you can build a separate room for each colonist. While they don't mind sleeping with others in a hospital, they do get disturbed by them walking around, and dirt can more easily affect cleanliness as well.
=== Barn ===
==== Operating theater ====
[[File:tamingbarn.png|250px|thumb|right|Example of taming barn. Even [[Megaspider]]s may be tamed if they show up as an [[events#herd migration: (animal)|animal herd]] but you will need to beat them down and bring them in to have time to tame them and do it safely.]]
You can build a separate room to accommodate colonists who will undergo surgery, to make sure that colonists undergo medical operations in the cleanest of places.
The barn is a walled area with [[animal sleeping spot]]s, [[animal sleeping box]]s or [[animal bed]]s.
Your operating theater should be forbidden at all cases except when someone is about to have surgery. This prevents colonists from tracking dirt or blood into it, staining it.
Barns help ensure that hauling animals will go back to your base at night for safety and that fragile animals will be isolated from predators. They are also used to ensure that animals products will drop near your base for quicker hauling.
==== Vet area ====
They should include stockpiles of [[hay]] or [[kibble]] for the animals, if they are placed outside they should be in a [[shelf]] to avoid deteriorating. Since animals go back to their boxes or bed for healing it might be a good idea to store medicine near your barn for quicker patching up, again if placed outside they should be in a [[shelf]].
Also consider building animal sleeping spots with their own animal area near your medicine stockpile that you can restrict wounded animals to. That way, they can be treated as fast as possible.
Sometimes, it is good to have a small separated barn to bring in wild animals that you want to tame. Wild animals might go away or die for many different reasons, but if you keep them in an isolated room with food they will stay there forever. A good example is an [[events#herd migration: (animal)|animal herd]] passing through the area. You will not have time to tame them, but you can beat them down and bring them to your base and have all the time you need to tame them. Also prevents them from causing damage if the taming fails.
=== Laboratory ===
It does not need to be impressive, indeed it is better to not put down floors to avoid animal filth. It does not need to be indoors but you might want to at least partially roof it in case a [[Events#Toxic_Fallout|toxic fallout]] happens. It does not need to be temperature controlled unless if your animals cannot handle the local temperature.
You may want to have a room dedicated to research, with [[hi-tech research bench]]es, [[multi-analyzer]]s to increase research speed and unlock new research, as well as sterile tiles to keep the room clean, increasing research speed. For even better cleanliness, restrict the lab to your researchers and janitors only, reducing traffic and hence the amount of dirt in the room.
It can be combined with outdoors rooms, like your power supply area. It should be built close to freezer or warehouse.
=== Prison ===
=== Prison ===
[[File:Prison_example_midgame.png|400px|thumb|right|Mid-late game prison blocks from A17, partially filled. Each cell has a table with a chair, a bed, decorations and a chess table with a chair (for decoration). Generosity like this is well-appreciated and rewarded with prisoners joining your colony. Note that the doors open towards the rest of the base (downwards).]]
The prisons is the place where you put your captives of war. Better prisons make it easier to recruit people. Still, they are not consistently used, so one should consider how much effort and resources should be invested in it. During mid-late game, prisoners without immediate use can be kept for free inside [[cryptosleep casket]]s instead.
==== Prison barracks ====
Basic features:
* Enclosed by walls.
* [[Bed]]s or [[sleeping spot]]s.
* Safe temperature.
[[File:fullprison.png|400px|thumb|right|Example of prison. The hospital/barracks gives a better mood than the cells and have access to a [[nutrient paste dispenser]] but the prisoners in cells are less likely to try to escape.]]
Good mood features:
* Light source.
* [[Floors]].
* Table and chairs.
* Art.
* Comfortable temperature.
* [[Dresser]]s and [[end table]]s.
* [[Psychic emanator]].
Convenience features:
* Food stock.
* Medicine stock.
* Uniform stock.
* [[Nutrient paste dispenser]].
In the early game you can simply convert any existing ruins into a makeshift prison barracks, or build a simple prison hut which holds all the prisoners you capture. Try not to build it too far away from your main structures, otherwise it becomes harder to catch escaping prisoners.
Medical features:
You should include tables and chairs for prisoners to use.
* [[Sterile tile|Sterile floor]].
* [[Hospital bed]].
* [[Vitals monitor]].
==== Prison cells ====
Safety features:
Like colonists, [[prisoner]]s will also suffer from the mood penalties associated with being kept together in a prison barracks. In addition, prison breaks are more serious should they happen, for every prisoner locked up in the same room will simultaneously break out, while prisoners in different cells may choose not to join. Thus, you should keep them separated.
* Isolated from the rest of the base, but not close to the map edges.
* Isolated from any potential weapons, even [[wood]] and [[beer]].
* Doors connected to an empty walled area, possibly guarded by [[Mini-turret|turrets]].
Each cell should have a table with a chair, a bed, and a light source. This is the bare minimum you need for a prisoner to be decently kept. Decorating the cell and making them bigger also increase mood bonuses for easier recruitment. They can't use any joy items put in the cell, nor do they have a joy need, so don't bother with joy items other than for aesthetic purposes.
Prisons can have the following rooms:
Prisons should have doors facing towards your base, so escaping prisoners will go towards your base instead of away, giving your wardens more time to deal with the break.
==== Prison barracks ====
==== Holding cell ====
Barracks are rooms with multiple prisoner beds.
A larger cell with more beds. It should be only be used when your prison cells are overflowing. Put your less important prisoners inside them while assigning your more valuable prisoners into the cells.
They are cheaper than cells and allow for features that are unreasonable to have in every single cell. The barracks mood modifier is lower than the cell but the barracks usually provides the 'Spacious interior' modifier and better dining room modifier, so they arguably offer better mood than cells since prisoners do not get 'Disturbed sleep' penalties. However, if a [[Events#Prison break|prison break]] happens all prisoners in the same barracks will break out together.
=== Multipurpose rooms ===
==== Prison cells ====
Cells are rooms with a single prisoner bed.
These are more of an early to early-midgame thing that you can use before you get dedicated structures erected, such as hospitals or bigger prisons. Yet, these can still prove useful sometimes, like when your freezers or warehouses overflow, or you need somewhere to house an influx of injured or sick colonists.
Cells offer only slightly better mood improvement than barracks and usually are much more limited in what they can have. The major advantage of cells is that if a [[Events#Prison break|prison break]] happens, not all prisoners in nearby cells will join. They also prevent fights between prisoners.
This is rather simple; just make an empty room, along with suitable temperature control. You can add beds if you intend on someone living in it (be it colonists or prisoners), which you can uninstall and tuck away in a corner when unused
If you are lacking space for prisoners, a colonist bedroom can be temporarily turned into a cell.
=== Backup ===
==== Prison hospital ====
There are many types of ways you can set up buildings on your map to possibly save your colonists' lives in dire situations:
The prison hospital is a room with medical prisoner beds. It is not an official [[room roles|room role]].
*'''Shelters:''' Building small rooms with an emergency food and wood supply can save your colonists from enraged animals. Thick enough walls (at least 4 layers) can stop raiders from killing your colonists hiding inside.
*'''[[Nutrient paste dispenser]]s''': When food is running low or you forecast that it will, a paste dispenser can significantly slow down food consumption by efficiently converting raw foods into nutrient paste.
== Production ==
Prisoners often first enter your prison injured, so having a proper prison hospital can help avoid unnecessary deaths and infections. They are like a regular hospital attached to the rest of your prison, however, you do not need to have televisions in it since prisoners are not affected by [[joy]].
You will also need various buildings to produce or manufacture the stuff that your colonists need.
The prison hospital does not need to be a separated room only for healing. It can be the barracks but with medical features.
=== Crops ===
==== Prison freezer ====
[[File:SunlampHydroponics.png|thumb|300px|right|Sun lamp illuminating crops grown in hydroponics basins. With this configuration you can fit 24 basins under 1 sun lamp for a total of 96 plants grown.]]
The prison freezer is a room with a stockpile kept cold by [[cooler]]s inside the prison. It is not an official [[room roles|room role]].
''See also: [[Food production]]
For storing stocks of food and [[herbal medicine]] to prevent spoilage. If you have a [[Nutrient paste dispenser]] you can place half of it and all the [[hopper]]s inside.
==== Crop fields ====
=== Tomb ===
Crop fields are rather simple; just set up a growing zone, designate the desired plant type and growers will automatically go and grow the plants.
The tomb is a room with [[sarcophagus|sarcophagi]].
You need to check carefully the soil fertility before marking out your areas.
Not the most important of the rooms, but colonists do go visit sarcophagi or graves filled with dead colonists for [[joy]] so you might want to give a nicer room for them to do that.
*Gravel looks quite similar to dirt at first glance, but has a greatly reduced fertility meaning plants will grow slower.
*Rich soil, on the other hand, is visibly darker and has improved fertility, making it suitable for long growing time plants such as [[devilstrand]].
You will need to keep animals out, whether or not they are tamed. Exclude these areas out of the allowed areas of animals, and build walls to keep out wild animals.
It does not need to be impressive or temperature controlled and can be built anywhere.
==== Greenhouses ====
== Production ==
Enclosed areas that grow crops with the aid of temperature control, [[sun lamp]]s and possibly [[hydroponics basin]]s. They allow you to continue growing crops regardless of soil or weather conditions.  Note that greenhouses are subject to power draining events like [[Events#Solar Flare|solar flares]], knocking out lamps, heaters and hydroponics.
You will need fields, buildings and animals to provide the raw materials that your colony needs.
=== Mining ===
=== Crop fields===
In early-midgame you just need to select mineral outcrops and designate them, and miners will proceed to dig out the minerals.
[[File:biggreenhouse.png|300px|thumb|right|Example of greenhouse. The top [[sun lamp]] has 24 [[hydroponics basin]]s which is the maximum possible. They are particularly important in cold [[biome]]s.]]
Later on, you can choose to continue mining through several means.
''See also: [[Food production]]
==== Strip mining ====
Crop fields are growing zones or [[hydroponics basin]]s, designated to the desired plant type.
If you have more mountains or rocks which you can mine, you can strip mine them by mining out long tunnels with 2 tiles between each other. This allows you to cover everything in the mines.
Depending on the soil fertility different plants might generate the best productivity:
*[[Potatoes]] and [[berries]] perform better in poor soil.
*[[Rice]] and [[corn]] perform better in rich soil.
Covering up your mine to prevent infestations is a good idea, using cheap materials such as [[wood]] it is possible to completely seal up the mines at a low cost. Alternatively, set up defenses at the mine entrance and just farm the insects.
Crop fields do need to be protected from raiders or they will burn them down, which can be hard on harsh [[biome]]s where the fertile soil might be far away from your base; however, crop fields are not particularly important structures, so they need not be given priority in defense.
==== Deep drills ====
They also need to be protected from animals, both wild and domestic. Crop fields are vulnerable to [[events#blight|blight]]s and [[Events#Toxic_Fallout|toxic fallout]].
After research you will unlock the [[deep drill]] and the [[ground-penetrating scanner]] for use.
Ideally, they should be made near your freezer.
It is not recommended to start deep drilling without an active scanner as you cannot see the locations of mineral locations this way and deep drills cannot be relocated.
=== Greenhouses ===
Some deposits will be directly underneath your base. You can deconstruct or relocate buildings to give access to your drills. Be careful when you mine in colonists' bedrooms as they can easily disturb sleep.
Greenhouses are a protected version of crop fields. They are growing zones or [[hydroponics basin]]s in a temperature controlled environment. Since they are indoors, they also require [[sun lamp]]s.
=== Animals ===
They are much more expensive than fields but they allow crops to grow all year in cold environments. It is common to make airlocks in the entrance of the greenhouse to reduce temperature exchange and make it with double walls to increase insulation. They are vulnerable to [[events#blight|blight]]s and [[Events#Solar Flare|solar flares]].
Animals are an extremely useful asset to the colony if you can handle them (both in-game and performance-wise). They provide a variety of products, from raw food materials (meat, eggs or milk) for producing quality foods, to wool, which is an excellent insulator against both heat and cold. Moreover, they can be used in combat, as haulers, or as pack animals in a [[caravan]].
To save power it is a good idea to have the [[heater]]s set to different temperatures. For example, if two [[heater]]s are set to {{Temperature|21}} then both will always consume power, but if a [[heater]] is set to {{Temperature|21}} and another is set to {{Temperature|24}} then the first will only consume power during colder times when the second is not able to keep the temperature above {{Temperature|21}} alone.
==== Barn ====
Ideally, they should be made near your freezer.
Barns are necessary only if you're keeping some animals in places where temperatures can exceed their comfort, as animals don't mind sleeping in the open. In this case, a temperature-controlled barn is necessary to keep the animals comfy.
=== Mines ===
Building [[animal sleeping box]]es or [[animal bed]]s can help animals rest faster, though this doesn't really do much and is not cost efficient.
Mines are areas your colonists go to mine.  
==== Chemfuel farming ====
If you are mining the stones in the outside layer of a mountain then you got nothing to worry about. However, if you decide to mine deep inside a mountain, then you need to build a proper mine as you mine out the stones to avoid rocks collapsing on top of your colonists. Wood is usually a good cheap material to use to make mines.
[[Boomalope]]s are unique in the fact that they can produce [[chemfuel]]. This can be used to power generators, used as [[transport pod]] fuel or made into [[mortar shell]]s.
Another thing to worry about when making mines is [[infestation]]s. You can build doors inside your mine to create choke points where you can fight the insects and help your colonists running away. Alternatively, you can fill up the whole mountain with wood so [[infestation]]s can not happen at all.
Due to their explosive nature, they won't be attacked by predators, so you can let them roam freely without much danger. Keeping them confined is dangerous as the death of one boomalope can injure others, and if you don't intervene the other boomalopes will die, exploding and causing a chain reaction.
=== Drilling rooms ===
=== Workshop ===
[[Deep drill]]s are often placed far away from your base and similar to mines that they can also cause [[infestation]]s. So you might want to enclose the area with walls and doors to create choke points where you can fight the insects and prevent predators from attacking isolated miners.
Workshops are places where you put all your crafting stations and benches, probably including your cooking stoves as well. You should put them near your warehouse so your colonists can spend less time hauling the needed resources to the workshop for crafting. Also remember to put chairs of any sort at the interaction spot so your colonists won't have to keep standing while crafting.
=== Animals ===
The [[tool cabinet]] is handy for increasing productivity of your craftsmen, but you will need to allocate the positions of these carefully so as not to block colonists or future plans.
Putting all the crafting stations inside the warehouse isn't recommended despite the convenience, as colonists do not enjoy the sight of random objects laying around. This lowers their beauty opinion of their surroundings, in turn giving mood penalties. You should however put crafting materials near the workshop for quicker retrieval.
Animals have a variety of uses, therefore herding some of them in your barn can be very helpful. Of course all animals can be used for different reasons, but it is worth mentioning some of them because they are either particularly useful or versatile:
It is an excellent idea to '''put decorations such as sculptures inside the workshop''', as a beautiful environment gives up to +15 mood, improving colonists' productivity and even allowing for the occasional mental inspiration.
* Produce raw food: eggs, milk or meat. [[Chicken]], [[Cow]], [[Dromedary]], [[Muffalo]], [[Pig]].
* Produce textiles: leather or wool. [[Chinchilla]], [[Alpaca]], [[Dromedary]], [[Muffalo]], [[Megasloth]].
* Produce fuel: chemfuel. [[Boomalope]].
* Haul animals. [[Pig]], [[Wild boar]], [[Elephant]], [[Megasloth]].
* Pack animals. [[Alpaca]], [[Dromedary]], [[Muffalo]], [[Elephant]].
* Combat animals. [[Wild boar]], [[Elephant]], [[Megasloth]].
=== Kitchen ===
[[Chicken]], [[Cow]], [[Chinchilla]], [[Alpaca]] and [[Boomalope]] are quite profitable.
You should build your kitchen near your cold storage and your dining room, just as you build the workshop near your warehouse.
[[Pig]], [[Wild boar]], [[Elephant]] and [[Megasloth]] are the only ones that can graze and haul.
Kitchens should only have cooking stoves, and sterile tiles for flooring to reduce the chance of food poisoning. The [[butcher table]] is best put elsewhere due to the heavy cleanliness debuff.
[[Dromedary]], [[Muffalo]], [[Elephant]] and [[Megasloth]] are really versatile.
[[Shelf|Shelves]] or small stockpiles can really improve cooking efficiency when placed right next to your stoves. Set one to accept berries and vegetables only, and the other to accept meals only the as these do not spoil in a matter of days, unlike meat which should always be in the freezer. Hauling colonists will do the transport work for your cooks instead.
One should notice that combat animals are much better at defending caravans than defending your base.
== Power ==
== Power ==
Your colony needs power, so you should provide generators and protect them from attacks. Therefore, it is better to place them inside your base walls. Your options for power generation include the following.
=== Solar power ===
=== Solar power ===
[[Solar generator]]s provide power only during the day. It provides 1700W, quite a decent figure, but still not to be fully relied on.
[[Solar generator]]s provide power only during the day. It provides 1700W during summer peak hours near the equator, but little to none during winter near the poles. They are particularly good to power up [[sun lamp]]s since these only consume power during the day. They should be used together with [[battery|batteries]] so you may still have power during the night. They are vulnerable to [[events#Eclipse|eclipse]]s.
=== Wind power ===
=== Wind power ===
[[Wind turbine]]s provide unstable power throughout the day. It can provide up to 3000W, but it usually gives less than that.
[[File:windsolar.png|450px|thumb|right|Example of solar-wind setup. It is more efficient to place the wind turbines facing each other with their exclusion zones overlapping.]]
[[Wind turbine]]s provide unstable power throughout the day. It can provide up to 3000W, but it usually gives less than that. They should be used together with batteries to make up for the instability.
It requires plenty of open space for maximum efficiency, and any obstacles can easily reduce efficiency. To prevent trees from growing and obstructing the turbines, put down floors, grow crops underneath the turbines or fill in the gaps with solar generators.
It requires plenty of open space for maximum efficiency and any obstacles can easily reduce efficiency. To prevent trees from growing and obstructing the turbines, you may grow crops underneath the turbines or fill in the gaps with solar generators.
=== Fueled generation ===
=== Fueled generation ===
You can get the [[wood-fired generator]] which runs on wood, or the [[chemfuel powered generator]] which runs on [[chemfuel]], constantly providing 1000W of power. It is a good idea to have some of these as a backup power source, or even as your main source in biomes that are loaded with forests that will replenish themselves, such as in the tropics.
You can get the [[wood-fired generator]] which runs on wood, or the [[chemfuel powered generator]] which runs on [[chemfuel]]. Both provide a constant 1000W of power, so it is a good idea to have some of these as a backup power source, or even as your main source in biomes that are loaded with trees. Since they are stable they do not require batteries.
Chemfuel is significantly more efficient than wood, so once you research the [[biofuel refinery]] it is better to refine wood into chemfuel before using it as fuel.
Chemfuel is significantly more efficient than wood, so once you research the [[refinery]] it's a better idea to refine wood into chemfuel before usage as fuel.
They are useful complementing [[solar generator]]s during winter in cold biomes, since [[solar generator]]s does not work in winter near the pole.
==== Boomalope setup ====
==== Boomalope setup ====
Boomalopes generate enough chemfuel to run 2 generators.
3 [[Boomalope]]s generate enough chemfuel to run 4 generators. It is easy to run an entire base on that setup since they generate more energy than you spend to grow food for them, specially if your colony is somewhere they can graze.
2 boomalopes give enough fuel to continuously power 5 generators for a total of 5000W. This is not taking into account any energy costs from growing food for use by the boomalopes.
==== Infinite chemreactor setup ====
==== Infinite chemreactor setup ====
Infinite chemreactors generate enough chemfuel to run a generator, which in turn generates more than enough power to run the chemreactor.
[[Infinite chemreactor]]s generate enough chemfuel to run a generator, which in turn generates more than enough power to run the chemreactor.
8 infinite chemreactors can generate enough fuel to power 15 generators, for a total surplus power of 12600W.
It is overall an amazing setup but [[infinite chemreactor]]s are hard to come by, so you should not expect to run your whole base on that.
=== Geothermal power ===
=== Geothermal power ===
[[Geothermal generator]]s constantly gives 3600W of power after being built on a steam geyser without requiring fuel. It is an important source of power from mid-game onward, as it is constant and high-powered.
[[Geothermal generator]]s constantly gives 3600W of power after being built on a steam geyser.  
While powerful, it has one big issue; you can not choose where the steam geysers will be, so if you do not have one inside your base you need to cover them with walls to protect them. If you wall off your [[geothermal generator]] completely with double walls the raiders will ignore it most of the time. They will, however, sometimes randomly attack your walls, but it is really unlikely that they will destroy both walls and reach the generator.  As it can randomly break down, you should still add doors so colonists can enter, better to use stone doors because they are durable and raiders can not ignite it.
Another problem is that raiders will likely destroy the conduits connecting the generator to your base, so build multiple conduit lines to reduce the likelihood of raiders completely severing the connection. Also, even though they do not need batteries, you should build some in case it gets disconnected during a raid.
Note that they generate plenty of heat, so they should be unroofed or they will catch on fire.
=== Watermill generator ===
[[File:watermills.png|500px|thumb|right|Example of watermills setup. It runs a big base without batteries.]]
Research is required to unlock it, and the generator itself is quite costly so it's best left to midgame. However, once researched and built you can have a constant power supply, and with 5 generators on the map you can sustain a basic mid-sized colony.
The [[watermill generator]] constantly provides 1100W of power but has to be placed next to rivers. So you must include the river inside your base design. However, that is usually quite simple since rivers tend to cross the whole map edge to edge. It does mean you will have to wall off a larger area, but it is well worth it since the watermill is quite reliable and lots of them can be placed on the same river.
Make sure your geothermal generators and their connecting conduits are well-protected as they often have to be placed far from base. Walling the generators helps protect them against raiders, but walling the conduits isn't recommended due to the cost and its hindrance on colonist field work.  Be aware of the heat that the geysers release.  If you closely wall and roof in a geothermal generator, the temperature inside will be quite high, high enough in fact to catch combustible building materials on fire. Consider removing the roofs on such buildings.  However, if the vent is close to your base in a cold biome, consider attaching its building to your own base to help heat it.
It is quite easy to run a base just on watermills but of course, rivers are not available in every map. Since they are stable they do not require [[battery|batteries]].
It is possible to rush the research for geothermal power, though you should be careful not to neglect other more important research projects.
=== Vanometric power cell ===
=== Power storage ===
A [[vanometric power cell]] constantly provides 1000W of power and can be placed anywhere. Like the [[infinite chemreactor]], they are hard to come by, so you should not expect to run your whole base on that.
You will need [[battery|batteries]] to store power if you're using unstable power supplies such as wind or solar power. Batteries need to be kept under a roof to prevent short-circuits, and they should be protected from external threats, too. Connect them to the grid via switches, so you can shut off unneeded batteries to reduce the impact of short circuits.
They are particularly good for starting off new bases, or sometimes powering isolated objects such as [[deep drill]]s.
Leave a 1-tile gap between adjacent groups of batteries so power does not flow between them and you can independently control connectivity.
=== Power network ===
=== Power storage ===
It's not a good idea to have just 1 conduit spanning the entirety of your baseWhile it saves materials, short circuits or other events can cripple your power supply. Instead, build a network with redundant pathways so that the grid will continue to function even if there is a break somewhere in the network.
[[Battery|Batteries]] store surplus powerThey are recommended for when you rely on power sources that are not constant, such as wind or solar power. They allow for power storage during times of excess to be used during times of demand. For instance, this makes them useful to store spare power generated during the night from fueled generators in order to supply [[sun lamp]]s during the day.
It is best to connect geothermal generators to other geothermal generators, so events such as wildfires and raider attacks won't easily disconnect them from your power network, causing severe power shortages.
Not having batteries is also beneficial, if you have reliable power sources, since it almost nullifies the [[events#zzztt...|short circuit]] event, igniting a little fire instead of causing a huge explosion.
=== Emergency power ===
Batteries need to be placed under a roof to prevent short-circuits during rain and should be placed indoors to protect them from external threats. Connect them to the grid via switches and shut off part of them after they are filled to reduce the impact of short circuits and have back up batteries in case of emergency.
Some events will cause you to lose power if you are unprepared. Some colonies rely on wind or solar power to power everything, and eventually every colony with electricity will suffer from a [[events#Faulty Conduit Explosion|fault conduit explosion]], also show as 'Zzzt...' Both cases will cause you to lose power, whether it's not enough wind or sun, or an explosion. Raider attacking and destroying power conduits connected to power generators can sever power from the colony, reducing the power available.
*'''Backup batteries''': Always have spare power stores, such as multiple battery systems with switches. Only connect extra when they are about to run out, or are charging.
*'''Backup generators''': Have some fueled generators that you bring online only if there's not enough power in the colony. This can allow your backup batteries to discharge slower, or even recharge. If they are turned off they will not consume fuel.
=== Vanometric power cell ===
=== Power network ===
A [[vanometric power cell]] constantly provides 1200W of power regardless of any condition, and can be placed anywhere. Obtaining it can be quite hard due to its rarity, even in the mid-late game, yet a constant, uninterrupted source of power is always valuable to any colony.
It is not a good idea to have just one conduit spanning the entirety of your base. While it saves materials, short circuits or other events can create breaks that can disconnect entire parts of your base from power. Instead, build a network with redundant pathways so that the grid will continue to function even if there is a break.
It can be used as a good starting power source when you are branching off to start a new colony.
Also, it is better to split the power network of your base. Having more than one power network makes power management harder but the [[events#zzztt...|short circuit]] event will be much smaller since it will not affect your whole base and all your power reserves.
== Defenses ==
== Defenses ==
{{main|Defense structures}}
{{main|Defense structures}}
{{see also|Defense tactics}}
{{see also|Defense tactics}}
Unless you're playing on Peaceful difficulty, you will eventually encounter major threats, so you will need to prepare defenses for that.
Unless you are playing on peaceful difficulty, you will eventually encounter major threats, so you will need to prepare your defenses for that.
More defensive buildings can be seen on [[defense structures]]. Here, we show only the basics.
=== Static cover ===
The greatest advantage on your side is cover. While enemies are hiding behind rock chunks, you have [[sandbags]] and walls on your side, giving you a significant upper hand. You can even clear the rock chunks to force enemies behind trees which are less optimal a cover choice, widening the advantage.
[[File:cover.png|300px|thumb|right|Example of different ways to setup static cover. In this example the white colonists can only shoot 90 degrees in front of them while the brown colonists can shoot 180 degrees in front of them.]]
You can also choose to build [[turret]]s if you have unlocked them. They are essential if you don't have enough colonists to defend against raids, most typically the start of the Rich Explorer scenario.
At the very least you must have some sources of cover in your base. This includes [[sandbag]]s and sometimes walls. They are enough on early-mid game or on easier difficulties.
== Temperature control ==
In a static cover based defense, it is better to combine two different types of cover structure, one using walls and another with sandbags covering the sides. The walled cover should be used where the enemy will engage, as the walls restrict the attack angle, and there should not be anyone standing behind the sandbags- these should be for soaking fire from oblique angles only. The other kind should be used at the sides to allow for a more flexible attack area.
The major problem of basic static cover is enemies with long-ranged weapons. They will have a lot of time to shoot at you while you are busy with the rest of the raid party. Raiders with [[triple rocket launcher]] and [[doomsday rocket launcher]] are particually dangerous if you rely on static cover since they are really long-ranged and only need one shoot to explode your defenses. For those reasons you might want to enclose your combat area into a killbox.
=== Killbox ===
Room should have its temperature regulated by some method or another, so as to keep a comfortable temperature for colonists to live in, and protect them from extreme temperature conditions such as heat waves, cold snaps or simply the outdoors ambient temperature.
A basic yet powerful defense setup is the [[defense structures#killboxes|killbox]]. It is a walled area full of [[deadfall trap|trap]]s and [[turret]]s where you fight your enemy, making sure they do not out-range you or have cover, while your colonists have plenty of cover. It only works if it is the only entrance to your base and your whole base is surrounded by double walls.
Large rooms such as your dining room or rec room should have their own [[heater]]s and [[cooler]]s. If they are interconnected you may want to open doors for faster colonist access and temperature exchange. If you choose to do so, remember to close doors if a fire breaks out in the room.
Turrets should all be connected to your power grid by [[power switch]]es. Put them in front to distract enemies such that they go for them before your colonists. They should be switched off if a [[events#manhunter pack|manhunter pack]] shows up, as it is better to let them die by your traps and finish them off by melee blocking them.
Smaller rooms such as your bedrooms should be thermally connected to a larger central space through vents. Your heaters and coolers should be all placed outside the bedrooms. This reduces the number of heaters and coolers you need to build while keeping your bedrooms at a comfy temperature at the same time.
If a full-melee raid with [[shield belt]]s or a [[scyther]]-only raid shows up, throw [[EMP grenades]] at them while they gather around your turrets as it will disable them. While they are occupied attacking the turrets, you can shoot them up, and if they manage to destroy all the turrets, prepare to finish the survivors by melee blocking them.
Keep in mind that you will also need to be prepared in case of a freak temperature event such as heat waves or cold snaps. Without enough temperature devices rooms can get uncomfortably cold or hot, and in severe cases begin to cause hypothermia or heatstroke.
[[Centipede]]s with [[inferno cannon]]s are one of the major counters of killboxes, since the fire makes your colonists lose control and run out of cover. They are the main reason why you should have walls and not only [[sandbag]]s in your defense. Their [[inferno cannon]]s can shoot over [[sandbag]]s but not over walls, so a colonist behind a wall is less likely to catch on fire than a colonist behind a [[sandbag]]. Having some [[firefoam popper]]s inside your box helps a lot with extinguishing fires and preventing future fires. [[EMP grenades]] also cripple them a lot if you can get close enough to throw them.
=== Cooler gap prevention ===
Raiders with [[triple rocket launcher]] and [[doomsday rocket launcher]] are still a problem. If they manage to shoot inside your box the damage can be massive, but here they are in range of your colonists' guns so you can focus them down before they do anything.
As coolers need to be built as part of a wall, the process of building a cooler involves tearing down the original wall, then putting the cooler in place. This short interval allows temperature to go freely through the gap, which isn't something you want.
Some enemies do not run into your box, but can be lured into it, such as raiders from sieges or mechanoids guarding crashed ships. Snipers can safely poke them from far until they aggro and bring them to the box.
To fix this, you can plug the gap by building  cheap wooden wall in front of or behind the cooler blueprint, then starting work on the cooler. The wooden wall will prevent temperatures from equalizing easily. <br>
Killboxes do not protect against sappers and raiders dropping on top of you. For those, you will need another strategy.
Remember to deconstruct the wall after the cooler is done.
=== Protected coolers ===
[[File:killboxmanhunting.png|500px|thumb|center|Example of colonists in a killbox fighting a manhunting pack. Turrets are deactivated and colonists wait inside while most animals die to traps. After a while, colonists gather together in the main entrance to fight the survivors. It does not works against melee raiders, as they will destroy the turrets even deactivated.]]
Coolers are very fragile, and a single explosion or dedicated effort from melee attackers can easily break them down. Protecting the coolers helps fortify your base against enemy raids by eliminating the weak points in your walls.  This is done by walling the coolers off while giving it unroofed space in front of the hot end to vent away heat.
== Temperature control ==
If your colony is in a cold but not quite freezing biome, consider venting the heat from the coolers for your freezer into your living spaces instead.
Some rooms should have its temperature regulated by some method or another, so as to keep a comfortable temperature for colonists to work and sleep in and protect them from extreme temperature conditions such as [[events#heat wave|heat waves]], [[events#cold snap|cold snaps]] or simply the outdoor ambient temperature.
==== Cooler column ====
Larger rooms such as your kitchen and workshop should have their own [[heater]]s and [[cooler]]s. If they are interconnected you may want to open doors for faster colonist access and temperature exchange.
Have the hot end facing an unroofed area where the heat vents out into the open. That unroofed area can be placed within an existing structure, such as inside the freezer. For maximum spatial efficiency the strips of unroofed area should be 1 tile wide, surrounded by coolers.
Smaller rooms such as your bedrooms should be thermally connected to a larger central space through [[vent]]s. Your [[heater]]s and [[cooler]]s should be all placed outside the bedrooms. This reduces the number of [[heater]]s and [[cooler]]s you need to build while keeping your bedrooms at a comfy temperature at the same time.
Best used for freezers to keep cool as most cases don't call for that many coolers.
Keep in mind, that you will also need to be prepared in case of unusual temperature events, such as [[events#heat wave|heat waves]] or [[events#cold snap|cold snaps]]. Which, in severe cases, will cause heatstroke or hypothermia. [[events#heat wave|Heat waves]] will also spoil your food and corpses.
=== Temporary temperature control ===
=== Temporary temperature control ===
If your regular heaters or coolers aren't doing the trick, there's a temporary power outage or you're a tribe without the ability to harness electricity yet, you can use [[campfire]]s or [[passive cooler]]s to heat or cool down your base respectively. Both have the same effect as their powered variants, except they are rather limited in their available temperature range: campfires can't heat above 30°C while passive coolers can't cool below 15°C.  Also, their temperature effect is full and cannot be throttled.  Depending on what gear your colonists are wearing, it's possible for them in a room being heated with campfires to complain about it being too hot.
If your regular [[heater]]s or [[cooler]]s are not enough or there is a temporary power outage or you are a tribe without the ability to harness electricity yet, you can use [[campfire]]s or [[passive cooler]]s to heat or cool down your base respectively. Both have the same effect as their electric variants, except that they need to be refueled and are limited in their available temperature range: campfires can not heat above 30°C while passive coolers can not cool below 15°C.  Also, their temperature effect is full and cannot be controlled.  Depending on what gear your colonists are wearing, it is possible for them in a room heated with campfires to complain about it being too hot.
These are best used to keep colonists comfortable during heat waves or cold snaps. If you always encounter uncomfortable temperatures during summer or winter then it's time to upgrade your heaters or cooler system.
These are best used to keep colonists comfortable during [[events#heat wave|heat waves]] or [[events#cold snap|cold snaps]]. If you always encounter uncomfortable temperatures during summer or winter then it is time to get more [[heater]]s or [[cooler]]s.
== Miscellaneous ==
== Miscellaneous ==
=== Dirt floors ===
[[File:crops.png|300px|thumb|right|Before a beach (left) and later a crop field (right). Extreme desert with coast, turned a patch of shallow ocean water into a huge crop field using [[moisture pump]]s.]]
=== Do not rush flooring ===
Until you have enough manpower to spare for cleaning jobs, instead of building any floors, use the terrain as the floors. Dirt trailed on constructed floors makes for a much worse beauty penalty than using dirt floors, so this can actually make your rooms look better.
Until you have enough manpower to spare for cleaning jobs, instead of building any floors, you can use the terrain as floors. Terrain does not generate animal and human filth and filth trailed on constructed floors makes for a much worse beauty penalty than using dirt floors, so this can actually make your rooms look better. It is also cleaner than constructed floors with dirt on them.
However for places like hospitals it's better to use sterile tiles and manually clean them instead.
However, for places like hospitals, it is always better to use sterile tiles and manually clean them instead.
=== Flooring outside ===
=== Flooring outside ===
To reduce the amount of dirt inside your colony buildings, put any kind of flooring covering places where colonists and animals frequently walk. This reduces the amount of dirt formed as well as causes dirt to be left outside where it does not look as bad.  
To reduce the amount of dirt inside your colony buildings, put any kind of flooring covering places where colonists and animals frequently walk. This reduces the amount of dirt brought inside your base.  
This should obviously be done only if you have enough janitors, otherwise it's better to just not build any floors (see above).
This should obviously be done only if you have enough janitors.
=== Moisture pumps ===
=== Moisture pumps ===
[[Moisture pump]]s clear out moisture from the ground around them, making dry land suitable for construction and agriculture.  They are excellent in swamp biomes for clearing out shallow water, marshy soil and mud in order to build structures.  Their effect is permanent, so they can safely be deconstructed once the land you want to use is dry.  Note that shallow water will be converted to gravel, which only has 70% fertility.  Still, this can be the only way to farm in ground outdoors in biomes like Ice Sheet and Sea Ice.
[[Moisture pump]]s clear out moisture from the ground around them, creating dry land suitable for construction and agriculture.  They are excellent in swamp biomes for clearing out shallow water, marshy soil and mud in order to build structures.  Their effect is permanent, so they can safely be deconstructed once the land you want to use is dry.  Note that shallow water will be converted to stony soil, which only has 70% fertility.  Still, this can be the only way to farm on the ground in [[biome]]s like Extreme Desert and Ice Sheet. Can not be used for farming in Sea Ice since it creates ice ground.
= Ice sheeet guide (neo) =
This guide details how to survive in one of the most hostile environments in Rimworld - an ice sheet. We focus on the [[Scenario_system#Lost_Tribe|Lost Tribe]] start because it is the hardest one to thrive in hostile environments since you got more people to feed and less technology to help you.
== Introduction ==
{{see also|Biomes#Ice Sheet}}
Ice sheets are the coldest option of cold maps. They have very little animal life and no plants. In fact, you should not expect to find anything more than five [[snowhare]]s in your start. You should also not expect to see more than one new [[snowhare]] every five days and one new [[polar bear]] per month.
In addition to that, they do not have any soil available, so anything that you want to grow must be grown on the stony soil patches- that is if you can even grow anything due to the cold. You will struggle a lot until you get a [[heater]] and a [[sun lamp]], then you can plant something indoors.
Even the warmest ice sheet it really cold. Their average varies from {{Temperature|-20}} to {{Temperature|-40}} and they never have growing periods due to the temperature. You still need to eventually make a [[Colony_Building_Guide#Freezer|freezer]] though, because the summer temperature is hot enough to spoil your food. Expect to have problems with hypothermia during fall, winter, spring and during [[events#cold snap|cold snap]]s in summers.
== Before the start ==
You can opt to sweeten your survival experience with a combination of well-picked colonists and landing spot, or choose to go hard and randomise everything. The below assumes you are going for the former.
=== Landing site ===
[[File:icesheetsite.png|300px|thumb|right|Example of a decent landing site.]]
In all maps you should choose your landing site carefully to increases your chances of survival. You want to build a colony in an area with some of the following characteristics:
* Near a tundra (faster moving around)
* Near a friendly faction base (faster trading)
* Near a road (faster moving around)
* Without many mountains around (faster moving)
* With coast (to turn into large growing areas later)
* With [[caves]] (early food source)
Ice sheets do not have roads or rivers, but that does not mean you can not settle close to a road. While you should not be surrounded by mountains, the landing site itself can be mountainous.
You do not need to land in an area in all those characteristics, but try to get as many of them as you can.
=== Starting colonists ===
Ice sheet is so harsh that you will have to resort to cannibalism, so you may want to have a crew that can tolerate that. That means having one butcher that does not mind butchering people and everyone resistant to mental breaks.
{{see also|Traits}}
Your butcher should be either Cannibal, Bloodlust or Psychopath.
All your crew should ideally be either Cannibal, Sanguine, Optimist, Iron-Willed, Steadfast or Masochist with scars. Couples also enjoy extra happiness so try to bring couples instead of bachelors, likewise Beautiful and Pretty colonists are also good since they are more likely to fall in love with someone.
Surely you do not need to have all five starting colonists with those characteristics, but the more resistant colonists you have the better.
== The first step ==
Once you choose your landing site and colonists you should '''immediately pause the game'''. This gives you time to make decisions.
=== Base area ===
[[File:icesheetarea.png|400px|thumb|right|Good starting area near the geyser.]]
You need to choose your base area wisely. It is important to notice that this area does not need to be final, it is just the area where you are more likely to survive the early game.
You want to find an area with the characteristics: '''near steam geysers''', '''near steel''', '''more growing areas''' and '''easily defendable'''.
More growing areas means more stony patches and an easily defendable area is an area with few entrances where you can lay down traps. Your priority is steam geysers. You have to make the base on top of a steam geyser, or else you will die of hypothermia very fast.
Since you do not have trees, you can not build a big base yet. You can either take a ruin, make a cave or make a small steel base. It all comes down to what you have near the steam geysers. If you have a ruin, take it. If you have a hill, make a cave. If you have none of these, make a small steel base.
=== Work ===
Analyze your team, set their priorities. Haul everything towards your chosen ruin and don't use wood at all except for the campfire.
Start mining steel as your main construction material or begin caving in. Play as minimalistic as possible. Gather enough steel to build walls by setting everyone to mine. Use terrain features to get the smallest home you can make besides any nearby structures.
If you have researchers, rush electricity research. You don't need to build a fortress yet, and electricity can be extremely helpful in survival.
=== Animals & Hunting ===
Set an animal zone away from your food, you don't want them eating your food as you can't win the game with pets alone. Let them all die of starvation, sorry. Starving pets are excellent lures for predators and while wild animals attack your pets, they won't turn their hunger rage towards you and you can attack them without danger, so long as their target is mid to big size (terriers die in a bear hit or two).
[[File:Terrier bait to lure a cougar.png|400px|right|Using starting pets to lure predators.]]
Hunt every time you see meat, as animals have the tendency to leave the map and won't remain roaming around for long. When you find one snowhare, you find the others. Double click on zoomed out view to reduce the time spent on searching.
Always keep an eye on the polar bear food bar- you will need to know when it will strike.
=== Steam geysers ===
Now that you've selected somewhere to settle, the next step is to build a decent base.
You should settle on the steam geyser due to the heat source. Living on top of a geyser provides warmth enough up to 10 degree Celsius, just to escape hypothermia. If your colonists complain about "sleeping in the cold", you tell them to man up. The only two reasons to build a campfire are to cook and an emergency extra source of heat when hard snow hits during Winter or a cold snap. Build a wall around it(10x10, the geothermal power plant is 6x6 so between the wall and the steam, the 8x8 line will become a one tile surrounding corridor just enough to place beds around), either by emulating a heater in the center of your room or by pulling a one tile corridor towards your home, even possibly digging a tunnel depending on the terrain altitude map of choice.
Eventually, you should ideally repeat the same geyser-room procedure with other steams in proximity, this is because cold and starvation will not kill you, but mental breaks will. For example, having more than two characters on berserk. Sometimes, two geysers may be close to each other, allowing you to use them at both ends while you build everything else in between. This lucky situation can allow to start building individual rooms for your people and get rid of the barrack penalties.
=== Cannibalism ===
It's inevitable. Just be very selective when butchering other humans as the character performing the action will receive mood penalties that can easily set it to mental breaks. It is okay if your characters complain of hunger. Again, keep your food supply on check and only feed your people when starvation kicks in, unless of course, their mental break is too dangerous to risk keeping them unhappy. When butchering human corpses it's best to set one same character to chomp many at once so that all the penalty goes to just that one guy, and performing the action on same day will keep the penalty length shorter instead of extending after each consecutive day. Best if the penalty wears off all at once.
Remember that [[human leather]] is worth a lot and it is better to make something with it first, then sell it. First, give your colonists [[bedroll]]s to sleep, then make [[duster]]s since they are more profitable than anything else. Cannibal and Bloodlust colonists will want to wear human leather clothes, give them human leather [[button-down shirt]]s and [[pants]], but not [[parka]]s as the material is just too bad at insulating.
== The second step ==
=== Research ===
After electricity, go for Batteries, Solar panels and then Stonecutting so that you can start building plantation-rooms. [[Sun lamp]]s consume large amounts of electricity and you should by then have enough power and stored energy so that your crops grown steady. [[Solar generator]]s will not perform to their maximum capacity due to the short solar cycles common in polar regions as oppose to equatorial regions.
If you are not in a hurry, you can include complex furniture research, so you can make beds, as well as stonecutting so you can use the more abundant stone.
=== Opening ancient shrines ===
You can open the [[ancient shrine]]. They contain people which can be either killed for food or recruited into your ranks, as well as some items that can be sold.
Ancient shrines are dangerous; make sure you are suitably armed.
After you clear the shrine, you can build furniture in it to live in; you can also send your people to cryptosleep to extend your food stocks.
=== Bartering ===
You will need to barter for some resources that are hard to get.
Aim for [[wood]] and [[cloth]]. To gather money to buy them, you can mine expensive things like [[component]]s, [[plasteel]], [[uranium]], [[jade]], [[silver]] or [[gold]].
=== Greenhouse ===
After you have researched Electricity, Batteries, Solar Panels and Stonecutting AND crafted lots of stone blocks is when you can start building your first plantation room. Since the biome has scarce fertile tiles, you can easily select to mark a Grow zone and just drag your cursor on a 50x50 tiles area so that the game automatically marks where there is a "large" concentration of farmable area. Then just select the Sun lamp so that you can have the radius on your cursor ready to match such area. If you happen to lack said farmable tiles anywhere close to your base, you can fill in the blanks with hydroponic basins later on.
<center>[[File:Plantation room.png|800px]]</center>
Then use "Delete zones" to remove all growing zones that were created during the scan for farmable tiles, and use the "order" to "plan" to draw a cross of 11 tiles with tile number six (the crossing), being the location where the Sun lamp will be located. This will give you the radius of the lamp so that you can start setting the structure plans. Do use double walls for better insulation and with an airlock system as well.
<center>[[File:Plantation room 2 double walls.png|800px]]</center>
Once everything within the plantation room has been built, click the sun lamp and press "'''H'''" for the sun lamp itself to create a growing zone for you (instead of the conventional manual way). Start with rice, and harvest enough so that you can bring everybody else who has been in cryptosleep all this time for your colony to start running in full strength. Remind yourself that once temperature starts to drop again in Winter, you will need to install several '''[[heater]]s''' or plants will die.
<center>[[File:Plantation room 3.png|800px]]</center>
In the meantime, there's no need to rush directly your research towards hydroponics. You can go through Complex clothing, Drug production, Penoxycyline and then Hydroponics. Of course each player will play different stories, so adjust to circumstances as needed.
<center>[[File:First harvest in 75 days.png|800px]]</center>
In this demonstration, the first harvest takes place 75 days after start. Now you have both shelter and food. From here on, it's all up to you. Good luck!
== The third step ==
=== Expanding to the world ===
You can start to do world quests for factions, once you stabilised your food supplies.
* Go get [[Events#Item Stash Opportunity (Time Remaining)|item stashes]].
* Go help [[Events#Incapacitated refugee|incapacitated refugees]].
* Go [[Events#Prisoner rescue opportunity|rescue prisoners]].
* Go [[Events#Bandit camp opportunity|destroy enemy outposts]].
You can also choose to raid enemy faction outposts. They can contain food stocks that you can loot.
Whenever you reach a quest location, you wanna look for [[berries]], [[healroot]], [[animals]] and [[wood]]. [[Animals]] and marginally other humans should be butchered before leaving, if the [[meat]] is too heavy and you still have time you can use the local [[wood]] to make lots of [[campfire]]s and turn all into [[meals]] to reduce weight.
=== Slighly more advanced technology ===
Once you research nutrient paste, you can make food efficiently for your people. This also frees a cook to do other things.
If you have enough power, hydroponics basins can also be helpful in feeding your people. This allows you to build greenhouses freely instead of being restricted to growing food in the stony soil patches.
== Emergency measures ==
If the game is bearing down on you, you can use these measures to prolong your colonists' lives. These can ruin the true experience of an ice sheet survival though, so make these a last-ditch measure.
=== Cryptosleep ===
If you come across an [[ancient shrine]], you can put your colonists to sleep inside. This helps to extend your food stocks when you fall on hard times.
=== Caravaning ===
Another alternative is to escape while you still can- the ice sheet just isn't for you. Gather whatever food you can, along with some supplies, then break for it.
= Sea Ice Gudie =
This guide details how to survive in the most hostile environment in RimWorld - sea ice. We focus on the [[Scenario_system#Lost_Tribe|Lost Tribe]] start because it is the hardest to thrive in hostile environments since you have more people to feed and less technology to help you.
The tribal start in sea ice is the ultimate survival challenge in RimWorld and very close to being impossible, therefore there is not much room for different strategies here, you have to stick closely to the guide.
This guide was made on version 1.0.2096 on Cassandra Merciless.
== Introduction ==
{{see also|Biomes#Sea Ice}}
Sea ice is one of the coldest option of maps. There is almost no animal life and no plants. In fact, you should not expect to find anything more than three [[snowhare]]s in your start. You should also not expect to see more than one new [[snowhare]] every week.
In addition to that, they do not have any kind of soil available and [[moisture pump]]s will only generate more ice. It is literally impossible to grow anything on the ground.
You will struggle a lot until you get a [[heater]], a [[sun lamp]] and a [[hydroponics basin]], then you can plant something indoors.
The worse part is that they do not have ruins, geothermal vents or minerals to mine. Also, [[deep drill]]s do not work. There is literally nothing here to even build a base with. You will have to rely on trading, quests and random events to get any material to build a base.
Even on the warmest sea ice tiles, it is still really cold. The average varies from {{Temperature|-20}} to {{Temperature|-30}} and they never have growing periods due to the temperature. You still need to eventually make a [[Colony_Building_Guide#Freezer|freezer]] though, because the summer temperature can be hot enough to spoil your food. Expect to have problems with hypothermia during fall, winter, spring and during [[events#cold snap|cold snap]]s in summers.
They are particularly bad to travel in caravans. They do not have roads and are always placed in the poles of the world, so they have a big penalty to caravan speed due to winter, which is most if not the whole year. But caravans are more important here than any other biome, so you will have to do it anyways whenever you can, because you do not have other options to get the resources your colony needs.
== Landing site ==
[[File:seaicesite.png|300px|thumb|right|Example good landing site. In sea ice, landing near faction bases is all that matters.]]
In all maps you should choose your landing site carefully to increases the resources available. Landing in the wrong spot not only makes your start harder, but also makes your mid-late game frustrating, as it severely limits you from using the whole caravan and quest system. Sea ice is always in bad locations, but there is one thing that makes some areas better:
* Near a friendly faction base (faster trading)
Sea ices do not have roads or rivers, neither does ice sheet which is always next to you. All you can do is be near to a friendly faction base. Without trading it is already impossible to survive.
To make things better you should settle close to two faction bases. You will expand much faster in the mid-late game with help of two faction bases instead of just one.
== Starting colonists ==
{{see also|Traits}}
There are a few things to consider while selecting your colonists for sea ice:
* Sea ice is so harsh that you will have to resort to cannibalism, slavery and organ harvesting, so you wanna have a crew that can endure that.
* You can not feed five people, neither can you put them to sleep in cryptosleep and people are the only thing you got that is worth something. So, since you can only feed about two people you have to sell the other three. You will not use them in the beginning, but you might still meet them later on quests.
Needless to say, with so few people and such a stressed life you better pick people resistant to mental breaks.
== Base planning ==
It is always better to plan your whole base right from the beginning.
The whole map is empty, save for a few water pools. The good news is that you can place your base right in the middle and make a very symmetrical base.
Regardless, remember that it will take a really long time to get the materials to make your base, so you will probably stay in only one of your planned rooms for years.
[[File:blueprintsseaice.png|450px|thumb|center|Example of base planning. Plan your whole base while you still got nothing built.]]
== First agenda ==
* Make your starter base with [[wood]]. Give people a place to sleep, eat and play.
* Whenever you use [[wood]] to make [[campfire]]s, either for cooking or heating up, make sure that after your [[wood]] is forbidden so they do not refuel it unnecessarily.
* Hunt those [[snowhare]]s before they leave the map.
* Arrest your three merchandise colonists.
* Sell your merchandise colonists and your starting animals.
* Buy your survival items with the [[silver]] you got from selling your people and animals.
* Make [[lightleather]] [[bedroll]]s.
* Make your [[research bench]] and start researching complex clothing.
=== Notes ===
Hunt the bunnies and make a room to arrest people and go sell them.
Go visit your nearby friendly base to trade your merchandise colonists, your animals and some useless weapons. You should get something between 1500 and 2000 [[silver]] for three colonists and three animals in addition to your starting 200 [[silver]].
Now you have to buy some food, clothes and materials. Since you can not carry all the materials you need, you need to come back to trade many times. Food should be the cheapest option available. [[Nutrient paste meal]]s, insect [[meat]], human [[meat]] and vegetables are the best options. Meat is more expensive but is better to cook it than buy fancy meals.
Clothes are just a little insulation to save you in the first season, the cheapest [[tuque]] is enough. After that, you need to either make your own clothes or strip clothes from raiders, even if it is tainted.
You need at least 25 [[steel]] to make your [[research bench]] and some [[wood]] to use for cooking. Try to build two [[research bench]]es if you can, otherwise your other colonist will be very idle. Later, you will need more materials to actually build a base. First you want [[wood]] and [[steel]] because they are lighter, but later you want stone blocks which are cheaper and do not catch fire.
[[File:seaiceminibase.png|350px|thumb|center|Base before the first trade.]]
=== BONUS: Buy a [[Muffalo]] ===
You need to keep one colonist at base researching, so trading will be really inefficient with just one colonist to carry stuff. There is one solution: a [[Muffalo]].
It will more than triple your carry capacity and eventually give you [[milk]] and [[wool]]. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that a faction base will have a [[Muffalo]] for sale unless if you reload before your trade until they eventually have it. If you do not want to do this, you can keep three colonists with you and use two colonists for trading instead. But remember, a colonist eats more and carry less than a [[Muffalo]], so it is really going to slow down your progress.
[[File:seaiceminibase2.png|350px|thumb|center|Base on first week.]]
== Second agenda ==
* Keep trading to get food whenever you need it.
* Keep trading to get materials to make a base.
* Harvest and sell the organs of anyone you get alive.
* Butcher and eat the meat of anyone you get dead.
* Make [[human leather]] [[bedroll]]s.
* Make and sell [[human leather]] [[tribalwear]]s.
* Wear their tainted [[parka]]s and [[tuque]]s if you got nothing better.
=== Notes ===
The first raid should arrive by the end of the first week. Try to have both colonists in your base when that happens, because you do not have any defenses yet.
Now the fun starts, you will harvest the organs, eat the meat and wear the skin of your enemies. If anyone tries to join your colony, you will sell or harvest him too because you can not afford more people now. People who you will harvest includes:
* Any raider that shows up.
* Any [[Events#Wanderer joins|wanderer that decides to join]].
* Any survivor who arrive in a [[Events#Escape Pod|escape pod]].
* Any refugee who [[Events#Refugee Chased at (Settlement)|asks for help]]. Also the raiders following him.
By butchering your enemies you will get food and leather, which you can make [[tribalwear]]s and sell, but that is not enough. Everything you get is through trading, so you should also harvest and sell the organs of anyone you get alive before eating them. It is worth buying medicine just for that, you do not need to do this every time, but that is a lot of money and will greatly speed up your colony building.
=== BONUS: Summon [[Events#Man in black|Man In Black]] ===
Getting [[Events#Man in black|Man In Black]] to show up when you got so few people is really easy. Just set their 'Food Restriction' to 'Nothing' and wait until people collapse. Then use him to bring people back up.
[[Events#Man in black|Man In Black]] comes with good gear. You should strip his gear and sell him to slavery or harvest him.
[[File:summonmib.png|350px|thumb|center|Base on second week with MIB.]]
== Third agenda ==
* Buy guns.
* Make all the quests you can, loot and butcher anything and anyone you see.
* Buy [[cloth]] from your neighbors.
* Once you done researching complex clothing, make [[parka]]s and [[tuque]]s with [[cloth]].
* Make and sell [[human leather]] [[duster]]s.
=== Notes ===
Make sure to buy some decent guns since your researcher colonist will likely have to defend himself alone while your other colonist is outside trading. Fortunately, you are so poor that it is likely that even on the hardest difficult you will only face raids of one single melee enemy for the whole first year.
Once you have your colonists with [[parka]]s and [[tuque]]s you should take every opportunity available to go to another map. Your trading colonist should always be either trading or doing quests. Do not forget to take a [[bedroll]] with him on quests. Quests that matter now includes:
* [[Events#Item Stash Opportunity (Time Remaining)|Item stashes]].
* [[Events#Incapacitated refugee|Incapacitated refugees]].
* [[Events#Prisoner rescue opportunity|Prisoner rescue]].
* [[Events#Bandit camp opportunity|Destroy enemy outposts]].
You will have more things to care about here than you normally would. It is important that you butcher any animal you find and any raider you kill on the quest locations. You might find your previous colonists that you sold before on those quests. If your [[human leather]] clothes and organs business is doing well you can afford to bring one more person to your colony. Do not forget that you will have to buy more and more meals for each person you save. Anyone you do not like can be sold or harvested once you return home.
[[File:seaicequest.png|350px|thumb|center|Lonely sea ice quest.]]
Your research is really slow, since you only got one person at home taking care of everything and doing research at the same time. So another thing to focus is furniture that you can carry home, since it is gonna take a while for you to be able to make them. [[Heater]]s, [[battery|batteries]] and [[mini-turret|turrets]] are great things to bring back home. You do not have electricity yet, but once you do, you gonna have lots of things to plug in.
You better make sure you got good clothes before winter starts. It is about time you get rid of tainted tattered clothes and make your own. Go buy [[cloth]] and make some decent [[parka]]s and [[tuque]]s with it. Most importantly, make and sell lots of [[human leather]] [[duster]]s because they are worth a lot.
[[File:seaicequest2.png|350px|thumb|center|Even in sea ice quests are quite profitable.]]
== Fourth agenda ==
* Research complex furniture.
* Make [[bed]]s.
* Replace your walls with stone.
* Replace the [[cloth]] [[parka]]s with better insulating [[parka]]s.
=== Notes ===
Winter makes caravans even worse than already is, despite that, you can never stop trading, neither can you stop doing quests.
Time to make improvements. If you got at least two rooms and all the workbenches you need you can start replacing your walls with stone so raiders will not try to set it on fire. Replace your [[bedroll]]s with [[bed]]s. If you want, you can also make some comfortable [[human leather]] [[armchair]]s and [[human leather]] [[animal bed]]s.
Try to replace your [[cloth]](cold insulation 18) for [[bearskin]](cold insulation 20), [[bluefur]](cold insulation 20), [[foxfur]](cold insulation 20), [[devilstrand]](cold insulation 20), [[alpaca wool]](cold insulation 22), [[synthread]](cold insulation 22), [[wolfskin]](cold insulation 24), [[muffalo wool]](cold insulation 24), [[megasloth wool]](cold insulation 26), [[hyperweave]](cold insulation 26), [[chinchilla fur]](cold insulation 30), [[heavy fur]](cold insulation 30) or [[thrumbofur]](cold insulation 34).
Your best bet is [[thrumbofur]] [[parka]]s with [[muffalo wool]] [[tuque]]s. [[Thrumbo]] is the only animal guaranteed to show up in sea ice and you should already have a [[Muffalo]] with you for [[wool]].
[[File:seaiceminibase3.png|350px|thumb|center|Base after a whole year.]]
== Fifth agenda ==
* Research electricity.
* Set up defenses.
* Set up power.
* Make a kitchen.
=== Notes ===
Your second year will be just as hard as the first one. You still gotta harvest and eat your enemies while trading [[human leather]] [[duster]]s and organs for materials for your base.
You probably already learned to live from trading and quests by now and may add another colonist. You should not expect to finish electricity before the end of the second year. So unfortunately, your food will spoil in the second summer. You can try to keep the stocks low to avoid loses or turn your food into [[pemmican]].
Now however, you got more people and you gotta set up some kind of defense because raiders will be more numerous. This place is wide open, you wanna make an enclosed environment where you can shot raiders from behind [[sandbag]]s without getting outranged. In other words, you want a [[Colony_Building_Guide#Killbox|killbox]]. Once you finish electricity, you can finally use those [[mini-turret|turrets]] that you got from enemy outposts. If you could not bring any [[battery]] home from quests you will have to research them now.
When you are setting up power, keep in mind that [[solar generator]]s will not work at all during winter in sea ice.
With electricity, you can finally make a [[electric stove]] so you may stop buying [[wood]].
[[File:seaiceminibase4.png|350px|thumb|center|Basic defense.]]
== Sixth agenda ==
* Research air conditioning.
* Make a [[Colony_Building_Guide#Freezer|freezer]].
* Research nutrient paste.
* Make a [[nutrient paste dispenser]].
* Research microeletronics.
* Make a [[comms console]].
=== Notes ===
Your third year will come with lots of improvements and you can finally start feeling like you are playing a normal map.
Your first priority after electricity is air conditioning so you may stop losing all your food on summers. Once you done researching it, make a [[Colony_Building_Guide#Freezer|freezer]]. That will even allow you to accept more people in your colony since now food lasts forever.
Then you wanna make the almighty [[nutrient paste dispenser]]. It frees your cooker to do other stuff, completely prevents food poisoning and reduces your food consumption by 40%. You may even buy another [[Muffalo]] now to speed up trading.
Then, to increase your trading opportunities you want a [[comms console]]. Any [[Trade#Bulk_goods_trader_2|bulks good trade ship]] that shows up will be a blessing to your colony development.
=== BONUS: Buy [[Joywire]]s ===
You might have noticed by now that your worse enemy is not the hunger or the raiders, but the mood penalties that come with harvesting and eating people. Still, you can not stop it, since without it you will lose your main source of food and your two main sources of [[silver]] which is [[human leather]] [[duster]]s and organs.
Now that you have a little extra [[silver]], you can buy a solution which is the [[Joywire]]. Overall, in such a stressful colony this implant is well worth it. The drawbacks of the [[Joywire]] can later be offset with bionics.
[[File:seaiceminibase5.png|350px|thumb|center|The almighty [[nutrient paste dispenser]].]]
== Seventh agenda ==
* Research hydroponics.
* Make a [[Colony_Building_Guide#Greenhouse|greenhouse]].
* Research biofuel refining.
* Research gun turrets.
=== Notes ===
You are on your fourth year and have yet to plant something, so you start wondering if you even need to plant anything at all.
A [[Colony_Building_Guide#Greenhouse|greenhouse]] will require a lot of power, which means you will have to defend a larger area to put extra [[wind turbine]]s. You will also want to add a lot more [[battery|batteries]] to store power at night so it may be used during the day. Make sure that your [[Colony_Building_Guide#Greenhouse|greenhouse]] is as small as possible to take less power and covered by double walls to increase insulation.
The [[Colony_Building_Guide#Greenhouse|greenhouse]] will allow you to stop buying food to survive and stop the cannibalism. Of course, it will also allow you to have more colonists. But first, you should plant some [[healroot]] so you can harvest organs without using good medicine. Also, plant [[smokeleaf]] and [[psychoid plant]] so you can make [[smokeleaf joint]]s and [[psychite tea]] to reduce the overall stress in your colony. Then you may plant some food.
Without the cannibalism you may turn your human [[meat]] into [[chemfuel]]. Then you can use [[chemfuel powered generator]]s during winter and [[solar generator]]s during other seasons.
You are getting wealthy and the raiders know it. Eventually, the turrets you get from quests will not be enough, so you better research them so you can make more of them by yourself.
[[File:seaiceminibase6.png|350px|thumb|center|The [[Colony_Building_Guide#Greenhouse|greenhouse]].]]
== Eighth agenda ==
* Research and build a [[long-range mineral scanner]].
=== Notes ===
There is one last thing worth focusing in sea ice. The [[long-range mineral scanner]].
The scanner works normally on sea ice and if you set a colonist to work on it full-time it can pick up locations of minerals faster than you can retrieve it. Which means you can endlessly make quests for minerals to greatly increase the amount of materials available for you to build your base.
However, you should keep in mind that minerals are heavy so you need lots of [[Muffalo]]s to carry it. Like a whole 8 [[Muffalo]]s and 6 colonists to mine [[Uranium]]. Which is why is better to make it after your [[Colony_Building_Guide#Greenhouse|greenhouse]], because then you can support all the [[Muffalo]]s you need.
[[File:seaicequest3.png|350px|thumb|center|Mining in sea ice.]]
== Tenth year ==
Did your base turned out the way you expected? If your final base turned out like what you wanted from the beginning then you are good at planning.
[[File:seaicebigbase.png|450px|thumb|center|Result of early base planning.]]

Latest revision as of 16:03, 25 April 2021

Spatially efficient hospital design.

Defense tactics/structures[edit]

Weapons (melee charge)[edit]

  1. High-DPS single-target weapons are optimal in this situation. Focus fire to break down shields and quickly down the exposed enemy.
  2. EMP weapons can be used to devastating effect by knocking out their shields with 1 hit. A lucky hit with an EMP shell can take out most of the shields in a melee raid.
  3. Explosive weapons may be used to break their shields, though they block the entire explosion so a single explosion won't hurt them much. They should be used in conjunction with EMP weapons if you're looking for #damage.
  4. Incendiary weapons penetrate the shield and set the raider on fire, distracting them. While their shields continue to block gunfire, the distraction makes it easier for them to be broken, as well as scatters enemies apart.
  5. Sniper rifles are capable of breaking a weaker shield with a single shot. Combined with their long range, this makes them a good supporting weapon to weaken an incoming charge.
  6. The Firefoam popper is a surprisingly effective option in this situation. In addition to spreading a wide field of foam over the ground that slows down anyone walking over it, the popper will deplete shields, stripping melee attackers of their crucial protection.

Weapons (manhunters)[edit]

High DPS weapons are good at taking down packs at close to medium range.
Long-ranged weapons work to provide long-distance firepower when paired with other high damage weapons, but are inadequate on their own.

The sniper rifle works well against larger animals, but is poor against hard-to-hit small animals, as a missed shot is punishing due to its long reload, and its high damage is grossly overkill.

Longswords, or any other high-damage melee weapon, are a must-have to fight off animals at melee range, which often happens with fast animals.

Crowd control[edit]

The Minigun is an excellent weapon against manhunter packs of any size. At a distance, it can destroy the tightly packed groups of incoming animals, while at point-blank, it can rip large animals to shreds, often with just a single barrage of bullets. Aim for an animal in the middle of the pack, and the bullets will hit others around it as well.
Chain shotguns are also a good choice at defeating manhunter packs at close to point-blank range, though its short range makes it risky to use against faster enemies.

Explosives are excellent at clearing out manhunter packs, when used carefully. They can hit a lot of animals at once, and don't miss easily, especially against small animals which can evade bullets.

  • Rocket launchers are an effective yet easy-to-use one-use solution. Be careful when using them near your base or colonists though, and disengage if animals come dangerously close to allies.
  • Mortars aren't very useful as animals generally run faster than the mortars can hit, but if you have a kiting colonist or trained animals distracting them and you aim ahead, you can still achieve great results.
  • Grenades are good for groups, but are too short-ranged to be safe to use against raging animals.

Distraction structures[edit]

Once you have lots of bulk materials, but don't have enough industry to build proper defenses, you can build an distractions to temporarily delay raids.

Doing this can delay raids in early-mid game if you have the effort and materials, but as you enter mid-late game it's better that you replace the suppressor with something else, such as a killbox, which can actually bring the hurt.

Attention suppressor[edit]

A full-size attention suppressor with a 1-wide path, built out of granite.

Start like you're making a 29-wide room, but instead of doors, just leave one-tile openings at opposite ends. That way it doesn't get a roof. If needed, use a no roof area. Down the middle of the attention suppressor leave an open path, which will actually be traveled by your colonists. Pack the sides with alternating walls, leaving numerous blind alleys branching off the open path. The attention suppressor should look like two giant combs facing each other across the path.

A raider entering through an attention suppressor is presented with numerous blind alleys, each one of which could hold something important (in their perspective). Raiders will typically only resist the lure of a dozen or so blind alleys, before turning off into one to look for something to attack. In many cases they'll attack the walls, but the general effect is that a raiding force will spend a long time milling around in the attention suppressor, deeply distracted, and slowly trickle out of it toward your base alone, or (for a large raid) in twos and threes. This slow trickle of raiders is easily handled by a few colonists with basic weapons, or later a few turrets and a repairman.

Colonists and visitors with specific business on one side or the other of the attention suppressor will go quickly down the middle without being distracted. However, colonists pursuing joy activities like going for a walk will usually be diverted to do so in the blind alleys of the attention suppressor. As a result, it's not safe to fill with deathtraps.


  • Effectively distracts and delays raiders


  • Does not deal damage
  • Takes up large amounts of space
  • Expensive and time-consuming to build a lot of walls
  • Makes it harder to eliminate all raiders at once

Dummy power grid[edit]

Place many wires randomly around the area. This causes enemies to stop and ignite or fight the wires, delaying them.

Note that they will charge immediately upon seeing colonists so this is a measure to buy time at best.

Weapon stuff[edit]

revolver Unarmored[edit]

For the unarmored testing, all pawns were completely naked.

Other Weapon 3 7 12 18 25 32 40
Autopistol 34.35% 36.35% 42.38% 43.55% 42.35% - -
Pump Shotgun 33.28% 32.65% 29.64% - - - -
Bolt-Action Rifle 72.00% 64.80% 56.60% 41.95% 24.50% - -
Greatbow 83.71% 74.36% 65.70% 54.72% 39.98% - -

autopistol Unarmored[edit]

For the unarmored testing, all pawns were completely naked.

Other Weapon 3 7 12 18 25 32 40
Machine Pistol 9.95% 20.95% 27.52% 28.44% - - -
Revolver 65.65% 63.65% 57.62% 56.45% 57.65% - -
Pump Shotgun 48.85% 41.51% 37.68% - - - -
Bolt-Action Rifle 83.81% 75.01% 66.47% 51.25% 27.52% - -
Greatbow 90.40% 80.90% 74.45% 60.70% 45.25% - -

Ice sheet guide (new)[edit]

This guide details how to survive in one of the most hostile environments in Rimworld - an ice sheet. We focus on the Lost Tribe start because it is the hardest one to thrive in hostile environments since you got more people to feed and less technology to help you.


Ice sheets are the coldest option of cold maps. They have very little animal life and no plants. In fact, you should not expect to find anything more than five snowhares in your start. You should also not expect to see more than one new snowhare every five days and one new polar bear per month.

In addition to that, they do not have any soil available, if you wanna grow something you would be doing it in stony patches around hills and mountains. But you can not, because it is too cold outside. You will struggle a lot until you get a heater and a sun lamp, then you can plant something indoors.

Even the warmest ice sheet it really cold. Their average varies from -20 °C (-4 °F) to -40 °C (-40 °F) and they never have growing periods due to the temperature. You still need to eventually make a freezer though, because the summer temperature is hot enough to spoil your food. You should expect to have problems with hypothermia during fall, winter, spring and during cold snaps in summers.

Landing site[edit]

Example good landing site.

In all maps you should to choose carefully your landing site to increases your chances of survival. You want to build a colony in an area with some of the following characteristics:

  • Near to tundra (faster moving around)
  • Near to a friendly faction base (faster trading)
  • Near to a road (faster moving around)
  • Without many mountains around (faster moving around)
  • With coast (to turn into large growing areas later)
  • With caves (early food source)

Ice sheets do not have roads or rivers, but that does not mean you can not settle close to a road. While you should not be surrounded by mountains, the landing site itself can be mountainous.

Of course you do not need to land in an area in all those characteristics, but try to get as many of them as you can.

Starting colonists[edit]

Ice sheet is so harsh that you will have to resort to cannibalism, so you wanna have a crew that can tolerate that. That means having one butcher that does not mind butchering people and everyone resistant to mental breaks.

Your butcher should be either Cannibal, Bloodlust or Psychopath.

And all your crew should ideally be either Cannibal, Sanguine, Optimist, Iron-Willed, Steadfast or Masochist with scars. Couples also enjoy extra happiness so try to bring couples instead of bachelors, likewise Beautiful and Pretty colonists are also good since they are more likely to became in love with someone.

Surely you do not need to have all five starting colonists with those characteristics, but the more resistant colonists you have the better.

Base area[edit]

Once you choose your landing site and colonists you should also choose your base area. It is important to notice that this area does not need to be final, it is just the area where you are more likely to survive the early game.

You want to find an area with the characteristics: near steam geysers, near steel, more growing areas and more easily defendable.

More growing areas means more stony patches and more easily defendable area is an area with few entrances where you gonna lay down your traps. Your priority is steam geysers. You have to make the base on top of a steam geyser, otherwise you will die of hypothermia very fast.

Since you do not have trees, you can not build a big base yet. You can then either take a ruin, make a cave or make a small steel base. It all comes down to what you have near the steam geysers. If you have a ruin, take it. If you have a hill, make a cave. If you have none of these, make a small steel base.

Good starting area near the geyser.

First agenda[edit]

  • Get some easily accessible steel and use it to build your stuff, so you do not have to use wood.
  • Make your starter base on top of a steam geyser. Give people a place to sleep, eat and play.
  • Hunt those snowhares before they leave the map.
  • Kill your starting animals.
  • Only use wood to make campfires, either for cooking or heating up. Make sure your wood is forbidden so they do not refuel it unnecessarily.
  • Get rid of some colonists.


Now you gonna be struggling for food for a long time. If you have caves in your map, it will help a lot. You wanna keep the insects alive, so make sure to seal off the caves so that they do not freeze during winter and the hive does not dies due to lack of maintenance. Enjoy while it is warm and go visit your nearby friendly base to trade whatever you can for food. For that, you gotta get something you can trade:

Regardless, you still will not have enough food for five people for so long, you simply have to get rid of some of them. The best way is to put some of them inside the ancient cryptosleep caskets.

Opening the ancient structure is dangerous! Bring them one by one and use your animals as meat shield.

You can also send some people out while it is warm to raid the closest base outside the ice sheet, try to not raid your closest friendly neighbor. Hunt the animals and harvest the plants around the base and run back to your base. You can make peace with them later. You have to bring the colonists back in the beginning of next season before it gets too cold.

Another more undesirable option is to sell some colonists. They are usually worth a lot, but do not expect to see them again.

Likewise, another even worse option is to kill some colonists, but they are not worth many meals.

But you gotta do something, feeding five people will not happen. Three people is about what you can you feed.

Base on top of geyser. Two colonists were sent on a raid mission.

Second agenda[edit]


Now the cannibalism starts, you will eat anyone that is not one of your starting colonists or from a friendly faction. That includes anyone who tries to join your colony, that also means offering help to refugees just so you can eat them later. You also better be sure you got clothes before fall starts.

You will not have time to make your own clothes, you will have to use the raiders tainted clothes. Try to get some of them alive, drop them near your base, strip them and kill them. That way, their clothes will not be tainted. But you should also buy cloth to ensure everyone has a parka and a tuque.

Early raid. Time to feed!

Since you gonna often offer help to refugees, you better make a proper killbox with lots of deadfall traps. The fighting starts outside though, with all the ice and snow the raiders gonna be really slow. Shot them while they are approaching because it takes a while for them to move to cover. Then once they are in cover, go back to your killbox.

Remember that human leather is worth a lot and it is better to make something with it first, then sell it. First give your colonists bedrolls to sleep, then make dusters since they are more profitable then anything else. Cannibal and Bloodlust colonists will want to wear human leather clothes, give them human leather button-down shirts and human leather pants, but do not give them human leather parkas. The material is just too bad at insulating.

Colonists sent to raid mission barely came back before freezing.

Third agenda[edit]


Once you have your colonists with parkas and tuques you should take every opportunity available to go to another map. If you placed your colony near tundra, then it is likely that the quests will appear in tundra maps and that they will have much more resources than your frozen home.

Look at all those delicious-looking animals and people.

Whenever you reach a quest location, you wanna look for berries, healroot, animals and wood. Animals should be butchered before leaving, if the meat is too heavy and you still have time you can use the local wood to make lots of campfires and turn all into meals to reduce weight.

Winter is coming, it is gonna so cold that not any parka will do. Anything with worse insulation than cloth should be replaced by cloth. Cloth is average in insulation but really cheap to buy.

We are here to rescue you... not.

Fourth agenda[edit]

  • Replace the cloth parkas for better insulating parkas.
  • Use stone to reinforce your walls with a second layer for better insulation.
  • Research electricity.
  • Research battery.


Now it is cold, so cold that even cloth parkas are not enough.

Try to replace your cloth(cold insulation 18) for bearskin(cold insulation 20), bluefur(cold insulation 20), foxfur(cold insulation 20), devilstrand(cold insulation 20), alpaca wool(cold insulation 22), synthread(cold insulation 22), wolfskin(cold insulation 24), muffalo wool(cold insulation 24), megasloth wool(cold insulation 26), hyperweave(cold insulation 26),chinchilla fur(cold insulation 30), heavy fur(cold insulation 30), thrumbofur(cold insulation 34).

Likewise, now you should only send people out on quests if you got a strong insulating parka for them.

Raiders are now more numerous and if you keep doing quests you should have enough food to feed five people.

So so cold... that raiders might freeze before start attacking.

Fifth agenda[edit]


Winter is gone and summer is coming, you should get ready to make a freezer so your food will not spoil.

Finally you are ready to make a greenhouse and plant potatoes. Ideally, try to connect your greenhouse to your steam geyser.

Since you got a reliable food source, you can now accept more people. You are not free of cannibalism yet, but you can stop offering help to refugees and stop going to quests just to get more food.

First greenhouse.

Sixth agenda[edit]


With hydroponics basins you may make greenhouses without having to stick to stony patches. Getting anything planted here is expensive, so you should make a nutrient paste dispenser to save on food, once you got one you may stop doing cannibalism.

Since the worse is gone, you can now move to a proper area, a more central location where you can build that huge colony you always dreamed of.

Moving out.

Finding a large pound is much easier than finding a large stony patch. If happen to have a large pound in a central location or your map has coast you should focus on moisture pumps, with them you can create larger crops fields so you do not need to stick to stony patches around mountains.

Before a pound (left) and later a greenhouse (right).

Extreme desert guide (new)[edit]

This guide details how to survive in one of the most hostile environments in Rimworld - an extreme desert. We focus on the Lost Tribe start because it is the hardest one to thrive in hostile environments since you got more people to feed and less technology to help you.


Extreme deserts are the most arid option of hot maps. They have the least amount of animal and plants. In fact, you should not expect to find anything more than three iguanas and a single cactus in your start. You should also not expect to see more than one new iguana per week and not a single plant ever growing in the wild.

In addition to that, they do not have any soil available, if you wanna grow something you will be doing it in stony patches around hills and mountains.

They are not necessary hot though, their average varies from 30 °C (86 °F) to 10 °C (50 °F) and growing periods varies from all year to half year days due to the temperature. You should expect to only have problems with heatstroke during summer and during heat waves.

Landing site[edit]

Example of good landing site.

In all maps you should to choose carefully your landing site to increases your chances of survival. You want to build a colony in an area with some of the following characteristics:

  • Near to a friendly faction base (faster trading)
  • Near to a road (faster moving around)
  • Without many mountains around (faster moving around)
  • With a river (enable watermills)
  • With coast (to turn into large growing areas later)
  • With caves (early food source)

While you should not be surrounded by mountains, the landing site itself can be mountainous.

Of course you do not need to land in an area in all those characteristics, but try to get as many of them as you can.

Base area[edit]

Once you choose your landing site you should also choose your base area. It is important to notice that this area does not need to be final, it is just the area where you are more likely to survive the early game.

You want to find an area with the characteristics: more growing areas and more easily defendable.

More growing areas means more stony patches and more easily defendable area is an area with few entrances where you gonna lay down your traps.

Since you do not have trees, you can not build a big base yet. You can then either take a ruin, make a cave or make a small steel base. Ruins might look like good starting locations but are often on undesirable areas. It is easier to make a cave in a good location, since choke points are always surrounded by hills and mountains. But if you happen to get a ruin in the right place, then go for it. If you can not find a hill or a ruin in a good area then just make a small steel base.

Area between the two hills make a good choke point.

First agenda[edit]

  • Get some easily accessible steel and use it to build your stuff, so you do not have to use wood.
  • Make your starter base. Give people a place to sleep, eat and play.
  • Hunt those iguanas before they leave the map.
  • Kill your starting animals.
  • Only use wood to make campfires and passive coolers, for cooking and cooling down respectively. Make sure your wood is forbidden so they do not refuel them unnecessarily.
  • Plant rice. You can not survive long enough to wait grow anything else yet.
  • Plant strawberries, if you do not have much growing area then plant potatoes.
  • Make your research bench and start researching stone cutting so you can start using stone instead of steel.


Surviving until your first rice harvest is the hardest part. Your pemmican plus your hunting plus your starting animals is not enough. If you have caves in your map, you can go insect hunting and that might be enough, but if you do not... You gotta go visit your nearby friendly base to trade whatever you can for food. For that, you gotta get something you can trade:

One smart way to reduce your food consumption is to put some colonists inside the ancient cryptosleep caskets until your first harvest.

Opening the ancient structure is dangerous! Bring them one by one and use your animals as meat shield.

You can also go to the closest base outside the extreme desert and attack them. Hunt the animals and harvest the plants around the base and run back to your base. You can make peace with them later.

Another more undesirable option is to sell some colonists. They are usually worth a lot and it results on a lower food consumption which makes things much easier, but do not expect to see them again.

Likewise, another even worse option is to kill some colonists, but they are not worth many meals.

If you do survive though... Now life will be much easier.

First rice harvest is a glorious moment.

Second agenda[edit]


Hopefully, now you grow strawberries, so you will not need to worry about wood. If you decided to stick with potatoes, you gonna have to make some extra visits to your nearby friendly base and buy wood for cooking because your cactus plantation gonna take a while to kick in.

Summer is coming, focus on getting cloth to give your colonists dusters and cowboy hats. After that you can replace their tribalwears for button-down shirts and pants.

You can also make some smokeleaf joints to help with the moods.

Always keep a stock of wood with you because if a heat wave happens you will need those passive coolers.

If you want, now you can accept more people in your colony.

Now the usual threats start, time to make some deadfall traps to defend your base. Since you do not have wood and probably not enough steel, you will have to go for stone deadfall traps.

First defenses with stone.

Third agenda[edit]

  • Research eletricity.
  • Research battery.
  • Research air conditioning.


Your colony is looking better, you have food, wood, clothing, drugs and defenses. You should focus on making a freezer for all that food you got.

Since the worse is gone, you can now move to a proper area, a more central location where you can build that huge colony you always dreamed of.

Moving out.

If your map has coast you should focus on moisture pumps, with them you can create larger crops fields so you do not need to stick to stony patches around mountains. They also remove the patches of soft sand preventing you from building.

Before a beach (left) and later a crop field (right).

Colony building guide (pre-'restoration')[edit]

This guide is the ultimate go-to guide to building your base, for all stages of the game.

Base Types[edit]

There are different ways to build your base. In all different designs one can opt to either predefine each room role or make modular rooms which are easier to expand but also less efficient.

Superstructure base[edit]

A superstructure base is a base where everything or almost everything is in one large building rather than smaller separate parts.

This is the most common method to build bases.


  • Saves building materials and space.
  • Easier to control temperature.
  • Easier to defend against raids.
  • More resistant against toxic fallout.


  • Geothermal vents and patches of deep water can limit the design and patches of soft sand will require moisture pumps before building, marshy terrain can just be covered with bridges.
  • Some areas might need to be unroofed to prevent cabin fever.
  • Some large hallways might be needed to help defend against raiders dropping on top.

Separate structures base[edit]

Build everything in separated buildings, just like building a small town.

It is easier for starting off, but it is overall more vulnerable, so usually does not scale as well into late game.


  • Easier to avoid areas with building restrictions.
  • Naturally gets rid of cabin fever.
  • Naturally offer areas in between buildings to fight raiders that drop on top.


  • Requires more space and building materials overall.
  • Harder to control temperature.
  • Harder to defend against most raids.
  • Vulnerable to toxic fallout.

Mountain base[edit]

For mountainous maps where you have less space to build, you can opt to dig inside the mountains instead.

Also very easy to start off, used to be the most popular kind of base but now depending on how bad the Infestations are it can be good or impossible late game.


  • Saves a lot of building materials.
  • Easier to control temperature.
  • Easier to defend against raids.
  • More resistant against toxic fallout.
  • Free, beautiful floor and walls.
  • Immune to sieges and raiders dropping on top.


  • Infestations inside can be impossible to deal with.
  • Cabin fever can be a real problem.

Base Structures[edit]

Different structures suit the different needs of your colony. Most maps generate with ruins around, sometimes just walls and others are squares/rectangles just missing some filling sections. These if conveniently located can work perfectly at starting points reducing considerably the initial workload of characters with low level skills and reducing the beginning stage stress when you still have nothing.


The warehouse is a room with a stockpile. The first room we need to build due to the "outdoors" deterioration on items if left in the open. It is not an official room role.

Later in the game the warehouse is usually the biggest room in the base. It should be covered by orbital trade beacons so you can sell your stuff to trade ships.

The electric crematorium and electric smelter may be placed here, if you store corpses, tainted clothes, useless guns and steel slag chunks inside, to speed up burning/melting them. Also, if you making chemfuel with wood you may place the biofuel refinery here.

It does not need to be impressive or temperature controlled and should be built close to the workshop to minimize travel times.


Example of bedrooms. With table and chairs right outside.

Bedrooms are rooms with only one bed.

Only couples like to share a room, and all sleeping colonists will get disturbed by non-lovers walking about in the same room while they sleep, so once you have the resources you should upgrade to individual bedrooms for each colonist or couple. It is recommended to have double beds in all rooms since they have better impressiveness, and couples can use them should they strike up love.

Good bedrooms give good mood modifiers so they should have plenty of art, good flooring and high-quality furniture. It should be temperature controlled for better moods. Dressers and end tables are recommended in bedrooms to increase the comfort of the bed. Royal beds are particularly good to have in bedrooms if you can afford it.

Colonists like to eat as soon as they wake up, but do not place table and chairs inside the bedrooms or colonists will use other colonists' tables at night and cause 'Disturbed sleep' penalties, instead bedrooms should be built close to dining rooms. Still, some people choose to build tables and chairs inside for aesthetic reasons.


The barracks is a room with multiple beds.

They are usually a good option early-game when resources are limited, or during late-game to deal with an overflow of people. Overall, it is better to have separate bedrooms since barracks give a lower mood modifier and cause a lot of 'Disturbed sleep' penalties.

Good barracks give good mood modifiers so they should have plenty of art, good flooring and high-quality furniture. It should be temperature controlled for better moods. Dressers are a very good addition to barracks since they increase the comfort of many beds at once.

Colonists like to eat as soon as they wake up, but do not place table and chairs inside the barracks or colonists will use the tables at night and cause 'Disturbed sleep' penalties, instead barracks should be built close to dining rooms.

Dining room[edit]

Example of combined recreation/dining room. The middle is unroofed to get rid of cabin fever and to accommodate a telescope.

Dining rooms are rooms with table and chairs for colonists to eat in.

It is usually a good idea to have the main dining room near the food storage so your colonists will actually use the dining room, instead of eating on the floor. It is also a good idea to have smaller dining rooms near colonists' bedrooms or they might eat their breakfast on the floor since colonists tend to go to bed with food and eat as soon as they wake up.

In big bases, dining rooms can be partially unroofed to get rid of cabin fever since colonists do not mind eating in hot or cold rooms.

Good dining rooms give good mood modifiers so they should have plenty of art, light, good flooring and high-quality furniture. It does not need to be temperature controlled. Nutrient paste dispensers are very useful in dining rooms to ensure that nobody needs to eat raw food, they are usually placed half in the dining room and half in the freezer.

Dining rooms can be combined with recreation rooms.

Recreation room[edit]

The recreation room is a room with sources of joy.

Colonists get bored of using the same joy source repeatedly, so you should have as many joy sources as possible in the recreation room.

In the early game, all you need is a horseshoes pin and a chess table. During mid-game you can add a poker table, a billiards table and a tube television, then upgrade it to a flatscreen television. Later, buy a megascreen television and a telescope from traders.

In big bases, recreation rooms can be partially unroofed to get rid of cabin fever since colonists do not mind playing in hot or cold rooms.

Good recreations rooms give good mood modifiers so they should have plenty of art, light, good flooring and high-quality furniture. It does not need to be temperature controlled.

Recreation rooms can be combined with dining rooms.


Small courtyard that serves both as a dining room and recreation room.

You may consider building an unroofed courtyard in the center of your base where colonists can get some fresh air. It is not an official room role.

You can use it as a common area, putting joy items and dining tables for colonists to use, making the courtyard behave exactly the same as an unroofed dining/recreation room. It may also be used as a place to put your mortars as putting them in the middle helps negate their blind spots, or transport pods. This is better if it is a separate unroofed area as they are not beautiful to look at.


Example of a freezer with protected coolers. Corpses of important dead colonists are frozen inside for future resurrection.

The freezer is room with a stockpile that is kept cold by coolers. It is not a official room role.

The freezer is where you to keep your perishables that would otherwise spoil in the storage like food and corpses. Because you will be storing your harvests here, it is wise to position this room close to your plantations to reduce hauling jobs, with the doors pointing toward your growing zones. It should be covered by orbital trade beacons so you can sell your food to trade ships.

This is usually the second biggest room in the base. Nutrient paste dispensers are usually placed half in the dining room and half in the freezer.

Even though food freezes at 0 °C (32 °F) you should have your freezer at least set at -5 °C (23 °F) since it will lose temperature whenever a colonist comes in. It is common to make airlocks in the entrance of the freezer to reduce that temperature exchange. It is also common to make the freezer with double walls to increase insulation. The freezer is vulnerable to solar flares.

To save power it is a good idea to have the coolers set to different temperatures. For example, if two coolers are set to -5 °C (23 °F) then both will always consume power, but if a cooler is set to -5 °C (23 °F) and another is set to -8 °C (17.6 °F) then the first will only consume power during hotter times when the second is not able to keep the temperature bellow -5 °C (23 °F) alone.

Coolers placement is of crucial importance as these devices have a very low HP, making them the weakest point in a wall from where raiders would break in easily and most likely ignite your food supply. Because of this, one of the best ways to keep your freezer away from harm is to place the coolers in the inside unroofed, or of course, wall off the coolers too.

Butcher spots, butcher tables and crafting spots can be placed inside the freezer to butcher corpses, make kibble and make smokeleaf joints, since the work to make those is so small and the ingredients are in the freezer your colonists might as well do it there. However, for mass production, it is better to have it close but outside the freezer due to the work speed penalty.

It does not need to be impressive and should be built close to dining rooms and kitchens.


The kitchen is a room with a stove or a butcher table.

The kitchen is where your colonists turn raw food into meals. The room should be clean to avoid food poisoning, so the butcher table may be placed nearby in a different room instead since it creates a lot of filth.

Besides stoves, the kitchen should include chairs, light and sterile tiles. You might want to add a little vegetable stockpile inside to save travel time, as plants take a while to spoil. Not flooring the kitchen can be a better option if you lack sufficient janitors, as dirt floors have less of an impact on both cleanliness and beauty than the dirt tracked into the kitchen, unless if you kitchen is full of blood instead of dirt.

Since the kitchen is placed near the freezer, some crafting stations which include plants ingredients may be also placed in here. The brewery and drug lab are good choices and if you do place them here you should also add tool cabinets and little stockpiles for hops, smokeleaf leaves, psychoid leaves and neutroamine. Also, if you making chemfuel with food you may place the biofuel refinery here.

It does not need to be impressive, but it is usually a good idea to add a little art since colonists tend to stay there for a long time. It should be temperature controlled for better working speed.

Zone out colony animals.


Example of a kitchen and workshop. Art keep people happy while working.

The workshop is a room with crafting stations.

The workshop is where your colonists turn raw materials into advanced products. Besides crafting stations, the workshop should include chairs, light and tool cabinets. A lot of different little materials stockpiles may be placed inside to save travel time.

Early game crafting stations include the stonecutter's table, sculptor's table, hand tailor bench and fueled smithy. Mid game crafting stations include the machining table, as well as the electric versions of hand tailor bench and fueled smithy. Late game crafting stations include the fabrication bench.

The brewery, drug lab, biofuel refinery, electric crematorium and electric smelter may also be placed here.

It does not need to be impressive, but it is usually a good idea to add a little art since colonists tend to stay there for a long time. It should be temperature controlled for better working speed.

It should be built close to storage.


The laboratory is a room with a simple research bench or a hi-tech research bench.

Research speed is affected by the cleanliness of the room which is why it might be worth making a separate room for it. It should be isolated to avoid other people walking in dirt.

Besides the research bench, the laboratory should include a chair, light and sterile tiles. After you get the hi-tech research bench you can also get a multi-analyzer.

It does not need to be impressive, but it is usually a good idea to add a little art since colonists tend to stay there for a long time. It should be temperature controlled for better working speed.

Zone out colony animals.


Example of small hospital.

The hospital is a room with a medical bed. It is a place specialized in treating your colonists. If you do not have one, colonists will be treated in bedrooms. The room should be clean to avoid infection.

In early-game all you need is floors, beds and a light source. During midgame you should replace your floor with sterile tiles and your beds with hospital beds, and add vitals monitors. All these will increase treatment quality.

Store medicine in or near your hospital so your doctors can quickly patch up your colonists.

Good hospitals give good mood modifiers so they should have plenty of art and high-quality furniture. It should be temperature controlled for better moods and to prevent heatstroke or hypothermia from visitors. Since injured colonists will likely spend a lot of time in the hospital it is a good idea to add televisions which they can watch while in bed. If you do not have televisions, other colonists will go to the hospital to cheer them up to provide joy.

It should be built close to the base entrance for quicker rescue.

Zone out colony animals.


The armory is a room with a stockpile for weapons and armor. It is not an official room role.

Often your colonists need to change their guns and gear to better fight different kinds of raids. Having an armory helps to keep your gun and gear stock under control and puts them in a more accessible position for your colonists to grab them quickly.

It does not need to be impressive, nor does not need to be temperature controlled.

It should be built close to your defenses for quicker reaction to raids, and should also be far away from the prison.


Example of taming barn. Even Megaspiders may be tamed if they show up as an animal herd but you will need to beat them down and bring them in to have time to tame them and do it safely.

The barn is a walled area with animal sleeping spots, animal sleeping boxs or animal beds.

Barns help ensure that hauling animals will go back to your base at night for safety and that fragile animals will be isolated from predators. They are also used to ensure that animals products will drop near your base for quicker hauling.

They should include stockpiles of hay or kibble for the animals, if they are placed outside they should be in a shelf to avoid deteriorating. Since animals go back to their boxes or bed for healing it might be a good idea to store medicine near your barn for quicker patching up, again if placed outside they should be in a shelf.

Sometimes, it is good to have a small separated barn to bring in wild animals that you want to tame. Wild animals might go away or die for many different reasons, but if you keep them in an isolated room with food they will stay there forever. A good example is an animal herd passing through the area. You will not have time to tame them, but you can beat them down and bring them to your base and have all the time you need to tame them. Also prevents them from causing damage if the taming fails.

It does not need to be impressive, indeed it is better to not put down floors to avoid animal filth. It does not need to be indoors but you might want to at least partially roof it in case a toxic fallout happens. It does not need to be temperature controlled unless if your animals cannot handle the local temperature.

It can be combined with outdoors rooms, like your power supply area. It should be built close to freezer or warehouse.


The prisons is the place where you put your captives of war. Better prisons make it easier to recruit people. Still, they are not consistently used, so one should consider how much effort and resources should be invested in it. During mid-late game, prisoners without immediate use can be kept for free inside cryptosleep caskets instead.

Basic features:

Example of prison. The hospital/barracks gives a better mood than the cells and have access to a nutrient paste dispenser but the prisoners in cells are less likely to try to escape.

Good mood features:

Convenience features:

Medical features:

Safety features:

  • Isolated from the rest of the base, but not close to the map edges.
  • Isolated from any potential weapons, even wood and beer.
  • Doors connected to an empty walled area, possibly guarded by turrets.

Prisons can have the following rooms:

Prison barracks[edit]

Barracks are rooms with multiple prisoner beds.

They are cheaper than cells and allow for features that are unreasonable to have in every single cell. The barracks mood modifier is lower than the cell but the barracks usually provides the 'Spacious interior' modifier and better dining room modifier, so they arguably offer better mood than cells since prisoners do not get 'Disturbed sleep' penalties. However, if a prison break happens all prisoners in the same barracks will break out together.

Prison cells[edit]

Cells are rooms with a single prisoner bed.

Cells offer only slightly better mood improvement than barracks and usually are much more limited in what they can have. The major advantage of cells is that if a prison break happens, not all prisoners in nearby cells will join. They also prevent fights between prisoners.

If you are lacking space for prisoners, a colonist bedroom can be temporarily turned into a cell.

Prison hospital[edit]

The prison hospital is a room with medical prisoner beds. It is not an official room role.

Prisoners often first enter your prison injured, so having a proper prison hospital can help avoid unnecessary deaths and infections. They are like a regular hospital attached to the rest of your prison, however, you do not need to have televisions in it since prisoners are not affected by joy.

The prison hospital does not need to be a separated room only for healing. It can be the barracks but with medical features.

Prison freezer[edit]

The prison freezer is a room with a stockpile kept cold by coolers inside the prison. It is not an official room role.

For storing stocks of food and herbal medicine to prevent spoilage. If you have a Nutrient paste dispenser you can place half of it and all the hoppers inside.


The tomb is a room with sarcophagi.

Not the most important of the rooms, but colonists do go visit sarcophagi or graves filled with dead colonists for joy so you might want to give a nicer room for them to do that.

It does not need to be impressive or temperature controlled and can be built anywhere.


You will need fields, buildings and animals to provide the raw materials that your colony needs.

Crop fields[edit]

Example of greenhouse. The top sun lamp has 24 hydroponics basins which is the maximum possible. They are particularly important in cold biomes.

See also: Food production

Crop fields are growing zones or hydroponics basins, designated to the desired plant type.

Depending on the soil fertility different plants might generate the best productivity:

Crop fields do need to be protected from raiders or they will burn them down, which can be hard on harsh biomes where the fertile soil might be far away from your base; however, crop fields are not particularly important structures, so they need not be given priority in defense.

They also need to be protected from animals, both wild and domestic. Crop fields are vulnerable to blights and toxic fallout.

Ideally, they should be made near your freezer.


Greenhouses are a protected version of crop fields. They are growing zones or hydroponics basins in a temperature controlled environment. Since they are indoors, they also require sun lamps.

They are much more expensive than fields but they allow crops to grow all year in cold environments. It is common to make airlocks in the entrance of the greenhouse to reduce temperature exchange and make it with double walls to increase insulation. They are vulnerable to blights and solar flares.

To save power it is a good idea to have the heaters set to different temperatures. For example, if two heaters are set to 21 °C (69.8 °F) then both will always consume power, but if a heater is set to 21 °C (69.8 °F) and another is set to 24 °C (75.2 °F) then the first will only consume power during colder times when the second is not able to keep the temperature above 21 °C (69.8 °F) alone.

Ideally, they should be made near your freezer.


Mines are areas your colonists go to mine.

If you are mining the stones in the outside layer of a mountain then you got nothing to worry about. However, if you decide to mine deep inside a mountain, then you need to build a proper mine as you mine out the stones to avoid rocks collapsing on top of your colonists. Wood is usually a good cheap material to use to make mines.

Another thing to worry about when making mines is infestations. You can build doors inside your mine to create choke points where you can fight the insects and help your colonists running away. Alternatively, you can fill up the whole mountain with wood so infestations can not happen at all.

Drilling rooms[edit]

Deep drills are often placed far away from your base and similar to mines that they can also cause infestations. So you might want to enclose the area with walls and doors to create choke points where you can fight the insects and prevent predators from attacking isolated miners.


Animals have a variety of uses, therefore herding some of them in your barn can be very helpful. Of course all animals can be used for different reasons, but it is worth mentioning some of them because they are either particularly useful or versatile:

Chicken, Cow, Chinchilla, Alpaca and Boomalope are quite profitable.

Pig, Wild boar, Elephant and Megasloth are the only ones that can graze and haul.

Dromedary, Muffalo, Elephant and Megasloth are really versatile.

One should notice that combat animals are much better at defending caravans than defending your base.


Your colony needs power, so you should provide generators and protect them from attacks. Therefore, it is better to place them inside your base walls. Your options for power generation include the following.

Solar power[edit]

Solar generators provide power only during the day. It provides 1700W during summer peak hours near the equator, but little to none during winter near the poles. They are particularly good to power up sun lamps since these only consume power during the day. They should be used together with batteries so you may still have power during the night. They are vulnerable to eclipses.

Wind power[edit]

Example of solar-wind setup. It is more efficient to place the wind turbines facing each other with their exclusion zones overlapping.

Wind turbines provide unstable power throughout the day. It can provide up to 3000W, but it usually gives less than that. They should be used together with batteries to make up for the instability.

It requires plenty of open space for maximum efficiency and any obstacles can easily reduce efficiency. To prevent trees from growing and obstructing the turbines, you may grow crops underneath the turbines or fill in the gaps with solar generators.

Fueled generation[edit]

You can get the wood-fired generator which runs on wood, or the chemfuel powered generator which runs on chemfuel. Both provide a constant 1000W of power, so it is a good idea to have some of these as a backup power source, or even as your main source in biomes that are loaded with trees. Since they are stable they do not require batteries.

Chemfuel is significantly more efficient than wood, so once you research the biofuel refinery it is better to refine wood into chemfuel before using it as fuel.

They are useful complementing solar generators during winter in cold biomes, since solar generators does not work in winter near the pole.

Boomalope setup[edit]

3 Boomalopes generate enough chemfuel to run 4 generators. It is easy to run an entire base on that setup since they generate more energy than you spend to grow food for them, specially if your colony is somewhere they can graze.

Infinite chemreactor setup[edit]

Infinite chemreactors generate enough chemfuel to run a generator, which in turn generates more than enough power to run the chemreactor.

It is overall an amazing setup but infinite chemreactors are hard to come by, so you should not expect to run your whole base on that.

Geothermal power[edit]

Geothermal generators constantly gives 3600W of power after being built on a steam geyser.

While powerful, it has one big issue; you can not choose where the steam geysers will be, so if you do not have one inside your base you need to cover them with walls to protect them. If you wall off your geothermal generator completely with double walls the raiders will ignore it most of the time. They will, however, sometimes randomly attack your walls, but it is really unlikely that they will destroy both walls and reach the generator. As it can randomly break down, you should still add doors so colonists can enter, better to use stone doors because they are durable and raiders can not ignite it.

Another problem is that raiders will likely destroy the conduits connecting the generator to your base, so build multiple conduit lines to reduce the likelihood of raiders completely severing the connection. Also, even though they do not need batteries, you should build some in case it gets disconnected during a raid.

Note that they generate plenty of heat, so they should be unroofed or they will catch on fire.

Watermill generator[edit]

Example of watermills setup. It runs a big base without batteries.

The watermill generator constantly provides 1100W of power but has to be placed next to rivers. So you must include the river inside your base design. However, that is usually quite simple since rivers tend to cross the whole map edge to edge. It does mean you will have to wall off a larger area, but it is well worth it since the watermill is quite reliable and lots of them can be placed on the same river.

It is quite easy to run a base just on watermills but of course, rivers are not available in every map. Since they are stable they do not require batteries.

Vanometric power cell[edit]

A vanometric power cell constantly provides 1000W of power and can be placed anywhere. Like the infinite chemreactor, they are hard to come by, so you should not expect to run your whole base on that.

They are particularly good for starting off new bases, or sometimes powering isolated objects such as deep drills.

Power storage[edit]

Batteries store surplus power. They are recommended for when you rely on power sources that are not constant, such as wind or solar power. They allow for power storage during times of excess to be used during times of demand. For instance, this makes them useful to store spare power generated during the night from fueled generators in order to supply sun lamps during the day.

Not having batteries is also beneficial, if you have reliable power sources, since it almost nullifies the short circuit event, igniting a little fire instead of causing a huge explosion.

Batteries need to be placed under a roof to prevent short-circuits during rain and should be placed indoors to protect them from external threats. Connect them to the grid via switches and shut off part of them after they are filled to reduce the impact of short circuits and have back up batteries in case of emergency.

Power network[edit]

It is not a good idea to have just one conduit spanning the entirety of your base. While it saves materials, short circuits or other events can create breaks that can disconnect entire parts of your base from power. Instead, build a network with redundant pathways so that the grid will continue to function even if there is a break.

Also, it is better to split the power network of your base. Having more than one power network makes power management harder but the short circuit event will be much smaller since it will not affect your whole base and all your power reserves.


Unless you are playing on peaceful difficulty, you will eventually encounter major threats, so you will need to prepare your defenses for that.

More defensive buildings can be seen on defense structures. Here, we show only the basics.

Static cover[edit]

Example of different ways to setup static cover. In this example the white colonists can only shoot 90 degrees in front of them while the brown colonists can shoot 180 degrees in front of them.

At the very least you must have some sources of cover in your base. This includes sandbags and sometimes walls. They are enough on early-mid game or on easier difficulties.

In a static cover based defense, it is better to combine two different types of cover structure, one using walls and another with sandbags covering the sides. The walled cover should be used where the enemy will engage, as the walls restrict the attack angle, and there should not be anyone standing behind the sandbags- these should be for soaking fire from oblique angles only. The other kind should be used at the sides to allow for a more flexible attack area.

The major problem of basic static cover is enemies with long-ranged weapons. They will have a lot of time to shoot at you while you are busy with the rest of the raid party. Raiders with triple rocket launcher and doomsday rocket launcher are particually dangerous if you rely on static cover since they are really long-ranged and only need one shoot to explode your defenses. For those reasons you might want to enclose your combat area into a killbox.


A basic yet powerful defense setup is the killbox. It is a walled area full of traps and turrets where you fight your enemy, making sure they do not out-range you or have cover, while your colonists have plenty of cover. It only works if it is the only entrance to your base and your whole base is surrounded by double walls.

Turrets should all be connected to your power grid by power switches. Put them in front to distract enemies such that they go for them before your colonists. They should be switched off if a manhunter pack shows up, as it is better to let them die by your traps and finish them off by melee blocking them.

If a full-melee raid with shield belts or a scyther-only raid shows up, throw EMP grenades at them while they gather around your turrets as it will disable them. While they are occupied attacking the turrets, you can shoot them up, and if they manage to destroy all the turrets, prepare to finish the survivors by melee blocking them.

Centipedes with inferno cannons are one of the major counters of killboxes, since the fire makes your colonists lose control and run out of cover. They are the main reason why you should have walls and not only sandbags in your defense. Their inferno cannons can shoot over sandbags but not over walls, so a colonist behind a wall is less likely to catch on fire than a colonist behind a sandbag. Having some firefoam poppers inside your box helps a lot with extinguishing fires and preventing future fires. EMP grenades also cripple them a lot if you can get close enough to throw them.

Raiders with triple rocket launcher and doomsday rocket launcher are still a problem. If they manage to shoot inside your box the damage can be massive, but here they are in range of your colonists' guns so you can focus them down before they do anything.

Some enemies do not run into your box, but can be lured into it, such as raiders from sieges or mechanoids guarding crashed ships. Snipers can safely poke them from far until they aggro and bring them to the box.

Killboxes do not protect against sappers and raiders dropping on top of you. For those, you will need another strategy.

Example of colonists in a killbox fighting a manhunting pack. Turrets are deactivated and colonists wait inside while most animals die to traps. After a while, colonists gather together in the main entrance to fight the survivors. It does not works against melee raiders, as they will destroy the turrets even deactivated.

Temperature control[edit]

Some rooms should have its temperature regulated by some method or another, so as to keep a comfortable temperature for colonists to work and sleep in and protect them from extreme temperature conditions such as heat waves, cold snaps or simply the outdoor ambient temperature.

Larger rooms such as your kitchen and workshop should have their own heaters and coolers. If they are interconnected you may want to open doors for faster colonist access and temperature exchange.

Smaller rooms such as your bedrooms should be thermally connected to a larger central space through vents. Your heaters and coolers should be all placed outside the bedrooms. This reduces the number of heaters and coolers you need to build while keeping your bedrooms at a comfy temperature at the same time.

Keep in mind, that you will also need to be prepared in case of unusual temperature events, such as heat waves or cold snaps. Which, in severe cases, will cause heatstroke or hypothermia. Heat waves will also spoil your food and corpses.

Temporary temperature control[edit]

If your regular heaters or coolers are not enough or there is a temporary power outage or you are a tribe without the ability to harness electricity yet, you can use campfires or passive coolers to heat or cool down your base respectively. Both have the same effect as their electric variants, except that they need to be refueled and are limited in their available temperature range: campfires can not heat above 30°C while passive coolers can not cool below 15°C. Also, their temperature effect is full and cannot be controlled. Depending on what gear your colonists are wearing, it is possible for them in a room heated with campfires to complain about it being too hot.

These are best used to keep colonists comfortable during heat waves or cold snaps. If you always encounter uncomfortable temperatures during summer or winter then it is time to get more heaters or coolers.


Before a beach (left) and later a crop field (right). Extreme desert with coast, turned a patch of shallow ocean water into a huge crop field using moisture pumps.

Do not rush flooring[edit]

Until you have enough manpower to spare for cleaning jobs, instead of building any floors, you can use the terrain as floors. Terrain does not generate animal and human filth and filth trailed on constructed floors makes for a much worse beauty penalty than using dirt floors, so this can actually make your rooms look better. It is also cleaner than constructed floors with dirt on them.

However, for places like hospitals, it is always better to use sterile tiles and manually clean them instead.

Flooring outside[edit]

To reduce the amount of dirt inside your colony buildings, put any kind of flooring covering places where colonists and animals frequently walk. This reduces the amount of dirt brought inside your base.

This should obviously be done only if you have enough janitors.

Moisture pumps[edit]

Moisture pumps clear out moisture from the ground around them, creating dry land suitable for construction and agriculture. They are excellent in swamp biomes for clearing out shallow water, marshy soil and mud in order to build structures. Their effect is permanent, so they can safely be deconstructed once the land you want to use is dry. Note that shallow water will be converted to stony soil, which only has 70% fertility. Still, this can be the only way to farm on the ground in biomes like Extreme Desert and Ice Sheet. Can not be used for farming in Sea Ice since it creates ice ground.

Ice sheeet guide (neo)[edit]

This guide details how to survive in one of the most hostile environments in Rimworld - an ice sheet. We focus on the Lost Tribe start because it is the hardest one to thrive in hostile environments since you got more people to feed and less technology to help you.


Ice sheets are the coldest option of cold maps. They have very little animal life and no plants. In fact, you should not expect to find anything more than five snowhares in your start. You should also not expect to see more than one new snowhare every five days and one new polar bear per month.

In addition to that, they do not have any soil available, so anything that you want to grow must be grown on the stony soil patches- that is if you can even grow anything due to the cold. You will struggle a lot until you get a heater and a sun lamp, then you can plant something indoors.

Even the warmest ice sheet it really cold. Their average varies from -20 °C (-4 °F) to -40 °C (-40 °F) and they never have growing periods due to the temperature. You still need to eventually make a freezer though, because the summer temperature is hot enough to spoil your food. Expect to have problems with hypothermia during fall, winter, spring and during cold snaps in summers.

Before the start[edit]

You can opt to sweeten your survival experience with a combination of well-picked colonists and landing spot, or choose to go hard and randomise everything. The below assumes you are going for the former.

Landing site[edit]

Example of a decent landing site.

In all maps you should choose your landing site carefully to increases your chances of survival. You want to build a colony in an area with some of the following characteristics:

  • Near a tundra (faster moving around)
  • Near a friendly faction base (faster trading)
  • Near a road (faster moving around)
  • Without many mountains around (faster moving)
  • With coast (to turn into large growing areas later)
  • With caves (early food source)

Ice sheets do not have roads or rivers, but that does not mean you can not settle close to a road. While you should not be surrounded by mountains, the landing site itself can be mountainous.

You do not need to land in an area in all those characteristics, but try to get as many of them as you can.

Starting colonists[edit]

Ice sheet is so harsh that you will have to resort to cannibalism, so you may want to have a crew that can tolerate that. That means having one butcher that does not mind butchering people and everyone resistant to mental breaks.

Your butcher should be either Cannibal, Bloodlust or Psychopath.

All your crew should ideally be either Cannibal, Sanguine, Optimist, Iron-Willed, Steadfast or Masochist with scars. Couples also enjoy extra happiness so try to bring couples instead of bachelors, likewise Beautiful and Pretty colonists are also good since they are more likely to fall in love with someone.

Surely you do not need to have all five starting colonists with those characteristics, but the more resistant colonists you have the better.

The first step[edit]

Once you choose your landing site and colonists you should immediately pause the game. This gives you time to make decisions.

Base area[edit]

Good starting area near the geyser.

You need to choose your base area wisely. It is important to notice that this area does not need to be final, it is just the area where you are more likely to survive the early game.

You want to find an area with the characteristics: near steam geysers, near steel, more growing areas and easily defendable.

More growing areas means more stony patches and an easily defendable area is an area with few entrances where you can lay down traps. Your priority is steam geysers. You have to make the base on top of a steam geyser, or else you will die of hypothermia very fast.

Since you do not have trees, you can not build a big base yet. You can either take a ruin, make a cave or make a small steel base. It all comes down to what you have near the steam geysers. If you have a ruin, take it. If you have a hill, make a cave. If you have none of these, make a small steel base.


Analyze your team, set their priorities. Haul everything towards your chosen ruin and don't use wood at all except for the campfire.

Start mining steel as your main construction material or begin caving in. Play as minimalistic as possible. Gather enough steel to build walls by setting everyone to mine. Use terrain features to get the smallest home you can make besides any nearby structures.

If you have researchers, rush electricity research. You don't need to build a fortress yet, and electricity can be extremely helpful in survival.

Animals & Hunting[edit]

Set an animal zone away from your food, you don't want them eating your food as you can't win the game with pets alone. Let them all die of starvation, sorry. Starving pets are excellent lures for predators and while wild animals attack your pets, they won't turn their hunger rage towards you and you can attack them without danger, so long as their target is mid to big size (terriers die in a bear hit or two).

Using starting pets to lure predators.

Hunt every time you see meat, as animals have the tendency to leave the map and won't remain roaming around for long. When you find one snowhare, you find the others. Double click on zoomed out view to reduce the time spent on searching.

Always keep an eye on the polar bear food bar- you will need to know when it will strike.

Steam geysers[edit]

Now that you've selected somewhere to settle, the next step is to build a decent base.

You should settle on the steam geyser due to the heat source. Living on top of a geyser provides warmth enough up to 10 degree Celsius, just to escape hypothermia. If your colonists complain about "sleeping in the cold", you tell them to man up. The only two reasons to build a campfire are to cook and an emergency extra source of heat when hard snow hits during Winter or a cold snap. Build a wall around it(10x10, the geothermal power plant is 6x6 so between the wall and the steam, the 8x8 line will become a one tile surrounding corridor just enough to place beds around), either by emulating a heater in the center of your room or by pulling a one tile corridor towards your home, even possibly digging a tunnel depending on the terrain altitude map of choice.

Eventually, you should ideally repeat the same geyser-room procedure with other steams in proximity, this is because cold and starvation will not kill you, but mental breaks will. For example, having more than two characters on berserk. Sometimes, two geysers may be close to each other, allowing you to use them at both ends while you build everything else in between. This lucky situation can allow to start building individual rooms for your people and get rid of the barrack penalties.


It's inevitable. Just be very selective when butchering other humans as the character performing the action will receive mood penalties that can easily set it to mental breaks. It is okay if your characters complain of hunger. Again, keep your food supply on check and only feed your people when starvation kicks in, unless of course, their mental break is too dangerous to risk keeping them unhappy. When butchering human corpses it's best to set one same character to chomp many at once so that all the penalty goes to just that one guy, and performing the action on same day will keep the penalty length shorter instead of extending after each consecutive day. Best if the penalty wears off all at once.

Remember that human leather is worth a lot and it is better to make something with it first, then sell it. First, give your colonists bedrolls to sleep, then make dusters since they are more profitable than anything else. Cannibal and Bloodlust colonists will want to wear human leather clothes, give them human leather button-down shirts and pants, but not parkas as the material is just too bad at insulating.

The second step[edit]


After electricity, go for Batteries, Solar panels and then Stonecutting so that you can start building plantation-rooms. Sun lamps consume large amounts of electricity and you should by then have enough power and stored energy so that your crops grown steady. Solar generators will not perform to their maximum capacity due to the short solar cycles common in polar regions as oppose to equatorial regions.

If you are not in a hurry, you can include complex furniture research, so you can make beds, as well as stonecutting so you can use the more abundant stone.

Opening ancient shrines[edit]

You can open the ancient shrine. They contain people which can be either killed for food or recruited into your ranks, as well as some items that can be sold.

Ancient shrines are dangerous; make sure you are suitably armed.

After you clear the shrine, you can build furniture in it to live in; you can also send your people to cryptosleep to extend your food stocks.


You will need to barter for some resources that are hard to get.

Aim for wood and cloth. To gather money to buy them, you can mine expensive things like components, plasteel, uranium, jade, silver or gold.


After you have researched Electricity, Batteries, Solar Panels and Stonecutting AND crafted lots of stone blocks is when you can start building your first plantation room. Since the biome has scarce fertile tiles, you can easily select to mark a Grow zone and just drag your cursor on a 50x50 tiles area so that the game automatically marks where there is a "large" concentration of farmable area. Then just select the Sun lamp so that you can have the radius on your cursor ready to match such area. If you happen to lack said farmable tiles anywhere close to your base, you can fill in the blanks with hydroponic basins later on.

Plantation room.png

Then use "Delete zones" to remove all growing zones that were created during the scan for farmable tiles, and use the "order" to "plan" to draw a cross of 11 tiles with tile number six (the crossing), being the location where the Sun lamp will be located. This will give you the radius of the lamp so that you can start setting the structure plans. Do use double walls for better insulation and with an airlock system as well.

Plantation room 2 double walls.png

Once everything within the plantation room has been built, click the sun lamp and press "H" for the sun lamp itself to create a growing zone for you (instead of the conventional manual way). Start with rice, and harvest enough so that you can bring everybody else who has been in cryptosleep all this time for your colony to start running in full strength. Remind yourself that once temperature starts to drop again in Winter, you will need to install several heaters or plants will die.

Plantation room 3.png

In the meantime, there's no need to rush directly your research towards hydroponics. You can go through Complex clothing, Drug production, Penoxycyline and then Hydroponics. Of course each player will play different stories, so adjust to circumstances as needed.

First harvest in 75 days.png

In this demonstration, the first harvest takes place 75 days after start. Now you have both shelter and food. From here on, it's all up to you. Good luck!

The third step[edit]

Expanding to the world[edit]

You can start to do world quests for factions, once you stabilised your food supplies.

You can also choose to raid enemy faction outposts. They can contain food stocks that you can loot.

Whenever you reach a quest location, you wanna look for berries, healroot, animals and wood. Animals and marginally other humans should be butchered before leaving, if the meat is too heavy and you still have time you can use the local wood to make lots of campfires and turn all into meals to reduce weight.

Slighly more advanced technology[edit]

Once you research nutrient paste, you can make food efficiently for your people. This also frees a cook to do other things.

If you have enough power, hydroponics basins can also be helpful in feeding your people. This allows you to build greenhouses freely instead of being restricted to growing food in the stony soil patches.

Emergency measures[edit]

If the game is bearing down on you, you can use these measures to prolong your colonists' lives. These can ruin the true experience of an ice sheet survival though, so make these a last-ditch measure.


If you come across an ancient shrine, you can put your colonists to sleep inside. This helps to extend your food stocks when you fall on hard times.


Another alternative is to escape while you still can- the ice sheet just isn't for you. Gather whatever food you can, along with some supplies, then break for it.

Sea Ice Gudie[edit]

This guide details how to survive in the most hostile environment in RimWorld - sea ice. We focus on the Lost Tribe start because it is the hardest to thrive in hostile environments since you have more people to feed and less technology to help you.

The tribal start in sea ice is the ultimate survival challenge in RimWorld and very close to being impossible, therefore there is not much room for different strategies here, you have to stick closely to the guide.

This guide was made on version 1.0.2096 on Cassandra Merciless.


Sea ice is one of the coldest option of maps. There is almost no animal life and no plants. In fact, you should not expect to find anything more than three snowhares in your start. You should also not expect to see more than one new snowhare every week.

In addition to that, they do not have any kind of soil available and moisture pumps will only generate more ice. It is literally impossible to grow anything on the ground. You will struggle a lot until you get a heater, a sun lamp and a hydroponics basin, then you can plant something indoors.

The worse part is that they do not have ruins, geothermal vents or minerals to mine. Also, deep drills do not work. There is literally nothing here to even build a base with. You will have to rely on trading, quests and random events to get any material to build a base.

Even on the warmest sea ice tiles, it is still really cold. The average varies from -20 °C (-4 °F) to -30 °C (-22 °F) and they never have growing periods due to the temperature. You still need to eventually make a freezer though, because the summer temperature can be hot enough to spoil your food. Expect to have problems with hypothermia during fall, winter, spring and during cold snaps in summers.

They are particularly bad to travel in caravans. They do not have roads and are always placed in the poles of the world, so they have a big penalty to caravan speed due to winter, which is most if not the whole year. But caravans are more important here than any other biome, so you will have to do it anyways whenever you can, because you do not have other options to get the resources your colony needs.

Landing site[edit]

Example good landing site. In sea ice, landing near faction bases is all that matters.

In all maps you should choose your landing site carefully to increases the resources available. Landing in the wrong spot not only makes your start harder, but also makes your mid-late game frustrating, as it severely limits you from using the whole caravan and quest system. Sea ice is always in bad locations, but there is one thing that makes some areas better:

  • Near a friendly faction base (faster trading)

Sea ices do not have roads or rivers, neither does ice sheet which is always next to you. All you can do is be near to a friendly faction base. Without trading it is already impossible to survive.

To make things better you should settle close to two faction bases. You will expand much faster in the mid-late game with help of two faction bases instead of just one.

Starting colonists[edit]

There are a few things to consider while selecting your colonists for sea ice:

  • Sea ice is so harsh that you will have to resort to cannibalism, slavery and organ harvesting, so you wanna have a crew that can endure that.
  • You can not feed five people, neither can you put them to sleep in cryptosleep and people are the only thing you got that is worth something. So, since you can only feed about two people you have to sell the other three. You will not use them in the beginning, but you might still meet them later on quests.

Needless to say, with so few people and such a stressed life you better pick people resistant to mental breaks.

Base planning[edit]

It is always better to plan your whole base right from the beginning.

The whole map is empty, save for a few water pools. The good news is that you can place your base right in the middle and make a very symmetrical base.

Regardless, remember that it will take a really long time to get the materials to make your base, so you will probably stay in only one of your planned rooms for years.

Example of base planning. Plan your whole base while you still got nothing built.

First agenda[edit]

  • Make your starter base with wood. Give people a place to sleep, eat and play.
  • Whenever you use wood to make campfires, either for cooking or heating up, make sure that after your wood is forbidden so they do not refuel it unnecessarily.
  • Hunt those snowhares before they leave the map.
  • Arrest your three merchandise colonists.
  • Sell your merchandise colonists and your starting animals.
  • Buy your survival items with the silver you got from selling your people and animals.
  • Make lightleather bedrolls.
  • Make your research bench and start researching complex clothing.


Hunt the bunnies and make a room to arrest people and go sell them.

Go visit your nearby friendly base to trade your merchandise colonists, your animals and some useless weapons. You should get something between 1500 and 2000 silver for three colonists and three animals in addition to your starting 200 silver.

Now you have to buy some food, clothes and materials. Since you can not carry all the materials you need, you need to come back to trade many times. Food should be the cheapest option available. Nutrient paste meals, insect meat, human meat and vegetables are the best options. Meat is more expensive but is better to cook it than buy fancy meals.

Clothes are just a little insulation to save you in the first season, the cheapest tuque is enough. After that, you need to either make your own clothes or strip clothes from raiders, even if it is tainted.

You need at least 25 steel to make your research bench and some wood to use for cooking. Try to build two research benches if you can, otherwise your other colonist will be very idle. Later, you will need more materials to actually build a base. First you want wood and steel because they are lighter, but later you want stone blocks which are cheaper and do not catch fire.

Base before the first trade.

BONUS: Buy a Muffalo[edit]

You need to keep one colonist at base researching, so trading will be really inefficient with just one colonist to carry stuff. There is one solution: a Muffalo.

It will more than triple your carry capacity and eventually give you milk and wool. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that a faction base will have a Muffalo for sale unless if you reload before your trade until they eventually have it. If you do not want to do this, you can keep three colonists with you and use two colonists for trading instead. But remember, a colonist eats more and carry less than a Muffalo, so it is really going to slow down your progress.

Base on first week.

Second agenda[edit]

  • Keep trading to get food whenever you need it.
  • Keep trading to get materials to make a base.
  • Harvest and sell the organs of anyone you get alive.
  • Butcher and eat the meat of anyone you get dead.
  • Make human leather bedrolls.
  • Make and sell human leather tribalwears.
  • Wear their tainted parkas and tuques if you got nothing better.


The first raid should arrive by the end of the first week. Try to have both colonists in your base when that happens, because you do not have any defenses yet.

Now the fun starts, you will harvest the organs, eat the meat and wear the skin of your enemies. If anyone tries to join your colony, you will sell or harvest him too because you can not afford more people now. People who you will harvest includes:

By butchering your enemies you will get food and leather, which you can make tribalwears and sell, but that is not enough. Everything you get is through trading, so you should also harvest and sell the organs of anyone you get alive before eating them. It is worth buying medicine just for that, you do not need to do this every time, but that is a lot of money and will greatly speed up your colony building.

BONUS: Summon Man In Black[edit]

Getting Man In Black to show up when you got so few people is really easy. Just set their 'Food Restriction' to 'Nothing' and wait until people collapse. Then use him to bring people back up.

Man In Black comes with good gear. You should strip his gear and sell him to slavery or harvest him.

Base on second week with MIB.

Third agenda[edit]

  • Buy guns.
  • Make all the quests you can, loot and butcher anything and anyone you see.
  • Buy cloth from your neighbors.
  • Once you done researching complex clothing, make parkas and tuques with cloth.
  • Make and sell human leather dusters.


Make sure to buy some decent guns since your researcher colonist will likely have to defend himself alone while your other colonist is outside trading. Fortunately, you are so poor that it is likely that even on the hardest difficult you will only face raids of one single melee enemy for the whole first year.

Once you have your colonists with parkas and tuques you should take every opportunity available to go to another map. Your trading colonist should always be either trading or doing quests. Do not forget to take a bedroll with him on quests. Quests that matter now includes:

You will have more things to care about here than you normally would. It is important that you butcher any animal you find and any raider you kill on the quest locations. You might find your previous colonists that you sold before on those quests. If your human leather clothes and organs business is doing well you can afford to bring one more person to your colony. Do not forget that you will have to buy more and more meals for each person you save. Anyone you do not like can be sold or harvested once you return home.

Lonely sea ice quest.

Your research is really slow, since you only got one person at home taking care of everything and doing research at the same time. So another thing to focus is furniture that you can carry home, since it is gonna take a while for you to be able to make them. Heaters, batteries and turrets are great things to bring back home. You do not have electricity yet, but once you do, you gonna have lots of things to plug in.

You better make sure you got good clothes before winter starts. It is about time you get rid of tainted tattered clothes and make your own. Go buy cloth and make some decent parkas and tuques with it. Most importantly, make and sell lots of human leather dusters because they are worth a lot.

Even in sea ice quests are quite profitable.

Fourth agenda[edit]

  • Research complex furniture.
  • Make beds.
  • Replace your walls with stone.
  • Replace the cloth parkas with better insulating parkas.


Winter makes caravans even worse than already is, despite that, you can never stop trading, neither can you stop doing quests.

Time to make improvements. If you got at least two rooms and all the workbenches you need you can start replacing your walls with stone so raiders will not try to set it on fire. Replace your bedrolls with beds. If you want, you can also make some comfortable human leather armchairs and human leather animal beds.

Try to replace your cloth(cold insulation 18) for bearskin(cold insulation 20), bluefur(cold insulation 20), foxfur(cold insulation 20), devilstrand(cold insulation 20), alpaca wool(cold insulation 22), synthread(cold insulation 22), wolfskin(cold insulation 24), muffalo wool(cold insulation 24), megasloth wool(cold insulation 26), hyperweave(cold insulation 26), chinchilla fur(cold insulation 30), heavy fur(cold insulation 30) or thrumbofur(cold insulation 34).

Your best bet is thrumbofur parkas with muffalo wool tuques. Thrumbo is the only animal guaranteed to show up in sea ice and you should already have a Muffalo with you for wool.

Base after a whole year.

Fifth agenda[edit]

  • Research electricity.
  • Set up defenses.
  • Set up power.
  • Make a kitchen.


Your second year will be just as hard as the first one. You still gotta harvest and eat your enemies while trading human leather dusters and organs for materials for your base.

You probably already learned to live from trading and quests by now and may add another colonist. You should not expect to finish electricity before the end of the second year. So unfortunately, your food will spoil in the second summer. You can try to keep the stocks low to avoid loses or turn your food into pemmican.

Now however, you got more people and you gotta set up some kind of defense because raiders will be more numerous. This place is wide open, you wanna make an enclosed environment where you can shot raiders from behind sandbags without getting outranged. In other words, you want a killbox. Once you finish electricity, you can finally use those turrets that you got from enemy outposts. If you could not bring any battery home from quests you will have to research them now.

When you are setting up power, keep in mind that solar generators will not work at all during winter in sea ice.

With electricity, you can finally make a electric stove so you may stop buying wood.

Basic defense.

Sixth agenda[edit]


Your third year will come with lots of improvements and you can finally start feeling like you are playing a normal map.

Your first priority after electricity is air conditioning so you may stop losing all your food on summers. Once you done researching it, make a freezer. That will even allow you to accept more people in your colony since now food lasts forever.

Then you wanna make the almighty nutrient paste dispenser. It frees your cooker to do other stuff, completely prevents food poisoning and reduces your food consumption by 40%. You may even buy another Muffalo now to speed up trading.

Then, to increase your trading opportunities you want a comms console. Any bulks good trade ship that shows up will be a blessing to your colony development.

BONUS: Buy Joywires[edit]

You might have noticed by now that your worse enemy is not the hunger or the raiders, but the mood penalties that come with harvesting and eating people. Still, you can not stop it, since without it you will lose your main source of food and your two main sources of silver which is human leather dusters and organs.

Now that you have a little extra silver, you can buy a solution which is the Joywire. Overall, in such a stressful colony this implant is well worth it. The drawbacks of the Joywire can later be offset with bionics.

Seventh agenda[edit]

  • Research hydroponics.
  • Make a greenhouse.
  • Research biofuel refining.
  • Research gun turrets.


You are on your fourth year and have yet to plant something, so you start wondering if you even need to plant anything at all.

A greenhouse will require a lot of power, which means you will have to defend a larger area to put extra wind turbines. You will also want to add a lot more batteries to store power at night so it may be used during the day. Make sure that your greenhouse is as small as possible to take less power and covered by double walls to increase insulation.

The greenhouse will allow you to stop buying food to survive and stop the cannibalism. Of course, it will also allow you to have more colonists. But first, you should plant some healroot so you can harvest organs without using good medicine. Also, plant smokeleaf and psychoid plant so you can make smokeleaf joints and psychite tea to reduce the overall stress in your colony. Then you may plant some food.

Without the cannibalism you may turn your human meat into chemfuel. Then you can use chemfuel powered generators during winter and solar generators during other seasons.

You are getting wealthy and the raiders know it. Eventually, the turrets you get from quests will not be enough, so you better research them so you can make more of them by yourself.

Eighth agenda[edit]


There is one last thing worth focusing in sea ice. The long-range mineral scanner.

The scanner works normally on sea ice and if you set a colonist to work on it full-time it can pick up locations of minerals faster than you can retrieve it. Which means you can endlessly make quests for minerals to greatly increase the amount of materials available for you to build your base.

However, you should keep in mind that minerals are heavy so you need lots of Muffalos to carry it. Like a whole 8 Muffalos and 6 colonists to mine Uranium. Which is why is better to make it after your greenhouse, because then you can support all the Muffalos you need.

Mining in sea ice.

Tenth year[edit]

Did your base turned out the way you expected? If your final base turned out like what you wanted from the beginning then you are good at planning.

Result of early base planning.