Archotech arm

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Archotech arm

Archotech arm

An artifical arm built by an archotech. It's strong enough to crush a thick hardwood branch in its hand, and precise enough to write a sonnet on a grain of rice. It looks and feels like natural flesh, but it's harder to damage than plasteel. Even if it is harmed, it repairs itself over time. Its internal workings are a mystery to all human minds.

Base Stats

Medical ItemsBody Parts
Weapon Class
Market Value
2800 Silver

Ranged Combat


Melee Combat

Melee Attack 1
14 dmg (Blunt)
21% AP
2 seconds cooldown
Melee Average DPS
Melee Average AP

An archotech arm is an artificial body part that acts as a replacement for a pawn's natural arm, increasing Manipulation by 25% per arm while also offering a significantly more powerful punch attack and acting as a body part weapon.


Archotech arms cannot be crafted. They can only be obtained through trade, as a reward from quests, randomly found inside or in the hermetic cratesContent added by the Ideology DLC of ancient shrines, as potential loot inside the hermetic and security cratesContent added by the Ideology DLC in ancient complexesContent added by the Ideology DLC, or at an extremely rare rate from random drop pod crashing.


Archotech arms replace the user's organic arm up to and including the shoulder. They are universal and can be installed on either the left or right. The archotech arm has a part efficiency of 150%. This not only fully replaces the functionality of a normal arm - when coupled with the arm body part having a Manipulation importance of 50%, it results in an increase in manipulation of 25% for each archotech arm installed. Manipulation, in turn, affects a great many stats. For a full list of affected stats, see Manipulation.

An archotech arm also replaces the natural "Fist" attack all Humans have with an over 70% more powerful, but otherwise equivalent, punch.

  • Name Damage DPS AP Damage Type
    Heart Human Fist 8.2 4.1 12% Blunt
    Archotech arm Archotech arm 14 7 21% Blunt
  • Installation

    Installing the part requires 2,500 ticks (41.67 secs) of work, 2x medicine of ?? quality or better, and a Medical skill of 5.

    Removing the part requires ? of work, ?x medicine of ?? quality or better, and a Medical skill of ?.

    If the operation fails, the part has a chance[What Chance?] to be destroyed.


    Archotech arms do 14 damage per attack, and 7 DPS. For unarmed combat, this is somewhat high, compared to the 8 damage from fists and 12 from bionic arms and is in fact roughly equivalent to Normal-quality steel mace. In core, this is only outmatched by the power claw, which does 22 damage and inflicts bleeding wounds, or dedicated implant weapons from the Royalty DLC such as the Venom talon.

    Version history