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{{for|a guide to survive events|Events Guide}}
{{For|a guide to survive events|Events Guide}}
'''Events''' are driven by the currently selected [[AI Storytellers|AI storyteller]].
'''Events''' are driven by the currently selected [[AI Storytellers|AI storyteller]].
Most events that occur create a [[Menu#Letters|Letter]], an envelope icon on the right side of the screen. Other events will pause the game and pop up a window where the player must make a choice. Usually, the color of the envelope will suggest the severity of the event; blue envelopes are good events, grey is neutral, yellow is bad, and red denotes direct threats.
Most events that occur create a [[Menu#Letters|Letter]], an envelope icon on the right side of the screen. Other events will pause the game and pop up a window where the player must make a choice. Usually, the color of the envelope will suggest the severity of the event; blue envelopes are good events, grey is neutral, yellow is bad, and red denotes direct threats.
Many event titles are variable. They can mention location, pawn and faction names, specific buffs or debuffs, or even have countdowns for the time variable events.
Many event titles are variable. They can mention location, pawn and faction names, specific buffs or debuffs, or even have countdowns for the time variable events.
There's a special kind of events called [[Quests]] which work under different rules.
== Event List <span class="mw-EventList_toggle" style="font-size:small; display:inline-block; float:right;"> </span> ==
For ease of navigation, events are subdivided into 3 groups: Storyteller events, Incidental events, and World events.
<div id="mw-EventList_collapsible" class="mw-collapsible">
=== Storyteller events ===
These events are controlled by the selected [[storyteller]]. Major and Weather events require at least the Builder [[difficulty]] to be able to trigger.
Due to wiki limitations, it isn't possible to link directly to a collapsed section. To address that, this toggle will open all relevant sections.
<div class="mw-customtoggle-Majorthreats mw-customtoggle-XWeather mw-customtoggle-RandomGood mw-customtoggle-RandomBad" style="display:inline-block;background:rgba(128,128,128,0.5);color:white;padding:10px;border-radius:5px;outline:none;user-select:none">{{Center|Click Here to Open/Close Storyteller categories}}</div>
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+ <span valign="top" style="white-space:nowrap" width="100">Storyteller events list</span>
! Event Name !! Category !! Location !! Favorability !! Duration !! Cooldown<br/> (days) !! Mood <br/>Related !! Notes
| [[#Enemy_attack|Enemy attack]] || Major || Colony Map ||  ||  ||  || {{Cross}} || Also called "raids".
| [[#Infestation|Infestation]] || Major || Colony Map ||  || Until destruction ||  || {{Cross}} || The event "Too Deep: Infestation" is unrelated.
| [[#Wastepack_infestation|Wastepack infestations]] || Major || Colony Map ||  || Until destruction ||  || {{Cross}} || Requires [[Biotech]] {{BiotechIcon}}. Can also be triggered by destroyed Toxic Wastepacks.
| [[#Manhunter_pack|Manhunter pack]] || Major || Colony Map ||  || 24-54 hours, or until destruction ||  || {{Cross}} || Animals are infected with scaria
| [[#Psychic_wave|Psychic wave]] || Major || Colony Map ||  || Until affected animals are incapacitated or die ||  || {{Cross}} || There's a variant that affects a single animal, which is not considered a major threat.
| [[#Crashed_ship_part|Crashed ship part]] || Major || Colony Map ||  || Until destruction ||  || {{Check}}<sup>1</sup> || 2 variants: Defoliator ship and Psychic ship. Only the latter affects mood.
| [[#Mech_cluster|Mech cluster]] || Major || Colony Map ||  || Until Destruction ||  || {{Cross}} || Requires [[Royalty]] {{RoyaltyIcon}}. Can also be generated by Quests.
| [[#Problem_causer|Problem causer]] || Major || World ||  || Until Destruction ||  || {{Check}}<sup>1</sup> || Requires [[Royalty]] {{RoyaltyIcon}}. 9 variants
| [[#Flashstorm|Flashstorm]] || Weather || Colony Map ||  || 0.075 - 0.1 days || {{Center|15}} || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Toxic_fallout|Toxic fallout]] || Weather || Colony Map ||  || 2.5 - 10.5 days || {{Center|90}} || {{Check}}<sup>2</sup> || [[Insectoids]]/[[Mechanoids]] are immune.
| [[#Volcanic_winter|Volcanic winter]] || Weather || Colony Map ||  || 7.5 - 40 days || {{Center|140}} || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Ambrosia_sprout|Ambrosia sprout]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} || Limited to 6 biomes: [[Tropical rainforest]]/[https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Biomes#Tropical_swamp swamp], [[Temperate forest]]/[https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Biomes#Temperate_swamp swamp], [[Boreal forest]], [[Arid shrubland]]
| [[#Animals_join|Animals join]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Animal_self-tamed|Animal self-tamed]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Aurora|Aurora]] || Random || Colony Map || Good || 0.125 - 0.35 days ||  || {{Check}} ||
| [[#Cargo_pods|Cargo pods]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Herd_migration:_.28Animal.29|Herd migration: (Animal)]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} || Only happens on 5 biomes: [[Sea ice]], [[Ice sheet]], [[Tundra]], [[Desert]], [[Extreme desert]]
| [[#Party|Party]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Check}} || Requires a [[party spot]] or any gathering spot
| [[#Psychic_soothe|Psychic soothe]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  || {{Center|15}} || {{Check}} ||
| [[#.28Trader type.29|(Trader type)]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} || Orbital Trader
| [[#.28Trader_type.29_from_.28Faction.29|(Trader type) from (Faction)]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} || Land Trader
| [[#Transport_pod_crash|Transport pod crash]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Paralytic_abasia| Paralytic abasia]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} || Requires [[Royalty]] {{RoyaltyIcon}}. Variant of "Transport pod crash" event
| [[#Baby|Baby]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} || Requires [[Biotech]] {{BiotechIcon}}. Variant of "Transport pod crash" event
| [[#Wanderer_joins|Wanderer joins]] || Random || Colony Map || Good || 24 hours ||  || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Wild_.28wo.29man_wanders_in|Wild (wo)man wanders in]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Traveler_Visit|Traveler Visit]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Visitor.28s.29|Visitor(s)]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Royal_Tribute_Collector|Royal Tribute Collector]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} || Requires [[Royalty]] {{RoyaltyIcon}}
| [[#Gauranlen_pod_sprout|Gauranlen pod sprout]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} || Requires [[Ideology]] {{IdeologyIcon}}
| [[#Polux_tree_sprout|Polux tree sprout]] || Random || Colony Map || Good ||  ||  || {{Cross}} || Requires [[Biotech]] {{BiotechIcon}}
| [[#Beavers!|Beavers!]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad ||  || {{Center|30}} || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Birthday|Birthday]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad ||  ||  || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Blight|Blight]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad ||  || {{Center|30}} || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Disease|Disease]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad ||  ||  || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Eclipse|Eclipse]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad || 0.75 - 1.25 days || {{Center|15}} || {{Check}} || Only affects mood with the Precept{{IdeologyIcon}} [[Ideoligion#Meme-specific|Eclipse]]
| [[#Heat_wave|Heat wave]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad || 1.5 - 3.5 days || {{Center|30}} || {{Cross}} || It requires a summer temperature above {{Temperature|20}}
| [[#Cold_snap|Cold snap]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad || 1.5 - 3.5 days || {{Center|30}} || {{Cross}} || It requires a summer temperature between {{Temperature|0|15}}
| [[#Mad_animal|Mad animal]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad ||  ||  || {{Cross}} ||
| [[#Psychic_drone|Psychic drone]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad || 0.75 - 1.75 days || {{Center|15}} || {{Check}} ||
| [[#Solar_flare|Solar flare]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad || 0.15 - 0.5 days ||  || {{Cross}} || Incompatible with Unnatural Darkness ([[Anomaly]] {{AnomalyIcon}})
| [[#Zzztt...|Zzztt...]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad ||  || {{Center|8}} || {{Cross}} || Cooldown does not apply to Short-circuits caused by snow/rain,
| [[#Transport_pod_crash_.28Ghoul.29|Transport pod crash (Ghoul)]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad ||  ||  || {{Cross}} || Requires [[Anomaly]] {{AnomalyIcon}}
| [[#Gray_pall|Gray pall]] || Random || Colony Map || Bad ||  ||  || {{Check}} || Requires [[Anomaly]] {{AnomalyIcon}}
1: Only one variant affects mood
2: Only while outside
=== Incidental events ===
:{{For|a detailled list of these events|Events/Incidental}}
Rather than being triggered by [[AI Storytellers|storytellers]], these events come from various other mechanics.
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+ <span valign="top" style="white-space:nowrap" width="100">Incidental events list</span>
! Event Name !! Type !! Location !! Notes
| [[Events/Incidental#Friendlies|Friendlies]] || Good || Colony Map ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Masterwork|Masterwork]] || Good || Colony Map ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Masterwork|Legendary work]] || Good || Colony Map ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Man_in_Black|Man in Black ]] || Good || Colony Map || Has a year (60 days) of cooldown.
| [[Events/Incidental#New_recruit|New recruit]] || Good || Colony Map ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Meteorite|Meteorite]] || Good || Colony Map || About 1 year cooldown
| [[Events/Incidental#Outpost_destroyed|Outpost destroyed]] || Good || World || Becomes "Faction Defeated" if that was the last outpost of said faction.
| [[Events/Incidental#Ransom_.28Time remaining.29|Ransom (Time remaining)]] || Good || Colony Map || Available for 24 hours
| [[Events/Incidental#Rare_thrumbos |Rare thrumbos ]] || Good || Colony Map || 13 days of cooldown
| [[Events/Incidental#Reactor_ready|Reactor ready]] || Good || Colony Map || 15 days after warming up a ship reactor
| [[Events/Incidental#Ship_chunks|Ship chunks]] || Good || Colony Map ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Trauma savant|Trauma savant]] || Good || Anywhere ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Quest_completed|Quest completed]] || Good || Anywhere ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Anima_tree_sprout |Anima tree sprout]] || Good || Colony Map || Requires [[Royalty]] {{RoyaltyIcon}}
| [[Events/Incidental#Ancient_danger|Ancient danger]] || Bad || Colony Map || Once per map.
| [[Events/Incidental#Animal_revenge |Animal revenge]] || Bad || Colony Map ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Death|Death]] || Bad || Anywhere || [[Orders#Slaughter|Slaughtering]] and Euthanizing a colonist does not trigger this.
| [[Events/Incidental#Drug_addiction|Drug addiction]] || Bad || Anywhere ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Heart_attack|Heart attack]] || Bad || Anywhere ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Mental_Break|Mental Break]] || Bad || Anywhere ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Overdose|Overdose]] || Bad || Anywhere ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Predator_hunting|Predator hunting]] || Bad || Colony Map || Requires a predator on the map
| [[Events/Incidental#Prison_break|Prison break]]|| Bad || Colony Map || Requires having prisoners
| [[Events/Incidental#Roof_collapsed|Roof collapsed]] || Bad || Colony Map ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Too_Deep:_Infestation|Too Deep: Infestation]] || Bad || Colony Map || Triggered by deep drill
| [[Events/Incidental#Allied:_.28Faction.29|Allied: (Faction)]] || Faction || Anywhere || Requires to improve relations <-75
| [[Events/Incidental#Enemy_now_neutral:_.28Faction.29|Enemy now neutral: (Faction)]] || Faction || Anywhere ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Hostile_faction|Hostile faction]] || Faction || Anywhere || Requires to worsen relations >75
| [[Events/Incidental#Leader_died|Leader died]] || Faction || Anywhere || Triggers on another faction's leader death.
| [[Events/Incidental#New_Leader|New Leader]] || Faction || Anywhere || Trigger once recruiting another faction's leader.
| [[Events/Incidental#About:_Electricity|About: Electricity]] || Informational || Anywhere ||
| [[Events/Incidental#About:_Getting_advanced_components|About: Getting advanced components ]] || Informational || Anywhere ||
| [[Events/Incidental#About:_Launching_the_ship|New About: Launching the ship]] || Informational || Anywhere ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Persona_Core_Offer|Persona Core Offer]] || Informational || Anywhere || Requires >40 goodwill with some faction
| [[Events/Incidental#Summer|Summer]] || Informational || Anywhere ||
| [[Events/Incidental#Unwaveringly_loyal|Unwaveringly loyal]] || Informational || Anywhere ||
| [[Events/Incidental#About:_Anima_tree_linking|About: Anima tree linking]] || Informational || Anywhere || Requires [[Royalty]] {{RoyaltyIcon}}
| [[Events/Incidental#Baby_Prep|Baby Prep]] || Informational || Anywhere || Requires [[Biotech]] {{BiotechIcon}}
| [[Events/Incidental#New_lovers|New lovers]] || Social || Anywhere || Affects mood
| [[Events/Incidental#Breakup|Breakup]] || Social || Anywhere || Affects mood
| [[Events/Incidental#Rejected_proposal|Rejected proposal]] || Social || Anywhere || Affects mood
| [[Events/Incidental#Marriage_is_on.21|Marriage is on!]] || Social || Anywhere || Affects mood
| [[Events/Incidental#Affair|Affair]] || Social || Anywhere || Affects mood
| [[Events/Incidental#Divorce|Divorce]] || Social || Anywhere || Affects mood
=Major Threats=
=== World events ===
:{{For|a guide to survive these events|World Quests Guide}}
This is a list of all events that can happen while on the overworld. Some events require a quest to trigger. Sub events are not quest events on their own, but may happen during other world events such as Incapacitated Refugee or Item Stash Opportunity.
Due to wiki limitations, it isn't possible to link directly to a collapsed section. To address that, this toggle will open all relevant sections.
<div class="mw-customtoggle-WorldEvents" style="display:inline-block;background:rgba(128,128,128,0.5);color:white;padding:10px;border-radius:5px;outline:none;user-select:none">Click Here to Open/Close World events</div>
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+ <span valign="top" style="white-space:nowrap" width="100">World events list</span>
! Event Name !! Type !! Location !! Notes
| [[#Attack_begun|Attack begun]] || Notification || Generated Map ||
| [[#Bandit_camp_opportunity|Bandit camp opportunity]] || Quest || Anywhere ||
| [[#Caravan_ambushed_.2F_.28manhunters.29| Caravan ambushed / (manhunters)]] || Battle || Generated Map || Prevents reforming caravan while active
| [[#Caravan_battle_won|Caravan battle won]] || Notification || Anywhere || Allows reforming the caravan on the world map
| [[#Caravan_arrived_at_.28Location.29| Caravan arrived at (Location)]] || Notification || Anywhere ||
| [[#Caravan_lost|Caravan lost]] || Notification || Anywhere ||
| [[#Caravan_meeting_by_.28Caravan_ID.29|Caravan meeting by (Caravan ID)]] || Pop-up window || World ||
| [[#Caravan_ready|Caravan ready]] || Notification || Anywhere ||
| [[#Demand|Demand]] || Hostile || World ||
| [[#Peace_talks|Peace talks]]|| Quest || World || Expires on 15 days
| [[#Rescuee_joins|Rescuee joins]]|| Notification || Anywhere ||
| [[#Ambush|Ambush]] || Sub-event || Generated Map ||
| [[#Ambush|Sleeping mechanoids]] || Sub-event || Generated Map ||
=== Anomaly events ===
:{{For|the complete list of events|Events/Anomaly}}
Events from the [[Anomaly]]{{AnomalyIcon}} DLC work different from normal events and are intrinsically related to the [[Monolith]] structure. Due to this, all Anomaly events will be listed on its own page.
== Major threats ==
Major threats can appear from Base Builder difficulty onwards. They mostly consist of direct attacks to your colony. Their size depends on the [[raid points]] mechanic; generally increasing in strength with wealth, colonist count, and [[difficulty]].  
Major threats can appear from Base Builder difficulty onwards. They mostly consist of direct attacks to your colony. Their size depends on the [[raid points]] mechanic; generally increasing in strength with wealth, colonist count, and [[difficulty]].  
[[Cassandra Classic]] and [[Phoebe Chillax]] both treat major threats seperately from other events; they cycle between "OnDays" and "OffDays", where a certain amount of major events ''will'' occur during each OnDay cycle. [[Randy Random]] simply treats a major threat as an event that's less likely to happen.
[[Cassandra Classic]] and [[Phoebe Chillax]] both treat major threats separately from other events; they cycle between "OnDays" and "OffDays", where a certain amount of major events ''will'' occur during each OnDay cycle. [[Randy Random]] simply treats a major threat as an event that's less likely to happen.
<div class="mw-customtoggle-Majorthreats" style="display:center;background:rgba(128,128,128,0.5);color:white;padding:10px;border-radius:5px;outline:none;user-select:none">
{{Center|Show/Hide Major Events}}</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible" id="mw-customcollapsible-Majorthreats"><!-- mw-collapsed -->
=== Major threats generation===
Major threats can be fired via 3 different methods: storyteller, quest, and special fired. Storyteller major threats are fired according to the Storyteller's schedule. Randy's "schedule" is a random firing mechanic. Quest major threats must be explicitly accepted by the player. Special fired major threats are limited to Wastepack Infestations that can spawn when a wastepack deteriorates ([[Biotech|Biotech DLC]]{{BiotechIcon}}).
For Storyteller fired major threats, first the storyteller determines which type of major threat is to be sent. Each type of major threat has a specific weight. Some major threats may not be possible at a specific time and would have a weight of 0. For example, Infestations and Mass Animal Insanity each require specific conditions that may not be met. Some major threats are gated behind Raid Point amounts. Infestations and Mechanoid Droner, Defoliator and Clusters all required at least 400 Raid Points.
==Enemy attack==
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Commonly known as a '''raid''', this event comes in several types. It is possible for multiple raids to happen at the same time, even of opposing factions. [[Raider]]s will come and assault your colony, first attacking adult colonists that they can walk to, then animals and buildings. Human raiders flee if enough of them have been [[downed]] or killed, or if enough damage to your colony has been done. [[Mechanoid]]s will persist indefintely.
|+ Raid Weights
! Raid type !! Vanilla !! DLC enabled
| Raid || 7.40 || 7.40
| DefoliatorShip || 2.00 || 0.40
| DronerShip || 2.00 || 0.40
| MechCluster {{RoyaltyIcon}}|| 0.00 || 1.90
| Manhunter || 2.00 || 2.00
| MassInsanity || 1.30 || 1.30
| Infest || 2.70 || 2.70
| Wastepack Infest {{BiotechIcon}} || 0.00 || 0.024
| Problem Causer {{RoyaltyIcon}} || 0.00 || 0.95
=== Raid Generation ===
After the storyteller has chosen to fire a major threat, and chosen to fire a raid, first the Faction of the Raid is chosen. Each faction is given a weight and all hostile factions are considered separately. Human factions each have a weight of 1. The mechanoid faction's weight changes with raid Points. As Raid Points go up the weight of the Mechanoid Faction Increases. Mechanoids weight is 0 until 300 raid points. The weight of human factions can become 0 at extreme temperatures.
After the faction is chosen, the attack type is chosen. Each attack type has a weight. Some factions do not have all possible attack types. For example, Tribals cannot Siege. After the attack type is chosen, arrival method is chosen. Each arrival method has a weight. Some weights change based on raid points. Some arrival methods are not possible with some factions. Some attack types only arrive via certain methods.
Once Rimworld has determined the faction, attack type and arrival type, a Raid Composition is selected. Each faction has defined raid compositions like the "all sniper" or "all melee attack".
=== Enemy attack ===
Commonly known as a '''raid''', this event comes in several types. It is possible for multiple raids to happen at the same time, even of opposing factions. [[Raider]]s will come and assault your colony, first attacking adult colonists that they can walk to, then animals and buildings. Human raiders flee if enough of them have been [[downed]] or killed, or if enough damage to your colony has been done. [[Mechanoid]]s will persist indefinitely.
====Arrival methods====
===== Arrival methods =====
Tribal-level factions can't use drop pods, so are limited to assaults.
Tribal-level factions can't use drop pods, so are limited to assaults.
*'''Assaults''': Arrive at the edge of the map, either by walking or by [[drop pod]]. They may assault the colony immediately, or stage for a time before launching their attack, giving you time to prepare.
*'''Center drop''': Raiders immediately attack via drop pod, centered on one of your colonists. There is 40% to drop on an un[[roof]]ed [[orbital trade beacon]] if one is present. Drop pods can go through constructed and thin rock roofs, but not overhead mountain.
*'''Scatter drop''': Raiders immediately attack via drop pod, which have gone "haywire" and will disperse throughout the map.
* '''Assaults''': Arrive at the edge of the map, either by walking or by [[drop pod]]. They may assault the colony immediately, or stage for a time before launching their attack, giving you time to prepare.
*'''Smart''': "Unusually clever", will try and avoid [[trap]]s and [[turret]]s.
* '''Center drop''': Raiders immediately attack via drop pod, centered on one of your colonists. There is 40% to drop on an un[[roof]]ed [[orbital trade beacon]] if one is present. Drop pods can go through constructed and thin rock roofs, but not overhead mountain.
*'''Sappers''': Sappers will try and mine or break walls to create the shortest route to a colonist's bedroom. They are smaller than usual raids.
* '''Scatter drop''': Raiders immediately attack via drop pod, which have gone "haywire" and will disperse throughout the map.
*'''Breachers''': Appears with breach-type raiders, such as tribals with [[breach axe]]s or [[termite]] [[mechanoid]]s. Breachers will attack walls in their path indiscriminately, as opposed to sappers having a target.
*'''Siege''': See below.
===== Types =====
* '''Smart''': "Unusually clever" raiders will seek to enter your base while avoiding [[trap]]s and [[turret]]s.
* '''Sappers''': Sappers will mine or destroy walls to create the shortest route to a colonist's bedroom. Groups of sappers are smaller in number than the other raid types.  
* '''Breachers''': Appear with breach-type raiders, such as tribals with [[breach axe]]s or [[termite]] [[mechanoid]]s. Breachers will attack walls in their path indiscriminately, as opposed to sappers having a target.
* '''Siege''': See below.
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==== Siege ====
Sieges are a special type of raid. They arrive in drop pods, along with supplies. They will construct [[sandbag]]s and [[mortar]]s, and will continously be supplied with food and mortar shells. They will fire at colonists, colony structures, and other pawns they are hostile to. Sieges will directly assault the colony after a long time (a few days), if their mortars are destroyed or unbuildable, or after sufficient casualties.
Sieges are a special type of raid. They arrive in drop pods, along with supplies. They will construct [[sandbag]]s and [[mortar]]s, and will continuously be supplied with food and mortar shells. They will fire at colonists, colony structures, and other pawns they are hostile to. Sieges will directly assault the colony after a long time (a few days), if their mortars are destroyed or unbuildable, or after sufficient casualties.
It is possible to steal a critical material (like [[component]]s) and prevent them from completing construction. This is largely possible with a [[psycast]]er{{RoyaltyIcon}} using both Invisibility and Skip, with enough heat capacity to cast both 2-3 times in a row.
It is possible to steal a critical material (like [[component]]s) and prevent them from completing construction. This is largely possible with a [[psycast]]er{{RoyaltyIcon}} using both Invisibility and Skip, with enough heat capacity to cast both 2-3 times in a row.
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Strategies to force sieges to attack include the [[sniper rifle]] (watch out for other snipers), a [[psychic animal pulser]], or your own [[mortar]]s.
Strategies to force sieges to attack include the [[sniper rifle]] (watch out for other snipers), a [[psychic animal pulser]], or your own [[mortar]]s.
=== Infestation ===
Infestations come with [[hive]]s and [[insectoid]]s. Hives will produce [[insect jelly]], but will rapidly create insects, too. If you don't want it to infest the whole area, muster your forces and destroy it. But beware - the bugs will defend their hive.
Infestations come with [[hive]]s and [[insectoid]]s. Hives will produce [[insect jelly]], but will rapidly create insects, too. If you don't want it to infest the whole area, muster your forces and destroy it. But beware - the bugs will defend their hive.
In order for a regular infestation to spawn, there must be an open area with the [[overhead mountain]] roof, within 30 tiles of a colony [[structure]], and a temperature above {{temperature|-17}}. Light, and temperatures below {{temperature|-8}} reduce the chance of infestations.
In order for a regular infestation to spawn, there must be an open area with the [[overhead mountain]] roof, within 30 tiles of a colony [[structure]], and a temperature above {{Temperature|-17}}. Light, and temperatures below {{Temperature|-8}} reduce the chance of infestations.
The [[#Too Deep: Infestation|Too Deep: Infestation]] is a seperate event. [[Insect]]s can still arrive, but this event has seperate mechanics.
The [[#Too Deep: Infestation|Too Deep: Infestation]] is a separate event. [[Insect]]s can still arrive, but this event has separate mechanics.
==Manhunter pack==
The [[#Wastepack_infestation|Wastepack infestations]] is a separate event available if [[Biotech]]{{BiotechIcon}} is active. The end effect is similar, but the mechanics are different.
=== Manhunter pack ===
{{For|the mental state that makes these animals hostile|Manhunter}}
{{For|the mental state that makes these animals hostile|Manhunter}}
A pack of [[scaria]]-infested animals have arrived, [[Manhunter|hunting]] for human flesh. A manhunter pack has 40% more points (i.e. 40% more "raiders") than a regular raid. When killed, scaria has a chance to instantly rot a [[corpse]], which makes them inedible and creates [[rot stink]]. A single animal can arrive and the event will still be called a "pack".
A pack of [[scaria]]-infested animals have arrived, [[Manhunter|hunting]] for human flesh. A manhunter pack has 40% more points (i.e. 40% more "raiders") than a regular raid. When killed, scaria has a chance to instantly rot a [[corpse]], which makes them inedible and creates [[rot stink]]. A single animal can arrive and the event will still be called a "pack".
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[[File:Manhunter pack.png|300px|Manhunting [[warg]]s]]
[[File:Manhunter pack.png|300px|Manhunting [[warg]]s]]
==Psychic wave==
=== Psychic wave ===
Appears as Mad Animals: (Animal name). Immediately drives local [[animals|wildlife]] insane, becoming [[manhunter]]. As opposed to a manhunter pack, these animals do not have [[scaria]]. No new animals are created - only animals already on the map can be affected. This fact means that psychic waves scale poorly with raid points; advanced colonies will find these events much smaller than any other major threat.
Appears as Mad Animals: (Animal name). Immediately drives local [[animals|wildlife]] insane, becoming [[manhunter]]. As opposed to a manhunter pack, these animals do not have [[scaria]], and so won't immediately rot. No new animals are created - only animals already on the map can be affected. This fact means that psychic waves scale poorly with raid points; advanced colonies will find these events much smaller than any other major threat.
As manhunters, the selected animals will roam the region, attacking any human they can path to. The animals can't enter doors, but if they see a colonist run behind a door, they will attempt to beat down the door. Unlike with scaria, the manhunter status will end when the animals need to sleep.
As manhunters, the selected animals will roam the region, attacking any human they can path to. The animals can't enter doors, but if they see a colonist run behind a door, they will attempt to beat down the door. Unlike with scaria, the manhunter status will end when the animals need to sleep.
This event has a [[Events#Mad animal|variation]] that only affects a single animal, which is not considered a major threat.
This event has a [[#Mad animal|variation]] that only affects a single animal, which is not considered a major threat.
== Crashed ship part ==
=== Crashed ship part ===
{{For|the help guide|Defense_structures#Crashed_ships}}
{{For|the help guide|Defense structures#Crashed ships}}
{{For|information on the ship parts themselves|Crashed ship parts}}
{{For|information on the ship parts themselves|Crashed ship parts}}
A [[crashed ship parts|large piece of an ancient ship]] crashes nearby, along with a pack of [[mechanoid]]s. The mechs will generate dormant, but will awaken when they or the ship part are attacked. While the ship part is still active, they will activate an intensifying negative effect on the map.
A [[crashed ship parts|large piece of an ancient ship]] crashes nearby, along with a pack of [[mechanoid]]s. The mechs will generate dormant, but will awaken when they or the ship part are attacked. While the ship part is still active, they will activate an intensifying negative effect on the map.
=== Defoliator ship ===
==== Defoliator ship ====
A crashed defoliator ship kills all wild or domesticated plants in an expanding circle, up to a radius of 100 tiles. The poison kills crops randomly, including plants grown in [[hydroponics basin]]s. Crops will end up nearly impossible to grow.
A crashed defoliator ship kills all wild or domesticated plants in an expanding circle, up to a radius of 100 tiles. The poison kills crops randomly, including plants grown in [[hydroponics basin]]s. Crops will end up nearly impossible to grow. If the [[Biotech DLC]] is active, this ship part will also generate [[Pollution]]{{BiotechIcon}} from its center at a rate of 6~7 tiles per day.
=== Psychic ship ===
==== Psychic ship ====
A ship part projects a psychic drone which negatively affects the [[mood]] of a specific gender. It begins low and grows progressively stronger the longer it stays. [[Psychic sensitivity]] increases or decreases the drone's effect.
A ship part projects a psychic drone which negatively affects the [[mood]] of a specific gender. It begins low and grows progressively stronger the longer it stays. [[Psychic sensitivity]] increases or decreases the drone's effect.
The ship's is also capable of emitting psychic pulses that can drive a colonist to an immediate mental break, or nearby animals to madness.
The ship's is also capable of emitting psychic pulses that can drive a colonist to an immediate mental break, or nearby animals to madness.
===== Drone intensifies =====
====== Drone intensifies ======
If left alone long enough, the drone emitted from a crashed psychic ship will get worse as time goes on. Every 2.5 days the drone gets stronger, from -12 mood at the beginning up to -48 after 7.5 days.
If left alone long enough, the drone emitted from a crashed psychic ship will get worse as time goes on. Every 2.5 days the drone gets stronger, from -12 mood at the beginning up to -48 after 7.5 days.
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==Mech cluster==
=== Mech cluster ===
{{main|Mech cluster}}
{{main|Mech cluster}}
Mech clusters are similar to crashed ship parts with a more complex structure, with buildings like [[wall]]s, [[turret]]s, and [[unstable power cell]]s. They also spawn dormant, but can come with activators, able to wake up from proximity or over time. They can come with on-map [[condition causer]]s, such as sun blockers or EMP dynanmos.
Mech clusters are similar to crashed ship parts with a more complex structure, with buildings like [[wall]]s, [[turret]]s, and [[unstable power cell]]s. They also spawn dormant, but can come with activators, able to wake up from proximity or over time. They can come with on-map [[condition causer]]s, such as sun blockers or EMP dynamos.
==Problem causer==
=== Problem causer ===
{{main|Condition causer}}
{{main|Condition causer}}
A [[condition causer]] has appeared within 10 world tiles of your colony, creating a negative effect. It must be destroyed to stop the effect. Some conditions may be situationally good, such as a psychic suppressor (male) when you only have females in the colony.
A [[condition causer]] has appeared within 10 world tiles of your colony, creating a negative effect. It must be destroyed to stop the effect. Some conditions may be situationally good, such as a psychic suppressor (male) when you only have females in the colony.
=Extreme weather=
The following events can appear from Base Builder difficulty onwards.
== Extreme weather ==
These events alter the environmental conditions of the colony map, only able to appear from Base Builder difficulty onward.
<div class="mw-customtoggle-XWeather" style="display:center;background:rgba(128,128,128,0.5);color:white;padding:10px;border-radius:5px;outline:none;user-select:none">{{Center|Show/Hide Extreme Weather Events}}</div>
<div id="mw-customcollapsible-XWeather" class="mw-collapsible"><!-- mw-collapsed -->
=== Flashstorm ===
A localized, intense '''[[lightning]] storm''' within a radius between 45 and 60 tiles. Active lightning will strike between every {{Ticks|320}} to {{Ticks|800}}. Once it finishes, no rain can fall until {{Ticks|30000}} has passed. This can create big [[fire]]s. It lasts between 0.075 and 0.1 days, and will not reoccur for 15 days. Clicking the envelope icon offers the option to jump to the center point.
"''A freak localized storm is blasting a small area with repeated lightning strikes.''"
'''Flashstorm''' is a localized, intense '''[[lightning]] storm''' within a radius between 45 and 60 tiles. Active lightning will strike between every {{Ticks|320}} to {{Ticks|800}}. Once it finishes, no rain can fall until {{Ticks|30000}} has passed. This can create big [[fire]]s. It lasts between 0.075 and 0.1 days, and will not reoccur for 15 days. Clicking the envelope icon offers the option to jump to the center point.
This can also be caused by the [[Psycasts#Flashstorm|Flashstorm]] Psycast {{RoyaltyIcon}}, but will not show up as a notification.
This can also be caused by the [[Flashstorm (psycast)|Flashstorm]] psycast {{RoyaltyIcon}}, but will not show up as a notification.
== Toxic fallout ==
=== Toxic fallout ===
"''A distant chemical fire has released a plume of poison over this entire region that will slowly settle out of the atmosphere. It will last for anywhere from a few days to an entire season.''"
"''A distant chemical fire has released a plume of poison over this entire region that will slowly settle out of the atmosphere. It will last for anywhere from a few days to an entire season.''"
'''Toxic fallout''' is a dangerous event which causes [[toxic buildup]] to any pawn not under a roof. The fallout also gives a {{--|5}} [[mood]]let for colonists when outside. It lasts between 2.5 and 10.5 days, will not occur before Day 60 of the colony, and will not reoccur for 90 days.  
'''Toxic fallout''' is a dangerous event which causes [[toxic buildup]] to any pawn not under a [[roof]]. The fallout also gives a {{--|5}} [[mood]]let for colonists when outside. It lasts between 2.5 and 10.5 days, will not occur before Day 60 of the colony, and will not reoccur for 90 days.  
Toxic buildup from toxic fallout is proportional to both [[Toxic Resistance]] and the [[Toxic Environment Resistance]] of the pawn. Animals have 50% [[Toxic Resistance]], so buildup increases at half the rate, but exposed animals will eventually die. When animals die with toxic buildup, there is a chance, scaling with severity, for their [[corpse]] to immediately rot.
Toxic buildup from toxic fallout is proportional to both [[Toxic Resistance]] and the [[Toxic Environment Resistance]] of the pawn. Animals have 50% [[Toxic Resistance]], so buildup increases at half the rate, but exposed animals will eventually die. When animals die with toxic buildup, there is a chance, scaling with severity, for their [[corpse]] to immediately rot.
By default, toxic buildup increases at a rate of 40% per day. For humans, a moderate buildup - 40% severity, or 24 hours left outside - is enough to potentially cause permanent damage, from either [[dementia]] or [[carcinoma]]. Death happens at 100% severity. In [[Biotech]],{{BiotechIcon}} both resistances can be gained in a number of ways, allowing counters to the effects of the fallout. These include the [[face mask]], [[gas mask]], [[detoxifier kidney]], [[detoxifier lung]] and several [[genes]].
By default, toxic buildup increases at a rate of 40% per day. For humans, a moderate buildup - 40% severity, or 24 hours left outside - is enough to potentially cause permanent damage, from either [[dementia]] or [[carcinoma]]. Death happens at 100% severity. In [[Biotech]],{{BiotechIcon}} both resistances can be gained in a number of ways, allowing counters to the effects of the fallout. These include the [[face mask]], [[gas mask]], [[detoxifier kidney]], [[detoxifier lung]] and several [[genes]].
All plants, including trees, will wither during the fallout.{{Check Tag|How long?}} Crops can be protected under a roof, but without a [[sun lamp]], they'll rot anyways. [[Insectoid]]s and [[mechanoid]]s are fully immune.
Excluding some special cases ([[Anima tree]]{{RoyaltyIcon}}, [[Anima grass]]{{RoyaltyIcon}}, [[Gauranlen tree]]{{IdeologyIcon}}, [[Gauranlen pod]]{{IdeologyIcon}}, [[Polux tree]]{{BiotechIcon}}), all plants will wither during the fallout, trees included. Every in-game hour, the affected plants will receive between 48.9 and 66.1 points of damage {{Check Tag|57.51667 base damage ±15%}}. Crops can be protected under a roof, but without a [[sun lamp]], they'll rot anyways. [[Insectoid]]s and [[mechanoid]]s are fully immune.
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== Volcanic winter ==
=== Volcanic winter ===
"''A distant supervolcano has erupted and begun spewing millions of cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere. Ash in the atmosphere will obscure the sun. Temperatures will drop and plants will suffer for lack of sunlight. It could pass in a few weeks, or it might last many months.''"
"''A distant supervolcano has erupted and begun spewing millions of cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere. Ash in the atmosphere will obscure the sun. Temperatures will drop and plants will suffer for lack of sunlight. It could pass in a few weeks, or it might last many months.''"
'''Volcanic winter''' lowers the temperature and natural [[light]], which in turn weakens [[solar generator]]s and slows plant growth. They also appear to significantly reduce the inflow of wildlife (observed in a Temperate Forest, 300x300, very few animals came in during Spring-Summer when there would normally be many). This can easily lead to meat shortage and famine if you do not have sufficiently large farms for your colony. Volcanic winters will last between 7.5 and 40 days, will not occur before Day 60 of the colony, and will not reoccur for 140 days.
'''Volcanic winter''' lowers the [[temperature]] and natural [[light]],which in turn weakens [[solar generator]]s and slows plant growth. They also appear to significantly reduce the inflow of wildlife (observed in a Temperate Forest, 300x300, very few animals came in during Spring-Summer when there would normally be many). This can easily lead to meat shortage and famine if you do not have sufficiently large farms for your colony. Volcanic winters will last between 7.5 and 40 days, will not occur before Day 60 of the colony, and will not reoccur for 140 days.
To be specific, the temperature is reduced by {{Temperature|7||delta}} and the light by 30% over the course of {{Ticks|50000}}. The wildlife density is cut by half, and pawns can no longer enjoy their time outside.{{Check Tag|Mechanic detail|What does this mean mechanically?}}
Note that volcanic winters won't kill plants outright, but they still have the potential to kill plants should the temperature drop to a sufficiently cold point. Like cold snaps, building warmed and lit greenhouses can help with crop growth during volcanic winters.
== Random Events ==
These are the 3rd set of events able to be triggered by the [[storyteller]]. Internally, Random Events are classified as either good, bad, or quest.
=== Quests ===
Quests are a class of event that provide conditions to be met or actions to be performed to gain a reward. There are a wide variety of quests, which are listed on the quest page.
Quests are a class of event that provide conditions to be met or actions to be performed to gain a reward. There are a wide variety of quests, which are listed on the quest page.
=== Good ===
=== Ambrosia sprout ===
<div class="mw-customtoggle-RandomGood" style="display:inline-block;background:rgba(128,128,128,0.5);color:white;padding:10px;border-radius:5px;outline:none;user-select:none">Show Good Random Events</div>
<div  id="mw-customcollapsible-RandomGood" class="mw-collapsible"><!-- mw-collapsed -->
==== Ambrosia sprout ====
[[File:Ambrosia sprout.png|300px|right|thumb|An ambrosia sprout among the trees]]
[[File:Ambrosia sprout.png|300px|right|thumb|An ambrosia sprout among the trees]]
[[{{Q|Ambrosia bush|Image}}|48px|left|frameless]]{{quote|A grove of the mysterious [[ambrosia bush]] has sprouted nearby! If you wait for the plants to grow, you'll be able to harvest the delicious, pleasurable, and slightly addictive [[Ambrosia|fruit]].}}
[[{{Q|Ambrosia bush|Image}}|48px|left|frameless]]{{quote|A grove of the mysterious [[ambrosia bush]] has sprouted nearby! If you wait for the plants to grow, you'll be able to harvest the delicious, pleasurable, and slightly addictive [[Ambrosia|fruit]].}}
Ambrosia bushes are the only way to harvest [[ambrosia]], a safe [[mood]] boosting [[social drug]]. A good way to harvest them is to draw a growing zone over them, but forbid sowing. Colonists will then automatically harvest the bushes when they are fully grown.
Ambrosia bushes are the only way to harvest [[ambrosia]], a safe [[mood]] boosting [[social drug]]. A good way to harvest them is to draw a growing zone over them, but forbid sowing. Colonists will then automatically harvest the bushes when they are fully grown.
The ambrosia event must initially spawn in the growing season of the map tile.
It can only happen in the following [[biomes]]:
It can only happen in the following [[biomes]]:
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=== Animals join ===
==== Animals join ====
Tamed dogs or [[farm animals]] from off-map join your colony.
Tamed dogs or [[farm animals]] from off-map join your colony.
=== Animal self-tamed ===
==== Animal self-tamed ====
[[File:Thrumbo self-tamed.png|300px|right]]
[[File:Thrumbo self-tamed.png|300px|right]]
A random animal on the map becomes tame, and immediately joins the colony. Previously tamed animals can self-tame, where they retain all training they previously had.
A random animal on the map becomes tame, and immediately joins the colony. The frequency of self-taming events is unrelated to the number of animals on the map, provided there is at least one. This means in a tundra biome with one snowhare you're just as likely to get a self-taming event as in a tropical swamp populated with dozens of animals. Previously tamed animals can self-tame, and will retain the name and all training they previously had.
You should probably check the "Animals" tab immediately and assign the animal to an appropriate zone, unless you want to let it move unrestricted.
For pen animals, you must rope them into a pen or to a caravan hitching spot or the animal will eventually run off the map, though usually this is not urgent. For zoneable animals, you should check the "Animals" tab and assign the animal to an appropriate zone, unless you want to let it move unrestricted. If you are dangerously low on food, be aware that if a zoneable animal self-tames and there is no food in the environment, it will run inside your base and eat your food stores when it gets hungry.
==== Aurora ====
=== Aurora ===
An aurora lights up the night sky, giving a +14 mood boost to anyone who is outside watching. While in real life it only happens near the poles, on the rimworlds it can happen anywhere regardless of latitude. It ends at day and otherwise lasts from 0.125 to 0.35 days.
An aurora lights up the night sky, giving a +14 mood boost to anyone who is outside watching. While in real life it only happens near the poles, on the rimworlds it can happen anywhere regardless of latitude. It ends at day and otherwise lasts from 0.125 to 0.35 days.
Despite the event text stating that it will "make the night brighter", it does not actually affect the light level.
Despite the event text stating that it will "make the night brighter", it does not actually affect the light level.
=== Cargo pods ===
==== Cargo pods ====
[[File:Cargo pods.png|300px|left]]
[[File:Cargo pods.png|300px|right]]
From time to time, [[transport pod|cargo pods]] will fall out of orbit, containing a random amount of single type of resource. The remains of the pods become [[steel slag chunk]]s, which can be refined into usable metal at an [[electric smelter]]. The pods have a chance of crashing through the roofs of any buildings, damaging any nearby furniture, structures or any pawn they land on.
From time to time, [[transport pod|cargo pods]] will fall out of orbit, containing a random amount of single type of resource. The remains of the pods become [[steel slag chunk]]s, which can be refined into usable metal at an [[electric smelter]]. The pods have a chance of crashing through the roofs of any buildings, damaging any nearby furniture, structures or any pawn they land on.  
=== Herd migration: (Animal) ===
==== Herd migration: (Animal) ====
[[File:Thrumbo herd migration.png|300px|right]]
[[File:Thrumbo herd migration.png|300px|right]]
A large herd of [[animal]]s is passing through the area. They won't attack unless provoked.  
A large herd of [[animal]]s is passing through the area. They won't attack unless provoked. They pass by quickly, so you must be quick if you want to hunt or attempt taming them.
This event only occurs in the following biomes:
This event only occurs in the following biomes:
<div style="column-count:3; width:350px;">
* [[Sea ice]]
* [[Sea ice]]
* [[Ice sheet]]
* [[Ice sheet]]
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* [[Extreme desert]]
* [[Extreme desert]]
=== Party ===
==== Party ====
One of your colonists will throw a party around a [[party spot]], or if unavailable, a gather spot ([[table]] or [[campfire]]). Colonists will continually get mood buffs the longer they attend a party.{{Check Tag|Detail|Stacking behavior for party duration?}} Each stack adds {{+|0.8}} to mood, lasts 10 days and stacks up to 10 times, for a max buff of +8 mood. In addition, a party provides many social opportunities. They will usually have [[beer]]s and [[smokeleaf joint]]s, if available, and eat [[meal]]s even when not hungry.
One of your colonists will throw a party around a [[party spot]], or if unavailable, a gather spot ([[table]] or [[campfire]]). Colonists will continually get mood buffs the longer they attend a party.{{Check Tag|Detail|Stacking behavior for party duration?}} Each stack adds {{+|0.8}} to mood, lasts 10 days and stacks up to 10 times, for a max buff of +8 mood. In addition, a party provides many social opportunities. They will usually have [[beer]]s and [[smokeleaf joint]]s, if available, and eat [[meal]]s even when not hungry.
Pawns that don't attend won't get mood buffs. Players may have to [[draft]] and undraft pawns to get them out of work. If too many pawns are drafted at once, or if a [[raid]] happens, then the party will be called off.
Pawns that don't attend won't get mood buffs. Players may have to [[draft]] and undraft pawns to get them out of work. If too many pawns, or the hosting pawn are drafted at once, or if a [[raid]] happens, then the party will be called off.
=== Psychic soothe ===
==== Psychic soothe ====
[[File:Psychic soothe.png|300px|left]]
[[File:Psychic soothe.png|300px|right]]
When this event triggers, the soothe gives a positive mood modifier (+16 for normal colonists, more or less depending on the [[Psychic Sensitivity]]) to all colonists of a randomly chosen sex. It can be considered the opposite of the [[#Psychic drone|Psychic Drone]]. It lasts between 1.5 and 3.0 days and will not reoccur for 15 days.
When this event triggers, the soothe gives a positive mood modifier (+16 for normal colonists, more or less depending on the [[Psychic Sensitivity]]) to all colonists of a randomly chosen sex. It can be considered the opposite of the [[#Psychic drone|Psychic Drone]], but does not have different levels of severity. It lasts between 1.5 and 3.0 days and will not reoccur for 15 days.
=== (Trader type) ===
==== (Trader type) ====
This event, without a faction mentioned, occurs when an orbital [[trade]] ship passes near the colony and you have a powered [[comms console]]. Players may trade to obtain resources or weapons, or alternatively sell excess items for silver, which is always accepted by traders. Note that orbital trade ships can appear even when the comms console is turned off, so check the console during a solar flare.
This event, without a faction mentioned, occurs when an orbital [[trade]] ship passes near the colony and you have a powered [[comms console]]. Players may trade to obtain resources or weapons, or alternatively sell excess items for silver, which is always accepted by traders. Note that orbital trade ships can appear even when the comms console is turned off, so check the console during a solar flare.
You need to build [[orbital trade beacon]]s before contacting them so you can beam [[silver]] and items up to the ship to actually carry out transactions. You can still check the items for sale even without them however.
You need to build [[orbital trade beacon]]s before contacting them so you can beam [[silver]] and items up to the ship to actually carry out transactions. You can still check the items for sale even without them however.
=== (Trader type) from (Faction) ===
==== (Trader type) from (Faction) ====
This event with the faction name mentioned means the traders are terrestrial. Trader caravans from other non-hostile factions can stop by your colony, whether specifically requested via the [[comms console]] at a hit to good will or randomly on their own with no penalty.
This event with the faction name mentioned means the traders are terrestrial. Trader caravans from other non-hostile factions can stop by your colony, whether specifically requested via the [[comms console]] at a hit to good will or randomly on their own with no penalty.
=== Transport pod crash ===
==== Transport pod crash ====
[[File:Rescuee joined your group.png|300px|thumb|right|Since you rescued him/her. Character joined your group!]]
A [[downed]] and injured occupant falls from the sky, containing members of a [[faction]] or neutral, unaffiliated spacers. A friendly or neutral occupant can be rescued to a medical bed, while a hostile member must be put into a prison bed.
A [[downed]] and injured occupant falls from the sky, containing members of a [[faction]] or neutral, unaffiliated spacers. A friendly or neutral occupant can be rescued to a medical bed, while a hostile member must be put into a prison bed.
The pawn can also be a [[xenotype]]{{BiotechIcon}} that doesn't have any factions on the planet.{{Check Tag|Detail needed|Which xenotypes specifically can be used? All the default types? Wb Sanguo? Wb preferred xenotypes? Wb custom ones from made during game genration? Wb custom ones made after?}}
Once healed, non-hostile crash victims will either join your colony out of gratitude, or walk away to return to their faction. You can instead [[Prisoner|capture]] a non-hostile person, but their faction (if not spacer) will turn hostile.
Once healed, non-hostile crash victims will either join your colony out of gratitude, or walk away to return to their faction. You can instead [[Prisoner|capture]] a non-hostile person, but their faction (if not spacer) will turn hostile.
[[File:Rescuee joined your group.png|300px|thumb|left|Since you rescued him/her. Character joined your group!]]
===== Paralytic abasia =====
====Paralytic abasia====
A transport pod can crash with a person with [[paralytic abasia]], a [[disease]] which prevents movement until cured (usually after 40 days). Unlike regular transport pods, the person will directly ask to join the colony. If you refuse, then colonists will get the same penalties as if you banished another colonist.
A transport pod can crash with a person with [[paralytic abasia]], a [[disease]] which prevents movement until cured (usually after 40 days). Unlike regular transport pods, the person will directly ask to join the colony. If you refuse, then colonists will get the same penalties as if you banished another colonist.
===== Baby =====
A transport pod may crash with a [[baby]] instead of the regular occupant, and will always appear as a friendly faction/neutral refugee/unaffiliated. You can choose to ignore it and let it starve to death, or adopt the baby by selecting it and click "Adopt". Rarely, the corpse of the baby's parent can also appear next to it, still in pristine condition.
A transport pod may crash with a [[baby]] instead of the regular occupant, and will always appear as a friendly faction/neutral refugee/unaffiliated. You can choose to ignore it and let it starve to death, or adopt the baby by selecting it and click "Adopt". Rarely, the corpse of the baby's parent can also appear next to it, still in pristine condition.
=== Wanderer joins ===
==== Wanderer joins ====
A random person will forcefully try and join the colony. You have 24 hours to accept or reject them. Accepting will have them appear on the world map. Rejecting will give the same penalties as if you had banished a colonist.
A random person will forcefully try and join the colony. You have 24 hours to accept or reject them. Accepting will have them appear on the world map. Rejecting will give the same penalties as if you had banished a colonist. Unless it'd be dangerous to enter your colony, there is no reason not to accept the wanderer, see their stats, and then decide to keep or banish them.
With [[Ideology]]{{IdeologyIcon}}, the colonist that joins the colony will have a randomized Ideoligion. This event can also occur at 50% rate if an [[Ideoligion]]'s event result set for this event is "Beautiful/Fun/Good / Unforgettable", with said colonist with the same Ideoligion as the masses of the colonist in the colony.
With [[Ideology]]{{IdeologyIcon}}, the colonist that joins the colony will have a randomized Ideoligion. This event can also occur at 50% rate if an [[Ideoligion]]'s event result set for this event is "Beautiful/Fun/Good / Unforgettable", with said colonist with the same Ideoligion as the masses of the colonist in the colony.
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=== Wild (wo)man wanders in ===
==== Wild (wo)man wanders in ====
A random person with no faction wanders into your colony and will mill about the map. You have the option to [[Tame]] this person with a minimum [[Skills#Animals|Animals skill]] of {{Q|Human|Minimum Handling Skill}}. Doing so will convert them to into a completely normal colonist. Sometimes, they may not be able to resist the harshness of nature and may fall unconscious (ex: Toxic Fallout, extreme temperatures), allowing you to rescue them like transport pod crash victims. Arresting them will not allow you to recruit or [[Slavery|enslave]]{{IdeologyIcon}} them like regular prisoners, they must be tamed or rescued.
A random person with no faction wanders into your colony and will mill about the map. You have the option to [[Tame]] this person with a minimum [[Skills#Animals|Animals skill]] of {{Q|Human|Minimum Handling Skill}}. Doing so will convert them to into a completely normal colonist. Sometimes, they may not be able to resist the harshness of nature and may fall unconscious (ex: Toxic Fallout, extreme temperatures), allowing you to rescue them like transport pod crash victims. They also have the same hunger needs as regular humans, and if they do not find animals to hunt or wild plants (or simply do not want to) they can walk into your base and eat your food, which can be an annoyance. Arresting them will not allow you to recruit or [[Slavery|enslave]]{{IdeologyIcon}} them like regular prisoners, they must be tamed or rescued.
Wild humans have a 50% chance of attacking when harmed, and 10% if taming fails.
Wild humans have a 50% chance of attacking when harmed, and 10% if taming fails.
These wild (wo)man may have random Ideoligion with [[Ideology]].
These wild (wo)men may have random Ideoligion with [[Ideology]].
Unlike other animals, wild people will not flee from gunfire. [[Cannibal]] wild people can hunt human pawns for food like a predator. It is unclear if this applies to non-cannibals as well.{{Check Tag|Detail needed}}
Unlike other animals, wild people will not flee from gunfire. Wild people can hunt human pawns for food like a predator, regardless of whether they are cannibals or not. Wild people who are incapable of violence will not hunt at all, but may still become manhunter when provoked.
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=== Traveler Visit ===
==== Traveler Visit ====
=== Visitor(s) ===
==== Visitor(s) ====
Friendly faction members may stop by your settlement. Occasionally, they will have a few goods to trade. Like a regular trader they will mill about the player's colony for a while. Unlike a regular trader, they don't have many goods with them, nor do they have as much silver to buy your goods. Visitors possess no higher purpose otherwise, but will fight mutual enemies.
Friendly faction members may stop by your settlement. Occasionally, they will have a few goods to trade. Like a regular trader they will mill about the player's colony for a while. Unlike a regular trader, they don't have many goods with them, nor do they have as much silver to buy your goods. Visitors possess no higher purpose otherwise, but will fight mutual enemies.
Sometimes there will be a singular visitor. In this case, the game will notify you of the backstory of that visitor.
Sometimes there will be a singular visitor. In this case, the game will notify you of the backstory of that visitor.
=== Royal Tribute Collector ===
==== Royal Tribute Collector ====
{{Main|Royal tribute collector}}
{{Main|Royal tribute collector}}
If you are not hostile to the [[Empire]], Royal Tribute Collectors will visit the colony approximately twice a year. Tribute collectors are essentially Empire-only trade caravans that exclusively accept [[gold]] and [[prisoner]]s in exchange for [[Titles#Honor|Honor]].
If you are not hostile to the [[Empire]], Royal Tribute Collectors will visit the colony approximately twice a year. Tribute collectors are essentially Empire-only trade caravans that exclusively accept [[gold]] and [[prisoner]]s in exchange for [[Titles#Honor|Honor]].
=== Gauranlen pod sprout ===
==== Gauranlen pod sprout ====
{{quote|A Gauranlen pod has sprouted nearby! Harvest it to collect a Gauranlen seed. This special seed can be used to plant the majestic [[Gauranlen tree]]. Your colonist can connect with Guaranlen trees and make them spawn resources and helpful dryads to work or fight for you.}}
{{quote|A Gauranlen pod has sprouted nearby! Harvest it to collect a Gauranlen seed. This special seed can be used to plant the majestic [[Gauranlen tree]]. Your colonist can connect with Guaranlen trees and make them spawn resources and helpful dryads to work or fight for you.}}
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A [[Gauranlen pod|pod]] will appear somewhere with the current map. Harvesting it yield 1-2 [[Gauranlen seed]]. This event occurs roughly every 60 [[time|days]] in every [[biome]] except Ice Sheets and Sea Ice, and this time is decreased to roughly every 30 days for [[Ideoligion#Tree connection|tree connectors]]. This event can also occur if an [[Ideoligion]]'s ritual result is set to trigger this event and performing the ritual receives a "Beautiful/Fun/Good/Unforgettable" quality.
A [[Gauranlen pod|pod]] will appear somewhere with the current map. Harvesting it yield 1-2 [[Gauranlen seed]]. This event occurs roughly every 60 [[time|days]] in every [[biome]] except Ice Sheets and Sea Ice, and this time is decreased to roughly every 30 days for [[Ideoligion#Tree connection|tree connectors]]. This event can also occur if an [[Ideoligion]]'s ritual result is set to trigger this event and performing the ritual receives a "Beautiful/Fun/Good/Unforgettable" quality.
=== Polux tree sprout ===
==== Polux tree sprout ====
A [[polux tree]] may appear whenever there is enough [[pollution]] around. It will consume and clean up said pollution, but will not do so if it or its roots are under a roof.
A [[polux tree]] may appear whenever there is enough [[pollution]] around. It will consume and clean up said pollution, but will not do so if it or its roots are under a roof.
A group of ravenous wood-munching [[alphabeaver]]s appears at the edge of the map. This only occurs in the [[arid shrubland]] and [[tundra]],and only when outdoor [[temperature]] is above the alphabeaver's [[minimum comfortable temperature]] of {{Temperature|{{Q|Alphabeaver|Min Comfortable Temperature}} }}. It will not reoccur for 30 days.
Beavers will act like any other animal. But due to their unique diet and extreme hunger, beavers will continually eat [[trees]] and [[Saguaro cactus|Saguaro cacti]] they can reach, including any you're farming. They will continue until there's no wood left, unless you eradicate them first.
=== Bad ===
<div class="mw-customtoggle-RandomBad" style="display:inline-block;background:rgba(128,128,128,0.5);color:white;padding:10px;border-radius:5px;outline:none;user-select:none">Show Bad Random Events</div>
<div  id="mw-customcollapsible-RandomBad" class="mw-collapsible"><!-- mw-collapsed -->
=== Birthday ===
==== Beavers! ====
Character gains an age-related illness, such as [[bad back]] or [[cataract]]s. They may be cured by using the [[healer mech serum]], [[luciferium]], a [[biosculpter pod]]{{IdeologyIcon}}, or the Scarless [[gene]]{{BiotechIcon}}. Some may be 'cured' by replacing the affected parts with bionics.
A group of ravenous tree-munching [[alphabeaver]]s appears at the edge of the map. This only occurs in the [[arid shrubland]] and [[tundra]], and only when the outdoor [[temperature]] is above the alphabeaver's [[minimum comfortable temperature]] of {{Temperature|{{Q|Alphabeaver|Min Comfortable Temperature}} }}. It will not reoccur for 30 days.
Due to age or a pre-existing health condition, they can also have a [[Injury#Heart Attack|heart attack]].
Beavers will act like any other animal. But due to their unique diet and extreme hunger, beavers will continually eat [[trees]] and [[Saguaro cactus|Saguaro cacti]] they can reach, including [[anima tree]]s{{RoyaltyIcon}}, [[gauranlen tree]]s{{IdeologyIcon}}, [[polux tree]]s{{BiotechIcon}} and any trees you're farming. Alphabeavers will not and cannot eat the {{Icon Small|wood}} [[wood]] item, [[wood]]en buildings, or any other item made out of wood.
The beavers will continue eating until there are no trees left, unless you eradicate them or they're driven off the map by temperature.
==== Birthday ====
Character gains an age-related illness, such as [[bad back]] or [[cataract]]s. They may be cured by using the [[healer mech serum]], [[luciferium]], a [[biosculpter pod]]{{IdeologyIcon}}, or the Scarless [[gene]]{{BiotechIcon}}. Some may be 'cured' by replacing the affected parts with bionics.
Due to age or a pre-existing health condition, they can also have a [[heart attack]].
=== Blight ===
==== Blight ====
[[File:Crop blight.png|200px|thumb|right|Blighted crops with an indicator above them.]]
[[File:Crop blight.png|200px|thumb|right|Blighted crops with an indicator above them.]]
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It will not reoccur for 30 days.
It will not reoccur for 30 days.
==== Disease ====
Colonists (including [[prisoner]]s and [[slave]]s{{IdeologyIcon}}) or animals will gain a random [[disease]]. [[Biome]] influences both the amount of disease and its selection. Multiple pawns can get a disease, but 1 event can only affect colonists or animals.
Colonists (including [[prisoner]]s and [[slave]]s{{IdeologyIcon}}) or animals will gain a random [[disease]]. [[Biome]] influences both the amount of disease and its selection. Multiple pawns can get a disease at once, but diseases never spread between pawns. Disease events are controlled separately from other events by your [[storyteller]].
[[Traits#Sickly|Sickly]] pawns will get sick with a MTB of 30 days, independently of the rest of your colonists.
[[Traits#Sickly|Sickly]] pawns will get sick with a MTB of 30 days, independently of the rest of your colonists.
=== Eclipse ===
==== Eclipse ====
A moon has moved in front of the sun, causing an eclipse. Without [[light]], [[solar generator]]s won't function, and outdoor crops stop growing. It lasts between 0.75 and 1.25 days.
A moon has moved in front of the sun, causing an eclipse. Without [[light]], [[solar generator]]s won't function, and outdoor crops stop growing. It lasts between 0.75 and 1.25 days.
If reliant on solar power, make sure to have [[battery|batteries]] for times like these, or an eclipse raid can be extra threatening.
If reliant on solar power, make sure to have [[battery|batteries]] for times like these, or an eclipse raid can be extra threatening.
=== Heat wave ===
Pawns with the [[Ideoligion#Eclipse|Eclipse: Beautiful]] precept{{IdeologyIcon}} will receive a {{+|5}} moodlet for seeing an eclipse.
A heat wave sweeps the colony, driving outdoor [[temperature]]s unusually high for 1.5 and 3.5 days. There is also a chance for a [[fire]] to randomly appear on the map, which can quickly spread. It only occurs when the map's summer temperature is at least {{Temperature|20}}, and will not reoccur for 30 days.
It will not reoccur for 15 days
==== Heat wave ====
{{stub|section=1|reason=Needs details. What's the chance for a fire to occur?}}
A heat wave sweeps the colony, driving outdoor [[temperature]]s unusually high for 1.5 and 3.5 days. To be precise, the temperature will increase by {{Temperature|17||delta}} over 12000 game ticks (4.8 in-game hours). There is also a chance for a [[fire]] to randomly appear on the map, which can quickly spread. It only occurs when the map's summer temperature is at least {{Temperature|20}}, and will not reoccur for 30 days.
The major risks are [[cooler]]s failing to freeze food, and [[heat stroke]] to your colonists and animals. Summer clothing like [[cowboy hat]]s and [[tribalwear]] can mitigate the heat, and [[passive cooler]]s can help make indoor temperatures bearable.
The major risks are [[cooler]]s failing to freeze food, and [[heat stroke]] to your colonists and animals. Summer clothing like [[cowboy hat]]s and [[tribalwear]] can mitigate the heat, and [[passive cooler]]s can help make indoor temperatures bearable.
=== Mad animal ===
Do note that an while this event remains active, the colony will not trigger the events Cold Snaps, Volcanic Winter, nor additional Heat Waves. The one exception are events triggered by quest, which will apply regardless.
==== Cold snap ====
A cold snap strikes the colony, driving outdoor [[temperature]] unusually low for 1.5 and 3.5 days. To be precise, the temperature decreases by {{Temperature|20||delta}} over 12000 game ticks (4.8 in-game hours). It only occurs when the map's summer temperature is in the range of {{Temperature|0|15}}, and will not reoccur for 30 days. Colonists will complain about the cold, especially sleeping in it if their rooms are not properly heated.
While this is generally good for item preservation, it can kill off crops, influence colonist moods and cause [[Ailments#Hypothermia|hypothermia]] if colonists or animals stay in non-heated areas for a prolonged time. It also renders most of the plants in the area inedible (unless when it happens in warmer areas in which some plants are still edible), potentially causing tame animals to starve to death and wild ones to leave the map. With no other food source, wild predators may attack colonists and tame animals while they are outdoors. Snowing may also happen, depositing thick snow that can slow down outdoor movement significantly.
[[Jacket]]s, [[duster]]s, [[parka]]s and [[tuque]]s provide cold insulation for colonists, protecting them while they're awake, though they don't prevent mood loss caused by sleeping in cold areas.
Do note that an while this event remains active, the colony will not trigger the events Heat Waves, Volcanic Winter, nor additional Cold Snaps. The one exception are events triggered by quest, which will apply regardless.
==== Mad animal ====
A single random animal on the map turns [[manhunter]], like a psychic wave. The insane animal will charge toward the nearest human anywhere on the map, attacking any other animal or obstacle (doors, fences, barricades, etc.) blocking its way. If the "nearest" colonist changes, the animal may change its focus to that target.
A single random animal on the map turns [[manhunter]], like a psychic wave. The insane animal will charge toward the nearest human anywhere on the map, attacking any other animal or obstacle (doors, fences, barricades, etc.) blocking its way. If the "nearest" colonist changes, the animal may change its focus to that target.
Any animal can be dangerous to a colonist, but multiple colonists can usually take them out. Large animals, as well as the explosive [[boomalope]] and [[boomrat]], are bigger threats.
Any animal can be dangerous to a colonist, but multiple colonists can usually take them out. Large animals, as well as the explosive [[boomalope]] and [[boomrat]], are bigger threats.
=== Psychic drone ===
==== Psychic drone ====
{{For|the moodlet|Mood#Exotic}}
{{For|the moodlet|Mood#Exotic}}
'Drone' in this case does not refer to "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" but instead "To produce a low-pitched hum or buzz." A psychic drone affects all colonists of a randomly chosen gender, giving a [[Mood#Exotic|strong negative moodlet]]. The drone can vary in severity, from low (-12 mood) to extreme (-40 mood). [[Psychic Sensitivity]] will multiply the effect on the drone. It lasts between 0.75 and 1.75 days and will not reoccur for 15 days.
'Drone' in this case does not refer to "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" but instead "To produce a low-pitched hum or buzz." A psychic drone affects all colonists of a randomly chosen gender, giving a [[Mood#Exotic|strong negative moodlet]]. The drone can vary in severity, from low (-12 mood) to extreme (-40 mood). [[Psychic Sensitivity]] will multiply the effect on the drone. It lasts between 0.75 and 1.75 days and will not reoccur for 15 days.
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Colonists have no choice but to endure it, as the point of origin is off-map. [[Psychic foil helmet]]s, [[drug]]s, and other mood-enhancers can help deal with the effects. Animals are not affected.
Colonists have no choice but to endure it, as the point of origin is off-map. [[Psychic foil helmet]]s, [[drug]]s, and other mood-enhancers can help deal with the effects. Animals are not affected.
=== Solar flare ===
==== Solar flare ====
Solar flares cause all electrical devices to stop working for its duration, from 0.15 to 0.5 days. [[Wood-fired generator]]s and [[chemfuel generator]]s will still burn fuel during this time.
Solar flares cause all electrical devices to stop working for its duration, from 0.15 to 0.5 days. [[Wood-fired generator]]s and [[chemfuel generator]]s will still burn fuel during this time.
* Colonies that rely on turrets for defense will become vulnerable to raids.
* Colonies that rely on turrets for defense will become vulnerable to raids.
* Heaters and coolers will stop working. In extreme temperatures, crops will die and colonists can be at risk of heatsroke or hypothermia. [[Campfire]]s and [[passive cooler]]s are low-tech options that work even in a solar flare.
* Heaters and coolers will stop working. In extreme temperatures, crops will die and colonists can be at risk of heatstroke or hypothermia. [[Campfire]]s and [[passive cooler]]s are low-tech options that work even in a solar flare.
* Crops in a [[hydroponics basin]] will rapidly degrade, regardless of the temperature. It's recommended to quickly harvest any crops that can't be saved before they die.
* Crops in a [[hydroponics basin]] will rapidly degrade, regardless of the temperature. It's recommended to quickly harvest any crops that can't be saved before they die.
* Occasionally an [[Trade#Orbital|orbital trade ship]] may arrive during the event, so it is wise to check out the Comms Console as soon as the event ends or risk getting the ''''<trader> has left comms range"'' notification while unaware of their presence. If a ship leaves ''during'' a solar flare, you ''will'' be notified that the trader has left, although this is only a minor message in the upper right of the screen.
* Occasionally an [[Trade#Orbital|orbital trade ship]] may arrive during the event, so it is wise to check out the Comms Console as soon as the event ends or risk getting the ''''<trader> has left comms range"'' notification while unaware of their presence. If a ship leaves ''during'' a solar flare, you ''will'' be notified that the trader has left, although this is only a minor message in the upper right of the screen.
* The colony is immune to the effects of a solar flare while also undergoing [[unnatural darkness]]{{AnomalyIcon}}
Due to its length, most of the adverse effects are manageable.
Due to its length, most of the adverse effects are manageable.
=== Zzztt... ===
==== Zzztt ====
This event can occur anytime a [[power conduit]] has energy flowing through it. The conduit may suffer a fault, causing a short circuit. They may also occur if certain objects are left unroofed and are exposed to [[weather|rain or snow]]. Short-circuits outside of rain/snow will not reoccur for 8 days.
This event can occur anytime a [[power conduit]] has energy flowing through it. The conduit may suffer a fault, causing a short circuit. They may also occur if certain objects are left unroofed and are exposed to [[weather|rain or snow]]. Short-circuits not caused by rain/snow will not reoccur for 8 days. Short circuits do not affect [[Hidden_conduit|hidden conduits]], meaning zzztts can be avoided entirely by simply having all applicable buildings under roofs and having a network made entirely of hidden conduits.
This short circuit will either result in a [[fire]], or, if any [[battery|batteries]] are connected to the circuit and contains at least 20Wd, a firey explosion centered on the tile, that increases with energy stored. The explosion deals 10 [[Damage Types#Flame|Flame damage]] and setting objects on fire. If the explosion radius is greated than 3.5 tiles, a second explosion of 30% radius deals 50 [[Damage Types#Bomb|Bomb damage]], which can extinguish fires. The fault will also discharge all stored power in batteries in the process.  
The following buildings short circuit due to weather:
<div style="column-count:3; width:700px;">
* [[Sun lamp]]
* [[Tube television]]
* [[Flatscreen television]]
* [[Megascreen television]]
* [[Comms console]]
* [[Multi-analyzer]]
* [[Vitals monitor]]
* [[Battery]]
* [[Electric tailor bench]]
* [[Electric smithy]]
* [[Machining table]]
* [[Electric stove]]
* [[Electric smelter]]
* [[Biofuel refinery]]
* [[Fabrication bench]]
* [[Hi-tech research bench]]
* [[Electric crematorium]]
* [[Heater]]
* [[Lightball]]{{IdeologyIcon}}
* [[Loudspeaker]]{{IdeologyIcon}}
* [[Autobong]]{{IdeologyIcon}}
Short circuits will either result in a [[fire]], or, if any [[battery|batteries]] are connected to the circuit and contains at least 20Wd, a fiery explosion centered on the tile, that increases with energy stored. The explosion deals 10 [[Damage Types#Flame|Flame damage]] and setting objects on fire. If the explosion radius is greater than 3.5 tiles, a second explosion of 30% radius deals 50 [[Damage Types#Bomb|Bomb damage]], which can extinguish fires. The fault will also discharge all stored power in batteries in the process.  
The explosion radius is controlled by the following equation:
The explosion radius is controlled by the following equation:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Explosion Radius''' = '''clamp'''( '''sqrt'''(Sum of all stored power) * 0.05, 1.5, 14.9)
Or in other words, the radius will be at least 1.5 tiles, and at most 14.9 tiles, with a bomb explosion of 4.5 tiles. This occurs when a total of 90,000 Wd is stored. Bomb explosions can occur beyond once 4,900 Wd are stored.
{| class="wikitable"
! Explosion radii per number of [[batteries]] filled
| '''Explosion Radius''' = '''clamp'''( '''sqrt'''(Sum of all stored power) * 0.05, 1.5, 14.9)
| {{Graph:Chart
| width  = 400
| height = 150
| type  = rect
| legend = Legend
| colors = gold, firebrick
| yGrid  =
| xGrid  =
| xAxisTitle = Filled Batteries
| xAxisMin  =
| xAxisMax  =
| yAxisMin  =
| yAxisMax  =
| yAxisTitle = Radius (Tiles)
| x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
| y1Title = Flame explosion
| y1 = 1.5, 1.5, {{#expr: sqrt(2*600)*0.05}}, {{#expr: sqrt(3*600)*0.05}}, {{#expr: sqrt(4*600)*0.05}}, {{#expr: sqrt(5*600)*0.05}}, {{#expr: sqrt(6*600)*0.05}}, {{#expr: sqrt(7*600)*0.05}}, {{#expr: sqrt(8*600)*0.05}}, {{#expr: sqrt(9*600)*0.05}}, {{#expr: sqrt(10*600)*0.05}}
| y2Title = Bomb explosion
| y2 = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 , {{#expr: sqrt(9*600)*0.05*0.3}}, {{#expr: sqrt(10*600)*0.05*0.3}}
Or in other words, the radius will be at least 1.5 tiles, and at most 14.9 tiles, with a bomb explosion of 4.5 tiles. This occurs when a total of 90,000 Wd is stored.
Unconnected batteries, such as through an open switch or on separate power network, will not be affected. Power networks which contain only [[Battery|batteries]] and no conduits will not experience this event. Power networks which contain only conduits will only have a single tile on fire, as there's no stored power to be discharged.
Unconnected batteries, such as through an open switch or on separate power network, will not be affected. Power networks which contain only [[Battery|batteries]] and no conduits will not experience this event. Power networks which contain only conduits will only have a single tile on fire, as there's no stored power to be discharged.
==== Transport pod crash (Ghoul) ====
These events aren't triggered by the [[storyteller]]. Instead, they come from various other game mechanics.
A transport pod may crash with a [[ghoul]] instead of the regular occupant, and will always appear as unaffiliated. They will always appear as hostile and will initially be in shock, but if left ignored, will immediately attempt to attack anything or anyone nearby after a while.
=== Friendlies ===
==== Gray pall ====
This event can only occur if you are allied with at least one other faction and have enemies on screen. These fighters may be immediately requested via the comms console at a -25 [[goodwill]] penalty, or the allied faction may send them on their own at no cost.
A fog of eerie, gritty dust settles on the map. Colonists standing in an unroofed area will receive a {{bad|-6}} '''gray pall exposure''' moodlet, while colonists under a roof will have {{bad|-3}} '''gray pall'''. The pall is otherwise not dangerous and disappears after 1-2 days.
Allied factions may send around fighters to assist you when mutual enemies appear, such as pirates, manhunters or insectoids. They won't assist against factions that they aren't hostile to. They will follow the same attack pattern as any [[Raider]] would do when this event occurs, with a few exceptions: They don't sap or breach due to their intention of being here, but they can drop pod or set up a siege point upon arriving. They have a strength of around 150 - 400 points, which is helpful, but not enough to take many raids on their own.
Keep in mind that friendly fire will damage your relations with the aiding faction.  On the other hand, rescuing their downed people will improve relations.
== Incidental Events ==
:{{For|a detailed list of these events|Events/Incidental}}
<gallery widths="400px" heights="400px" class="center" mode="nolines">
These events aren't triggered by the [[storyteller]]. Instead, they come from various other game mechanics.
File:Friendlies.png|'''Friendlies vs Pirates'''
For purposes of the wiki, these are divided in good, bad, faction, informational, and social events.
File:Friendlies vs Thrumbo.png|'''Friendlies vs Thrumbo'''
=== Masterwork===
One of your colonists has produced an object of masterwork [[quality]].
=== Legendary Work ===
One of your colonists has produced an object of legendary [[quality]].
=== Man in black ===
When your colonists are no longer able to defend themselves, a stranger may join the colony to help. As their name indicates, men in black come in a full set of black clothing. They also come wearing a [[flak vest]] and always carry a [[revolver]]. Their skills and traits are fully randomized, but they will always be capable of Violence and Caring.
This event is triggered only when all of your colonists are downed at your base. It is very rare for it to happen before you get the chance to name your colony,{{Check Tag|Verify}} limiting its appearance for solo colonist starts. It it also rare for it to happen more than twice per colony.{{Check Tag|Verify|Impossible? Cooldown? Is it unlikely at all?}}  
The man in black will not appear on the temporary maps generated for world quests. However, if all your surviving pawns are downed elsewhere, it is possible for the man in black to appear at your base. (Testing is needed to see how these events are affected by allowing multiple colonies in the scenario editor.)
=== New recruit ===
You'll get this notification whenever a Warden has succeeded in recruiting a prisoner. It also appears if a [[Events#Transport pod crash|transport pod crash]] victim chooses to join your faction.
=== Meteorite ===
A large meteorite has struck ground in the area. It has left behind a lump of [material]. During daylight, a large shadow will project on the ground which shrinks as it closes in.  
The meteorite will severely damage or kill anything that is below it. Any colonists beneath the meteorite has a small while to escape before they are crushed by it. The map tile will read: Meteorite (incoming).
<gallery widths="250px" heights="250px" class="center" mode="nolines">
File:Meteorite before impact.png|'''Flying meteorite'''
File:Meteorite during impact.png|'''Crashing meteorite, with explosion'''
File:Meteorite.png|'''Landed meteorite'''
=== Outpost destroyed ===
[[File:Faction_destroyed.png|400px|thumb|right|R.I.P. some pirate faction, nobody will remember you.]]
This is the notification that triggers when you successfully defeat all humanlike hostiles in an enemy base after invading them (not counting turrets, which need to be neutralized separately). After this you have a while to capture any prisoners (there is usually at least one building suitable to turn into a cell), treat the wounded, pack up and leave before enemy reinforcements arrive in the form of a raid.
==== Faction defeated ====
Should you destroy all bases of a faction, the notification will say that since you just destroyed the last faction base, the faction no longer exists.
You can still view the defeated faction in the menu, and it will show 'Defeated' below it. They won't send any raids, nor will they send caravans.
Destroying all enemies and befriending all other factions will make mechanoids the only remaining threat for all future raids.
== World incidents ==
:{{For|a guide to survive these events|World Quests Guide}}
These are events related to/only triggered on the overworld.
<div class="mw-customtoggle-WorldEvents" style="background:rgba(128,128,128,0.5);color:white;padding:10px;border-radius:5px;outline:none;user-select:none">{{Center|Show/Hide World Events}}</div>
<div id="mw-customcollapsible-WorldEvents" class="mw-collapsible"><!-- mw-collapsed -->
=== Persona Core Offer ===
==== Attack begun ====
A non-hostile faction will notify you that they know where an [[Persona core]] is located: a critical component for building a ship.  They will want 1500 silver for this information.  However, you can only make this request at the comms console with factions which have at least +40 relations.
=== Ransom (Time remaining) ===
This event can only occur if a colonist of yours was captured by another faction.
Another faction captured one of your downed colonists somehow and will release that colonist to you... for a price.  Common methods for capturing your colonists include grabbing downed colonists while retreating from a raid or downing an entire caravan.
The offer will be good for 24 game hours.  If paid, the colonist will immediately appear on your map border or be sent via drop pod.
=== Rare Thrumbos ===
Two to six [[thrumbo]]s will spawn at the edge of the map, staying around for a while to eat anything they can, including your crops, but not including [[anima tree]]s{{RoyaltyIcon}}. The player can attempt to hunt or tame them, both of which are very difficult.  If no action is taken, they will leave on their own after a few days. It will not reoccur for 13 days.
=== Reactor ready ===
You have completed the 15 day warm up period for starting a [[ship reactor]].  If the rest of the necessary ship parts have been built, it may now be launched. Raids and sieges will drop considerably after this period is over.
=== Ship chunks ===
This event doesn't have an envelope, but rather appears in the notification bar up top, assuming these chunks don't strike your colony or pawns. One or more [[ship chunk]]s fall onto the map. They can be deconstructed for 5-6 [[component]]s and 20 [[steel]].  Rarely they can punch through roofs, damaging structures near it. Extremely rarely, they can land right on top of a colonist, killing them.
In Beta 18 the ship chunk creates an explosion upon landing. The falling chunks cast shadows on the ground, giving a little time for colonists to move out of the way.
=== Trauma savant ===
This event only has a 12% chance to trigger upon one of your colonists receiving a brain injury.
A colonist has suffered a brain injury and has gained great abilities from it at the cost of others, gaining 50% extra [[manipulation]] while losing the ability to [[talking|speak]], [[hearing|hear]], and have any [[social]] relationships. It also restores the brain to full functioning, despite the injury.
=== Quest completed ===
You've done what was [[quest|requested]] by other factions and will receive the reward at your nearest(?) base via pods very close to your buildings, along with an improvement in relations. While they attempt not to, the pods may also crash through your roof, so be prepared to repair them.
=== Anima tree sprout ===
If an [[anima tree]] was killed by any means, this event can occur within a few days from the last death of the tree, appearing at random places that are unaffected by its radius.
===Ancient danger===
{{main|Ancient shrine}}
{{quote|As (Colonist name) draws near the ancient wall a sense of foreboding overcomes him(her). (S)He isn't sure why, but (s)he feels this dusty structure may contain great dangers|Message that appears when the first colonist walks near.}}
This event is related to map generation and may not appear on every map. It may occur more than once per map. While listed as a danger, they are usually harmless until disturbed.
A colonist approached a walled out area of the map partially or completely under a mountain. It contains one or more of the following: ancient [[cryptosleep casket]]s, [[insectoids|bugs]] with hives, [[mechanoid]]s or treasure. Open at your own risk, by blowing a hole or deconstructing a section of the wall.
First, you'll need to deal with hostiles outside. Then, opening or attacking any casket will cause all the others to open instantly. The cryptosleep caskets usually contain humans, but may also contain [[megascarab]]s or be empty. The Spacers inside the caskets may or may not be dead. If alive, they may or may not be wounded, or armed and hostile. It's even possible for pawns incapable of violence to melee attack. If they are not hostile and can walk, they will try to escape. Any alive Spacers inside may be captured and recruited, usually with a low recruitment difficulty percentage.
Ancient structures may include other treasures like psychic lances and pulsers. [[Luciferium]] can be found in these buildings. Pod people sometimes carry [[plasteel]], [[component]]s, and [[gold]]. The caskets can be claimed and used or deconstructed by the colony.
===Animal revenge===
An animal that was harmed will go mad and become [[manhunter]]. When you select an animal to be hunted, the game will notify you if it has a chance for revenge and what the percentage is. Occasionally, all nearby pack members of that animal's species may start attacking their attacker.
=== Death ===
One of your pawns has died unintentionally.  Slaughtering an animal or euthanizing a colonist or prisoner will not produce this event.
=== Drug addiction ===
A colonist has taken too much of a [[drugs|drug]] and is now [[Addictiveness|addicted]].  They will now need to regularly take that drug or suffer the withdrawal effects. See here for advice on [[Drugs#Fighting Addictions|fighting addictions]].
=== Heart attack ===
A character or tamed animal suffers a [[Injury#Heart Attack|heart attack]]. Characters will seek out a medical bed or their assigned bed for treatment. Animals will return to the nearest empty animal bed or sleeping spot. Doctors will then proceed to attempt to resuscitate the victim, using medicine if allowed and available.
During a heart attack, people or animals can fall unconscious or even die if not treated in time.
<gallery widths="400px" heights="400px" class="center" mode="nolines">
File:Heart attack.png|'''Heart attack notification'''
File: Heart attack health tab.png|'''Health tab'''
=== Mental Break ===
{{Main|Mental break}}
One of your colonists or prisoners has had it and has a [[Mood#Mental breakdowns|mental break]].  During this time, the afflicted colonist will be effectively unavailable, will not do colony work and can not be drafted.  They will use forbidden doors and items. They will also attend to their needs such as sleep, recreation, and eating.
Depending on the nature of the mental break, there are several ways to handle the situation:
* Wall the person in – this is only possible if they wander to a suitable location.
* Try to arrest them.  They will possibly resist and need to be beaten down, causing injury. This will also give them a fairly long-lasting mood debuff ("I was arrested!") after you release them from jail. Arresting temporary members will immediately cause their faction to become hostile.
* Wait out the situation - This takes a while for most minor breaks.
=== Overdose ===
One of your colonists or animals has [[overdose]]d. There is a risk of overdose when taking any [[drug|hard drug]], as well as when taking too many non-social drugs in general. This can cause permanent damage or even death.
=== Predator hunting ===
A wild, hungry predator has targeted one of your colonists or animals for killing and eating. Unlike the majority of threats in the game, predators will not stop attacking once a pawn is [[downed]].
You may want to get this colonist or animal to safety. Drafted colonists will defend themselves.  To defend your animals, if there is enough distance, zone them to safety.  Otherwise, move a drafted colonist to fire on the predator.
=== Prison break ===
[[File:Prison break.png|300px|thumb|right|Prison break]]
Prisoners have staged a breakout! They are able to open doors and attempt to escape. They are more likely to attempt breakout when they are unhappy, healthy and numerous*, and when their prison has more doors. It's not clear if the number of prisoners in a room actually increases the chance of any single prisoner breaking out, or if the combined individual chances of all present create that greater likelihood.{{Check Tag|Detail Needed}} 
Using low damage weapons is advised when containing a prison break to avoid a risk of killing them.  Since prisoners are technically part of an enemy faction, any friendlies on the map will engage them. This is helpful if you need to contain a larger break, though the use of higher-powered weapons means they have a higher chance of outright killing the prisoner. Recapturing escaped prisoners from factions that have turned friendly since that prisoner was originally captured will not affect relations with that faction.
=== Roof collapsed ===
This event only happens if something is crushed by the falling roof. Otherwise, it's only a notification.
All [[roof]]s must be supported by a constructed or rock wall within 6 spaces with contiguous roof sections in between itself and that wall. If either of these conditions changes such as via mining, an explosion or demolition, then the roof will collapse.  Damage is dealt to the head and shoulders. Note that falling roofs underneath a mountain will instantly kill any pawn unfortunate enough to be crushed.
If demolishing a building, it's recommended to use the Remove Roof tool to remove the roof first before deconstructing the walls.
===Too Deep: Infestation===
Insectoid infestations can spawn when actively digging from a [[deep drill]]. Insectoids, but not hives, will pop out around the drill's area. These do not have the overhead mountain requirement like regular infestations. However, they are often smaller in number, and are unable to reproduce due to the lack of hive.
=== Allied: (Faction) ===
Relations with another faction have risen above +75 and you are now allied with them.  They may now [[Events#Friendlies|assist you]] against mutual enemies.
=== Enemy now neutral: (Faction) ===
This notification will appear once relations have been improved with a Hostile faction enough that they will no longer be hostile.  Common ways to improve relations include releasing prisoners from their faction (which must leave the map safely to receive the bonus), having successful [[#Peace talks|peace talks]] or providing gifts.
===Hostile faction===
[[File:Bad will.png|300px|thumb|right|Badwill: Friendly traders face a mechanoid raid, loses members and turns against the player.]]
You've done something to anger another [[faction]] bad enough that they are now hostile to yours. This can happen if you arrest a faction member of theirs, rob one of their caravans or if they take too much friendly fire from your colonists, among other reasons. Rough factions that are neutral/allied will naturally decay goodwill, until they become hostile again.
=== Leader died ===
Occasionally, the leader of another faction will die, sometimes through no action on your part. The popup window will also announce his or her successor.
This alert uses the variable title of the leader in question. For example, if the "boss" of a pirate band dies you will see 'Boss died', if the "chief" died, then it will read 'Chief died', and so on.
This will also happen if the leader personally comes to raid your base and is killed in action.  Killing an enemy faction leader will give a mood buff for a while to the colonist that accomplished this.
==== New Leader ====
Similar to the Leader Died event, except this one occurs only when you've succeeded in both capturing and [[#New recruit|recruiting]] another faction's leader. The leader then places first at the colonist bar, instead of last.
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" class="center" mode="nolines">
File:Raid with Faction leader.png|'''Raid with Faction leader presence'''
File:Boss died Faction new b.png|'''(Boss name) died / The new boss is (name)'''
File:Defeated hostile leader name.png|'''Defeated hostile leader (name)'''
File:New chief.png|'''Chief of a hostile tribe recruited to colony.'''
These events serve purely to give information about the game, and have no physical gameplay implications.
===About: Electricity===
Appears when you finish researching [[Research#Electricity|Electricity]]. Reminds you of the power of electric appliances, and the [[power]] infastructure required to mantain them.
=== About: Getting advanced components ===
Appears when you finish researching [[Research#Fabrication|Fabrication]]. Reminds you that you need [[advanced component]]s to build a [[fabrication bench]], and the potential means of obtaining them.
=== About: Launching the ship ===
Appears when you finish researching [[Research#Starflight basics|Starflight Basics]]. This is a simple reminder about the dangers of powering up the [[ship reactor]] once built.  Once turned on, the number of raids will greatly increase for the next 15 days.
=== Summer ===
This event occurs at the beginning of the summer [[quadrum]], if you are lacking suitable [[apparel]] for winter's [[temperature]]s. It merely informs you that you are ill-prepared for the winter.  Grow some more food and get some warm clothing. Plan ahead for any additions to your colony during these seasons, including recruits and born animals.
=== Unwaveringly loyal ===
Appears when you first capture an unwaveringly loyal [[prisoner]]. They are unable to be recruited as a colonist or be [[ideoligion|converted]]{{IdeologyIcon}}, but can be released, [[slave|enslaved]]{{IdeologyIcon}}, or used for a variety of [[human resources]].
=== About: Anima tree linking ===
Appears when an [[anima tree]] has 20 anima grass around it. Reminds you that a colonist with ''Natural'' meditation can begin the linking ritual, gaining a level of [[psycast]]ing in the process.
=== Baby Prep ===
Appears when a human's [[reproduction|pregnancy]] is at its third trimester. Labor will happen without warning within the next 6 days, so prepare a clean hospital with a good doctor.
=== New lovers ===
You receive the announcement that two characters have become lovers, and "now want to sleep together". These are usually colonists, but a pair of [[prisoner]]s can also become lovers. They will receive [[mood]] boosts or debuff proportional to their [[opinion]] of their partner ranging from ? to ? for ? and ? opinion.{{Check Tag|Values?}}
Starting the moment their new relationship is announced, couples will ''immediately'' have a -4 mood debuff for "''sleeping alone''", even if they won't get their first chance to sleep together for hours. This can be rememdied by assigning both pawns to a two person bed, such as the [[double sleeping spot]], [[double bedroll]], [[double bed]] or [[royal bed]]. A [[double bedroll]] is prefered when in a [[caravan]]. Couples that sleep in the same bed can also perform [[Lovin]]' for a mood boost to both partners.
=== Breakup ===
A couple splits, complete with the Mood and Social penalties for both colonists. The one initiating the break-up is better off than the other in the couple.
=== Rejected proposal ===
After two characters [[Events#New lovers|fall in love]], one of them proposed marriage but is turned down, which may result in the couple breaking up. The proposing one suffers a mood penalty of -18 for 25 days.  They may accept another offer in the future.  Note that a later, accepted proposal will not remove the mood effects of the previous, rejected ones.
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" class="center" mode="nolines">
File:New lovers.png|'''A character woos another into a romance and she agrees'''
File:Rejected proposal.png|'''Rejected proposal'''
=== Marriage is on! ===
A couple that has been together for a while will announce their engagement. The wedding will take place some time in the future, at a [[marriage spot]], or any gathering spot ([[table]] or [[campfire]]) in lieu of one. Both fiancees and married pawns, like lovers, will want to sleep in the same bed. They receive mood boosts or debuffs depending on the relationship with their couple. They can also receive a mood boost from lovin'.
When the day of the wedding arrives, it will take place regardless of the entire colony's attendance. Pawns will sometimes take the family name of their partner upon marriage. After the ceremony takes place, a reception will follow with everyone drinking, smoking and eating if hungry. Getting married, as well as taking part in the marriage ceremony, gives a substantial, fairly long-lasting {{+|40}} mood buff to the newly weds, and {{+|20}} to attendees.
Colonists who do not reach the meeting point on time, such as those sleeping, fighting fires or lying incapacitated in bed, will not gain the mood buff from the event.  A quick "draft" and "undraft" for everybody ''but'' the couple should be enough to coerce all capable colonists to attend. Colonists on caravans obviously cannot attend.
If the couple happens to be busy at the exact moment the wedding is to take place, for example, because they are drafted or loading a caravan, those who are not members of the trade group will remain waiting at attendance and perform no task at all, except for eating until the couple comes back.
=== Affair ===
Somebody who is already married starts an affair with a single person.  It is possible for your colonists to cheat on their lovers who aren't members of your faction.
=== Divorce ===
A married couple has divorced; as a normal break up, but with worse mood penalties.
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" class="center" mode="nolines">
File:Marriage is on.png|'''Susy has accepted Mat's marriage proposal...'''
= World incidents =
{{for|a guide to survive these events|World Quests Guide}}
=== Attack begun ===
This notification will appear when a [[caravan]] has arrived at a settlement chosen for attacking.
This notification will appear when a [[caravan]] has arrived at a settlement chosen for attacking.
=== Bandit camp opportunity ===
==== Bandit camp opportunity ====
{{see also|Offense tactics}}
{{See also|Offense tactics}}
Some ruffians are causing trouble nearby and other factions will pay you to wipe them out.
Some ruffians are causing trouble nearby and other factions will pay you to wipe them out.
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Destroying them increases goodwill by 8 and returns a payment worth 2000 to 3000 worth of silver, whether it consists of items or silver itself.
Destroying them increases goodwill by 8 and returns a payment worth 2000 to 3000 worth of silver, whether it consists of items or silver itself.
=== Caravan ambushed / (manhunters) ===
==== Caravan ambushed / (manhunters) ====
While traveling, one of your [[caravan]]s are attacked. The game will give you a mini map to defend it.
While traveling, one of your [[caravan]]s are attacked. The game will give you a mini map to defend it.
The attackers can be an enemy faction lying in ambush or a rampaging manhunter pack your caravan unfortunately trespasses upon.
The attackers can be an enemy faction lying in ambush or a rampaging manhunter pack your caravan unfortunately trespasses upon.
==== Caravan battle won ====
===== Caravan battle won =====
This event will tell you if your people won their fight, and can reform the caravan on the world map.
This event will tell you if your people won their fight, and can reform the caravan on the world map.
=== Caravan arrived at (Location) ===
==== Caravan arrived at (Location) ====
This is a simple notification that your caravan has arrived at their destination.
This is a simple notification that your caravan has arrived at their destination.
=== Caravan lost ===
==== Caravan lost ====
[[File:Caravan destroyed.png|thumb|right|400px]]
All human members of your caravan have died, or have been downed on an event map. Anything carried by the caravan, including animals, will be lost to the wild.
All human members of your caravan have died, or have been downed on an event map. Anything carried by the caravan, including animals, will be lost to the wild.
If colonists were downed but not killed while fighting human enemies, it is possible for some of them to appear later in a Prisoner Rescue Quest.
If colonists were downed but not killed while fighting human enemies, it is possible for some of them to appear later in a Prisoner Rescue Quest.
[[File:Caravan destroyed.png|400px]]
==== Caravan meeting by (Caravan ID) ====
This is a pop up window rather than an event with envelope icon. While away from your bases, your caravans may randomly encounter other traders out in the world who would be happy to trade with you. Of course, you also have the option to attack them. Be careful, trade caravans are usually well defended.
=== Caravan meeting by (Caravan ID) ===
==== Caravan ready ====
This is a pop up window rather than an event with envelope icon.  While away from your bases, your caravans may randomly encounter other traders out in the world who would be happy to trade with you.  Of course, you also have the option to attack them.  Be careful, trade caravans are usually well defended.
Once you've designated a [[caravan]], you'll get this notification once all of the colonists, prisoners, animals and items have been assembled and left the map. It is now ready to send to other settlements or form another settlement of your own, if you've enabled multiple settlements in the game's settings.
=== Caravan ready ===
==== Demand ====
Once you've designated a [[caravan]], you'll get this notification once all of the colonists, prisoners, animals and items have been assembled and left the map.  It is now ready to send to other settlements or form another settlement of your own, if you've enabled multiple settlements in the game's settings.
A hostile faction approaches your caravan and demand that you give them items and/or hand over members as slaves. If you refuse, they will proceed to assault the caravan.
=== Demand ===
A hostile faction approaches your caravan and demand that you give them items and/or hand over members as slaves. If you don't, they will proceed to assault the caravan.
You can see their number when they are demanding you hand over items.
You can see their number when they are demanding you hand over items.
=== Peace talks ===
==== Peace talks ====
[[File:Peace talks.png|300px]]
[[File:Peace talks.png|thumb|right|300px]]
A hostile faction leader decides to drop his weapons and offers to talk things out for once. The offer expires after 15 days if ignored. Pirates will never attempt peace talks.
A hostile faction leader decides to drop his weapons and offers to talk things out for once. The offer expires after 15 days if ignored. Pirates will never attempt peace talks.
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To participate, you will need to send a [[caravan]] with a capable negotiator. Once the destination is reached, the most capable negotiator in your caravan will proceed to talk with the leader to hopefully improve relations.
To participate, you will need to send a [[caravan]] with a capable negotiator. Once the destination is reached, the most capable negotiator in your caravan will proceed to talk with the leader to hopefully improve relations.
There are several outcomes of the incident, each being a subevent of its own. No matter the outcome, your negotiator will always gain social skill.
There are several outcomes of the incident, each being a sub-event of its own. No matter the outcome, your negotiator will always gain social skill.
'''Peace talk triumph'''
{| class="wikitable"
The peace talks were very successful, giving a great boost to relations from 50 to 75. In addition, the faction will give a farewell gift worth between 500 and 1500 silver.
! Result !! Description !! Base Weight
Despite your triumph, if you don't manage to bring relations above 0, they will still remain hostile.
| '''Peace talk triumph''' || The peace talks were very successful, giving a great boost to relations from 50 to 75. In addition, the faction will give a farewell gift worth between 500 and 1500 silver. <br/>Despite your triumph, if you don't manage to bring relations above 0, they will still remain hostile. || 0.1
This has a base weight of 0.1.
| '''Peace talk success''' || The talks were a success, and relations between the factions have warmed somewhat, from 25 to 75. || 0.55
''' Peace talk success'''
| '''Peace talk flounder''' || The talks were neither successful nor a failure, and relations remain unchanged. || 0.2
The talks were a success, and relations between the factions have warmed somewhat, from 25 to 75.
| '''Peace talk backfire''' || The peace talks backfired, and relations have gotten worse than they started, from -10 to -50 relations. || 0.1
This has a base weight of 0.55.
| '''Peace talk disaster''' || The peace talks have failed so miserably that the faction hates you a lot more now, with a -25 to -75 damage to relations, as well as instantly turning hostile if they aren't already. In addition, the angered faction sends a group of attackers after your negotiating party. || 0.05
'''Peace talk flounder'''
The talks were neither successful nor a failure, and relations remain unchanged.
This has a base weight of 0.2.
'''Peace talk backfire'''
The peace talks backfired, and relations have gotten worse than they started, from -10 to -50 relations.
This has a base weight of 0.1.
'''Peace talk disaster'''
===== Outcome chances =====
The peace talks have failed so miserably that the faction hates you a lot more now, with a -25 to -75 damage to relations, as well as instantly turning hostile if they aren't already. In addition, the angered faction sends a group of attackers after your negotiating party.
This has a base weight of 0.05.
==== Outcome chances ====
The actual outcome chances are dependent on the negotiator's Diplomacy Power stat, after going through a simple curve. To do this, the game calculates the bad outcome factor, of the negotiator first.
The actual outcome chances are dependent on the negotiator's Diplomacy Power stat, after going through a simple curve. To do this, the game calculates the bad outcome factor, of the negotiator first.
*At 0% power, the bad outcome factor is 4.
* At 0% power, the bad outcome factor is 4.
*At 100% power (healthy, lvl 10 Social), the bad outcome factor is 1.
* At 100% power (healthy, lvl 10 Social), the bad outcome factor is 1.
*At 150% power (healthy, lvl 20 Social), the bad outcome factor is 0.4.
* At 150% power (healthy, lvl 20 Social), the bad outcome factor is 0.4.
The new weight of each outcome is calculated afterwards.
The new weight of each outcome is calculated afterwards.
*Triumph = 0.1 * ( 1 / Bad Outcome Factor)
*Success = 0.55 * ( 1 / Bad Outcome Factor)
*Flounder = 0.2
*Backfire = 0.1 * Bad Outcome Factor
*Disaster = 0.05 * Bad Outcome Factor
* Triumph = 0.1 * ( 1 / Bad Outcome Factor)
* Success = 0.55 * ( 1 / Bad Outcome Factor)
* Flounder = 0.2
* Backfire = 0.1 * Bad Outcome Factor
* Disaster = 0.05 * Bad Outcome Factor
The sum total of the new weights is then calculated.
The sum total of the new weights is then calculated.
Finally, the probability of each outcome is calculated:
Finally, the probability of each outcome is calculated:
{{math|big=0|Probability of each outcome {{=}} New Weight &divide; Sum Total of Weights}}
{{Math|big=0|Probability of each outcome {{=}} New Weight &divide; Sum Total of Weights}}
<div class="mw-customtoggle-PeaceTalkEx" style="display:inline-block;background:rgba(128,128,128,0.5);color:white;padding:10px;border-radius:5px;outline:none;user-select:none">Example</div>
===== Example =====
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-PeaceTalkEx">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="background:rgba(255,255,255,.5);margin-top:0px;padding:10px;border-radius:5px">
Take a level 15 Social negotiator as an example:
Take a level 15 Social negotiator as an example:
#The diplomacy power is 125%, corresponding to a bad outcome factor of 0.7.
# The diplomacy power is 125%, corresponding to a bad outcome factor of 0.7.
#The new weight of each outcome, to 3 d.p.:
# The new weight of each outcome, to 3 d.p.:
#*Triumph = 0.1 * ( 1 / 0.7) = 0.143
#* Triumph = 0.1 * ( 1 / 0.7) = 0.143
#*Success = 0.55 * ( 1 / 0.7) = 0.786
#* Success = 0.55 * ( 1 / 0.7) = 0.786
#*Flounder = 0.2
#* Flounder = 0.2
#*Backfire = 0.1 * 0.7 = 0.07
#* Backfire = 0.1 * 0.7 = 0.07
#*Disaster = 0.05 * 0.7 = 0.035
#* Disaster = 0.05 * 0.7 = 0.035
#The sum total of new weights is calculated:
# The sum total of new weights is calculated:
#* 0.143 + 0.786 + 0.2 + 0.07 + 0.035 = 1.234
#* 0.143 + 0.786 + 0.2 + 0.07 + 0.035 = 1.234
#Finally, the probability of each event, to 2 d.p.:
# Finally, the probability of each event, to 2 d.p.:
#*Triumph = 0.143 / 1.234 = 11.58%
#* Triumph = 0.143 / 1.234 = 11.58%
#*Success = 0.786 / 1.234 = 63.69%
#* Success = 0.786 / 1.234 = 63.69%
#*Flounder = 0.2 / 1.234 = 16.21%
#* Flounder = 0.2 / 1.234 = 16.21%
#*Backfire = 0.07 / 1.234 = 5.67%
#* Backfire = 0.07 / 1.234 = 5.67%
#*Disaster = 0.035 / 1.234 = 2.84%
#* Disaster = 0.035 / 1.234 = 2.84%
=== Rescuee joins ===
==== Rescuee joins ====
Should you succeed in rescuing a prisoner or you offer help to an incapacitated refugee, he or she will immediately join your faction.
Should you succeed in rescuing a prisoner or you offer help to an incapacitated refugee, he or she will immediately join your faction.
= Sub-events =
=== Sub-events ===
These aren't quest events on its own, but may happen during other world events such as Incapacitated Refugee or Item Stash Opportunity.
These aren't quest events on its own, but may happen during other world events such as Incapacitated Refugee or Item Stash Opportunity.
=== Ambush ===
==== Ambush ====
[[File:Incapacitated refugee Ambushed.png|400px]]
[[File:Incapacitated refugee Ambushed.png|thumb|right|400px]]
Enemies may enter the minimap a little while after your colonists arrive or suddenly appear near the objective when your pawns draw close to it. It's even possible for animals to lie in wait.
Enemies may enter the minimap a little while after your colonists arrive or suddenly appear near the objective when your pawns draw close to it.  It's even possible for animals to lie in wait.
==== Sleeping mechanoids ====
=== Sleeping mechanoids ===
When the map generates, sleeping mechanoids will be present near the objective. Going too close to them will awaken them, making them attack. While they are present, you cannot manually reform the caravan as the game notifies you that there are hostiles in the area, but you can still leave through the edges.
When the map generates, sleeping mechanoids will be present near the objective. Going too close to them will awaken them, making them attack. While they are present, you cannot manually reform the caravan as the game notifies you that there are hostiles in the area, but you can still leave through the edges.
== Game endings ==
= Game endings =
When these happen, they signify that your game has ended, one way or another.
When these happen, they signify that your game has ended, one way or another.
<span class="mw-Gameend_toggle" style="font-size:small; display:inline-block; float:right;"> </span>
<div  id="mw-Gameend_collapsible" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Reveal" data-collapsetext="Hide">
=== Game over ===
==== Game over ====
This happens when all your colonists are either dead, missing, or left the planet. The game will show a UI which says that everyone is gone or dead, and allows you to return to the main menu or continue playing. It also says that someone may find a use for the wreckage of your base.
[[File:Game over.png|400px|thumb|right|Welp, time to start a new game I guess...]]
This happens when all your colonists are either dead, missing, or left the planet. The game will show a Letter which says that [[Endings#Colony_End|everyone is gone or dead]], and allows you to return to the main menu. You can continue playing, and someone may find a use for the wreckage of your base.
Should you decide to continue playing, events will continue to happen, which can affect the ruined base but not anyone. You can strike lucky and roll 'Wanderer joins' or 'Refugee chased' events, giving you a colonist to rebuild from.
Should you decide to continue playing, events will continue to happen, which can affect the ruined base but not anyone. You can strike lucky and roll 'Wanderer joins' or 'Refugee chased' events, giving you a colonist to rebuild from.  
[[File:Game_over.png|400px|thumb|left|Welp, time to start a new game I guess...]]
Post 1.4, the game over letter has been updated with the option to generate multiple new colonists as a whole group. This event is referred to in the [[Scenario_system|scenario editor]] as the Wanderer'''s''' <small>(plural)</small> Join incident, although it always occurs, only manually. This works just the same as the beginning colonist selection, including specifying age range and xenotypes and sharing your original ideology.  
==== Planetkiller ====
[[File:Game over planetkiller.png|400px|thumb|right|Ouch.]]
"''An interstellar planetkiller weapon is approaching this planet. It will smash the planet apart like a rifle bullet hitting an egg, annihilating all life.''"
=== Planetkiller ===
This event can only happen by configuring the starting scenario.
This event can only happen by configuring the starting scenario.
Line 750: Line 916:
Unlike your regular 'Game Over', you cannot continue the game. Saved games (including permadeath) can be continued from their last saves, however.
Unlike your regular 'Game Over', you cannot continue the game. Saved games (including permadeath) can be continued from their last saves, however.
==== Ending - The Archonexus Core ====
For specifics, see [[Endings#The_Archonexus]].
Once it happens, your colony is successfully noticed by an archotech. What happens next is left to speculation.
Similar to the Planetkiller and unlike other endings, you cannot continue the game once reaching this ending. Saved games (including permadeath) can be continued from their last saves, however.
= Legacy events=
== Legacy events ==
Events from previous versions of RimWorld.
Events from previous versions of RimWorld, now removed.
<span class="mw-Legacy_toggle" style="font-size:small; display:inline-block; float:right;"> </span>
<div  id="mw-Legacy_collapsible" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Reveal" data-collapsetext="Hide">
=== Bonded animal's death ===
=== Bonded animal's death ===
Both of these bonded death events were simplified into the [[#Death|Death: (Pawn)]] event.
[[File:Bonded animals death.png|300px|thumb|right|Bonded animal dies affecting the owner's mood.]]
Both of these bonded death events were simplified into the [[Events/Incidental#Death|Death: (Pawn)]] event.
An animal with a bond to a colonist dies, affecting that colonist's mood negatively. Enemies may directly target your animals during attacks. Enemies, turrets or even your own colonists can even hit them unintentionally during shootouts, especially animals trained for Release and checked to follow your drafted colonists in the Animals tab. Wild predators may hunt and kill your animals, including bonded ones. Bonded animals can also fall into traps. It can even occur intentionally by slaughtering, euthanizing or manually drafting and attacking the bonded animal.  
An animal with a bond to a colonist dies, affecting that colonist's mood negatively. Enemies may directly target your animals during attacks. Enemies, turrets or even your own colonists can even hit them unintentionally during shootouts, especially animals trained for Release and checked to follow your drafted colonists in the Animals tab. Wild predators may hunt and kill your animals, including bonded ones. Bonded animals can also fall into traps. It can even occur intentionally by slaughtering, euthanizing or manually drafting and attacking the bonded animal.  
[[File:Bonded animals death.png|300px|thumb|none|Bonded animal dies affecting the owner's mood.]]
=== Bonded master's death ===
=== Bonded master's death ===
Both of these bonded death events were simplified into the [[#Death|Death: (Pawn)]] event.
Both of these bonded death events were simplified into the [[Events/Incidental#Death|Death: (Pawn)]] event.
The inverse of a bonded animal's death. This time, it's the master who dies, through causes such as enemy raids, disease or large wild predators getting hungry.
The inverse of a bonded animal's death. This time, it's the master who dies, through causes such as enemy raids, disease or large wild predators getting hungry.
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=== Breakdown: (Machine) ===
=== Breakdown: (Machine) ===
In previous versions, this was its own event. Now it's just a notification.
In previous versions, this was its own event. Now it's just a notification.
One of your machines will break down and will not work until repaired with a [[component]]. If this happens to a [[hydroponics basin]], any crops in it will wither and die unless repaired immediately.
One of your machines will break down and will not work until repaired with a [[component]]. If this happens to a [[hydroponics basin]], any crops in it will wither and die unless repaired immediately.
This only applies to machines using electricity.
This only applies to machines using electricity.
Line 787: Line 960:
Naturally forming tornadoes are exclusive to Beta 18. You can still use the [[Tornado generator]] to spawn them in for defense purposes.
Naturally forming tornadoes are exclusive to Beta 18. You can still use the [[Tornado generator]] to spawn them in for defense purposes.
=Event Data=
== Event data ==
Note: events that give colonists, such as wanderers or transport pod crashes, are affected by the [[storyteller]]'s population intent factor. They become more common if you have few colonists, and rare if you have many.
Note: events that give colonists, such as wanderers or transport pod crashes, are affected by the [[storyteller]]'s population intent factor. They become more common if you have few colonists, and rare if you have many.
<span class="mw-Eventdata_toggle" style="font-size:small; display:inline-block; float:right;"> </span>
<div  id="mw-Eventdata_collapsible" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Reveal" data-collapsetext="Hide">
{| {{STDT| sortable c_08 text-center}}
{| {{STDT| sortable c_08 text-center}}
! Category !! Name !! Common Name !! Chance !! Favorability !! Min Time Before<br>Repeat (days)
! Category !! Name !! Common Name !! Chance !! Favorability !! Min Time Before<br/>Repeat (days)
| Disease || Flu || [[Flu]] || [[Events#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]] || Bad || [[Events#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]]
| Disease || Flu || [[Flu]] || [[#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]] || Bad || [[#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]]
| Disease || Plague || [[Plague]] || [[Events#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]] || Bad || [[Events#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]]
| Disease || Plague || [[Plague]] || [[#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]] || Bad || [[#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]]
| Disease || Malaria || [[Malaria]] || [[Events#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]] || Bad || [[Events#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]]
| Disease || Malaria || [[Malaria]] || [[#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]] || Bad || [[#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]]
| Disease || SleepingSickness|| [[Sleeping sickness|Sleeping Sickness]] || [[Events#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]] || Bad || [[Events#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]]
| Disease || SleepingSickness|| [[Sleeping sickness|Sleeping Sickness]] || [[#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]] || Bad || [[#DiseasesTable|varies by biome]]
| Big Threat || RaidEnemy || [[Events#Enemy Attack|Raid]] || 9.0 || Bad || 0
| Big Threat || RaidEnemy || [[#Enemy Attack|Raid]] || 9.0 || Bad || 0
| Big Threat || AnimalInsanity || [[Events#Psychic Wave|Mad Animals!: (Animal name)]] || 1.0 || VeryBad || 1
| Big Threat || AnimalInsanity || [[#Psychic Wave|Mad Animals!: (Animal name)]] || 1.0 || VeryBad || 1
| Big Threat || ShipPartCrash || [[Events#Ancient Ship Crash|Psychic ship]] || 1.5 || Bad || 30
| Big Threat || ShipPartCrash || [[#Ancient Ship Crash|Psychic ship]] || 1.5 || Bad || 30
| Big Threat || ManhunterPack || [[Events#Manhunter pack|Manhunter pack]] || 2.0 || Bad || 15
| Big Threat || ManhunterPack || [[#Manhunter pack|Manhunter pack]] || 2.0 || Bad || 15
| Big Threat || Infestation || [[Events#Infestation|Infestation]] || 2.8 || Bad || 20
| Big Threat || Infestation || [[#Infestation|Infestation]] || 2.8 || Bad || 20
| Special || RaidFriendly || [[Events#Friendlies|Friendlies]] || 3 || Good || 0
| Special || RaidFriendly || [[#Friendlies|Friendlies]] || 3 || Good || 0
| Small Threat || AnimalInsanitySingle || [[Events#Mad animal|Mad animal]] || 5 || Bad || 3
| Small Threat || AnimalInsanitySingle || [[#Mad animal|Mad animal]] || 5 || Bad || 3
| Small Threat || ColdSnap || [[Cold snap]] || 3 || Bad || 30
| Small Threat || ColdSnap || [[Cold snap]] || 3 || Bad || 30
Line 820: Line 997:
| Small Threat || HeatWave || [[Heat wave]] || 3 || Bad || 30
| Small Threat || HeatWave || [[Heat wave]] || 3 || Bad || 30
| General Bad || Beavers || [[Events#Beavers!|Beavers!]] || 1 || Bad || 15
| General Bad || Beavers || [[#Beavers!|Beavers!]] || 1 || Bad || 15
| General Bad || Eclipse || [[Eclipse]] || 3 || Bad || 30
| General Bad || Eclipse || [[Eclipse]] || 3 || Bad || 30
Line 830: Line 1,007:
| General Bad || ShortCircuit || [[Zzztt...]] || 1.2 || Bad || 15
| General Bad || ShortCircuit || [[Zzztt...]] || 1.2 || Bad || 15
| General Bad || CropBlight || [[Events#Blight|Blight]] || 2.5 || Bad || 8
| General Bad || CropBlight || [[#Blight|Blight]] || 2.5 || Bad || 8
| General Bad || ToxicFallout || [[Toxic fallout]] || 0.25 || Bad || 180
| General Bad || ToxicFallout || [[Toxic fallout]] || 0.25 || Bad || 180
Line 836: Line 1,013:
| General Bad || VolcanicWinter || [[Volcanic winter]] || 0.11 || Bad || 280
| General Bad || VolcanicWinter || [[Volcanic winter]] || 0.11 || Bad || 280
| General Good || TraderArrivalGeneral || [[Events#Trade Ship In Range|(Trader type)]] || 13 || Good || 0
| General Good || TraderArrivalGeneral || [[#Trade Ship In Range|(Trader type)]] || 13 || Good || 0
| General Good || TraderArrivalSlaver || [[Events#Trader:(Trader type)|Slaver]] || 4.5 || Good || 0
| General Good || TraderArrivalSlaver || [[#Trader:(Trader type)|Slaver]] || 4.5 || Good || 0
| General Good || TravelerGroup || [[Events#Traveler Visit|Travelers]] || 8 || Good || 0
| General Good || TravelerGroup || [[#Traveler Visit|Travelers]] || 8 || Good || 0
| General Good || VisitorGroup || [[Events#Faction Visit|Visitor(s)]] || 8 || Good || 0
| General Good || VisitorGroup || [[#Faction Visit|Visitor(s)]] || 8 || Good || 0
| General Good || WandererJoin || [[Events#Migrant|Wanderer Join]] || 0.4 || VeryGood || 0
| General Good || WandererJoin || [[#Migrant|Wanderer Join]] || 0.4 || VeryGood || 0
| General Good || ResourcePodCrash || [[Events#Cargo Pods|Cargo pods]] || 6.0 || Good || 0
| General Good || ResourcePodCrash || [[#Cargo Pods|Cargo pods]] || 6.0 || Good || 0
| General Good || RefugeePodCrash || [[Events#Transport pod crash|Transport pod crash]] || 1.5 || Good || 0
| General Good || RefugeePodCrash || [[#Transport pod crash|Transport pod crash]] || 1.5 || Good || 0
| General Good || PsychicSoothe || [[Psychic soothe]] || 1.0 || Good || 30
| General Good || PsychicSoothe || [[Psychic soothe]] || 1.0 || Good || 30
| Neutral || RefugeeChased || [[Events#Refugee Chased|Refugee Chased]] || 2.5 || Neutral || 15
| Neutral || RefugeeChased || [[#Refugee Chased|Refugee Chased]] || 2.5 || Neutral || 15
<span id ="DiseasesTable"></span>
<span id="DiseasesTable"></span>
{| class=wikitable style="text-align: center;"
{| class=wikitable style="text-align: center;"
Line 866: Line 1,040:
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Plague  
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Plague  
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Malaria
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Malaria
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Sleeping<br>Sickness
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Sleeping<br/>Sickness
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Fibrous<br>Mechanites
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Fibrous<br/>Mechanites
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Sensory<br>Mechanites
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Sensory<br/>Mechanites
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Gut<br>Worms
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Gut<br/>Worms
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Muscle<br>Parasites
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Muscle<br/>Parasites
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Organ<br/>Decay
! Arid Shrubland
! Arid Shrubland{{#vardefine: as_mtb | 60}}
{{#vardefine: as_mtb | 60}}
| {{#vardefineecho: as_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: as_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: as_plague | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: as_plague | 100}}
Line 882: Line 1,056:
| {{#vardefineecho: as_gut | 60}}
| {{#vardefineecho: as_gut | 60}}
| {{#vardefineecho: as_muscle | 60}}
| {{#vardefineecho: as_muscle | 60}}
| {{#vardefineecho: as_decay | 10}}
! Desert
! Desert{{#vardefine: d_mtb | 80}}
{{#vardefine: d_mtb | 80}}
| {{#vardefineecho: d_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: d_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: d_plague | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: d_plague | 100}}
Line 893: Line 1,067:
| {{#vardefineecho: d_gut | 60}}
| {{#vardefineecho: d_gut | 60}}
| {{#vardefineecho: d_muscle | 60}}
| {{#vardefineecho: d_muscle | 60}}
| {{#vardefineecho: d_decay | 10}}
! Extreme Desert
! Extreme Desert{{#vardefine: ed_mtb | 90}}
{{#vardefine: ed_mtb | 90}}
| {{#vardefineecho: ed_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: ed_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: ed_plague | 80}}
| {{#vardefineecho: ed_plague | 80}}
Line 904: Line 1,078:
| {{#vardefineecho: ed_gut | 40}}
| {{#vardefineecho: ed_gut | 40}}
| {{#vardefineecho: ed_muscle | 40}}
| {{#vardefineecho: ed_muscle | 40}}
| {{#vardefineecho: ed_decay | 10}}
! Boreal Forest
! Boreal Forest{{#vardefine: bf_mtb | 50}}
{{#vardefine: bf_mtb | 50}}
| {{#vardefineecho: bf_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: bf_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: bf_plague | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: bf_plague | 100}}
Line 915: Line 1,089:
| {{#vardefineecho: bf_gut | 50}}
| {{#vardefineecho: bf_gut | 50}}
| {{#vardefineecho: bf_muscle | 50}}
| {{#vardefineecho: bf_muscle | 50}}
| {{#vardefineecho: bf_decay | 10}}
! Tundra
! Tundra{{#vardefine: t_mtb | 80}}
{{#vardefine: t_mtb | 80}}
| {{#vardefineecho: t_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: t_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: t_plague | 80}}
| {{#vardefineecho: t_plague | 80}}
Line 926: Line 1,100:
| {{#vardefineecho: t_gut | 30}}
| {{#vardefineecho: t_gut | 30}}
| {{#vardefineecho: t_muscle | 30}}
| {{#vardefineecho: t_muscle | 30}}
| {{#vardefineecho: t_decay | 10}}
! Ice Sheet
! Ice Sheet{{#vardefine: is_mtb | 90}}
{{#vardefine: is_mtb | 90}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_plague | 80}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_plague | 80}}
Line 937: Line 1,111:
| {{#vardefineecho: is_gut | 0}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_gut | 0}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_muscle | 0}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_muscle | 0}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_decay | 10}}
! Sea Ice
! Sea Ice{{#vardefine: is_mtb | 80}}
{{#vardefine: is_mtb | 80}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_plague | 80}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_plague | 80}}
Line 948: Line 1,122:
| {{#vardefineecho: is_gut | 0}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_gut | 0}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_muscle | 0}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_muscle | 0}}
| {{#vardefineecho: is_decay | 10}}
! Temperate Forest
! Temperate Forest{{#vardefine: tr_mtb | 45}}
{{#vardefine: tr_mtb | 45}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_plague | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_plague | 100}}
Line 959: Line 1,133:
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_gut | 50}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_gut | 50}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_muscle | 50}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_muscle | 50}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_decay | 10}}
! Tropical Rainforest
! Tropical Rainforest{{#vardefine: tr_mtb | 30}}
{{#vardefine: tr_mtb | 30}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_flu | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_plague | 100}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_plague | 100}}
Line 970: Line 1,144:
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_gut | 80}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_gut | 80}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_muscle | 80}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_muscle | 80}}
| {{#vardefineecho: tr_decay | 10}}
Line 987: Line 1,162:
|+ Mean time per disease by biome (in days)
|+ Mean time per disease by biome (in days)
! style="padding: 5px 4em;" | Biome Name
! style="padding: 5px 4em;" | Biome Name
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Mean Time<br>Between Diseases
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Mean Time<br/>Between Diseases
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Flu  
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Flu  
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Plague  
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Plague  
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Malaria
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Malaria
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Sleeping<br>Sickness
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Sleeping<br/>Sickness
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Fibrous<br>Mechanites
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Fibrous<br/>Mechanites
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Sensory<br>Mechanites
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Sensory<br/>Mechanites
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Gut<br>Worms
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Gut<br/>Worms
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Muscle<br>Parasites
! style="padding: 5px 1em;" | Muscle<br/>Parasites
| Arid Shrubland
| Arid Shrubland
| {{#var: as_mtb}}
| {{#var: as_mtb}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_flu}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_flu}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_flu}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_flu}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_plague}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_plague}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_plague}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_plague}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_malaria}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_malaria}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_malaria}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_malaria}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_sleeping}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_sleeping}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_sleeping}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_sleeping}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_fibrous}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_fibrous}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_fibrous}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_fibrous}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_sensory}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_sensory}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_sensory}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_sensory}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_gut}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_gut}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_gut}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_gut}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_muscle}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_muscle}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: as_muscle}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: as_totweight}} / {{#var: as_muscle}} * {{#var: as_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| Desert
| Desert
| {{#var: d_mtb}}
| {{#var: d_mtb}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_flu}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_flu}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_flu}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_flu}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_plague}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_plague}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_plague}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_plague}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_malaria}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_malaria}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_malaria}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_malaria}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_sleeping}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_sleeping}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_sleeping}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_sleeping}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_fibrous}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_fibrous}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_fibrous}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_fibrous}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_sensory}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_sensory}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_sensory}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_sensory}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_gut}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_gut}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_gut}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_gut}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_muscle}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_muscle}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: d_muscle}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: d_totweight}} / {{#var: d_muscle}} * {{#var: d_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| Extreme Desert
| Extreme Desert
| {{#var: ed_mtb}}
| {{#var: ed_mtb}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_flu}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_flu}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_flu}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_flu}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_plague}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_plague}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_plague}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_plague}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_malaria}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_malaria}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_malaria}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_malaria}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_sleeping}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_sleeping}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_sleeping}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_sleeping}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_fibrous}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_fibrous}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_fibrous}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_fibrous}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_sensory}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_sensory}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_sensory}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_sensory}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_gut}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_gut}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_gut}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_gut}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_muscle}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_muscle}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: ed_muscle}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: ed_totweight}} / {{#var: ed_muscle}} * {{#var: ed_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| Boreal Forest
| Boreal Forest
| {{#var: bf_mtb}}
| {{#var: bf_mtb}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_flu}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_flu}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_flu}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_flu}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_plague}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_plague}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_plague}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_plague}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_malaria}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_malaria}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_malaria}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_malaria}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_sleeping}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_sleeping}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_sleeping}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_sleeping}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_fibrous}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_fibrous}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_fibrous}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_fibrous}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_sensory}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_sensory}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_sensory}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_sensory}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_gut}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_gut}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_gut}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_gut}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_muscle}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_muscle}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: bf_muscle}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: bf_totweight}} / {{#var: bf_muscle}} * {{#var: bf_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| Tundra
| Tundra
| {{#var: t_mtb}}
| {{#var: t_mtb}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_flu}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_flu}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_flu}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_flu}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_plague}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_plague}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_plague}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_plague}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_malaria}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_malaria}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_malaria}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_malaria}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_sleeping}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_sleeping}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_sleeping}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_sleeping}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_fibrous}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_fibrous}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_fibrous}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_fibrous}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_sensory}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_sensory}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_sensory}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_sensory}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_gut}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_gut}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_gut}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_gut}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_muscle}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_muscle}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: t_muscle}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: t_totweight}} / {{#var: t_muscle}} * {{#var: t_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| Ice Sheet
| Ice Sheet
Line 1,065: Line 1,240:
| Tropical Rainforest
| Tropical Rainforest
| {{#var: tr_mtb}}
| {{#var: tr_mtb}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_flu}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_flu}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_flu}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_flu}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_plague}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_plague}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_plague}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_plague}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_malaria}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_malaria}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_malaria}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_malaria}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_sleeping}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_sleeping}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_sleeping}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_sleeping}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_fibrous}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_fibrous}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_fibrous}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_fibrous}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_sensory}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_sensory}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_sensory}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_sensory}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_gut}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_gut}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_gut}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_gut}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}} }}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_muscle}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_muscle}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}}}}
| {{#ifeq: {{#var: tr_muscle}}|0|0|{{#expr: {{#var: tr_totweight}} / {{#var: tr_muscle}} * {{#var: tr_mtb}} round 2}} }}
= Version history =
== Version history ==
* [[Version/0.0.245|0.0.245]] - Electrical devices now short-circuit and cause fires if left out in the rain while running.
* [[Version/0.0.245|0.0.245]] - Electrical devices now short-circuit and cause fires if left out in the rain while running.
* [[Version/0.8.657|0.8.657]] - [[Events#Alphabeavers|Beavers!]] event added
* [[Version/0.8.657|0.8.657]] - [[#Alphabeavers|Beavers!]] event added
* [[Version/0.11.877|0.11.877]] - [[Toxic fallout]], [[Events#Volcanic winter|Volcanic winter]], [[Events#Refugee Chased at (Settlement)|Chased refugee]], [[Events#Psychic soothe|Psychic sooth]], [[Events#Manhunter Pack|Manhunter pack]] events added. Manhunter pack is exclusively made up of [[Warg]]s.
* [[Version/0.11.877|0.11.877]] - [[Toxic fallout]], [[#Volcanic winter|Volcanic winter]], [[#Refugee Chased at (Settlement)|Chased refugee]], [[#Psychic soothe|Psychic sooth]], [[#Manhunter Pack|Manhunter pack]] events added. Manhunter pack is exclusively made up of [[warg]]s.
* [[Version/0.12.906|0.12.906]] - [[Events#Manhunter Pack|Manhunter pack]]s can use animals besides wargs. [[Events#(Animals) join|Farm Animals Wander In]], [[Events#(Animal) self-tamed|Self Tame]], [[Poison ship]] and [[Events#Flashstorm|Flashtorm]] events added. Animals join is exclusive to farm animals at this point.
* [[Version/0.12.906|0.12.906]] - [[#Manhunter Pack|Manhunter pack]]s can use animals besides wargs. [[#(Animals) join|Farm Animals Wander In]], [[#(Animal) self-tamed|Self Tame]], [[Poison ship]] and [[#Flashstorm|Flashtorm]] events added. Animals join is exclusive to farm animals at this point.
* [[Version/0.12.910|0.12.910]] - [[Poison ship]] now only drops one ship part instead of 2-3.
* [[Version/0.12.910|0.12.910]] - [[Poison ship]] now only drops one ship part instead of 2-3.
* [[Version/0.12.914|0.12.914]] - [[Events#Flashstorm|Flashtorm]] are much less intense  
* [[Version/0.12.914|0.12.914]] - [[#Flashstorm|Flashtorm]] are much less intense  
* [[Version/0.14.1236|0.14.1236]] - Fixed [[Version/0.14.1236#Changes|many events]] never firing. Threat cycle event maker will no longer queue events it doesn't have the points to fire.
* [[Version/0.14.1236|0.14.1236]] - Fixed [[Version/0.14.1236#Changes|many events]] never firing. Threat cycle event maker will no longer queue events it doesn't have the points to fire.
* [[Version/0.14.1241|0.14.1241]] - Toxic fallout, flashstorm and volcanic winter are now disabled in Free Play [[difficulty]]. Toxic fallout and volcanic winter are now rarer.
* [[Version/0.14.1241|0.14.1241]] - Toxic fallout, flashstorm and volcanic winter are now disabled in Free Play [[difficulty]]. Toxic fallout and volcanic winter are now rarer.
* [[Version/1.1.0|1.1.0]] - Pawns now sometimes take the family name of their partner upon marriage
* [[Version/1.1.0|1.1.0]] - Pawns now sometimes take the family name of their partner upon marriage
* [[Version/1.1.2654|1.1.2654]] - Increase toxic fallout earliestDay from 20 to 60. Reduce base chance from 0.14 to 0.12. Increase volcanic winter earliest day from 30 to 60.
* [[Version/1.1.2654|1.1.2654]] - Increase toxic fallout earliestDay from 20 to 60. Increase volcanic winter earliest day from 30 to 60.
* [[Version/1.3.3066|1.3.3066]] - [[Events#Alphabeavers|Alphabeaver]] event will happen even if the outdoor temperature is above their minimum comfortable temperature.
* [[Version/1.3.3066|1.3.3066]] - Fix: The [[#Beavers!|Alphabeaver]] event will still happen even if the outdoor temperature is below their minimum comfortable temperature.
* [[Version/1.4.3523|1.4.3523]] - Fix: Stranger in black can have 0 shooting skill.
[[Category:Game mechanics]]
[[Category:Game mechanics]]

Latest revision as of 13:53, 21 February 2025

Basics Menus Game Creation Gameplay Pawns Plants Resources Gear Mods
Gameplay Menu Caravan Combat Cover Drafting Environment Events Factions Firefighting Quality Quests Research Rooms Time Trade

Events are driven by the currently selected AI storyteller.

Most events that occur create a Letter, an envelope icon on the right side of the screen. Other events will pause the game and pop up a window where the player must make a choice. Usually, the color of the envelope will suggest the severity of the event; blue envelopes are good events, grey is neutral, yellow is bad, and red denotes direct threats.

Many event titles are variable. They can mention location, pawn and faction names, specific buffs or debuffs, or even have countdowns for the time variable events.

There's a special kind of events called Quests which work under different rules.

Event List [edit]

For ease of navigation, events are subdivided into 3 groups: Storyteller events, Incidental events, and World events.


Storyteller events[edit]

These events are controlled by the selected storyteller. Major and Weather events require at least the Builder difficulty to be able to trigger.

Due to wiki limitations, it isn't possible to link directly to a collapsed section. To address that, this toggle will open all relevant sections.

Click Here to Open/Close Storyteller categories
Storyteller events list Collapse
Event Name Category Location Favorability Duration Cooldown
Enemy attack Major Colony Map Ex.png Also called "raids".
Infestation Major Colony Map Until destruction Ex.png The event "Too Deep: Infestation" is unrelated.
Wastepack infestations Major Colony Map Until destruction Ex.png Requires Biotech Content added by the Biotech DLC. Can also be triggered by destroyed Toxic Wastepacks.
Manhunter pack Major Colony Map 24-54 hours, or until destruction Ex.png Animals are infected with scaria
Psychic wave Major Colony Map Until affected animals are incapacitated or die Ex.png There's a variant that affects a single animal, which is not considered a major threat.
Crashed ship part Major Colony Map Until destruction Check.png1 2 variants: Defoliator ship and Psychic ship. Only the latter affects mood.
Mech cluster Major Colony Map Until Destruction Ex.png Requires Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC. Can also be generated by Quests.
Problem causer Major World Until Destruction Check.png1 Requires Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC. 9 variants
Flashstorm Weather Colony Map 0.075 - 0.1 days
Toxic fallout Weather Colony Map 2.5 - 10.5 days
Check.png2 Insectoids/Mechanoids are immune.
Volcanic winter Weather Colony Map 7.5 - 40 days
Ambrosia sprout Random Colony Map Good Ex.png Limited to 6 biomes: Tropical rainforest/swamp, Temperate forest/swamp, Boreal forest, Arid shrubland
Animals join Random Colony Map Good Ex.png
Animal self-tamed Random Colony Map Good Ex.png
Aurora Random Colony Map Good 0.125 - 0.35 days Check.png
Cargo pods Random Colony Map Good Ex.png
Herd migration: (Animal) Random Colony Map Good Ex.png Only happens on 5 biomes: Sea ice, Ice sheet, Tundra, Desert, Extreme desert
Party Random Colony Map Good Check.png Requires a party spot or any gathering spot
Psychic soothe Random Colony Map Good
(Trader type) Random Colony Map Good Ex.png Orbital Trader
(Trader type) from (Faction) Random Colony Map Good Ex.png Land Trader
Transport pod crash Random Colony Map Good Ex.png
Paralytic abasia Random Colony Map Good Ex.png Requires Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC. Variant of "Transport pod crash" event
Baby Random Colony Map Good Ex.png Requires Biotech Content added by the Biotech DLC. Variant of "Transport pod crash" event
Wanderer joins Random Colony Map Good 24 hours Ex.png
Wild (wo)man wanders in Random Colony Map Good Ex.png
Traveler Visit Random Colony Map Good Ex.png
Visitor(s) Random Colony Map Good Ex.png
Royal Tribute Collector Random Colony Map Good Ex.png Requires Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
Gauranlen pod sprout Random Colony Map Good Ex.png Requires Ideology Content added by the Ideology DLC
Polux tree sprout Random Colony Map Good Ex.png Requires Biotech Content added by the Biotech DLC
Beavers! Random Colony Map Bad
Birthday Random Colony Map Bad Ex.png
Blight Random Colony Map Bad
Disease Random Colony Map Bad Ex.png
Eclipse Random Colony Map Bad 0.75 - 1.25 days
Check.png Only affects mood with the PreceptContent added by the Ideology DLC Eclipse
Heat wave Random Colony Map Bad 1.5 - 3.5 days
Ex.png It requires a summer temperature above 20 °C (68 °F)
Cold snap Random Colony Map Bad 1.5 - 3.5 days
Ex.png It requires a summer temperature between 0 °C – 15 °C (32 °F – 59 °F)
Mad animal Random Colony Map Bad Ex.png
Psychic drone Random Colony Map Bad 0.75 - 1.75 days
Solar flare Random Colony Map Bad 0.15 - 0.5 days Ex.png Incompatible with Unnatural Darkness (Anomaly Content added by the Anomaly DLC)
Zzztt... Random Colony Map Bad
Ex.png Cooldown does not apply to Short-circuits caused by snow/rain,
Transport pod crash (Ghoul) Random Colony Map Bad Ex.png Requires Anomaly Content added by the Anomaly DLC
Gray pall Random Colony Map Bad Check.png Requires Anomaly Content added by the Anomaly DLC

1: Only one variant affects mood

2: Only while outside

Incidental events[edit]

Rather than being triggered by storytellers, these events come from various other mechanics.

Incidental events list Collapse
Event Name Type Location Notes
Friendlies Good Colony Map
Masterwork Good Colony Map
Legendary work Good Colony Map
Man in Black Good Colony Map Has a year (60 days) of cooldown.
New recruit Good Colony Map
Meteorite Good Colony Map About 1 year cooldown
Outpost destroyed Good World Becomes "Faction Defeated" if that was the last outpost of said faction.
Ransom (Time remaining) Good Colony Map Available for 24 hours
Rare thrumbos Good Colony Map 13 days of cooldown
Reactor ready Good Colony Map 15 days after warming up a ship reactor
Ship chunks Good Colony Map
Trauma savant Good Anywhere
Quest completed Good Anywhere
Anima tree sprout Good Colony Map Requires Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
Ancient danger Bad Colony Map Once per map.
Animal revenge Bad Colony Map
Death Bad Anywhere Slaughtering and Euthanizing a colonist does not trigger this.
Drug addiction Bad Anywhere
Heart attack Bad Anywhere
Mental Break Bad Anywhere
Overdose Bad Anywhere
Predator hunting Bad Colony Map Requires a predator on the map
Prison break Bad Colony Map Requires having prisoners
Roof collapsed Bad Colony Map
Too Deep: Infestation Bad Colony Map Triggered by deep drill
Allied: (Faction) Faction Anywhere Requires to improve relations <-75
Enemy now neutral: (Faction) Faction Anywhere
Hostile faction Faction Anywhere Requires to worsen relations >75
Leader died Faction Anywhere Triggers on another faction's leader death.
New Leader Faction Anywhere Trigger once recruiting another faction's leader.
About: Electricity Informational Anywhere
About: Getting advanced components Informational Anywhere
New About: Launching the ship Informational Anywhere
Persona Core Offer Informational Anywhere Requires >40 goodwill with some faction
Summer Informational Anywhere
Unwaveringly loyal Informational Anywhere
About: Anima tree linking Informational Anywhere Requires Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
Baby Prep Informational Anywhere Requires Biotech Content added by the Biotech DLC
New lovers Social Anywhere Affects mood
Breakup Social Anywhere Affects mood
Rejected proposal Social Anywhere Affects mood
Marriage is on! Social Anywhere Affects mood
Affair Social Anywhere Affects mood
Divorce Social Anywhere Affects mood

World events[edit]

This is a list of all events that can happen while on the overworld. Some events require a quest to trigger. Sub events are not quest events on their own, but may happen during other world events such as Incapacitated Refugee or Item Stash Opportunity.

Due to wiki limitations, it isn't possible to link directly to a collapsed section. To address that, this toggle will open all relevant sections.

Click Here to Open/Close World events
World events list Collapse
Event Name Type Location Notes
Attack begun Notification Generated Map
Bandit camp opportunity Quest Anywhere
Caravan ambushed / (manhunters) Battle Generated Map Prevents reforming caravan while active
Caravan battle won Notification Anywhere Allows reforming the caravan on the world map
Caravan arrived at (Location) Notification Anywhere
Caravan lost Notification Anywhere
Caravan meeting by (Caravan ID) Pop-up window World
Caravan ready Notification Anywhere
Demand Hostile World
Peace talks Quest World Expires on 15 days
Rescuee joins Notification Anywhere
Ambush Sub-event Generated Map
Sleeping mechanoids Sub-event Generated Map

Anomaly events[edit]

Events from the AnomalyContent added by the Anomaly DLC DLC work different from normal events and are intrinsically related to the Monolith structure. Due to this, all Anomaly events will be listed on its own page.

Major threats[edit]

Major threats can appear from Base Builder difficulty onwards. They mostly consist of direct attacks to your colony. Their size depends on the raid points mechanic; generally increasing in strength with wealth, colonist count, and difficulty.

Cassandra Classic and Phoebe Chillax both treat major threats separately from other events; they cycle between "OnDays" and "OffDays", where a certain amount of major events will occur during each OnDay cycle. Randy Random simply treats a major threat as an event that's less likely to happen.

Show/Hide Major Events

Major threats generation[edit]

Major threats can be fired via 3 different methods: storyteller, quest, and special fired. Storyteller major threats are fired according to the Storyteller's schedule. Randy's "schedule" is a random firing mechanic. Quest major threats must be explicitly accepted by the player. Special fired major threats are limited to Wastepack Infestations that can spawn when a wastepack deteriorates (Biotech DLCContent added by the Biotech DLC).

For Storyteller fired major threats, first the storyteller determines which type of major threat is to be sent. Each type of major threat has a specific weight. Some major threats may not be possible at a specific time and would have a weight of 0. For example, Infestations and Mass Animal Insanity each require specific conditions that may not be met. Some major threats are gated behind Raid Point amounts. Infestations and Mechanoid Droner, Defoliator and Clusters all required at least 400 Raid Points.

Raid Weights
Raid type Vanilla DLC enabled
Raid 7.40 7.40
DefoliatorShip 2.00 0.40
DronerShip 2.00 0.40
MechCluster Content added by the Royalty DLC 0.00 1.90
Manhunter 2.00 2.00
MassInsanity 1.30 1.30
Infest 2.70 2.70
Wastepack Infest Content added by the Biotech DLC 0.00 0.024
Problem Causer Content added by the Royalty DLC 0.00 0.95

Raid Generation[edit]

After the storyteller has chosen to fire a major threat, and chosen to fire a raid, first the Faction of the Raid is chosen. Each faction is given a weight and all hostile factions are considered separately. Human factions each have a weight of 1. The mechanoid faction's weight changes with raid Points. As Raid Points go up the weight of the Mechanoid Faction Increases. Mechanoids weight is 0 until 300 raid points. The weight of human factions can become 0 at extreme temperatures.

After the faction is chosen, the attack type is chosen. Each attack type has a weight. Some factions do not have all possible attack types. For example, Tribals cannot Siege. After the attack type is chosen, arrival method is chosen. Each arrival method has a weight. Some weights change based on raid points. Some arrival methods are not possible with some factions. Some attack types only arrive via certain methods.

Once Rimworld has determined the faction, attack type and arrival type, a Raid Composition is selected. Each faction has defined raid compositions like the "all sniper" or "all melee attack".

Enemy attack[edit]

Commonly known as a raid, this event comes in several types. It is possible for multiple raids to happen at the same time, even of opposing factions. Raiders will come and assault your colony, first attacking adult colonists that they can walk to, then animals and buildings. Human raiders flee if enough of them have been downed or killed, or if enough damage to your colony has been done. Mechanoids will persist indefinitely.

Arrival methods[edit]

Tribal-level factions can't use drop pods, so are limited to assaults.

  • Assaults: Arrive at the edge of the map, either by walking or by drop pod. They may assault the colony immediately, or stage for a time before launching their attack, giving you time to prepare.
  • Center drop: Raiders immediately attack via drop pod, centered on one of your colonists. There is 40% to drop on an unroofed orbital trade beacon if one is present. Drop pods can go through constructed and thin rock roofs, but not overhead mountain.
  • Scatter drop: Raiders immediately attack via drop pod, which have gone "haywire" and will disperse throughout the map.
  • Smart: "Unusually clever" raiders will seek to enter your base while avoiding traps and turrets.
  • Sappers: Sappers will mine or destroy walls to create the shortest route to a colonist's bedroom. Groups of sappers are smaller in number than the other raid types.
  • Breachers: Appear with breach-type raiders, such as tribals with breach axes or termite mechanoids. Breachers will attack walls in their path indiscriminately, as opposed to sappers having a target.
  • Siege: See below.


Sieges are a special type of raid. They arrive in drop pods, along with supplies. They will construct sandbags and mortars, and will continuously be supplied with food and mortar shells. They will fire at colonists, colony structures, and other pawns they are hostile to. Sieges will directly assault the colony after a long time (a few days), if their mortars are destroyed or unbuildable, or after sufficient casualties.

It is possible to steal a critical material (like components) and prevent them from completing construction. This is largely possible with a psycasterContent added by the Royalty DLC using both Invisibility and Skip, with enough heat capacity to cast both 2-3 times in a row.

Strategies to force sieges to attack include the sniper rifle (watch out for other snipers), a psychic animal pulser, or your own mortars.


Infestations come with hives and insectoids. Hives will produce insect jelly, but will rapidly create insects, too. If you don't want it to infest the whole area, muster your forces and destroy it. But beware - the bugs will defend their hive.

In order for a regular infestation to spawn, there must be an open area with the overhead mountain roof, within 30 tiles of a colony structure, and a temperature above -17 °C (1.4 °F). Light, and temperatures below -8 °C (17.6 °F) reduce the chance of infestations.

The Too Deep: Infestation is a separate event. Insects can still arrive, but this event has separate mechanics.

The Wastepack infestations is a separate event available if BiotechContent added by the Biotech DLC is active. The end effect is similar, but the mechanics are different.

Manhunter pack[edit]

A pack of scaria-infested animals have arrived, hunting for human flesh. A manhunter pack has 40% more points (i.e. 40% more "raiders") than a regular raid. When killed, scaria has a chance to instantly rot a corpse, which makes them inedible and creates rot stink. A single animal can arrive and the event will still be called a "pack".

Manhunters will roam the region, attacking any human they can path to. The animals can't enter doors, but if they see a colonist run behind a door, they will attempt to beat down the door. If left alive, they will congregate around your base for anywhere from 24 to 54 in-game hours before they all leave.

Manhunting wargs

Psychic wave[edit]

Appears as Mad Animals: (Animal name). Immediately drives local wildlife insane, becoming manhunter. As opposed to a manhunter pack, these animals do not have scaria, and so won't immediately rot. No new animals are created - only animals already on the map can be affected. This fact means that psychic waves scale poorly with raid points; advanced colonies will find these events much smaller than any other major threat.

As manhunters, the selected animals will roam the region, attacking any human they can path to. The animals can't enter doors, but if they see a colonist run behind a door, they will attempt to beat down the door. Unlike with scaria, the manhunter status will end when the animals need to sleep.

This event has a variation that only affects a single animal, which is not considered a major threat.

Crashed ship part[edit]

A large piece of an ancient ship crashes nearby, along with a pack of mechanoids. The mechs will generate dormant, but will awaken when they or the ship part are attacked. While the ship part is still active, they will activate an intensifying negative effect on the map.

Defoliator ship[edit]

A crashed defoliator ship kills all wild or domesticated plants in an expanding circle, up to a radius of 100 tiles. The poison kills crops randomly, including plants grown in hydroponics basins. Crops will end up nearly impossible to grow. If the Biotech DLC is active, this ship part will also generate PollutionContent added by the Biotech DLC from its center at a rate of 6~7 tiles per day.

Psychic ship[edit]

A ship part projects a psychic drone which negatively affects the mood of a specific gender. It begins low and grows progressively stronger the longer it stays. Psychic sensitivity increases or decreases the drone's effect.

The ship's is also capable of emitting psychic pulses that can drive a colonist to an immediate mental break, or nearby animals to madness.

Drone intensifies[edit]

If left alone long enough, the drone emitted from a crashed psychic ship will get worse as time goes on. Every 2.5 days the drone gets stronger, from -12 mood at the beginning up to -48 after 7.5 days.

Mech cluster[edit]

Mech clusters are similar to crashed ship parts with a more complex structure, with buildings like walls, turrets, and unstable power cells. They also spawn dormant, but can come with activators, able to wake up from proximity or over time. They can come with on-map condition causers, such as sun blockers or EMP dynamos.

Problem causer[edit]

A condition causer has appeared within 10 world tiles of your colony, creating a negative effect. It must be destroyed to stop the effect. Some conditions may be situationally good, such as a psychic suppressor (male) when you only have females in the colony.

Extreme weather[edit]

These events alter the environmental conditions of the colony map, only able to appear from Base Builder difficulty onward.

Show/Hide Extreme Weather Events



"A freak localized storm is blasting a small area with repeated lightning strikes."

Flashstorm is a localized, intense lightning storm within a radius between 45 and 60 tiles. Active lightning will strike between every 320 ticks (5.33 secs) to 800 ticks (13.33 secs). Once it finishes, no rain can fall until 30,000 ticks (8.33 mins) has passed. This can create big fires. It lasts between 0.075 and 0.1 days, and will not reoccur for 15 days. Clicking the envelope icon offers the option to jump to the center point.

This can also be caused by the Flashstorm psycast Content added by the Royalty DLC, but will not show up as a notification.

Toxic fallout[edit]

"A distant chemical fire has released a plume of poison over this entire region that will slowly settle out of the atmosphere. It will last for anywhere from a few days to an entire season."

Toxic fallout is a dangerous event which causes toxic buildup to any pawn not under a roof. The fallout also gives a −5 moodlet for colonists when outside. It lasts between 2.5 and 10.5 days, will not occur before Day 60 of the colony, and will not reoccur for 90 days.

Toxic buildup from toxic fallout is proportional to both Toxic Resistance and the Toxic Environment Resistance of the pawn. Animals have 50% Toxic Resistance, so buildup increases at half the rate, but exposed animals will eventually die. When animals die with toxic buildup, there is a chance, scaling with severity, for their corpse to immediately rot.

By default, toxic buildup increases at a rate of 40% per day. For humans, a moderate buildup - 40% severity, or 24 hours left outside - is enough to potentially cause permanent damage, from either dementia or carcinoma. Death happens at 100% severity. In Biotech,Content added by the Biotech DLC both resistances can be gained in a number of ways, allowing counters to the effects of the fallout. These include the face mask, gas mask, detoxifier kidney, detoxifier lung and several genes.

Excluding some special cases (Anima treeContent added by the Royalty DLC, Anima grassContent added by the Royalty DLC, Gauranlen treeContent added by the Ideology DLC, Gauranlen podContent added by the Ideology DLC, Polux treeContent added by the Biotech DLC), all plants will wither during the fallout, trees included. Every in-game hour, the affected plants will receive between 48.9 and 66.1 points of damage [57.51667 base damage ±15%]. Crops can be protected under a roof, but without a sun lamp, they'll rot anyways. Insectoids and mechanoids are fully immune.

Volcanic winter[edit]

"A distant supervolcano has erupted and begun spewing millions of cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere. Ash in the atmosphere will obscure the sun. Temperatures will drop and plants will suffer for lack of sunlight. It could pass in a few weeks, or it might last many months."

Volcanic winter lowers the temperature and natural light,which in turn weakens solar generators and slows plant growth. They also appear to significantly reduce the inflow of wildlife (observed in a Temperate Forest, 300x300, very few animals came in during Spring-Summer when there would normally be many). This can easily lead to meat shortage and famine if you do not have sufficiently large farms for your colony. Volcanic winters will last between 7.5 and 40 days, will not occur before Day 60 of the colony, and will not reoccur for 140 days.

To be specific, the temperature is reduced by 7 °C (12.6 °F) and the light by 30% over the course of 50,000 ticks (13.89 mins). The wildlife density is cut by half, and pawns can no longer enjoy their time outside.[Mechanic detail]

Note that volcanic winters won't kill plants outright, but they still have the potential to kill plants should the temperature drop to a sufficiently cold point. Like cold snaps, building warmed and lit greenhouses can help with crop growth during volcanic winters.

Random Events[edit]

These are the 3rd set of events able to be triggered by the storyteller. Internally, Random Events are classified as either good, bad, or quest.


Quests are a class of event that provide conditions to be met or actions to be performed to gain a reward. There are a wide variety of quests, which are listed on the quest page.


Show Good Random Events

Ambrosia sprout[edit]

An ambrosia sprout among the trees
Ambrosia bush.png

A grove of the mysterious ambrosia bush has sprouted nearby! If you wait for the plants to grow, you'll be able to harvest the delicious, pleasurable, and slightly addictive fruit.

Ambrosia bushes are the only way to harvest ambrosia, a safe mood boosting social drug. A good way to harvest them is to draw a growing zone over them, but forbid sowing. Colonists will then automatically harvest the bushes when they are fully grown.

The ambrosia event must initially spawn in the growing season of the map tile.

It can only happen in the following biomes:

Animals join[edit]

Tamed dogs or farm animals from off-map join your colony.

Animal self-tamed[edit]

Thrumbo self-tamed.png

A random animal on the map becomes tame, and immediately joins the colony. The frequency of self-taming events is unrelated to the number of animals on the map, provided there is at least one. This means in a tundra biome with one snowhare you're just as likely to get a self-taming event as in a tropical swamp populated with dozens of animals. Previously tamed animals can self-tame, and will retain the name and all training they previously had.

For pen animals, you must rope them into a pen or to a caravan hitching spot or the animal will eventually run off the map, though usually this is not urgent. For zoneable animals, you should check the "Animals" tab and assign the animal to an appropriate zone, unless you want to let it move unrestricted. If you are dangerously low on food, be aware that if a zoneable animal self-tames and there is no food in the environment, it will run inside your base and eat your food stores when it gets hungry.


An aurora lights up the night sky, giving a +14 mood boost to anyone who is outside watching. While in real life it only happens near the poles, on the rimworlds it can happen anywhere regardless of latitude. It ends at day and otherwise lasts from 0.125 to 0.35 days.

Despite the event text stating that it will "make the night brighter", it does not actually affect the light level.

Cargo pods[edit]

Cargo pods.png

From time to time, cargo pods will fall out of orbit, containing a random amount of single type of resource. The remains of the pods become steel slag chunks, which can be refined into usable metal at an electric smelter. The pods have a chance of crashing through the roofs of any buildings, damaging any nearby furniture, structures or any pawn they land on.

Herd migration: (Animal)[edit]

Thrumbo herd migration.png

A large herd of animals is passing through the area. They won't attack unless provoked. They pass by quickly, so you must be quick if you want to hunt or attempt taming them.

This event only occurs in the following biomes:


One of your colonists will throw a party around a party spot, or if unavailable, a gather spot (table or campfire). Colonists will continually get mood buffs the longer they attend a party.[Detail] Each stack adds +0.8 to mood, lasts 10 days and stacks up to 10 times, for a max buff of +8 mood. In addition, a party provides many social opportunities. They will usually have beers and smokeleaf joints, if available, and eat meals even when not hungry.

Pawns that don't attend won't get mood buffs. Players may have to draft and undraft pawns to get them out of work. If too many pawns, or the hosting pawn are drafted at once, or if a raid happens, then the party will be called off.

Psychic soothe[edit]

Psychic soothe.png

When this event triggers, the soothe gives a positive mood modifier (+16 for normal colonists, more or less depending on the Psychic Sensitivity) to all colonists of a randomly chosen sex. It can be considered the opposite of the Psychic Drone, but does not have different levels of severity. It lasts between 1.5 and 3.0 days and will not reoccur for 15 days.

(Trader type)[edit]

This event, without a faction mentioned, occurs when an orbital trade ship passes near the colony and you have a powered comms console. Players may trade to obtain resources or weapons, or alternatively sell excess items for silver, which is always accepted by traders. Note that orbital trade ships can appear even when the comms console is turned off, so check the console during a solar flare.

You need to build orbital trade beacons before contacting them so you can beam silver and items up to the ship to actually carry out transactions. You can still check the items for sale even without them however.

(Trader type) from (Faction)[edit]

This event with the faction name mentioned means the traders are terrestrial. Trader caravans from other non-hostile factions can stop by your colony, whether specifically requested via the comms console at a hit to good will or randomly on their own with no penalty.

Transport pod crash[edit]

Since you rescued him/her. Character joined your group!

A downed and injured occupant falls from the sky, containing members of a faction or neutral, unaffiliated spacers. A friendly or neutral occupant can be rescued to a medical bed, while a hostile member must be put into a prison bed. The pawn can also be a xenotypeContent added by the Biotech DLC that doesn't have any factions on the planet.[Detail needed]

Once healed, non-hostile crash victims will either join your colony out of gratitude, or walk away to return to their faction. You can instead capture a non-hostile person, but their faction (if not spacer) will turn hostile.

Paralytic abasia[edit]

A transport pod can crash with a person with paralytic abasia, a disease which prevents movement until cured (usually after 40 days). Unlike regular transport pods, the person will directly ask to join the colony. If you refuse, then colonists will get the same penalties as if you banished another colonist.


A transport pod may crash with a baby instead of the regular occupant, and will always appear as a friendly faction/neutral refugee/unaffiliated. You can choose to ignore it and let it starve to death, or adopt the baby by selecting it and click "Adopt". Rarely, the corpse of the baby's parent can also appear next to it, still in pristine condition.

Wanderer joins[edit]

A random person will forcefully try and join the colony. You have 24 hours to accept or reject them. Accepting will have them appear on the world map. Rejecting will give the same penalties as if you had banished a colonist. Unless it'd be dangerous to enter your colony, there is no reason not to accept the wanderer, see their stats, and then decide to keep or banish them.

With IdeologyContent added by the Ideology DLC, the colonist that joins the colony will have a randomized Ideoligion. This event can also occur at 50% rate if an Ideoligion's event result set for this event is "Beautiful/Fun/Good / Unforgettable", with said colonist with the same Ideoligion as the masses of the colonist in the colony.

Wild (wo)man wanders in[edit]

A random person with no faction wanders into your colony and will mill about the map. You have the option to Tame this person with a minimum Animals skill of 7. Doing so will convert them to into a completely normal colonist. Sometimes, they may not be able to resist the harshness of nature and may fall unconscious (ex: Toxic Fallout, extreme temperatures), allowing you to rescue them like transport pod crash victims. They also have the same hunger needs as regular humans, and if they do not find animals to hunt or wild plants (or simply do not want to) they can walk into your base and eat your food, which can be an annoyance. Arresting them will not allow you to recruit or enslaveContent added by the Ideology DLC them like regular prisoners, they must be tamed or rescued.

Wild humans have a 50% chance of attacking when harmed, and 10% if taming fails.

These wild (wo)men may have random Ideoligion with Ideology.

Unlike other animals, wild people will not flee from gunfire. Wild people can hunt human pawns for food like a predator, regardless of whether they are cannibals or not. Wild people who are incapable of violence will not hunt at all, but may still become manhunter when provoked.

Traveler Visit[edit]

Occasionally, one or more members of a friendly faction will arrive, just passing through. They'll enter at one edge of the map and proceed across the map. They'll exit the map upon reaching another edge.

A drafted colonist can be directed to capture (arrest) one of the travelers. However, once the arresting colonist reaches the target, that entire faction will immediately turn extremely hostile, dropping to -76 Goodwill. This shift includes any other members of the same Faction currently there.


Friendly faction members may stop by your settlement. Occasionally, they will have a few goods to trade. Like a regular trader they will mill about the player's colony for a while. Unlike a regular trader, they don't have many goods with them, nor do they have as much silver to buy your goods. Visitors possess no higher purpose otherwise, but will fight mutual enemies.

Sometimes there will be a singular visitor. In this case, the game will notify you of the backstory of that visitor.

Royal Tribute Collector[edit]

If you are not hostile to the Empire, Royal Tribute Collectors will visit the colony approximately twice a year. Tribute collectors are essentially Empire-only trade caravans that exclusively accept gold and prisoners in exchange for Honor.

Gauranlen pod sprout[edit]

A Gauranlen pod has sprouted nearby! Harvest it to collect a Gauranlen seed. This special seed can be used to plant the majestic Gauranlen tree. Your colonist can connect with Guaranlen trees and make them spawn resources and helpful dryads to work or fight for you.

A pod will appear somewhere with the current map. Harvesting it yield 1-2 Gauranlen seed. This event occurs roughly every 60 days in every biome except Ice Sheets and Sea Ice, and this time is decreased to roughly every 30 days for tree connectors. This event can also occur if an Ideoligion's ritual result is set to trigger this event and performing the ritual receives a "Beautiful/Fun/Good/Unforgettable" quality.

Polux tree sprout[edit]

A polux tree may appear whenever there is enough pollution around. It will consume and clean up said pollution, but will not do so if it or its roots are under a roof.


Show Bad Random Events


A group of ravenous tree-munching alphabeavers appears at the edge of the map. This only occurs in the arid shrubland and tundra, and only when the outdoor temperature is above the alphabeaver's minimum comfortable temperature of -40 °C (-40 °F). It will not reoccur for 30 days.

Beavers will act like any other animal. But due to their unique diet and extreme hunger, beavers will continually eat trees and Saguaro cacti they can reach, including anima treesContent added by the Royalty DLC, gauranlen treesContent added by the Ideology DLC, polux treesContent added by the Biotech DLC and any trees you're farming. Alphabeavers will not and cannot eat the Wood wood item, wooden buildings, or any other item made out of wood.

The beavers will continue eating until there are no trees left, unless you eradicate them or they're driven off the map by temperature.


Character gains an age-related illness, such as bad back or cataracts. They may be cured by using the healer mech serum, luciferium, a biosculpter podContent added by the Ideology DLC, or the Scarless geneContent added by the Biotech DLC. Some may be 'cured' by replacing the affected parts with bionics.

Due to age or a pre-existing health condition, they can also have a heart attack.


Blighted crops with an indicator above them.

Blight is a disease that infects domesticated plants with a growing period shorter than 15 days. Blighted crops will not grow or yield anything when harvested, and the blight will spread to other nearby plants within 3 tiles. These plants must be cut in order to avoid further spread. Trees, wild, decorative plants, and devilstrand mushrooms are immune to blight.

Blight starts on one of your crops, at 10% severity, affecting 20% of your plants (40% initial plants affected has been witnessed in December 2020). It will progress slowly once plants are infected, and once it reaches 28% it can spread to nearby plants within a 4-tile radius.

It will not reoccur for 30 days.


Colonists (including prisoners and slavesContent added by the Ideology DLC) or animals will gain a random disease. Biome influences both the amount of disease and its selection. Multiple pawns can get a disease at once, but diseases never spread between pawns. Disease events are controlled separately from other events by your storyteller.

Sickly pawns will get sick with a MTB of 30 days, independently of the rest of your colonists.


A moon has moved in front of the sun, causing an eclipse. Without light, solar generators won't function, and outdoor crops stop growing. It lasts between 0.75 and 1.25 days.

If reliant on solar power, make sure to have batteries for times like these, or an eclipse raid can be extra threatening.

Pawns with the Eclipse: Beautiful preceptContent added by the Ideology DLC will receive a +5 moodlet for seeing an eclipse.

It will not reoccur for 15 days

Heat wave[edit]

A heat wave sweeps the colony, driving outdoor temperatures unusually high for 1.5 and 3.5 days. To be precise, the temperature will increase by 17 °C (30.6 °F) over 12000 game ticks (4.8 in-game hours). There is also a chance for a fire to randomly appear on the map, which can quickly spread. It only occurs when the map's summer temperature is at least 20 °C (68 °F), and will not reoccur for 30 days.

The major risks are coolers failing to freeze food, and heat stroke to your colonists and animals. Summer clothing like cowboy hats and tribalwear can mitigate the heat, and passive coolers can help make indoor temperatures bearable.

Do note that an while this event remains active, the colony will not trigger the events Cold Snaps, Volcanic Winter, nor additional Heat Waves. The one exception are events triggered by quest, which will apply regardless.

Cold snap[edit]

A cold snap strikes the colony, driving outdoor temperature unusually low for 1.5 and 3.5 days. To be precise, the temperature decreases by 20 °C (36 °F) over 12000 game ticks (4.8 in-game hours). It only occurs when the map's summer temperature is in the range of 0 °C – 15 °C (32 °F – 59 °F), and will not reoccur for 30 days. Colonists will complain about the cold, especially sleeping in it if their rooms are not properly heated.

While this is generally good for item preservation, it can kill off crops, influence colonist moods and cause hypothermia if colonists or animals stay in non-heated areas for a prolonged time. It also renders most of the plants in the area inedible (unless when it happens in warmer areas in which some plants are still edible), potentially causing tame animals to starve to death and wild ones to leave the map. With no other food source, wild predators may attack colonists and tame animals while they are outdoors. Snowing may also happen, depositing thick snow that can slow down outdoor movement significantly.

Jackets, dusters, parkas and tuques provide cold insulation for colonists, protecting them while they're awake, though they don't prevent mood loss caused by sleeping in cold areas.

Do note that an while this event remains active, the colony will not trigger the events Heat Waves, Volcanic Winter, nor additional Cold Snaps. The one exception are events triggered by quest, which will apply regardless.

Mad animal[edit]

A single random animal on the map turns manhunter, like a psychic wave. The insane animal will charge toward the nearest human anywhere on the map, attacking any other animal or obstacle (doors, fences, barricades, etc.) blocking its way. If the "nearest" colonist changes, the animal may change its focus to that target.

Any animal can be dangerous to a colonist, but multiple colonists can usually take them out. Large animals, as well as the explosive boomalope and boomrat, are bigger threats.

Psychic drone[edit]

'Drone' in this case does not refer to "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" but instead "To produce a low-pitched hum or buzz." A psychic drone affects all colonists of a randomly chosen gender, giving a strong negative moodlet. The drone can vary in severity, from low (-12 mood) to extreme (-40 mood). Psychic Sensitivity will multiply the effect on the drone. It lasts between 0.75 and 1.75 days and will not reoccur for 15 days.

Colonists have no choice but to endure it, as the point of origin is off-map. Psychic foil helmets, drugs, and other mood-enhancers can help deal with the effects. Animals are not affected.

Solar flare[edit]

Solar flares cause all electrical devices to stop working for its duration, from 0.15 to 0.5 days. Wood-fired generators and chemfuel generators will still burn fuel during this time.

  • Colonies that rely on turrets for defense will become vulnerable to raids.
  • Heaters and coolers will stop working. In extreme temperatures, crops will die and colonists can be at risk of heatstroke or hypothermia. Campfires and passive coolers are low-tech options that work even in a solar flare.
  • Crops in a hydroponics basin will rapidly degrade, regardless of the temperature. It's recommended to quickly harvest any crops that can't be saved before they die.
  • Occasionally an orbital trade ship may arrive during the event, so it is wise to check out the Comms Console as soon as the event ends or risk getting the ''<trader> has left comms range" notification while unaware of their presence. If a ship leaves during a solar flare, you will be notified that the trader has left, although this is only a minor message in the upper right of the screen.
  • The colony is immune to the effects of a solar flare while also undergoing unnatural darknessContent added by the Anomaly DLC

Due to its length, most of the adverse effects are manageable.


This event can occur anytime a power conduit has energy flowing through it. The conduit may suffer a fault, causing a short circuit. They may also occur if certain objects are left unroofed and are exposed to rain or snow. Short-circuits not caused by rain/snow will not reoccur for 8 days. Short circuits do not affect hidden conduits, meaning zzztts can be avoided entirely by simply having all applicable buildings under roofs and having a network made entirely of hidden conduits.

The following buildings short circuit due to weather:

Short circuits will either result in a fire, or, if any batteries are connected to the circuit and contains at least 20Wd, a fiery explosion centered on the tile, that increases with energy stored. The explosion deals 10 Flame damage and setting objects on fire. If the explosion radius is greater than 3.5 tiles, a second explosion of 30% radius deals 50 Bomb damage, which can extinguish fires. The fault will also discharge all stored power in batteries in the process.

The explosion radius is controlled by the following equation:

Explosion Radius = clamp( sqrt(Sum of all stored power) * 0.05, 1.5, 14.9)

Or in other words, the radius will be at least 1.5 tiles, and at most 14.9 tiles, with a bomb explosion of 4.5 tiles. This occurs when a total of 90,000 Wd is stored. Bomb explosions can occur beyond once 4,900 Wd are stored.

Explosion radii per number of batteries filled

Unconnected batteries, such as through an open switch or on separate power network, will not be affected. Power networks which contain only batteries and no conduits will not experience this event. Power networks which contain only conduits will only have a single tile on fire, as there's no stored power to be discharged.

Transport pod crash (Ghoul)[edit]

A transport pod may crash with a ghoul instead of the regular occupant, and will always appear as unaffiliated. They will always appear as hostile and will initially be in shock, but if left ignored, will immediately attempt to attack anything or anyone nearby after a while.

Gray pall[edit]

A fog of eerie, gritty dust settles on the map. Colonists standing in an unroofed area will receive a −6 gray pall exposure moodlet, while colonists under a roof will have −3 gray pall. The pall is otherwise not dangerous and disappears after 1-2 days.

Incidental Events[edit]

These events aren't triggered by the storyteller. Instead, they come from various other game mechanics. For purposes of the wiki, these are divided in good, bad, faction, informational, and social events.

World incidents[edit]

These are events related to/only triggered on the overworld.

Show/Hide World Events

Attack begun[edit]

This notification will appear when a caravan has arrived at a settlement chosen for attacking.

Bandit camp opportunity[edit]

Some ruffians are causing trouble nearby and other factions will pay you to wipe them out.

The bandit camp will time out and are weaker than regular enemy bases.

Destroying them increases goodwill by 8 and returns a payment worth 2000 to 3000 worth of silver, whether it consists of items or silver itself.

Caravan ambushed / (manhunters)[edit]

While traveling, one of your caravans are attacked. The game will give you a mini map to defend it.

The attackers can be an enemy faction lying in ambush or a rampaging manhunter pack your caravan unfortunately trespasses upon.

Caravan battle won[edit]

This event will tell you if your people won their fight, and can reform the caravan on the world map.

Caravan arrived at (Location)[edit]

This is a simple notification that your caravan has arrived at their destination.

Caravan lost[edit]

Caravan destroyed.png

All human members of your caravan have died, or have been downed on an event map. Anything carried by the caravan, including animals, will be lost to the wild.

If colonists were downed but not killed while fighting human enemies, it is possible for some of them to appear later in a Prisoner Rescue Quest.

Caravan meeting by (Caravan ID)[edit]

This is a pop up window rather than an event with envelope icon. While away from your bases, your caravans may randomly encounter other traders out in the world who would be happy to trade with you. Of course, you also have the option to attack them. Be careful, trade caravans are usually well defended.

Caravan ready[edit]

Once you've designated a caravan, you'll get this notification once all of the colonists, prisoners, animals and items have been assembled and left the map. It is now ready to send to other settlements or form another settlement of your own, if you've enabled multiple settlements in the game's settings.


A hostile faction approaches your caravan and demand that you give them items and/or hand over members as slaves. If you refuse, they will proceed to assault the caravan.

You can see their number when they are demanding you hand over items.

Peace talks[edit]

Peace talks.png

A hostile faction leader decides to drop his weapons and offers to talk things out for once. The offer expires after 15 days if ignored. Pirates will never attempt peace talks.

To participate, you will need to send a caravan with a capable negotiator. Once the destination is reached, the most capable negotiator in your caravan will proceed to talk with the leader to hopefully improve relations.

There are several outcomes of the incident, each being a sub-event of its own. No matter the outcome, your negotiator will always gain social skill.

Result Description Base Weight
Peace talk triumph The peace talks were very successful, giving a great boost to relations from 50 to 75. In addition, the faction will give a farewell gift worth between 500 and 1500 silver.
Despite your triumph, if you don't manage to bring relations above 0, they will still remain hostile.
Peace talk success The talks were a success, and relations between the factions have warmed somewhat, from 25 to 75. 0.55
Peace talk flounder The talks were neither successful nor a failure, and relations remain unchanged. 0.2
Peace talk backfire The peace talks backfired, and relations have gotten worse than they started, from -10 to -50 relations. 0.1
Peace talk disaster The peace talks have failed so miserably that the faction hates you a lot more now, with a -25 to -75 damage to relations, as well as instantly turning hostile if they aren't already. In addition, the angered faction sends a group of attackers after your negotiating party. 0.05
Outcome chances[edit]

The actual outcome chances are dependent on the negotiator's Diplomacy Power stat, after going through a simple curve. To do this, the game calculates the bad outcome factor, of the negotiator first.

  • At 0% power, the bad outcome factor is 4.
  • At 100% power (healthy, lvl 10 Social), the bad outcome factor is 1.
  • At 150% power (healthy, lvl 20 Social), the bad outcome factor is 0.4.

The new weight of each outcome is calculated afterwards.

  • Triumph = 0.1 * ( 1 / Bad Outcome Factor)
  • Success = 0.55 * ( 1 / Bad Outcome Factor)
  • Flounder = 0.2
  • Backfire = 0.1 * Bad Outcome Factor
  • Disaster = 0.05 * Bad Outcome Factor

The sum total of the new weights is then calculated.

Finally, the probability of each outcome is calculated:

Probability of each outcome = New Weight ÷ Sum Total of Weights


Rescuee joins[edit]

Should you succeed in rescuing a prisoner or you offer help to an incapacitated refugee, he or she will immediately join your faction.


These aren't quest events on its own, but may happen during other world events such as Incapacitated Refugee or Item Stash Opportunity.


Incapacitated refugee Ambushed.png

Enemies may enter the minimap a little while after your colonists arrive or suddenly appear near the objective when your pawns draw close to it. It's even possible for animals to lie in wait.

Sleeping mechanoids[edit]

When the map generates, sleeping mechanoids will be present near the objective. Going too close to them will awaken them, making them attack. While they are present, you cannot manually reform the caravan as the game notifies you that there are hostiles in the area, but you can still leave through the edges.

Game endings[edit]

When these happen, they signify that your game has ended, one way or another.

Legacy events[edit]

Events from previous versions of RimWorld, now removed.

Event data[edit]

Note: events that give colonists, such as wanderers or transport pod crashes, are affected by the storyteller's population intent factor. They become more common if you have few colonists, and rare if you have many.

Version history[edit]