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| name        = Corn plant
| image      = CornPlant.png
| description = A large grain plant which produces ears of delicious yellow seeds. Takes a relatively long time to grow, but yields lots of food, takes a long time to spoil, and can be happily eaten raw. Needs fertile soil to grow well.
| information = Planted in the [[Growing_zone|growing zone]].
| time        = 6.32
| type        = Domesticated
| hp          = 150
| food        = 9
| name        = Strawberry plant
| image      = StrawberryPlant.png
| description = A frigile but tasty fruit. Delicious even when raw.
| information = Planted in the [[Growing_zone|growing zone]].
| time        = 2.45
| type        = Domesticated
| hp          = 85
| food        = 3
| name        = Potato plant
| image      = Plant PotatoPlant.png
| description = A simple, highly nutritious tuber. Grows well even in somewhat poor soil. Harvests quickly. A strong, versatile crop.
| information = Planted in the [[Growing_zone|growing zone]].
| time        = 2.86
| type        = Domesticated
| hp          = 85
| food        = 4
| name        = Rice plant
| image      = RicePlant.png
| description = A low grain plant that thrives in rich soil and yields food fast, but is not nice to eat uncooked.
| information = Planted in the [[Growing_zone|growing zone]].
| time        = 2.26
| type        = Domesticated
| hp          = 85
| food        = 3
| name        = Cotton plant
| image      = CottonPlant.png
| description = Yields cotton, a fine plant fiber used to make cloth.
| information = Planted in the [[Growing_zone|growing zone]]. Grow to make [[Cloth|cloth]].
| time        = ?
| type        = Domesticated
| hp          = 85
| cloth      = 2.5
| name        = Devilstrand
| image      = Devilstrand.png
| description = This fragile mushroom was genetically engineered to produce a silk net of the highest grade. Long rumored to have mystical properties, it owes its name to the greed it inspires in people.
| information = Planted in the [[Growing_zone|growing zone]]. Grow to make [[Devilstrand|devilstrand]].
| time        = ?
| type        = Domesticated
| hp          = 100
| devilstrand = 3
| name        = Xerigium
| image      = Xerigium.png
| description = This plant was selectively bred for centuries by settlers. It is sometimes also called "healer's hand" by tribespeople - a nickname it owes to its five major medicinal virtues.
| information = Planted in the [[Growing_zone|growing zone]]. Grow to make [[Herbal_medicine|herbal medicine]].
| time        = ?
| type        = Domesticated
| hp          = 85
| herbal      = 1
== Edible Plants ==
<div style="clear:both;">
<div>{{:Potato Plant}}</div>
<div>{{:Strawberry Plant}}</div>
<div>{{:Corn Plant}}</div>
<div>{{:Rice Plant}}</div>
<!-- old code hidden for testing of new, can revert if needed
== Material Plants ==
<div style="clear:both;">
<div style="clear:both;">
<div style="float:left;">{{:Strawberry Plant}}</div>
<div>{{:Cotton Plant}}</div>
<div style="float:left;">{{:Potato Plant}}</div>
<div style="float:left;">{{:Accele-Potato Plant}}</div>
[[Category:Domesticated plants]]
[[Category:Domesticated plants]]

Revision as of 10:25, 5 March 2015

Basics Menus Game Creation Gameplay Pawns Plants Resources Gear Mods
Plants Menu Wild Plants Trees Domesticated Plants Decorative Plants

Edible Plants

Material Plants



Fabric spun from microfibers extracted from devilstrand mushrooms. It is very tough, good at insulating, and protects exceptionally well against flame.

Base Stats

Stuff Categories
Market Value
5.5 Silver
Stack Limit
0.032 kg
Deterioration Rate
Path Cost

Stat Modifiers

Beauty Factor
Work To Make Factor
Work To Build Factor
Max Hit Points
Armor - Sharp
Armor - Blunt
Armor - Heat
Insulation - Cold
+20 °C (36 °F)
Insulation - Heat
+24 °C (43.2 °F)

Devilstrand is a valuable fabric obtained from the devilstrand mushroom. It is an extremely strong fabric, much more protective than cloth and most types of leather.


Devilstrand is primarily obtained by growing the devilstrand mushrooms in a growing zone, after Devilstrand has been researched. Each mature mushroom yields Devilstrand 6 devilstrand, depending on the harvester's Plant Harvest Yield stat.

Alternatively, it can also be acquired through trading or the cargo pod event.

Additionally, some raiders and outlanders will occasionally come wearing devilstrand apparel.



Devilstrand can be used to craft and build the following things:

  • Product Ingredients Type [ExpandCollapse]
  • Devilstrand is the 3rd most protective textile. Only hyperweave and thrumbofur offer better protection, but devilstrand has the significant advantage of being growable inside your colony. Hyperweave can only be traded for (in very limited quantities), while thrumbofur is limited by thrumbos (who appear rarely and gestate slowly). As it is easily farmed, devilstrand is a stable and staple clothing textile for mid- to late- game colonies, who have the time and research to grow it.

    Devilstrand dusters are a priority use of the textile. They are superior to flak jackets, offering better armor without movement penalty. A duster and flak vest combination is directly comparable to marine armor, though worse at protecting the limbs. Once enough dusters have been made, devilstrand can be used to create button-down shirts and pants, which have a chance to stop damage on its own. If cold insulation is required, then jackets or even parkas can be used instead.

    In terms of environmental protection, devilstrand is three-way tied for 2nd best heat insulation, but is middling against cold. In colder biomes like the ice sheet, a mix of fabrics may be used. Otherwise, devilstrand is a very utilitarian fabric, largely due to its protection.

    For use in furniture, devilstrand's exceptional beauty factor and market value make for very good buffs to room quality, though devilstrand should be used for clothing first. Sculptures are usually a better way to improve room quality. Devilstrand is also the least flammable textile, tied with Hyperweave, being 60% less flammable than most other textiles.

    Cash Crop

    Devilstrand is a mediocre cash crop. While netting large amounts of money with each harvest, it takes very long to grow, so it isn't really profitable versus faster growing crops. To add to its slow growth, only growers with a minimum skill of 10 may sow it. Devilstrand may also be crafted into apparel or furniture then sold, though both require quality higher than Normal to be more profitable than just selling the fabric. Use your highest skilled craftsman or constructor in that field to maximize profits.

    Fabric from devilstrand can be the best source of silver in scenarios where you are limited in workers, have an experienced artisan, and a large area of fertile land (eg. mechanitorContent added by the Biotech DLC or naked brutality starts with a genieContent added by the Biotech DLC colonist). Planting, harvesting, transportation to the base and processing of fabric require significantly less time than the production of flakes. A level 20 tailor with the ideology of a manufacturing specialist can increase the cost of a product x2.33 times by spending 1 hour a day on work. This will allow you to get an average of 77 silver from one cell in 42 days, which is 10% more than that of a psychoid leaves. And one mechanoid farmer can serve a field of mushrooms with an area of 2000 cells. However, to take all the goods from the orbital merchants, silver and gold, you will have enough fields with an area of 500 cells.


    Version history

    • Version/1.1.0 - Apparels made from devilstrand can no longer be burnt.



    A slow-growing plant which yields herbal medicine when harvested. Sowing and harvesting healroot are both very labor-intensive tasks because of its delicate shoots.
    Healroot was selectively bred for centuries by settlers. It is sometimes also called "healer's hand" by tribespeople - a nickname it owes to its five major medicinal virtues.

    Base Stats

    0 (1)
    Path Cost



    Plant Stats

    Time to grow
    7 days (12.92 days)
    Work to Sow
    800 ticks (13.33 secs)
    Work to Harvest
    400 ticks (6.67 secs)
    Base Harvest Yield
    1 Herbal medicine
    Min Skill
    8 Plants
    Min Fertility
    Fertility Sensitivity
    Min light to grow
    Ground, Hydroponic

    Healroot is a plant that can be sown in growing zones or hydroponics basins and yields herbal medicine. Sowing healroot requires a minimum growing skill of , but any colonist capable of plant cutting can harvest them.

    Each healroot plant yields 1 herbal medicine when fully grown. Harvesting it early results in a chance of failing to receive anything from the harvest even though it is not marked as failed.

    One important difference from most domesticated plants is that Healroot can withstand winter temperatures. Thus, when planted outside after early spring it attracts wild herbivores and can be used as bait. If you are not ready to shoot these animals and protect your crops, then may be worth walling them off. A herd of Thrumbos (or even a single one for that matter) will be destructive to your Healroot farm if left unprotected.

    There is a variety that can be found naturally growing in temperate forests, temperate swamps, boreal forests, cold bogs, and tundra, known as Wild healroot. Wild healroot is statistically identical to normal healroot, except it cannot be cultivated manually and instead spawns in the wild.


    Healroot matures slowly (see table, below). Take note that 1 Healroot plant, when mature, produces 1 herbal medicine while a fight can easily cause a half-dozen injuries to a colonist, or more for a particularly long fight. Consider planting larger healroot zones; a few too many is better than too few, and besides, many traders value them.


    • Maximum growth temperature 58 °C (136.4 °F)
    • Minimum growth temperature 0 °C (32 °F)
    • Optimal temperature {{Temperature|10}[citation needed]
    • All Healroots survive -29 °C (-20.2 °F)
    • The first Healroots die at
    • Some Healroots die around
    • Every 2nd died around
    • Most Healroots die around
    • All Healroots die around


    See table below for grow rates...

  • Ground Type Gravel Soil Rich Soil Hydroponics
    Fertility (%) 70 100 140 280
    Real Grow Time (days)[1] Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Expression error: Unexpected / operator. N/A
    Base Yield/day[2] N/A
    1. Actual days to grow, taking into account rest time.
    2. Per plant, assuming Crop Yield Multiplier of 1.0.
      Note that Difficulty settings change the Crop Yield Multiplier.
  • Version history

    • 0.8.657 - Added as Xerigium. Can be farmed and refined into herbal medicine.
    • 0.13.1135 - Name changed from Xerigium to Healroot and sprite changed
    • Beta 19/1.0 - Grow days 6.5 -> 12, sow and harvest work increased significantly. Min fertility 50% -> 100%.
    • 1.3.3066 - Nutrition increased from 0.15 -> 0.2